1 Introduction

Citizen science programs have been increasingly developed for biodiversity monitoring during the last 20 years. These programs usually enroll a large number of volunteers to work on a given scientific issue. For example, breeding bird surveys aim at estimating population trends of bird species in a given area (Link and Sauer 1998); the bird observations by the volunteers of the program populate a database describing the number of individuals of every focus species observed at a given time and place. Since the observational effort is usually much larger in citizen science programs than in “professional” scientific programs, citizen science programs usually gather much more observations than classical programs.

The issues tackled by citizen science programs can be very diverse, including the estimation of the spatial distribution of a set of species at different spatial scales (Royle et al. 2005; Fithian et al. 2014; Giraud et al. 2015), the study of certain ecological behaviors such as habitat selection (e.g., Biggs and Olden 2011), or the monitoring of population trends of endangered species (Link and Sauer 1998). Although some citizen science programs rely on data collected with standardized protocols and sampling designs (e.g. the North American Breeding Bird Survey; Link and Sauer 1998), many others rely on the opportunistic collection of observations by the volunteers, with unknown observation intensity. In the following, we will refer to this sort of uncontrolled data collection by “opportunistic data collection”. In this paper, we focus on the estimation of some relative abundances based on such opportunistic data.

The opportunistic nature of these data raises important statistical issues, as shown in Dickinson et al. (2010) and in the review Isaac et al. (2014). A major issue is due to the non-uniform observation intensity: the collected data cannot be considered as an unbiased sample of the individuals present on this area. Any statistical approach relying on such data must tackle this data collection bias in some way. Several approach to this problem have been developed recently, notably based on data filtering (Roy et al. 2012), on defining a proxy for observation intensity and its variations through space and time (Telfer et al. 2002; Ball et al. 2011; Roy et al. 2012), and on the use of replicated visits leading to occupancy–detection models (van Strien et al. 2013). Some recent papers (Giraud et al. 2015; Fithian et al. 2014) proposed to handle this bias by combining this biased opportunistic dataset with a (possibly much smaller) dataset collected in the same area by a more classical program with a known observational effort (hereafter called “standardized dataset”). Under some restrictive assumptions (discussed below), such a combination provides some unbiased estimates of the relative abundance for the species monitored in at least one of the two programs. An attractive feature of these estimation schemes is to provide relative abundance estimation for species monitored in the opportunistic dataset, but not in the standardized dataset. This allows, in principle, to use opportunistic data collection to monitor some rare species that would be much more costly to monitor with a classical standardized program.

The approach proposed in Giraud et al. (2015) provides some relative abundance estimates, for a set of species at a collection of sites. The statistical modeling accounts for unequal and unknown detectability and reporting rates for the monitored species, both in the opportunistic and the standardized dataset, and for the unequal and unknown observational intensity in the opportunistic dataset. Yet, a crucial hypothesis is that the animals are distributed uniformly within each site. When a site gathers several areas with different habitat, and if the proportions of these different habitats differ among sites, this assumption is likely to be violated due to habitat selection behavior. Similarly the observational effort in opportunistic data is not equally distributed across the different habitat types due to observer preference for some habitats (Tulloch and Szabo 2012). This lack of homogeneity induces some important bias in the estimation, as shown in Bellamy et al. (1998), Mason and Macdonald (2004), Fuller et al. (2005) and Fithian et al. (2014). For example, if the volunteers participating to a bird monitoring program are mostly interested in waterbirds, they will strongly select for humid habitat within each site. If humid habitat is rare yet present within a site, most of the observations in this site will be performed in this rare habitat, and the resulting waterbird abundance in this site will be strongly overestimated.

The aim of our paper is to extend the approach of Giraud et al. (2015) by handling (unknown) habitat preferences that might influence both observers and observed animal behaviors. The whole monitored area is described by several habitat categories for which both observers and animals have different preferences. The habitat type associated to each observation is not assumed to be known exactly (e.g. the exact location of the observation is only known approximately, or an observed species observation may not be attributed unambiguously to a surrounding habitat). It can be seen as a hidden variable. Preferences of the observers and of each species for each habitat types are also unknown. Our approach provides estimation for all these quantities. By taking the habitat stratification into account, compared to what is obtained in Giraud et al. (2015), we produce (i) some more accurate relative abundance estimates; in particular, for given site, it allows to decompose a species relative abundance in a habitat-specific component (e.g., forest birds are relatively more abundant because forests are over-represented in that site) and an additive site-specific component, (ii) relative abundance maps at a finer spatial scale, and (iii) some estimates of the resource selection functions of the species (Manly et al. 2002), which has major implications for biological conservation. To sum-up, our main contributions are:

  • To incorporate habitat type preferences in the statistical modeling of Giraud et al. (2015);

  • To handle data where the habitat type associated to each observation is unknown (which allows to gather data at different spatial scales);

  • To estimate the relative probabilities of selection of habitat for the monitored species.

We develop our statistical modeling in Sect. 2. In this new model, the respective habitat selection behaviors of observers and animals are modeled using hidden variables. The spatial distribution of observers in the sites, as well as the habitat selection within the sites is modeled differently for the two datasets (opportunistic and standardized). Animals are assumed to distribute according to their preferences for different habitat types within a site. We illustrate our approach using simulated data to demonstrate that it recovers the values of model parameters that were used to simulate the data. Finally, using a real dataset concerning birds in the Aquitaine region (France), we assess the performance of the model for estimating species relative abundances as well as their habitat selection parameters.

2 Model and parameters

In this section, we introduce our statistical modeling of the available data. These data are the outcome of some ecological features (species abundances) and some observational bias (detectability, partial reporting, heterogeneous observational effort, etc). Both the ecological features and the observational bias are affected by some ecological variables (for example habitat type, population and/or road density, altitude, as presented in Mair and Ruete 2016), which will be called habitats, from now on. Our modeling takes into account this double source of bias induced by the habitat. We first describe the ecological ingredients, which are independent from the considered datasets, and then the observational ingredients which are dataset dependent.

Species abundances and habitat selection probability The space-time is divided into units, we call henceforth sites, which correspond to the scale at which we will predict the relative abundances. More concretely, each site refers to the couple of a spatial domain and a time interval (although note that for real data applications we will focus only on spatial relative abundances variability, so a site will be simply a spatial region). We index the sites by \(j\in [[1,J]]\). The species we focus on, are indexed by \(i\in [[1,I]]\), and we denote by \(N_{ij}\) the number of individuals of species i in the site j. Our aim is to estimate the relative abundances \(N_{ij}/N_{i1}\) for all i and j, so that we can plot a relative abundance map and/or its temporal dynamics for each species. The choice of the reference site 1 (among sites that are visited by all datasets) is arbitrary.

The habitat types of a given site j are not homogeneous. Each site j is composed with several spatial domains, each presenting a specific habitat type. We index by \(h\in [[1,H]]\) the habitat types. Species are not uniformly distributed in the spatial domain of j: each species prefers some habitat types to some others and hence is more or less frequent in the different habitat types. In order to avoid biases in our estimation, we must take this heterogeneity into account. Our modeling assumes that the fraction of the animals of the species i present in the habitat type h inside the site j is proportional to the area \(V_{hj}\) of the habitat type h inside the site j (which is assumed to be known) weighted by a number \(S_{ih}\in [0,1]\) representing the preference toward the habitat type h for the species i. More precisely, we assume that the density of the species i at location x in the site j is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{N_{ij}S_{ih(x)}}{\sum _{h'}S_{ih'}V_{h'j}}\,, \end{aligned}$$

with h(x) the habitat type at location x. Following the concept definitions clarified in Lele et al. (2013), the parameters \(S_{ih}\) can be interpreted as the probability of selection of habitat h by species i. As an example, if \(S_{ih}\) is twice the value of \(S_{ih'}\) then the probability that an individual with species i is present at a given point with habitat h is twice the value of this probability for habitat \(h'\). These probabilities of selection of habitat are unknown and we will estimate them.

Observations and reporting As in Giraud et al. (2015), our relative abundance estimation is based on two datasets : (i) a standardized dataset, labeled by \(k=0\), collected under a program with a known sampling effort and (ii) an opportunistic dataset, labeled by \(k=1\), characterized by a completely unknown sampling effort. The datasets gather counts of animals for all sites j. We emphasize that each site j must be surveyed by both datasets, and each species i must be surveyed by at least one of the two datasets (at least one species must be surveyed in both datasets).

We assume that we have informations about the locations of the observations at a finer scale than the site j. Each site j is divided into several (possibly many) cells indexed by c and for each observation, we know in which cell c the observation occurred. We emphasize that the cell paving can completely differ between the two datasets. In each dataset, only a (possibly very small) fraction of the cells have been visited at least once by the observers, so we do not have counts for all cells c, but only for a (possibly very small) fraction of them. For a cell c visited in the dataset k, we denote by \(X_{ick}\) the corresponding count for the species i. This count \(X_{ick}\) is not homogeneously proportional to the abundance of the species i in c. Actually, the counts are biased by the inhomogeneous observational effort (total amount of observation time, number of observers, number or density of traps, etc) and the unequal probability of reporting of the species i (varying detectability, partial reporting, etc). Following Giraud et al. (2015), we denote by \(E_{ck}\) the observation intensity (or effort) in the cell c for the dataset k, and by \(P_{ik}\) the probability of detection/reporting of the species i in the dataset k. When the species i are not monitored in the dataset k, the probability of detection/reporting \(P_{ik}\) is set to 0. Within a cell c, the observers do not scan the space uniformly. Actually, they have some preferences for some habitat types (which are not the same for the two datasets). These preferences induce some specific biases, which must be properly addressed. Similarly as for the probability of selection of habitat, the preference of the observers of the dataset k for the habitat h is represented by a real number \(q_{hk}\in [0,1]\). For the dataset k, we model the observation intensity at location x within the cell c by

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{q_{h(x)k}E_{ck}}{\sum _{h'}q_{h'k}V_{h'c}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(V_{hc}\) is the known area of cell c covered by habitat h. Note that in our model we assume that observers all have the same preference for each habitat. Writing \(\mathcal {A}_c\) for the spatial domain of the cell c and taking into account both the probabilities of selection of habitat and the observers habitat preferences, we obtain the modeling for the count of the species i in the cell c for the dataset k

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} X_{ick}&\sim \mathcal {P}\mathrm{oisson}\left( \int _{\mathcal {A}_c}N_{ij}\frac{S_{ih(x)}}{\sum _{h'}S_{ih'}V_{h'j}}\times E_{ck}\frac{q_{h(x)k}}{\sum _{h'}q_{h'k}V_{h'c}}\times P_{ik}\,dx\right) \\&=\mathcal {P}\mathrm{oisson}\left( N_{ij}E_{ck}P_{ik}\sum _{h} \frac{q_{hk}}{\sum _{h'}q_{h'k}V_{h'c}}\times \frac{S_{ih}}{\sum _{h'}S_{ih'}V_{h'j}}V_{hc}\right) . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In the above model, recall that the volumes \(V_{hj}\) and \(V_{hc}\) are known. For the standardized dataset, the observation intensities \(E_{c0}\) are assumed to be known (up to a common multiplicative constant), and we assume that (i) either the habitat type associated to each observation \(X_{jc0}\) is known, (ii) or the ratios \(q_{h0}/q_{10}\) are known for all h (generally equal to 1). All the other parameters are unknown. Their identifiability and the implementation of model (1) are detailed in Appendix A.2.

We point out that, here, we do not take into account a dependence of the detectability with habitat types (due notably to different levels of visibility in different types of habitat). We refer to Sect. A.5.2 for an extension of this model, integrating a dependence of detection probability with habitat types.

Note finally that when neglecting differences in habitat selection probabilities both for observers and observed individuals, the total number \(X_{ick}\) of observations of individuals of species i in cell c of domain j for the dataset k follows the following model:

$$\begin{aligned} X_{ick}\sim \mathcal {P}\mathrm{oisson}(N_{ij}E_{ck}P_{ik}/V_{j}), \end{aligned}$$

which is the model introduced and studied in Giraud et al. (2015), with an appropriate scaling of the observation intensities \(E_{ck}\).

3 Numerical results

We test our modeling framework both with some simulated data and with some real data. The likelihood of (1) cannot be maximized easily, so we opt for a non-informative Bayesian estimation approach as implemented in the JAGS software (Plummer 2003). In addition, it is straightforward to model overdispersion in a Bayesian context, for example by supposing a random normal variation in habitat preferences. This program is called within R (R Core Team 2014) using the rjags package (Plummer 2014). We choose uninformative priors (Gamma distributions with very large variance) for the unknown parameters and the JAGS sampler provides samples distributed according to the posterior distributions for these parameters. The details about the implementation of the estimation procedures are given in Appendix A.2.

3.1 Illustration with simulated data

We illustrate the ability of our estimation procedure to recover the actual parameter values with some simulated datasets, and we compare the results of our procedure to those computed using Model (2) (studied in Giraud et al. (2015)). More precisely, Model (2) is a particular case of our Model (1), and involves a lower number of unknown parameters. When taking into account habitat preferences, we therefore expect a gain in accuracy but a loss in precision of our estimation of relatives abundances, which is illustrated now.

We simulate two datasets according to Model (1): A standardized one (\(k=0\)) with known relative effort intensities \(E_{j0}/E_{10}\) and an opportunistic one (\(k=1\)) with unknown relative effort intensities. For this simulated dataset we consider 20 different species at 30 different sites that are covered by 2 types of habitat. For standardized (resp. opportunistic) data, 10 (resp. 30) cells are visited in each site. The other parameters, such as species abundances, detection probabilities, habitat selection probabilities, or efforts in the opportunistic dataset are sampled according to uniform distributions. These two datasets are simulated only once, and the results described further do not show an important dependence on the simulated datasets.

In order to illustrate the impact of the habitat modeling and the gain of using opportunistic data, we compare the three following estimation frameworks:

[Opp+Stand with hab]:

Our model (1) with unknown habitat selection probabilities and using both opportunistic and standardized data, denoted below by [Opp+Stand with hab];

[Stand only with hab]:

Our model (1) with unknown habitat selection probabilities and using only standardized data (which corresponds to Equation (1), with \(k=0\) only). It is denoted by [Stand only with hab];

[Opp+Stand no hab]:

Model (2) (introduced in Giraud et al. 2015) which neglects differences in selection probabilities, using both opportunistic and standardized data. This model is denoted by [Opp+Stand no hab].

In Fig. 1, we plot the posterior distributions of relative species abundances obtained for these three frameworks, and the reference relative species abundance values that we estimate are given in red. This figure shows, as proved in Giraud et al. (2015), the improvements brought by opportunistic data, since the estimation obtained by combining the two datasets is both more precise and more accurate. It also illustrates that neglecting habitat preferences can lead to biased estimation of species relative abundances. Figure 5 in Appendix A.4 also gives the posterior distributions of habitat selection probabilities, that give good approximations of the real values given in red. Figure 2 gives the boxplots of the relative differences between the estimated and real relative abundances, for each of the three models. Here, the estimated relative abundances is defined as the mean of the associated posterior distribution, and similar results are obtained using the median of these distributions. Again, we observe that the estimation combining both datasets and taking habitat types into account produces better results; and ignoring habitat types induces a significant bias. Finally, when simulating 50 standardized and 50 opportunistic datasets (indexed by n) according to Model (1) we obtain that the empirical \(L^2\) distance \(\frac{1}{50*I*J}\sum _{n=1}^{50}\sum _{i,j}\big [\hat{N}^{[model],(n)}_{ij}-N_{ij}^{(n)}\big ]^2\) between our estimation and real relative abundances is equal to 0.07 in the [Opp+Stand with hab] framework, to 201.25 in the [Stand only with hab] framework, and to 1.70 in the [Opp+Stand no hab] framework, which confirms improvement brought both by taking habitat into account and by combining standardized and opportunistic data.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Posterior distributions of the relative abundances \(N_{i2}/N_{i1}\) for all i, estimated with [Stand only with hab] (in black), [Opp+Stand with hab] (in blue) and [Opp+Stand no hab] (dotted line). The reference values are given in red

Fig. 2
figure 2

Boxplots of the relative differences \(\frac{({\hat{N}^{[model]}_{ij}}/{\hat{N}^{[model]}_{i1}})-({N_{ij}}/{N_{i1}})}{{N_{ij}}/{N_{i1}}}\) between the estimated and “real” relative abundances, using data and models [Opp+Stand with hab], [Stand only with hab], and [Opp+Stand no hab]

3.2 Real data

3.2.1 Datasets and habitats

Datasets To investigate whether taking the habitat types into account improves the estimation of real data, we consider the same datasets as in Giraud et al. (2015). These are two different datasets of common birds observations in Aquitaine (south-western French region): standardized data are provided by the French National Hunting and Wildlife Agency (ONCFS, Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage), by the French National Hunters’ Association (FNC, Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs) and by the French Departemental Hunters’ Associations (FDC, Fédérations Départementales des Chasseurs), while opportunistic data are provided by the French program Faune-Aquitaine, managed by the protection association Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO). Our estimation is assessed using a validation dataset, produced by the French Museum of Natural History. These datasets provide us 15535 standardized and 693581 opportunistic observations of 34 bird species, which have been made on 66 quadrats. These data are used in the rest of the article, to estimate 6 habitat preferences parameters per species, as well as 65 relative abundances per species. More details concerning datasets are given in Appendix A.1. Note in particular that we gather observations which were made during 4 years and that our estimations were made under the assumption that relative abundances are constant from one year to the other (although they are modeled by stochastic variables that could account for some temporal variation in the Bayesian framework). However we recall that in Model (1), sites j can be seen as the couple of a spatial domain and a time interval, so temporal variation could also be studied using this type of data (preferably on a longer time period).

Habitats Land use (habitat) types were based on corine landcover typologies that were grouped in 7 categories in order to reduce complexity and ensure identifiability (see Appendix A.2): urbanized area, intensive agriculture with homogenous landscape (arable land or permanent crop), open natural landscape (natural or pasture), farmland with heterogenous landscape, mixed forest, deciduous forest, and coniferous forest.

3.2.2 Assessing estimation performances

In this section, we compare the estimation performances of the same three statistical models as in the Sect. 3.1: [Opp+Stand with hab], [Stand only with hab] and [Opp+Stand no hab]. We obtain estimation for the main parameters of interest of the model, namely the relative abundances \(N_{ij}/N_{i1}\) for all ij, and the habitat selection probabilities \(S_{ih}/S_{i1}\) for all ih and \(q_{h2}/q_{12}\) for all h. Our goal here is to compare the three estimation schemes, so we do not to discuss the ecological aspects of our estimates. Yet, in Appendix A.5, we provide some abundances maps and habitat selection probabilities for some species of interest.

To assess the performances of the three models, we investigate their ability to predict the STOC observations \(X_{ij}^{STOC}\), that give the total number of observations of an individual of species i in each quadrat j surveyed in the STOC dataset. Since some species (21 among 34, see Appendix A.1 for the exact list) are not surveyed in the ACT dataset, we consider separately the results for the species surveyed in ACT and the results for the others. For each species i and each of the three models, we compute a predictor \(\widehat{X}_{ij}^{model}\) of \(X_{ij}^{STOC}\) (defined in Appendix A.3 as the expectation of \(X_{ij}^{STOC}\) knowing the estimates of the unknown parameters of the model). Then for each species i and each model we compute the Pearson correlation between the vector \((\widehat{X}^{model}_{ij})_{j}\) and the vector \((X^{STOC}_{ij})_{j}\). The medians (as well as the first and third quartiles) of these correlations (calculated for each species i) are given in Table 1. We notice that the results for the Model (2) slightly differ from the results obtained in Giraud et al. (2015), this can be explained by the fact that we use non-informative Bayesian estimation performed with JAGS instead of maximum likelihood estimation.

Table 1 Medians of Pearson correlation coefficients (as well as first and third quartiles) between the STOC observations and the estimates of species relative abundances computed with the models [Opp+Stand with hab], [Stand only with hab], and [Opp+Stand no hab]

Figure 3 shows the posterior distributions of the relative abundances \(N^{[model]}_{ij}/N^{[model]}_{i1}\) obtained for the three considered situations.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Posterior of the relative abundances \(\hat{N}^{[model]}_{ij}/\hat{N}^{[model]}_{i1}\) of species i monitored in the ACT program and \(j=62\), and using data and models [Opp+Stand with hab] (blue), [Stand only with hab] (black), and [Opp+Stand no hab] (dotted line)

We observe an improvement of the predictions when we take the habitat into account. Actually, when we move from the Model (2) without habitat modeling (introduced in Giraud et al. 2015), to the Model (1) with habitat modeling, the median of the correlations between the vectors \((\widehat{X}^{model}_{ij})_{j}\) and \((X^{STOC}_{ij})_{j}\) increases from 0.44 to 0.49 for the species surveyed in the standardized dataset (ACT) and from 0.31 to 0.39 for the other species. Both the bias and variance contribute to the fit as measures by the correlation between observations and predictions, so the reduction of the bias obtained by modeling the habitat is stronger than the increase of the variance induced by the inflation of the number of parameters. This feature is confirmed by the difference between the BIC value for the model [Opp+Stand with hab] and the model [Opp+Stand no hab]:

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta \textit{BIC}=\textit{BIC}(\mathrm{Opp+Stand\ with\ hab})-\textit{BIC}(\mathrm{Opp+Stand\ no\ hab})=-\,8867. \end{aligned}$$

This improvement can be explained by the strong differences in habitat selection parameters \(S_{ih}\) that we have estimated (see Fig. 7), confirming that habitat biases cannot be ignored. This feature is also supported by the shape of the posterior distribution of the model with habitat [Opp+Stand with hab] which is much more spiked than the shape of the posterior distribution of the model without habitat [Opp+Stand no hab].

In addition, as in Giraud et al. (2015), we observe that adding the opportunist data in our estimation improves the estimation. In particular, we observe that for our dataset, the improvement brought from the use of opportunistic data is stronger than the improvement brought from habitat modeling. In the next paragraph, we investigate the importance of the habitat structure in the spatial variation of the abundance.

3.2.3 Models of spatial repartition

In our model (1), we incorporate two sources of abundance variation. Part of the variation in abundance is explained by the habitat structure. This part is driven by the habitat selection probability \(S_{ih}\). The remaining of the abundance variation comes from some other factors, acting differentially on the different sites j. We investigate below whether the spatial repartition of individuals is mainly explained by habitat structure, or if some other factors have a major role. In the first case, most of the spatial variation would be explained by the variations of the ratio \({S_{ih(x)}}/\left( {\sum _{h}S_{ih}V_{hj}}\right) \); while in the second case, a major part of the spatial variation would be explained by the variations of the \(N_{ij}\) with j. In order to compare the relative importance of both effects, we compare the models derived from (1) by first neglecting the variation in the habitat selection probabilities \(S_{ih}\) (setting them all to 1); second by neglecting the variation in j of the \(N_{ij}\), replacing all of them by a single value \(N_{i}\). As explained before, when all the habitat selection probabilities \(S_{ih}\) are equal, the model (1) reduces to the model (2) of Giraud et al. (2015). So to investigate the relative importance of the habitat types with respect to the other factors, we compare the model [Opp+Stand with hab] and [Opp+Stand no hab] with the [One Quadrat with hab] model where

[One Quadrat with hab]:

\(\displaystyle X_{ick}\!\!\sim \!\!\mathcal {P}\mathrm{oisson}\left( N_{i}E_{ck}P_{ik}\!\sum _{h} \frac{q_{hk}}{\!\sum _{h'}q_{h'k}V_{h'c}}\frac{S_{ih}}{\sum _{h'}S_{ih'}V_{h'}}V_{hc}\right) \),where \(V_h\) is the total area of habitat h in the considered space.

For each model, we compute as previously the Pearson correlations between the observations of the STOC dataset and the estimation of these observations using each of the three models. The median and the quartiles for all the species are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Medians (as well as first and third quartiles) of Pearson correlation coefficients between estimation of species relative abundances using different models of species spatial repartition

We observe that, in our case, the overall fit for the [one quadrat] model is poorer. This point is confirmed by the BIC values

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta \textit{BIC} = \textit{BIC}(\mathrm{[Opp+Stand\ no\ hab]})-\textit{BIC}(\mathrm{[One\ Quadrat\ with\ hab]})=-\,813853. \end{aligned}$$

The habitat type therefore does not seem to be the main driver of the spatial variation for most of the species considered in the specific spatial domain (though this ecological result can be different when considering other species on an other space, notably with more diverse types of habitats). The study of the impact of habitat structure on the estimates for each species relative abundance is presented in Sect. 4.

4 Discussion

Main results. We have developed a new statistical approach relying on the joint use of two datasets collected respectively by an opportunistic data collection program and by a classical standardized monitoring program with a known (and ideally controlled) observation intensity. By combining these two datasets, our approach estimates the relative abundance of a set of species in a set of sites, while accounting for the different detectability of the species in the two programs, variable habitat preferences by both the species and the observers, and unknown observation intensity in the opportunistic data collection program. The use of opportunistic data in this approach results in a considerably increased precision in comparison to the estimation that would be based only on the standardized data. Note also that our approach allows the estimation of the relative abundances of some species monitored only with the opportunistic data collection program, as long as there are at least several other species monitored by the two programs. Our approach extends the statistical modeling developed in Giraud et al. (2015), by taking into account the variable preferences of habitat types by both the species and the observers. We show that by accounting for habitat preferences by both the species and the observers in the citizen science program, our approach results in a lower bias and a better prediction of standardized observations using the relative abundances estimates. This is illustrated by a simulated dataset, as well as a practical case study.

A useful byproduct of this approach is the estimation of the relative preferences of each species for each habitat type: more precisely, the estimated value of the habitat selection parameters \(S_{ih}\) corresponds to the relative probability of selection of habitat h, which is exactly the definition of a resource selection function (RSF, Lele et al. 2013), a tool widely used in biological conservation and wildlife management to identify important habitats for a given species on a study area (Boyce and McDonald 1999). Existing statistical approaches for the fit of RSF rely on the comparison of an unbiased sample of the habitat used by the focus species, and an unbiased sample of either the unused habitat or the habitat available to the species (see a list of possible statistical approaches in Manly et al. (2002), especially chapter 4 for the case where habitat is defined by several categories). The collection of such data can be expensive, and when the study area is large and/or the focus species is rare it can become prohibitive (see the conclusion of MacKenzie (2005)). However, endangered rare species are precisely those for which information on selected places is the most crucial. The situation is generally worsened when several rare and endangered species are under study. Citizen science programs relying on opportunistic data collection are a very attractive alternative in this context because of the large observation effort carried out, but are often notoriously flawed by an unequal and unknown observation effort, which make their use in such studies difficult (Phillips et al. 2009). If at least a part of the species monitored in the opportunistic data collection program are also monitored in a more classical standardized program, our approach provides a way to correct for the biases caused by the unequal observation effort in opportunistic data collection programs, and therefore to benefit of the large observation effort for the RSF estimation. Our approach therefore allows the batch estimation of the RSF for all species in the opportunistic data collection program.

Limitations Our approach relies on the hypothesis that the preferences of a given species for a given habitat type does not vary into space and time. Several authors have shown that this might not always be the case: animals sometimes show a functional response of habitat selection, i.e. an habitat selection pattern that depends on habitat availability (Mysterud and Ims 1998); an habitat type can therefore be preferred by a species in a context and avoided in another (e.g. Calenge et al. 2005). Similarly, our approach supposes that the observers in the citizen science program show a constant preference in space and time. However, the observers preferences can also be characterized by functional responses. For example, in an opportunistic data collection program focusing on birds, observers may be more interested by waterbirds in humid regions and therefore prefer to spend their time close to lakes and ponds in such regions, as this is where they are more likely to observer the species of interest. On the other hand, in a mountainous region, observers might be more interested into raptors and avoid lakes and ponds. Such functional response of the observers can bias the resulting estimates, and should be seriously considered when fitting this model.

Possible extensions So far, we assumed that the detectability \(P_{ik}\) of species i in dataset k does not depend on the habitat type, which might be unrealistic since, in particular, the range of vision of an observer can be different from one habitat type to the other. If so, our estimation of habitat selection parameters \(S_{ih}\) can be biased. Due to identifiability constraints, our model cannot include an unknown list of parameters \(\alpha _h\) taking into account the dependence of detectability on the habitat (since they will be undistinguishable from the species habitat selection probabilities \(S_{ih}\)). However, it is possible to include these parameters in the model and define an informative prior distribution for these detectabilities, if information is available elsewhere. Another solution is to use additional data concerning the detectability associated to each considered habitat. In Appendix A.5.2 we demonstrate how to implement this approach with the dataset used in this paper, by using additional data that give the respective numbers of observations made with different distance ranges for different kinds of habitats. Based on an idea similar to the statistical approach underlying the abundance estimation based on distance sampling (Buckland et al. 1993), we demonstrate how to estimate and account for the variable detectability between habitat types when estimating the species relative abundance in each site.

Issues when implementing the model Several issues must be carefully handled when implementing our model for specific datasets. A key step in the implementation of our model lies in the choice of the habitat types and their number. This choice, which is dataset dependent, must be handled with care. First, the choice of the habitat types must be meaningful for the monitored species. For example, assume that some of the monitored species have a very different selection probability for two given habitat types, say “deciduous forest” and “coniferous forest”. If the proportion of “deciduous forest” and “coniferous forest” varies from one site to the other, then the merging of these two habitat types into a single habitat type “forest” would induce a significant bias in the estimation. To avoid such biases, we may be tempted to select a very large number of habitat types, ensuring a strong homogeneity of each type. Yet, the multiplication of the habitat types is limited by the number of available observation points in each habitat type. Actually, in order to avoid a detrimental increase of the variance, we need to have enough observation points in each habitat type. These observations can be both in the opportunistic or in the standardized dataset. So, when choosing the habitat types (and their number), one must find a good balance between defining meaningful habitat types for the monitored species and having enough observations in each habitat type.

Another major degree of freedom in the implementation of the model, is the choice of the number of species. On the one hand, increasing the number of species helps the estimation, since the ratio between the number of observations and the number of parameters then decreases. On the other hand, including some rare species, or including some species which require to add some new habitat types, can harm the estimation by increasing the variance.

For a fair comparison of the statistical models with and without habitat modeling, we have implemented our model with very flat priors on all the parameters. In practice, we may have access to some existing estimates of some parameters. For example, for some species, we can have some estimates of some habitat selection probabilities (Manly et al. 2002). In this case, it is worth to incorporate this knowledge by designing some more informative priors on the habitat selection probabilities.