1 Introduction

Visual saliency is an effective way to identify the most important and noticeable regions in a scene. In the last few decades, many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of visual attention [1, 2] and many computational models have been developed. This new trend is motivated by the broad application of saliency detection in visual computer, such as image retrieval [3], image segmentation [4], object recognition [5], object retarget [19] and adaptive compression of images [6]. Generally, there are three sub-fields (fixation prediction [7], salient object detection [28] and objectness proposals [29, 30]) which can be considered as a part of visual saliency detection. Based on what the model is driven by, there are always two types of computational models. One is the bottom-up model, which is fast and data driven. The other is the top-down model that is always slower and task driven.

Recently, most of the works have taken much effort to build bottom-up saliency models on low-level image features. The most fundamental measure for visual saliency is the contrast computation. Depending on where the contrast is computed, previous methods can be categorized into local contrast [710] and global contrast [4, 1113].

The local methods investigate various contrast measures in a small local neighborhood of the pixel or region. Itti et al. [7] utilized the color, intensity and orientation image features to develop a multi-scale bottom-up saliency method, which is usually used for comparison and is a milestone in saliency detection. Harel et al. [8] introduced a method to non-linearly combine the local uniqueness maps from different feature channels to highlight conspicuity. Ma and Zhang [9] used an alternative local contrast analysis for saliency estimation. Moreover, Liu et al. [10] presented an algorithm which uses the multi-scale contrast in a difference-of-Gaussian pyramid. The methods based on local contrast can only achieve success in limited aspects. The edges of the salient objects are better than the object’s interior, since the latter cannot be highlighted uniformly.

The global methods compute the pixel or region saliency at global scale with respect to the entire image. Zhai and Shah [11] calculated the color saliency with image histograms in the whole image region. Goferman et al. [4] considered four principles of human visual attention to exact the saliency map. Based on the global contrast, Cheng et al. [12] designed a saliency detection approach which involves either the color contrast or spatial coherence. Achanta et al. [13] proposed a frequency tuned method to generate the saliency map, with consideration of color difference between each pixel and the average value of the entire image in Lab color space. However, when the backgrounds are complex and the salient objects are small, there also exists difficulty in global method on distinguishing the salient object. Although global methods can alleviate the problem of highlighting the object uniformly which exists in local methods, these methods still have difficulties in highlighting the entire object uniformly.

Recently, a few methods which exploit the smoothness [14, 15] item to refine the saliency quality have been proposed. Yang et al. [14] presented a novel bottom-up salient object detection approach by using contrast, center and smoothness priors. Based on quadratic programming framework, Li et al. [15] defined an approach that can adaptively optimize the regional saliency values on each specific image to simultaneously meet multiple saliency hypotheses on visual rarity, center bias and mutual correlation. However, these methods cannot make full use of the low-level information and the application of center bias still has some limitations.

To obtain a more robust result, and inspired by Yang et al. [14] and Li et al. [15], we propose a coarse-to-fine measure based on low-level information for defining image saliency. Firstly, we learn from [14] that the contrast and center priors were used to compute an initial prior map. Unlike most of the existing algorithms that refer to image center as priors, we estimate the center of the salient object by applying the convex hull of interest priors. Then we weight the initial prior map with boundary contrast to obtain the coarse saliency map. The boundary contrast is defined as the rarity of a region to boundary regions. Finally, we propose a novel optimization framework that combines the coarse saliency map, the boundary contrast, and the smoothness prior to refine the map. This strategy can effectively suppress the background and uniformly highlight the salient object. We experimentally demonstrated that our method captures more the salient object than the state of the art methods [14, 15] on famous benchmarks. Some visual saliency effects of the proposed method are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual examples of the proposed approach. a The input images. b The ground truth. c The saliency maps of our methods

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Details of the coarse saliency map are analyzed in Sect. 2, whereas the optimization framework is described in Sect. 3. The experiments on public datasets are preformed in Sect. 4 and the paper is concluded in Sect. 5.

2 The details of coarse saliency map

Taking the computational complexity into consideration, we over-segment the image into \(N\) super-pixels with the SLIC algorithm [16]. The measure can preserve the object boundaries better than the fixed size segmentation.

2.1 The initial map

Based on the color contrast and spatial coherence [14], the contrast prior map can be defined as a kind of regional rarity:

$$\begin{aligned} S_\mathrm{co} (i)=\sum \limits _{j\ne i} {\left\| {c_i -c_j } \right\| } \cdot \exp \left( -\frac{\left\| {p_i -p_j } \right\| ^2}{2\sigma _p^2 }\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(i\) and \(j\) denote the super-pixels, respectively, \(c_i \) and \(c_j \) are the mean color values of the corresponding super-pixel in CIE LAB color space, \(p_i \) and \(p_j \) are the average position whose values are normalized to [0, 1], and \(\sigma _p^2 =0.2\) indicates the strength of spatial coherence. Because of the absence of high-level priors, the initial map often incorrectly detects some background noises. Thus, we use the convex hull enclosing interesting points to estimate the general location of the salient object. Given the center \((x_0 ,y_0 )\), the convex hull-based center prior map can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} S_\mathrm{ce} (i)=\exp \left( -\frac{\left\| {x_i -x_0 } \right\| ^2}{2\sigma _x^2 }-\frac{\left\| {y_i -y_0 } \right\| ^2}{2\sigma _y^2 }\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma _x \) and \(\sigma _y \) control the horizontal and vertical variances, and we set \(\sigma _x^2 =\sigma _y^2 =0.15\) in our experiment. Then the initial prior map can be obtained by fusing the above two prior maps:

$$\begin{aligned} S_\mathrm{in} (i)=S_\mathrm{co} (i)\times S_\mathrm{ce} (i). \end{aligned}$$

A visual saliency effect of the initial prior map is shown in Fig. 2c. By comparing the result, we note that the contrast prior map based on a super-pixel’s contrast to all other super-pixels is inaccurate in many cases. Although the contrast prior map combines with the convex hull-based center prior map, there is still difficulty in suppressing the background efficiently.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The comparison examples with Yang [14]. a The input images. b The ground truth. c The initial prior maps in [14]. d The coarse saliency maps by weighting the initial prior map with boundary contrast. e The final saliency maps (PBS) in [14]. f The refined saliency maps of the proposed approach

2.2 The coarse saliency map weighted with boundary contrast

For most nature images, the background regions always appear smoothly and homogenously [18], while the salient pixels are usually grouped together [4]. From the photographic composition rules, we further observe that most photographers will not crop salient object along the view frame [18]. Thus, we can define the boundary contrast of a region as its color contrasts to the image boundary regions. It is close to 1 when the contrast is large and close to 0 when it is small. The definition is:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {ctr}_i =\exp \left( -\frac{1}{m}\sum \limits _{j=1}^m {w_{ij} }\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(m\) is the number of super-pixels on the image boundaries (we first use the SLIC algorithm to segment the image into \(N\) regions; then, we can obtain the boundary pixel set that was connected to the image boundary).

\(w_{ij} =\exp (-\frac{\Vert {c_i -c_j } \Vert }{\sigma ^{2} })\) is the color contrast (\(\sigma ^{2}=0.1\) empirically), whereas \(c_i \) and \(c_j \) are the mean color values of corresponding super-pixels and \(j\) represents the super-pixels in the image.

We weight the initial prior map with boundary contrast, which is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} S_\mathrm{coar} (i)=S_\mathrm{in} (i)\cdot \hbox {ctr}_i. \end{aligned}$$

According to Eq. (5), the object regions receive high \(\hbox {ctr}_i\) and the background regions receive small \(\hbox {ctr}_i\), so the object regions are highlighted while the background regions are suppressed. This measure effectively enlarges the contrast between the object regions and background regions. Such improvement is clearly presented in Fig. 2d. The original initial prior map in [14] is messy when the background is complex (as shown in Fig. 2c). With the boundary contrast as weight, there is an obvious improvement.

The boundary contrast can suppress the background to a certain degree, while it is still bumpy and noisy. In the next section, we will propose a novel optimization framework to integrate these measures based on [15].

3 The optimization framework

From rarity hypothesis, center bias hypothesis and correlation hypothesis, Li et al. [15] transformed the problem of visual saliency estimation into an optimization framework. To combine multiple saliency cues or measures, we introduce a novel optimization framework that combines the coarse saliency map, the boundary contrast and smoothness prior to obtain the refined saliency map.

In this work, we model the saliency detection problem as the optimization of the saliency values of all the image super-pixels. The energy function is designed to assign the salient super-pixel value 1 and value 0 to the background super-pixel. Let \(S_i\) be a saliency value of a super-pixel, then the energy function is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned}&\arg \mathop {\min }\limits _S \sum \limits _{i=1}^N {(1-\hbox {ctr}_i )\cdot S_i^2 } +\sum \limits _{i=1}^N {S_\mathrm{coar} (i)\cdot (S_i -1)^2} \nonumber \\&\quad +\sum \limits _{i=1}^N {\lambda _i \cdot (S_i -S_\mathrm{coar} (i))^2+} \sum \limits _{i=1}^N {T_i \cdot (S_i -Z_i )^2}, \nonumber \\&\quad +\sum \limits _{i,j=1}^N {w_{ij} (S_i -S_j )^2}. \end{aligned}$$

The five items are different constraints in the definition of saliency detection. According to the definition of \(\hbox {ctr}_i\), it is close to 1 when the contrast is large and close to 0 when it is small. Thus, the value of \((1-\hbox {ctr}_i)\) denotes the probability of super-pixel \(i\) which belongs to the background; it is large when the super-pixel belongs to the background and small when the super-pixel belongs to the salient object. The first item encourages a super-pixel to take a small value \(S_i \) with large background probability.

The following three items are all related to the coarse saliency map (Eq. 5). The second item indicates that a super-pixel with high value of \(S_\mathrm{coar}(i)\) takes a high value \(S_i\) (close to 1). The third item shows that the final saliency should not change too much from the coarse saliency map, whereas \(\lambda _i \) signifies that if a super-pixel’s value is close to 1 or 0 in a coarse saliency map, it has a more significant impact on final saliency and it is defined as: \(\lambda _i =\exp (-S_\mathrm{coar} (i)\cdot (1-S_\mathrm{coar} (i))/\sigma _1^2 )\).

The constraint parameter \(\sigma _1^2 \) is empirically set to \(0.1\). Inspired by [27] in the fourth item, \(T_i \) is the assuring constraint whose elements are 1 for certain pixels and 0 for all other pixels, and is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} T_i =\left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad }l@{\quad }l} 1, &{} {\hbox {if } (S_\mathrm{coar} (i)\ge \alpha M)} \\ 1, &{} {\hbox {if } (S_\mathrm{coar} (i)<\beta M)} \\ 0, &{} \hbox {otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right. , \end{aligned}$$

where \(M\) represents the mean saliency value of the coarse saliency map. If \(S_\mathrm{coar} (i)\ge \alpha M\), we assume that the super-pixel \(i\) belongs to the foreground. Moreover, if \(S_\mathrm{coar} (i)<\beta M\), then \(i\) belongs to the background. Experimentally, we find that when we set \(\alpha =2.22\) and \(\beta =0.3\) (Fig. 4a, b), the performance is stable. \(Z_i \) denotes the certain foreground pixels whose value is 1 and 0 for others. Inspired by closed-form solution [27], we admit that if the current super-pixel \(i\) belongs to a foreground region, the value of \(Z_i \) is 1, otherwise its value is 0. The last item encourages continuous saliency values. It indicates that a good saliency map should have similar saliency value between nearby super-pixels.

The minimum solution is computed by setting the derivative of the above energy function to zero. The five items can achieve impressive results and the optimization can be done fast due to the small number of super-pixels. Figure 2f shows the optimized results.

4 Experiments

We use the standard benchmark datasets: MSRA-1000 [13], SED1 [17] and BSD [18]. MSRA-1000 [13] is widely used and relatively simple and contains 1,000 images with the corresponding accurate human-labeled binary masks for salient objects. The other two datasets are more challenging. The SED1 [17] contains 100 images and BSD [18] contains 300 images; these two datasets contain objects of different sizes and locations.

For performance evaluation, like many saliency detection models, we evaluate all methods through precision, recall and F-measure. Giving a saliency map with saliency value which is normalized to [0, 255], a set of binary images can be obtained by varying the threshold from 0 to 255. As a result, the precision–recall curve is generated based on the ground truth mask.

The F-measure is the overall performance of precision and recall, which can be measured as:

$$\begin{aligned} F_\beta =\frac{(1+\beta ^2)\,\, \hbox {Precision}\times \hbox {Recall}}{\beta ^2\,\, \hbox {Precision}+\hbox {Recall}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta ^2=0.3\) according to [13].

4.1 Validation of the proposed approach

To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we compare the proposed background contrast-weighted coarse saliency map (CSM_bc) with the initial prior map (IPM) [14] by a precision–recall curve on MSRA-1000 [13] dataset. As shown in Fig. 3a, the red line represents the CSM_bc, which is higher than the blue line (IPM). Our coarse saliency maps have a better effect in precision and recall. This is because the boundary contrast effectively enlarges the difference between salient regions and backgrounds.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Validation of the proposed approach. a Comparison of the proposed background contrast-weighted coarse saliency map (CSM_bc) with the initial prior map (IPM). b The performance estimation of the proposed optimization framework

Fig. 4
figure 4

The parameter setting and performance of different terms in the our optimization framework on the MSRA-1000 dataset. a The precision–recall comparison of different \(\alpha \) on the refined saliency maps. b The precision–recall comparison of different \(\beta \) on the refined saliency maps. c The validation of different terms in our optimization framework

To estimate the performance of optimization framework, we compare our method with [14] and [15] with the precision–recall curve on MSRA-1000 [13] dataset firstly. The results in Fig. 3b show that the proposed approach is significantly better than PBS [14] and SIO [15].

Then we analyze the effects of the different terms in Eq. (6) to validate the proposed optimization framework. We use quantitative result comparisons to analyze each term of the optimization framework. For example, we delete the first term and then present a precision–recall curve to show the effect. The precision–recall curves are shown in Fig. 4c. Because Eq. 6 has five terms, in Fig. 4c, the precision–recall curve shows pr–i when the \(i\)th item is deleted.

From the precision–recall curves in Fig. 4c, we can learn that our approach can achieve better performance. It is due to the full use of low-level information and our framework is more robust. In other words, the proposed method considers more information of the image and presents the formulation in a more general way. The visual comparison results are shown in Fig. 5m, p, r.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Saliency detection results of different methods on the MSRA-1000 [13] dataset. The proposed approach consistently generates saliency maps close to the ground truth

4.2 Comparison with the other methods

We compare with the most recent 15 state-of-the-art methods on MSRA-1000 [13] dataset, including AC [20], RC [12], HC [12], CA [4], HSD [21], GC [22], MZ [23], SF [24], LC [11], XIE[25], GS_SD [18], GS_SP [18], CBS [26], SIO [15] and PBS [14]. To make a fair evaluation, we obtain the saliency maps of RC, HC, FT, LC, SR, AC, CA, GB, IT and MZ from [12]. For GS_SD, GS_SP and SF, we directly use the author-provided saliency results. For XIE, CBS, SIO as well as PBS, we run the authors’ codes. The results of previous approaches and our algorithm are shown in Fig. 5. The precision–recall curve and F-measure are presented in Fig. 6a and b, respectively. From the results, we can see that our approach can achieve better performance, thanks to the effect of the optimization framework.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Evaluation of the proposed work on the MSRA-1000 [13] dataset. Precision–recall curves in a is the comparison of different previous methods. b The precision, recall and F-measure

Based on the SED1 [17] dataset, we compare our method with six classic saliency models: RC [12], HC [12], LC [11], PBS [14], SIO [15] and CBS [26]. The precision–recall curve is shown in Fig. 7a, and the F-measure is shown in Fig. 7b. At the low recall values, the curve of PBS is slightly higher than our method. This is because we put more constraints in suppressing the background, so the precision values are a bit lower in the low recall values. We note that our method can suppress the background more effectively. Figure 8 indicates the visual results on the SED1 dataset.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Precision–recall curves and F-measure on SED1 [17] dataset to validate our algorithm. a Precision–recall curves of different methods. b Precision, recall and F-measure

Fig. 8
figure 8

Example results of different algorithms on SED1 [17] dataset to validate our approach

Based on the BSD [18] dataset, we compare with eight previous models to estimate our methods, including RC [12], HC [12], LC [11], PBS [14], GS_GD [18], GS_GP [18], SIO [15] and CBS [26]. From Fig. 9, we can see the visual comparison with different algorithms. The comparison reveals that our method can achieve better performance. The precision–recall curve and F-measure are highlighted in Fig. 10. We note that most methods cannot obtain an appreciable result in precision and recall.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Visual comparison of saliency maps on BSD [18] dataset. It can be observed that our methods can achieve better performance

Fig. 10
figure 10

Precision–recall curves and F-measure to measure the effectiveness of the proposed approach on BSD [18] dataset. a The comparison of different methods. b The evaluation of our method with F-measure

From the resulting curves, we note that the SED1 [17] and BSD [18] dataset are more challenging and need to be improved. The comparison results with other methods on three datasets indicate that our method significantly outperforms other classical methods in saliency detection.

However, like most methods, our method also contains some failure cases, e.g., when the salient object significantly touches the image boundary and there are complex backgrounds. Figure 11 presents the typical failure cases.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Typical failure cases of the proposed methods. Top the input images. Middle the ground truth. Bottom the saliency maps of the proposed method

4.3 Computational efficiency

We compare the performance of our method in terms of run time with several competitive accuracy methods or those similar to ours on the MSRA-1000 dataset. The average run times of all the compared methods using a computer with Intel Pentium G630 2.70 GHz CPU and 2 GB RAM are presented in Table 1. Specifically, the super-pixel generation by the SLIC algorithm [16] spends 0.189 s, the coarse saliency map computation 0.644 s and the saliency map refining spends 0.022 s. The run time of the proposed method is a little slower than PBS [14] and SIO [15], due to the combination of more prior information in our model.

Table 1 Comparison of average run time (seconds per image)

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we present a coarse-to-fine measure to model saliency. The boundary contrast is used to weight the initial prior map and obtain a more robust coarse saliency map. The optimization framework is applied to refine the coarse saliency map with the combination of coarse saliency map, the boundary contrast, and the smoothness prior. The experiment results on public datasets show that the proposed approach can effectively improve the results and achieve the start-of-the-art performance.

In future work, we will discuss the hierarchical measure which integrates more image features.