
1 Introduction

Cloud computing is a promising computing paradigm where computing and storage resources are provided by third-party service providers with remarkable cost reduction [14]. Users are relieved from the cost of buying and maintaining hardware and software platforms. Besides, the users can access and share the data as and when required at anytime from anywhere. However, one of the major issues hindering the adoption of cloud computing is the privacy of outsourced data in cloud may be leaked to unauthorized users, including malicious insiders and outsiders, which renders authentication mechanisms of crucial importance [59].

Choudhur et al. [10] proposed a smart card and password based user authentication framework for cloud computing. Hao et al. proposed a time-bound ticket-based mutual authentication scheme for cloud environment using smart card [11]. Although Hao et al. claimed that the authentication scheme was secure; Pippal et al. found it was vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DOS) attack and the password change phase was insecure [12]. To resist these weaknesses, Pippal et al. proposed an enhancement to Hao et al.’s scheme. Jiang et al. proposed a three-factor authentication scheme for healthcare cloud [13].

However, these authentication protocols [1013], which are designed for single server environment, are not suitable for multiple-server cloud environment in which a user generally access different types of cloud services from different cloud servers. A user needs to remember the pairs of identity and password corresponding to different servers, the mechanism will bring about a lot of inconvenience to users. Therefore, in the multiple-server cloud environment, it is preferable for a user to use a single pair of identity and password to access different servers. Hwang and Sun proposed a single sign-on scheme for multiple cloud services [14]. Tsai and Lo proposed a privacy aware authentication scheme for distributed mobile cloud computing services [15]. However, Jiang et al. identified that their scheme is vulnerable to the service provider impersonation attack [16]. Recently, Li et al. [17] proposed a two-factor multi-server authentication protocol based on elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) which enables the cloud users to access their outsourced data across multiple cloud servers.

However, we find that Li et al.’s protocol is flawed. Specifically, we first show that their scheme suffers from the problem of wrong password login. Secondly, their scheme is prone to DOS attack in the password-changing phase. Thirdly, it fails to provide user revocation when the smart card is lost or stolen. Then, we put forward a robust two-factor authentication scheme. Our new scheme makes up the missing security features necessary for cloud computing while maintaining the desired features of the original scheme. We show that the proposed scheme can withstand various known attacks and provide more security features than Li et al.’s scheme.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section briefly reviews Li et al.’s scheme. Section 3 elaborates on the flaws of their scheme. Section 4 presents the improved authentication scheme. In Sect. 5, the security and efficiency of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared. Finally, the paper is concluded.

2 Review of Li et al.’s Scheme

We review Li et al.’s authentication protocol based on ECC [17], which is composed of three phases, i.e., registration, authentication, and password update. The elliptic curve equation is defined in the form: \( E_{p} (a,b):\text{y}^{2} = x^{3} + ax + b \, (\text{mod} \, p) \) over a prime finite field \( F_{p} \), where \( a,b \in F_{p} \), and \( 4a^{3} + 27b^{2} \, \ne 0(\text{mod} \, p) \) [18]. The notations used in the paper are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Notations

2.1 Registration Phase

The registration phase involves users and the cloud service provider. When a user \( A \) wants to get cloud services, he needs to register in the service provider \( SP \).

  • Step 1. User \( A \) first selects \( PW_{A} \) as his/her password. Then, \( A \) chooses a random number \( r \in Z_{q}^{*} \) and computes \( h(PW_{A} ||r) \). \( A \) sends \( \left\{ {ID_{A} ,h(PW_{A} ||r)} \right\} \) to the service provider \( SP \) through a secure channel.

  • Step 2. When receiving the message, \( SP \) selects a random value \( R \in \left\{ { 0 , 1} \right\}^{ 6 4} \) and computes \( C_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R) \oplus h(PW_{A} ||r) \) for \( A \). \( SP \) maintains the value \( R \) in database and issues a smart card which contains \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, C_{A} } \right\} \) to \( A \).

  • Step 3. When receiving the smart card, \( A \) stores \( r \) into the card. The security parameters in the smart card are \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, r, \, C_{A} } \right\} \).

2.2 Authentication and Key Exchange Phase

When \( A \) wants to get the cloud service, he/she needs to complete a mutual authentication and key exchange with the ith cloud server \( CS_{i} \).

  • Step 1. \( A \to CS_{i} \)

    \( A \) inserts his/her card and inputs his/her password \( PW_{A} \). Then, he/she selects two random values, \( a,r_{1} \in Z_{q}^{*} \). \( A \) computes \( K = h(a \cdot sP) \) and \( M_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ) \oplus ID_{A} \). Next, \( A \) reveals \( X_{A} = h(PW_{A} ||r) \oplus C_{A} \), computes \( N_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ||X_{A} ) \) as the authentication message, and sends \( \{ aP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} \} \) to the cloud server \( CS_{i} \).

  • Step 2. \( CS_{i} \to SP \)

    On receiving \( \{ aP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} \} \), \( CS_{i} \) selects a random value \( b \in Z_{q}^{*} \) and computes \( M_{{CS_{i} }} = E_{{K_{{CS_{i} - SP}} }} (aP,bP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} ) \). Then, \( CS_{i} \) sends \( \left\{ {ID_{{CS_{i} }} ,M_{{CS_{i} }} } \right\} \) to the service provider \( SP \).

  • Step 3. \( SP \to CS_{i} \)

    On receiving \( \left\{ {ID_{{CS_{i} }} ,M_{{CS_{i} }} } \right\} \), \( SP \) first decrypts \( M_{{CS_{i} }} \) and obtains \( \left\{ {aP,bP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} } \right\} \).Then, \( SP \) computes \( K = h(s \cdot aP) \) and \( ID_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ) \oplus M_{A} \). \( SP \) computes \( X_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R) \). After that, \( SP \) verifies whether \( N_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ||X_{A} ) \) holds. If it does, \( SP \) rejects it. Otherwise, \( SP \) selects a random value \( s_{1} \in Z_{q}^{*} \), and computes \( Auth_{SP} = h(K||s_{1} ||aP) \) and \( M_{SP} = E_{{K_{{CS_{i} - SP}} }} (ID_{A} ,aP,bP,s_{1} ,Auth_{SP} ) \). \( SP \) sends \( M_{SP} \) to \( CS_{i} \).

  • Step 4. \( CS_{i} \to A \)

    On receiving \( M_{SP} \), \( CS_{i} \) first decrypts \( M_{SP} \) and obtains \( \{ ID_{A} ,aP,bP,s_{1} ,Auth_{SP} \} \). Then \( CS_{i} \) verifies whether \( bP \) is equal to the random value it chooses. If it is not equal, \( CS_{i} \) rejects it. Otherwise, \( CS_{i} \) computes its authentication message \( Auth_{{CS_{i} }} = h(b \cdot aP||bP||ID_{{CS_{i} }} ) \) and the session key between \( CS_{i} \) and \( A \), \( K_{{CS_{i} - A}} = h(abP||aP||bP||ID_{A} ||ID_{{CS_{i} }} ) \). \( CS_{i} \) sends \( \{ ID_{{CS_{i} }} ,bP,s_{1} ,Auth_{SP} ,Auth_{{CS_{i} }} \} \) to \( A \).

  • Step 5. On receiving the messages from \( CS_{i} \), user \( A \) computes and verifies whether \( Auth_{SP} = h(K||s_{1} ||aP) \) and \( Auth_{{CS_{i} }} = h(b \cdot aP||bP||ID_{{CS_{i} }} ) \) hold. If one of them does not hold, \( A \) rejects them. Otherwise, \( A \) computes \( K_{{A - CS_{i} }} = h(abP||aP||bP||ID_{A} ||ID_{{CS_{i} }} ) \) as the session key between \( A \) and \( CS_{i} \).

2.3 Password-Changing Phase

  • Step 1. If \( A \) wants to change the password, he/she performs the authentication phase first. After a successful authentication, \( A \) gets the secret information \( h(K||s_{1} ) \) shared with \( SP \). Then, \( A \) inputs the new password \( PW_{new} \), selects a random value \( r^{\prime} \in Z_{q}^{*} \) and submits \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,h(PW_{new} ||r^{\prime})) \) to \( SP \).

  • Step 2. On receiving the message, \( SP \) decrypts it and obtains the new password of \( A \). Then, \( SP \) selects another random value \( R^{\prime} \in \left\{ { 0 , 1} \right\}^{ 6 4} \) and computes \( C^{\prime}_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R^{\prime}) \oplus h(PW_{new} ||r^{\prime}) \) for \( A \). \( SP \) sends \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,C^{\prime}_{A} ) \) to \( A \).

  • Step 3. \( A \) decrypts \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,C^{\prime}_{A} ) \) and updates the information in the smart card with \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, r^{\prime}, \, C^{\prime}_{A} } \right\} \).

3 Weaknesses of Li et al.’s Scheme

We suppose that the adversary may intercept, insert, delete, or modify any message transmitted through the channel between the user and the server. Moreover, the secret information stored in the smart card may be exposed when the card is lost or stolen, since the secret information in it can be extracted by side channel attacks [19, 20]. Truly two-factor authentication should still be secure even either one of two factors are compromised.

Although Li et al.’s scheme is claimed to be secure against various attacks, we observe that the scheme suffers from wrong password login, DOS attack in the password-changing phase, and no provision for revocation.

3.1 Wrong Password Login

As is noted in [21], it is desired that there is an authentication test (also known as local password verification) to reject the login request if a legal user \( A \) enters a wrong password. In Li et al.’s scheme, if \( A \) mistakenly enters a wrong password, say \( PW^{\prime}_{A} \) (\( PW^{\prime}_{A} \ne PW_{A} \)), then Step 1 of authentication phase is still performed. Specifically, the smart card still computes \( X^{\prime}_{A} = h(PW^{\prime}_{A} ||r) \oplus C_{A} \) instead of \( X_{A} = h(PW_{A} ||r) \oplus C_{A} \). In this case, \( A \) will send a wrong message \( \left\{ {aP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N^{\prime}_{A} } \right\} \) instead of the valid message \( \left\{ {aP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} } \right\} \). Thus, no authentication test is in place to reject wrong password, which shows the inefficiency of scheme in terms of the detection of incorrect input. This leads to unnecessarily extra communication and computational overheads during the login and authentication phase.

3.2 DOS Attack in the Password-Changing Phase

We also identify that Li et al.’s scheme suffers from DOS attack, also known as de-synchronization attack, in the password-changing phase [22]. An adversary \( I \) can mount this attack by blocking the second message in this phase. The details of the procedure are presented as follows.

  • Step 1. \( A \) follows the specification of password-changing phase, and submits \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,h(PW_{new} ||r^{\prime})) \) to \( SP \).

  • Step 2. \( SP \) obtains the new password of \( A \) by decrypting the received message. Then, \( SP \) selects \( R^{\prime} \in \left\{ { 0 , 1} \right\}^{ 6 4} \) and computes \( C^{\prime}_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R^{\prime}) \oplus h(PW_{new} ||r^{\prime}) \) for \( A \). \( SP \) stores the new value \( R^{\prime} \) instead of the old one \( R \), and sends \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,C^{\prime}_{A} ) \) to \( A \).

  • Step 3. \( I \) intercepts the message \( E_{{h(K||s_{1} )}} (ID_{A} ,C^{\prime}_{A} ) \). \( A \) cannot receive the message. The information in \( A \)‘s smart card with is still \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, r, \, C_{A} } \right\} \), where \( C_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R) \oplus h(PW_{A} ||r) \).

At this point, the value maintained by \( SP \) is the new value \( R^{\prime} \), while the value stored in the smart card is \( C_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R) \oplus h(PW_{A} ||r) \), which is computed by the old value \( R \). As a result, the authentication between \( A \) and \( SP \) is destined to fail when \( A \) initiates a new session to be authenticated by \( SP \).

3.3 No Provision for Revocation

In practice, revocation of lost/stolen smart card is one of the important security demands of smart card based authentication protocols [21]. If \( A \)‘s smart card is lost/stolen, some mechanism is needed to prevent the misuse of lost/stolen smart card. Otherwise, an attacker can impersonate \( A \) because the registration phase is incapable to detecting the re-registration with the old identity. To address this issue, the identity table must be maintained in the server’s database, through which the invalid smart card will be detected. However, most of the existing smart card based authentication schemes including Li et al.’s scheme fail to take revocation into consideration in their schemes.

4 Our Improved Scheme

To remedy these flaws presented in Sect. 3, we adopt the concept of fuzzy verifier proposed by Wang et al. [23, 24] to achieve wrong password detection and local password update. Specifically, we improve the authentication scheme of Li et al. in the following aspects. (1) The registration and authentication phase is revised to enable wrong password detection and revocation. (2) The password-changing phase is revised to avoid DOS attack. (3) Revocation and re-registration phase is added to prevent the misuse of lost/stolen smart card.

Our scheme consists of 4 phases: registration, authentication, password update, and revocation and re-registration.

4.1 Registration Phase

In the registration phase of our improve scheme, Step 1 is the same as Li et al.’s scheme. Step 2 and 3, which are different from Li et al.’s scheme, is given as follows.

  • Step 2. When receiving the messages, \( SP \) selects a random value \( R \in \left\{ { 0 , 1} \right\}^{ 6 4} \) and computes \( C_{A} = h(s||ID_{A} ||R) \oplus h(PW_{A} ||r) \) for \( A \). \( SP \) updates its identity information table with the new entry \( \left\{ {ID_{A} ,R} \right\} \), and issues a smart card which contains \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, C_{A} } \right\} \) to \( A \).

  • Step 3. When receiving the smart card, \( A \) computes \( HPW_{A} = h(h(PW_{A} ||r) {\text{mod}} m) \), where \( m \) is a medium integer, \( 2^{8} \le m \le 2^{16} \), which determines the capacity of the pool of the \( PW_{A} \) against offline password guessing attack [21]. Then \( A \) stores \( r \), \( HPW_{A} \) into the card. The security parameters in the smart card are \( \left\{ {ID_{A} , \, r,HPW_{A} , \, C_{A} } \right\} \).

4.2 Authentication and Key Exchange Phase

When \( A \) wants to access the ith cloud server \( CS_{i} \), he/she needs to complete the authentication and key exchange phase. Steps 2–5 are the same as Li et al.’s scheme. Step 1, which is different from Li et al.’s scheme, is given as follows.

  • Step 1. \( A \to CS_{i} \)

    \( A \) inserts his/her card and inputs his/her password \( PW_{A} \). Then, The smart card computes \( HPW^{\prime}_{A} = h(h(PW_{A} ||r)\,{\text{mod}}\,m) \). If the equation \( HPW_{A} ? = HPW^{\prime}_{A} \) does not hold, the card rejects the request. Otherwise, it continues to selects two random values \( a,r_{1} \in Z_{q}^{*} \). \( A \) computes \( K = h(a \cdot sP) \) and \( M_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ) \oplus ID_{A} \). Next, \( A \) reveals \( X_{A} = h(PW_{A} ||r) \oplus C_{A} \), computes \( N_{A} = h(K||r_{1} ||X_{A} ) \) as the authentication message, and sends \( \{ aP,r_{1} ,M_{A} ,N_{A} \} \) to the cloud server \( CS_{i} \).

4.3 Password Change Phase

In this phase, \( A \) update the password through the following steps.

  • Step 1. If \( A \) needs to change his password, he inserts his card into a terminal, and enters \( PW_{A} \).

  • Step 2. The smart card computes \( HPW^{\prime}_{A} = h(h(PW_{A} ||r) \, {\text{mod}} \, m) \). If the equation \( HPW_{A} ? = HPW^{\prime}_{A} \) does not hold, the card rejects the request. Otherwise, \( A \) selects a new password \( PW_{new} \), and calculates \( C^{\prime}_{A} = C_{A} \oplus h(PW_{A} ||r) \oplus h(PW_{new} ||r) \) and replace \( C_{A} \) with \( C^{\prime}_{A} \).

4.4 Revocation and Re-Registration Phase

In this phase, \( A \) can revoke his/her account and re-register without changing his/her identity \( ID_{A} \).

  1. 1.

    For revocation of \( A \)‘s account, \( SP \) verifies his/her personal identities, such as personal identification card, and then simply removes the random number \( R \) from the identity information table. After the revocation of \( A \)‘s account, \( SP \) rejects the login request since the corresponding random value \( R \) is not presented in the identity Table 

  2. 2.

    In the case of re-registration of \( A \) with the same identity \( ID_{A} \), \( SP \) verifies whether \( ID_{A} \) matches with any existing entry in the identity information table. If so, \( SP \) continues to check whether the status of \( A \) is inactive. If it is true, that is, \( A \) has been already registered but the status is inactive. \( SP \) executes the registration phase to reactivate \( A \)‘s account. Otherwise, the re-registration request is rejected.

5 Security and Efficiency Analysis

In this section, we present the security analysis of the proposed protocol. Due to limited space, we only show that the improved protocol can resist the attacks and provide the missing features presented in Sect. 3.

5.1 Wrong Password Login Freeness

As is presented in Sect. 3.1, there is no authentication test to reject the login request when a legal user \( A \) enters a wrong password, which will lead to inefficiency and unnecessary communication and computational overheads during the login and authentication phase. However, there is an inevitable tradeoff between wrong password detection and the resistance to offline password guessing attack when the smart card is lost/stolen. In the improved scheme, we adopt the concept of fuzzy verifier proposed by Wang et al. [23, 24]. On the one hand, it can be used to provide timely wrong password and fingerprint detection when login. Specifically, the smart card checks the validity of user input password \( PW_{A} \) before the authentication phase. Since the smart card computes \( HPW^{\prime}_{A} = h(h(PW_{A} ||r){{ \text{mod} }} m) \) and compares it with the stored value of \( HPW_{A} \) in its memory to verify the legitimacy of the user before the smart card proceeds to the following operations. On the other hand, the adversary has to perform online guessing to determine the correct password from as high as 2^12 candidates, which can be relatively easily detected and thwarted by the server by using rate-limiting and/or lockout policy [16]. Therefore, the problem of wrong password login is thwarted.

5.2 Immunity from DOS Attack in the Password-Changing Phase

In Li et al.’s scheme, if a legitimate user \( A \) wants to change her password, she has to send the new password in the request to \( SP \), and then waits for the reply from \( SP \) to update the user-specific security information stored in the smart card. This interactive process enables the adversary to de-synchronize the information stored in the smart card and that maintained by \( SP \). In our improved scheme, \( A \) can change her password without interacting with \( SP \). That is, the user-specific security parameters stored in the smart card can be updated locally. Moreover, the user-specific security parameters maintained by \( SP \) do not need to be updated during the password-changing phase. Thus, the risk of in-consistence is eliminated, and the adversary cannot de-synchronize the information of the smart card and \( SP \). Moreover, the fuzzy verifier mechanism is in place to resist wrong password entry. Therefore, DOS attack in the password-changing phase is thwarted.

5.3 Provision for Revocation and Re-Registration

In our scheme, the identity table is maintained by the service provider, through which the invalid smart card will be detected, as is presented in Sect. 4.4. As a result, revocation of lost/stolen smart card is accomplished, and the re-registration with the old identity is also detected.

5.4 Feature and Efficiency Comparison

We compare our proposed authentication scheme with existing authentication schemes [17, 25] in terms of security features. The results of comparison are shown in Table 2. From Table 2, it is obvious that our scheme is the only one which is capable of resisting all known attacks and fulfills the desirable security features.

Table 2. Comparison of security features

For efficiency analysis, we compare the time complexity of our scheme and the related schemes, including the registration phase, login phase and authentication phase. The following notations are defined to facilitate the analysis.

  • \( m \): the time complexity for scalar multiplication of ECC;

  • \( e \): the time complexity for symmetric key encryption/decryption;

  • \( h \): the time complexity of hash function.

The results of efficiency comparison are summarized in Table 3. Although the computation cost of our scheme is higher than that of [17, 25], we argue that this is because our scheme ensures the robustness of the authentication scheme and provides more security features. From Table 2, we can see that the scheme of Li et al. [25] fails to provide user anonymity and untraceability, and the scheme of Li et al. [17] cannot resist cloud server impersonation attack and denial of service attack. The additional computational cost is worthwhile in view of the security strength and features accomplished.

Table 3. Comparison of computation cost

6 Conclusion

Authentication is a necessity to ensure that sensitive data in the cloud are not available to illegal users. In this paper, we have used the authentication protocol of Li et al. as a case study and demonstrated the subtleties and challenges in designing a two-factor authentication and key agreement protocol. We have shown that their scheme is susceptible to the problem of wrong password login. Furthermore, their scheme is prone to DOS attack in the password-changing phase. Finally, it fails to provide user revocation when the mobile device is lost or stolen. Then, we have proposed an improved authentication and key agreement protocol to remedy these drawbacks in Li et al.’s scheme. We have shown that the proposed protocol can withstand various known attacks and provide more security features compared with Li et al.’s protocol.