1 Introduction

In manufacturing supply chain management, production and distribution are two important stages in operation. There has been a lot of literature on integrated production–distribution scheduling on supply chain management in recent decades. Hall and Potts (2003) pointed out that the essential issue is the coordination of batching and delivery decisions. Chen and Vairaktarakis (2005) considered the objective of minimizing \(\alpha S\left( {{D_j}} \right) + \left( {1 - \alpha } \right) T\), where \(S\left( {{D_j}} \right) \) is a function of delivery times of completed jobs and measures the customer service level, and \(T\) denotes the total distribution cost. The constant \(\alpha \) \(\left( {0 \le \alpha \le 1} \right) \) represents the relative preference between the customer service level and the total distribution cost. The above literature assumes that all the information of jobs is known at the very beginning, that is considers the offline version of the problem. The reader is referred to Chen (2010) for a comprehensive review on the integrated production–distribution scheduling problem.

In practice, a manufacturer usually makes production and delivery decisions with little information of future jobs. Thus the online version of the integrated production–distribution scheduling problem arises to deal with such scenario. The performance of an online algorithm is generally evaluated by its competitive ratio (see e.g., Borodin and El-Yaniv 1998). In the terminology of our problem, for any job instance \(I\), let \(A(I)\) be the objective value of the schedule produced by an online algorithm \(A\), and let \(OPT(I)\) be the objective value of an optimal offline schedule for \(I\). Then \(A\) is said to be \(\rho \)-competitive if \(A(I) \le \rho OPT(I) + \varepsilon \) holds for any job instance \(I\), where \(\rho \ge 1\) and \(\varepsilon \) is a fixed constant. The competitive ratio of algorithm \(A\) is the infimum of the set of all values \(\rho \) such that \(A\) is \(\rho \)-competitive.

Averbakh and Xue (2007) studied an online integrated production–distribution scheduling problem where jobs are released over time and the manufacturer processes at most one job at a time. The problem is under a preempt-resume model, that is the processing of a job can be interrupted and then be resumed later from where it was preempted. There are sufficient vehicles of infinite capacity, and the distribution is in direct mode such that completed jobs from the same customer can be delivered in one vehicle. For the objective of minimizing the sum of the total flow time and the total delivery cost, they proposed an optimal 2-competitive algorithm for the case with a single customer and a 2\(m\)-competitive algorithm for the case with \(m\) customers. Averbakh (2010) further studied the above problem with capacitated vehicles. Recently, Averbakh and Baysan (2013a) presented a (3 + \(\alpha \))-competitive algorithm for the problem under the preempt-resume model (with capacitated or uncapacitated deliveries), where \(\alpha \) is the ratio of the processing time of the longest job to the processing time of the shortest job.

Averbakh and Baysan (2012) investigated a semi-online problem such that a lower bound \(P\) for all job processing times is known beforehand, aiming at minimizing the total flow time plus the total delivery cost. They presented a \(2D/(D + P)\)-competitive algorithm where \(D\) is the cost of a delivery. Averbakh and Baysan (2013b) also studied a semi-online problem for a distribution center where the processing time of an order is assumed to be zero, with the objective to minimize the total delay time plus the total delivery cost. The distribution center is able to foresee the orders to be released in the next \(S\) time units. They presented an online algorithm whose competitive ratio is \((4D + S)/(2D + S)\) when \(0 < S < 2D\), and is \((S + D)/S\) when \(S \ge 2D\).

Hoogeveen and Vestjens (2000) studied a non-preemptive problem to minimize the time by which all jobs have been delivered. They presented an optimal \((\sqrt{5}+1)/2\)-competitive algorithm. With the same objective function, van den Akker et al. (2000) studied a preempt-restart problem where an interrupted job needs to be processed later from the scratch, and they presented an optimal \(3/2\)-competitive algorithm.

There is also plenty of research on the offline version of the integrated production–distribution scheduling problem. Recently, Fan et al. (2015) studied the problem on a single machine with availability constraint, with the same objective to minimize the sum of the total delivery time and the total distribution cost as in our paper. Pei et al. (2014) and Lu et al. (2015) studied the problem on a serial batch machine, with the objective to minimize the makespan, that is the maximum delivery completion time of the jobs. Lee (2015) studied the problem in which the delivery cost depends on time period for each delivery, subject to the no-wait condition for the finished products, that is the finished products are immediately delivered to the retailer. Gao et al. (2015) studied the problem in which orders are processed and delivered in batches, subject to the no-wait condition between the production and distribution of each batch.

In this paper, we study an online non-preemptive integrated production–distribution scheduling problem, with the objective to minimize the sum of the total delivery time and the total distribution cost. For both single-customer and multi-customer cases, we present competitive online algorithms and lower bounds on the competitive ratio of the problem.

The rest of our paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we formally describe the problem studied. In Sect. 3, we present an online algorithm for the single-customer case and prove that it is 3-competitive, by a novel construction of a schedule for the preemptive version of the problem studied. In Sect. 4, we extend our result to the multi-customer case. The paper is concluded in Sect. 5.

2 Problem description

We study a supply chain scheduling problem including production and distribution stages. Jobs \(J = \left\{ {{J_1},{J_2}, \ldots ,{J_n}} \right\} \) are released by \(m\) customers to a manufacturer over time, where the value of \(n\) is unknown beforehand. Each job \(J_j\) has a release time \(r_j\) and a processing time \({p_j}\). At any instant, there is no information about the release and processing times of future jobs, parameters of a job become known when the job is released. The manufacturer can only start processing a job after it is released. Assume that in the production stage there is a single machine to process the jobs, and at most one job can be processed at a time. Preemption is not allowed. A job is called a completed job after its completion on processing. A schedule regarding the production stage is called a production schedule. A production schedule specifies for each job its start time for processing.

In the distribution stage, there are sufficient vehicles with uniform capacity \(c>1\) to deliver completed jobs to customers. That is, at most \(c\) jobs can be included in each delivery. As in Averbakh and Xue (2007), transportation time of a delivery is assumed to be zero (nonzero transportation time would increase the objective values of all solutions by the same constant, and so would not change the validity of our results). We assume that each delivery from the manufacturer to a customer \(k\) incurs a delivery cost \({T_k}\), which depends only on \(k\) (i.e., independent of the number of jobs included in the delivery). A schedule regarding the distribution stage is called a distribution schedule. A distribution schedule specifies for each delivery its start time and the jobs included in it. A full schedule specifies both the production schedule and the distribution schedule. Hereafter, unless stated otherwise when we say a schedule we mean a full schedule.

For each job \({J_j}\), we use \({C_j}\) to denote its processing completion time, and use \({d_j}\) to denote its delay time which is the time between its completion of processing and the start of its delivery. The delivery completion time \({D_j}\) of job \({J_j}\), under the assumption that the transportation time of a delivery is zero, is then \({D_j} = {C_j} + {d_j}\). The objective is to minimize \(\sum _{j=1}^{n} D_j + TC\), where \(TC\) is the total cost of all deliveries.

We use the five-field notation \(\alpha |\beta |\pi |\delta |\gamma \) introduced by Chen (2010) to represent the problem studied, where \(\alpha ,\beta ,\pi ,\delta \) and \(\gamma \) denote machine configuration, job restrictions, delivery characteristics, number of customers, and the objective function respectively. In this paper, we study the following two problems with \(m = 1\) customer and with \(m > 1\) customers respectively.

$$\begin{aligned}&P_1: \quad 1|r_j|V\left( {\infty , c} \right) , direct|1|\sum {{D_j}} + TC. \\&P_2: \quad 1|r_j|V\left( {\infty , c} \right) , direct|m|\sum {{D_j}} + TC. \end{aligned}$$

Here \(V\left( {\infty ,c} \right) \) means that there are sufficient vehicles and each has a capacity of \(c\), and direct means that only jobs released from the same customer are allowed to be included in one delivery.

3 The single-customer problem \(P_1\)

In this section, we present a 3-competitive algorithm for Problem \(P_1\) where all jobs are released from a single customer. Since there is only one customer, each delivery has the same transportation cost \(T\). Hence, if there are \(u\) deliveries in total, then the total delivery cost \(TC = uT\). Before presenting our online algorithm, we first give a lower bound on the competitive ratio for Problem \(P_1\) for any deterministic online algorithm.

Consider the online scheduling problem \(1|r_j |\sum {C_j}\), which is a special case of Problem \(P_1\) with \(T=0\). Hence, the lower bound on the competitive ratio for \(1|r_j |\sum {C_j}\) is also a lower bound for \(P_1\). Hoogeveen and Vestjens (1996) proved a lower bound of 2 on the competitive ratio for \(1|r_j |\sum {C_j}\), which indicates the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1

For Problem \(P_1\), no deterministic online algorithm can be better than 2-competitive.

3.1 An online algorithm for Problem \(P_1\)

Lu et al. (2003) proposed a 2-competitive online algorithm SSPT (Shifted SPT, where SPT stands for Shortest Processing Time first rule) for the scheduling problem \(1|r_j|\sum {{C_j}} \), which is a special case of Problem \(P_1\) with \(T = 0\). Averbakh (2010) studied a preemptive model

$$\begin{aligned} 1|r_j, pmtn|V\left( {\infty , c} \right) , direct|1|\sum {{F_j}} + TC, \end{aligned}$$

where \(F_j\) denotes the flow time of job \(J_j\), that is the time between the release and the delivery of \(J_j\). Averbakh presented an optimal 2-competitive algorithm for this problem. By combining the ideas used in the above two algorithms, we present the following online algorithm for Problem \(P_1\) where preemption is not allowed.

Algorithm A1

In the production stage, schedule jobs by the SSPT algorithm as follows: Reset each job \({J_j}\) available for processing at time \({\tilde{r}_j}\), where \({\tilde{r}_j}\) is an arbitrary real number within interval \(\left[ {\max \left\{ {{r_j},{p_j}} \right\} , ~{r_j} + {p_j}} \right] \). At any moment the machine becomes available, schedule from the available jobs the one with shortest processing time.

In the distribution stage, one delivery is made as soon as at least one of the following two situations happens, and each delivery takes as many available jobs as possible.

  1. (a)

    the number of completed but undelivered jobs is at least \(c\);

  2. (b)

    the total delay time of completed but undelivered jobs is equal to \(2T\).

3.2 Analysis of Algorithm A1

For any job instance \(I\) of Problem \(P_1\), we use \(\sigma \) to denote the schedule produced by Algorithm A1 on \(I\). Let \(\sigma _p\) and \(\sigma _d\) be the production schedule and the distribution schedule of \(\sigma \) respectively, and let \(D_{\sigma }\) and \(TC_{\sigma }\) be the total delivery time (of all jobs) and the total transportation cost (of all deliveries) of \(\sigma \) respectively. Let \({S_j}\) be the starting time of job \({J_j}\) in schedule \(\sigma \).

Given \(I\) and \(\sigma \), we construct another job instance \(I(\sigma )\) as follows. For each job \({J_j}\) of instance \(I\) we define a job, also denoted by \({J_j}\), for instance \(I(\sigma )\) with the same processing time \({p_j}\) but with shifted release time \(\bar{r}_j = \min \left\{ {{S_j},2{r_j} + {p_j}} \right\} \). Preemption is allowed for \(I(\sigma )\), that is, we may interrupt the processing of any job in \(I(\sigma )\) and continue processing it from where it is interrupted at a later moment. We use \(P_1'\) to denote the corresponding preemptive version of Problem \(P_1\) as follows (then \(I(\sigma )\) is an instance of Problem \(P_1^{\prime }\)).

$$\begin{aligned} P_1^{\prime }: \quad 1|\bar{r}_j,pmtn|V\left( {\infty , c} \right) , direct|1|\sum {{D_j}} + TC. \end{aligned}$$

The shortest remaining processing time (SRPT) rule prescribes to process at each instant the job with the smallest remaining processing time among all released unfinished jobs, which can be implemented online. For the online preemptive scheduling problem \(1|\bar{r}_j,pmtn|\sum {C_j}\), which is a special case of Problem \(P_1'\) with \(T=0\), the SRPT rule gives an optimal solution (Pruhs et al. 2004). The following lemma will be used for later analysis.

Lemma 3.2

(Pruhs et al. 2004) For Problem \(P_1'\) in the production stage (which is preemptive), at any instant the number of completed jobs in an SRPT production schedule is not less than that in any other production schedule.

By the same arguments as in Averbakh (2010), for both problems \(P_1\) and \(P_1'\), when there are \(c\) or more undelivered finished jobs, there is no benefit to further delay a delivery (since otherwise the delay times of these jobs are increased without any benefit gained from saving the transportation cost). Thus, we only consider full schedules where there is a delivery as soon as there are \(c\) or more finished undelivered jobs, and each delivery takes as many available jobs as possible. However, there may exist deliveries at other times when there are less than \(c\) undelivered finished jobs.

Let \(\sigma ^*\) be an optimal offline schedule for job instance \(I\) of Problem \(P_1\), and let \(OPT(I)\) be the objective value of \(\sigma ^*\). Clearly, for the distribution schedule \(\sigma ^*_d\) of \(\sigma ^*\), each delivery is made at the completion time (in the production schedule \(\sigma ^*_p\)) of some job in \(I\), and each delivery takes all the currently undelivered finished jobs.

The main ingredient of our analysis is a novel construction of a schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\) for each instance \(I(\sigma )\) of Problem \(P_1'\) as follows: the production schedule \(\bar{\sigma }_p\) of \(\bar{\sigma }\) is in SRPT rule, and the distribution schedule \(\bar{\sigma }_d\) of \(\bar{\sigma }\) has the same configuration as that of \(\sigma ^*_d\) for \(I\). That is, assume that there are \(s\) deliveries in total in \(\sigma ^*_d\), and they are made at the completion times of the \(i_1\)th, \(i_2\)th, \(\cdots \), \(i_s\)th (\(i_1<i_2<\cdots <i_s=n\)) completed jobs of \(I\) in \(\sigma ^*_p\) respectively, then, there are also \(s\) deliveries in total in \(\bar{\sigma }_d\), and they are made respectively at the completion times of the \(i_1\)th, \(i_2\)th, \(\cdots \), \(i_s(=n)\)th completed jobs of \(I(\sigma )\) in \(\bar{\sigma }_p\), and each delivery takes all the currently undelivered finished jobs (from the optimality of schedule \(\sigma ^*\), the number of such jobs cannot be larger than \(c\)). Thus, for each \(h=1,2,\cdots ,s\), the number of jobs in the \(h\)th delivery of \(\bar{\sigma }_d\) is equal to that of the \(h\)th delivery of \(\sigma ^*_d\). Let \(\bar{F}\) be the objective value of schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\). We have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3

\(\bar{F}+TC_{\bar{\sigma }} \le 2OPT(I)\).


We construct another schedule \({\sigma '}\) for job instance \(I\) from the optimal offline schedule \({\sigma ^*}\) as follows. Let \(C_j^*\) be the completion time of job \({J_j}\) in \({\sigma ^*}\). In the production stage of \({\sigma '}\) (which is non-preemptive), the completion time of each job \({J_j}\) is set to be \(2C_j^*\). For the distribution stage of \({\sigma '}\), there is a one to one correspondence between deliveries in \({\sigma '_d}\) and \({\sigma ^*_d}\) as follows. In the optimal offline schedule \({\sigma ^*}\), each delivery must be made at the completion time of some job included in the delivery (and the job is the last completed job in the delivery), and this also holds for the deliveries in \({\sigma '}\). Each delivery in \({\sigma '}\) contains the same set of completed jobs as that in \({\sigma ^*}\).

From the construction of \({\sigma '}\), it can be verified that the processing of all jobs in \(I\) do not overlap with each other in \({\sigma '}\), and for each job \({J_j}\) its delivery time in \({\sigma '}\) is \(2D_j^*\), i.e. twice as its delivery time \(D_j^*\) in \({\sigma ^*}\). Thus, \(D_{\sigma '}=2D_{\sigma ^*}\).

The start time of each job \({J_j}\) in schedule \({\sigma '}\) is \(S_j' = 2C_j^* - {p_j} \ge 2{r_j} + {p_j}\), where the inequality is due to \(C_j^* \ge {r_j} + {p_j}\). Hence, in the corresponding instance \(I(\sigma )\) of Problem \(P_1'\), the release time of job \({J_j}\) is \(\bar{r}_j = \min \left\{ {{S_j},2{r_j} + {p_j}} \right\} \le 2{r_j} + {p_j} \le S_j'\). It follows that \({\sigma '}\) is a feasible schedule for \(I(\sigma )\).

From the construction of schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\) for \(I(\sigma )\), the two distribution schedules \(\bar{\sigma }_d\) and \(\sigma '_d\) have the same configuration. Since the production schedule \(\bar{\sigma }_p\) is in SRPT rule, by Lemma 3.2, the \(i\)th delivery in \(\bar{\sigma }_d\) is not later than the \(i\)th delivery in \(\sigma '_d\) for each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,s\). Therefore, \(D_{\bar{\sigma }}\le D_{\sigma '}=2D_{\sigma ^*}\). Also, from the construction of \(\bar{\sigma }_d\), we have \(TC_{\bar{\sigma }}=TC_{\sigma ^*}\). Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{F}+TC_{\bar{\sigma }} = D_{\bar{\sigma }} + 2TC_{\bar{\sigma }} \le 2D_{\sigma ^*}+2TC_{\bar{\sigma }} = 2D_{\sigma ^*}+2TC_{\sigma ^*} = 2OPT(I). \end{aligned}$$

The lemma is proved. \(\square \)

Given a full schedule for Problem \(P_1\), a delivery in the schedule is said to be unsaturated if it contains less than \(c\) completed jobs, otherwise the delivery is said to be saturated. For schedule \(\sigma \) produced by Algorithm A1 on \(I\), we use \({L_i}\) and \({l_i}\) to denote the start time of the \(i\)th unsaturated delivery and the number of completed jobs in it, respectively. We virtually set \({L_0} = 0\). The last delivery in \(\sigma \) is considered to be unsaturated even if it contains \(c\) jobs. Assume that there are \(w\) unsaturated deliveries in \(\sigma \) in total. Then, \(L_w\) is the start time of the last delivery in \(\sigma \), and from Algorithm A1, we have \(L_0<L_1<\cdots <L_w\), and \({l_i} \le c\) for \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\).

If a delivery is started within time interval \((L_{i-1}, L_i]\), we say it is a delivery within \((L_{i-1}, L_i]\) for simplicity, for \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\). For schedule \(\sigma \), let \({q_i}\) denote the number of saturated deliveries within \((L_{i-1}, L_i]\), and let \(d(i)\) denote the total delay time of the \({q_i}+1\) deliveries within \((L_{i-1}, L_i]\) (\({q_i}\) saturated deliveries and one unsaturated delivery). Here the delay time of a delivery is the sum of the delay times of all jobs in the delivery.

Let \(F(I)\) be the objective value of schedule \(\sigma \) produced by Algorithm A1 on \(I\). Next, we prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3.4

\(F(I) \le \frac{3}{2}\big (\bar{F} + TC_{\bar{\sigma }}\big )\).


In schedule \(\sigma \), for each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\), there are \({q_i}\) saturated deliveries and one unsaturated delivery within \((L_{i-1}, L_i]\), and the \(q_i + 1\) deliveries contain \(q_i c + l_i\) completed jobs in total. The total transportation cost of schedule \(\sigma \) is

$$\begin{aligned} TC_\sigma = \sum _{i = 1}^{w} (q_i + 1)T. \end{aligned}$$

By Algorithm A1, the delay time of each delivery in \(\sigma \) is at most \(2T\), and so \(d(i)\le 2(q_i + 1)T\). Hence,

$$\begin{aligned} F(I)&= \sum _{j=1}^{n} {D_j} + TC_\sigma \\&= \sum _{i=1}^{w} {\left( \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} + d(i) \right) } + \sum _{i = 1}^{w} {(q_i + 1)T}\\&= \sum _{i=1}^{w} {\sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j}} + \sum _{i=1}^{w} d(i) + \sum _{i=1}^{w} {(q_i + 1)T}\\&\le \sum _{i = 1}^{w} {\sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} } + 3\sum _{i = 1}^{w} {(q_i + 1)T}. \end{aligned}$$

The production stage of Algorithm A1 is the same as Algorithm SSPT proposed by Lu et al. (2003). By Theorem 2 in Lu et al. (2003), for any instance \(I\) of Problem \(P_1\), the production schedule \(\sigma _p\) produced by Algorithm A1 on \(I\) is an SRPT production schedule for the corresponding instance \(I(\sigma )\) of the preemptive problem \(P_1'\). Thus, by the construction of schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\), the production schedules of \(\bar{\sigma }\) (for problem instance \(I(\sigma )\)) and \(\sigma \) (for problem instance \(I\)) are the same, that is \(\bar{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\). It follows that for each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\), the number of jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\) is the same as that in schedule \(\sigma \), which is \(q_i c + l_i\).

For each \(j=1,2,\cdots ,n\), let \(\bar{C}_j\) and \(\bar{D}_j\) be the completion time and the delivery time of job \(J_j\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\), respectively. Because \(\bar{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\), we have \(\bar{C}_j=C_j\) for each \(j=1,2,\cdots ,n\), where \(C_j\) is the completion time of job \(J_j\) in \(\sigma \). For each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\), let \(\bar{F}_i\) be the portion of \(\bar{F}\) contributed from all the jobs completed and deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\), and let \(TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i}\) be the total cost of all deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\).

Since the number of jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\) is \(q_i c + l_i\), and \(\bar{\sigma }_d\) has the same configuration as that of \(\sigma ^*_d\) (the distribution schedule of an optimal schedule \(\sigma ^*\) for \(I\)), it follows that the number of deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\) is at least \(q_i\). For each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\), based on the number of deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\), there are the following two cases.

Case 1. The number of deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\) is at least \(q_i+1\). By the above analysis, in this case we have

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{F}_i + TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i}&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{D}_j + 2TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i}\\&\ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{D}_j + 2(q_i + 1)T\\&\ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {\bar{C}_j} + 2(q_i + 1)T\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} + 2(q_i + 1)T. \end{aligned}$$

Case 2. The number of deliveries made within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\) is exactly \(q_i\). In this case, from the construction of the distribution schedule of \(\bar{\sigma }\), the number of jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\) must be strictly less than \((q_i+1)c\). Since \(\sigma _p=\bar{\sigma }_p\), it follows that \(l_i<c\) (that is, the unsaturated delivery made at time point \(L_i\) in \(\sigma \) contains \(l_i<c\) jobs). In schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\), for the \(q_i c + l_i\) jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\), clearly the \(q_i\) deliveries within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) contain at most \(q_ic\) jobs, and so they do not deliver any of the last \(l_i\) jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\). Hence, in \(\bar{\sigma }\) all the last \(l_i\) jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) are delivered after time \(L_i\).

In schedule \(\sigma \), since the unsaturated delivery with start time \(L_i\) delivers \(l_i<c\) jobs (which are the last \(l_i\) jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\sigma \)), by Algorithm A1 the total delay time of these \(l_i\) jobs at time \(L_i\) is equal to \(2T\). Because \(\bar{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\), it follows that the total delay time of the last \(l_i\) jobs completed within \((L_{i - 1}, L_i]\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\) at time \(L_i\) is also equal to \(2T\). Hence, the total delay time of these \(l_i\) jobs in \(\bar{\sigma }\) is larger than \(2T\) (since they are delivered after time \(L_i\) in \(\bar{\sigma }\)). Let \(\bar{d}_j\) be the delay time of job \(J_j\) in schedule \(\bar{\sigma }\). By the above analysis, in this case we have

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{F}_i + TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i}&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{D}_j + 2TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i} \\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{C}_j + \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{d}_j + 2q_iT\\&> \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} \bar{C}_j + 2T + 2q_iT\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} + 2(q_i + 1)T. \end{aligned}$$

From the above, in both cases we have

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{F}_i + TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i} \ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} + 2(q_i + 1)T, \end{aligned}$$

for \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w\). It follows that

$$\begin{aligned} F(I)&\le \sum _{i = 1}^{w} {\sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} } + 3\sum _{i = 1}^{w} {(q_i + 1)T}\\&< \frac{3}{2} \sum _{i = 1}^{w} \Bigg ({\sum _{j \in (L_{i - 1},\, {L_i}]} {C_j} } + 2{(q_i + 1)T} \Bigg )\\&\le \frac{3}{2} \sum _{i = 1}^{w} \Big ( \bar{F}_i + TC_{\bar{\sigma }}^{i} \Big )\\&= \frac{3}{2}\Big (\bar{F}+TC_{\bar{\sigma }}\Big ). \end{aligned}$$

The lemma is proved. \(\square \)

By combining Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.5

For Problem \(P_1\), Algorithm A1 is \(3\)-competitive.

4 The multi-customer problem \(P_2\)

In this section, we study Problem \(P_2\) where jobs are released from \(m\) different customers. For each \(k=1,2, \cdots , m\), let \(T_k\) be the transportation cost for customer \(k\), and let \(u_k\) be the total number of deliveries made to customer \(k\), then the total delivery cost \(TC = \sum _{k=1}^{m} {{u_k}{T_k}}\).

For the preempt-resume production model with the objective of minimizing the sum of the total flow time and the total delivery cost, Averbakh and Xue (2007) presented a 2\(m\)-competitive algorithm if the vehicles are of unbounded capacity; If the vehicles are of bounded capacity \(c\), Averbakh (2010) presented a 2\(\gamma \)-competitive algorithm with

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma = \min \left\{ c, 1 + \Big ( 1 - \frac{1}{c} \Big )\frac{\sum _{k = 1}^{m} T_k }{T_{\min }} \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_{\min } = \min \{ T_k | k = 1,2, \cdots ,m \}\). On the contrast, Problem \(P_2\) studied in this section is non-preemptive and has the objective to minimize \(\sum {D_j} + TC\).

4.1 An online algorithm for Problem \(P_2\)

We present an online algorithm, denoted by A2, for Problem \(P_2\). The algorithm is an extension of Algorithm A1 for the single-customer case.

Algorithm A2

In the production stage, schedule all jobs by the SSPT algorithm.

In the distribution stage, completed jobs are delivered to each customer \(k\) as soon as either of the following two situations happens, and each delivery takes as many available jobs (to the corresponding customer \(k\)) as possible.

  1. (a)

    the number of completed but undelivered jobs for customer \(k\) is at least \(c\);

  2. (b)

    the total delay time of completed but undelivered jobs for customer \(k\) is equal to \(T_k\).

4.2 Analysis of Algorithm A2

Given an instance \(I\) of Problem \(P_2\), we use \(\sigma \) to denote the schedule produced by Algorithm A2 on \(I\), and use \(\sigma ^*\) to denote an optimal offline schedule for \(I\). In the same way as in Sect. 3, from \(I\) and \(\sigma \) we construct an instance \(I(\sigma )\), which is an instance of the preemptive version \(P_2'\) of Problem \(P_2\) as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} P_{2}': \quad 1|\bar{r}_j,pmtn|V\left( {\infty , c} \right) , direct|m|\sum {{D_j}} + TC. \end{aligned}$$

Assume that in the optimal offline schedule \(\sigma ^*\) of \(I\), all the deliveries (to the \(m\) customers) are made at \(l\) distinct time points \(\tau _1<\tau _2<\cdots <\tau _l\). We construct a schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }\) for \(I(\sigma )\) as follows: the production schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }_p\) of \(\tilde{\sigma }\) is in SRPT rule for all the jobs from \(m\) customers, and in the distribution schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }_d\) of \(\tilde{\sigma }\), at time points \(2\tau _1, 2\tau _2, \cdots , 2\tau _l\), all the completed jobs are delivered to their respective customers in the minimum number of shipments, that is, at each time point \(2\tau _i\), for each customer there is at most one unsaturated delivery (we will explain later in Lemma 4.1 that at time point \(2\tau _l\), all jobs of \(I(\sigma )\) are completed in \(\tilde{\sigma }_p\), and so it is valid for \(2\tau _l\) to be the last delivery time point of \(\tilde{\sigma }_d\)). Let \(OPT(I)\) and \(\tilde{F}\) be the objective value of \(\sigma ^*\) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\) respectively. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 4.1

\(\tilde{F} \le \gamma OPT\left( I \right) \), where \(\gamma \) is defined in (1).


We use \(TC_{\sigma ^*}\) and \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}\) to denote the total distribution cost of \(\sigma ^*\) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\), respectively. We first show that \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }} \le \gamma TC_{\sigma ^*}\). The idea of this part is similar to the proof of Lemma 5 in Averbakh (2010).

Since each delivery in \(\sigma ^*\) contains at most \(c\) completed jobs, while each delivery in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) contains at least one completed job, it follows that

$$\begin{aligned} TC_{\tilde{\sigma }} \le c TC_{\sigma ^*}. \end{aligned}$$

Assume that in schedule \(\sigma ^*\) there are in total \(z_k\) deliveries for customer \(k\), and in schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }\) there are in total \(m_k^s\) saturated deliveries and \(m_k^u\) unsaturated deliveries for customer \(k\). Then, for \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\),

$$\begin{aligned} m_k^sc + m_k^u \le {z_k}c. \end{aligned}$$

From the construction of \(\tilde{\sigma }\), at each time point \(2\tau _i\) there is at most one unsaturated delivery for each customer \(k\), implying that \(m_k^u \le l\) for \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\). On the other hand, the total number of deliveries in \(\sigma ^*\) satisfies that \(\sum _{s = 1}^{m} z_s \ge l\). Hence, for \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\),

$$\begin{aligned} m_k^u \le \sum _{s = 1}^{m} z_s. \end{aligned}$$

By combining the above two inequalities, we have that for \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\),

$$\begin{aligned} m_k^s + m_k^u&= \left( m_k^s + \frac{1}{c}m_k^u \right) + \left( 1-\frac{1}{c} \right) m_k^u \nonumber \\&\le z_k + \left( 1 - \frac{1}{c} \right) \sum _{s = 1}^{m} z_s. \end{aligned}$$

Now, the ratio between \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}\) and \(TC_{\sigma ^*}\) can also be bounded from the above as follows

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}}{TC_{\sigma ^*}}&= \frac{\sum _{k = 1}^m \left( m_k^s + m_k^u \right) T_k}{\sum _{k = 1}^m z_kT_k} \nonumber \\&\le \frac{\sum _{k = 1}^m \left( z_k + \left( 1 - \frac{1}{c}\right) \sum _{s = 1}^{m} z_s\right) T_k}{\sum _{k = 1}^m z_kT_k} \nonumber \\&= 1 + \frac{\left( 1 - \frac{1}{c}\right) \sum _{s = 1}^m z_s \sum _{k = 1}^m T_k}{\sum _{k = 1}^m z_kT_k} \nonumber \\&\le 1 + \frac{\left( 1 - \frac{1}{c}\right) \sum _{s = 1}^m z_s \sum _{k = 1}^m T_k}{T_{\min }\sum _{k = 1}^m z_k} \nonumber \\&= 1 + \left( 1 - \frac{1}{c} \right) \frac{\sum _{k = 1}^{m} T_k }{T_{\min }}, \end{aligned}$$

where in the above the first inequality holds by Inequality (3). By the definition of \(\gamma \) and Inequalities (2) and (4), we have

$$\begin{aligned} TC_{\tilde{\sigma }} \le \gamma TC_{\sigma ^*}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(D_{\sigma ^*}\) and \(D_{\tilde{\sigma }}\) denote the total delivery time (of all jobs) of \(\sigma ^*\) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\), respectively. Similar to the proof of Lemma 3.3, we can construct a schedule \(\sigma '\) for \(I\) from the optimal offline schedule \(\sigma ^*\), in which each job \(J_j\) is completed at time \(2C^*_j\), and each delivery in \({\sigma '}\) contains the same set of completed jobs as that in \({\sigma ^*}\). Similarly as the argument in the proof of Lemma 3.3, we have that the deliveries in \({\sigma '}\) are made at time points \(2\tau _1, 2\tau _2, \cdots , 2\tau _l\), \(D_{\sigma '}=2D_{\sigma ^*}\), and \(\sigma '\) is a feasible schedule for \(I(\sigma )\) (This also indicates that in schedule \(\sigma '\) at time point \(2\tau _l\), all jobs of \(I(\sigma )\) are completed. Since \(\tilde{\sigma }_p\), the production schedule of \(\tilde{\sigma }\), is in SRPT rule, and by the property of the SRPT rule stated in Lemma 3.2, we have that in \(\tilde{\sigma }_p\) at time point \(2\tau _l\), all jobs of \(I(\sigma )\) are also completed, which validates the construction of \(\tilde{\sigma }\) in which \(2\tau _l\) is the last delivery time point).

Next we show that \(D_{\tilde{\sigma }} \le D_{\sigma '}\). The idea is similar to the proof of Corollary 1 in Averbakh and Xue (2007). For \(i=1, 2, \cdots , l\), let \(f'_i\) and \(\tilde{f}_i\) be the number of jobs delivered by time \(2\tau _i\) in \(\sigma '\) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\), respectively. Then, \(f'_l=\tilde{f}_l=n\). Let \(f'_0=\tilde{f}_0=0\). We have

$$\begin{aligned} D_{\sigma '}=\sum _{i=1}^{l} 2\tau _i\big (f'_i-f'_{i-1}\big )=2n\tau _l-\sum _{i=1}^{l-1} 2\big (\tau _{i+1}-\tau _i\big )f'_i, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} D_{\tilde{\sigma }}=\sum _{i=1}^{l} 2\tau _i\big (\tilde{f}_i-\tilde{f}_{i-1}\big )=2n\tau _l-\sum _{i=1}^{l-1} 2\big (\tau _{i+1}-\tau _i\big )\tilde{f}_i. \end{aligned}$$

From the constructions of \(\sigma '\) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\), and by the property of the SRPT rule stated in Lemma 3.2, we have that \(\tilde{f}_i\ge f'_i\) for \(i=1, 2, \cdots , l\). Thus, \(D_{\tilde{\sigma }} \le D_{\sigma '}\).

Since \(D_{\sigma '}=2D_{\sigma ^*}\), it follows that \(D_{\tilde{\sigma }}\le 2D_{\sigma ^*}\). From the definition of \(\gamma \), it is easy to verify that \(c\ge 2\) and \(m\ge 2\) imply \(\gamma \ge 2\), and so

$$\begin{aligned} D_{\tilde{\sigma }}\le \gamma D_{\sigma ^*}. \end{aligned}$$

By Inequalities (5) and (6), together with \(\tilde{F} = D_{\tilde{\sigma }} + TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}\) and \(OPT(I) = D_{\sigma ^*} + TC_{\sigma ^*}\), it follows that \(\tilde{F} \le \gamma OPT\left( I \right) \). The lemma is proved. \(\square \)

For schedule \(\sigma \), similarly as the notations defined before Lemma 3.4 in Sect. 3, we use \(L^k_i\) to denote the start time of the \(i\)th unsaturated delivery for customer \(k\), and use \(l^k_i\) to denote the number of completed jobs in it. We virtually set \(L^k_0 = 0\) for each \(k\). Also, the last delivery for each customer \(k\) is considered to be unsaturated even if it contains \(c\) jobs. Let \(w_k\) be the total number of unsaturated deliveries for customer \(k\) in \(\sigma \). Let \(q^k_i\) denote the number of saturated deliveries made in time interval \((L^k_{i-1}, L^k_i]\) for customer \(k\), and let \(d_k(i)\) denote the total delay time of the \({q^k_i}+1\) deliveries made within \((L^k_{i-1}, L^k_i]\) for customer \(k\), in schedule \(\sigma \).

By Algorithm A2, the delay time of each delivery for customer \(k\) in \(\sigma \) is at most \(T_k\), it follows that \(d_k(i)\le (q^k_i + 1)T_k\) for \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w_k\). Let \(F(I)\) be the objective value of schedule \(\sigma \).

Lemma 4.2

\(F(I) \le 2\tilde{F}\).


For each customer \(k\), let \(\mathcal {J}_k\) be the set of jobs in \(I\) which are released from customer \(k\). We use \(F_k(I)\) (respectively, \(\tilde{F}_k\)) to denote the portion of \(F(I)\) (respectively, \(\tilde{F}\)) contributed from jobs in \(\mathcal {J}_k\) and deliveries to customer \(k\), and use \(TC^{k}_{\sigma }\) (respectively, \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k\)) to denote the total delivery cost for customer \(k\) in \(\sigma \) (respectively, \(\tilde{\sigma }\)).

Then, \(F(I)=\sum _{k = 1}^{m} F_k(I)\), and \(\tilde{F}=\sum _{k = 1}^{m} \tilde{F}_k\). For each \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\),

$$\begin{aligned} F_k(I)&= \sum _{j \in \mathcal {J}_k} D_j + TC^{k}_{\sigma } \nonumber \\&= \sum _{i=1}^{w_k} \left( \sum _{j\in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + d_k(i) \right) + \sum _{i = 1}^{w_k} \left( q_i^k + 1\right) T_k \nonumber \\&\le \sum _{i=1}^{w_k} \sum _{j\in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + 2\sum _{i = 1}^{w_k} \big (q_i^k + 1\big )T_k, \end{aligned}$$

where in the above the inequality holds because \(d_k(i)\le \big (q^k_i + 1\big )T_k\), for \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w_k\).

By the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 3.4, in the production stage Algorithm A2 processes all jobs of \(I\) in SSPT schedule, which is the same as the SRPT schedule for the corresponding instance \(I(\sigma )\) of the preemptive problem \(P_2'\). That is, \(\tilde{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\).

Let \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k(i)\) be the portion of \(TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k\) contributed from all deliveries to customer \(k\) made within \((L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i]\). Let \(\tilde{F}^i_{k}\) be the portion of \(\tilde{F}_k\) contributed from all jobs in \(\mathcal {J}_k\) completed within \((L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i]\), together with all deliveries to customer \(k\) made within \((L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i]\). Let \(\tilde{C}_j\) (respectively, \(\tilde{D}_j\)) be the completion time (respectively, delivery time) of job \(J_j\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\), and let \(C_j\) be the completion time of job \(J_j\) in \(\sigma \). Since \(\tilde{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\), we have \(\tilde{C}_j=C_j\) for \(j=1,2,\cdots ,n\).

Next we bound \(\tilde{F}^i_{k}\) from below. For the following analysis, we only consider jobs for customer \(k\) unless stated otherwise. For each \(i=1,2,\cdots ,w_k\), based on the number of deliveries for customer \(k\) made within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\), there are the following two cases.

Case 1. The number of deliveries for customer \(k\) made within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) in schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }\) is no less than \(q^k_i+1\). By the above analysis, in this case we have

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{F}_k^i&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{D}_j + TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k(i)\\&\ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{C}_j + \big (q_i^k + 1\big )T_k\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + \big (q_i^k + 1\big ) T_k. \end{aligned}$$

Case 2. The number of deliveries for customer \(k\) made within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) in schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }\) is no more than \(q^k_i\). We use \(q^k_i-s^k_i\) to denote this number, where \(0\le s^k_i\le q^k_i\). Since the number of jobs for customer \(k\) completed within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) in \(\sigma \) (also in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) because \(\tilde{\sigma }_p=\sigma _p\)) is \(q^k_ic+l^k_i\), it follows that in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) the number of jobs for customer \(k\) completed within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) but delivered after \(L^k_i\) is at least \(l^k_i+s^k_ic\), and from the construction of \(\tilde{\sigma }_d\) these jobs are the last completed ones within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\). Let \({\tilde{d}}_j\) be the delay time of job \(J_j\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\). We further divide Case 2 into two subcases:

Case 2.1. The delivery for customer \(k\) made at time point \(L^k_i\) is not the last delivery for customer \(k\) in \(\sigma \) (that is, \(i<w_k\)). In this case since the delivery is unsaturated, it must have \(l^k_i<c\). For the last \(l^k_i\) completed jobs for customer \(k\) within \((L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i]\) in schedule \(\sigma \) (also in schedule \(\tilde{\sigma }\)), by Algorithm A2 their total delay time at time point \(L^k_i\) is \(T_k\).

For the \(s^k_ic\) jobs for customer \(k\) completed right before the last \(l^k_i\) jobs within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) (which are delivered after \(L^k_i\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) in this case), since \(l^k_i<c\), it follows that the total delay time of each \(c\) of them at \(L^k_i\) is more than \(T_k\), which is the total delay time at \(L^k_i\) of the last \(l^k_i\) jobs completed within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) for customer \(k\). Hence, at time point \(L^k_i\) the total delay time of the jobs for customer \(k\) completed within \(\big (L^k_{i - 1}, L^k_i\big ]\) but delivered after \(L^k_i\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) is more than \(\big (1+s^k_i\big )T_k\). Thus, in this case we have

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{F}_k^i&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{D}_j + TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k(i)\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \big (\tilde{C}_j+\tilde{d}_j\big ) + \big (q_i^k - s_i^k\big )T_k\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{d}_j + \big (q_i^k - s_i^k\big )T_k\\&> \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + \big (q_i^k + 1\big )T_k. \end{aligned}$$

Case 2.2. The delivery for customer \(k\) made at time point \(L^k_i\) is the last delivery for customer \(k\) in \(\sigma \) (that is, \(i=w_k\)). In this case, we count into \(\tilde{F}_k^i\) the deliveries in \(\tilde{\sigma }\) for customer \(k\) after time \(L^k_i\), and the number of such deliveries is at least \(s^k_i+1\) since no less than \(l^k_i+s^k_ic\) jobs are delivered after time \(L^k_i\) in \(\tilde{\sigma }\). Thus, in this case we have

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{F}_k^i&\ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{D}_j + TC_{\tilde{\sigma }}^k(i) + (s_i^k+1)T_k\\&= \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} \tilde{D}_j + (q_i^k + 1)T_k\\&\ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + (q_i^k + 1)T_k. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, in both Case 1 and 2, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{F}_k^i \ge \sum _{j \in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + \big (q_i^k + 1 \big )T_k. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{F}_k \ge \sum _{i = 1}^{w_k} {\tilde{F}_k^i } \ge \sum _{i=1}^{w_k} \sum _{j\in (L_{i-1}^k,\,L_i^k]\cap \mathcal {J}_k} C_j + \sum _{i = 1}^{w_k} \big (q_i^k + 1 \big )T_k. \end{aligned}$$

By Inequalities (7) and (8), it follows that \(F_k(I) \le 2{\tilde{F}_k}\) for each \(k=1,2,\cdots ,m\), and so \(F(I) \le 2{\tilde{F}}\). The lemma is proved. \(\square \)

By combining Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.3

For Problem \(P_2\), Algorithm A2 is \(2\gamma \)-competitive where \(\gamma \) is defined in (1).

Corollary 4.4

If delivery costs to different customers are equal, then the competitive ratio of Algorithm A2 is not greater than \(2\,min \left\{ c, 1 + (1 - \frac{1}{c})m \right\} \).

5 Concluding remarks

In this paper, we investigate an online integrated supply chain scheduling problem without preemption. We consider two cases with a single customer and with multiple customers respectively. The objective is to minimize the sum of the total delivery time and the total distribution cost. For the single-customer case, we present a 3-competitive algorithm and give a lower bound of 2 on the competitive ratio for any deterministic online algorithm; for the multi-customer case, we present a \(2\gamma \)-competitive algorithm where \(\gamma \) is defined in (1). Clearly, the lower bound of 2 on the competitive ratio for the single-customer case also applies to the multi-customer case. It is interesting to further tighten the above bounds on the competitive ratio for both cases.

This study was focused on the development of competitive online algorithms. For further research, it also would be interesting to conduct a computational study of the effectiveness of the algorithms proposed. Since the offline versions of Problems \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) both contain the strongly NP-hard problem \(1|r_j |\sum {C_j}\) (Lenstra et al. 1977) as special case, the key for such study is clearly deriving good lower bounds for the offline versions of \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) which can be efficiently computed. The lower bounds used to prove the results in this paper are derived from schedules \(\bar{\sigma }\) (in Lemma 3.3) and \(\tilde{\sigma }\) (in Lemma 4.1), whose constructions are partially based on the optimal offline schedules for \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) respectively, and so it seems not likely that there is an efficient way to compute them.