1 Introduction

The problem of computing a spanning tree of a graph that satisfies given constraints has been well studied. For example, the famous minimum spanning tree (MST) problem asks for a spanning tree with minimum total edge-length, and the bottleneck spanning tree (BST) problem asks for a spanning tree whose largest edge-length is minimum. In the last decades, a number of works have been devoted to the study of low-degree spanning trees with short edges. These trees not only satisfy interesting theoretical properties, but also have applications in wireless networks because nodes with high degree or high transmission range lead to a higher level of interference. For finite point sets in any metric space, one can construct a degree-2 spanning tree (a spanning path) whose largest edge-length is at most thrice the largest edge-length of the BST. Such a tree always exists in the cubeFootnote 1 of the BST, and can be computed in polynomial time [18, 20]. This yields a factor-3 approximation algorithm for the bottleneck traveling salesman path problem. We will show that if we use BST’s largest edge-length as the lower bound, then it is impossible to obtain a ratio better than \(\sqrt{7}\) even in the Euclidean metric in the plane.

This paper addresses the bottleneck degree-K spanning tree problem which is a generalization of the bottleneck traveling salesman path problem (for which K is 2): given a finite point set in the Euclidean plane and an integer \(K\geqslant 2\), find a spanning tree of maximum degree at most K that minimizes the largest edge-length, i.e., the length of the longest edge. The degree constraint is natural to consider as high-degree nodes in networks are in many ways undesirable [9]. The degree-3 tree is especially attractive as it becomes a binary tree once rooted. The edge-length constraint is also natural to consider, since nodes with high transmission range require higher transmission power.

For \(K\geqslant 2\), let \(\beta _K\) be the supremum ratio of the largest edge-length of the bottleneck degree-K spanning tree (degree-K BST) to the largest edge-length of the BST, over all finite point sets in the Euclidean plane. Based on the above discussion, \(\beta _2\leqslant 3\). The definition of \(\beta _K\) is consistent with Chan’s definition [9] of \(\tau _K\) as the supremum ratio of the weight of the minimum degree-K spanning tree (degree-K MST) to the weight of the MST, over all finite point sets in the Euclidean plane. Since every point set has an MST of degree at most 5 [21], we get \(\tau _K=1\) for all \(K\geqslant 5\). Moreover, since every MST is a BST [7], we get \(\beta _K=\tau _K\) for all \(K\geqslant 5\). For every \(K\in \{2,3,4\}\) there are point sets for which no degree-K MST is a degree-K BST, e.g., for the point set in Fig. 1 any degree-K MST takes the edge of length 1.237 while no degree-K BST takes that edge.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A point set for which no degree-K MST is a degree-K BST for any \(K\in \{2,3,4\}\)

1.1 Related Work on MST Ratios

The Euclidean degree-K MST problem is NP-hard for \(K\in \{2,3,4\}\) [15, 22, 23]. It is well known that one can compute a degree-2 spanning tree with weight at most 2 times the MST weight, by doubling the MST edges, computing an Euler tour, and then short-cutting repeated vertices. The constant 2 is tight, as Fekete et al. [13] showed that for any fixed \(\varepsilon >0\) there exist point sets whose degree-2 MST weight is not smaller than \(2-\varepsilon \) times the MST weight. Therefore, \(\tau _2=2\).

In 1984, Papadimitriou and Vazirani [23] asked whether the Euclidean geometry can be exploited to obtain factors better than 2 for degree-3 and degree-4 spanning trees. Following this question, in 1994, Khuller et al. [19] achieved the following bounds for \(K=3,4\): \(1.103 < \tau _3\leqslant 1.5\) and \(1.035 < \tau _4\leqslant 1.25\). The lower bounds are achieved by the center plus vertices of a square and a regular pentagon, respectively; see Fig. 2, a and b. The upper bounds are obtained by a recursive algorithm that roots the MST at a leaf v, and then transforms it to a degree-K spanning tree with the inductive hypothesis that the root should have degree at most \(K-2\) in the new tree. The algorithm transforms the subtrees rooted at the children of v recursively, and then replaces the star (formed by v and its children) by a small-weight path in which v has degree at most \(K-2\). A similar approach was studied before by Ravi et al. [25] for degree-3 spanning trees in metric spaces. In 2003, Chan [9] revisited the ratios and showed that the upper bounds 1.5 and 1.25 are almost tight if we insist the root to have degree at most \(K-2\). He managed to improve the upper bounds to \(\tau _3<1.402\) and \(\tau _4<1.143\) by a weaker inductive hypothesis that the root can have degree at most \(K-1\) in the new tree, and by recursing not only on subtrees of the original MST but on trees formed by joining subtrees. A detailed analysis [17] shows that Chan’s construction of degree-4 spanning trees gives upper bound \(\tau _4<1.1381\). Fekete et al. [13] conjectured that the lower bounds are tight, that is \(\tau _3\approx 1.103\) and \(\tau _4\approx 1.035\).

1.2 Related Work on BST Ratios

Following the result of Itai et al. [16] about the NP-hardness of the Hamiltonian path problem for rectangular grid graphs, Arkin et al. [6] showed the NP-hardness of this problem for some other classes of grid graphs, including hexagonal grid graphs. This immediately implies the NP-hardness of the Euclidean degree-2 BST problem, and its inapproximability in polynomial time by a factor better than \(\sqrt{3}\) unless \(P =NP \). Andersen and Ras [2] have shown that the Euclidean degree-3 BST problem is NP-hard and cannot be approximated in polynomial time by a factor better than \(5\sqrt{2}/7\) unless \(P =NP \); they left the status of the corresponding degree-4 problem open.

To obtain lower bounds for \(\beta _K\), one could try classic examples (shown in Fig. 2) that achieve lower bounds for similar ratios (e.g., see [8, 9, 13, 19, 24]). It can be verified simply that \(\beta _3\geqslant \sqrt{2}\) and \(\beta _4 >1.175\), by the the center plus vertices of a square and a regular pentagon; see Fig. 2, a and b. The point set in Fig. 2c shows that \(\beta _2\geqslant 2\); the BST edges have length 1 while any degree-2 BST should pick one of the dashed edges which have length 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Lower bound examples

The current best known upper bounds are \(\beta _2\leqslant 3\), \(\beta _3\leqslant 2\), \(\beta _4\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) (the bounds \(\beta _2 \leqslant 3\) and \(\beta _3 \leqslant 2\) hold for any metric space). As discussed earlier, the upper bound on \(\beta _2\) is implied by a known result that the cube of every connected graph (in our case the BST) is Hamiltonian-connected [18, 20]; by the triangle inequality the largest edge-length in the cube graph is at most 3 times the largest edge-length in the BST. This is also hinted at in [10, Exercise 37.2.3]. The upper bound on \(\beta _3\) is implied by the degree-3 spanning tree algorithm of Ravi et al. [25, Thm. 1.6] which replaces the star (formed by the MST’s root and its children) with a path; again by the triangle inequality, the largest edge-length in the path is at most 2 times the largest edge-length in the star. Andersen and Ras [2,3,4] studied bottleneck bounded-degree spanning tree problems from theoretical and experimental points of view. In [2], they obtained similar upper bounds for \(\beta _2\) and \(\beta _3\), and managed to show that \(\beta _4\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) (they obtain this bound by a modified version of Chan’s degree-4 spanning tree algorithm).

1.3 Our Contributions

We focus on ratios of Euclidean bottleneck degree-K spanning trees for \(K\in \{2,3,4\}\). We report the following improved bounds: \(\beta _2\geqslant \sqrt{7}\), \(\beta _3\leqslant \sqrt{3}\), and \(\beta _4\leqslant \sqrt{2}\). For the lower bound, in Sect. 5 we exhibit a point set in the plane for which the largest edge-length of any degree-2 BST is at least \(\sqrt{7}\) times the largest edge-length of the BST. To achieve the upper bounds, we show that for any set of points in the plane there exist degree-3 and degree-4 spanning trees with edge-lengths within factors \(\sqrt{3}\) and \(\sqrt{2}\), respectively, of the BST’s largest edge-length. Given the BST (which can be constructed in \(O(n\log n)\) time for n points), such trees can be computed in linear time. As a result, we obtain factor-\(\sqrt{3}\) and factor-\(\sqrt{2}\) approximation algorithms for the Euclidean bottleneck degree-3 and degree-4 spanning tree problems in the plane. The new algorithms are presented in Sects. 3 and 4, and a preliminary of their analysis is given in Sect. 2. As part of our proofs of these ratios we show some structural properties of the MST which are of independent interest.

The new algorithms are recursive. Even though they are not complicated, the analysis of the degree-3 algorithm is rather involved. In contrast to previous bounded-degree spanning tree algorithms that recurse only on subtrees or joint-subtrees rooted at the children of the root, our algorithms recurse on these subtrees together with the edges connecting them to the root. Moreover, our degree-3 algorithm recurses not only on the children of the root, but also on its grandchildren. The new algorithms also exploit the geometry of the Euclidean plane, and do not rely only on short-cutting and the triangle inequality, which are the main hammers used for the known upper bounds \(\beta _2\leqslant 3\) and \(\beta _3\leqslant 2\).

To add to the importance of our ratios, we refer to the works of Dobrev et al. [11, 12] and Caragiannis et al. [8] who studied similar ratios for Euclidean bottleneck strongly connected directed graphs of out-degree at most K. These works are motivated by the problem of replacing every omnidirectional antenna in a sensor network, with K directional antennae of low transmission range, so that the resulting network is strongly connected.

2 Preliminaries for the Proofs: Some MST Properties

To facilitate our analysis, in this section we extract a set of structural properties of the minimum spanning tree in the Euclidean plane. To avoid use of fractional radians, we measure angles in degrees. We will frequently use the well-known fact that the angle between any two adjacent MST edges is at least \(60^\circ \) (see [21]) without mentioning it.

For two points p and q in the plane we denote by pq the straight line segment between p and q, and by |pq| the Euclidean distance between p and q. Consider a vertex v of degree at least 3 in the MST and assume that its incident edges are sorted radially. An angle at v is the angle between two consecutive edges. Two angles are adjacent if they share a boundary edge, and nonadjacent otherwise. We denote the degree of v by \(\deg (v)\). We say that two MST edges are adjacent only if they are incident to the same point (regardless of their relative positions in the radial sorting). The following two lemmas (though very simple) turn out to be crucial for our analysis.

Lemma 2.1

Let v be any vertex of the MST. The following statements hold for the angles at v:

  1. (i)

    If \(\deg (v)=3\) then there exists an angle that is at most \(120^\circ \).

  2. (ii)

    If \(\deg (v)=4\) then there exist two nonadjacent angles that are at most \(90^\circ \) and \(120^\circ \).

  3. (iii)

    If \(\deg (v)=5\) then all angles are at most \(120^\circ \) and there exist two nonadjacent angles that are at most \(90^\circ \).


If \(\deg (v)=3\) then the smallest angle at v is at most \(120^\circ \). Assume \(\deg (v)=4\). Let \(\alpha _1\), \(\alpha _2\), \(\alpha _3\), and \(\alpha _4\) be the angles at v, ordered radially. Without loss of generality assume that \(\alpha _1+\alpha _3\leqslant \alpha _2+\alpha _4\), and thus \(\alpha _1+\alpha _3\leqslant 180^\circ \). We claim that \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _3\), which are nonadjacent, satisfy the angle constraints. Without loss of generality assume that \(\alpha _1\leqslant \alpha _3\), and thus \(\alpha _1\leqslant 90^\circ \). We already know that \(\alpha _1\geqslant 60^\circ \). Thus \(\alpha _3\leqslant 120^\circ \).

Assume that \(\deg (v)=5\). The first part of the statement is implied by the fact that every angle at v is at least \(60^\circ \). For the second part, let \(\alpha \) be the smallest angle at v, and observe that \(60^\circ \leqslant \alpha \leqslant 72^\circ \). The sum of \(\alpha \) and its two adjacent angles is at least \(180^\circ \). Thus, \(\alpha \) and its smallest nonadjacent angle (which is at most \(90^\circ \)) are the desired angles. \(\square \)

Lemma 2.2

Let pu and uv be two adjacent MST edges and let \(\alpha \) denote the convex angle between them. Then \(|pv|\leqslant 2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot \max {\{|pu|,|uv|\}}\).


Observe that \(\alpha \geqslant 60^\circ \). After a suitable relabeling assume that \(|pu|\leqslant |uv|\). Consider the ray emanating from u and passing through p. Let \(p'\) be the point on this ray such that \(|p'u|=|uv|\); see Fig. 3a. Then, the triangle \(\bigtriangleup up'v\) is isosceles, and thus \(|p'v|=2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot |uv|\). The right hand side is at least |uv| because \(\alpha \geqslant 60^\circ \). Therefore, the diameter of \(\bigtriangleup up'v\) is \(|p'v|\). Since pv lies in this triangle, its length is not more than the diameter. Thus, \(|pv|\leqslant |p'v|=2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot |uv|\). \(\square \)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustrations of (a) Lemma 2.2 and (b) Theorems 2.3 and 2.5

Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 suffice for the analysis of the degree-4 algorithm. The analysis of the degree-3 algorithm requires stronger tools; Corollary 2.4 and Theorem 2.5 play important roles here. Corollary 2.4 is implied by the following technical result of Angelini et al. [5]; see Fig. 3b for an illustration.

Theorem 2.3

Let pu, uv, and vq be three MST edges such that both p and q lie on the same side of the line through uv. Let \(\alpha \) and \(\gamma \) denote the convex angles at u and v. If \(\alpha \leqslant 80^\circ \), then \(\gamma \geqslant 120^\circ - \alpha /2\).

Corollary 2.4

Let pu, uv, and vq be three MST edges such that both p and q lie on the same side of the line through uv. Let \(\alpha \) and \(\gamma \) denote the convex angles at u and v. Then \(\alpha +\gamma \geqslant 150^\circ \).


If both angles are larger than \(80^\circ \) then the statement follows immediately. If one of them, say \(\alpha \), is at most \(80^\circ \) then by Theorem 2.3 and the fact that \(\alpha ,\gamma \geqslant 60^\circ \) we have \(\alpha +\gamma \geqslant \alpha +120^\circ -\alpha /2=120^\circ +\alpha /2\geqslant 150^\circ \). \(\square \)

We prove Theorem 2.5 in Sect. 6. This theorem, illustrated in Fig. 3b, deals with a maximization problem which has five variables at first glance. We use a sequence of geometric transformations to reduce the number of variables and simplify the proof.

Theorem 2.5

Let pu, uv, and vq be three MST edges such that both p and q lie on the same side of the line through uv. Let \(\alpha \) and \(\gamma \) denote the convex angles at u and v. If \(\alpha +\gamma \leqslant 210^\circ \), then \(|pq|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\cdot \max {\{|pu|,|uv|,|vq|\}}\).


The upper bound \(210^\circ \) on \(\alpha +\gamma \) in the statement of Theorem 2.5 is tight in the sense that if we replace it by \((210+\epsilon )^\circ \), then there exist MST edges puuvvq for which the objective inequality does not hold. For example take \(\alpha =90^\circ \), \(\gamma =(120+\epsilon )^\circ \), and \(|uv|=|vq|=1\). Then \(|uq|>\sqrt{3}\). By placing p very close to u, so that |pu| tends to zero, we make |pq| larger than \(\sqrt{3}\).

3 Degree-4 Spanning Tree Algorithm

Our algorithm is recursive. The algorithm recurses not only on rooted subtrees of the original tree, but on rooted subtrees together with the edges connecting them to their parents. For a rooted tree T and a single vertex \(r\notin T\), we denote by \(T+r\) the rooted tree obtained by making the root of T a child of r; see Fig. 4 (left).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Left: Illustration of the tree \(T+r\). Right: Transforming the trees \(T_i+v\) recursively

We are given a minimum spanning tree \({\mathscr {T}}\) of a set of points in the plane, which we may assume [21] has maximum degree at most 5. Notice that \({\mathscr {T}}\) is also a bottleneck spanning tree [7]. Root \({\mathscr {T}}\) at a fixed leaf r so that each vertex has at most four children. Let v denote the only child of r and let T denote the subtree rooted at v. Then \({\mathscr {T}}=T+r\), as in Fig. 4 (left). Let \(b(T+r)\) denote the largest edge-length of \(T+r\). Our recursive algorithm transforms the rooted tree \(T+r\) into a new degree-4 spanning tree, with the inductive hypothesis that

the root r has degree 1 and v has degree at most 3 in the new tree, and the largest edge-length of the new tree is at most \(\sqrt{2}\cdot b(T+r)\).

We note that after transformation, v may not be the child of r in the new tree.

The algorithm works as follows. After a suitable rescaling we may assume that \(b(T+r)=1\). Let \(v_1,\dots ,v_k\) be the k (\(\leqslant 4\)) children of v in T that are ordered radially. Let \(T_1,\dots ,T_k\) be the subtrees rooted at \(v_1,\dots ,v_k\). Transform \(T_1+v,\dots ,T_k+v\) recursively, and let \(T'_1+v,\dots ,T'_k+v\) be the resulting new degree-4 trees. See Fig. 4 for an illustration. By the inductive hypothesis, in each \(T'_i+v\), the vertex v has degree 1 and the vertex \(v_i\) has degree at most 3. Let \(v'_i\) be the only child of v in each tree \(T'_i+v\), and again notice that \(v'_i\) might be different from \(v_i\). If the child \(v'_i\) is different from \(v_i\) then we say that \(v'_i\) is adopted, otherwise \(v'_i\) is called natural.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Local replacement of edges: a \(k=3\) and \(\alpha \) is defined by \(vv_1\) and \(vv_2\). b \(k=4\), \(\alpha _1\) is defined by vr and \(vv_1\), and \(\alpha _2\) is defined by \(vv_3\) and \(vv_4\)

The above transformation of trees \(T_i+v\) does not change the degrees of v and r. Moreover, for every \(i\in \{1,\dots ,k\}\), we have that \(|vv'_i|\geqslant |vv_i|\) because otherwise \(vv_i\) should not be an edge of the original minimum spanning tree \({\mathscr {T}}\). After transforming trees \(T_i+v\), we replace the edges vr, \(vv'_1,\dots ,vv'_k\) locally to obtain a transformation of \(T+r\). To do so, we differentiate between different values of k.

  • \(k\leqslant 2\): In this case \(\deg (v)\leqslant 3\), \(\deg (r)=1\). We just leave the edges \(rv,vv'_1,vv'_2\) in.

  • \(k=3\): We describe this case in detail. In this case \(\deg (v)=4\) and there exists an angle \(\alpha \leqslant 90^\circ \) at v in the original tree \(T+r\). If \(\alpha \) is defined by two edges \(vv_i\) and \(vv_{i+1}\), then we add the edge \(v_iv_{i+1}\) and remove \(vv'_i\), as in Fig. 5a. After this replacement, v has degree 3, r has degree 1, and each of \(v_i\) and \(v_{i+1}\) has degree at most 4. Moreover, by Lemma 2.2 the length of the new edge \(v_iv_{i+1}\) is at most \(2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot \max {\{|vv_i|,|vv_{i+1}|\}}\leqslant 2\sin (\alpha /2)\leqslant \sqrt{2}\). If \(\alpha \) is defined by vr and an edge \(vv_i\), then we add \(rv_i\) and remove rv. After this replacement, v has degree 3, r has degree 1, and \(v_i\) has degree at most 4. Again by Lemma 2.2 we have \(|rv_i|\leqslant 2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot \max {\{|vr|,|vv_i|\}}\leqslant \sqrt{2}\).

  • \(k=4\): In this case \(\deg (v)=5\), and thus by Lemma 2.1 there exist two nonadjacent angles \(\alpha _1, \alpha _2\leqslant 90^\circ \) at v in the original tree \(T+r\). We process \(\alpha _1\) as follows: If \(\alpha _1\) is defined by two edges \(vv_i\) and \(vv_{i+1}\) then add \(v_iv_{i+1}\) and remove \(vv'_i\), but if \(\alpha _1\) is defined by vr and an edge \(vv_i\) then add \(rv_i\) and remove rv. We process \(\alpha _2\) analogously. See Fig. 5b. After processing both angles, v has degree 3, r has degree 1, and each \(v_i\) has degree at most 4. It is implied by Lemma 2.2 that the length of each new edge is at most \(\sqrt{2}\).

Therefore, we obtain a new tree that satisfies the inductive hypothesis, and thus a ratio of \(\sqrt{2}\) has been established. The above local replacements take constant time per root. Thus, given the initial degree-5 MST (which is also a BST and can be constructed in \(O(n \log n)\) time for n points [21]), the algorithm runs in linear time.


Our analysis of the ratio \(\sqrt{2}\) is tight under our inductive hypothesis that “the root r must have degree 1 and v must have degree at most 3 in the new tree”; the example in Fig. 2a indicates why.

4 Degree-3 Spanning Tree Algorithm

Let \(T+r\) be a degree-5 minimum spanning tree that is rooted at a leaf r, and let v be the only child of r. Our approach for degree-3 spanning trees is similar to that of degree-4 trees, except that the degree of v should be at most 2. The algorithm transforms \(T + r\) into a new degree-3 spanning tree, with the inductive hypothesis that

the root r has degree 1 and v has degree at most 2 in the new tree, and the largest edge-length of the new tree is at most \(\sqrt{3}\cdot b(T+r)\).

Assume that \(b(T+r)=1\). Let \(v_1,\dots ,v_k\) be the children of v ordered radially, and let \(T_{v_1},\dots ,T_{v_k}\) be the subtrees rooted at these vertices, respectively (in this section the name \(T_{v_i}\) is more convenient than \(T_i\)). Logically, similar to the degree-4 algorithm, our degree-3 algorithm should first transform the trees \(T_{v_i}+v\) and then replace the edges incident to v locally. However, when \(k=4\) (i.e., when \(\deg (v)=5\)) we are not able to replace three of the incident edges without breaking the degree constraint for r or for a \(v_i\). Therefore we differentiate between two cases: \(k\leqslant 3\) and \(k=4\).

Case \(k\leqslant 3\).    Transform \(T_{v_1}+v,\dots ,T_{v_k}+v\) recursively to obtain new degree-3 trees. Let \(v'_1,\dots ,v'_k\) be the children of v in the new trees. After this transformation, the degree of each \(v_i\) is at most 2, and the degrees of r and v remain unchanged. Moreover, for each i we have \(|vv'_i|\geqslant |vv_i|\). To obtain a transformation of \(T+r\), we then replace \(vr,vv'_1,\dots ,vv'_k\) locally.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Local replacement of edges: a \(k=2\) and \(\alpha \) is defined by vr and \(vv_2\). b \(k=3\), \(\alpha _1\) is defined by \(vv_1\) and \(vv_2\), and \(\alpha _2\) is defined by vr and \(vv_3\)

  • \(k\leqslant 1\): In this case \(\deg (v)\leqslant 2\) and \(\deg (r)=1\). We just leave the edges \(rv,vv'_1\) in.

  • \(k=2\): Then \(\deg (v)=3\). By Lemma 2.1 there exists an angle \(\alpha \leqslant 120^\circ \) at v in the original tree \(T+r\). If \(\alpha \) is defined by two edges \(vv_i\) and \(vv_{i+1}\) then add \(v_iv_{i+1}\) and remove \(vv'_i\). If \(\alpha \) is defined by vr and an edge \(vv_i\) then add \(rv_i\) and remove rv, as in Fig. 6a. In either case, after the replacement, v has degree 2, r has degree 1, and each \(v_i\) has degree at most 3. Moreover, by Lemma 2.2 the length of the new edge is at most \(2\sin (\alpha /2)\leqslant \sqrt{3}\).

  • \(k=3\): Then \(\deg (v)=4\). By Lemma 2.1 there exist two nonadjacent angles \(\alpha _1, \alpha _2\leqslant 120^\circ \) at v in \(T+r\). We process each of \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) similarly to \(\alpha \) in the previous case; see Fig. 6b. After processing both angles, v has degree 2, r has degree 1, each \(v_i\) has degree at most 3, and by Lemma 2.2 the lengths of new edges are at most \(\sqrt{3}\).

Case \(k=4\).    Here is the place where we need more technical results. To see the difficulty of this case we refer to the importance of the non-adjacency of \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) in case \(k=3\). Since these two angles are nonadjacent, we were able to replace two incident edges (to v) without increasing the degree of each \(v_i\) by more than 1. In the current case, \(\deg (v)=5\), and thus to satisfy the degree constraint for v we need to replace three incident edges. However, there are only five angles at v, and thus we are unable to find three nonadjacent angles.

It might be tempting to attach two new edges to a vertex \(v_i\) and remove the edge \(vv_i\); this would increase the degree of \(v_i\) by at most 1. We should be careful here as the edge \(vv_i\) may not be present after transforming the trees \(T_{v_i}+v\), because all children of v could be adopted. In this case, we may not even be able to attach adopted children together or to natural children without breaking the edge-length constraint.

To handle this case, our idea is to recurse not only on the children of v, but also on its grandchildren. This gives rise to somewhat lengthier analysis. Also, a technical complication arises because now we need to bound the distance between endpoints of two nonadjacent MST edges.

Let \(v_1,\dots ,v_4\) be the children of v in counterclockwise order around v, such that their grandparent r lies between \(v_1\) and \(v_4\). Let \(\alpha _1=\angle rvv_1\), \(\alpha _2=\angle v_1vv_2\), \(\alpha _3=\angle v_2vv_3\), \(\alpha _4=\angle v_3vv_4\), and \(\alpha _5=\angle v_4vr\), as in Fig. 7a. Since \(\alpha _3\geqslant 60^\circ \), the smallest of \(\alpha _1+\alpha _2\) and \(\alpha _4+\alpha _5\) is at most \(150^\circ \). After a suitable reflection and relabeling assume that \(\alpha _1+\alpha _2\leqslant 150^\circ \). Now we are going to recurse on the children of both v and \(v_1\). Let \(u_1,\dots ,u_l\) be the l (\(\leqslant 4\)) children of \(v_1\) in clockwise order around \(v_1\), such that their grandparent v lies between \(u_1\) and \(u_2\), as in Fig. 7c.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Obtaining degree-3 spanning tree when \(k=4\), i.e., when \(\deg (v)=5\)

Transform \(T_{v_2}+v,T_{v_3}+v,T_{v_4}+v\) recursively to obtain new degree-3 trees, and let \(v'_2,v'_3, v'_4\) be the children of v in the new trees. Also transform \(T_{u_1}+v_1,\dots ,T_{u_l}+v_1\) recursively to obtain new degree-3 trees, and let \(u'_1,\dots ,u'_l\) be the children of \(v_1\) in the new trees. In Fig. 7 every new tree is shown by a circle and a connecting black edge to the parent. After these transformations, each of \(v_2,v_3,v_4,u_1,\dots ,u_l\) has degree at most 2, by the inductive hypothesis. Now we are going to replace the edges incident to v and \(v_1\) locally to obtain a transformation of \(T+r\). Depending on the value of l we consider four cases. We perform the replacement in such a way that at the end of each case the following constraints hold: \(\deg (r)=1\), \(\deg (v)=2\), \(\deg (v_i)\leqslant 3\) for every \(i\in \{1,\dots ,4\}\), \(\deg (u_j)\leqslant 3\) for every \(j\in \{1,\dots ,l\}\), and the length of every new edge is at most \(\sqrt{3}\).

Before proceeding to the cases we note that since \(\deg (v)=5\), by Lemma 2.1 all angles at v in \(T+r\) are at most \(120^\circ \). Thus, by Lemma 2.2 the distance between any two consecutive neighbors of v in \(T+r\) is at most \(2\sin 60^\circ =\sqrt{3}\).

  • \(l\leqslant 1\): In this case add \(rv_1\), \(v_1v_2\), \(v_3v_4\) and remove rv, \(v_1v\), \(v'_3v\); see Fig. 7a.

  • \(l = 2\): Let \(\gamma _1=\angle u_1v_1v\), \(\gamma _2=\angle vv_1u_2\), and \(\gamma _3=\angle u_2v_1u_1\), as in Fig. 7b. If \(\gamma _3\leqslant 120^\circ \), then add \(u_1u_2\), \(rv_1\), \(v_1v_2\), \(v_3v_4\) and remove \(v_1u'_1,rv,v_1v,v'_3v\). Assume that \(\gamma _3\geqslant 120^\circ \). Then \(\gamma _1+\gamma _2\leqslant 240^\circ \) and consequently \(\alpha _1+\alpha _2+\gamma _1+\gamma _2\leqslant 390^\circ \). Thus we have \(\alpha _1 + \gamma _1\leqslant 195^\circ \) or \(\alpha _2 + \gamma _2\leqslant 195^\circ \). If \(\alpha _1 + \gamma _1\leqslant 195^\circ \) then add \(ru_1,v_1v_2, v_3v_4\) and remove \(rv,v_1v,v'_3v\) (this case is depicted in Fig. 7b); notice that \(|ru_1|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Theorem 2.5. If \(\alpha _2 + \gamma _2\leqslant 195^\circ \) then add \(rv_1,u_2v_2,v_3v_4\) and remove \(rv,v_1v,v'_3v\); notice that \(|u_2v_2|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Theorem 2.5.

  • \(l = 4\): We describe this case first, as it is simpler. Since \(\deg (v_1) = 5\), it is implied by Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 that the distance between any two consecutive neighbors of \(v_1\) in \(T + r\) is at most \(\sqrt{3}\). In this case we add \(ru_1,u_2v_2,u_3u_4,v_3v_4\) and remove \(rv,v_1v,u'_3v_1,v'_3v\), as in Fig. 7c. We only need to show that \(|ru_1|\) and \(|u_2v_2|\) are at most \(\sqrt{3}\). Let \(\gamma _1=\angle u_1v_1v\) and \(\gamma _2=\angle vv_1u_2\), as in Fig. 7c. Observe that \(\gamma _1+\gamma _2\leqslant 180^\circ \), and thus \(\alpha _1+\alpha _2+\gamma _1+\gamma _2\leqslant 330^\circ \). By Corollary 2.4 we have \(\alpha _1+\gamma _1\geqslant 150^\circ \) and \(\alpha _2+\gamma _2\geqslant 150^\circ \). Combining these inequalities, we get that \(\alpha _1+\gamma _1\) and \(\alpha _2+\gamma _2\) are at most \(330^\circ - 150^\circ = 180^\circ \). Having these constraints, it is implied by Theorem 2.5 that \(|ru_1|\) and \(|u_2v_2|\) are at most \(\sqrt{3}\).

  • \(l = 3\): Let \(\gamma _1=\angle u_1v_1v\), \(\gamma _2=\angle vv_1 u_2\), \(\gamma _3=\angle u_2v_1u_3\), and \(\gamma _4=\angle u_3v_1u_1\), as in Fig. 7d. We differentiate between two cases where (i) \(\max {\{\gamma _3,\gamma _4\}}\geqslant 120^\circ \) and (ii) \(\max {\{\gamma _3,\gamma _4\}}\leqslant 120^\circ \).

  1. (i)

    We add \(ru_1\), \(u_2v_2\), \(v_3v_4\) and remove \(rv,v_1v,v'_3v\). Observe that \(\gamma _1+\gamma _2\leqslant 180^\circ \), and thus as in the previous case (\(l=4\)) both \(\alpha _1+\gamma _1\) and \(\alpha _2+\gamma _2\) are at most \(180^\circ \). Thus by Theorem 2.5 both \(|ru_1|\) and \(|u_2v_2|\) are at most \(\sqrt{3}\).

  2. (ii)

    We already know that \(\gamma _3+\gamma _4\geqslant 120^\circ \). By a reasoning similar to the one in case \(l=2\) we have \(\alpha _1 + \gamma _1\leqslant 195^\circ \) or \(\alpha _2 + \gamma _2\leqslant 195^\circ \). If \(\alpha _1 + \gamma _1\leqslant 195^\circ \) then add \(ru_1,u_2u_3,v_1v_2,v_3v_4\) and remove \(rv,u'_2v_1,v_1v,v'_3v\) (this case is depicted in Fig. 7d); notice that \(|u_2u_3|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Lemma 2.2 and \(|ru_1|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Theorem 2.5. If \(\alpha _2 + \gamma _2\leqslant 195^\circ \) then add \(rv_1,u_1u_3,u_2v_2,v_3v_4\) and remove rv, \(u'_1v_1\), \(v_1v\), \(v'_3v\); notice that \(|u_1u_3|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Lemma 2.2 and \(|u_2v_2|\leqslant \sqrt{3}\) by Theorem 2.5.

Therefore, we obtain a new tree that satisfies the inductive hypothesis, and thus the ratio of \(\sqrt{3}\) has been established. The above local replacements take constant time per root. Thus, given the initial degree-5 MST, the algorithm runs in linear time.


Our analysis of the ratio \(\sqrt{3}\) is tight under our inductive hypothesis that “the root r must have degree 1 and v must have degree at most 2 in the new tree”; a set of four points formed by the center plus the vertices of an equilateral triangle, indicates why.

5 Worst-Case Ratio for Bottleneck Degree-2 Spanning Trees

In this section we show that \(\beta _2\geqslant \sqrt{7}\). Recall that any degree-2 spanning tree is a Hamiltonian path and vice versa. It is already known [8] that the worst-case ratio of the largest edge-length of the bottleneck Hamiltonian cycle to the largest edge-length of the BST is at least \(\sqrt{7}\); see the example in Fig. 2c. This small example, however, does not give a lower bound better than 2 for \(\beta _2\), i.e., for the bottleneck Hamiltonian path.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Illustration of the lower bound \(\sqrt{7}\)

Figure 8 exhibits a set of 19 points that achieves lower bound \(\sqrt{7}\) for the bottleneck Hamiltonian path. The figure also shows the MST where every edge has length 1. Every angle at each degree-3 vertex is \(120^\circ \), and every angle at each degree-2 vertex is \(180^\circ \). Except the point p, all other points are partitioned into three sets A, B, and C. Consider any bottleneck Hamiltonian path \(\delta \) on this point set. We prove that \(\delta \) has a “long edge”, i.e., an edge of length at least \(\sqrt{7}\). This would immediately imply that \(\beta _2\geqslant \sqrt{7}\). Due to the size of the point set which is fairly large (compared with the lower bound examples in Fig. 2) and our desire to provide a concrete argument, the proof is somewhat lengthy.

The path \(\delta \) has 18 edges. Let q be an endpoint of \(\delta \) such that the number of path edges between p and q is at least 9. Orient all edges of \(\delta \) towards q. For any vertex \(u\in \delta \) we denote its outgoing edge by \(\overrightarrow{u}\). The edge \(\overrightarrow{p}\) goes into one of the three sets, say A. For the rest of our argument, we consider two cases depending on whether the incoming edge of p comes from \(B\cup C\) or from A.

First assume that the incoming edge of p comes form \(B\cup C\). If \(\overrightarrow{p}\) goes to \(a_1\) then there is a long edge between \(A\setminus \{a_1\}\) and \(B\cup C\) (recall the nine edges following p). If \(\overrightarrow{p}\) goes into \(A\setminus \{a_1,a_2\}\) then \(\overrightarrow{p}\) is long. Thus, assume that \(\overrightarrow{p}\) goes to \(a_2\), as depicted by a red edge in the figure. Now consider \(\overrightarrow{a_2}\). If \(\overrightarrow{a_2}\) goes into \(B\cup C\) then it is long, and if it goes to \(a_1\) then there is a long edge between \(A\setminus \{a_1,a_2\}\) and \(B\cup C\). Thus, assume that it goes to a vertex in \(A\setminus \{a_1,a_2\}\); by symmetry assume that this vertex is \(a_3\) or \(a_4\). If it goes to \(a_4\) then there would be a long edge incident to \(a_3\). Assume that it goes to \(a_3\) as in the figure. If \(\overrightarrow{a_3}\) goes to any vertex other than \(a_4\) then it is long, thus assume that it goes to \(a_4\). Now consider \(\overrightarrow{a_4}\). If \(\overrightarrow{a_4}\) goes to \(B\cup C\cup \{a_6\}\) then it is long, and if it goes to \(a_1\) then there would be a long edge between \(\{a_5,a_6\}\) and \(B\cup C\). Thus, assume that it goes to \(a_5\). If \(\overrightarrow{a_5}\) goes to any vertex other than \(a_6\) then there would be a long edge incident to \(a_6\), thus assume that it goes to \(a_6\). In this setting the edge \(\overrightarrow{a_6}\) is long. Notice that all edges \(\overrightarrow{p}\), \(\overrightarrow{a_2}\), \(\overrightarrow{a_3}\), \(\overrightarrow{a_4}\), \(\overrightarrow{a_5}\), and \(\overrightarrow{a_6}\) exist because there are at least nine edges from p to q.

Now assume that the incoming edge of p comes from A. If this edge comes from \(\{a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6\}\) then it is long. If this edge comes from \(a_1\) then, by an argument similar to the one above, we traverse the edges following \(\overrightarrow{p}\) until we get a long edge (recall that \(\overrightarrow{p}\) goes into A). Thus, assume that the incoming edge of p comes from \(a_2\), as depicted by a blue edge in the figure. Consider \(\overrightarrow{p}\) again. If it goes to any point of A other than \(a_1\) then it is long. Assume that it goes to \(a_1\), as in the figure. If \(\overrightarrow{a_1}\) goes into the set \(A\setminus \{a_1,a_2\}\) then there is a long edge between this set and \(B\cup C\). Thus, assume that \(\overrightarrow{a_1}\) goes into B or C; by symmetry assume C. At this point notice that any edge between \(A\setminus \{a_1,a_2\}\) and \(B\cup C\) is long, and thus we may assume there is no edge between these two sets. If \(\overrightarrow{a_1}\) goes to any point of C other than \(c_1\) then it is long, and thus assume that it goes to \(c_1\). If \(\overrightarrow{c_1}\) goes into the set \(C\setminus \{c_1\}\) then there is a long edge between this set and B (considering the nine edges following p). If it goes into \(B\setminus \{b_1\}\) then it is long. Thus, assume that it goes to \(b_1\), as in the figure. In this setting there must be an edge between B and \(C\setminus \{c_1\}\) (even if the next edges of the path capture all remaining points of B, the ninth edge has to leave B); any such edge is long. This is the end of the proof.

6 Proof of Theorem 2.5

In this section we prove Theorem 2.5. This theorem states a maximization problem with five variables |pu|, |uv|, |vq|, \(\alpha \), and \(\gamma \). We use a sequence of geometric transformations to discretize the problem, reduce the number of variables, and simplify the proof. To do so we use Lemma 6.2 and the following result of Abu-Affash et al. [1].

Lemma 6.1

If pu and uv are two adjacent MST edges, then the triangle with vertices p, u, and v has no other vertex of the MST in its interior or on its boundary.

Lemma 6.2

Let p and v be two distinct points in the plane and let R be a ray emanating from v that is not passing through p. Let \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) be two constants such that \(c_2>c_1\geqslant 0\). Then the largest value of \(|pq|/{\max {\{|vq|,c_2\}}}\) over all points q on R with \(|pq|>|vq|\geqslant c_1\), is achieved when \(|vq|=c_1\) or \(|vq|=c_2\).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Illustration of the proof of Lemma 6.2


Let \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) be the two points on R such that \(|vq_1|=c_1\) and \(|vq_2|=c_2\). Let q be any point on R with \(|pq|>|vq|\geqslant c_1\). We consider two cases: \(|vq|\leqslant c_2\) or \(|vq|\geqslant c_2\).

First assume that \(|vq|\leqslant c_2\), that is, q lies on the segment \(q_1q_2\) as in Fig. 9. Then \(\max {\{|vq|,c_2\}}=c_2\), and thus we want the largest value of \(|pq|/c_2\). Since the largest distance between a point and a segment is achieved at the segment’s endpoints, the largest value of |pq| is achieved when q is an endpoint of \(q_1q_2\). Therefore, the largest value of \(|pq|/c_2\) is achieved when \(q=q_1\) or \(q=q_2\), that is, when \(|vq|=c_1\) or \(|vq|=c_2\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Illustration of the proof of Theorem 2.5

Now assume that \(|vq|\geqslant c_2\), i.e., q does not lie on \(vq_2\). Then \(\max {\{|vq|,c_2\}}=|vq|\), and thus we want the largest value of |pq|/|vq|. Since \(|pq|>|vq|\), if we decrease |vq| (by moving q towards \(q_2\)) then |pq|/|vq| increases. Thus, the largest value of |pq|/|vq| is achieved when |vq| is as small as possible, i.e., when \(|vq|=c_2\). \(\square \)

Now we have adequate tools for our proof of Theorem 2.5. Without loss of generality assume that \(\alpha \) is the convex angle at u, \(\gamma \) is the convex angle at v, and \(\alpha \leqslant \gamma \). Thus, \(60^\circ \leqslant \alpha \leqslant 105^\circ \). After a suitable rotation and/or reflection assume that uv is horizontal, u is to the left of v, and both p and q lie above the line through uv; see Figs. 3b and 10.

We want to prove that \(\sqrt{3}\) is an upper bound on the ratio

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{|pq|}{\max {\{|pu|,|uv|,|vq|\}}}. \end{aligned}$$

We assume that \(|pq|> \max {\{|pu|,|uv|,|vq|\}}\) because otherwise the claim is trivial. To simplify the proof we apply a sequence of geometric transformations that might increase the ratio, but won’t decrease it. It is implied by Lemma 6.1 that q is outside the triangle \(\bigtriangleup puv\). This and the fact that MST is non-crossing, imply that q is to the right side of the ray emanating from v and passing through p. Thus, if we rotate q clockwise around v while maintaining the distance |vq|, then the angle \(\angle pvq\) increases and so does the length |pq|; this would increase the objective ratio. Therefore, without loss of generality, we assume that \(\gamma \) is as large as possible, i.e., \(\gamma =210^\circ -\alpha \).

Since \(|pq|>|vq|\geqslant 0\), by Lemma 6.2 we can assume that \(|vq| = 0\) or \(|vq|=\max {\{|pu|,|uv|\}}\), where 0 and \(\max {\{|pu|,|uv|\}}\) play the roles of the constants \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) in this lemma. First assume that \(|vq|=0\), i.e., \(q=v\). Lemma 2.2 implies that \(|pq|\leqslant 2\sin (\alpha /2)\cdot \max {\{|pu|,|uv|\}}\). Since \(\sin (\alpha /2)\) is increasing on the interval \(\alpha \in [60^\circ ,105^\circ ]\), its largest value is achieved at \(\alpha =105^\circ \). Thus \(2\sin (\alpha /2)\leqslant 2\sin 52.5^\circ < \sqrt{3}\), and our claim follows.

Now assume that \(|vq|=\max {\{|pu|,|uv|\}}\). After a suitable rescaling assume that \(|uv|=1\). We consider two cases: \(|pu|>1\) and \(|pu|\leqslant 1\).

Case \(|pu|>1\).    In this case \(|vq|=\max {\{|pu|,1\}}=|pu|\). Consider the circle of radius |pu| that is centered at v, as in Fig. 10a; this circle contains q. Let \(q'\) be the point obtained by moving q on this circle counterclockwise for 30 degrees. Then \(|vq'|=|pu|\) and \(vq'\) is parallel to pu (because \(\alpha + \angle uvq'=180^\circ \)). Thus \(p,u,v,q'\) are vertices of a parallelogram and hence \(|pq'|=1\). The length of pq is at most \(|pq'|\) plus the length of the arc \(\widehat{q'q}\), which is \(|pu|\cdot \pi /6\). In other words, \(|pq|\leqslant 1+ |pu|\cdot \pi /6< |pu|+|pu|\cdot \pi /6< \sqrt{3}\cdot |pu|\). Thus our claim follows.

Case \(|pu|\leqslant 1\).    Then \(|vq|=\max {\{|pu|,1\}}=1\). We consider two subcases: \(\alpha \geqslant 90^\circ \) or \(\alpha < 90^\circ \).

  • \(\alpha \geqslant 90^\circ \): Since \(|pq|>|pu|\geqslant 0\), by Lemma 6.2 we can assume that \(|pu|=0\) or \(|pu|=\max {\{|uv|,|vq|\}}=1\) (to apply the lemma notice that \(u,0,\max {\{|uv|,|vq|\}}\) play the roles of \(v,c_1,c_2\), respectively, and the roles of p and q are swapped). First assume that \(|pu|=0\), i.e., \(p=u\). Since \(\bigtriangleup uvq\) is isosceles with vertex angle \(210^\circ -\alpha \), we get \(|pq|= 2\sin (105^\circ -\alpha /2)\). This function is decreasing on the interval \(\alpha \in [90^\circ , 105^\circ ]\), and its largest value \(\sqrt{3}\) is attained at \(\alpha =90^\circ \). Thus our claim follows. Now assume that \(|pu|=1\), as in Fig. 10b. Then \(|pv|=2\sin (\alpha /2)\) because \(\bigtriangleup puv\) is isosceles. By the law of cosines (on \(\bigtriangleup pvq\)) we have

    $$\begin{aligned} |pq|=\sqrt{1+4\sin ^2\!\frac{\alpha }{2}-4\sin \frac{\alpha }{2}\cos \biggl (120^\circ -\frac{\alpha }{2}\biggr )},\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad ({\star }) \end{aligned}$$

    which is increasing on the interval \(\alpha \in [90^\circ , 105^\circ ]\) and its largest value \(1+\sqrt{2-\sqrt{3}}\approx 1.518\) is attained at \(\alpha =105^\circ \).

  • \(\alpha < 90^\circ \): Notice that the points p, u, and v have not been moved by above transformations, and thus they are still vertices of the MST. By minimality of the MST, p does not lie in the interior of the circle with radius 1 that is centered at v; see Fig. 10c. This and our assumption \(\alpha < 90^\circ \) imply that pu intersects this circle at a point other than u; let \(p'\) denote this intersection point. Thus, we have \(|pu|\geqslant |p'u|= 2\sin (90^\circ -\alpha )\); the equality holds because \(\bigtriangleup p'uv\) is isosceles with vertex angle \(180^\circ -2\alpha \). Since \(|pq|>|pu|\geqslant 2\sin (90^\circ -\alpha )\), by Lemma 6.2 we can assume that \(|pu|=2\sin (90^\circ -\alpha )\) or \(|pu| = \max {\{|uv|,|vq|\}}=1\) (notice that \(2\sin (90^\circ -\alpha )\) and \(\max {\{|uv|,|vq|\}}\) play the roles of \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), respectively). If \(|pu|=2\sin (90^\circ -\alpha )\), i.e., \(p=p'\), then \(\bigtriangleup pvq\) is isosceles with vertex angle \(30^\circ +\alpha \); see Fig. 10c. In this case we get \(|pq|=2\sin (15^\circ +\alpha /2)\), which is at most \(\sqrt{3}\) on the interval \(\alpha \in [60^\circ ,90^\circ )\). Assume that \(|pu|=1\). Then \(|pv|=2\sin (\alpha /2)\) because \(\bigtriangleup puv\) is isosceles. By the law of cosines (on \(\bigtriangleup pvq\)) we have (\(\star \)), which is increasing on \(\alpha \in [60^\circ , 90^\circ )\) with largest value at most \(\sqrt{4-\sqrt{3}}\approx 1.506\).

7 Conclusions

A natural open problem is to improve the upper bounds on \(\beta _2,\beta _3,\beta _4\) further by designing better algorithms. Specifically, it is natural to investigate whether the geometry of the Euclidean plane (besides the triangle inequality) can be exploited to develop an approximation algorithm for the bottleneck degree-2 spanning tree problem (i.e., the bottleneck Hamiltonian path problem) with factor less than 3. We note the existence of a 2-approximation algorithm [24] for the bottleneck Hamiltonian cycle problem in general metric spaces; this algorithm is based on the Hamiltonicity of the square of every biconnected graph [14].

The study of worst-case ratios in higher dimensions is more vital as the maximum degree of an MST and a BST can be much larger. Zbarsky [26] showed that \(1.447\leqslant \tau _3\leqslant 1.559\) in the d-dimensional Euclidean space for any \(d\geqslant 2\). Andersen and Ras [4] studied the bottleneck version of the problem in dimension 3.