1 Introduction

Cloud computing may be understood as simply providing the services and resources over the network. It has gained good popularity due to its efficiency, mobility, on-demand service model, broad network access, high computing capability, and scalability. Also the cloud computing is a blend of service-oriented and event-driven architecture. The cloud architecture generally consists of loosely coupled components, which may broadly be categorized as front end and back end. The front end is the client side, i.e., client infrastructure and the back end comprises of application, service, run-time cloud, storage, infrastructure, management, and security. The Internet works as the medium of contact between these two ends. The architecture of cloud computing is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Cloud Computing Architecture

Li et al. [1] discuss an identity-based mutual authentication protocol that has been built on the hierarchical cloud architecture, claiming it to be lightweight and proficient than the secure socket layer (SSL) and professing its use in scalable environment. Sun et al. [2] show that the protocol [1] is vulnerable to the privileged insider attack, lack of user anonymity, lack of proper mutual authentication, session key leakage, and lack of perfect forward secrecy, and they discuss a scheme by overcoming these problems. Li et al. [3] report that the scheme [4] suffers from the stolen smart card attack and lacks user anonymity, and they discuss a key negotiation and authentication protocol by overcoming these flaws. Wazid et al. [5] analyze the scheme [3] and find that it is susceptible to the stolen smart card attack, user impersonation attack, replay attack, off-line password guessing attack and man-in-the-middle attack, and discuss a protocol for multi-server environment in cloud computing applications. Hu et al. [6] review the fog computing basic fundamentals, applications, model architecture, and related issues. Alrawais et al. [7] discuss an attribute-based key negotiation scheme for fog and cloud environment. Mukherjee et al. [8] discuss the security threats, vulnerabilities, research trends and their challenges in privacy preservation for fog computing environment. Koo et al. [9] discuss a method for data deduplication of multi-party owned data in fog computing and claim that their method incurs less communication overheads. Wang et al. [10] discuss a data aggregation scheme for fog-based cloud environment using the homomorphic encryption and pseudonyms to assure data secrecy and device anonymity. Wazid et al. [11] discuss an authentication protocol applying ECC to resolve the weakness of the protocols [2, 3, 6]. In this paper, we scrutinize the protocol [11] and find that it is susceptible to the denial-of-service attack, privileged insider attack, and stolen smart card attack, and we develop a protocol by overcoming these vulnerabilities. The novelties of our proposed protocol are summarized below:

  1. 1.

    We analyze the protocol [11] and show that it suffers from attacks like denial-of-service, stolen smart card and privileged insider.

  2. 2.

    Our protocol incorporates the lightweight cryptographic hash function and overcomes the flaws of the protocol [11], while maintaining less communication as well as computation overheads.

  3. 3.

    Its formal security analysis is carried out by using the Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic [12] to prove its legitimacy.

  4. 4.

    Its informal security analysis is done to show its robustness to all the fore-known security attacks.

  5. 5.

    Its simulation is carried out using the AVISPA simulation tool [13] to show its resilience against various active and passive attacks.

  6. 6.

    Its performance is compared with the existing schemes to show its efficiency.

The remaining parts of the paper are arranged as mentioned. Section 2 introduces preliminaries, and Sect. 3 reviews the Wazid et al.’s protocol [11], followed by its cryptanalysis in Sect. 4. Section 5 introduces the proposed protocol, and its security analysis is provided in Sect. 6. Its performance analysis is done in Sect. 7, and finally, the paper is concluded in Sect. 8.

2 Preliminaries

Here, we introduce basics of ECC [14] and some discrete problems that will be used in our proposed protocol.

2.1 Elliptic Curve

The non-singular elliptic curve, denoted by \(\hbox {E/F}_{\mathrm{q}}\) (E being the elliptic curve, q a prime) over a prime finite field represented by \(F_{\mathrm{q}} \), is given as: \(y^{2} = (x^{3}+ax+b)\) mod q, \(a,b \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\). The fundamental group operations of ECC are defined as follows:

  1. 1.

    Elliptic Curve point addition For two points AB on an elliptic curve, their sum \( A + B = C\), where the line joining A and B cuts the curve at -C, which is reflection of C with respect to x-axis [14].

  2. 2.

    Elliptic Curve point of subtraction Let AB be two points on an elliptic curve such that \(A = -B\) , i.e., \(A + B = A + (-A) = 0 \). The points A and B along with the intersecting line of the curve join it at abstract point 0, called the point of infinity [14].

  3. 3.

    Elliptic Curve point doubling Adding a point A to itself on an elliptic curve gives a new point B on the curve such that \(B=2A\), which is the reflection of the intersection point with the tangent drawn at A with respect to x-axis [14].

  4. 4.

    Elliptic Curve scalar point multiplication For a point A on an elliptic curve such that \(p.A=A+A+...+A (p\, times) \) \(=\sum _1^pA \), where \( p \in \) \(\mathbb {Z}_{\mathrm{q}}^{*}\) is a scalar [14].

  5. 5.

    Order of point The order of an element (point) A in \(G_q\) is defined as n, where \(n > 0\) is an integer such that \(n.P = 0\) (point of infinity) [14].

The robustness of ECC depends on the non-existence of polynomial time solution to the computational problems of ECC. The computational problems are defined below.

2.2 Computational Hardness

The computational hardness of ECC is briefly discussed below:

  1. 1.

    Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) It is hard to find x from B such that \(B=xP\) in polynomial time. The points P and B lie on the elliptic curve \(E/F_q\), \(\forall P,B \in G_q \) and \( x \in \mathbb {Z}_{\mathrm{q}}^{*}\) [15].

  2. 2.

    Diffie–Hellman Problem (DHP) Finding xy is hard from xyP for random occurrences of xy, and P, where \((P, xP, yP) \in E/F_q \) and \( x, y \in \mathbb {Z}_{\mathrm{q}}^{*}\) [16].

  3. 3.

    Factorization Problem (FP) Computation of xP and yP from B is not feasible in polynomial time, where \(B= xP + yP \), \(P, B \in G_q \) and \(x, y \in \mathbb {Z}_{\mathrm{q}}^{*}\) [17].

Table 1 Notations used in Wazid et al.’s protocol [11]
Fig. 2
figure 2

Registration of Mobile Device

Fig. 3
figure 3

Registration of Fog Server

Fig. 4
figure 4

Registration of Cloud Server

3 Review of the Wazid et al.’s Protocol [11]

The symbols used in the protocol [11] are given in Table 1. The protocol [11] has three phases as discussed below:

3.1 Registration Phase

The registration phase is carried out by trusted authority (TA) in which each communicating entity, i.e., mobile device, fog server, cloud server and user, needs to register individually.

3.1.1 Registration of Mobile Device

A mobile device \(D_k\) is registered by executing the steps as given below:

  1. 1.

    TA selects \(RID_K\), \(TID_K\), \(TC_K\), \(F(TID_K, y)\), where \(F(TID_k, y) \!=\! \sum ^t_{m,n\!=\!0}[a_{m,n}(TID_k)^m]y^n\), \(a_{m,n} \in GF(p)\); y \(\in GF(p)\) and \(TID_k\) are input parameters for bivariate polynomial generating function F(.) that takes values from 0 to t (degree of polynomial being generated by the function); and sends a message consisting of {\(RID_K\), \(TID_K\), \(TC_K\), \(F(TID_K, y)\)} to mobile device \(D_k\).

  2. 2.

    \(D_k\) stores \(RID_K\), \(TID_K\), \(TC_K\) and \(F(TID_K, y)\) in its memory.

This procedure is diagrammatically depicted in Fig. 2.

3.1.2 Registration of Fog Server

The fog server is registered using the steps as given below:

  1. 1.

    TA picks \(RID_j\), \(TID_j\), \(TC_j\), \(F(TID_j, y)\), where \(F(TID_j, y) = \sum ^t_{m,n=0}[a_{m,n}(TID_j)^m]y^n\), \(a_{m,n} \in GF(p)\); y \(\in GF(p)\) and \(TID_j\) are input variate for F(.) that takes values from 0 to t; and sends a message that comprises of {\(RID_j\), \(TID_j\), \(TC_j\), \(F(TID_j, y)\)} to fog server \(FS_j\) .

  2. 2.

    \(FS_j\) stores \(RID_j\), \(TID_j\), \(TC_j\) and \(F(TID_j, y)\) in its database.

This procedure is shown in Fig. 3.

3.1.3 Registration of Cloud Server

The registration of cloud server is done using the following steps:

  1. 1.

    TA chooses \(RID_l\), \(TID_l\), \(TC_l\), \(G(TID_l, y)\) where \(G(TID_l, y) = \sum ^t_{m,n=0}[b_{m,n}(TID_l)^m]y^n\), \(b_{m,n} \in GF(p)\); y \(\in GF(p)\) and \(TID_l\) are input variable to the bivariate polynomial generating function G(.) that takes values from 0 to t; and sends a message that consists of {\(RID_l\), \(TID_l\), \(TC_l\), \(G(TID_l, y)\)} to cloud server \(CS_l\).

  2. 2.

    \(CS_l\) stores \(RID_l\), \(TID_l\), \(TC_l\) and \(G(TID_l, y)\) in its database and \({G(TID_l, y)}\) in database of \(FS_j\), for each \( CS_l\).

Registration of cloud server is schematically shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Registration of Remote User

Fig. 6
figure 6

Key negotiation among mobile devices and fog server

3.1.4 Registration of User

A user \(U_i\) is registered by executing the steps as given below:

  1. 1.

    User \(U_i\) selects a random number \(d_i \in \mathbb {Z}_{\mathrm{q}}^{*}\) and sends the registration request \( \{RID_i, P_i\}\) to TA securely, where \(P_i\) is user’s public key.

  2. 2.

    TA chooses \(TC_i\), calculates h(stored \( TC_j)\), and sends \(\{TC_i, {(TID_j, h(TC_j)}\}\) to \(U_i\).

  3. 3.

    \(U_i\) creates a secret biometric key \(\sigma _i\) and computes \(TC_i^* = TC_i \oplus h(ID_i||\sigma _i)\), \(d_i^*= d_i \oplus h(ID_i||PW_i||\sigma _i)\), \(RID_i^* = RID_i \oplus h(d_i||\sigma _i)\), \(RPB_i = h(ID_i||TC_i||PW_i||\sigma _i)\) and \(TC_j^*= h(TC_j) \oplus h(RID_i||\sigma _i)\). \(U_i\) stores {\(RID_i^*\), \(d_i^*\), \(TC_i^*\), \(RPB_i\), \(TID_j\), \(TC_j^*\), \(P_i\), \(\tau _i\), Gen(.), Rep(.), h(.), et} in its memory, where \(\tau _i\) is user’s public reproduction parameter.

This process is depicted in Fig. 5.

3.2 Key Management Phase

In this phase, the keys are generated and exchanged among the communicating entities for data exchange and establishing the session key.

3.2.1 Key Negotiation Among Mobile Devices and a Fog Server

The key negotiation process amid a mobile device and a fog server is given below:

  1. 1.

    Mobile device \(D_K\) composes a request message {\(TID_k\), \(r_1{^{\prime }{}}\), \(TS_1\)} to send it to \(FS_j\), where \(r_1{^{\prime }{}}\) = \(h(r_1||TC_k||TS_1)\), \(r_1\) and \(TS_1\) are random nonce and current timestamp of the mobile device, respectively.

  2. 2.

    \(FS_j\) checks the freshness of received message and computes \(AA_j = h(r_2||TC_j) \oplus h(F(TID_j, TID_k)||r_1{^{\prime }{}}||TS_2)\), \(K_{jk}\) = \(h(F(TID_j\), \(TID_k)\) \(||\) \(r_1{^{\prime }{}}\) \(||\) \(h(r_2\) \(||\) \(TC_j)\) \(||\) \(TS_2)\) and \(BB_j = h(K_{jk}||TS_2)\), where \(r_2\) and \(TS_2\) are its random nonce and current timestamp, respectively. The fog server composes the reply message {\(TID_j\), \(AA_j\), \(BB_j\), \(TS_2\)} for \(D_k\).

  3. 3.

    \(D_k\) verifies the timeliness of the message, calculates secret key \(K_{kj} = h(F(TID_k, TID_j)||r_1{^{\prime }{}}||h(r_2||TC_j)||TS_2)\), and performs verification over the similarity of \(BB_j\). If the fog server is successfully verified, both \(D_k\) and \(FS_j\) store the similar secret key \(K_{kj} (= K_{jk})\) for further communication.

This process is diagrammatically shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Key negotiation between fog server and cloud server

3.2.2 Key Negotiation Between a Fog Server and a Cloud Server

The process of key negotiation between a fog server and a cloud server is given below:

  1. 1.

    \(FS_j\) composes a request message \(\{TID_j, r_3{^{\prime }{}}, TS_3\}\) for \(CS_l\), where \(r_3{^{\prime }{}} = h(r_3||TC_j||TS_3)\), \(r_3\) and \(TS_3\) are its random nonce and current timestamp, respectively.

  2. 2.

    \(CS_l\) checks if the received message is fresh. If freshness is affirmed, the cloud server computes \(CC_l = h(r_4||TC_l) \oplus h(G_{j,l}(TID_l, TID_j)||r_3{^{\prime }{}}||TS_4)\), secret key \(K_{lj }= h(G_{j,l}(TID_l, TID_j)||r_3{^{\prime }{}}||h(r_4||TC_l)||TS_4)\) and \(DD_l = h(K_{lj}||TS_4)\), where \(r_4\) and \(TS_4\) are its random nonce and current timestamp, respectively. The cloud server sends the reply message \(\{TID_l, CC_l, DD_l, TS_4\}\) to \(FS_j\).

  3. 3.

    \(FS_j\) verifies the received message as per the threshold of packet reception time, computes the secret key \(K_{jl} = h(G_{j,l}(TID_j, TID_l)||r_3{^{\prime }{}}||h(r_4||TC_l)||TS_4)\), and performs the verification over the similarity of \(DD_l\). If the verification is affirmed, both \(CS_l\) and \(FS_j\) store the similar secret key \(K_{jl} (= K_{lj})\) for further communication.

The process of key negotiation is depicted in Fig. 7.

3.3 Login and Authentication

The process of login and authentication among the communicating entities is given below:

  1. 1.

    When user \(U_i\) wants to access any information from the system, he needs to log into the system by entering his credentials. After logging into the system, user picks a random nonce \(r_u\) and computes \(R_u = r_u.G\), \(a_u = d_i + r_u (mod p)\), \(RID_i^{\prime }{} = RID_i \oplus h(h(TC_j)||TS_u)\), \(E_u = h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u) \oplus h(h(TC_j)||RID_i)\) and \(F_u =RID_k \oplus h(h(TC_j)||TS_u)\), where \(TS_u\) is its current timestamp and G is generator point. The user sends the authentication request message \(\{RID_i^{\prime }{}, R_u, a_u, E_u, F_u, TS_u\}\) to \( FS_j\) .

  2. 2.

    \(FS_j\) validates the received message for freshness and checks the similarity of \(a_u.G\) with \(P_i + R_u\). If the similarity is confirmed, the fog server generates a random nonce \(r_f\), to compute \(K_{uf} = r_f.R_u = (r_ur_f ).G\), \(h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u) = E_u \oplus h(h(TC_j)||RID_i)\), \(P_f = r_f.G\), \(RID_k = F_u \oplus h(h(TC_j)||TS_u)\), \(RID_i^* = h(RID_i \oplus h(K_{jk}||RID_k||TS_f)\), \(RID_k^* = RID_k \oplus h(K_{jk}||TS_f)\), \(G_j\) = \(h(K_{jk}\) \(||\) \(RID_k\) \(||\) \(TS_f)\) \( \oplus \) \(h(K_{uf}\) \(||\) \(h(TC_i\) \(||\) \(d_i\) \(||\) \(TS_u)\) \(||\) \(h(RID_i))\) and \(H_j = h(h(RID_i||RID_k||G_j||P_f||TS_f)\), where \(TS_f\) is its current timestamp. \(FS_j\) composes the reply message \(\{RID_i^*, RID_k^*, G_j, H_j, P_f, TS_f\}\) for \(D_k\).

  3. 3.

    \(D_k\) verifies the timeliness of received data packet and checks the similarity of \(H_j\). If the similarity is confirmed, the mobile device generates a random nonce \(r_k\) to compute \(I_j\) = \(G_j\) \(\oplus \) \(h(K_{jk}\) \(||\) \(RID_k\) \(||\) \(TS_f)\) = \(h(K_{uf}||h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u)||h(RID_i))\), \(RID_k^{**} = RID_k \oplus h(h(RID_i)||TS_k)\), session key \(SK_{ki} = h(I_j||h(TC_k||\) \(r_k)||TS_k)\), \(M_k = h(TC_k||r_k) \oplus h(RID_k||h(RID_i)||TS_k)\) and \(N_k = h(SK_{ki}||P_f||TS_k)\). Lastly, it composes the reply message \(\{RID_k^{**}, M_k, N_k, P_f, TS_k\}\) for \(U_i\), where \(TS_k\) is its current timestamp.

  4. 4.

    \(U_i\) verifies the timeliness of the received message. If the verification is successful, the user formulates the shared session-key \(SK_{ik} = h(h(K_uf||h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u)||h(RID_i))||h(TC_k||r_k)||TS_k) (= SK_{ki})\) and verifies the correctness of \(N_k\). Upon successful verification, \(U_i\) authenticates \(D_k\) and the negotiated session key \(SK_{ik} (= SK_{ki})\) is used for further secure communication.

Login and authentication phase is diagrammatically shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Login and authentication

4 Cryptanalysis of Wazid et al.’s Protocol [11]

In this section, we cryptanalyze the protocol [11] and show that it suffers from various vulnerabilities as discussed below.

4.1 Denial-of-Service Attack

The Wazid et al.’s protocol [11] is not resilient to denial-of-service attack as shown below:

  1. 1.

    \(D_k\) sends the message {\(RID_k^{**}\), \(M_k\), \(N_k\), \(P_f\), \(TS_k\)} to \(U_i\) in step 3 of authentication phase, as discussed in Sect. 3.

  2. 2.

    Adversary \(\mathbb {A}\) changes the timestamp \(TS_k\) to \(TS_k^{\prime }{}\) such that it appears to be fresh. All the calculations carried out henceforth get morphed to illegitimate data from a legitimate mobile device.

  3. 3.

    User calculates \(RID_{kM} = RID_k^{**} \oplus h(h(RID_i)||TS_k^{\prime }{})\), \(h(TC_k||r_k)_M = M_k \oplus h(RID_{kM}||h(RID_i)||TS_k^{\prime }{})\), \(K_{uf} = r_u.P_f\) and the shared session key \(SK_{ikM}\)= \(h(h(K_{uf}\) \(||\) \(h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u)\) \(||\) \(h(RID_i))\) \(||\) \(h(TC_k||r_k)_M\) \(||\) \(TS_k^{\prime }{})\). Lastly, \(U_i\) computes \(N_{kM}^{\prime }{} = h(SK_{ikM}||P_f||TS_k^{\prime }{})\) and checks if \(N_{kM}^{\prime }{} = N_k\).

Here, the condition for the equality of two parameters would fail after carrying out so many calculations. Since the mismatch has occurred, the legitimate entity is considered to be fraud, which means that the authentication request will be rejected. Thus, a legitimate entity of the system, mobile device cannot establish a connection. In this way, we have shown that the protocol [11] suffers from the denial-of-service attack. It is summarily shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Denial-of-Service attack

4.2 Stolen Smart-Card Attack

The protocol [11] suffers from the stolen smart-card attack as discussed below. If adversary \(\mathbb {A}\) somehow gets the smart-card, it obtains the information \(RID_k, TID_k, TC_k\), \(K_{kj}\) stored in it using the power analysis.

  1. 1.

    Adversary \(\mathbb {A}\) intercepts the message \(\{RID_i^*, RID_k^*, G_j, H_j, P_f, TS_f\}\) sent by fog server to mobile device to calculate \(I_j\) = public \(G_j \oplus h(\)stored \(K_{jk}||\)stored \(RID_k\) \(||\)public \( TS_f)\) and \(h(RID_i)\) = public \(RID_i^*\) \( \oplus \) h(stored \(K_{jk}||\)stored \(RID_k||\)public \(TS_f)\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathbb {A}\) intercepts the message \(\{RID_k^{**}, M_k, N_k, TS_k\}\) sent by mobile to user to calculate \(h(TC_k||r_k) \)= public \(M_k\) \(\oplus \) h(stored \(RID_k\) \(||\)calculated \(h(RID_i)\) \(||\)public \(TS_k)\). Lastly, \(\mathbb {A}\) calculates \(SK_{ki}\) = h(calculated \(I_j\) \(||\)calculated \(h(TC_k\) \(||\) \(r_k)\) \(||\)public \(TS_k)\).

Likewise, \(\mathbb {A}\) can generate a valid session key. Thus, the protocol [11] is not resilient to stolen smart-card attack. The attack is summarily shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Stolen smart-card attack

4.3 Privileged Insider Attack

The privileged insider attack is possible in authentication phase of the protocol [11] as discussed below.

  1. 1.

    Adversary/Insider \(\mathbb {A}\) receives the message \(\{RID_i^{\prime }{}, R_u, a_u, E_u, F_u, TS_u\}\) sent by user to fog server (i.e., insider). Then, it calculates \(RID_i\) = public \(RID_i^{\prime }{}\oplus h(\)own \(h(TC_j)||\)public \(TS_u)\), \(h(TC_i||d_i||TS_u)\) = public \(E_u \oplus h(\)own \(h(TC_j)||\)calculated \(RID_i)\), \(h(RID_i) = h(\)calculated \(RID_i)\), \(K_{uf}\) = own \(r_f.\)public \(R_u\) and \(RID_k\) = public \(F_u\) \( \oplus \) \( h(\)own \(h(TC_j)\) \(||\)public \(TS_u)\)

  2. 2.

    \(\mathbb {A}\) intercepts the message \(\{RID_k^{**}, M_k, N_k, P_f, TS_k\}\) being sent by mobile device to user to calculate \(h(TC_k||r_k)\) = public \(M_k \oplus \) \( h(\)calculated \(RID_k\) \(||\) \(h(RID_i) \) \(||\)public \(TS_k)\), \(SK_{ik}\)= \(h(h(\) \(K_{uf}\) \(||\) \(h(TC_i\) \(||\) \(d_i\) \(||\) \(TS_u)||h(RID_i))\) \( ||\) \(h(TC_k||r_k)\) \(||\)public \(TS_k)\), \(I_j\) = public \(G_j \oplus \) h(stored \(K_{jk}||\)calculated \(RID_k||\) public \(TS_f)\) and \(SK_{ki}\) = \(h(\) \(I_j\) \(||\) \(h(TC_k||r_k)\) \(||\) public \(TS_k)\).

Thus, \(\mathbb {A}\) generates a valid session key at both the communicating ends, and hence, it is not robust against the privileged insider attack. Figure 11 summarily shows the privileged insider attack.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Privileged insider attack

5 Proposed Protocol

Here, we introduce a user authentication protocol for cloud environment utilizing ECC by overcoming the drawbacks of the Wazid et al.’s protocol [11]. Our protocol basically has four phases: user registration, mobile device registration, user login, and mutual authentication and session-key negotiation which are elaborated subsequently. The notations or symbols used for our protocol are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Notations used in our protocol

5.1 Initialization

Here, the system administrator (SA) selects the following system parameters:

  1. 1.

    A prime finite field \(F_q\), where \(q > 2^{160}\).

  2. 2.

    An elliptic curve E over \(F_q\) represented as (\(E/F_q\)).

  3. 3.

    A generator P of order n over \(E/F_q\).

  4. 4.

    A symmetric encryption/decryption algorithm agreed upon by the communicating parties.

  5. 5.

    An identity \(MID_k\) for mobile device.

  6. 6.

    A shared pre-secret symmetric key \(\beta \) for mobile device and cloud server that is stored into their memory.

  7. 7.

    A shared pre-secret symmetric key k for user and cloud server that is stored in smart device and database.

The cloud server in initialization phase selects a private key \(C\alpha _l\) and calculates the public key as \(CV_l=C\alpha _l.P\).

Fig. 12
figure 12

User Registration Phase

5.2 User Registration

Every user \(U_U\) has to register himself with the cloud server by executing the following steps.

  1. 1.

    User \(U_U\) randomly picks an identity \(UID_U\), password \(PW_U\) and imprints biometric \(BIO_U\) as his secret credentials to calculate his masked identity \(M_U=h(UID_U||PW_U||BIO_U)\). Further, he picks a random number \(Ur_U \in \mathbb {Z}_{q}^{*}\) to compute \(K = k.P\), \(UR_U = Ur_U.P\), \(A_U = h(M_U||UR_U||K)\) and sends the encrypted registration request \(E_{k} (A_U, UR_U, M_U)\) to the cloud server \(CS_l\), where confidentiality is ensured via the shared pre-secret k.

  2. 2.

    On reception of the request from \(U_U, CS_l\) computes \(K = k.P\) and decrypts the message \(D_{E_{k}} (A_U, UR_U, M_U)\) which gives \(A_U, UR_U, M_U\) to calculate \(A_U^{\prime }{}=h(\)received \(M_U||\)received \(UR_U||K)\). \(CS_l\) verifies the authenticity of message by checking if \(A_U^{\prime }{}= \) received \(A_U\). If the condition is false, then the session is closed; otherwise, the cloud server calculates \(HID_l =h(CID_l||K)\) and picks a random number \(Cr_l \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to compute \(CR_l =Cr_l.P+K\), \(A_l=h(\)received \(M_U||HID_l||K||CR_l)\). Lastly, \(CS_l\) stores \(M_U\) and sends the reply message \(\{Cr_l, HID_l, A_l\}\) to \(U_U\)

  3. 3.

    Upon reception of the reply message, \(U_U\) calculates \(CR_l^{\prime }{} = \)received \(Cr_l.P + K\), \(A_l^{\prime }{}=h(M_U||\)received \(HID_l||K||CR_l^{\prime }{})\) and checks if \(A_l^{\prime }{}= \) received \(A_l\) for verifying that the message has come from a legitimate source. If it fails, the session is terminated; otherwise, \(U_U\) picks a random number \(r_{Ul} \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to compute the private-key \(U\alpha _U= h(r_{Ul}||M_U||K).P + \)received \(A_l.P\) and public key \(UV_U= U\alpha _U.P\). Finally, \(M_U\) is stored into the smart device.

Figure 12 summarizes the user registration process.

5.3 Mobile Device Registration

Every mobile device \(D_k\) needs to be registered with the cloud server by executing the following steps:

  1. 1.

    Mobile device \(D_k\) picks a random number \(Mr_k \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to compute \(MR_k = Mr_k.P\), \(A_k = h(MID_k||MR_k||\beta )\), \(B_k = A_k.P + MR_k\) and transmits the registration request consisting of \(\{MID_k, MR_k, B_k\}\) to \(CS_l\).

  2. 2.

    On receiving the registration request from \(D_k, CS_l\) calculates \(A_k^{\prime }{}\) = h(received \(MID_k||\)received \(MR_k\) \(||\) \(\beta )\) and \(B_k^{\prime }{}\) = calculated \(A_k^{\prime }{}.P +\) received \(MR_k\) to check the legitimacy of the message by verifying if \(B_k^{\prime }{} =\) received \(B_k\). If it is false, the session is aborted; otherwise, \(CS_l\) calculates \(HID_{l1}=h(CID_l||\beta )\) and picks an arbitrary number \(Cr_{l1} \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to compute \(CR_{l1} = Cr_{l1}.P + \beta .P\) and \(B_l =h(\)received \(B_k||\) \(HID_{l1}\) \(||\) \(\beta \) \(||\) \(CR_{l1})\). Lastly, \(CS_l\) stores \(A_k\) and \(B_l\) and sends the reply message \(\{Cr_{l1}, B_l, HID_{l1}\}\) to \(D_k\)

  3. 3.

    On receiving the reply message, \(D_k\) calculates \(CR_{l1}^{\prime }{} = \)received \(Cr_{l1}.P + \beta .P\) and \(B_l^{\prime }{} =h(B_k||\)received \(HID_{l1}||\beta ||\)calculated \(CR_{l1}^{\prime }{})\) to check whether \(B_l^{\prime }{}\) = received \(B_l\). If they do not agree, the session is terminated; otherwise, \(D_k\) computes private key \(M\alpha _k= h(Mr_k||A_k||\beta ).P +\) received \(B_l.P\) and public key \(MV_k= M\alpha _k.P\). Finally, \(A_k\) and \(B_l\) are stored in the mobile device’s memory.

The mobile device registration process is summarized in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Mobile Device Registration Phase

Fig. 14
figure 14

User Login Phase

5.4 User Login

For accessing any information from the system, user \(U_U\) needs to log into the system via a smart device. So, the user \(U_U\) feeds \(UID_U, PW_U, BIO_U\) into the smart device for creating a login request message in the form of masked identity \(M_U\). When the smart device gets the login request, it computes \(M_U^{\prime }{}=h(\)received \(UID_U||\)received \(PW_U||\)received \(BIO_U)\) and verifies if \(M_U^{\prime }{}= \) stored \(M_U\). If both match, then the user is considered to be genuine and is given access to the system; otherwise, the session is terminated. The process to log into the system is summarized in Fig. 14.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Mutual authentication and session-key negotiation

5.5 Mutual Authentication and Session-Key Negotiation

In this part, authentication is done followed by session key generation by using the following steps:

  1. 1.

    User \(U_U\) records the current time as \(T_1\) to compute \(M_1 = h(\)stored \(M_U||UR_U||k)\) and \(M_2 = h(M_1||T_1||(CV_l +UR_U))\). \(U_U\) sends the authentication request message comprising of \(\{M_2, UR_U, T_1\}\) to \(CS_l\)

  2. 2.

    After receiving the authentication request, \(CS_l\) records the current time \(T_2\) to check the freshness of the message as \(|T_2-T_1|\le \Delta T\), where \(\Delta T\) refers to the threshold time limit of receiving the message. If the condition is false, the session is dismissed; otherwise, \(CS_l\) computes \(M_1^{\prime }{}= h(\)stored \(M_U||\)received \(UR_U||k)\), \(M_2^{\prime }{} = h(M_1^{\prime }{}||\)received \(T_1||(CV_l + \)received \(UR_U))\) to check whether \(M_2^{\prime }{}= \) received \(M_2\). If the condition holds, \(U_U\) is authenticated; otherwise, the session is terminated. After authenticating the user, \(CS_l\) picks a random number \(Cr_{l2} \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to calculate \(CR_{l2}=Cr_{l2}.P\), \(M_3=h(\)stored \(A_k||\beta ||\)received \(UR_U)\) and \(M_4= h(M_3||T_2||(MV_k + CR_{l2}))\). \(CS_l\) composes a fresh authentication request message containing \(\{M_4, CR_{l2}, UR_U, T_2\}\) and sends it to \(D_k\).

  3. 3.

    In reply of the request received from \(CS_l, D_k\) records the current time as \(T_3\) to check the timeliness of the request as \(|T_3-T_2| \le \Delta T\). If the inequality does not follows, session is terminated; otherwise, \(D_k\) computes \(M_3^{\prime }{}=h(\)stored \(A_k||\beta ||\)received \(UR_U)\) and \(M_4^{\prime }{}= h(M_3^{\prime }{}||\)received \(T_2||(MV_k + \)received \(CR_{l2}))\) to check if \(M_4^{\prime }{}= \) received \(M_4\). If they do not match, the session is closed; otherwise, the cloud server is considered as legitimate. After verifying the legitimacy of cloud server, \(D_k\) computes \(M_5\)=h(stored \(B_l\) \(||\) \(MR_k\) \(||\) \(\beta )\), \(M_6= h(M_5||T_3||(CV_l + MR_k))\) to create a new mutual authentication request containing \(\{M_6, MR_k, T_3\}\) for \(CS_l\).

  4. 4.

    Cloud server \(CS_l\) records the current time as \(T_4\) and verifies if \(|T_4-T_3| \le \Delta T\). If the condition is not verified, the session is terminated; otherwise, \(CS_l\) computes \(M_5^{\prime }{}= h(\)stored \(B_l||\)received \(MR_k||\beta ))\), \(M_6^{\prime }{}= h(M_5^{\prime }{}||\)received \(T_3||(CV_l + \)received \(MR_k))\) to verify the authenticity of the message if \(M_6^{\prime }{}=\) received \(M_6\). If the condition is satisfied, the mobile device is authenticated. After authenticating the mobile device, \(CS_l\) picks a random number \(Cr_{l3} \in \mathbb {Z}_q^*\) to calculate \(CR_{l3}=Cr_{l3}.P\), \(M_7= h(\)stored \(M_U||k||\)received \(MR_k)\) and \(M_8 = h(M_7||T_4||(UV_U+CR_{l3}))\). It composes a fresh mutual authentication request message comprising of \(\{M_8, MR_k, CR_{l3}, T_4\}\) for user.

  5. 5.

    User \(U_U\) records the current time as \(T_5\) and verifies whether \(|T_5-T_4| \le \Delta T\). If the inequality does not follows, session is terminated; else, \(U_U\) evaluates \(M_7^{\prime }{}= h(\)stored \(M_U||k||\)received \(MR_k)\) and \(M_8^{\prime }{}\) = h(\(M_7^{\prime }{}\) \(||\) received \(T_4\) \(||\) \((UV_U+ \)received \(CR_{l3})))\) to verify \(M_8^{\prime }{} = \) received \(M_8\). If they match, the cloud server is authenticated. After validating the cloud server, \(U_U\) computes the session key as \(SK= Ur_U.MV_k + U\alpha _U.MR_k\), where \(Ur_U\) is the user’s random number, \(MV_k\) is the public key of mobile device, \(U\alpha _U\) is user’s private key, and \(MR_k\) is random nonce of mobile device. Similarly, the mobile device computes the session key as \(SK= Mr_k.UV_U + M\alpha _k.UR_U\), where \(Mr_k\) is random number of the mobile device, \(UV_U\) is user’s public key, \(M\alpha _k\) represents the mobile device’s private key, and \(UR_U\) is random nonce of user. The user and mobile device can directly converse with each other via the negotiated session key SK without the intervention of the cloud-server.

The mutual authentication process is summarized in Fig. 15.

6 Security Analysis

Here, we discuss different attacks and show that our protocol is invulnerable to them.

  1. 1.

    Impersonation attack When an adversary conducts itself as a genuine communicating authority of the system with the intention of fraudulence, then this outbreak is termed as impersonation attack [18].

  2. 2.

    Replay attack An authorized message communicated in a previous sessions is duplicated or illegally delayed in the system is termed as the replay attack [19].

  3. 3.

    Denial of Service Congestion of the server due to overflow of false service requests made by an adversary causing the exhaustion of resources that in turn leads to inaccessibility of services to the valid user is termed as the denial of service [20].

  4. 4.

    Session key computation Negotiation of session key for each session takes place amid communicating parties for secure data exchange. The session key should be formulated such that even if there is any leakage of the private/temporary parameter from the system, then also the hardness of session key should remain intact [21].

  5. 5.

    Session-specific transient information attack Accidental exposure of any of the transient parameters must not lead to compromise of the session key. This is known as session-specific transient information attack [22].

  6. 6.

    Privileged insider attack When a legitimate communicating party of the system acts as an adversary with the intention of fraudulence, then the attack is termed as privileged insider attack [23].

  7. 7.

    Confidentiality The property of secure communication where only the authorized users could identify the messages being communicated in the system is called confidentiality.

  8. 8.

    Integrity The characteristic of safe communication where the messages being passed over a public channel is preserved against any alterations is called integrity.

  9. 9.

    Availability It refers to the situation when all the authorized users of the system should be able to access the information as and when needed.

  10. 10.

    Anonymity The condition when a user or message of the system is not traceable through any activity of eavesdropping is called anonymity.

6.1 Informal Security Analysis

Here, the robustness of our proposed protocol toward various active and passive attacks is proved using different propositions.

Proposition 1

Our protocol ensures secure three-factor mutual authentication.


It has three security factors (identity \((UID_U)\), password \((PW_U)\), and biometric \((BIO_U)\)), for mutually authenticating any user of the system. Even if an attacker acquires any two of the above security factors, he still cannot pose as a legal user because generating an authenticated request message is not feasible. The request message \(M_2\) is composed of \(M_1, UR_U, CV_l, T_1\) and \(M_1\), in turn comprises of \(M_U, UR_U, k\), which are all in one-way hash format. So, doing reverse engineering on them is not possible. Here, \(M_U\) is the hashed masked identity of the user and without the knowledge of all three security features forging \(M_U\) is not feasible. Also user’s biometric credential forgery is impossible; hence, \(M_U\) could not be computed.

Assuming that after acquiring two security factors, adversary somehow gets the third factor, he still cannot formulate a legit authentication request user and cloud server. Moreover, morphing any parameter leads to change in the hashed values which can be easily identified by the cloud server. Thus, our protocol ensures secure three-factor mutual authentication.

Proposition 2

Our protocol is robust against the stolen/lost smart-card/device attack.


If the smart-card/device is acquired by an adversary, he can get \(M_U\) that is stored in smart device via the power analysis attack, where \(M_U\) =\(h(UID_U || PW_U || BIO_U)\). During mutual authentication, the adversary needs to form a legal authentication request message consisting of \(M_2, UR_U\), and \(T_1\). However, \(M_2\) cannot be computed as \(M_2 = h(M_1||T_1||(CV_l +UR_U))\) where \(M_1 = h(\)stored \(M_U||UR_U||k)\) and k is pre-shared symmetric key. Even if the attacker has the knowledge about \(M_U\), he cannot form the valid \(M_1\) as k is unknown to him, which leads to failed generation of \(M_2\). So, it is not possible for an adversary to generate a valid authentication request message. Hence, our protocol is robust toward stolen smart-card attack.

Proposition 3

Our protocol is safe from the user impersonation attack.


If an adversary eavesdrops the mutual authentication request over a public channel, then he can obtain the message \(\{M_2, UR_U, T_1\}\). Further, if he tries to forge the request message to impersonate as the legal user, then there are the following two conditions:

Alteration of \(UR_U\): As the random nonce \(UR_U\) is being sent over the public channel, it could be forged, but the forgery would be detected by the cloud server as \(M_2\) is a hashed entity that contains \(UR_U\).

Alteration of \(M_2\): \(M_2\) is composed of \(M_1\), which in turn comprises of the masked identity \(M_U\) of the genuine user. \(M_U\) is formed by the user during registration that contains the user’s biometric which is impossible to forge. Moreover, \(M_1\) contains the secret pre-shared symmetric key k which is unknown to adversary. Hence, the adversary cannot generate a valid \(M_2\) as any alterations made in \(M_U\) would be identified by the cloud server during message integrity check and would result in session termination. Therefore, our protocol is safe from the user impersonation attack.

Proposition 4

Our protocol is resilient to the cloud-server impersonation attack.


When an adversary tries to impersonate as a cloud server during mutual authentication, he would try to morph \(\{M_4, CR_{l2}, UR_U, T_2 \}\) message, being sent to the mobile device. The parameters of the message are \(M_4 = h(M_3||T_2||(MV_k+CR_{l2}))\) and \(M_3=h (A_k||\beta ||UR_U)\). If the adversary attempts to compute \(M_3\), he must have the prior knowledge of \(A_k\) and \(\beta \), where \(A_k = h(MID_k||MR_k||\beta )\) and \(\beta \) is the pre-shared secret symmetric key. However, if any of the parameters is forged by the adversary, it would reflect in the changed hash value of \(M_4\) and would be detected by the mobile device.

Similarly, if the adversary tries to alter the message \(\{M_8, MR_k, CR_{l3}, T_4\}\) being sent to the user during mutual authentication, where \(M_8\) = \(h(M_7\) \(||\) \(T_4\) \(||\)(\(UV_U\) \(+\) \(CR_{l3}))\) and \(M_7 = h(M_U||k||MR_k)\), he would not be able to do so because the parameter \(M_8\) is composed of \(M_7\) that contains the pre-shared secret symmetric key k and \(M_U\), which are known to user and server only. These alterations would lead to the failed integrity check at the user side. Hence, our protocol is safe from the cloud server impersonation attack.

Proposition 5

Our protocol is resilient to the mobile device impersonation attack.


During authentication, the mobile device sends the message \(\{M_6, MR_k, T_3\}\) to cloud server, where \(M_6= h(M_5||T_3||(CV_l+MR_k))\) and \(M_5=h(B_l||MR_k||\beta )\). To impersonate the mobile device, adversary requires valid \(B_l\) and pre-shared secret symmetric key \(\beta \). Since adversary has no prior knowledge about these parameters and guessing two parameters in polynomial time is infeasible, morphing any value would be detected at the other communicating entity side during the integrity checks. Moreover, the messages contain the public parameters like timestamp and random nonce in the hashed format, thereafter making any forgery and alterations is infeasible. So, our protocol is resilient against the mobile device impersonation. \(\square \)

Proposition 6

Our protocol is robust toward the man-in-the-middle attack.


Let there be an adversary between a user and the server. To carry out the attack, he would capture the message \(\{M_2, UR_U, T_1\}\) during mutual authentication, where \(M_2 = h(M_1||T_1||(CV_l +UR_U))\) and \(M_1 = h(\)stored \(M_U||UR_U||k)\). Then, he would try to generate \(M_{1A} = h(\)stored \(M_{UA}||UR_{UA}||k_{A})\) for composing \(M_2\). He would need to form a valid \(M_{UA}=h(UID_{UA}||PW_{UA}||BIO_{UA})\). Even if the adversary is successful in generating or guessing the parameter in polynomial time, forming the valid \(M_{U}\) is impractical as discussed in proposition 1. Further, he would not be able to form the valid \(M_1\) as it contains pre-shared secret symmetric key k and user’s random number \(UR_U\) is unknown to adversary. Moreover, guessing two parameters in polynomial time is not feasible. Further, any alteration in the value of \(M_1\) leads to the changed hash digest of \(M_2\), which would be easily detected by the cloud server during the integrity check as it stores the parameters \(M_U\) and k resulting in session termination on integrity check failure. Henceforth, our protocol is safe from man-in-the-middle attack.

Proposition 7

Our protocol is safe from the replay attack.


In replay attack, adversary captures a message of the current session in mutual authentication phase and forwards it to the legal users in later sessions. In the proposed protocol, all the communications are carried out among the genuine parties, where the current recorded time is shared and used as a parameter of the hashed messages. So, even if the adversary tries to replay the messages just by morphing the timestamp, he would not be able to pass the integrity checks. Hence, our protocol stands strong against the replay attack.

Proposition 8

Our protocol withstands the privileged insider attack.


Let us consider the insider be within the cloud server. He would have the knowledge about a few secrets of the communicating parties that could be used by him for posing as a legitimate entity. In our protocol, all the secret credentials of the user and mobile device like \(M_U\) and \(B_k\) are stored by the cloud server in a non-invertible hashed format. However, predicting more than one parameter simultaneously in polynomial time is not feasible. Hence, by using the stored value in the cloud server, any insider would not be able to form a legit mutual authentication requisition message. So, our protocol is free from privileged insider attack.

Proposition 9

Our protocol is resilient from off-line user identity \((UID_U)\) predicting attack.


If an adversary tries to predict the identity \((UID_U)\) of a user from his smart device via power analysis or through eavesdropping messages in authentication phase, then it would be a failed attempt, as already discussed in proposition 1 that even after predicting the identity of user \((UID_U)\), composing a valid masked identity \(M_U = h(UID_U||PW_U||BIO_U)\) is not practical. However, \(M_U\) has user’s other secret credentials like biometric, which cannot be forged. Therefore, our protocol ensures resilience against the off-line user identity \((UID_U)\) predicting attack.

Proposition 10

Our protocol is safe from off-line password predicting attack.


An adversary cannot predict the password of a user by acquiring the smart device and carrying out power analysis attack because it would require other authentication parameters like identity and biometric of the user. Moreover, in mutual authentication phase, the password is nowhere used; instead, the masked identity is used, which is in non-invertible hashed format. Hence, guessing the password is impossible for the adversary. Thus, our protocol is safe from the off-line password prediction.

Proposition 11

Our protocol is resilient from the session-key computation attack.


A fresh session-key (SK) is generated among the mobile device and user for each new session. The session-key at user side is \(SK= Ur_U.MV_k + U\alpha _U.MR_k\), where \(Ur_U\) and \(MR_k\) are the random numbers of user and nonce of device, respectively, selected fresh for each session. \(U\alpha _U\) and \(MV_k\) are the user’s private key and mobile device’s public key, respectively. Similarly, the session key at mobile device side is \(SK= Mr_k.UV_U + M\alpha _k.UR_U\), where \(Mr_k\) and \(UR_U\) are the random numbers of mobile device and nonce of user, respectively, selected fresh for each session. \(M\alpha _k\) and \(UV_U\) are mobile device’s private key and user’s public key, respectively. Here, the security of session-key SK depends on the secret random numbers and private key of the user or mobile device. Hence, even if the random numbers are somehow exposed, the adversary still lacks the knowledge about user’s or mobile device’s private key. Thus, our protocol is resilient from session-key computation attack.

Proposition 12

Our protocol is free from the known session-specific transient information attack.


Let somehow any of the temporary parameters \((MR_k, Ur_U)\) are leaked to the adversary. Still he cannot compute the session-key because the user’s private key \((U\alpha _U)\) is also required. Moreover, guessing two parameters \((MR_k, Ur_U)\) simultaneously in polynomial time is not practical. Hence, our protocol is free from the known session-specific transient information attack.

Proposition 13

Our protocol ensures the user anonymity.


It ensures the user anonymity because the user’s identity is never sent over a public channel in the raw form; rather, it is sent in the form of masked identity, which is non-invertible hash digest. Further, the masked identity used for login and authentication is stored at server side in the hash format, which ensures the user anonymity.

Proposition 14

Our protocol is safe from the user and mobile device untraceability attacks.


While carrying out the attack, the adversary eavesdrops two authentication requests from diverse sessions and compares if both request messages are identical. If they are identical, then both the authentication request messages are sent by the same entity. Here, after eavesdropping the authentication request messages \(\{M_2, UR_U, T_1\}\), where \(M_2 = h(M_1||T_1||(CV_l +UR_U))\), \(M_1 = h(stored M_U||UR_U||k)\) or \(\{M_6, MR_k, T_3\}\), where \(M_6= h(M_5||T_3||(CV_l+MR_k))\), and \(M_5=h(B_l||MR_k||\beta )\). The adversary would not be able to trace the user or mobile device as the messages contain random nonce and timestamp which is changed after each session. Thus, the user and mobile device cannot be traced, and our protocol is resilient to the user and mobile device untraceability attacks.

Proposition 15

The proposed protocol has strong perfect forward-secrecy.


Here, if any one of the long-term key k (between user and server) or \(\beta \) (between mobile device and server) is compromised, the negotiated session key SK is still safe. This is because the session-key SK is calculated by the user as \(SK= Ur_U.MV_k + U\alpha _U.MR_k\), where \(Ur_U\) and \(U\alpha _U\) are user’s secrets. Similarly, the session key at mobile device is \(SK= Mr_k.UV_U + M\alpha _k.UR_U\), where \(Mr_k\) and \(M\alpha _k\) are the secrets of mobile device. Thus, by acquiring long terms key k or \(\beta \), the adversary cannot calculate the session-key SK due to the unavailability of the private key and random number of the user/mobile device. Hence, the scheme has strong perfect forward secrecy attack.

In conclusion, using the state-of-the-art informal security analysis, it has been proved that our protocol is robust and provably safe from all the foreknown attacks.

Table 3 Notations of BAN
Table 4 Basic inferences for BAN logic
Table 5 Idealized form of messages

6.2 Formal Security Analysis: BAN Logic

This subsection provides the proof of correctness of our protocol, which is formally verified using the BAN logic [24]. This evaluation model is based on few assumptions and claims, as mentioned in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6. Table 4 highlights the rules of the BAN logic, wherein if the numerator is followed, then the denominator part is considered to follow. Table 5 gives the idealized form of messages as per authentication phase our proposed protocol which illustrates in details the message composition being sent from one party to another. For example, \(U_U \overset{via CS_l}{\longrightarrow }D_k : T_1, UR_{U}: \langle UR_U\rangle _{Ur_U.P+K}, M_2:\langle M_1 \rangle _{(UR_U||M_U||k)}, T_1, \langle CV_l \rangle _{C\alpha _l.P}, \langle UR_U\rangle _{Ur_U.P+K}\) depicts that \(U_U\) sends the message \(\{T_1, UR_U, M_2\}\) to \(D_k\) via sending it to \(CS_l\) in the first place and \(UR_{U}: \langle UR_U\rangle _{Ur_U.P+K}\) shows that \(UR_U\) is composed of only \(\langle UR_U\rangle \) which in turn is calculated as \(Ur_U.P+K\) and likewise the composition of other parameters is shown in Table 5. In Table 6, the assumptions of form \(X|\equiv \#\{P\}\) represent that X believes P to be fresh and \(X|\equiv X\overset{A}{\longleftrightarrow }Y\) represent that X believes that A is shared amidst \(X \,and\, Y\). Table 6 is formed as per our proposed protocol where each entity considers its own timestamp, all random numbers and all random nonce to be fresh. Moreover, user and mobile device believe that the pre-secret key and random number formulated as per the proposed protocol with cloud server are shared amid the respective pair.

6.2.1 Goals

For proving the security feature of the offered protocol below, mentioned goals should be satisfied.

Goal 1 \(U_U |\equiv U_U \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k\)

Goal 2 \(U_U |\equiv D_k |\equiv D_k \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U\)

Goal 3 \(D_k |\equiv D_k \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U\)

Goal 4 \(D_k |\equiv U_U |\equiv U_U \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k\)

Table 6 Assumptions


By using Message 1, we see that

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_1: D_k \triangleleft UR_{U_{Ur_U}} \end{aligned}$$

\(D_k\) receives \(UR_U\) from \(U_U\) that is composed of \(Ur_U\) and denoted as \(UR_{U_{Ur_U}}\)

From \(A_{11}, Statement_1\) and applying the Message Meaning Rule (MMR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{D_k|\equiv D_k \overset{UR_U}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U, D_k \triangleleft \langle UR_U\rangle _{Ur_U}}{D_k|\equiv U_U |\sim UR_U} \end{aligned}$$

\(D_k\) believes \(UR_U\) is shared by \(U_U\) and sees \(\langle UR_U \rangle _{Ur_U} \) is true as per numerator, therefore the denominator part where \(D_k\) believes, \(U_U\) once said \(UR_U\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_2\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_2:D_k|\equiv U_U|\sim UR_{U} \end{aligned}$$

From \(Statement_2, A_6\) and applying the Nonce Verification Rule (NVR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{D_k|\equiv \#(UR_U), D_k|\equiv U_U|\sim UR_U}{D_k|\equiv U_U |\equiv UR_U} \end{aligned}$$

\(D_k\) believes, \(UR_U\) is fresh and \(U_U\) once said \(UR_U\) is true as per numerator; therefore, the denominator part where \(D_k\) believes, \(U_U\) believes \(UR_U\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_3\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_3:D_k|\equiv U_U|\equiv UR_U \end{aligned}$$

From \(A_6, Statement_3\) and applying the Session Key Rule (SKR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{D_k|\equiv \#(UR_U), D_k|\equiv U_U|\equiv UR_U}{D_k|\equiv D_k\overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U} \end{aligned}$$

\(D_k\) believes, \(UR_U\) is fresh and \(U_U\) believes \(UR_U\), an essential factor of the session key is true as per numerator; therefore the denominator part where \(D_k\) believes, it shares the session key SK with \(U_U\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_4\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_4:D_k|\equiv D_k \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U \end{aligned}$$

\(SK=Mr_k.UV_U+M\alpha _k.UR_U\) Goal 3

By using Message 3, we see that

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_5: U_U \triangleleft MR_{k_{Mr_k}} \end{aligned}$$

\(U_U\) receives \(MR_k\) from \(D_k\) that is composed of \(Mr_k\) and denoted as \(MR_{k_{Mr_k}}\)

From \(A_{12}, Statement_5\) and applying the Message Meaning Rule (MMR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{U_U|\equiv U_U \overset{MR_k}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k, U_U \triangleleft \langle MR_k\rangle _{MR_k}}{U_U|\equiv D_k |\sim MR_k} \end{aligned}$$

\(U_U\) believes \(MR_k\) is shared by \(D_k\) and sees \(\langle MR_k \rangle _{Mr_k} \) is true as per numerator; therefore, the denominator part where \(U_U\) believes, \(D_k\) once said \(MR_k\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_6\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_6:U_U|\equiv D_k|\sim MR_{k} \end{aligned}$$

From \(A_4, Statement_6\) and applying the Nonce Verification Rule (NVR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{U_U|\equiv \#(MR_k), U_U|\equiv D_k|\sim MR_k}{U_U|\equiv D_k |\equiv MR_k} \end{aligned}$$

\(U_U\) believes, \(MR_k\) is fresh and \(D_k\) once said \(MR_k\) is true as per numerator; therefore, the denominator part where \(U_U\) believes, \(D_k\) believes \(MR_k\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_7\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_7:U_U|\equiv D_k|\equiv MR_k \end{aligned}$$

From \(A_4, Statement_7\) and applying the Session Key Rule (SKR)

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{U_U|\equiv \#(MR_k), U_U|\equiv D_k|\equiv MR_k}{U_U|\equiv U_U\overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k} \end{aligned}$$

\(U_U\) believes, \(MR_K\) is fresh and \(D_k\) believes \(MR_k\), an essential factor of the session key is true as per numerator; therefore, the denominator part where \(U_U\) believes, it shares the session key SK with \(D_k\) is true. Hence, \(Statement_8\).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_8:U_U|\equiv U_U \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k \end{aligned}$$

\(SK=Ur_U.MV_k+U\alpha _U.MR_k\) Goal 1

From combining \(Statement_7\): \(U_U |\equiv D_k\) and \(Statement_4\): \(D_k | \equiv D_k \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U\), we arrive at \(Statement_9\) just like \(P|\equiv Q\) and \(Q|\equiv R\) results to \(P|\equiv Q|\equiv R\) which is if P believes Q and Q believes R, then P would believe Q which in turn believes R (just like chain of trust).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_9:U_U| \equiv D_k| \equiv D_k\overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }U_U \end{aligned}$$

\(SK=Mr_k.UV_U+M\alpha _k.UR_U\) Goal 2

Fig. 16
figure 16

Architecture of AVISPA

Similarly, from combining \(Statement_3\): \(D_k |\equiv U_U\) and \(Statement_8\): \(U_U | \equiv U_U \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k\) we arrive at \(Statement_9\) just like \(P|\equiv Q\) and \(Q|\equiv R\) results to \(P|\equiv Q|\equiv R\) which is if P believes Q and Q believes R, then P would believe Q which in turn believes R (just like chain of trust).

$$\begin{aligned} Statement_{10}:D_k| \equiv U_U| \equiv U_U\overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow }D_k \end{aligned}$$

\(SK=Ur_U.MV_k+U\alpha _U.MR_k\) Goal 4

6.3 Formal Security Analysis: AVISPA simulation

AVISPA is the extensively used simulation tool for formally verifying the strength of the authentication protocols [13]. It checks whether the proposed protocol is SAFE or UNSAFE against various existing security threats. The architecture of AVISPA is shown in Fig. 16. High Level Protocol Specification Language (HLPSL) is used for simulating the protocol which is then converted via HLPSL2IF translator into a low-level code, called intermediate format (IF). Each communicating entity is executed simultaneously as a separate role where the role user, device, and server show the operations carried out by the corresponding communicating entities. Role session models them as in form of different unbounded sessions, and Role environment briefs about intruder knowledge while modeling the attacker parallelly with other communicating entities. The HLPSL code for communicating entities is given in Figs. 171819 and 20.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Role User

Fig. 18
figure 18

Role Server

Fig. 19
figure 19

Role Device

Fig. 20
figure 20

Role Session and Environment

Fig. 21
figure 21

Simulation results

Authentication properties:

  1. 1.

    authentication_on user_server_m2: \(CS_l\) receives \(M_2\) from \(U_U\) and validates it on basis of \(M_2\).

  2. 2.

    authentication_on server_device_m4: \(D_k\) receives \(M_4\) from \(CS_l\) and validates it by using \(M_4\).

  3. 3.

    authentication_on device_server_m6: \(CS_l\) receives \(M_6\) from \(D_k\) and validates it on basis of \(M_6\).

  4. 4.

    authentication_on server_user_m8: \(U_U\) receives \(M_8\) from \(CS_l\) and validates it by using \(M_8\).

  5. 5.

    authentication_on user_server_Au: \(CS_l\) receives \(A_U\) from \(U_U\) and verifies it on basis of \(A_U\).

  6. 6.

    authentication_on server_user_Al: \(U_U\) receives \(A_l\) from \(CS_l\) and verifies it by using \(A_l\).

  7. 7.

    authentication_on device_server_Bk: \(CS_l\) receives \(B_k\) from \(D_k\) and verifies it on basis of \(B_k\).

  8. 8.

    authentication_on server_device_Bl: \(D_k\) receives \(B_l\) from \(CS_l\) and verifies it by using \(B_l\).

Secrecy goals:

  1. 1.

    secrecy_of subs1: password \(PW_U\) and biometric \(BIO_U\) are only known to \(U_i\).

  2. 2.

    secrecy_of subs2: the symmetric key k is known to \(U_U\) and \(CS_l\).

  3. 3.

    secrecy_of subs3: the value of private key \(U\alpha _U\) is only known to \(U_U\).

  4. 4.

    secrecy_of subs4: the value of secret key \(C\alpha _l\) is only known to \(CS_l\).

  5. 5.

    secrecy_of subs5: the value of symmetric key \(\beta \) is known to \(CS_l\) and \(D_k\).

  6. 6.

    secrecy_of subs6: the value of secret-key \(M\alpha _k\) is known only to \(D_k\).

Result of HLPSL code is shown in Fig. 21 that gives the results for the backends OFMC and CL-AtSe assuring that our protocol is secure and it withstands all fore-known attacks.

7 Performance Analysis

In this section, a comparative performance analysis of our protocol with the existing protocols [2, 3, 6, 11] is presented. Here, we show that our protocol incurs less overheads as compared to the existing protocols. We consider log-in and authentication phases only for performance analysis as these phases are executed more often. The primitive factors for performance evaluation are communication, computation and storage overhead. All the comparative analysis is tabulated in Table 7, where Comp and Com represent Computational and Communication overheads, respectively.

Table 7 Performance Evaluation

7.1 Computation Overhead

Table 7 represents the comparison of computational overheads in context of completion time of the protocols in milliseconds (ms). The primitive operations required for protocol execution are symbolized as \(T_S\), \(T_H\), \(T_{FE}\), \(T_{ECPA}\), \( T_{ECPM}\), \(T_{EXP}\), \(T_{PKE}\) and \(T_{PKD}\), which denote the execution time for symmetric-key encryption/decryption, hash function, fuzzy extractor, ECC-based point addition, ECC-based scalar point multiplication, exponential, public key encryption and public key decryption, respectively. These operations require 3.85ms, 0.0046ms, 2.226ms, 0.004ms, 2.226ms, 231ms, 385ms and 385ms to operate, respectively. Here, the time consumption of operations is taken from [25]. Though the existing protocols require less computational overheads in context of execution time, yet they suffer from numerous security flaws. Our protocol maintains a tradeoff between computational overhead and security strength.

7.2 Communication Overhead

Table 7 presents the comparative analysis of the communication overhead for every communicating party of the system, i.e., user, server and mobile device with respect to the length of transmitted and received messages in bits for [2, 3, 6, 11]. Here, we consider the length of password, identity (user, server) and random nonce as 128 bits each, whereas the timestamp and identity of mobile device are of 32 bits each. The symmetric-key encrypted message and value after cryptographic hash operation are 128 and 160 bits long, respectively, where SHA-1 algorithm has been used for hashing. Table 7 clearly shows that the proposed protocol has the lowest communication overhead, which is one of the main concerns for authentication protocols of a cloud computing network. Hence, this reduced overhead makes its applicable to the real-time applications.

7.3 Smart Device Storage Cost

The storage cost of our protocol is considerably less than that of the protocols [2, 3, 6, 11], which could be clearly seen in Table 7. As the proposed protocol does not store much information about the communicated messages, the storage overhead is considerably less. Thus, the proposed protocol ensures the increased life time of the smart devices by reducing the storage utilization and making it useful in resource constrained environment.

In summary, our protocol is more proficient in the context of the communication, computation and storage costs.

8 Conclusion

In this research paper, we have scrutinized the Wazid et al.’s protocol and shown that it is vulnerable to denial of service attack, privileged insider attack, and stolen smart-card attack, and have discussed a robust protocol for authentication and key negotiation in cloud computing environment by overcoming the above-mentioned drawbacks. The proposed protocol is lightweight due to its use of ECC and irreversible hash functions. Further, it maintains a hard to achieve tradeoff between the security and performance. The state-of-the-art formal and informal security analysis using BAN logic and AVISPA show that our protocol is resilient to all malicious attacks. The comparative performance analysis depicts that our protocol outshines the other similar protocols. Further, its simplicity makes it easily implementable in practical scenarios.