1 Introduction

Atmospheric light will be absorbed or scattered by particles in the air, resulting in reduced visibility. Therefore, the contrast and color saturation of the image decrease in the process of degradation. In particular, automatic systems such as surveillance, smart vehicles and object recognition essentially rely on high-quality images, so image dehazing becomes a key preprocessing step [38, 50]. Therefore, how to restore a hazy image to a clean image is an important issue in the field of computer vision and image processing.

Nayar and Narasimhan [39, 40] made a detailed derivation and summary of the hazy imaging mechanism, and proposed an atmospheric scattering model. The current main image dehazing methods are mostly based on the atmospheric scattering model, which converts the hazy image by directly or indirectly estimating the transmission map and atmospheric light. The atmospheric scattering model can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} I(x) = T(x)J(x) + A(1 - T(x)), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T(x) = {e^{ - \beta d(x)}}, \end{aligned}$$

where I(x) is a hazy image, J(x) is a clear image, T(x) is the transmission map, A is the atmospheric light, and x represents the coordinates of the pixel in the hazy image, \(\beta \) represents the atmospheric scattering coefficient, and d(x) represents the depth information.

It can be clearly obtained from formula (1) and (2) that transmission map and atmospheric light must be accurately estimated if a hazy image is to be restored to a clear one. Because image dehazing is an ill-posed problem and its solution space is gigantic, it is very difficult to estimate the transmission map and atmospheric light accurately. Atmospheric light can be easily estimated from the original hazy image, for example by dark channel prior algorithm [20]. But the transmission map is not easy to estimate because it is highly dependent on the scene depth.

Some previous studies aimed to estimate transmission map and atmospheric light by prior methods. For example, He et al. [20] estimated transmission map by exploring dark channel prior and believed that the local minimum value of dark channel in haze-free images was close to zero. Zhu et al. [61] proposed color attenuation prior and pointed out that in hazy images, the higher the fog concentration, the greater the scene depth, and the greater the difference between brightness and saturation of the image. But the prior does not perform well at close range. Therefore, it can be seen that the prior based approach is feasible in some cases, but once the scene does not meet the prior, it will lead to inaccurate estimation of the transmission image and poor dehazing effect.

Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in the field of image processing. There are many image dehazing methods [31, 39, 40] based on convolutional neural network (CNN). Some of these methods aim to estimate transmission map or atmospheric light by using CNN, and then to obtain clean images by using atmospheric scattering model. For example, DehazeNet [5] extracts the relevant features of hazy images through CNN to optimize the estimation of transmission map, and restores clean images by using atmospheric scattering model based on empirical assumptions of atmospheric light. Multi-scale convolutional neural network (MSCNN) [46] predicts the transmission map of images by designing a group of coarse-scale and fine-scale networks respectively. Finally, the transmission map after multi-scale fusion is substituted into the atmospheric scattering model to complete image dehazing. AOD-Net [33] fuses atmospheric light and transmission image into a variable K, and then learns the relationship between K and hazy image through CNN. It can be seen that the above methods depend on the atmospheric scattering model. However, the method based on the atmospheric scattering model is deeply depend on the estimation of transmission map and atmospheric light. Once the estimation of these two factors is inaccurate, the dehazing effect will be affected.

According to the review of previous work above, it can be found that both the earlier prior based haze removal methods and the latest deep-learning based methods mostly rely on atmospheric scattering model. The transmission map or atmospheric light is estimated first and then substituted into the atmospheric scattering model to restore the haze-free image. The disadvantage of this kind of method is that once the transmission map or atmospheric light estimation is not accurate, it will greatly affect the quality of the dehazing image.

Some recent methods directly learn the mapping from hazy images to clean images without relying on the atmospheric scattering model and are called end-to-end learning methods. For example, EPDN [44] uses GAN embedded in the architecture and a well-designed enhancer to remove haze. GridDehazeNet [36] improves network performance through three modules: pre-processing, backbone and post-processing. MSBDN [10] achieves haze removal through dense fusion of multi-scale features. Although these methods do not rely on the atmospheric scattering model, they do not take into account the key factors affecting image dehazing in the model design, so the output image has the problem of blurred details or missing colors. It can be seen from formula (2) that scene depth is a key factor affecting the quality of haze removal. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of this key factor in the design of haze removal model. With the continuous progress of depth camera technology, it is no longer difficult to obtain depth information of images. Therefore, this encouraged us to integrate the depth information of the scene into the dehazing model.

In this paper, we propose a progressive encoding-decoding network to improve dehazing performance. Firstly, we propose the PEDN, which decouples image dehazing from atmospheric scattering model. This network does not depend on atmospheric scattering model, and enables the neural network to directly learn the mapping function from hazy image to clean image. The basic dehaze unit (BDU) is the core of the model. Given a hazy image, the image is progressively processed by constructing a BDU, and finally a clean image is output. The BDU consists of a feature memory module (FMM) and an encoding-decoding network. The function of FMM is to transfer the features of different progressive stages, and the encoding-decoding network is used to extract the pyramid features of images and encode and decode the features. According to the atmospheric scattering model, depth information is crucial for image haze removal. Therefore, we obtain the scene depth information of the image and extract pyramid features, which are integrated into feature learning.

Experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to other methods in both PSNR and SSIM for synthetic data sets and hazy images of real scenes. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

  1. (i)

    We propose the PEDN, which can produce clean images directly, independent of the atmospheric scattering model. This method can produce higher quality dehazing images.

  2. (ii)

    By using the progressive idea, the model can share parameters and avoid the difficulty of training or slow fitting speed caused by too many parameters.

  3. (iii)

    In order to enhance the model performance, the depth information of images is extracted and integrated into feature extraction to better assist network learning.

  4. (iiii)

    Extensive experiments show that our method is superior to other methods in overall perception and quantitative indicators, whether in synthetic data sets or real scenes.

2 Related work

Image dehazing is an ill-posed problem. Current image dehazing methods can be divided into three categories: image-enhancement based dehazing methods, prior based dehazing methods [20][14][4] and deep-learning based dehazing methods [11, 15, 32, 37, 45, 51, 59].

2.1 Image-enhancement based dehazing method

The dehazing method based on image enhancement does not consider the reason for image degradation and improves the visual effect of the image by enhancing the contrast. This kind of algorithm is widely used, but it may cause certain loss or over-enhancement of the salient information in the image. Among them, histogram equalization is to transform the histogram of hazy image into the form of uniform distribution, and improve the image contrast by expanding the range of pixel gray value. Stark [53] and Kim et al. [25] proposed adaptive histogram equalization algorithm and partially overlapping sub-block histogram equalization algorithm respectively. Homomorphic filtering [19] is a technique widely used in signal and image processing, which combines gray transform with frequency filtering to improve image quality. Retinex [28] is a color vision model that simulates what humans see under different light conditions. Based on this model, Adrian et al. [18] proposed an effective hazy image enhancement algorithm. However, none of the above methods consider the essential cause of haze map degradation, so the enhancement effect is limited and the robustness is commonly poor.

2.2 Prior based dehazing method

Dark channel dehazing algorithm is proposed by He et al. [20], which is based on dark channel prior theory (DCP). The transmission map is calculated by the principle of dark channel dehazing, and the soft cut algorithm is used to further optimize the transmission map, and finally the image dehazing is realized. According to the DCP, the minimum channel value of the local map block of haze-free image tends to 0, which is called the dark channel, while the dark channel of hazy image does not approach 0 due to the influence of atmospheric light. Therefore, the thickness of haze can be judged by the dark channel value of hazy image, so as to obtain the atmospheric light and transmission map. Dark channel dehazing algorithm is pioneering and effective in certain scenes. However, if there are objects in the target scene whose color is similar to atmospheric light, such as snow, white wall, sea, etc., it will not achieve satisfactory results. At the same time, its computational complexity is high, which affects the efficiency of dehazing. Zhu et al. [61] proposed a dehazing method based on color attenuation prior, establishing a linear model according to the positive correlation between haze concentration and the difference between image brightness and saturation, and learning model parameters through supervised learning method to recover scene depth information, so as to achieve a single image dehazing. However, this method is difficult to collect samples and lacks theoretical basis. Berman et al. [4] proposed a global evaluation transmission image method based on non-local prior, which could recover both the scene depth and haze-free image. However, when atmospheric light was very intense, this method failed because it could not detect haze lines correctly. Wng et al. [55] proposed a multi-scale deep fusion dehazing algorithm by using Markov random field to mix details of multi-layer chromaticity prior, which can obtain high-quality restored images with rich details, but this algorithm is prone to contain noise. Tarel et al. [54] proposed a fast dehazing algorithm. The algorithm estimates the dissipation function through the deformation of median filter, but with median filter estimation method, improper parameter setting can easily bring Halo effect. Singh et al. [52] proposed gradient profile prior (GPP) to evaluate the depth map of hazy image, which can effectively suppress the visual artifacts of hazy image. Liu et al. [35] proposed a multi-scale correlated wavelet dehazing method, which believes that the haze is usually distributed in the low-frequency spectrum of its multi-scale wavelet decomposition. Based on the priori, an open dark channel model is designed to eliminate the haze effect in the low-frequency part, and the soft threshold operation is used to reduce the noise. Although the dehazing method based on prior has achieved good results to some extent, once the prior is inconsistent with the actual situation, the image dehazing effect will be significantly reduced.

2.3 Deep-learning based dehazing method

In recent years, with the continuous development of deep learning [6, 7, 9, 16, 17, 23, 30, 42, 56, 57], many methods have applied CNN to image dehazing, and achieved excellent results. Different from the prior based method, the deep-learning based method directly estimates the transmission map and atmospheric light without relying on prior. Cai et al. [5] proposed an end-to-end haze removal model called DehazeNet based on CNN, which directly learned the mapping relationship between hazy images and transmission images through neural network, and then calculated the transmittance. Furthermore, a novel nonlinear activation function BReLU is proposed. The transmission map is obtained by nonlinear regression of CNN, and the atmospheric light is obtained by assuming prior. Finally, the hazy-free image is recovered from the atmospheric scattering model. Ren et al. [46] proposed MSCNN algorithm, which constructed subnets of different granularity through multi-scale network structure to achieve coarse and fine estimation of transmission image. This algorithm effectively suppressed the halo phenomenon in the process of dehazing. Li et al. [33] proposed the network of AOD-Net, believing that predicting the atmospheric light and transmittance independently and then using the atmospheric scattering model to get a clean image would enhance the error. Therefore, they appropriately deformed the formula of atmospheric scattering model, combined transmittance and atmospheric light into a variable, and finally learned the variable through neural network. Mei et al. [37] proposed the progressive feature fusion dehazing network (PFFNet) similar to U-Net structure, which is composed of decoder, feature conversion and decoder, and directly learns the nonlinear transformation function from hazy image to clear image.

Chen et al. [8] proposed an end-to-end image dehazing algorithm based on GAN (gated context aggregation network, GCANet). The key point of this algorithm is to use smooth extended convolution instead of extended convolution to solve the problem of grid artifacts. At the same time, a new fusion network is proposed to fuse the features of different levels and enhance the image dehazing effect. Qin et al. [43] proposed an end-to-end feature fusion attention network (FFA-Net), which can retain shallow information and transmit it to deep layers through an attention-based feature fusion structure. Dong et al. [10] proposed a multi-scale enhanced defogging network (MSBDN) with dense feature fusion based on U-Net architecture. Fan et al. [12] proposed a multi-scale deep information fusion network (MSDFN) based on U-Net architecture. The model extracts the depth information of the hazy image, codes and decodes it together with the hazy image, and generates the haze-free image in an end-to-end manner.

3 Proposed method

In this section, we first introduce the design motivation of the proposed model, then introduce the network architecture and the composition and function of each module, and finally introduce the loss function adopted.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Architecture of the proposed PEDN. Given a hazy image, the image is progressively processed by constructing a BDU, and finally a clean image is output. The depth information of hazy images is extracted and integrated into network learning

3.1 Design motivation

In recent years, in the field of deep learning, many methods aim to enhance the performance of the network by increasing the depth of the network, but a large number of parameters are introduced, which increases the training difficulty of the network and also increases the risk of over-fitting. How to design an effective network without introducing too many parameters becomes an important problem in the field of image processing. Kim et al. [26] proposed DRCN for image super-resolution, which increased the depth of the network, increased the size of the receptive field of the network and reduced the number of parameters through recursion. Inspired by DRCN, we can use the progressive idea to design an effective dehazing model. By repeatedly executing the BDU many times, the feature learning ability can be continuously improved, and the problem of network capability degradation caused by too many parameters can also be avoided. It can be seen from the atmospheric scattering model that the transmission map is related to the scene depth. Experience has also shown that on hazy days it is easier to distinguish objects close by than objects far away. Therefore, scene depth is essential for image dehazing. Fan et al. [12] proposed MSDFN to introduce depth information into the haze removal process and found that the depth information of the scene can effectively upgrade the haze removal ability of the model in the real scene. Therefore, we consider adding depth information of images into the model to enhance its ability to remove haze.

3.2 Network design

The network structure of PEDN is shown in Fig. 1. The core of PEDN is the BDU, whose structure is shown in Fig. 2. After the hazy image is input to the network, the BDU is repeatedly executed several times to finally output the haze-free image. Specifically, the output feature map of each BDU, together with the original hazy image and the corresponding depth map, will serve as the input of the next BDU. In order to better retain the original image information and depth information, the original haze image and its depth map have been run through the whole network learning process. The number of BDU is more critical. In order to balance the relationship between performance and resources, 5 is selected as the number of BDU. The functions of the BDU can be defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} T_t=D(E(FMM(T_{t-1} \oplus I_{hazy}) \oplus I_{depth})), \end{aligned}$$

where t represents the number of BDU, and \(T_t\) represents the output of the t-th BDU. When t=0, \(T_0\) represents a hazy image. \(I_{hazy}\) and \(I_{depth}\) represent the hazy image and its corresponding depth map respectively. \(FMM(\cdot )\), \(E(\cdot )\) and \(D(\cdot )\) represent FMM, encoding branch and decoding branch respectively. \(\oplus \) indicates the connection operation of the channel dimension.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Internal structure of BDU. The BDU consists of FMM and encoding-decoding network

3.2.1 Feature memory module

The FMM is the first part of the BDU, and its structure is shown in Fig. 3. With the increase of executions times of BDU, the original image features will be weakened. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the FMM to retain the original features. LSTM [21, 24, 41, 49] is commonly used in time series problem modeling. Its unique design can remember and transfer information for a long time, and select features of different moments through a gating mechanism. Therefore, we choose to introduce LSTM into the model as a FMM, which is used to transmit features at different progressive stages. The original hazy image was connected with the output of the last BDU as the input of this FMM, and 32 convolution kernels with a size of 3×3 were used to extract features. Then, the extracted features are merged with the output of FMM of the last BDU, and the merged feature graph needs to perform convolution operation to obtain four gated states for controlling the selection and output of features. FMM can be expressed as:

Fig. 3
figure 3

Internal structure of Feature Momery Module (FMM)

$$\begin{aligned} c_t=f \times c_{t-1} + i \times z, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} h_t=o \times Tanh(c_t). \end{aligned}$$

3.2.2 Encoding-decoding network

The encoding-decoding network is the second part of the BDU and its structure is similar to U-Net [48]. Its function is to receive the output of FMM and extract the deep features. As shown in Fig. 4, the output of the FMM and the depth map of the original image serve as input to the encoding-decoding network. The purpose of adding the depth map is to make better use of the depth features of the image. In the encoding branch, the depth map and the output of the FMM are coded separately, and feature fusion is performed after the pooling operation. The encoding network uses 64, 128, 256 and 512 convolution kernels respectively to conduct convolution operation on the feature map, and the max pooling operation is performed after each convolution operation. The decoding network gradually restores the scaled feature map, and introduces skip connections between the same layers to avoid gradient disappearance. The network eventually outputs 3 channels of images.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Internal structure of Encoding-Decoding Network

3.3 Loss function

In the field of image dehazing, L1 and L2 are commonly used loss functions. In addition, there are also some mixed functions, such as L2 loss combined with structural loss [13], and L2 loss combined with adversarial loss [60]. Although some methods improve the image dehazing effect, the calculation is complicated, which affects the efficiency of the network. In this paper, we use -SSIM [22, 58] as the loss function to optimize the network. The reason why -SSIM was chosen was that the recovered image could be more consistent with human visual experience by comprehensively considering brightness, contrast, structure and other factors. The reason for using -SSIM as the loss function is that the closer the output is to the true value, SSIM will be larger, and conversely, -SSIM will be smaller. The loss function can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} L = -\frac{1}{2M} \sum \limits _{m = 1}^M {\frac{{\left( {2{\mu _{{Y_m}}}{\mu _{Y_m^{'}}} + {\theta _1}} \right) \left( {2{\sigma _{{Y_m}Y_m^{'}}} + {\theta _2}} \right) }}{{\left( {\mu _{{Y_m}}^2 + \mu _{Y_m^{'}}^2 + {\theta _1}} \right) \left( {\sigma _{{Y_m}}^2 + \sigma _{Y_m^{'}}^2 + {\theta _2}} \right) }}} , \end{aligned}$$

where M is the number of images, \(Y_M\) is the hazy image currently processed, \(Y_m^{t}\) is the ground truth. \(\mu \) is the mean, \(\sigma \) is the variance, \({\theta _1}\) and \({\theta _2}\) are constants.

In order to verify the superiority of -SSIM as loss function, we use MSE, L1 and -SSIM as loss function on four datasets, and get their fitting curves. As can be seen from Fig. 5, - SSIM has obvious advantages over MSE and L1. Under the same number of iterations, -SSIM as a loss function can achieve better results. This is because MSE and L1 only consider the distance between pixels, while -SSIM comprehensively considers factors such as brightness, contrast and structure, which can better fit people’s visual experience.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Fitting curves of different loss functions on four datasets

4 Experimental results

In this section, we use synthetic datasets and real haze datasets to evaluate the proposed model. We conduct ablation experiments to verify that different numbers of BDU have different effects on the model’s dehazing performance. To more clearly demonstrate the advantages of the proposed model, our method was compared with other state-of-the-art dehazing methods, including DCP [20], NLD [4], MSCNN [46], AOD-Net [33], PFFNet [37], GCANet [47], FFA-Net [43], MSBDN [10] and MSDFN [12].

4.1 Experimental settings

4.1.1 Datasets

We mainly use synthetic dataset and heterogeneous dataset to train our model. The synthetic dataset adopts the RESIDE dataset [29] and D-Hazy dataset [2]. RESIDE dataset is a benchmark dataset for image dehazing proposed in 2018, which contains indoor training set (ITS), outdoor training set (OTS) and test set (SOTS). We use ITS and OTS to train our model, and use SOTS to evaluate our model. D-Hazy dataset contains more than 1400 pairs of images with ground truth reference images and hazy images of the same scene. In order to make our model have stronger generalization ability, we also use heterogeneous datasets to train the model. Therefore, we use I-HAZE [1] and O-HAZE [3] as supplementary datasets. In order to increase the number of images, we perform data enlargement. Because our model requires the depth map of the hazy image, and the selected data set lacks the depth information of the image, we use the DCNF [34] model to generate the depth map of all the datasets. The reason of choosing DCNF as the depth prediction model is the RESIDE dataset adopts the DCNF model to synthesize hazy images, and we keep it consistent with RESIDE. In addition, compared to other depth prediction methods, the DCNF model produces the least visible depth error and causes much less visual artifacts on natural outdoor images. Using the DCNF model leads to more visually plausible results.

4.1.2 Training details

All experiments used the PyTorch framework and were trained using GeForce RTX 3090. ADAM optimizer [27] was used to train the network, and the initial learning rate was set to 0.0001, batchsize to 4, and epoch to 50.

4.1.3 Quality measures

SSIM evaluates the similarity of two images in terms of brightness, contrast and structure. Brightness is expressed as the mean value:

$$\begin{aligned} \mu _x=\frac{1}{N}\sum \limits _{1}^{N}x_i, \end{aligned}$$

the brightness difference between the two images is expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} l(x,y)=\frac{2\mu _x\mu _y+C_1}{\mu _x^2+\mu _y^2}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mu _x\) and \(\mu _y\) represent the mean of x and y respectively, \({C_1}\) is constant. Contrast is represented by variance normalized by the mean:

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma _x=\left( \frac{1}{N-1}\sum \limits _{i=1}^{N}(x_i-\mu _x)^2\right) ^\frac{1}{2}, \end{aligned}$$

the contrast difference between the two images is expressed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} c(x,y)=\frac{2\sigma _x\sigma _y+C_2}{\sigma _x^2+\sigma _y^2+C_2}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma _x\) and \(\sigma _y\) represent the variance of x and y respectively, \({C_2}\) is constant. Structural differences are expressed by correlation coefficients:

$$\begin{aligned} s(x,y)=\frac{\sigma _{xy}+C_3}{\sigma _x\sigma _y+C_3}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma _{xy}\) is the covariance of x and y, \({C_3}\) is constant. The final SSIM can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} SSIM(x,y)=\frac{(2\mu _x\mu _y+C_1)(2\sigma _{xy}+C_2)}{(\mu _1^2+\mu _2^2+C_1)(\sigma _1^2+\sigma _{12}^2+C_2)}. \end{aligned}$$

In the experiment, PSNR and SSIM were used as objective evaluation indexes of the model. In general, a higher PSNR represents a higher resolution image and is usually defined using Mean Square Error (MSE):

$$\begin{aligned} MSE=\frac{1}{mn}\sum \limits _{i = 0}^{m-1}\sum \limits _{j = 0}^{n-1}[I(i,j)-K(i,j)]^2. \end{aligned}$$

PSNR is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} PSNR=20\cdot lg(\frac{MAX_I}{\sqrt{MSE}}), \end{aligned}$$

where I and K represent two images of m×n size. The unit of PSNR is dB. The larger the value is, the closer it is to the original image.

4.2 Performance evaluation

We use SOTS, I-HAZE, O-HAZE, D-Hazy and real scene images to test our method, and compare our method with DCP [20], NLD [4], MSCNN [46], AOD-Net [33] , PFFNet [37], GCA-Net [47], FFA-Net [43], MSBDN [10] and MSDFN [12]. For a fair comparison, we use the same datasets to retrain these methods, and use PSNR and SSIM to evaluate all methods. The Table 1 shows the test results of these methods on the SOTS, I-HAZE, O-HAZE and D-Hazy datasets. It can be seen that our method has greater advantages than other methods on both PSNR and SSIM. Figure 6 can also visually illustrate the superiority of our method. Figure 7 shows the data distribution of different methods on all data sets. The more flat the box is, the more concentrated the data distribution is and the more stable the model is. Compared with other methods, our method has more centralized data distribution, so it has greater advantages.

Table 1 Quantitative results on benchmark dehazing datasets

Figure 8 shows the processing results of each method on indoor hazy images of SOTS dataset [29], and the differences of each method can be felt subjectively. We can see that our method basically eliminates haze in the image and produces an image without distortion. DCP and NLD are considered as baseline methods due to their simplicity of implementation, and when the parameters are more accurate, the haze removal effect is better. However, their shortcomings are also more obvious, especially because color distortion is more serious. MSCNN and AOD-Net cannot effectively remove the haze in the image. It can be seen that the haze in the image generated by MSCNN and AOD-Net still remains to a certain extent. Other methods can restore clear images better, but by comparing details, it can be found that the method proposed by us is closer to the ground truth in detail.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average PSNR and SSIM of different methods on various datasets

Fig. 7
figure 7

Numerical distribution of the results of different methods when tested on the dehazing dataset. (a)-(i) represent DCP, NLD, MSCNN, AOD-Net, PFFNet, GCANet, FFA-Net, MSBDN and MSDFN respectively

Fig. 8
figure 8

Visual comparison on the SOTS dataset(indoor)

Fig. 9
figure 9

Visual comparison on the SOTS dataset(outdoor)

Fig. 10
figure 10

Visual comparison on the O-HAZE dataset

Fig. 11
figure 11

Visual comparison on the I-HAZE dataset

Fig. 12
figure 12

Visual comparison on the D-Hazy dataset

Figure 9 shows the processing effects of each method on outdoor hazy image of SOTS  dataset [29]. DCP and NLD cannot effectively achieve image dehazing, and the generated image color cast is severe, particularly in the sky area. The image processed by MSCNN still has a certain amount of haze. There is still some mist remaining in the image generated by AOD-Net. PFFNet and GCANet reduce the image brightness, the processed image contrast is too high, but also introduces a color shift. Several other methods can restore the image better, but from detailed observation, our proposed method is better than other methods.

Figure 10 shows the dehazing effect of each method on the O-HAZE outdoor dataset [3]. DCP has a certain effect on dehazing the outdoor image, but it can be found that the color intensity of the processed image is low and it is relatively blurry. The image after NLD processing also has a certain color cast. The test results of MSCNN, AOD-Net and MSBDN on the outdoor real data set are not satisfactory, and there are still a lot of haze residues in the image. The color cast of the image processed by GCANet and FFA-Net is more severe and the visual effect is poor. In contrast, the method we propose is closer to the real image in terms of overall perception and details.

Figure 11 shows the dehazing effect of each method on the I-HAZE indoor dataset [1]. The shortcomings of DCP and NLD are apparent. The processed image has color shift and abnormal artifacts. After MSCNN, AOD-Net, and MSBDN, the residual image haze is more serious, and the effect is not ideal. GCANet reduces the color intensity, the image quality is dark, and the visual effect is poor. The color distortion of the image processed by FFA-Net is more severe, and the dehazing effect is not excellent. MSDFN can restore the image better, but false artifacts also appear to a certain extent. Although our method is still inadequate for partial color restoration, compared with other methods, the image restored by our method is closer to the real image in terms of overall perception and clarity.

Figure 12 shows the dehazing effect of each method on the D-Hazy indoor dataset [2]. DCP and NLD can basically remove the haze in the image, but some artifacts will be introduced. There are a lot of haze in the images restored by MSCNN and MSDFN. Several other methods have caused serious color distortion. For example, the style of the image restored by FFA-Net has migrated, and MSBDN makes a large area of black shadow appear in the image. Compared with other methods, the image restored by our method is closer to the real image both in color and clarity.

In addition, the evaluation results on real scene images also illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method for dehazing real images. As shown in Fig. 13, the results generated by DCP and NLD have serious color distortion. Several other deep-learning based methods have limited generalization capabilities in real situations. The images generated by MSCNN have color shifts and artifacts. AOD-Net cannot remove the haze in the image adequately. The images generated by PFFNet and GCANet are severely distorted and have relatively severe artifacts. The image processed by FFA-Net still has a lot of haze, such as the second image. MSBDN also has limited dehazing ability in some scenes, such as the mist above the building in the second image is not well removed. Compared with other methods, MSDFN has a better dehazing effect and can remove most of the haze, but our method uses depth map fusion learning, the restored image is more natural and the scene is clearer.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Visual comparison on real scene images

4.3 Running efficiency analysis

To measure the running time efficiency of our model, we separately test the average running time of related methods, as shown in Table 1. The average running time refers to the time required to preprocess the image and forward the network. For our model, the average runtime includes the time to predict the depth map using the DCNF model and the time for the network to restore the image. Among them, it takes about 0.2s to predict the depth map of an image on the GPU platform, and about 0.23s for the network to restore the image, so the average running time of our model is 0.43s. It is worth noting that for a fairer comparison, we uniformly resize the input images to 640×480 pixels during testing. From Table 1, it can be found that the average running time of our model is comparable to other methods, and the time loss is acceptable. However, how to continue to improve the running speed of our model and make it lightweight is the focus of our future work.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Visual comparison of models with different numbers of BDU on various datasets

4.4 Ablation study

The progressive idea is the core idea of this article. In order to find a more appropriate number of BDU, we use ablation experiments to verify the impact of different numbers of BDU on the model. According to our assumptions, the more BDU, the better the effect of the model. We used 1-8 BDU to train our model. The results show that the more BDU, the larger PSNR and SSIM.

Table 2 shows the performance of the proposed model under different configurations. It can be seen that as the number of BDU increases, both SSIM and PSNR will improve to a certain extent. But memory consumption and running time will also increase. It can be seen from Fig. 14 that in various image datasets, as the number of BDU increases, the clarity of the image has been improved to a certain extent. We need to find an appropriate number of BDU in order to balance the relationship between model performance and model complexity. It can be found from the Table 2 that when the number of BDU is less than 5, PSNR and SSIM have a significant improvement with the increase of the number of BDU, but when the number of BDU is greater than 5, PSNR and SSIM tend to be stable. In addition, in order to avoid excessive memory usage and high time consumption, we choose 5 as the execution time of BDU of the model.

Table 2 Use SOTS-outdoor dataset to verify models with different numbers of BDU

5 Conclusions

This paper proposes an end-to-end image dehazing method, which decouples the image dehazing from the atmospheric scattering model. The core of the network is the BDU. The image dehazing is achieved by progressively executing the BDU multiple times. Experiments show that as the number of BDU increases, the dehazing effect becomes more obvious. This method increases the depth of the network and considerably saves the amount of parameters. At the same time, in order to connect the features at different progressive stages, a FMM is added to the BDU. In order to make better use of the depth information of the image, the depth information of the original image is extracted to guide the network learning and avoid the unclear image caused by inaccurate depth prediction. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method has better dehazing effects on synthetic data sets, heterogeneous data sets and real scenes than the current methods.