1 Introduction

The increasing need for CMOS miniaturization to achieve smaller and faster RF chips as well as process, temperature, and supply voltage variability, have been a challenge in reference to yield of first-time-right-silicon RF chips. In addition to test challenges, with finer geometries, the performance of RF circuits is susceptible to effects of process variation, noise coupling and temperature fluctuations. As such, the cost of testing RF chips has increased significantly which at some stage, the testing cost surpasses the fabrication cost of the chip itself [1]. Therefore, the push towards built-in-self-test/calibration (BIST), where testing and calibrating are realized on-chip, could largely reduce the cost of testing. One approach that has been largely followed is to use an RF amplitude detector to calibrate RF circuits thereby reduce the testing cost.

Converting peak amplitude, power or RMS amplitude to equivalent dc voltage has been implemented in board level [2, 3]. Moreover, several ways of implementing the RF amplitude detector have been reported in the literature [4, 5]. RMS detectors realized in CMOS [6] require complex signal processing implementation which limits the operating frequency. A dynamic range of 10 dB is reported in [7]. Rectification through a single diode-connected transistor principle is also utilized to implement detectors with a dynamic range of 20 dB [8, 9]. In order to obtain a higher dynamic range, amplification before converting to DC was proposed in [10, 11]. In case of large gain and wider dynamic range is required, this technique is not suitable because of the limited frequency bandwidth by the amplifier preceding the actual RF detector.

These works targeted the detection range and conversion gain improvement [12]. Most of the reported designs assumed the RF detector is immune to the variable PVT conditions [4] or calibrated off-chip. Moreover, no work has been done to consider the significant detection error inside the RF amplitude detector itself.

This paper is organized as follows. The operating principle of the RF detector is presented in Sect. 2. Section 3 describes the sources of detection error in the RF detector. The two-point calibration technique is described in Sect. 4. Moreover, the proposed self-calibrating architecture is presented in Sect. 5. The implemented silicon measurement results verify the performance of the proposed structure in Sect. 6. Section 7 demonstrates an example application of VGA gain calibration. Finally, Sect. 8 summarizes the performance and draws the conclusion.

2 RF amplitude detector

The RF amplitude detector shown in Fig. 1 [7] consists of the main core detector and LPF. The main core detector translates the high-frequency input to low frequency (dc) current, and the LPF averages out its value to a digital-friendly DC voltage. The varying levels of DC output are then used to generate the self-calibrating bias levels.

Fig. 1
figure 1

RF amplitude detector

The input transistor Mn is biased to operate in the weak inversion region. This offers high transconductance (gm) which is reflected in the high sensitivity V-I curve on top of the low power consumption. High sensitivity enables the detector to sense a wider range of inputs. The input is ac coupled to allow separate bias of Mn.

Understanding the relationship between the input amplitude and the DC output is essential. The derivation of the relationship was investigated in [5]. The drain current can be expressed as [5]:

$$I_{n} = I_{DO} \left( {\frac{W}{L}} \right)_{n} \exp \left( {\frac{{V_{GS} }}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)$$

where IDO = is the process dependent current constant, (W/L)n is the aspect ratio of Mn, n is a constant related to depletion region characteristics, VT is the thermal voltage

The high-frequency input which can be represented as Vacos(ωt) superimposed with the Vbias will constitute the VGS component of (1). Replacing VGS with Vbias + Vacos(ωt) will result in (2).

$$I_{n} = I_{DO} \left( {\frac{W}{L}} \right)_{n} \exp \left( {\frac{{V_{bias} + V_{a} \cos (\omega t)}}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)$$
$$I_{n} = I_{DO} \left( {\frac{W}{L}} \right)_{n} \exp \left( {\frac{{V_{bias} }}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)\exp \left( {\frac{{V_{a} \cos (\omega t)}}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)$$
$$I_{n} = I_{BO} \left[ {1 + \frac{{V_{a} }}{{nV_{T} }}\cos (\omega t) + \frac{1}{2}\left( {\frac{{V_{a} }}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)^{2} \cos^{2} (\omega t)} \right]$$
$$I_{n} = I_{BO} \left[ {1 + \left( {\frac{{V_{a} }}{{2nV_{T} }}} \right)^{2} + \frac{{V_{a} }}{{nV_{T} }}\cos (\omega t) + \left( {\frac{{V_{a} }}{{2nV_{T} }}} \right)^{2} \cos (2\omega t)} \right]$$

where \(I_{BO} = I_{DO} \left( {\frac{W}{L}} \right)_{n} \exp \left( {\frac{{V_{bias} }}{{nV_{T} }}} \right)\)

IBO is the dc bias current of the transistor. The increase in the amplitude of the high-frequency input (Va) will result in an increment of the drain current In. The drain voltage is then pulled away from VDD causing the output node, charged initially to VDD to discharge, thus establishing a negative relation with respect to the RF signal amplitude. As the output is low pass filtered the effective component is the dc component of In. The ideal inverse relationship is depicted in Fig. 2(a). Detection range is the input voltage range of RF amplitude at which the detector response is linear. Similarly, the conversion gain (also called RF-to-dc conversion gain) is the slope of the characteristics. Proper sizing of the PMOS load and input devices enable a high conversion gain.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Ideal characteristics, b relationship between detection range and conversion gain

As the supply voltage is limited, increasing the conversion gain can only be achieved at a cost of the detection/dynamic range as shown in Fig. 2(b). A sub-range approach can easily be implemented to achieve both high conversion gain and wider dynamic range. Keeping Mn in the weak inversion region applying several Vbias values will result in linear regions for specific sub-range of RF amplitudes as shown in Fig. 3. The aggregate result is extended detection range and high conversion gain.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Extended range RF amplitude detector characteristics

The sub-range technique divides the whole dynamic range into sub-ranges where each sub-range section has a linear region with the highest possible conversion gain. Moreover, there is an overlap of dynamic range between adjacent sub-ranges. The sub-ranges are achieved by applying several Vbias to obtain linear region for a specific range. For example, by decreasing the gate bias, higher amplitude signals are needed to turn the input transistor on and vice versa thereby guarantee a region with high conversion gain and aggregated highest dynamic range possible. Vbias voltages from 350 up to 500 mV with an increment of 50 mV is selected to achieve 4 sub-ranges with an overlap of about 30 mV.

Wide dynamic range, higher RF to DC conversion gain are some of the key design specifications for RF detector design [7]. In typical self-calibration of complex RF systems, multiple RF amplitude detectors are required. The minimal power consumption of the detectors is, therefore, an essential parameter to consider. Since the main purpose of this detector is to be used as a sensing circuit in complex RF systems, to avoid loading the system, the high input impedance is also one of the main requirements of the detector design.

3 Detection error

The RF amplitude detector’s characteristics deviate from its nominal under varying PVT conditions. To have clearer insight about the effect of PVT, the drain current versus drain voltage characteristics of a typical 120 nm/60 nm CMOS is simulated. The simulation was conducted in the 65 nm node. Several corner simulations at different temperature levels were conducted. Figure 4 shows the deviation of the characteristics from nominal values for different process and temperature conditions. A maximum deviation of + 30% was observed. The RF amplitude detector structure is composed of CMOS transistors and passive components. The deviation from the nominal characteristics of these components will produce an aggregate deviation of the RF detector characteristics.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of PVT on IV characteristics of CMOS

To quantify and analyze the detection error within the RF detector, the detector response at various process and temperature corners are simulated. Detection error can be evaluated in two ways. For a constant RF input amplitude, the percentage dc output deviation from the nominal characteristics is one possible way of detection error. Four values of Vbias (500 mV down to 350 mV in steps of 50 mV) are selected to implement the sub-range approach discussed in Section II. The DC detection error (εdc) can be expressed as:

$$\varepsilon_{dc} = \frac{{DC_{nom} - DC_{cor} }}{{DC_{nom} }}$$

where DCnom is the simulated nominal detector output at room temperature and TT process corner, DCcor is the detector output at a varying corner and temperature conditions

Figure 5 shows SPICE simulation of the detector characteristics at 1 GHz RF input highlighting the maximum detection errors for four Vbias values. The nominal simulation was conducted at 25 °C TT process corner. The worst-case corner simulations were also performed. Using (3) the detection error was estimated for all sub-ranged simulations. A maximum detection error of 57% at 500 mV Vbias was observed.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Simulated RF amplitude detector dc detection error at different values of Vbias

The second way of looking at the detection error is; the different RF amplitude inputs that correspond to a fixed DC output. We will refer to this error as input amplitude detection error (εin) and is expressed as:

$$\varepsilon_{in} = \frac{{V_{anom} - V_{acor} }}{{V_{anom} }}$$

where Vanom is the amplitude of RF input with the detector simulation conditions at room temperatures and TT process corner. Vacor is the amplitude the RF input with varying corner and temperature simulation conditions.

A maximum detection error as high as 81% is observed as shown in Fig. 6. These significant detection errors must be rectified before the RF detector can be used to calibrate complex systems.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Simulated RF amplitude detector input detection error at different values of Vbias

A Monte-Carlo simulation for 1000 samples is also performed. The process, mismatch and temperature conditions are simulated under the Monte-Carlo setup. 1000 detection error samples for Vbias levels of 350–500 mV is simulated across several RF amplitude inputs. The detection error for all bias levels is presented in Fig. 7. A 75% detection error is measured at 450 mV Vbias and 0.4 V RF input.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Monte-Carlo (1000 samples) simulation for uncalibrated RF amplitude detector output

To investigate the detector response for a wideband RF input, the characteristics of the detector for 1 GHz, 10 GHz, and 30 GHz is simulated. Moreover, the four sub-ranged modes are simulated for these wideband RF inputs. An interesting observation can be made with respect to the input RF frequency. The conversion gain and the general behavior of the detector is consistent for the wideband RF input. The simulated results are depicted in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Simulated RF amplitude detector response for 1, 10 and 30 GHz RF input

4 Two point calibration

Few approaches which consider the effect of variation due to PVT conditions have been proposed in the literature. The attempt to mitigate this variation using a digitally assisted technique proposed in [13], which disconnects the detector input in the offset acquiring stage. This technique fails to provide a continuous calibration.

A two-point calibration shown in Fig. 9 [14] which is proposed in this paper provides a more suitable solution. The idea is to anchor the output of the RF detector at the extremes, to constant references. The detector response to zero amplitude RF input is anchored to a reference denoted as dchi. Similarly, the detector dc output when a maximum RF amplitude input is applied is anchored to a constant dc output denote by dclow. Therefore, the output of the detector is frozen to these two points even with the PVT variations. Thereby mitigating the detection error to its minimal possible values.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Two-point calibration technique

5 Proposed self-calibrating RF detector

The RF detector extracts parameters related to the auto-calibration of the RF component under test. This could be the gain information of an LNA, phase noise of an oscillator or mismatch of a mixer. As demonstrated in the previous sections, the detection error within the detector itself is significantly large to ignore. If the detector’s error is not compensated, it could result in wrong extraction of parameters the detector is supposed to extract.

The two-point calibration technique described in the previous section (Fig. 9) is implemented to auto-calibrate the RF amplitude detector. Two replicas of the main detector which can generate bias voltages to achieve the two anchoring points are proposed.

5.1 Zero RF replica

Figure 10 shows one of the replicas denoted as Zero RF replica. Under the normal operating condition, when the RF input amplitude is 0 V the detector output is 1 Vdc. The main purpose of the Zero RF replica is to generate a gate bias voltage that forces the output to 1 Vdc irrespective of the PVT conditions.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Implemented Zero RF replica and its Minimum RF anchoring characteristics @ 1.2 V supply

The dc coupling capacitor can be ignored for this replica since there is 0 V amplitude RF input. The output of the replica is compared to a fixed 1 Vdc reference, which through feedback adjusts the replica’s gate voltage to force the appropriate bias point to generated detector output of 1 Vdc at all times.

5.2 Max RF replica

The Max RF replica is presented in Fig. 11. Similarly, the purpose of this replica is to generate PVT variation independent Pbias for the main detector. To imitate the Max RF case, the replica is supplied with a 5 GHz rail to rail (1.2 Vpp) input generated from a ring oscillator. The ring oscillator with a supply voltage of 1.2 V generates 5 GHz at 50% duty cycle output. An in-depth investigation is conducted to analyze the effect of the ring oscillator frequency and duty cycle. The results show the replica is insensitive to the ring oscillator’s frequency or duty cycle.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Implemented Max RF replica and its Max RF anchoring characteristics

The nominal output of the detector at 0.6 Vp RF input amplitude is 0.2 Vdc. This output is compared to a fixed 0.2 V reference. The feedback loop forces the load such that the output is anchored at 0.2 Vdc regardless of the PVT conditions. Therefore, the two-point calibration can be achieved by means of the Zero RF and Max RF replicas. The complete self-calibrating structure is presented in the following section.

5.3 Complete self-calibrating structure

The proposed complete self-calibrating structure consists of the main detector, Zero RF replica and Max RF replicas as shown in Fig. 12. In the top-level layout, the replicas are placed in proximity to the main core to reduce variations. Moreover, all the cores’ input devices are sized at much larger than minimum length to have better matching between all copies. Analog subtractor is inserted at the feedback to enable a programmable mode select.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Implemented self-calibrated RF amplitude detector

There are four modes of operation to implement the extended dynamic range. Vmode is swept from 0 to 150 mV in steps of 50 mV. When Vmode is 0 mV which corresponds to the first mode, the bias voltage for the main detector is solely generated from the Zero RF replica. As described in section V, the zero RF replica will generate a bias voltage to anchor the main detector’s output at 1 Vdc.

To stabilize the detector at the end of its characteristic curve, the Max RF replica is used as part of the self-calibration structure. At Vmode of 150 mV which corresponds to the fourth mode, the Max RF replica feedback loop forces the loads such that the output is anchored at 0.2 Vdc.

6 Measurement results

The proposed architecture is implemented in 65 nm 1P7 M CMOS process. Several samples were taken to verify the functionality of the structure. Figure 13 demonstrates the functionality of the self-adjusting structure. The staircase output represents the inverse relationship of the detector output to the RF input. Figure 14 summarizes the mitigation of detection error.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Measured output of the self-adjusting structure

Fig. 14
figure 14

Detection error mitigation summary

The comparison of the RF amplitude detector before and after the self-calibration technique is presented in Fig. 15. The measurement is performed at 1 GHz RF input for several chip samples. The characteristics are anchored at the extremes with measured detection error mitigated to a level of less than 10% for all modes of operation. The 10% detection error could possibly be from the mismatching between the replicas and the variation within the replicas itself.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Measurement results for self-adjusting structure compared to uncalibrated RF detector for all modes

7 Application demonstration

The RF amplitude detector can be used to extract specific parameters in complex RF systems. These parameters can be used for the self-calibration purpose. A variable gain amplifier auto-gain control with the help the proposed RF detector is demonstrated in this section. An off-chip AD8331 variable gain amplifier is used as the DUT. The gain of the AD8331 is controlled by an analog gain control pin denoted as Vgain.

The measurement setup for this case is shown in Fig. 16. The input detector continuously monitors the RF input amplitude level. Similarly, the output detector monitors the VGA output amplitude. The monitored input and output amplitude levels are analyzed in a digital processing unit (FPGA). Initially, the VGA output at a 50 mVp RF input is measured the stored. Then a continuous gain control FSM generates the required Vgain to adjust the VGA gain.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Measurement setup

The measurement results for the VGA gain self-calibration are shown in Fig. 17. Figure 17(a) shows a calibration process for RF input transition of high to low. The RF input is dropped from 200 to 50 mV. The corresponding input detector’s output is then increased. Vgain then alternates until the VGA output is set to a fixed value. This is demonstrated by the stable VGA output and constant output detector’s DC output. Similarly, when RF input increases from 50 up to 200 mV, the corresponding input detector’s output is then decreased. The calibration then sets the required Vgain to fix the VGA output to a stable predetermined output. The silicon measurement for four modes of operation is compared with the simulation results as shown in Fig. 18. The measurement fits well with simulation with minimal difference.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Measured Variable gain calibration for (a) HIGH to LOW RF input transition and (b) LOW to HIGH RF input transition

Fig. 18
figure 18

Silicon measurement vs. SPICE simulation for Self-adjusting structure for the four modes of operation

8 Conclusion

This paper demonstrated the proposed architecture self-calibrates to mitigate the detection error that arises due to PVT variations from within ordinary RF detector. A wide range amplitude detector with − 3 V/V conversion gain is implemented. Two-point calibration technique is implemented to reduce the detection error within the detector itself. Two replicas with feedback control systems are implemented to generate the two-point calibration bias. The silicon measurement result shows that the detection error is mitigated to less than 10% from 81% for both dc detection error (εdc) and input detection error (εin). At a typical supply voltage of 1.2 V, the overall power consumption of the proposed architecture is 230 μW with only 0.2 mm2 active area consumption as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19
figure 19

a Chip die photo, b layout showing different parts of the system