1 Introduction

Since decades, traditional video compression methods have been extended to various applications with a large-scale of bit-rate limitations. To achieve high coding efficiency, traditional video codecs, namely, the H.26x series [47] employ an asymmetric complexity partitioning between the encoder and the decoder. To obtain the benefit of temporal correlation between adjacent frames, the motion estimation (ME) approaches are utilized by these codecs. The ME methods help in improving the compression efficiency and the rate-distortion (RD) characteristics as well. However, the high computational burden is one of the major drawbacks of these approaches. In traditional video codecs, the encoder complexity is considered to be extremely high, whereas the complexity of the decoder is really simple. These are typically suitable for applications where the encoding of the video frames is done only once and decoding is carried out many-a-time.

On the other hand, as these encoders need a considerable amount of computational overhead, it becomes arduous for applications with minimal resources (e.g. computing ability, battery power, and memory requirement) like wireless video sensors or surveillance systems, capsule endoscopy, and so on, which need a real-time transferal [7]. Further, considering the computing abilities of the aforementioned scenarios, a complex ME task cannot be performed as it might consume more time. Additionally, there also lies a possibility in draining of the battery power. These resource-constrained applications are perhaps not capable of handling the delay incurred due to the ME task. Moreover, it might not be feasible to load a large amount of computational resources into these sensors and hence designing complex encoders is not a practicable choice.

For all such situations, distributed video coding (DVC) can be considered to be an affirming alternative as it aims at switching the computational complexity from the encoder to the decoder. The concept of DVC has been entrenched in [39, 48], and it can be briefly outlined as contrary to the traditional video codecs. DVC stems on the theory of distributed source coding [39, 48], wherein two inter-dependent sources are individually encoded and jointly decoded. In recent years, various DVC-based video codecs have been presented along with the state-of-the-art architecture [3, 13, 32]. An effective SI refinement framework [6] is presented where a low pass filter is applied initially on both the key frames, followed by a block matching algorithm for the ME task. This coding configuration is also referred to as the Instituto Superior Técnico Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv (IST-TDWZ), which is adopted by many DVC researchers. Another efficient framework called Distributed Coding for Video Services (DISCOVER) has been proposed to generate a better quality of SI frame [3]. Both IST-TDWZ and DISCOVER codec show similar performance, however, they use different encoding techniques.

In these paradigms, initially, the input video sequence is segregated into odd (key) and even (WZ) frames. The odd frames are encoded and decoded using the traditional-based video codecs, whereas the even frames are SW-based encoded and decoded. Further, a frame estimation technique is used to generate the side information (SI) for the corresponding WZ frames, using the neighboring decoded key frames. The rate-distortion (RD) characteristic of these codecs firmly relies on the quality of the generated SI frame. Moreover, the quality of the SI frames is again dependent on various factors such as the quality of the neighboring decoded odd frames, the motion behavior between frames, and so on. To enhance the quality of the decoded key frames, a Burrow-Wheeler transform (BWT)-based intra-frame coding technique [35] has been proposed. To improve the RD behavior of the codec with longer GOPs, an unsupervised motion learning technique has been presented [45]. Similarly, two different techniques have been presented to improve the RD characteristics considering both the issues, namely, intense motion and longer GOPs [27, 28].

Though various methodologies have been presented to enhance the quality of the SI frame (see Section 3), there still exists a scope to develop efficient SI estimation algorithms for further performance enhancement of the DVC codec. In the present work, a multi-resolution (MR) extreme learning machine (ELM)-based SI estimation in a DVC framework is proposed. The wavelet transform is allied to MR analysis and sub-band decomposition, and hence, it has been effectively utilized in numerous image and video processing applications [25, 37, 38]. On the other hand, unlike other neural networks (NNs), ELM is a straightforward machine learning algorithm [17], which has a better generalization capability with reduced time complexity. In ELM, the parameters (weights, bias) associated with the input and hidden layers are randomly chosen. Additionally, the weights between the hidden and output layers are analytically determined using the least square technique [29].

The contribution of the suggested work is summarized as follows. Initially, a level-3 sub-band decomposition using DWT is employed on a predefined number of frames (both even and odd), to obtain the wavelet coefficients (approximation, and detailed), out of which, only the approximation coefficients are used to create the training (input, target) pattern. Next, the created training pattern is utilized to train the ELM network. Like any other machine learning algorithm, ELM also works in two phases, namely, the training phase and the testing phase. Once the network is trained, in the testing phase, it is used to estimate the approximation coefficient for the remaining even (WZ) frames. Further, using the estimated approximation coefficient and the previously stored detailed coefficients, an inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT) is employed, at each of the sub-band levels, to generate the eventual estimated SI frame in the original form (spatial domain).

The remaining sections of the present article are arranged as follows. An outline of the basic Stanford-based transform domain DVC framework is presented in Section 2. Section 3 presents a brief review of the relevant alternate SI generation approaches. A generalized conceptual overview of DWT and ELM techniques are outlined in Section 4. The proposed hybrid SI generation algorithm is critically discussed in Section 5. The detailed experimental setup, comprehensive simulation, and the results are illustrated in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, the closing remarks along with the scope for future work are presented.

2 Stanford-based transform domain DVC framework

The basic framework of the transform domain-based DVC codec [1], started in the Image group of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is represented in Fig. 1. It is also referred to as the IST-TDWZ framework. The operational workflow is briefly discussed below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Stanford-based transform domain DVC architecture

Initially, at the encoder side, the video sequence is segregated into odd (key) and even (WZ) frames. Then, the odd frames are intra-coded using the conventional H.264/AVC encoder. The intra-coded frames are reconstructed (decoded) using the H.264/AVC decoder. These reconstructed frames are used to estimate the side information (SI) for the corresponding WZ frames. As represented in Fig. 1, a 4 × 4 block-based integer discrete cosine transform (DCT) is used to compress the WZ frames. Then, depending on the desired output quality, a uniform quantization process using a set of quantization matrices [6] is employed to generate one DC, and sixteen different AC coefficient bands. Next, each of the obtained bands is individually sent to a bit plane extraction module. Here, each of the coefficients present in a band is represented in terms of bits, and bit planes are extracted starting with the most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Then, the extracted bit planes, starting with MSB to LSB, are sent individually to a half-rate turbo encoder (TE). For each bit of a bit plane, TE produces two bits, namely, a systematic bit and a parity bit, using the following

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \left[1\quad \frac{1+D+D^{3}+D^{4}}{1+D^{3}+D^{4}}\right]; where~D~denotes~the~delay. \end{array} $$

As the estimated SI frame for the corresponding WZ frame is already available at the decoder, the systematic bits are rejected. This helps in attaining an additional amount of compression efficiency. A buffer is used to accumulate the parity bits which are further sent to the decoder in a cyclic manner, upon request, chunk-by-chunk, based on a pseudo-random puncturing format with a span of 48. Similarly, at the decoder end, depending on the group-of-picture (GOP) size, SI for the corresponding WZ frame is estimated using the previously reconstructed adjacent key/WZ frames. If GOP is two, the two neighboring key frames will be the immediate past and immediate next of the current WZ frame. For larger GOP’s, the already estimated and decoded WZ frames will act as the reference frames for creating and decoding the next SI frames. Upon the estimated SI frame, similar steps are followed, starting with the DCT transformation to bit plane extraction techniques. Then, SI along with the requested parity bits are fed to an iterative decoder (also known as turbo decoder (TD)). Further, using the log-likelihood ratio (LLR), a bit error rate (BER) probability (Pe) for each of the bit planes is computed. If Pe > 10− 3, requests for the additional amount of parity bits is made to reduce the error, or else, the current bit plane is considered to be successfully decoded. After obtaining all the decoded streams, the DCT coefficients are regenerated by applying the method presented in [21]. Based on the quantization matrices used, the bands which are not transmitted are replaced directly by the SI coefficients. Upon the regenerated coefficients, an inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) is carried out to obtain the pixel values. These pixel values are reorganized to generate the final decoded WZ frame. Finally, all the decoded (key and WZ) frames are ordered to build the video sequence.

3 Alternate approaches for SI generation in DVC

From the architectural description of the DVC framework (refer Section 2), it is noticed that there exist few key modules which affect the overall RD behavior of the codec. Out of these, from many observations, it is learnt that SI frame estimation has a significant influence on the overall codec efficacy. SI creation is a process of estimating the WZ frames utilizing the intra-/inter-information present at the decoder end. The following equation represents the relationship between the estimated SI and its corresponding WZ frame.

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \hat{Y} = Y + \eta \end{array} $$

where η is the error that exists due to imprecise SI estimation, Y represents the WZ frame, and \(\hat {Y}\) represents the estimated SI frame.

Since past few decades, to reduce the noise ‘η’, which in turn minimizes the required bit rate by the SW codec, numerous SI creation techniques have been presented by DVC researchers. Among these, Girod et al. at Stanford University, and Ramchandran et al. at the University of California, Berkeley, have formulated some of the promising SI generation frameworks. Further, among the presented frameworks, the Stanford-based DVC framework has gained a lot of popularity among the DVC researchers. Hence, in the present article, the Stanford-based DVC architecture is adopted, and some of the relevant literature in the context of SI generation based on Stanford-based DVC framework is highlighted below.

Ascenso et al. presented a framework which can adjust dynamically to the inter-coding pattern by controlling the GOP length [4]. To control the GOP size, a rank-based clustering algorithm has been proposed. Moreover, to generate SI, a block-based motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) technique has also been proposed. A Kalman-based filtering technique has been presented to model the motion vectors [40]. In this work, a comparison has been made taking different situations, namely, the prediction of the motion vector at the encoder, the inter-/extra-polation of motion field at the decoder. Petrazzuoli et al. proposed a high-order motion interpolation approach [31] to create SI using four reference frames, namely, two previous and two next frames for the current WZ frame. An auto regressive (AR) model for generating better SI has been proposed in [51]. In their approach, a window is chosen in the previously decoded t - 1 WZ/Key frame, where t denotes the time index. A linear weighted summation operation is performed on the pixels within the selected window to generate each pixel of SI for the considered WZ frame. Further, for final SI generation, a probability-based fusion model along with a centrosymmetric correspondence approach has also been proposed. The reported methodology is able to reduce the gap between the traditional and distributed video codecs.

An integrated frame approximation approach [19] using an optical flow (OF) and overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC) technique has been proposed. In this work, both OF and OBMC techniques are used to create the SI frame, which is further utilized by a multi-hypothesis-based TDWZ decoder, employing a weighted joint distribution approach. An SI generation technique which involves a combination of global and local MCFI approach [2] has been proposed. Though there is an enhancement in RD characteristics, the encoder complexity increases considerably. A refinement-based framework has been presented which generates SI using an overlapped block motion and multi-hypothesis-based estimation technique for visual sensor applications [9]. A progressive-based DVC architecture has been proposed in which the spatial similarity between the video frames are exploited in-order to enhance the motion-compensated temporal interpolation (MCTI) [41]. Further, to enhance the quality of SI, a side information refinement (SIR) process is also employed. [42] presented a new SI generation scheme which uses variable block size method to create SI. Van et al. [43] presented a MORE technique which uses the concept of optical flow. In this work, the proposed MORE scheme is merged with the SING-TDWZ codec [44] to analyze the overall performance.

A continuous learning-based SI generation framework using a multi-resolution and motion refinement (MRMR) technique has been presented in [23]. To satisfactorily estimate the bit probability distribution utilizing the advantage of higher order information of a video sequence, a wavelet-domain MRMR-based context adaptive paradigm [33] for DVC has been proposed. Rup et al. [36] proposed an SI generation scheme, where the WZ frames are predicted from two decoded key frames adjacent to it, using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network. Dash et al. proposed an ensemble of MLP networks for SI generation in a DVC framework [8]. A review of further studies related to SI creation in a DVC framework is presented in [11, 20].

From the above discussions, the observation inferred are as follows. SI generation is one of the most crucial tasks in a DVC framework, and the compression efficiency of DVC heavily depends on the correlation between the SI frame and the corresponding original WZ frame. Further, to generate SI at the decoder, most of the proposed methodologies employ a spatial domain based ME/MC task. These are extremely complex and highly time-consuming. Furthermore, the video sequences constitute non-linear motion patterns and few machine learning-based approaches have been utilized to estimate the SI frame in a DVC paradigm. With this in mind, the authors are motivated to propose a multi-resolution (MR) extreme learning machine (ELM)-based SI estimation in a DVC framework.

4 Preliminaries

4.1 Wavelet transform

The wavelet transform (WT) is considered to be an effective mechanism for analyzing the information in the frequency domain. The primitive usefulness of these transformation techniques is that the concerned signal can be analyzed in multiple scales and resolutions [46], also referred to as MR analysis (MRA). The iterative mathematical formulation of MRA can be depicted as

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} A_{j} = D_{j + 1} \oplus A_{j + 1} = D_{j + 1} \oplus D_{j + 2} \oplus {\cdots} \oplus D_{j+n} \oplus A_{n} \end{array} $$

where Aj+ 1 and Dj+ 1 denotes the approximation and detailed coefficients for a given signal at scale j + 1, respectively, ⊕ denotes the summation of two decomposed signals, and ‘n’ is the level of decomposition.

One of the major differences between the wavelet and other types of transforms is that WT generates the time-frequency positioning of the signal. The mathematical representation of a wavelet family is

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \psi_{u,s}\left( t\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{|s|}} \psi\left( \frac{t-u}{s}\right) \end{array} $$

where Ψ (t) is a real or complex valued function, ‘s’ indicates the scaling component for shrinking (s < 1) or stretching (s > 1) the wavelet function (WF), and ‘u’ represents the translation component utilized to shift the position of the WF. The factor \( \left (1/\sqrt {|s|}\right )\) denotes the energy normalization constant along various scales.

To carry out both the MRA decomposition and reconstruction at the same time, it adopts two functions, namely, the wavelet function (φ) and the scaling function (ϕ). The former is used to propagate the detailed variant having high frequency elements of the signal, and the later to produce the approximate variant of the signal which includes low frequency elements. The mathematically definitions of these two functions (in discrete domain) are given below.

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \varphi_{j,n}\left[t\right]= 2^{\frac{j}{2}}\sum\limits_{n}w_{j,n}\varphi\left[2^{j}t-n\right] \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \phi_{j,n}\left[t\right]= 2^{\frac{j}{2}}\sum\limits_{n}s_{j,n}\phi\left[2^{j}t-n\right] \end{array} $$

where sj and wj represent the scaling and wavelet coefficients at jth scale, respectively. These two functions are required to be orthonormal and satisfy the following conditions.

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \langle\phi \cdot \phi\rangle = \frac{1}{2^{j}} \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \langle\varphi \cdot \varphi\rangle = \frac{1}{2^{j}} \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \langle\phi \cdot \varphi\rangle = 0 \end{array} $$

Given, the scaling parameter s = 2j where jZ(set of all integers), a binary or dyadic WT [24] can be generated. Selecting the translation and scaling parameters to be multiples of 2 leads to a discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The DWT of a discrete signal y(n) can be found using the equations

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} A_{2^{j}}y\left( n\right)=\sum\limits_{z\in Z}l_{z}A_{2^{j-1}}y\left( n-2^{j-1}z\right) \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} D_{2^{j}}y\left( n\right)=\sum\limits_{z\in Z}h_{z}A_{2^{j-1}}y\left( n-2^{j-1}z\right) \end{array} $$

where ‘n’ indicates the sample number, \( A_{2^{j}}y\left (n\right ) \) & \( D_{2^{j}}y\left (n\right ) \) denote the approximation and detailed coefficients, respectively. The parameter lz,hz(zZ) represents the low pass and high pass coefficients, respectively, and are given by

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} L\left( \omega\right)=\sum\limits_{z\in Z}l_{z}e^{-izw} \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} H\left( \omega\right)=\sum\limits_{z\in Z}h_{z}e^{-izw} \end{array} $$

4.2 Extreme learning machine (ELM)

Unlike the traditional feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs), which are based on the principle of recursive adjustment of all of its network parameters, Huang et al. [17] presented an ELM technique which insists independent and random assignment of the hidden node parameters. Moreover, in ELM, the output parameters (i.e. weights between the hidden and the output layer) of the network can be computed using the least square method [29]. The learning phase of the ELM network can be done effectively with less number of iterations, and can attain a better generalization characteristic.

For ‘S’ random distinct samples (pi,qi), where \( p_{i} = \left [p_{i_{1}}, p_{i_{2}}, \cdots , p_{i_{n}}\right ]^{T} \in \mathbb {R}^{n} \) and \( q_{i} = \left [q_{i_{1}}, q_{i_{2}}, \cdots , q_{i_{m}}\right ]^{T} \in \mathbb {R}^{m} \), a standard single-layer feed forward network (SLFN) having ‘H’ hidden nodes can be mathematically represented as

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} o_{i} = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{H} \beta_{k}A\left( w_{k},b_{k},p_{i}\right), i = 1, 2,{\cdots} , S \end{array} $$

where wk and bk denotes the hidden node parameters (weight, and bias), \( \beta _{k} = \left [\beta _{k_{1}}, \beta _{k_{2}}, \cdots , \beta _{k_{m}}\right ]^{T} \) denotes the output weight vector between the kth hidden node and the output nodes, A(wk,bk,pi) represents the output of the kth node with respect to pi, and oi denotes the true output with respect to pi. Further, A(wk,bk,pi) can be mathematically modeled as

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} A\left( w_{k},b_{k},p_{i}\right) = a\left( {w_{k}^{T}} \cdot p_{i} + b_{k}\right), w_{k}\in \mathbb{R}^{n}, b_{k} \in \mathbb{R} \end{array} $$

where \( a(p): \mathbb {R} \mapsto \mathbb {R}\) denotes the sigmoid activation function, \( w_{k} = \left [w_{k_{1}}, w_{k_{2}}, \cdots , w_{k_{n}}\right ]^{T} \) denotes the weight vector between the input and the kth hidden node, and bk denotes the threshold of the kth hidden node.

With ‘H’ hidden nodes, the SLFN can estimate ‘S’ samples with no error, i.e., the cost function \( C = {\sum }_{i = 1}^{S}\left \Vert \left (o_{i} - q_{i}\right ) \right \Vert _{2} = 0 \). In other words, there exist (wk,bk) and βk such that

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} q_{i} = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{H} \beta_{k}A\left( w_{k}, b_{k}, p_{i}\right), i = 1, 2,\cdots, S \end{array} $$

Equation (16) can be represented compactly as

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar{H}\beta = Q \end{array} $$


$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar{H} =\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} A \left( w_{1}, b_{1}, p_{1}\right) & {\cdots} & A\left( w_{H}, b_{H}, p_{1}\right) \\ {\vdots} & {\ddots} & {\vdots} \\ A \left( w_{1}, b_{1}, p_{S}\right) & {\cdots} & A\left( w_{H}, b_{H}, p_{S}\right) \end{array} \right]_{S \times H} \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \beta = \left[ \begin{array}{c} {\beta_{1}^{T}} \\ {\beta_{2}^{T}} \\ {\vdots} \\ {\beta_{H}^{T}} \end{array} \right]_{L \times m} \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Q = \left[ \begin{array}{c} {q_{1}^{T}} \\ {q_{2}^{T}} \\ {\vdots} \\ {q_{s}^{T}} \end{array} \right]_{S \times m} \end{array} $$

\( \bar {H} \) denotes the hidden layer output matrix of SLFN. Equation (17) is referred to as a linear system [15], and the output weights associated with the model can be found using

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \beta = \bar{H}^{\dagger}Q \end{array} $$

where \( \bar {H}^{\dagger } \) denotes the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of \( \bar {H} \) [18]. Further, for better clarity, the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse is discussed in [16]. Algorithm 1 summarizes the steps involved in the ELM approach.

figure f

5 Proposed methodology

As opposed to the SI generation techniques discussed in the literature which is based on the spatial domain, the novelty of the proposed methodology, is to estimate the SI frames in the frequency domain with the help of the wavelet coefficients. The wavelet coefficients for a 2-dimensional (2D) signal (e.g. images) can be generated by applying 1D-DWT (see Section 4.1) to the rows and columns of the signal, individually, as reported in [26] (see Fig. 2). At each of the individual levels, the 2D-DWT decomposition results in four sub-bands, namely, low-low (LL), low-high (LH), high-low (HL), and high-high (HH). Among the generated sub-bands, LH(\( {D_{k}^{h}} \)), HL(\( {D_{k}^{v}} \)), and HH(\( {D_{k}^{d}} \)) represent the detail coefficients along the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions, respectively. For better clarity, a level-3 wavelet decomposition for a given frame is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic Diagram of 2D-DWT for single resolution level

Fig. 3
figure 3

A frame of the Hall-Monitor video sequence and its level-3 wavelet coefficients

The LL(Ak) represents the approximation coefficient which is further used for higher-level decomposition. The generation of sub-bands at different resolution levels represent a pyramid like structure which is also referred to as the wavelet pyramid [22]. In the present work, the prime motivation behind the use of wavelet pyramid is that it has two major benefits. First, it preserves the detailed coefficients generated at each of the decomposition levels. Secondly, it provides a reduced computational burden. There exist several types of wavelet functions, out of which, Haar wavelet is considered to be one of the elementary and significant wavelet functions used in several applications [12]. Further, it is the simplest type of wavelet, and in discrete domain, it is related to a mathematical operation referred to as the Haar transform. It acts as a prototype for all other wavelet transforms. It has the ability to produce better outcomes in noisy environment and satisfies both the property of conformity and orthogonality. Additionally, it can be utilized to obtain the structural information of the signal.

The objectives of the present work are three-fold. First, a level-3 2D-DWT technique using Haar wavelet is employed to extract the approximation coefficients. Secondly, an ELM neural-network (ELM-NN) is utilized to generate the estimated approximation coefficients for the current WZ frame. The ELM-NN consists of three phases, namely, initialization, training, and estimation. In the initialization phase, the extracted approximation coefficients are used to create the training pattern. In the training phase, the created pattern is used to make the ELM-NN learn the pattern. In the estimation phase, trained ELM-NN is utilized to produce the approximation coefficients for the current WZ frame. Finally, a level-by-level, IDWT technique is used to get back the eventual estimated SI frame in original form (spatial domain). Figure 4 represents the Stanford-based TDWZ codec integrated with the proposed SI generation technique. The working principle of the proposed SI generation block is explained below.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Stanford-based TDWZ codec integrated with the proposed SI generation technique

Initially, the switch ‘S1’ is closed, and the learning phase of the ELM network is initiated. In the learning phase, depending on the GOP size, the respective neighboring (key and/or formerly reconstructed WZ) frames for the current WZ frame are considered. Upon the neighboring and WZ frames considered, a level-3 DWT is employed, and a set of thirty wavelet coefficients, namely, three approximation and twenty-seven detailed coefficients are obtained. Out of these, only the approximation coefficients are utilized to create the training pattern (input, target). The approximation coefficients of the neighboring, and WZ frames act as the input, and target, respectively. Once the network is trained, switches ‘S1’, and ‘S2’ is made to open and close, respectively. This initiates the estimation phase of the ELM network. Unlike the training phase, here, the level-3 DWT is applied on the respective neighboring (key and/or formerly reconstructed WZ) frames, only. Similarly, this operation results in twenty wavelet coefficients, namely, two approximation and eighteen detailed coefficients. Next, using both the obtained approximation coefficients and the output weight vector ‘β’ (refer Algorithm 1), the trained ELM network produces the approximation coefficients (estimated) for the current WZ frame.

Further, upon the estimated approximation coefficients along with the eighteen detailed coefficients, an inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT) technique, level-by-level, is employed, to obtain the eventual estimated WZ frame (also known as SI) in the original form (spatial domain). The IDWT technique at any level can be mathematically modeled as

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} A_{j + 1} \oplus D_{j + 1} = A_{j} \end{array} $$

Figure 5 shows the block diagram for the steps involved in the IDWT process. For instance, to obtain the level-2 low-low sub-band (also known as approximation coefficient) for the current WZ frame, a IDWT process is employed considering both the estimated level-3 low-low sub-band of the current WZ frame and the level-3 detailed coefficients (LH, HL, and HL) of the respective neighboring frames, as input. Similar process is repeated until the eventual estimated WZ frame (also known as SI) in the original form (spatial domain) is obtained. Flowcharts shown in Figs. 67 and 8 give a clear insight about the steps (initialization, learning, and estimation) involved in the proposed SI estimation scheme. Additionally, a brief explanation of each of the steps is also presented in Algorithm 2.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Block diagram for IDWT

Fig. 6
figure 6

Flowchart for initialization step

Fig. 7
figure 7

Flowchart for learning step

Fig. 8
figure 8

Flowchart for estimation step

6 Discussion and analysis of the results

To appraise the efficaciousness of the proposed SI generation scheme, exhaustive simulations are carried out in MATLAB under certain relevant and specific test environment.

figure g

6.1 Test environment

The test environment is illustrated in a briefly described below.

6.1.1 Video sequences

To carry out exhaustive simulations, some of the standard and widely available video sequences, namely, Foreman, Hall-Monitor, Soccer, Coastguard, and Carphone are adopted. These sequences constitute diversified motion (low to fast) characteristics, a wide variety of texture contents, and have been used for assessment in various DVC research works [3], [28], [43], [44]. A prototypical frame of each of these video sequences is shown in Fig. 9. Moreover, the properties of each of these sequences are depicted in Table 1.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Prototypical frame of: aForeman, bHall-Monitor, cCoastguard, dSoccer, and eCarphone

Table 1 Standard test video sequences

6.1.2 Group of picture (GOP)

The length of GOP may be 2, 4, or 8 (usually, only 2 in many of the DVC literature)

6.1.3 Rate-distortion parameters

To determine various RD trade-off points, eight distinct quantization matrices (QM) [10], [30] are used. The adopted quantization matrices with different quantization levels are shown in Fig. 10. It illustrates the quantization levels allied with each of the coefficients in a DCT band. In Fig. 10, starting with the top-left to bottom-right, depending on the QM used, an improvement in the quality of the decoded frames can be distinguished. However, the bit rate also increases. For each DCT band, the non zero entry in QM depicts the transmission of the parity bits for the corresponding DCT band, whereas the cell with zero denotes non-transmission of the parity bits.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Eight distinct quantization matrices

6.1.4 Benchmark schemes

To assess and compare the efficaciousness of the proposed SI estimation technique, the following schemes are adopted as the benchmark. A brief description of these schemes is given below.

H.264/AVC (Intra)

This corresponds to a pure intra-frame codec, where the temporal correlation is not being exploited.

H.264/AVC (No motion)

Contrary to H.264/AVC (Intra) codec, here, the temporal correlation is exploited. However, the motion estimation between the frames is not adopted. For comparative analysis, this codec has been used in many DVC works ([27]; [5]). In the present work, the result reported in [27] is referred to.


It corresponds to a transform-domain-based state-of-the-art DVC architecture and has been widely adopted as a benchmark by many DVC researchers. It has been developed at the Image Group of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST).

MLP-SI [36]

This is a transform-domain-based DVC architecture in which SI is generated using multi-layer perceptron neural-network.

Progressive-DVC [41]

It constitutes a transform-domain-based DVC architecture that utilizes the spatial dependency of the video frames to enhance the motion-compensated temporal interpolation (MCTI). In particular, WZ frames are segregated into various spatially correlated groups which are then transmitted progressively to the decoder.

It may be noted that H.264/AVC (Intra) and H.264/AVC (No motion) schemes correspond to the traditional-based video coding solutions, whereas IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and Progressive DVC techniques belong to DVC-based video codec framework. Hence, in the present work, IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and Progressive-DVC are considered as the benchmark techniques.

6.1.5 Training and testing samples

Generally, in machine learning-based approaches, the input dataset is segregated into two groups, namely, training and testing groups. The present work utilizes the same approach and the video frames are segregated into training and testing samples. Here, in this work, the predefined number of initial frames of each test video sequences is considered as the training sample so as to make the training model to learn all possible motion and texture features of a video sequence. Further, in the testing phase, the remaining frames that are not included in the training phase are considered to validate the performance of the proposed scheme.

6.1.6 Other conditions

In DVC-based video coding solutions, the Y (luminance) feature of the video frames is particularly used to compute the PSNR and RD characteristics. Hence, in the present work, to make the comparison fair, only the luminance feature is considered. Moreover, both odd and even frames are utilized to compute the RD behavior.

6.2 Detailed experimental analysis

To provide a clear insight and better clarity of the performance analysis, the overall simulation is grouped into eight different experiments. Each of the experiments is described below in detail.

6.2.1 Performance analysis of SI estimation with respect to PSNR (in dB)

As aforementioned, the prime objective of the present work is to estimate a better quality of SI using a hybrid approach based on MRA and ELM techniques. To fix the number of hidden units in the hidden layer is one of the essential assignments in an NN architecture, and depends on the application scenarios. However, to have a fair comparison, in the present work, the number of hidden nodes (hn) is taken to be the same as in MLP-SI scheme (hn = 14).

In this experiment, the quality of the SI frames is assessed in terms of PSNR (in dB) between the estimated SI and the original WZ frame, for the test video sequences considered. A brief comparison of the estimated SI frame quality achieved with different DVC techniques, namely, IST-TDWZ [6], MLP-SI [36], Progressive DVC [41], and the proposed technique, for three distinct GOP sizes (2, 4, and 8) and five distinct video sequences, namely, Foreman, Carphone, Coastguard, Hall-Monitor, and Soccer, is summarized in Table 2. It is observed that the PSNR values (in dB) with the proposed scheme is notably higher than that of IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and Progressive-based DVC schemes. This shows that the proposed scheme can generate quality SI for video sequences with varied resolution and GOP sizes.

Table 2 Average PSNR values (in dB) of the estimated SI frames for GOP sizes 2, 4, and 8

Further, Fig. 11a-c show the PSNR (in dB) comparison among the schemes for Carphone, Hall-Monitor, and Foreman video sequences, respectively. It is observed that in a majority number of frames, PSNR (in dB) with the proposed scheme is notably higher than that of MLP-SI, and IST-TDWZ schemes. The results obtained clearly indicates that the proposed SI scheme is able to generate a better quality of SI for video sequences with different resolution.

Fig. 11
figure 11

PSNR (in dB) plot per estimated SI frame of: aCarphone, bHall-Monitor, and cForeman

6.2.2 Analysis of perceptive measure of SI with respect to SSIM

This experiment is to obtain the perceptive measure in terms of SSIM [14] for the proposed and benchmark schemes. SSIM computes the structural similarity between two images and determines the degradation in the picture quality caused by some processing techniques like data compression or transmission. Higher the similarity between the images, closer is the SSIM value to unity. Table 3 depicts the average SSIM obtained with the proposed and benchmark schemes for the test video sequences considered. From the table, it is noticed that the proposed method has the highest average SSIM value.

Table 3 Average SSIM Values for different video sequences

Further, for visual (subjective) analysis, the original 108th frame of Carphone and the corresponding estimated SI frames with IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and the proposed technique are shown in Fig. 12a-d, respectively. Figure 13a-c represent the binary image (difference image) of the IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and the proposed technique with respect to the original 108th frame, respectively. Similarly, Fig. 14a-d represent the original 84th frame of Hall-Monitor and the corresponding estimated SI frames with IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and the proposed technique, respectively. The difference between the original & IST-TDWZ, original & MLP-SI, and original & the proposed scheme, is shown in Fig. 15a-c, respectively. It may be noticed that the estimated SI frame with the proposed scheme is more similar to the original frame as compared to that in IST-TDWZ, and MLP-SI techniques. Moreover, similar findings have also been observed with other video sequences as well, but are not included here in view of space limitations.

Fig. 12
figure 12

108th frame of Carphone: a Original, b IST-TDWZ (SSIM = 0.9375), c MLP-SI (SSIM = 0.9573), and d Proposed (SSIM = 0.9801)

Fig. 13
figure 13

Difference frame of Carphone: a Original & IST-TDWZ, b Original & MLP-SI, c Original & Proposed

Fig. 14
figure 14

84th frame of Hall-Monitor: a Original, b IST-TDWZ (SSIM = 0.9381), c MLP-SI (SSIM = 0.9535), and d Proposed (SSIM = 0.9767)

Fig. 15
figure 15

Difference frame of Hall-Monitor: a Original & IST-TDWZ, b Original & MLP-SI, c Original & Proposed

6.2.3 Assessment of additional parity requests per SI frame

The efficacy of the decoder firmly depends on the number of parity request. Hence, it becomes utmost necessary to evaluate the number of additional parity bits requested by the decoder to correct the error that exists between the original WZ and the estimated SI frame. Figure 16a and b illustrate the additional requests initiated per SI frame with the IST-TDWZ, MLP-SI, and the proposed schemes, for the Foreman, and Coastguard sequences, respectively. To perform this experiment, a noiseless channel is adopted for transmission of parity bits.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Number of Parity Requests (at 15 fps) for: aForeman, and bCoastguard

From the experimental result, it is noticed that a maximum of 742 requests is made with the proposed scheme for the 110th frame of the Foreman sequence, whereas a maximum number of 760, and 782 requests are made with the MLP-SI, and IST-TDWZ schemes, respectively. In general, similar improvements are observed with the proposed SI generation method for other video sequences as well.

6.2.4 Evaluation of comprehensive RD behavior

To evaluate the codec efficiency, this experiment assesses the overall RD performance of the proposed DVC codec. To compute the RD performance, only the Y (Luminance) component of the video frames is used. Additionally, both WZ and key frames are considered. The RD plots for Foreman, Soccer, Hall-Monitor, and Coastguard at 15fps with GOP = 2 are shown in Fig. 17a-d, respectively. Similarly, the RD plots for GOP = 4, and GOP = 8, for the same video sequence, at 15fps, are represented in Figs. 18a-d, and 19a-d, respectively.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Rate Distortion Plot with GOP = 2 at 15fps for: aForeman, bSoccer, cHall-Monitor, and dCoastguard

Fig. 18
figure 18

Rate Distortion Plot with GOP = 4 at 15fps for: aForeman, bSoccer, cHall-Monitor, and dCoastguard

Fig. 19
figure 19

Rate Distortion Plot with GOP = 8 at 15fps for: aForeman, bSoccer, cHall-Monitor, and dCoastguard.

Further, a brief comparison of the average PSNR values (in dB) obtained with the proposed approach over that of the IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC, and MLP-SI schemes at different bit rates (in kbps) and GOPs (2, 4 and 8), for the Foreman, Soccer, Hall-Monitor, and Coastguard sequences are presented in Tables 456 and 7, respectively. From an analysis of the results obtained, the following observations are made.

  1. (a)

    From Table 4, it is observed that for the Foreman sequence with GOP = 2, the proposed DVC codec has a maximum average PSNR gain of 1.47 dB and 0.87 dB over that of IST-TDWZ, and MLP-SI schemes, respectively. Similarly, with GOP = 8, a maximum average gain of 3.32 dB, 1.25 dB, and 1.00 dB is observed over that of IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC (3 Groups), and MLP-SI schemes, respectively.

  2. (b)

    From Table 5, it is noticed that for the Soccer sequence with GOP = 2, the proposed framework has a maximum average PSNR gain of 1.83 dB and 1.41 dB over that of IST-TDWZ, and Progressive-DVC (4 Groups) schemes, respectively. Similarly, with GOP = 4, a maximum average gain of 2.90 dB and 2.00 dB is observed over that of IST-TDWZ, and Progressive-DVC (3 Groups), respectively.

  3. (c)

    Similarly, it is seen that for the Coastguard sequence with GOP = 2 (see the Table 7), a maximum average PSNR gain of 1.07 dB and 0.99 dB is obtained with the proposed technique over that of IST-TDWZ, and MLP-SI scheme, respectively. Moreover, with GOP = 8, a maximum gain of 0.64 dB and 0.26 dB is noticed over that of IST-TDWZ, and Progressive-DVC (2 Groups) schemes, respectively.

Table 4 Average PSNR values (in dB) obtained with the Proposed scheme over IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC (2 groups), Progressive-DVC (3 groups), Progressive-DVC (4 groups), and MLP-SI scheme for Foreman sequence with different bit-rates and GOP size 2, 4, and 8
Table 5 Average PSNR values (in dB) obtained with the Proposed scheme over IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC (2 groups), Progressive-DVC (3 groups), Progressive-DVC (4 groups), and MLP-SI scheme for Soccer sequence with different bit-rates and GOP size 2, 4, and 8
Table 6 Average PSNR values (in dB) obtained with the Proposed scheme over IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC (2 groups), Progressive-DVC (3 groups), Progressive-DVC (4 groups), and MLP-SI scheme for Hall-Monitor sequence with different bit-rates and GOP size 2, 4, and 8
Table 7 Average PSNR values (in dB) obtained with the Proposed scheme over IST-TDWZ, Progressive-DVC (2 groups), Progressive-DVC (3 groups), Progressive-DVC (4 groups), and MLP-SI scheme for Coastguard sequence with different bit-rates and GOP size 2, 4, and 8

6.2.5 Evaluation of decoding time

Generally, in WZ video codec, the decoder complexity is significantly higher than that of the encoder. Hence, in order to measure the decoder complexity, the average time taken (in seconds) by the turbo decoder (TD) with the proposed and other benchmark schemes for different quantization matrices, namely, Q1,Q4, and Q8 [6] for the Foreman sequence is reported in Table 8. Similarly, Table 9 depicts the average time taken (in seconds) by TD for the Soccer sequence. From the tabular data, the following observations can be inferred.

  1. (a)

    From Table 8, it is observed that a maximum time reduction of 29.88%, and 12.82% is achieved with the proposed scheme over that of IST-TDWZ for Qi = 8 with GOP = 2, and GOP = 8, respectively. Similarly, a maximum of 47.02%, and 36% is achieved with the proposed scheme over that of Progressive-DVC (4 Groups) for Qi = 1 with GOP = 2, and GOP = 8, respectively.

  2. (b)

    From Table 9, it is observed that a maximum time reduction of 33.95%, and 16.40% is achieved with the proposed scheme over that of IST-TDWZ for Qi = 8 with GOP = 2, and GOP = 8, respectively. Similarly, a maximum of 35.95%, and 28.21% is achieved with the proposed scheme over that of Progressive-DVC (4 Groups) for Qi = 1 with GOP = 2, and GOP = 8, respectively.

Table 8 Comparative Analysis of Decoding Time (in secs) for Foreman sequence
Table 9 Comparative Analysis of Decoding Time (in secs) for Soccer sequence

From these observations, it can be concluded that the proposed scheme requires considerably less decoding time as compared to that of the other competent schemes. Further, similar findings are also observed for other video sequences with different GOPs and quantization matrices as well.

6.2.6 Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis is a scientific method used to make judgments with a measurable confidence. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is such a statistical approach used to validate whether the means of several groups are all equal. Typically, in ANOVA, a null and alternative hypothesis are defined. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference among the groups against the alternative hypothesis that there is a significant difference. The rejection or acceptance of the null hypothesis firmly relies on the resulting p-value of the ANOVA test. If p <= 0.05 (considered significance level of 5%), the null hypothesis fails to be accepted. Further, for a better understanding, see the detailed explanation of ANOVA presented in [34].

In the present work, ANOVA is used to validate that the proposed method produces statistically significant enhancement as compared to the benchmark schemes with respect to different parameters like PSNR (in dB), SSIM, and so on. For instance, the detailed analysis of the ANOVA test with respect to PSNR (in dB) for the Hall-Monitor sequence are reported in Table 10. It is noticed that the p-values obtained (< .0001 for Hall-Monitor) is considerably less than the set significance level of 5%. Similarly, the analysis with respect to SSIM for the Carphone sequence is shown in Table 11. The p-value of 0.0001 obtained is less than 5% significance level. Moreover, similar findings have been observed for other video sequences with different parameters as well. Hence, in general, it can be validated that the proposed technique produces statistically significant improvement as compared to the benchmark schemes.

Table 10 ANOVA test with respect to PSNR (in dB) for Hall-Monitor
Table 11 ANOVA test with respect to SSIM for Carphone

7 Closing remarks

In this study, a hybrid approach utilizing the principles of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and extreme learning machine (ELM) is proposed to estimate the side information (SI) in a distributed video coding (DVC) framework. The proposed scheme estimates the SI for the current WZ frame using two adjacent, neighboring, and formerly decoded key-key or key-WZ frames, as input. Initially, a level-3 Haar wavelet transform (HWT) is applied on the input frames to extract the low-low (LL3) approximation coefficients. Similarly, a level-3 HWT is also applied on to the current WZ frame to obtain the (LL3) approximation coefficients. Using the (LL3) approximation coefficients obtained of both key and current WZ frames, the training pattern (input, target) is created. Next, the training patterns so created are used to train the ELM network. Once the network is trained, it is capable of generating the LL3 coefficients for the estimated SI frame. Using the generated LL3 coefficients and the previously retained detailed coefficients, an IDWT process is employed, level-by-level, to obtain the eventual estimated SI frame for the rest of the incoming WZ frames of a video sequence, in a real-time scenario. To exemplify the efficacy of the proposed technique, it is integrated over the Stanford-based transform-domain DVC (TDWZ) codec.

Comparisons have been made with respect to the existing contemporary video codecs. From the exhaustive simulations and analysis of the results obtained, it has been observed that the proposed SI generation scheme results in an improved in terms of both qualitative and quantitative measures. Additionally, to validate the inferred observations, a statistical test, namely, analysis of variance (ANOVA), has been utilized. From the ANOVA test, considering a significance level of 5%, it has been noticed that the proposed method and the other benchmark techniques are significantly different from one another. Further, considering the experimental results as well as the statistical (ANOVA test), it can be concluded that the proposed SI estimation scheme is capable of achieving a significant enhancement in performance over that of the benchmark techniques. Moreover, it has also been shown that the proposed scheme minimizes the estimation error between the generated SI and the corresponding WZ frames.

The orthogonal wavelets represent the image feature information along different directions, namely, the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions. Therefore, it may not be possible to uphold sufficient information using these directions. Hence, advanced transformation techniques like curvelet transform may be exploited. Curvelet transforms are capable of analyzing images at various angles, scales, and locations. Similarly, another transformation technique, namely, contourlet transform shows a greater degree of directionality and anisotropy. It has multi-scale and time-frequency localization property which overcomes the drawback of wavelets. Further, advanced machine learning techniques, namely, convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, extreme learning variants, and so on can be exploited to generate a better quality of SI. Furthermore, at present, some investigations have been made to develop an efficient parallel framework for intra-codec framework like high efficiency video coding (HEVC) [49, 50]. However, parallelization in other modules of HEVC are still some of the research direction to be investigated.