1 Introduction

In many production scenarios, the effects of learning and deterioration are common and thus have received increasing attention from academy in recent years. Readers can find these works in Wang et al. [1, 2, 5], Cheng et al. [3], Kuo [4], Yang [6] and Yang et al. [7], etc. Specifically, there is also a growing interest in studying the truncated job-dependent learning effect. Wu et al. [8] investigated a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with a truncated sum of processing-times-based learning function, and they proposed a branch-and-bound and a genetic heuristic-based algorithm to solve this problem. He et al. [9] studied the resource constrained scheduling problem with general truncated job-dependent learning effect, and provided the optimal resource allocation for each case. Wu and Wang [10] studied a single-machine scheduling problem with truncated sum-of-processing-times-based learning effect including proportional delivery times, and proposed several scheduling rules to solve this problem. More references can be found in Niu et al. [11], Wang et al. [12], Wu et al. [13], etc. In this paper, we follow the learning model in Niu et al. [11] and extend it into the group scheduling problem considering the batch processing way.

In our previous research, some scheduling problems with the effects of deterioration and learning were investigated [14,15,16,17]. Different from our previous research, we mainly focus on the combined effects of deterioration and truncated job-dependent learning in this paper, with group scheduling and group release times further investigated. Thus, the main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

  1. (1)

    We propose a novel integrated scheduling model which combines the features of serial batching, the combined effects of deterioration and truncated job-dependent learning, group scheduling, and setup time simultaneously.

  2. (2)

    Specific to the situation of group scheduling, different release times are further investigated on the basis of the batching processing way.

  3. (3)

    For the special case, we propose the optimal job batching policies, batches sequencing, and groups sequencing and develop an optimization algorithm to solve it. Based on this, an effective hybrid VNS–ASHLO algorithm is developed to solve the general case.

The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. We give notations and the problem statement in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, the special case that all groups have the same arrival time is analyzed and an optimization algorithm is proposed to solve it. In Sect. 4, the general case where all groups have different arrival times is analyzed, and a hybrid meta-heuristic is proposed to solve it. Finally, the conclusion is given in Sect. 5.

2 Notations and problems statement

We first give the notations used throughout in this paper, which is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Notations

We start by proposing a combined deterioration and truncated position-based learning model for group scheduling in a serial-batching setting. Here the deterioration effect indicates that the raw materials to be processed deteriorate over time, and the jobs require more processing time if processed later. The learning effect indicates that the workers or machines can improve the production efficiency with more processing experiences, and the coefficient of learning effect is determined by the job’s position and a truncation parameter in the truncated position-based learning model. Then, we investigate the following scheduling problem. There is a set of N non-preemptive jobs to be processed on a serial-batching machine, and these jobs are classified into n groups. Each group contains a certain number of jobs, that is, \(G_i =\left\{ {J_{i1} ,J_{i2} ,\cdots ,J_{N_i } } \right\} \), \(i=1,2,\cdots ,n\). All jobs in each group are processed in the way of serial batches, which requires that all the jobs within the same batch are processed one after another in a serial way, and the completion time of any job is equal to that of its belonged batch, which is defined as the completion time of the last job in the batch [18]. The number of the jobs in each batch cannot exceed the machine capacity c. We further investigate the combined effects of deterioration and truncated job-dependent learning in this paper [11]. Due to the switch operations and different processing ways for different groups, the combined effects of deterioration and learning restart once a new group begins to be processed. If \(J_{ij} \) is scheduled in position r of certain group \(G_i \), then its actual processing time is defined as [11]

$$\begin{aligned} p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,\quad r,j=1,2,\cdots ,N_i ,i=1,2,\cdots ,n \end{aligned}$$

where \(p_{ij} \) is a normal processing time of \(J_{ij} \), \(\alpha _i \) is the learning rate of all jobs in \(G_i (i=1,2,\cdots ,n)\) with \(\alpha _i <0\), \(\beta \) is a truncation parameter with \(0<\beta <1\), b is the deteriorating rate of processing jobs, t is the staring time for processing \(J_{ij} \).

Both group and batch setup times are required before processing any group or batch, and the setup times of \(G_i \) and \(b_{ik} \) are defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} s_g^i= & {} \theta _g t\nonumber \\ s_b^{ij}= & {} \theta _b^i {t}' \end{aligned}$$

where \(\theta _g \) is the deteriorating rate of groups’ setup time, \(\theta _b^i \) is the deteriorating rate of batches’ setup time in \(G_i \) (\(i=1,2,\cdots ,n)\), and t and \({t}'\) are the starting time of processing \(G_i \) and \(b_{ik} \), respectively.

In this paper, we assume that different groups have distinct release times. We first investigate the special case that all groups have the identical release times and propose some important properties and algorithms, and then study the general case that all groups have different release times based on the investigation to the special case. The objective of the studied problems is to minimize the makespan. In the remaining sections of the paper, all the problems are denoted by the three-field notation schema \(\alpha \left| \beta \right| \gamma \) introduced by Graham et al. [19].

3 Problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \)

In this section, the special case that all groups have the same release times is studied. We first give some structural properties of this studied problem for the optimal schedules, and then a batching rule and an optimization algorithm are developed to solve this problem.

We first give the completion time of a certain group in the following property.

Lemma 1

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), given any schedule \(\pi =\left( {G_1 ,G_2 ,\cdots ,G_n } \right) \) with all groups arriving at time \(t_0 >0\), if the starting time of \(G_f \left( {f=1,2,\cdots ,n} \right) \) is T, then the completion time of \(G_f \) is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{fm_f } } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{m_f }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_f }T \nonumber \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_f } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_f } n_{fd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{m_f -k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum } _{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} } \nonumber \\&\,(1+b)^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \end{aligned}$$


For the batch index \(v=1\) in \(G_f \), there is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{f1} } \right) =\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) \left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{f1} }T+\sum \limits _{j=1}^{n_{f1} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{f1} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \end{aligned}$$

Thus, Eq. (1) holds for \(v=1\). For all \(2\le v<f\), if Eq. (1) holds, then

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{fv} } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v}\left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }T \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^v \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v-k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum } _{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} }\\&(1+b)^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, for the \(\left( {v+1} \right) \)th batch \(b_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } \), there is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } } \right)= & {} C\left( {b_{fv} } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) \left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } }\\&+\sum \limits _{j={\sum } _{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fv} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \\= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v+1}\left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{v+1} n_{fd} }T+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{v+1}\left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum } _{d=k+1}^{v+1} n_{fd} }\\&\times \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v-k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Thus, Eq. (1) holds for the \(\left( {v+1} \right) \)th batch \(b_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } \), and it can be also derived that Eq. (1) holds for \(b_{fm_f } \). The proof is completed. \(\square \)

Based on the result of the batches’ completion times, we develop some properties of jobs sequencing and jobs batching in the same batch from a certain batch by the job interchange operations as follows.

Lemma 2

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), all jobs in the same batch of a certain group should be sequenced in non-decreasing order of \(p_{ij} \) in the optimal schedule.


Here we assume that \(\pi ^{*}\) and \(\pi \) are an optimal schedule and a job schedule, respectively. The difference of these two schedules is the pairwise interchange of these two jobs \(J_{fd} \) and \(J_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \left( {d=1,2,\cdots ,N_f -1} \right) \) in the same batch, that is, \(\pi ^{*}=\left( {W_1 ,J_{fd} ,J_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } ,W_2 } \right) \), \(\pi =\left( {W_1 ,J_{fd} \,,J_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } ,W_2 } \right) \), where \(J_{fd} ,J_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \in b_{fv} \), and \(b_{fv} \subset G_f \), \(n_{fv} \ge 2\), \(f=1,2,\cdots ,n\), \(v=1,2,\cdots ,m_f \). \(J_{fd} \) and \(J_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \) are in the dth and \(\left( {d+1} \right) \)th positions of \(G_f \). \(W_1 \) and \(W_2 \) represent two partial sequences, and \(W_1 \) or \(W_2 \) may be empty. It is assumed that \(p_{fd} \ge p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \).

If the starting time of \(G_f \left( {f=1,2,\cdots ,n} \right) \) is T, then we first give the completion time of \(b_{fv} \) in \(\pi ^{*}\),

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{fv} \left( {\pi ^{*}} \right) } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v}\left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }T \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^v \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v-k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} }\\&\quad \,(1+b)^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \\ \end{aligned}$$

Then, the completion time of \(b_{fv} \) in \(\pi \) is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{fv} \left( \pi \right) } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v}\left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }T \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^v \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^v n_{fd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^f } \right) ^{v-k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum } _{h=1}^{k-1} n_{fh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} } (1\\&+\,b)^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{fh} -j}p_{fj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \\&-\left[ {\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}p_{fd} max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} +\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} } \right] \\&+\left[ {\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} +\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}p_{fd} max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} } \right] . \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&C\left( {b_{fv} \left( {\pi ^{*}} \right) } \right) -C\left( {b_{fv} \left( \pi \right) } \right) \\&\quad =\left[ {\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}p_{fd} max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} +\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} } \right] \\&\qquad -\left[ {\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} +\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}p_{fd} max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} } \right] \\&\quad =\left[ {\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} -\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} } \right] \left[ {p_{fd} -p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } } \right] . \end{aligned}$$

Since \(max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \ge max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \), we can obtain that \(\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d}max\left\{ {d^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} >\left( {1+b} \right) ^{n_{fv} -d-1}max\left\{ {\left( {d+1} \right) ^{\alpha _f },\beta } \right\} \). Also, it is assumed \(p_{fd} \ge p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \), we can derive that

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {b_{fv} \left( {\pi ^{*}} \right) } \right) \ge C\left( {b_{fv} \left( \pi \right) } \right) , \end{aligned}$$

which conflicts with the optimal schedule. Hence, it should be \(p_{fd} \le p_{f\left( {d+1} \right) } \).

The proof is completed. \(\square \)

Similar to the proof of Lemma 2, we have the following property.

Lemma 3

For the optimal schedule of the problem \(1\left| s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\right. \left. \left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +\,bt,r_i =t_0 \right| C_{max} \), the normal processing time of \(J_{ij} \) in a batch \(b_{fv} \) should be no more than that of any jobs in \(b_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } \), \(f=1,2,\cdots ,n\), \(v=1,2,\cdots ,m_f -1\).

Based on the jobs sequencing characteristic of Lemmas 2 and 3, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 1

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), all jobs in a certain group should be sequenced in the non-decreasing order of \(p_{ij}\).

As in Lemma 2, we can also use the similar jobs transferring operations to obtain the following property.

Lemma 4

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), there should be \(n_{fv} \le n_{f\left( {v+1} \right) } \) for a certain group in the optimal schedule, where \(f=1,2,\cdots ,n\), \(v=1,2,\cdots ,m_f -1\).

The following property for jobs number argument can be further obtained by using the similar jobs transferring operations.

Lemma 5

For the optimal schedule of the problem \(1\left| s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} \right. \left. +bt,r_i =t_0 \right| C_{max} \), there should be \(\left\lceil \frac{N_i }{c}\right\rceil \) batches in any group \(G_i \), and all batches are full of jobs except possibly the first batch.

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), we develop Batching-Rule 1 for the optimal jobs batching of each group based on the Lemmas 15 and Corollary 1.

Batching-Rule 1

Step 1. Set \(i=1\)

Step 2. All jobs in \(G_i \) are indexed in the non-decreasing order of \(p_{ij} \), \(j=1,2,\cdots ,m_i \), then a job list of \(G_i \) is generated that \(p_{i1} \le p_{i2} \le \cdots \le p_{im_i } \).

Step 4. Place the first \(N_i -\left( \left\lceil \frac{N_i }{c}\right\rceil -1 \right) c\) jobs in the first batch

Step 5. If there are more than c jobs in the job list of \(G_i \), then place c jobs in a batch and iterate. Then, all batches are generated in \(G_i \).

Step 6. If \(i<n\), then set \(i=i+1\), go to step 2. Otherwise, end.

Based on the optimal jobs batching of each group, we have the following property for the optimal sequencing of each group.

Lemma 6

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), considering two consecutive groups \(G_r \) and \(G_{r+1} \), if \(\rho \left( {G_r } \right) \le \rho \left( {G_{r+1} } \right) \), where \(\rho \left( {G_r } \right) =\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }-1}\), \(r=1,2,\cdots ,n-1\), then it is optimal to process \(G_r \) before \(G_{r+1} .\)


Let .\(\pi ^{*}\). and \(\pi \) be an optimal schedule and a job schedule, and their difference is the pairwise interchange of these two job sets \(G_r \) and \(G_{r+1} \,\left( {r=1,2,\cdots ,n-1} \right) \), that is, \(\pi ^{*}=\left( {W_1 ,G_r \,,G_{r+1} ,W_2 } \right) \), \(\pi =\left( {W_1 ,G_{r+1} ,G_r ,W_2 } \right) \), where both \(G_r \) and \(G_{r+1} \) may include one or multiple batches, \(W_1 \) and \(W_2 \) represent two partial sequences, and \(W_1 \) or \(W_2 \) may be empty. Here it is assumed that \(\rho \left( {G_r } \right) >\rho \left( {G_{r+1} } \right) \), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }-1} \\&\quad >\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_{r+1} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_{r+1} } n_{\left( {r+1} \right) d} }\left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} -j}p_{\left( {r+1} \right) j} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _{r+1} },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_{r+1} }-1}, \end{aligned}$$

and the starting time of processing \(G_r \) is T.

For \(\pi ^{*}\), the completion time of \(G_{r+1} \) is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {G_{r+1} \left( {\pi ^{*}} \right) } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_{r+1} } \\&\left[ \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }T+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\right. \\&\left. \times \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} \right] \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_{r+1} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_{r+1} } n_{\left( {r+1} \right) d} }\left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} -k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} } \\&\times \,\,(1+b)^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} -j}p_{\left( {r+1} \right) j} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _{r+1} },\beta } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

For \(\pi \), the completion time of \(G_r \) is

$$\begin{aligned} C\left( {G_r \left( \pi \right) } \right)= & {} \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r } \\&\left[ \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_{r+1} }T+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_{r+1} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_{r+1} } n_{\left( {r+1} \right) d} }\right. \\&\left. \times \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} -k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} -j}p_{\left( {r+1} \right) j} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _{r+1} },\beta } \right\} \right] \\&+\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}\sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} . \\ \end{aligned}$$

It can be derived that

$$\begin{aligned}&C\left( {G_{r+1} \left( {\pi ^{*}} \right) } \right) -C\left( {G_r \left( \pi \right) } \right) \\&\quad =\left[ {\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }-1} \right] \left[ {\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_{r+1} }-1} \right] \\&\qquad \left[ {\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }-1}} \right. \\&\qquad -\left. {\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_{r+1} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_{r+1} } n_{\left( {r+1} \right) d} }\left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{\left( {r+1} \right) h} -j}p_{\left( {r+1} \right) j} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _{r+1} },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^{r+1} } \right) ^{m_{r+1} }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_{r+1} }-1}} \right] \\&\quad >0. \\ \end{aligned}$$

It conflicts with the optimal schedule. Consequently, the proof is completed. \(\square \)

Based on the above lemmas and the optimal jobs batching rule, we develop the following Algorithm 1 to solve the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \).

Algorithm 1

Step 1. Execute Batching-Rule 1

Step 2. Calculate \(\rho \left( {G_r } \right) =\frac{{\sum }_{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k}{\sum }_{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} }{\left( {1+\theta _g } \right) \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r }-1}\), \(r=1,2,\cdots ,n-1\).

Step 3. Sequence all groups in the non-increasing order of \(\rho \left( {G_l } \right) \), i.e., \(\rho \left( {G_1 } \right) \le \rho \left( {G_2 } \right) \le \cdots \le \rho \left( {G_n } \right) \).

Theorem 1

For the problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i =t_0 } \right| C_{max} \), an optimal schedule can be obtained by Algorithm 1 in \(O\left( {N\log N} \right) \) time. The optimal makespan is

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} C_{max}^*&=t_0 \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) ^{n}\mathop \prod \limits _{r=1}^n \left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_r } \\&\quad +\sum \limits _{r=1}^n \left( {1+\theta _g } \right) ^{n-r}\sum \limits _{k=1}^{m_r } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{d=k+1}^{m_r } n_{rd} }\left( {1+\theta _b^r } \right) ^{m_r -k} \\&\quad \sum \limits _{j={\sum }_{h=1}^{k-1} n_{rh} +1}^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} } \left( {1+b} \right) ^{{\sum }_{h=1}^k n_{rh} -j}p_{rj} max\left\{ {j^{\alpha _r },\beta } \right\} \mathop \prod \limits _{l=r+1}^n \left( {1+\theta _b^l } \right) ^{m_l }\left( {1+b} \right) ^{N_l }. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


An optimal solution can be generated by Algorithm 1 based on Lemmas 16 and Corollary 1. Similar to the proof of Lemma 1, the result of the optimal solution can be also obtained as Eq. (2). The time complexity of step 1 is at most \(O\left( {N\log N} \right) \), and the total time complexity of step 2 is \(O\left( 1 \right) \). Then, for step 3, the time complexity of obtaining the optimal group sequence is \(O\left( {n\log n} \right) \). Since we have \(n\le N\), the time complexity of Algorithm 1 is at most \(O\left( {N\log N} \right) \). \(\square \)

4 Problem \(1\left| {s-batch,p_{ij}^A =p_{ij} max\left\{ {r^{\alpha _i },\beta } \right\} +bt,r_i } \right| C_{max} \)

In this section, we first give the key steps of VNS–ASHLO algorithm in Sect. 4.1, and then computational experiments are conducted to test the performance of the proposed algorithm compared with another four algorithms in Sect. 4.2.

4.1 Key steps of VNS–ASHLO algorithm

In this section, a hybrid VNS–ASHLO algorithm combing variable neighborhood search (VNS) and adaptive simplified human learning optimization (ASHLO) algorithm is proposed to solve the studied problem. VNS has been widely used in various combinatorial optimization problems since it was developed by Hansen and Mladenović [20]. There are lots of variants of VNS and the detailed overview can be found in Hansen et al. [21]. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the local search procedure in VNS, we adopt the the adaptive simplified human learning optimization (ASHLO) algorithm to replace the local search procedure in traditional VNS. ASHLO algorithm was proposed by Wang et al. [22], which is inspired by the behavior of human learning. The human learning process can be divided into three methods: (i) random learning, (ii) individual learning, and (iii) social learning. Random learning is common at the beginning of learning, because of the lack of prior knowledge, and individual usually acquires knowledge randomly [22]. In the following studying process, to avoid mistakes and improve learning efficiency, individuals refer to their own experiences and knowledge during the process of study [22]. This phenomenon can be abstracted as individual learning. However, the experiences or knowledge of an individual is limited, individual needs to gain more knowledge from other people through social learning to further improve their learning performance [22]. In each iteration, individual i randomly selects a method to learn and then updates current individual knowledge data (IKD) for itself and social knowledge data (SKD), where IKD is used to save a certain number of historical optimal solutions for each individual, and SKD is uesd to store a certain number of historical optimal solutions for the whole population. The algorithm framework of VNS–ASHLO is described in Table 2, and the part of ASHLO is demonstrated in the 5th line to the 23th line in the pseudocode. The flow chart of VNS–ASHLO is also given in Fig. 1.

Table 2 The pseudocode of VNS–ASHLO

4.1.1 Coding and encoding

In this paper, a solution of the studied problem is resprented by an array of group number, and the processing sequence of groups is determined by the array. For any solution \(X=\left\{ {x_1 ,\cdots ,x_g ,\cdots ,x_n } \right\} \), the fitness of X is calculated as follows.

Calculation of the fitness

Step 1. Set \(g=1\), \(C_{g-1} =C_g =0\).

Step 2. Apply Scheduling Rule 1 to calculate the completion time of group \(x_g \) as \(C_g \), if \(g=n\), then output \(C_n \) and stop.

Step 3. If \(C_g <max\{r_i |i=1,2\cdots ,n\}\), then set \(g=g+1\) and go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 4.

Step 4. Apply algorithm 1 to solve the completion time of the remain groups and output \(C_n \).

4.1.2 Neighborhood structure

A simple neighborhood structure based on swap operator is applied in this paper, \(N_h \left( X \right) \) denotes the \(ht\hbox {h}\) neighborhood of solution X, and \(N_h \left( X \right) \) is defined as follows.

Neighborhood structure

Step 1. Set \(u=1\).

Step 2. Randomly select two elements of solution X and swap them.

Step 3. If \(u\le h\), then go to step 2. Otherwise, output solution X.

4.1.3 Random learning operator

A simple random swap process is developed as random learning operator. When an element of solution X is selected to perform random learning operator, randomly swap this element with another element of solution X.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The flowchart of VNS–ASHLO

4.1.4 Individual learning operator

We assume that the gth position of current solution X for individual l is taken into consideration, and the individual learning operator can be described as follows.

Individual learning operator

Step 1. Randomly select a solution from the IKD of individual l as the selected solution \(X\_select\).

Step 2. The element of X which is equal to the one in the gth position of \(X\_select\) is replaced by the gth position of X.

Step 3. Replace gth position of current solution X with the one in the gth position of \(X\_select\).

4.1.5 Social learning operator

Similar to individual learning operator, we also define the social learning operator, which can be described as follows.

Social learning operator

Step 1. Randomly select a solution from the SKD as selected solution \(X\_select\).

Step 2. The element of X which is equal to the one in the gth position of \(X\_select\) is replaced by the gth position of X.

Step 3. Replace gth position of current solution X with the one in the gth position of \(X\_select\).

4.2 Computational experiments and comparison

In this sub-section, a serial of computational experiments are conducted to test the performance of our proposed algorithm VNS–ASHLO, compared with ASHLO [22], VNS [23], and Simulated Annealing (SA) [24], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [25]. The parameters of the test problems were randomly generated as Table 3 according to the practical situations in an aluminum factory.

Table 3 Parameters setting

In order to evaluate the performance of proposed VNS–ASHLO, it is compared with another four algorithms in the studied problem. In Table 4, the results of the average objective value (Avg.Obj) and the maximum objective value (Max.Obj) for the problem are listed. The convergence curves of all algorithms are shown in Fig. 2.

Table 4 The results of the average objective value (Avg.Obj) and the minimum objective value (Max.Obj) for each algorithm
Fig. 2
figure 2

Convergence curves for each algorithm when \(n=10,\,15,\,20,\,25,\,30,\,35,\,40,\,45\). a Convergence curves for \(n=10\). b Convergence curves for \(n=15\). c Convergence curves for \(n=20\). d Convergence curves for \(n=25\). e Convergence curves for \(n=30\). f Convergence curves for \(n=35\). g Convergence curves for \(n=40\). h Convergence curves for \(n=45\)

All cases run 10 times to avoid the contingency of the experiment. In order to ensure the fairness of the comparison experiment, the population sizes of ASHLO, PSO, and VNS–ASHLO are equal to the local search times of VNS and SA, both set to 5. All algorithms were implemented in Eclipse and run on a Lenovo computer running Window10 with a dual-core CPU Intel i3-3240@3.40 GHz and 4 GB RAM. All the algorithms are tested by 200 iterations in a reasonable time, and the program code runs in 9.5 sec for 10 times when \(n=45\). Thus, it is shown that the average running time of VNS–ASHLO does not exceed 1 second. From Table 4, we conclude that each algorithm can find the optimal solution of the problem within 200 iterations in most cases. It is easy to find that our proposed algorithm has better performance than other algorithms, since the average objective value obtained by VNS–ASHLO is better than those of other algorithms among all cases. In this experiment, the average result of the current optimal solutions for 1 to 200 iterations is used to plot the above convergence curves. From Fig. 2, it can be obtained that the VNS–ASHLO has better convergence rate and optimization capability than other algorithms. All algorithms can find reasonable solutions within 200 iterations in most cases, but VNS–ASHLO has better convergence rate than other algorithms. With the increasing number of groups, the results show that the optimal solution could not be found within 200 iterations by SA and VNS. Although ASHLO and PSO can obtain better solutions than SA and VNS within 200 iterations, the drawback of them is that they are not stable for all the cases. From Fig. 2, it is also obvious that VNS–ASHLO has better robustness than ASHLO and PSO.

5 Conclusions

In this paper we study a single serial-batching machine scheduling problem to minimize the makespan, where the features of release times, group scheduling, the combined effects of deterioration and truncated job-dependent learning, and setup time are investigated simultaneously. For the special case that all groups have the same release times, the structural properties on jobs sequencing, jobs batching, and batches sequencing are studied, and an optimal batching rule and an algorithm are proposed for the special case. Based on the structural properties, the general case can be transformed into the resource allocation problem. Then, a hybrid VNS–ASHLO algorithm incorporating VNS and ASHLO algorithms is developed to solve the general case. The results of computational experiments on randomly generated instances show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm, compared with the algorithms of VNS, ASHLO, SA, and PSO.

Several promising directions can be further studied for future research. A possible research is to explore the different deterioration and learning effects according to different production situations. Moreover, other objective functions can be considered in the model, such as minimizing maximum lateness and minimizing the sum of the completion times, to accommodate more practical applications.