1 Introduction

In this paper, we consider generalizations of the known Bottleneck Path Problem, abbreviated as the BPP, and Single-Source Bottleneck Paths Problem, abbreviated as the SSBPP. In both these problems, a simple, connected graph \(G=(V,E)\) with \(V=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_n\}\) and \(E=\{e_1,e_2,\ldots ,e_m\}\) is given and, for every edge \(e_i\), its capacity \(c_i\) is also given. Additionally given a source vertex \(s\in V\) and a target vertex \(t\in V\), the BPP is to find the value \(b(s,t)=\max \limits _{P\in \mathcal {P}_{st}} \min \limits _{e\in P} c(e)\), where \({\mathcal P}_{st}\) is the set of all paths between s and t. The SSBPP asks to find b(st), for a given source vertex \(s\in V\) and all \(t\in V\).

The BPP appears as a subproblem in the algorithm by Edmonds and Karp [12] for solving the Maximum Flow Problem and in an algorithm for the k-Splittable Flow Problem [3]. The Maximum Flow Problem serves as a (relaxation of a) mathematical model for many real-life problems, arising in electrical power transmission, airline scheduling, communication networks. The SSBPP arises as a subroutine, for example, in railway timetabling [19]. The BPP can be solved in O(m) time by the Camerini’s threshold approach, see Section 2. The SSBPP can be solved in \(O(m+n\log (n))\) time or in \(O(m\alpha (m,n))\) time by the Prim’s algorithm or the Chazelle’s algorithm, modified by breadth-first search, respectively, see Section 2. Descriptions of the original Camerini’s, Chazelle’s, and Prim’s algorithms can be found in [7, 8, 20]. Duan, Lyu, and Xie presented an algorithm with the complexity \(O(\sqrt{mn\log (n)\log \log (n)}+m\sqrt{\log (n)})\) for solving the SSBPP [10]. There are several papers, in which algorithms with computational complexity guaranties are presented for the directed versions of the BPP and SSBPP, see, for example, [9, 10, 17].

We generalize the BPP and SSBPP by considering statements with many sources as follows. Given a simple, connected, edge-capacitated graph and vertices \(s_1,\ldots s_k\), the Multi-Pair Bottleneck Path Problem (MPBPP, for short) is to find the values of \(b(s_1,t_1),\ldots ,b(s_k,t_k)\), where \(t_1,\ldots ,t_k\) are additionally given, and the Multi-Source Bottleneck Paths Problem (MSBPP, for short) is to find \(b(s_i,t)\), for any i and all \(t\in V\). The version of the MSBPP, when \(k=n\), is called the All-Pairs Bottleneck Paths Problem, abbreviated as the APBPP.

The BPP, SSBPP, MPBPP, MSBPP, APBPP are \(\max \min \) problems. Any algorithm, solving one of them, can be used to solve the corresponding \(\min \max \) problem, which is obtained by taking all capacities with the opposite sign. The MPBPP, MSBPP, and APBPP can be used as parts in algorithms for solving variations and generalizations of the Maximum Flow Problem.

Obviously, the MPBPP can be solved in O(km) time by k calls of a linear-time algorithm for the BPP. Similarly, the MSBPP can be solved in O(kt(mn)) time. These approaches could be considered as naive or baseline solutions for the MPBPP and MSBPP. Several algorithms for solving the APBPP with upper complexity bounds are presented in [11, 21, 23]. In this paper, we propose \(O((m+k)\log (n))\)-time randomized and \(O(m+(n+k)\log (n))\)-time deterministic algorithms for the offline and online versions of the MPBPP, respectively, i.e., when \(s_i\) and \(t_i\) are given in advance or subsequently enter. We also propose an \(O(t(m,n)+kn)\)-time algorithm for the offline/online MSBPP. For large k, our algorithms are better than the baseline solutions.

2 Baseline solutions

A spanning tree of a connected graph is any its tree subgraph, containing all vertices of the graph. The minimum spanning tree problem, abbreviated as the MSTP, is to find in a given edge-weighted graph a spanning tree with the minimum sum of weights of its edges. The Bottleneck Spanning Tree Problem (the BSTP, for short) is to find in a given edge-weighted graph a spanning tree, in which the maximum weight of its edges achieves the minimum value. The maximization version of the MSTP (respectively, the \(\max \min \) version of the BSTP) can be solved with any algorithm for the MSTP (respectively, for the BSTP) by sign changing for all edge weights.

The BSTP can be solved in linear time on the quantity of edges by the Camerini’s algorithm [7], but no linear-time algorithm for the MSTP is known. There are many classic algorithms for solving the MSTP, like the Boruvka’s algorithm [6], Prim’s algorithm [20], Kruskal’s algorithm [18], Chazelle’s algorithm [8], and others, but all of them are super-linear. To solve the BPP, the Camerini’s threshold method can be applied as follows:

Algorithm 1
figure a

Linear-time BPP algorithm

The computational complexity analysis of Algorithm 1 can be done in a similar way to one presented in [7], giving the complexity bound O(m). Therefore, the BPP can be solved in O(m) time.

Optimal solutions of the MSTP are appeared to be useful for solving the SSBPP. Indeed, the following statement is true (it is known, no doubtely, but the authors did not find the corresponding reference):

Statement 1

If T is a minimum spanning tree of \(G=(V,E,c)\), then, for any \(s,t\in V\), the st-path in T is an optimal solution of the \(\min \max \) version of the BPP with the source s and the target t.


Assume the contrary, i.e., for the maximum-capacity edge \(\hat{e}\) on the st-path in T, we have \(c(\hat{e})>\hat{b}(s,t)=\min \limits _{P\in \mathcal {P}_{st}} \max \limits _{e\in P} c(e)\). Denote by \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) the vertex sets of the connected components of \(T\setminus \{\hat{e}\}\), where \(s\in V_1,t\in V_2\). For any edge \(e'=\{a,b\}\in E(G)\) with \(a\in V_1,b\in V_2\), we have \(c(e')\ge c(\hat{e})\). Otherwise, a spanning tree \((T\setminus \{\hat{e}\})\cup \{e'\}\) has a smaller weight, than T. Therefore, for any st-path P in G, we have \(\max \limits _{e''\in P} c(e'')\ge c(\hat{e})\). Hence, \(\hat{b}(s,t)\ge c(\hat{e})\). We have a contradiction. \(\square \)

The MSTP can be solved by the Prim’s algorithm, which pseudocode is presented below:

Algorithm 2
figure b

Prim's algorithm for the MSTP

Using Fibonacci heaps [13], the Prim’s algorithm can be implemented in \(O(m+n\log (n))\) time. B. Chazelle invented the so-called soft heaps and applied them for solving the MSTP in \(O(m\alpha (m,n))\) time [8]. Having a minimum spanning tree T and a source s, breadth-first search in T, started at s, gives an optimal solution of the SSBPP in O(n) time by Statement 1. Hence, the SSBPP can be solved in O(t(mn)) time.

3 Our solutions for the MPBPP

3.1 The offline MPBPP

In this Subsection, we assume that all \((s_1,t_1),\ldots ,(s_k,t_k)\) are given offline. In other words, all input data are known in advance, before the algorithm starts running.

A disjoint-set data structure, abbreviated as a DJS, is a data structure that stores a partition of a set into disjoint subsets. It supports operations for adding new subsets, replacing two subsets by their union, and finding a representative member of a subset. A DJS is usually implemented as a disjoint-subset forest, allowing to perform the three basic operations in near-constant time, see [14, 16, 22]. More precisely, insertion and join can be performed in O(1) time in the worst case, but search can be performed in amortized time, bounded from above by a value of the inverse Ackermann function.

DJSs play an important role in an efficient implementation of the Kruskal’s algorithm for solving the MSTP or its maximization version. Namely, at each its step, a disjoint-set data structure keeps a (monotonically growing) forest, which always is a part of a minimum/maximum spanning tree, obtained after the last step. First, the Kruskal’s algorithm sorts edges by their weights (non-decreasingly for the MSTP or non-increasingly for its maximization variant), next, it scans the sorted set and determines whether a current edge can be added to an optimal solution or not. This verification is based on the union and search operations with DJSs. It can be adopted to the MPBPP.

Our DJS-based solution for the MPBPP is presented in Algorithm 3. It uses the following notations:

  • ind[v] is the set of those i, such that \(s_i\) or \(t_i\) belongs to the subset of a DJS, containing v;

  • Find(v) returns a canonical element of the subset, containing v;

  • Join(xy) replaces the two subsets, having canonical elements x and y, by their union, arranges x as the canonical element of the new subset, and swaps the arguments of ind[x] and ind[y], if \(\sharp ind[y]>\sharp ind[x]\);

  • answer[i] is \(b(s_i,t_i)\), for any i;

  • \(A\otimes B\) means the symmetric difference of sets A and B.

Algorithm 3
figure c

Algorithm for the offline MPBPP

The correctness of Algorithm 3 is based on Statement 1. Indeed, according to this statement, the value of \(b(s_i,t_i)\) is determined at the first moment, when a path arises between \(s_i\) and \(t_i\) in the partial optimal solution. In other words, e connects vertices a and b from distinct connected components, \(a,s_i\) belong to one of them and \(b,t_i\) belong to another. Hence, \(i\in ind[x]\) and \(i\in ind[y]\). At this moment, \(answer[i]=c(e)=b(s_i,t_i)\) and the same is true for the whole \(ind[x] \cap ind[y]\). The assignment \(ind[x] \leftarrow ind[x] \otimes ind[y]\) guarantees that the subset \(T_x\) (or the tree) with the canonical element x from the partial optimal solution keeps only those \(s_i\) or \(t_i\) that \(s_i\in V(T_x),t_i\not \in V(T_x)\) or \(s_i\not \in V(T_x),t_i\in V(T_x)\).

Let us estimate the computational complexity of Algorithm 3, assuming that all ind[i] are stored by hash-sets. It is known that insertion of an element into a hash-set and deletion of an element from a hash-set have constant randomized times [2]. The computational complexity of all algorithm’s actions, non-connected to work with inds, can be estimated by O(mlog(n)). Computing \(ind[x] \cap ind[y]\) and the assignment \(ind[x] \leftarrow ind[x] \otimes ind[y]\) are performed in \(O(\min (\sharp ind[x],\sharp ind[y]))\) expected time by iterating on a minimum-size of these two sets. Let us show that the expected running time with all inds is \(O(k\log (n)+n)\).

Work of the second cycle in Algorithm 3 can be represented by a binary tree Tr, all whose vertices correspond to subsets of a DJS, assuming that any such a subset S is equipped with its size \(n_S\) and the number \(k_S\) of i that \(s_i\in S\) or \(t_i\in S\). Clearly, it holds that \(\sharp ind[x_S]\le k_S\), where \(x_S\) is the canonical element of S. By E(pq) we denote the expected maximum quantity of atomic operations, needed for obtaining subsets S with \(n_S=p\) and \(k_S=q\) overall input data. As the root of Tr is obtained by joining some two subsets, we have

$$\begin{aligned} E(n,k)\le E(t,k-l)+E(n-t,l)+C\cdot l,\text {~for some~}C>0,1\le t\le n-1, 0 \le l\le \frac{k}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

By the mathematical induction method on n and k we will show that \(E(n,k)=O(k\log (n)+n)\). Its basis are the statements \(E(n,1)=O(n)\) and \(E(1,k)=O(k)\), which are clearly true, for any n and k. The induction step assumes that \(E(n',k')\le \hat{C}(k'\log _2(n')+n')\), for some \(\hat{C}>C\) and all \(n\ge n'\ge 2,k'\le k, (n',k')\ne (n,k)\). Hence, we have

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} E(n,k)-\hat{C}(k\log _2(n)+n)\le \hat{C}((k-l)\log _2(t)+l\log _2(n-t)+l-k\log _2(n))\\{} & {} \quad =\hat{C}((k-l)\log _2(\frac{t}{n})+l\log _2(\frac{2(n-t)}{n}))\le 0, \end{aligned}$$

if \(t\ge \frac{n}{2}\). If \(t<\frac{n}{2}\), then, by \(l\le \frac{k}{2}\), we have

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} E(n,k)-\hat{C}(k\log _2(n)+n)\le \hat{C}(k-l)(\log _2(\frac{t}{n})+\log _2(\frac{2(n-t)}{n}))\\{} & {} \quad =\hat{C}(k-l)\log _2(\frac{2t(n-t)}{n^2})<0. \end{aligned}$$

So, we proved that \(E(n,k)=O(k\log (n)+n)\). By this fact and the previous reasonings, the total expected computational complexity of Algorithm 3 is \(O((m+k)\log (n))\).

3.2 The online MPBPP

The input data for Algorithm 3 are assumed to be given offline. For the online MPBPP, i.e., when \((s_i,t_i)\) are entering in the online regime, it is also possible to design an algorithm with the same complexity bound \(O((m+k)\log (n))\). It is based on modifications of some efficient algorithms for the so-called lowest common ancestor problem, abbreviated as the LCAP and introduced by A. Aho, J. Hopcroft, J. Ullman in [1].

For a given rooted tree (or a directed acyclic graph) G and its vertices v and u, the LCA of v and u is the deepest node, for which both v and u are descendants, assuming that each vertex is a descendent of itself. The LCAP is to find the LCA for an offline given G and its subsequently given queries \((v_1,u_1),\ldots ,(v_k,u_k)\). We will assume that G is a rooted tree.

Usually, algorithms for solving the LCAP firstly preprocess G in linear time on its vertex number and then return the LCAs in constant time per query. D. Harel and R. Tarjan invented in [15] the first algorithm of this type, based on the heavy-light decomposition technique, but their solution is difficult to understand and implement. O. Berkman and U. Vishkin discovered in [5] a new way to solve the LCAP, also consumpting linear-time preprocessing time with constant query time. Their approach uses the depth-first search from the root of a given tree and indexing vertices in accordance to it, a reduction of the LCAP to the range minimum query problem (the RMQP, for short) within some subinterval in the sequence of indices. This RMQP is solved, using several techniques, one of them is precomputing the answers on large intervals that have sizes that are powers of two.

The mentioned approach of O. Berkman and U. Vishkin was simplified by M. Bender and M. Farach-Colton in [4]. Their algorithm is known as the jump-pointers algorithm. It uses a preprocessing step, working in \(O(n\log (D))\) time, where D is the tree diameter. Namely, for each vertex x, all liftings from x are organized to vertices that are higher than x on powers of two. We modify the preprocessing step by splitting paths from current vertices to the tree root into segments and computing minimum edge capacities in them.

In Algorithm 4, T is an edge-capacitated tree, stored by an adjacency list and rooted at an arbitrarily chosen vertex r. It also uses the following notations:

  • x is a current vertex;

  • d[x] is the depth of x with respect to r;

  • \(p[x][0\ldots \lceil \log _2(D)\rceil ]\) and \(v[x][0\ldots \lceil \log _2(D)\rceil ]\) are arrays of jump-pointers and minimum edge capacities in the corresponding segments.

Algorithm 4
figure d

Modified jump-pointers preprocession

Clearly that the computational complexity of Algorithm 4 is \(O(n\log (D))\). In Algorithm 5 below, for each query, two vertices are aligned, so that they are located at the same depth. Next, for any j, after j jumps the vertices s and t will have the depth \(d[s]-2^j=d[t]-2^j\). Hence, if \(d[p[s][j]]\le d[l]\), where l is the LCA of s and t, then \(p[s][j] = p[t][j]\).

Algorithm 5
figure e

Computation of the bottleneck value

It is easy to see that the computational complexity of Algorithm 5 is \(O(\log (D))\). So, by Statement 1, to solve the MPBPP, it is enough to find the maximum spanning tree for (VEc), preprocess it by Algorithm 4, and call Algorithm 5, for every pairs of queries, see Algorithm 6.

Algorithm 6
figure f

Algorithm for the online MPBPP

The computational complexity of Algorithm 6 is \(O(m+(n+k)\log (n))\).

4 Our solution for the MSBPP

Our algorithm for the offline/online MSBPP is simple, see Algorithm 7. Firstly, find the maximum spanning tree for a given graph. Next, call breadth-first search, started at every source, to determine the bottleneck values. Its correctness is based on Statement 1 and the computational complexity is \(O(t(m,n)+kn)\).

Algorithm 7
figure g

Algorithm for the offline/online MSBPP

5 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we considered bottleneck path problems with many sources. Previously, only single-source such problems were considered and algorithms for them were designed. We presented several efficient algorithms for multi-sources bottleneck path problems in this paper. When the sources quantity is large, our solutions work faster than baseline algorithms with sequential calling single-source algorithms. Developing new algorithms and improving the existing ones is a challenging research problem for future research.