1 Introduction

In this note, we only consider finite simple graphs. A strong k-edge-coloring of a graph G is a mapping \(\phi :E(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots ,k\}\) such that if any two edges e and f are either adjacent to each other or adjacent to a common edge in G, then \(\phi (e)\ne \phi (f)\). The strong chromatic index of G, denoted by \(\chi '_s(G)\), is the minimum integer k for which G has a strong k-edge-coloring. This concept was first introduced by Fouquet and Jolivet [8, 9] and was used to solve a problem involving radio networks and their frequencies (more details on this application can be found in [18, 19]).

A well-known conjecture of Erdős and Nešetřil [5, 6] states that for any graph G with maximum degree \(\Delta \), \(\chi '_s(G)\le \frac{5}{4}\Delta ^2\) if \(\Delta \) is even and \(\chi '_s(G)\le \frac{5}{4}\Delta ^2-\frac{1}{2}\Delta +\frac{1}{4}\) if \(\Delta \) is odd. This conjecture is still wide open. For graphs with \(\Delta \le 3\) (such graphs are often referred to as subcubic graphs), the conjecture was confirmed by Andersen [1], and independently by Horák, Qing and Trotter [11]. For graphs with \(\Delta =4\), an upper bound of 21 was proved by Huang, Santana and Yu [12] (note that the conjectured bound is 20). For sufficiently large \(\Delta \), Molloy and Reed [17] showed that \(\chi '_s(G)\le 1.998\Delta ^2\) by applying probabilistic techniques. This was later improved to \(1.93\Delta ^2\) by Bruhn and Joos [3], and then to \(1.835\Delta ^2\) by Bonamy, Perrett and Postle [2]. The current best known upper bound is \(1.772\Delta ^2\), which was recently derived by Hurley, de Joannis de Verclos and Kang [13].

The strong chromatic index of planar graphs has been intensively studied. Faudree et al. [7] proved that \(\chi '_s(G)\le 4\Delta +4\) for any planar graph G with maximum degree \(\Delta \), and showed that there exists a planar graph G with \(\chi '_s(G)= 4\Delta -4\) for any \(\Delta \ge 2\). Hocquard, Ochem and Valicov [10] proved that \(\chi '_s(G)\le 3\Delta -3\) for any outerplanar graph G with maximum degree \(\Delta \ge 3\), and constructed an example showing that the upper bound is the best possible. Confirming a conjecture of Faudree et al. [7], Kostochka et al. [14] proved that \(\chi '_s(G)\le 9\) for any subcubic planar graph G. For planar graphs with maximum degree 4, an upper bound of 19 was obtained by Wang et al. [20].

A graph is said to be claw-free if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{1,3}\). Dȩbski, Junosza-Szaniawski and Śleszyńska-Nowak [4] showed that \(\chi '_s(G)\le \frac{9}{8}\Delta ^2+\Delta \) for any claw-free graph G with maximum degree \(\Delta \). This verified the aforementioned conjecture of Erdős and Nešetřil for claw-free graphs with maximum degree at least 12. For any integer \(n\ge 3\), the n-prism \(H_n\) is the Cartesian product \(C_n\square K_2\). In 2022, Lv, Li and Zhang [16] proved that \(\chi '_s(G)\le 8\) for any connected claw-free subcubic graph G other than the 3-prism, and asked whether the upper bound 8 can be improved to 7. Very recently, Lin and Lin [15] solved this problem and constructed infinitely many connected claw-free subcubic graphs with the strong chromatic index attaining the upper bound 7.

Theorem 1.1

(Lin and Lin [15]) If G is a connected claw-free subcubic graph not isomorphic to the 3-prism, then \(\chi '_s(G)\le 7\).

It is easy to observe that if G is a connected claw-free cubic graph, then \(\chi '_s(G)\ge 6\). Hence, Theorem 1.1 implies that \(\chi '_s(G)\in \{6,7\}\) for any connected claw-free cubic graph G other than the 3-prism.

Let \(H_n^{\Delta }\) denote the graph obtained from the n-prism \(H_n\) by replacing each vertex with a triangle. It is clear that \(H_n^{\Delta }\) is a connected claw-free cubic graph. At the end of their paper, Lin and Lin [15] suggested three questions for future research, one of which is as follows.

Question 1.2

(Lin and Lin [15]) Is it true that \(\chi '_s(H_n^{\Delta })=6\) for any integer \(n\ge 3\)?

The main objective of this short note is to give an affirmative answer to this question.

2 The proof

In this section, we prove the following theorem which answers Question 1.2 affirmatively.

Theorem 2.1

\(\chi '_s(H_n^{\Delta })=6\) for any integer \(n\ge 3\).

Proof For the sake of simplicity, suppose that \(V(H_n^{\Delta })=\{u_i,v_i,w_i,x_i,y_i,z_i:1\le i\le n\}\) and \(E(H_n^{\Delta })=\{u_iv_i,v_iu_{i+1},u_iw_i,v_iw_i,x_iy_i,y_ix_{i+1}, x_iz_i,y_iz_i,w_iz_i:1\le i\le n\}\), where the subscripts are taken modulo n. An illustration is depicted in Fig. .

Fig. 1
figure 1

The graph \(H_{n}^{\Delta }\)

As we mentioned in the Introduction, it is easy to observe that \(\chi '_s(H_n^{\Delta })\ge 6\). (One can notice that for each \(i=1,2,\ldots ,n\), the six edges incident to \(u_i,v_i\) or \(w_i\) must be colored with distinct colors.) Hence to prove Theorem 2.1, it suffices to show that \(H_n^{\Delta }\) admits a strong 6-edge-coloring which implies that \(\chi '_s(H_n^{\Delta })\le 6\). We consider two cases according to the parity of n.

Case 1 n is even.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_{2k}^{\Delta }\)

Fig. 3
figure 3

A strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_{3}^{\Delta }\)

Fig. 4
figure 4

A strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_{2k+1}^{\Delta }\)

Then \(n=2k\) for some integer \(k\ge 2\). We define an edge-coloring \(\phi \) of \(H_{2k}^{\Delta }\) as follows:

  1. (1.1)

    for each \(i=1,2,\ldots ,2k\), let \(\phi (u_iw_i)=1\), \(\phi (v_iw_i)=2\), \(\phi (x_iz_i)=3\) and \(\phi (y_iz_i)=4\);

  2. (1.2)

    for each \(i=1,3,\ldots ,2k-1\), let \(\phi (w_iz_i)=5\), \(\phi (u_iv_i)=\phi (x_iy_i)=6\), \(\phi (v_iu_{i+1})=3\) and \(\phi (y_ix_{i+1})=1\); and

  3. (1.3)

    for each \(i=2,4,\ldots ,2k\), let \(\phi (w_iz_i)=6\), \(\phi (u_iv_i)=\phi (x_iy_i)=5\), \(\phi (v_iu_{i+1})=4\) and \(\phi (y_ix_{i+1})=2\).

See Fig.  for an illustration. It is easy to verify that \(\phi \) is a strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_{2k}^{\Delta }\).

Case 2 n is odd.

If \(n=3\), then a strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_3^{\Delta }\) is given in Fig. . So we may assume that \(n\ge 5\), and hence \(n=2k+1\) for some integer \(k\ge 2\). We define an edge-coloring \(\psi \) of \(H_{2k+1}^{\Delta }\) as follows:

  1. (2.1)

    for each \(i=1,2,\ldots ,2k+1\), let \(\psi (u_iw_i)=1\), \(\psi (v_iw_i)=2\), \(\psi (x_iz_i)=3\) and \(\psi (y_iz_i)=4\);

  2. (2.2)

    for each \(i=1,3,\ldots ,2k-1\), let \(\psi (w_iz_i)=5\), \(\psi (u_iv_i)=\psi (x_iy_i)=6\), \(\psi (v_iu_{i+1})=3\) and \(\psi (y_ix_{i+1})=1\);

  3. (2.3)

    for each \(i=2,4,\ldots ,2k-2\), let \(\psi (w_iz_i)=6\), \(\psi (u_iv_i)=\psi (x_iy_i)=5\), \(\psi (v_iu_{i+1})=4\) and \(\psi (y_ix_{i+1})=2\); and

  4. (2.4)

    for the remaining uncolored edges, let \(\psi (x_{2k+1}y_{2k+1})=1\), \(\psi (x_{2k}y_{2k})=\psi (y_{2k+1}x_1)=2\), \(\psi (u_{2k+1}v_{2k+1})=3\), \(\psi (u_{2k}v_{2k})=\psi (v_{2k+1}u_1)=4\), \(\psi (w_{2k}z_{2k})=\psi (w_{2k+1}z_{2k+1})=5\), and \(\psi (v_{2k}u_{2k+1})=\psi (y_{2k}x_{2k+1})=6\).

Please refer to Fig.  for a detailed illustration. One can easily check that \(\psi \) is a strong 6-edge-coloring of \(H_{2k+1}^{\Delta }\). This completes the proof of the theorem. \(\square \)