1 Introduction

As artificial intelligence (AI) develops at a rapid pace and apps such as ChatGPT become more popular, social issues arising from AI are beginning to emerge[1]. ChatGPT generates content that is almost "fake", which is a great challenge for intellectual property protection.

Currently, the discrimination of AI-generated content can be done mainly by two technical ways: 1) identifying the features of the content generated by the AI model through algorithms, so as to identify whether the corresponding content is generated by AI; 2) adding a specific identifier to the AI-generated content, we can distinguish whether the corresponding content is generated by AI. Therefore, digital watermarking may be an effective solution.

Digital watermarking embed some identifying information (e.g., author ID and company Logo) into a digital carrier without compromising its original value. In case of copyright disputes, the identification information extracted is used to prove the copyright ownership. Digital watermarking can be applied to images [2,3,4], video [5,6,7], audio [8,9,10] and other digital objects. Embedding watermarks in digital audio signals is more difficult than embedding watermarks in digital images, mainly because the human auditory system has a higher sensitivity compared to the visual system, and in this paper, audio watermarking is investigated.

The audio watermarking algorithm mainly has the following characteristics: 1) imperceptibility: the audio signal after adding the watermark is imperceptible to the human ear. Generally, subjective quality evaluation and objective quality evaluation are used to evaluate. 2) Security: The watermarked information should be secure and difficult to tamper with or forge, and only legally authorized people should be able to detect the watermark. 3) Robustness: The watermark can still be correctly extracted after some attacks. 4) Payload: The payload of an audio signal refers to the number of watermarks embedded in the signal per unit of time, usually in bits per second (bps), while satisfying certain imperceptibility and robustness.

In recent years, researchers have used different techniques for audio watermarking scheme design, such as Spread Spectrum(SS), patchwork and Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) techniques.

In the SS-based paper [8], the spread spectrum sequence is embedded as watermark bits in the audio segment, and then the spread spectrum sequence is correlated with the watermark to extract the watermark. The SS-based watermarking method has a simple structure, but there is the problem of host signal interference, which affects the correct extraction of the watermark. To solve the problem of host signal interference, researchers have designed different watermark embedding functions [9,10,11]. In addition, a new SS-based algorithm [12] is proposed to adaptively adjust the amplitude of PN sequences to maximize the perceptual quality according to the audio segment characteristics, and then the corresponding PN sequence is embedded into a pair of sub-segments with similar properties in the audio segment. This scheme further reduces the interference of host signals on watermark extraction and thus enhances the robustness, compared with [9,10,11], the algorithm in [12] has a higher embedding capacity, but it has low computational efficiency and does not eliminate the interference problem of host signals. Based on [12], a new watermarking scheme[13] is proposed by the same author, which makes the host signal and the watermark component have the same polarity in extracting the watermark, thus eliminating the host signal interference. Compared with [12], this method has lower computational complexity. However, many audio watermarking methods based on SS have limited embedding capacity.

Audio watermarking algorithms based on patchwork have also received widespread attention. In paper [14], the authors divides the DCT coefficients into multiple pairs of frames and then selects the appropriate DCT frame pairs using the proposed criterion, and finally embeds the watermark into these pairs of frames by changing the relevant DCT coefficients under the control of the PN sequence. The selection criteria used by the algorithm in the embedding phase can also be used in the decoding phase. Based on [14], a watermarking scheme that can prevent de-synchronization attacks based on patchwork is proposed in paper [15]. The watermark is first inserted into the DCT coefficients of the audio signal, and subsequently, a set of synchronization sequences are embedded into the logarithmic DCT (LDCT) coefficients. When extracting the watermark, the position of synchronization bit in LDCT domain is analyzed to determine whether the received signal suffers from a de-synchronization attack. A multi-layer watermarking scheme based on patchwork technique is proposed in Paper [16]. The method can repeatedly embed the watermark by overlay in any order, without affecting the watermarking in other layers. The proposed DCT coefficient ordering ensures good imperceptibility, and the introduction of error buffer improves the algorithm’s ability to withstand various conventional attacks. Liu et al. [17] proposed a new audio signal feature. Through analysis, the author concluded that the residuals of two groups of the frequency-domain coefficient logarithmic mean (FDLM) features are very resistant to some audio attacks. The residuals of FDLM features of two adjacent groups are represented as RFDLM features, and the watermark is embedded into RFDLM features to obtain watermarked signals.

The SVD technique is widely utilized by audio watermarking researchers because of the stability of its singular values after being attacked. In paper [18], an SVD-based adaptive audio watermarking scheme is proposed, which adaptively embeds the watermark into the singular values of each wavelet block by quantization index modulation (QIM). Although this adaptive method ensures the perceptual transparency of the watermarking scheme, it is not robust enough against echo addition and resampling attacks and has a low watermark capacity (45.9 bps). In paper [19], a watermarking algorithm based on SVD is proposed. After LWT\DWT transform and DCT transform are performed on the host signal to get the DCT coefficient, SVD operation is further performed to obtain the singular value, and the singular values are embedded in the watermark by adaptive DM quantization. The method enhances the robustness of the algorithm by the SVD technique and effectively solves the conflict between robustness and imperceptibility by DE optimization. A new SVD watermarking scheme based on entropy and log-polar transform (LPT) is proposed in [20]. The method segments the low-frequency DCT coefficients of each frame and calculates the entropy value of each segment, selects the DCT segment with the largest entropy value, and then embeds the watermark into the Cartesian component with the largest singular value of the segment. This scheme has high embedding capability, but is weak against resampling and MP3 compression attacks. In Paper [21], an SVD-based dual-domain watermarking scheme is proposed. After segmenting the original audio and dividing each segment into equal length frames, the most energetic voiced frame is extracted. In this voiced frame, a time-domain implicit synchronization mechanism (ISM) method is proposed to search for a suitable embedding region, and DCT and SVD are applied to this region. Finally, watermark embedding is achieved by quantizing the obtained singular values. In paper [22], the authors propose a new watermarking scheme based on the ratio of frequency singular value coefficients. The algorithm divides each frame signal into two segments and performs DCT on both segments separately, after selecting the DCT coefficients of the mid-frequency segment for SVD processing and then modifies the ratio of the singular values of the two segments to embed the watermark bits.

Previous watermarking algorithms based on SVD usually modify only a single singular value to embed the watermark [18,19,20,21] or embed the ratio of two singular values [22], and do not guarantee high imperceptibility and robustness with a certain capacity. However, we propose a new watermarking scheme based on SVD, which utilizes the mean of two singular values for algorithm design to improve the robustness of the scheme, and an adaptive method to maximize the perceptual quality while still having good embedding capacity.

In this scheme, the original signal is firstly divided into frames and each frame is transformed by three-layer DWT to obtain the corresponding DWT coefficient. Second, the DWT coefficients of each frame are sub-sampled to obtain two equal-length coefficient vectors, and the average of the two singular values is calculated after the corresponding singular values are obtained by performing SVD operations on the two vectors. Third, the obtained mean value and the adaptively generated embedding parameters are used to modify the two singular values to realize watermark embedding.

This paper has the following advantages:

  1. 1.

    Previous SVD-based algorithms modify only one singular value or the ratio of two SVD segments. We use the mean value of two singular values for watermark embedding algorithm design, which makes the algorithm have good robustness.

  2. 2.

    The proposed adaptive watermark embedding method can generate different size embedding parameters according to different characteristics of each frame signal, which helps to improve the perceptual quality.

  3. 3.

    This scheme has no need for the original audio signal and embedding parameters during watermark extraction.

The rest of the paper is summarized below. Section 2 provides a preliminary introduction to DWT and SVD. Section 3 presents a detailed description of the proposed audio watermarking algorithm. In Section 4, the simulation results of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated. Finally, Section 5 gives the conclusion.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)

DWT is a signal analysis method with multi-resolution capability in temporal and frequency domain, which has been widely used in digital watermarking direction. For a one-dimensional signal, the signal S is passed through a low-pass filter G and a high-pass filter H, respectively, and then a down-sampling operation can be performed to obtain the approximation coefficients \(cA^{1}\) (low frequency) and the detail coefficients \(cD^{1}\) (high frequency), respectively, as shown in Fig. 1, where n denotes the number of sampling points. After decomposing to obtain the approximate coefficients \(cA^{1}\) and the detail coefficients \(cD^{1}\), \(cA^{1}\) can be further decomposed to approximation component cA2 and the detail component \(cD^{2}\). Similarly, \(cA^{2}\) can be decomposed into approximation coefficients \(cA^{3}\) and detail coefficients \(cD^{3}\). Figure 2 illustrates the three-level DWT decomposition. By continuously decomposing the approximate components, the signal can be decomposed into many low-resolution components.

Fig. 1
figure 1

One level DWT decomposition

Fig. 2
figure 2

3 level DWT decomposition

In this paper, the decomposition level of DWT is determined by the frequency fs, because after n-order wavelet decomposition of audio with sampling frequency fs, the frequency range of wavelet approximation coefficient is [0 -\(fs/2^{n}\)][23], while the frequency distribution of audio signals that can be perceived by the human ear is between 2-5kHz. For an audio signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1kHz, the approximation coefficient will contain the most audio energy when a 3-layer wavelet transform is applied. We also tested several commonly used wavelets, such as "haar", "db" and "mexh", and the different wavelet bases had no significant effect on the experimental performance. When the reader has other data sets, the haar wavelet can meet our needs. Therefore, we use the "haar" wavelet and choose n=3 for the experiment.

2.2 Singular value decomposition (SVD)

Singular Value Decomposition provides a very convenient way of matrix decomposition that can be used to extract the essential information from digital signals. For any \(m\times n\) size matrix A, we define its SVD transformation as:

$$\begin{aligned} A = U\Sigma V^{T} \end{aligned}$$

Where U and V are unitary matrices of size \(m\times m\) and \(n\times n\), respectively, i.e., satisfying \(U^{T}U=I\), \(V^{T}V=I\). \(\Sigma \) is a matrix of size \(m\times n\) with all zeros except on the main diagonal, where the numbers on the main diagonal are called singular values, and the superscript T denotes the transpose operation.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Watermark embedding process

3 Proposed scheme

3.1 Watermark encryption

Considering the security requirements of the watermarking algorithm, we use Logistic chaotic mapping to encrypt the watermarking image. Equation (2) gives the definition of Logistic:

$$\begin{aligned} y(i+1) = \mu \times y(i) [1-y(i)], \hspace{1em} {1< i < m \times n} \end{aligned}$$

where y(i) is the i-th sample point in y, \(m\times n\) is the size of the watermark image. There are three main initial logical chaotic mapping parameters, \(y_{0}\), \(\mu \) and T, and the logistic mapping of states is chaotic when the mapping equations satisfy the two conditions \(0<y_{0}<1\) and \(3.5699456<\mu \le 4\). So in this paper, we randomly set \(y_{0} = 0.78\) and \(\mu = 3.5821656\). With \(y_{0}\), \(\mu \) and formula 2, obviously, we have \(y(i)\in (0,1)\).

Then using (3) we can get a binary sequence z(i).

$$\begin{aligned} z(i)=\left\{ \begin{aligned}&= 0,{} & {} { y(i)< T} \\&= 1,{} & {} otherwise \end{aligned} \right. {1< i < m \times n} \end{aligned}$$

where z(i) is the i-th sample point in z. T is a predefined threshold, and from (3), we can see that the range of the threshold value T must be in the range of (0,1), so we randomly select the value of T, here \(T=0.6\). In this paper, \(y_{0}\), \(\mu \) and T are used as keys to ensure the security of the proposed method.

Convert a binary watermark image I to a one-dimensional sequence w, \(w=\{ w(i)\), \(1\le i \le m \times n \} \), finally, w(i) is encrypted with z(i) to obtain the encrypted watermark by the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{w}(i)=w(i) \oplus z(i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\bar{w}(i)\) is the i-th encrypted watermark bit and \( \oplus \) is the XOR operation.

3.2 Watermark embedding

Let I be a gray scale image of size \(m\times n\). The scrambled binary sequence \(\bar{w}\) of size \(L_{w}\) is used as a watermark for watermark embedding. The watermark embedding flowchart is shown in Fig. 3, and the detailed steps of the embedding process are as follows:

  1. (1)

    The original speech signal S(n), \((1\le n\le L)\) is decomposed into frames, where L is the length of the audio. To facilitate the calculation, each frame length ls is calculated according to (5).

    $$\begin{aligned} ls=16*\lfloor L/(16*N)\rfloor \end{aligned}$$

    where the symbol \(\lfloor .\rfloor \) is the round down operation and N is the number of frames.

  2. (2)

    For each frame \(x_{i}(n) ( 1\le i\le N\), \(1 \le n \le ls),\) a 3-level DWT transform is applied to generate the approximation coefficients \((CA_{i}^{3}(j))\) and a set of detail coefficients \((CD_{i}^{3}(j)\), \(CD_{i}^{2}(j)\), \(CD_{i}^{1}(j))\), \((1\le i \le N\), \(1 \le j \le ls/(2^{3})\). To ensure that the algorithm is resistant to various attacks, we choose the high-energy approximation coefficient \(CA_{i}^{3}(j)\) for the watermark embedding, naming \(CA_{i}^{3}(j)\) as \(X_{i}\) and performing the following operations.

  3. (3)

    The approximate coefficient vector \(X_{i}(j),( 1\le i\le N, 1\le j\le ls/(2^{3}))\), of each frame is decomposed into two related sub-vectors \(X_{i,1}\) and \(X_{i,2}\), using the following sub-sampling operation:

    $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} X_{i,1} (k)&= X_{i}(2k-1); \\ X_{i,2} (k)&= X_{i}(2k). \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$

    where \(k = 1, ... , ls/(2^{4}).\)

  4. (4)

    Performing SVD on \(X_{i,1} and X_{i,2}\), we can obtain

    $$\begin{aligned} X_{i,j }= U_{i,j}\Lambda _{i,j}V_{i,j}^{T} \end{aligned}$$

    Where \(X_{i,j}\) denotes the approximate coefficient of the j-th sub-vector of frame i, (\(1\le i\le N, j=1,2\)), \(U_{i,j}\) and \(V_{i,j}\) are unitary matrices, \(\Lambda _{i,j}\) is a diagonal matrix, and the superscript T denotes transpose operation. The values on the main diagonal of \(\Lambda _{i,j}\) are singular values. since each frame of the signal is a one-dimensional vector, \(\Lambda _{i,j}\) will have only one singular value. We denote the singular values of each frame sub-vector as \(\lambda _{i,1}\), \(\lambda _{i,2}\).

  5. (5)

    \(\bar{w}(i)\) \((1\le i\le N)\)represents the i-th scrambled watermark bit, and the singular values \(\lambda _{i,1}\), \(\lambda _{i,2}\) of each frame sub-vector are embedded in the watermark using the differential embedding technique [24]. Then two modified singular values \(\lambda _{i,1}^{'}\), \(\lambda _{i,2}^{'}\) are obtained and the embedding rules are shown below: When \(\bar{w}(i)=1\), execute (8)

    $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} \lambda _{i,1}^{'}&= \frac{1}{2} (\lambda _{i,1} +\lambda _{i,2} ) + \Delta _{i}, \\ \lambda _{i,2}^{'}&=\frac{1}{2} (\lambda _{i,1} +\lambda _{i,2} ) - \Delta _{i}. \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$

    When \(\bar{w}(i)=0\), execute (9)

    $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} \lambda _{i,1}^{'}&= \frac{1}{2} (\lambda _{i,1} +\lambda _{i,2} ) - \Delta _{i}, \\ \lambda _{i,2}^{'}&=\frac{1}{2} (\lambda _{i,1} +\lambda _{i,2} ) + \Delta _{i}. \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\Delta _{i}\) denotes the embedding parameter of the i-th frame, which is calculated by the adaptive method proposed in this paper, which will be given in Section 3.4

  6. (6)

    After obtaining the modified singular values, the original singular values \(\lambda _{i,1}\), \(\lambda _{i,2}\) are replaced by the modified singular values \(\lambda _{i,1}^{'}\) and \(\lambda _{i,2}^{'}\) to obtain the modified diagonal matrices \(\Lambda _{i,1}^{'}\) and \(\Lambda _{i,2}^{'} \) . Then the sub-vector \(X_{i,j}^{'}\) of the modified approximate coefficient of i-frame is obtained by SVD inverse operation:

    $$\begin{aligned} X_{i,j}^{'}= U_{i,j}\Lambda _{i,j}^{'}V_{i,j}^{T} \end{aligned}$$
  7. (7)

    The two modified sub-vectors \(X_{i,1}^{'}\) and \(X_{i,2}^{'}\) are connected using the inverse of the sub-sampling described above to generate the modified approximate coefficient vector \(X_{i}^{'}\) for the i-th frame.

    $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} X_{i}^{'}(2k-1)&= X_{i,1}^{'}(k)\\ X_{i}^{'}(2k)&= X_{i,2}^{'}(k) \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$

    where \(k = 1, ... , ls/(2^{4}).\)

  8. (8)

    The i-th modified frame \(x_{i}^{'}\) is obtained by performing the inverse 3-level DWT transform on the modified approximation components \(X_{i}^{'}\) and the original set of detail components.

  9. (9)

    Connect all modified frames \(x_{i}^{'}\) to get watermarked audio \(S^{'}\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Watermark extracting process

3.3 Watermark extraction

It should be noted that this scheme does not require the original audio signal nor embedding parameters in the watermark extraction process. The watermark extraction process is shown in Fig. 4, and the specific implementation process is as follows:

We let \(S^{*}\) represent the audio signal with watermark, through the previous four steps in Section 3.2, we can get the singular value \(\lambda _{i,1}^{*}\), \(\lambda _{i,2}^{*}\) of the two sub-vectors of frame i and calculate the difference between them:

$$\begin{aligned} d(i)= \lambda _{i,1}^{*}-\lambda _{i,1}^{*} \end{aligned}$$

Then the i-th encrypted watermark bit can be extracted using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned} \hat{w}(i)&=1, if d(i)\ge 1 ; \\ \hat{w}(i)&=0, otherwise. \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$

\(\hat{w}(i)\) is the encrypted watermark bits extracted from the \(i-\)th frame. After getting the encrypted watermark \(\hat{w}(i)\), use formula (2) and formula (3), and the secret keys \(y_{0}\), \(\mu \), T to generate the binary sequence z(i). Finally, the encrypted watermark sequence is decrypted by (14):

$$\begin{aligned} w^{*}(i)=z(i) \oplus \hat{w}(i) \end{aligned}$$

Finally, the binary sequence \(w^{*}(i)\) is converted to a matrix of size \(m \times n\) to obtain the watermarked image.

3.4 Adaptive quantization method

Most existing audio watermarking schemes use fixed quantization parameters without considering the characteristics of the audio signal, which degrades the perceptual quality to some extent. The proposed adaptive method uses SNR value and the characteristics of each frame audio signal to obtain different sizes of quantization values, which improves the perceptual quality.

$$\begin{aligned} S\!N\!R=10\log _{10}\Bigg (\frac{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L} s^{2}(i)}{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L}(s(i)-s^{'}(i))^{2}}\Bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

where s(i) and \(s^{'}(i)\) represent the original audio signal and the watermarked audio signal, respectively.

Let the initial \(S\!N\!R\) be denoted as \(S\!N\!R_{0}\), and after the 3-level DWT, the energy change satisfies the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} S\!N\!R_{0}=10\log _{10}\Bigg (\frac{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L/8} c^{2}(i)}{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L/8}(c(i)-c^{'}(i))^{2}}\Bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

where c(i) and \(c^{'}(i)\) denote the approximate components of the original and embedded watermarked audio signals, respectively.

After sub-sampling to obtain the two-segment vector and performing the SVD operation on the two-segment vector, according to the conclusion in paper [22], the power of the coefficient vector is equal to the square of the singular value, so we can obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} S\!N\!R_{0}=10\log _{10}\Bigg (\frac{\lambda _{i,j}^{2}}{(\lambda _{i,j}-\lambda _{i,j}^{'})^{2}}\Bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda _{i,j}\) and \(\lambda _{i,j}^{'}\) represent the original and watermarked singular values of the j-th sub-vector of frame i, respectively

According to the embedding rules above, for the watermark to be extracted correctly, we need to ensure that:

$$\begin{aligned} |\lambda _{i,j}-\lambda _{i,j}^{'} |\le \Delta _{i} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Delta _{i}\) denotes the embedding parameter of the i-th frame.

Using (17) and (18), we can obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} 10^{-S\!N\!R_{0}/10}*\lambda _{i,j}^{2}=(\lambda _{i,j}-\lambda _{i,j}^{'})^{2} \le \Delta _{i}^{2} \end{aligned}$$

From (19), we can obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} \sqrt{10^{-S\!N\!R_{0}/10}*\lambda _{i,j}^{2}} \le \Delta _{i} \end{aligned}$$

It can be seen from the above discussion that \(S\!N\!R_{0}\) is used to control the noise of watermark, and the quantization step of each frame signal is generated adaptively according to the characteristics of each frame signal to maximize the perceived quality. In the embedding process, the specific adaptive formula is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta _{i}=\sqrt{10^{-S\!N\!R_{0}/10}*(\lambda _{i,1}^{2}+\lambda _{i,2}^{2})} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda _{i,1}\) and \(\lambda _{i,2}\) are the singular values of the two sub-vectors of the i-th frame, respectively, and in the experiment we set \(S\!N\!R_{0}=30\).

4 Experimental results

The experiments were executed on a Windows 10 laptop with Intel Core-i5-8250 U 1.60 GHz processor and 8.00 GB RAM, MATLAB 2021a and Adobe Audition CC 2018 were used to implement the proposed watermarking algorithm and attack the watermarked signal. We downloaded different audio signals including dance, folk, pop, English, French and Spanish from the Internet to simulate the performance of the proposed scheme. We changed the stereo to mono and cropped the selected audio file into an audio segment of about 10s, sampled at 44.1 kHz, and quantized using 16 bits in waveform format. The experiments use a binary image of size \(32 \times 32 = 1024\) bits as a watermark embedded in the audio signal. The initial logistic chaotic mapping parameters \(y_{0}\), \(\mu \), T are 0.78, 3.5821656, 0.6, respectively. The quantization step is determined by the proposed adaptive method and the level of DWT is 3.

4.1 Data payload

The data payload of an audio watermarking algorithm is defined as the number of bits per unit time embedded in the original signal, usually in bits per second (bps) units, as shown in (22):

$$\begin{aligned} P=\frac{B}{D} \end{aligned}$$

P represents the watermark capacity, B represents the number of bits embedded into the original audio signal, and D represents the time duration of the original audio signal. The duration of the original audio used in the proposed scheme is 10s, and the embedded watermark image size is \(32\times 32=1024\) bit, so the watermark payload of the proposed scheme is 102.4bps, which meets the requirements of IFBI (Watermark capacity over20 bps)[25].

4.2 Imperceptibility

Imperceptibility refers to the fact that the watermark is embedded in the original signal and is not easily perceived, i.e., it does not impair the quality of the original audio. In the experiments, we use both subjective quality evaluation and objective quality evaluation to assess the quality of the audio signal with watermark.

  1. i)

    Subjective Difference Grade (SDG) is a common subjective evaluation metric in which the tester is provided with both the original and watermarked audio for listening, and the testers are asked to rate the degree of difference between the two. As shown in Table 1, the SDG is generally divided into 5 levels, and the closer the SDG value is to 0, the smaller the difference between the audio before and after embedding the watermark, and the better the imperceptibility.

  2. ii)

    Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is one of the objective evaluation criteria commonly used in audio watermarking technology, which is defined in (1).

    $$\begin{aligned} S\!N\!R=10\log _{10}\Bigg (\frac{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L} s^{2}(i)}{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{L}(s(i)-s^{'}(i))^{2}}\Bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

    Where s(i) and \(s^{'}(i)\) represent audio signals before and after watermark embedding respectively. SNR reflects the overall distortion of watermarked audio. The larger the value, the smaller the distortion of audio signal and the better the imperceptibility of watermark.

  3. iii)

    The Objective Difference Grade (ODG) is obtained through the Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) [26, 27] algorithm using artificial neural networks, which takes into account the characteristics of the HAS (Human Auditory System) and compensates for the shortcomings of SNR which ignores the auditory perception of the human ear. The ODG value is between -4 and 0, and the closer its value is to 0 means that the algorithm has better transparency, which is shown in Table 1. We used a Matlab program published by the TSP Lab at McGill University[28] to implement the PEAQ metrics for imperceptibility testing.

Table 1 Subjective and objective different grades
Table 2 SNR, SDG and ODG for different audio signals using the proposed algorithm
Fig. 5
figure 5

Original, watermarked and difference waveforms of audio signal "folk"

Fig. 6
figure 6

Original, watermarked and difference waveforms of audio signal "french"

Table 2 gives the measured values of different evaluation metrics for different types of audio signal. From the figure, we can see that all audio signals have the SNR values greater than 20db and can reach up to 26.9154db, meeting the requirements of IFPI. The ODG values are all greater than -1, indicating that the proposed scheme exhibits good imperceptibility. Furthermore, the SDG is close to 0, indicating that the testers had a difficult perceptual distinction between original and watermarked audio.

Figures 5 and 6 show the time domain representations of different types of original audio signals and watermarked audio signals and the differences between them, respectively. As can be seen from these two graphs, the waveform plots of the original and watermarked signals are very similar with very small differences, that the human eye can barely distinguish them, indicating the good transparency of our algorithm.

Table 3 The BER values and the NC values under different attacks (the test signals are music)

4.3 Robustness

Robustness is used to evaluate the ability of the watermarking algorithm to extract the watermark correctly even after it has been subjected to different attacks. Bit Error Rate (BER) is one of the evaluation criteria for robustness of audio watermarking algorithms and its definition is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} BER=\dfrac{B_{ERR}}{B_{T}} \times 100\% \end{aligned}$$

\(B_{ERR}\) indicates the number of bits extracted incorrectly and \(B_{T}\) indicates the total number of bits embedded. The smaller value of BER indicates the better attack resistance of the proposed scheme.

Researchers commonly use Normalized Cross-Correlation (NC) to measure the similarity between the original watermarked image and the extracted watermarked image. Since a binary image is embedded as a watermark in this experiment, we use the NC value as another indicator of robustness, which is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} NC=\dfrac{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^m\sum \nolimits _{j=1}^n W(i,j)W^{*}(i,j)}{\sqrt{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^m\sum \nolimits _{j=1}^n W^{2}(i,j)}\sqrt{\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^m\sum \nolimits _{j=1}^n W^{*^{2}}(i,j)}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(m \times n\) is the size of the watermark. W(ij) and \(W^{*}(i,j)\) respectively represent the original and extracted watermark images.

Table 4 The BER values and the NC values under different attacks (the test signals are speech)

We use some common signal processing operations as shown below to attack the watermarked signals:

  • AWGN: White Gaussian noise with a signal-to-noise ratio of 30dB is added to the watermarked signal.

  • Re-sampling: The watermarked audio signal is first down-sampled to half the original sampling rate, and then up-sampled to the original sampling rate.

  • Re-quantization: Quantize each watermark signal sample from 16 bits to 8 bits, and then to 16 bits again.

  • Amplitude scaling: Scale the amplitude of the watermarked audio signal by ±10% and ±20%.

  • Echo addition: Add the echo signal of the host signal to the watermark signal with an amplitude of 20% and a delay of 0.5s.

  • MP3 compression: The watermarked signal is compressed by MPEG-1 Layer-III, and its format is converted from wav to mp3 and back to wav with compressed bit rates are 128kbps and 64kbps respectively.

  • AAC attack: The watermarked signals are compressed using a compression technique based on MPEG-4 advanced audio coding with a compression bit rate of 128 kbps.

  • Cropping: The number of samples in the watermarked audio is randomly set to zero.

Tables 3 and 4 show the BER and NC values of different audio signals after the attacks. As can be seen from the figure, the proposed algorithm is less robust to AWGN and echo attacks, but the maximum BER value is 2.93% and the minimum NC value is 0.9728 in Table 3 and the maximum BER value is 3.32% and the minimum NC value is 0.9692 in Table 4, which is far below the requirement of IFPI (BER less than 20%). While under other attacks, most of the BER values are 0 and NC values are 1, indicating that the watermark can be extracted accurately and without errors. Especially, it is more robust to resampling, re-quantization, amplitude scaling, and Mp3 compression attacks.

Table 5 Comparison of the robustness of the proposed scheme and the scheme in reference [29] for ’dance’.
Table 6 Comparison of the robustness of the proposed scheme and the scheme in reference [30] for ’French’
Table 7 Comparison of the robustness of the proposed scheme and the scheme in reference [31] for ’Spanish’.
Table 8 Robustness comparisons between the proposed algorithm and the algorithms in reference [29,30,31,32] for music signals
Table 9 Robustness comparisons between the proposed algorithm and the algorithms in reference [29,30,31,32] for speech signals
Table 10 Robustness comparisons between the proposed algorithm and the algorithms in reference [29,30,31,32] for "Folk"(16k)

Tables 5, 6 and 7 show the robustness of the proposed scheme in comparison with the schemes in in [29, 30] and [31] for different types of audio signals subjected to different attacks, respectively, where the symbol "-" indicates that the experimental results under these attacks do not satisfy the IFPI criterion (BER over 20%) and the corresponding failed NC values. It can be seen from Table 5 that the proposed scheme is slightly less robust than scheme [29] under AWGN attack. However, the scheme in scheme [29] is less robust under echo attack and fails completely in the extraction under amplitude scaling attack. In contrast, the proposed scheme has a large number of NC values close to 1 and the extracted watermarked image can still identify the original shape. In Table 5, the signal ’dance’ with the lowest snr in the type of music with watermark is selected for testing, and its SNR value is 24.3454dB. Experimental results show that the test effect of the proposed scheme is still better than that of the comparative literature under low SNR. In Table 6 and 7, the BER of the proposed scheme is almost all zero, and the maximum BER value are less than 4% and 1%, respectively, while the original shape is basically invisible under echo attack in scheme [30] and under AWGN and echo attack in scheme [31], which indicates that the proposed scheme is more robust compared to scheme [30] and [31].

Tables 8 and 9 show the average BER and average N values of the proposed algorithm and the compared algorithms under different attacks. The data in Table 8 shows that the proposed scheme is not well resistant to AWGN, re-quantization and echo attacks with the maximum BER value of 1.79%. However, the BER values under AWGN attack are also much better than those of methods [30, 31] and [32]. While the compared scheme [30] are not robust enough against the echo attacks, schemes [29] and [32] even fails completely under the magnitude scaling and echo attacks ,as for scheme [31], it is completely unable to resist AWGN, resampling and echo attacks. Also from Table 9, it can be seen that methods [29] and [32] are very vulnerable to amplitude scaling and echo attacks. As for method [30] and [31], it also fails to resist the echo attack because its BER is also greater than 20% and the extracted watermark image is basically unrecognizable. In contrast, the BER of the proposed method is mostly 0 , and the maximum is 1.92%, while methods [29, 30] and [32] are very susceptible to amplitude scaling and echo attacks, method [31] is even susceptible to AWGN, resampling, and re-quantization attacks. In order to test the effect of audio sampling rate on the proposed method, we modified the "folk" signal with a sampling rate of 16k for the test. As mentioned in Section 2.1, the number of dwt decomposition layers in the proposed method depends on the sampling frequency, so when the signal with a sampling frequency of 16k is used, the number of decomposition layers in the proposed method becomes 2. Table 10 gives the BER and NC values of the proposed scheme and schemes [29,30,31,32] under different attacks, where the symbol "-" indicates that the experimental results under these attacks do not comply with the IFPI standard (the BER exceeds 20%) and the corresponding failed NC values. From the table10, it can be seen that the proposed scheme outperforms the schemes [31, 32] under re-sampling and re-quantization attacks, and significantly outperforms the schemes [29, 31] under amplitude scaling attacks. The BER values of the proposed schemes are mostly 0, although the largest ber value is 7.52%, it is also significantly better than the schemes [30,31,32] under AWGN attack. This scheme better extracts the reversible robustness features by means of global embedding and adaptive parameter selection, therefore, this scheme can be better applied in practice to protect users’ digital audio copyrights.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, an adaptive robust audio watermarking algorithm based on svd is proposed. In this method, after applying the DWT transform to each frame, we divide the signal into two segments using sub-sampling operation and calculate the singular values of the two segments separately, then we generate different size of quantization parameters according to different features of the host signal using the proposed adaptive quantization method to maximize the perceptual quality of the algorithm, and finally we use differential embedding for watermark embedding. The watermark can still be extracted correctly when the original signal and embedding parameters are not available. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme is robust to some common attacks, especially the amplitude scaling attack, while guaranteeing a certain watermarking capacity compared to recent algorithms.

It is worth noting that although the proposed algorithm has good performance against conventional signal processing attacks, it cannot resist de-synchronization attacks and some novel attacks such as recapturing attacks. In the future, we may incorporate deep learning networks to improve the resistance of the proposed scheme against these attacks.