1 Introduction

With rapid development of wireless communications, high-speed and medium-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are in high demand for related applications [4, 16, 21]. Normally, flash and pipeline architectures are the first choice to meet these specifications. However, as the supply voltage decreases, the design of analog circuits becomes more difficult with the demand for low power consumption. In recent years, the development of manufacturing processes and research of speed accelerated structure make other kind of ADC meet the above requirements, such as successive-approximation-register (SAR) ADC. Compared with conventional high-speed ADC, SAR ADC shows better performance in analog complexity and power efficiency [12, 15, 17, 28].

Many researchers have devoted their effort to enhancing the conversion speed of SAR ADCs [2, 3, 5, 7,8,9, 11, 22, 24, 25, 29, 30]. Time-interleaving (TI) SAR ADC presents a tempting solution to achieving high speed and low power consumption. However, any TI-ADC array suffers from the path-mismatch errors (gain, offset, and timing skew) that can severely limit the spectral performance of the ADC [3, 25, 30]. The two-step pipeline SAR is another structural extension to the conventional SAR ADC for breaking the speed limit. In a two-step SAR ADC, an accurate amplifier is needed to transfer the conversion residue from the first stage to the second. Typically, the achievable bandwidth and power efficiency of the residue amplifier limits the performance of the whole ADC. Thus, the design of an accurate residue amplifier is the key point for two-step approach [7, 24, 29]. 2-bit per cycle conversion scheme is also a popular method in recent years. The 2b/cycle SAR ADC speeds up the conversion by resolving 2-bit in each comparison, which needs fewer comparisons compared with the 1b/cycle scheme. However, this method needs extra hardware and logic units, leading to a higher PVT sensitivity on the conversion speed. Also, the offset among the comparators requires calibration [5, 8, 22]. The reference settling time is also a speed limiting factor. As CMOS technology scales down and the speed of SAR increases, reference settling limitation becomes even more significant. In [2], a passive charge sharing SAR ADC was proposed to achieve shorter reference settling time. The passive charge sharing SAR ADC is a new type, which is different from the traditional charge redistribution. The charge redistribution uses a fixed voltage reference to supply any charge required to rebalance the sampled signal. The passive charge sharing uses pre-sampled reference charge to rebalance the sampled signal. One maintains a fixed voltage and supplies variable charge, while the other begins with a fixed charge and needs to deal with a variable voltage.

In this paper, an asynchronous 2b/cycle SAR ADC with multiple calibration techniques is proposed. A background offset mismatch calibration technique based on dynamic element matching (DEM) technique is proposed to eliminate the effect of offset mismatch of comparator array. A supply voltage calibration technique is designed to monitor and adjust the speed of ADCs, which helps to make ADCs perform better against PVT variations. In order to reduce switching energy, an efficient 2b/cycle switching scheme is also introduced in this paper. The organization of the remaining part of this paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the architecture of the proposed SAR ADC. Section 3 describes the simulation results, and Sect. 4 gives a discussion about challenges for silicon implementation. The conclusion is given in Sect. 5.

2 Architecture of the Proposed SAR ADC

The structure of the proposed 2b/cycle SAR ADC is shown in Fig. 1, which mainly consists of fully differential reference DAC array (REF_DAC) and signal DAC array (SIG_DAC), comparator array with supply voltage calibration module and offset mismatch calibration module, bootstrapped switches and SAR logic. Figure 2a shows the REF_DAC along with the waveforms of control signals EN1-4. EN1-4 and their inverse signals are generated by SAR logic, which are used to control the switch of REF_DAC to provide references for comparator array. The differential structured REF-DAC generates ± 1/2VREF, ± 1/8VREF, ± 1/32VREF, and ± 1/128VREF four group references, respectively. The operation of the REF_DAC is as follows: during the sampling period, the sampling switches controlled by the sampling signal allow the top plates of capacitors to be connected to VCM. EN1-4 and their complementary signals control bottom plates of the P capacitor array and N capacitor array connected to Gnd and VREF, respectively. After the sampling phase, the sampling switches turn off, the following operations follow the timing diagram shown in Fig. 2a to generate the references to the comparators. During the operation, the bottom plates of the MSB capacitors are always connected to Gnd. In the design of SIG_DAC, two C-2C capacitors are added to cut down 70.3% number of capacitors compared with conventional VCM-based scheme which is shown in Fig. 2b. The illustration of the operation of SIG_DAC will be given in later section.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of the proposed SAR ADC

Fig. 2
figure 2

The structure of a REF_DAC and b SIG_DAC

2.1 An Efficient 2b/Cycle Switching Scheme

In order to save switching energy, an improved switching scheme for 2b/cycle SAR ADC is proposed based on VCM-based switching method [27]. Figure 3 uses a 4-bit DAC to illustrate the proposed switching scheme. When D3D2 is 00 and 11, the proposed scheme is consistent with the traditional VCM-based scheme. The proposed switching scheme simplified switch times when D3D2 is 10 and 01. In traditional scheme, both of the two capacitors with the highest weight need to switch to different references according to the quantization results. In the proposed scheme, on the premise of maintaining charge conservation, the two-time switches are combined into one-time, only one capacitor needs to switch to new reference and the other remains constant. We take D3D2 = 01 as an example to explain the difference between the conventional and the improved methods. Equations (1) and (2) explain the voltage changes of capacitor array for the conventional and the improved methods, respectively. VP and VN are the initial voltage of the top plate of the capacitor array. VPC and VNC are the voltage of conventional method after conversion. VPI and VNI are the voltage of improved method after conversion.

$$ \begin{gathered} (V_{P} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 8C = (V_{P{C^{\prime}}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 2C + (V_{P{C^{\prime}}} - V_{{{\text{REF}}}} ) \cdot 4C + (V_{P{C^{\prime}}} - {\text{Gnd}}) \cdot 2C \hfill \\ (V_{N} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 8C = (V_{N{C^{\prime}}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 2C + (V_{N{C^{\prime}}} - V_{{{\text{REF}}}} ) \cdot 2C + (V_{N{C^{\prime}}} - {\text{Gnd}}) \cdot 4C \hfill \\ V_{P{C^{\prime}}} - V_{P} = 1/8V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \hfill \\ V_{N{C^{\prime}}} - V_{N} = - 1/8V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
$$ \begin{gathered} (V_{P} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 8C = (V_{P{I^{\prime}}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 6C + (V_{P{I^{\prime}}} - V_{{{\text{REF}}}} ) \cdot 2C \hfill \\ (V_{N} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 8C = (V_{N{I^{\prime}}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 6C + (V_{N{I^{\prime}}} - {\text{Gnd}}) \cdot 2C \hfill \\ V_{P{I^{\prime}}}- V_{P} = 1/8V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \hfill \\ V_{N{I^{\prime}}} - V_{N} = - 1/8V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
Fig. 3
figure 3

Proposed DAC switching scheme of 4-bit DAC

Equations (1) and (2) verify that the voltage changes of capacitor array for the two methods are the same, which means that the improved method is correct. Equations (3) and (4) explain the switching energy for the conventional and the improved methods, respectively.

$$ E_{C} = V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \cdot 4C \cdot [(V_{P} - V_{CM} ) - (V_{P{C^{\prime}}}- V_{{{\text{REF}}}} )] + V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \cdot 2C \cdot [(V_{N} - V_{CM} ) - (V_{N{C^{\prime}}} - V_{{{\text{REF}}}} )] = 11/4CV_{{{\text{REF}}}}^{2} $$
$$ E_{I} = V_{{{\text{REF}}}} \cdot 2C \cdot [(V_{P} - V_{CM} ) - (V_{P{I^{\prime}}} - V_{{{\text{REF}}}} )] = 3/4CV_{{{\text{REF}}}}^{2} $$

As shown in Eq. (3) and (4), the switching energy is cut down from 11/4CVREF2 to 3/4CVREF2. The conversion when D3D2 = 10 is similar to D3D2 = 01. Hence, the improved method reduces the switching times and power consumption and simplifies the control logic of the switch.

The behavior simulations of an 8-bit SAR ADC based on some published switching schemes [6, 13, 23, 26, 27, 31] and the proposed scheme are performed in MATLAB. Figure 4 shows a comparison of switching energy between VCM-based switching scheme and the proposed scheme, which consumes 42.54 CVREF2 and 5.17 CVREF2 average switching energy, respectively. Table 1 summarizes main features of different switching schemes, which shows that the proposed scheme has good performance in energy reduction and area reduction compared with published schemes.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Switching energy against output codes

Table 1 Comparison of main features between different schemes for 8-bit SAR ADC

For the proposed ADC, it takes four comparison cycles to obtain 8-bit digital output code. After each comparison, the DAC array operates according to the switching method. After the last comparison, the output code is got directly and there is no need switching the switches connected to the DAC array. Therefore, it only needs to change the references connected to P terminal and N terminal capacitor arrays for three times to obtain 8-bit binary digital code.

The switching process is as follows: ADC gets MSB and MSB-1 after the first comparison, namely D7 and D6. Then ADC gets D5 and D4 after the second comparison, D3 and D2 after the third comparison, and D1 and D0 after the fourth comparison. There is no need to switch the switches after D1 and D0 are obtained, the bottom plates of capacitors corresponding to D1 and D0 are always connected to VCM, so the logic circuits are only required for the 6 capacitors corresponding to D7-D2.

The logic circuits designed in this paper are shown in logical expression, which is given in Table 2. It is divided into three groups according to the switching times. It can be seen that the control logic of each capacitor is relatively simple. Because of the differential capacitor array, the switching logic is divided into two types, controlling P terminal and N terminal capacitor arrays, respectively. Pi and Ni are the output results of the register corresponding to quantization result of each bit and they are opposite signals to each other. Since this switching method is based on VCM-based, three references (Gnd, VCM and VREF) are required. Gnd(i), VCM(i) and VREF(i) correspond to the control logic of three references connected to each capacitor respectively. According to the simulation, the power consumption of logic circuits for the VCM-based scheme and the proposed method are 684.7uW and 512.6uW, respectively, and the proposed method reduces the power consumption by 25.1%.

Table 2 The logic circuits designed for proposed 8-bit SAR ADC

2.2 Background Offset Mismatch Calibration

Figure 5 gives the structure of the proposed high-speed comparator, which is designed based on the double-tail structure because of its better performance in low-voltage applications. The proposed comparator consists of the first dynamic amplifying stage and the second dynamic latching stage. The operation of the proposed comparator is divided in reset phase and regeneration phase. When CLK is low, the comparator is in reset phase and the tail transistors of both stages are switched off, consuming no static power. During this phase, transistors M6 and M7 are on and pulling terminals V1 and V2 are at VDD. Terminals V1’ and V2’ are pulled down to ground by the inverters. The transistors M12 and M15 are switched on, resetting the terminals OUTP and OUTN to VDD. When the CLK is high, the comparator enters into regeneration phase. In this phase, the tail transistors turn on, while transistors M6 and M7 are switched off. V1 and V2 will discharge with different speeds depending on the corresponding input voltages. Then the positive feedback of the latch starts, forcing two outputs to reach VDD and ground, respectively. Differ from traditional double-tail dynamic comparator needing a differential pair of clock signals, the proposed comparator only needs single clock signal during the comparison and reset process. This improvement is benefit to simplifying the structure and saving power consumption. The use of the single clock signal in the proposed comparator also has the advantages of the removal of the timing requirement between Clk and Clkb, which are differential pair of clock signals used in traditional comparators.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Four-input high-speed comparator

In order to give a comparison of the proposed comparator and some published papers, Table 3 lists some main features of different comparators. All circuits have been implemented and simulated in the same CMOS technology with an input of the comparator (VP-VN)-(VREFP-VREFN) is set as 1LSB. The delay, power and power delay product (PDP) are the basic performance parameters of the comparator. PDP is derived by multiplying delay and power, the detailed illustration is given in [18]. According to the table, the proposed comparator has better performance than other published papers.

Table 3 Comparison of main features between the comparators with different structures

In the conventional SAR ADC, the offset will affect the decision of the comparator. For 2b/cycle SAR ADCs, there are offset mismatches between the three comparators during the manufacturing process, which needs to be calibrated in the design. In this paper, a background offset mismatch calibration based on dynamic element matching technique is proposed to eliminate the influence of offset mismatches on ADC performance.

The random rotation-based binary-weighted selection (RRBS) [14] is presented to correct the current source mismatch in the current-steering DAC. Based on the concept of RRBS, this paper proposes a background calibration technique, which rotates three comparators randomly in the conversion of ADC to alleviate the influence of the offset mismatches. As shown in Fig. 6, the whole unit mainly consists of three comparators, four rotators and a module which generates the rotation code. Comp0-2 are three identical four-input comparators, the red ports (signal ports) and the blue ports (reference ports) are four inputs for the fully differential SIG_DAC and REF_DAC, respectively. Since the input of the signal ports of all three comparators is the same, no rotation is required. In this scheme, the comparators are rotated by rotating the order of the reference ports.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Block diagram of the proposed background offset mismatch calibration

The rotators mainly consist of several MUXs. C0 and C1 are the control ports of the rotator which are connected to the rotation code R0 and R1 to control the rotation step. In RRBS, pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is used to generate pseudo-random number as control code of rotator. However, PRNG will consume a large area with the increase of rotation step. To solve this problem, this paper presents a method using other bitstream to replace PRNG. As is known to all, the quantization result of ADC is composed of a series of 0 and 1, and low significant bit changes more frequently than high bits. Figure 7 gives the number of times each bit quantization result changes with 2048 sampling points, which illustrates that the number of change times decreases as the weight of the bit becomes high. The high significant bits change less frequently even stay constant, which result in fewer change times of rotation step. As a result, the use of high significant bit may reduce the randomness of rotation codes and make the calibration less effective. In order to ensure the randomness of rotation codes, this paper uses low weight quantization results (D0 and D1) to replace PRNG as the rotation code.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The number of times each bit quantization result changes

In order to further verify the randomness of an arbitrary bitstream, we use the power spectral density (PSD) of the bitstream, so as to compare the randomness of the ideal random bitstream, PRNG, and quantization results (D0 D1). Simulation results of the PSDs of three different bitstreams are shown in Fig. 8. According to the results, the PSD of the quantization results is similar to the ideal random bitstream, while the PSD of PRNG alternates periodically. Therefore, the quantization results show a better performance in randomness than PRNG in the proposed method. From the above discussion, the quantization results (D0 D1) can be used to replace PRNG as the rotation code. Thanks to the method, the PRNG is removed which is beneficial to saving power consumption and simplifying logical complexity. The module which generates the rotation code is also shown in Fig. 6. DFF is triggered by the falling edge of the control signal. When the next sampling clock arrives, the quantization results (D0 D1) of the last period are locked as the rotation code of the comparators for the next period.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The PSDs of different bitstreams a ideal random bitstream b PRNG c D0 and D1

The thermometer code composed of the outputs of the three comparators needs to be converted into binary code by the decoder for the use of subsequent circuits. In the proposed scheme, the weight of the thermometer codes also changes after rotation, so it is necessary to restore the weight of thermometer codes for subsequent processing of decoder. The rotation code for the outputs is obtained by exchanging the 2-bit rotation code (R1R0) for the input, the specific implementation method is illustrated by an example in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of the comparator array with or without rotation

Figure 9 gives an example to explain the operation of the comparator array with or without rotation in detail. On the left is the traditional quantization method without rotation, and on the right is the block diagram with the random rotation. If the rotation code is 1, it will rotate, and if it is 0, it will not rotate. The rotation code (R0R1) for the input of the comparators is 01 corresponding to 1-step rotation, so the comparator array is rotated down 1-step in turn. In order to ensure the weight of the thermometer code, the output should also be rotated before sent to the decoder. The two rotation codes of the input are exchanged and the rotation code for the output is set as 10, corresponding to 2-step rotation, and the comparator array is rotated down 2-step in turn.

2.3 Supply Voltage Calibration

After completing the conversion of all bits, all the capacitors need to be reset to the initial state before the next sampling clock. Figure 10 gives the illustration of the reset phase during the conversion of the ADC. In addition to being the control signal for REF_DAC, EN4 is also used as a reset signal of the proposed ADC. Figure 10 gives the waveforms of reset signal (EN4) under different process corners, the reset phase starts when the reset signal is high. Since the reset signal will generate when the quantization has been completed, the generation of the reset signal is related to the quantization of LSB, which is related to the working speed of the comparator. As shown in Fig. 10, the reset signal rises after the next sampling clock due to the slower working speed of comparator at ss process corner. As a result, the ADC can’t complete the reset phase before the next sampling clock, which indicates that the comparator needs to accelerate the working speed. In another case, the reset signal rises much earlier than the next sampling clock at ff process corner. In this case, the comparator's speed can be appropriately reduced to cut down the power consumption of ADC. In order to solve this problem, a supply voltage calibration of comparators is designed in this paper. By detecting the reset signal and adjusting the voltage of the comparator, the ADC can work normally at various process corners.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The timing waveform of SAR ADC

Figure 11 shows the block diagram of supply voltage calibration circuit of the comparator. The whole system includes reset signal detection module, switch control logic module, calibration capacitor array and some digital logic units. The reset signal detection module is mainly composed of several XORs and delay units, which compares the reset signal and the next sampling clock to detect the conversion speed of ADC. The working process of the calibration is explained as followed. First, the reset signal detection module compares the sampling signal and the reset signal (EN4). The results of the comparison are sent to the DFFs which are triggered by the falling edge. In this design, the reverse signal of the sampling signal is used to control the DFFs. Once the DFFs are triggered to work, the previous comparison signals are latched and generate calibration code. According to the calibration code, the switch control logic will generate the control signal of the four switches in the calibration capacitor array, which are used to decide which reference to connect. This process is similar to the process that logic units control the switches of the capacitor array in SAR ADCs. The calibration capacitor array adjusts and generates the VDD_cali corresponding to the calibration code.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Block diagram of supply voltage calibration

Figure 12 gives the timing waveforms of relevant signals to illustrate the process of the calibration in detail. Figure 12a shows that when the reset signal rises much earlier than the next sampling clock, DFF is triggered by the falling edge and the calibration code is set as 1. In this state, the comparator can be slowed down appropriately, and the calibration code control the switches of capacitor array to reduce the voltage of the comparator. Figure 12b shows that when the reset signal falls behind the sampling signal, the calibration code is set as 0. In this state, the comparator needs to be accelerated, so the calibration code controls the switches to increase the voltage of the comparator.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Timing waveforms of relevant signals during the process of supply voltage calibration

The proposed 4-bit calibration code is used to control the calibration capacitor array which can generate different voltages from 1.0 V to 1.4 V. During the calibration, when the reset signal EN4 is high, the switch S is on and all the top plates of the capacitors are connected to VDD (1.2 V), all the bottom plates of the capacitors are set to VCM (0.6 V). When the EN4 is low, the switch S is off and all of the top plates of the capacitor array is directly connected to the comparator. The bottom plates of the capacitor array are connected to different references according to the calibration code. Equation (5)-(7) gives some examples to illustrate the generation of supply voltage.

The change of supply voltage controlled by unit capacitor is defined by

$$ \left| {\Delta V} \right| = V_{CM} \cdot C/12C = 1/12V_{CM} = 0.05V $$

When the calibration code is 0000, the bottom plates of the four unit capacitors are connected to VDD, the supply voltage VS is defined by

$$ V_{S} = V_{DD} + (V_{{{\text{REF}}}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 4C/12C = 1.4V $$

When the calibration code is 1111, the bottom plates of the four unit capacitors are connected to Gnd, the supply voltage VS is defined by

$$ V_{S} = V_{DD} + ({\text{Gnd}} - V_{CM} ) \cdot 4C/12C = 1.0V $$

3 Simulation Results

Figure 13 shows the layout of the proposed SAR ADC which is implemented in 40 nm CMOS process. The total layout area is 140um*85um. The supply voltage for the SAR ADC is 1.2 V and the power consumption is 2.59 mW. The proposed SAR ADC is designed to work at sampling rate of 500MS/s. Figure 14 gives the 4096 FFT result of the ADC with 245.605 MHz sinusoidal input signal. The proposed SAR ADC achieves 55.5 dB SFDR and 45.8 dB SNDR, which corresponding to ENOB = 7.32bit.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Layout of the proposed SAR ADC

Fig. 14
figure 14

Output spectrum of the proposed SAR ADC

3.1 Background Offset Mismatch Calibration

Figure 15 illustrates the generation of rotation code for the background offset mismatch calibration. Once the falling edge of the control signal comes, the quantization results D1D0 of the (N-1)th period is sent to be the rotation code in the (N)th period. The simulated dynamic performance versus the input signal frequency is shown in Fig. 16, which also gives the results with and without background offset mismatch calibration. The size of input transistors for the comparator is 1.2u/40n. To test the offset calibration, ± 20 nm mismatch has been added on the width of input transistors. From the simulation results, the effect of offset mismatch can be eliminated after calibration. Figure 17 gives the simulated output spectrums with/without background offset mismatch calibration.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Simulated waveform of background offset mismatch calibration

Fig. 16
figure 16

Simulated results versus the input signal frequency with background offset mismatch calibration

Fig. 17
figure 17

Simulated output spectrums with/without background offset mismatch calibration

3.2 Supply Voltage Calibration

Figure 18 gives the waveforms of supply voltage calibration at different corners. Figure 18a shows the simulation results at ss corner. The left part of Fig. 18a is the generation of calibration code Cali_0-3, which is set as ‘0000’ according to the reset signal detection module. Then the calibration code controls the switches of calibration capacitor array to generate an increased VDD_cali, which is used to control the comparator and make it accelerate. The right part of Fig. 18a shows the waveforms of comparator with/without calibration. The waveforms of reset signal (EN4) and the clock of comparator (Clk_Comp) after calibration is 117 ns ahead of the signals without calibration. Figure 18b shows the simulation results at ff corner. The left part of Fig. 18b is the generation of calibration code Cali_0-3, which is set as ‘1111’ according to the reset signal detection module. Then the calibration code controls the switches of calibration capacitor array to generate a decreased VDD_cali, which is used to control the comparator and make it decelerate. The right part of Fig. 18b shows the waveforms of comparator with/without calibration. The waveforms of EN4 and Clk_Comp after calibration is 116 ns later than the signals without calibration. According to the simulation results, the system can adjust the clock of the comparator under different process corners based on the supply voltage calibration.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Simulation waveforms of supply voltage calibration at different corners a ss corner b ff corner

Figure 19 gives results of the proposed ADC at different process corners with solid lines, which indicate that the dynamic performance at ss corner is improved apparently with voltage calibration. The simulation results with supply voltage calibration are given in Fig. 20. Figure 20a shows SNDR and SFDR at ss corner and Fig. 20b shows SFDR at different corners. As shown in Fig. 20a, the SFDR non-linearity reduces with increase in signal frequency at ss corner, especially when ADC without supply voltage calibration. This is because at ss corner the system works at a slow rate, especially the comparator. The poor performance of the comparator delays the generation of quantization results and reset signal, which affects the reset of the capacitors to the initial state before the next sampling clock. The variable performance of comparator results in performance degradation at some input frequencies due to incomplete conversion in asynchronous SAR ADC. After adding the calibration module, this phenomenon is somewhat alleviated. The dotted lines in Fig. 19 give the power consumption of comparator array with and without voltage calibration. The power consumption only increases at ss corner and reduces at other process corners.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Comparison of dynamic performance and power consumption with supply voltage calibration

Fig. 20
figure 20

Simulation results with supply voltage calibration a SNDR & SFDR at ss corner b SFDR at different corners

3.3 Robustness to VT Variations and Linearity

Figure 21 gives the results versus temperature variation and supply voltage variation, which shows that the proposed ADC has good robustness to these variations. The DNL and INL of the proposed ADC are 0.65 LSB and 0.64 LSB, respectively, which are shown in Fig. 22. Table 4 gives the comparison of the proposed work with pervious works.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Results of the proposed SAR ADC versus a temperature variation b supply voltage variation

Table 4 Summary and performance comparison
Fig. 22
figure 22

Results of DNL and INL

3.4 Discussion of the Simulation Results

It is meaningful to have a discussion about the application conditions of the proposed multiple calibration techniques. The efficient 2b/cycle switching scheme are suitable for SAR ADCs with 2b/cycle structure, which saves switching energy and capacitor area. The background offset mismatch calibration technique can be applied to multi-bit/cycle SAR ADC. The hardware cost of the calibration module is related to the number of the comparators. The designers should pay attention to keeping a balance between the performance and hardware cost.

The application conditions of supply voltage calibration technique can be discussed from supply voltage and resolution two parts. Figure 23 shows a normalized delay of the comparator at different corners depending on the supply voltage. K1 means that the delay at ss corner (Delay_ss) is divided by the delay that is required at tt corner (Delay_tt), which is defined by Eq. (8). K1 is to show how the comparator works at the worst corner compared to the typical condition.

$$ K_{1} = \frac{{{\text{Delay}}\_{\text{ss}}}}{{{\text{Delay}}\_{\text{tt}}}} $$
Fig. 23
figure 23

Normalized delay with various supply voltages

The simulation is performed at both ss and tt corners with the same input value and same comparator clock, only changing the supply voltage of the comparator. As shown in Fig. 23, the value of K1 increases as the supply voltage decreases. That is, the delay of ss corner becomes larger in comparison with that of tt corner as the supply voltage decreases. The results indicate that the delay at worst corner with low supply voltage will be quite large and affect the speed of the comparator. The comparator is only one module of the SAR ADC, the signals need pass other modules and lots of logics during the conversion and will produce large delay at worst corner. Thus, the conversion time of the SAR ADC at ss corner will contain a large delay and become much longer than that at the tt corner with the decrease of supply voltage. The variations of conversion time will result in performance degradation due to incomplete conversion in asynchronous SAR ADC. From the point of supply voltage, the supply voltage calibration will have a more apparently improvement in SAR ADCs with low supply voltage.

Figure 24 gives the delay of the comparator compared to its speed, which is defined by K2. The value of K2 is given by Eq. (9), which represents the value of delay divided by one period of the comparator’s clock.

$$ K_{2} = \frac{{{\text{Delay}}}}{{T{\text{\_comp}}}} $$
Fig. 24
figure 24

The delay ratio of the comparator with various speeds

The simulation is performed at tt corner with the same input value and supply voltage, only changing the speed of the comparator. As shown in Fig. 24, delay becomes a larger part of a comparison cycle with the increase of comparator speed. The result indicates that the comparator for high-speed applications need to accelerate to reduce delay. In other words, high-speed or high-resolution (For ADCs with the same sampling speed, the comparators need to work faster for ADCs with higher resolutions.) SAR ADCs need supply voltage calibration, which will have a significant performance improvement.

4 Challenges for Silicon Implementation

In the silicon implementation, parasitic capacitance will have an influence on the performance of SAR ADCs. The parasitic capacitance of the capacitor array will increase the charging and discharging time, affect the accuracy of DAC signal establishment, and increase the power consumption required by the switching activity of capacitor array. The parasitic capacitance at the input of the comparator will reduce its speed. The inconsistent parasitic capacitance at the input will also affect the comparison results and reduce the performance of the ADC. The parasitic capacitance of wires in the layout may have an impact on the speed of signal transmission and the matching of timing, and increase the power consumption at the same time.

5 Conclusion

A low power 2b/cycle SAR ADC with high consistency to PVT variations has been presented. The simulation results show that the proposed ADC achieves a SNDR of 45.8 dB and a SFDR of 55.5 dB for a near-Nyquist input with a power consumption of 2.59 mW. Thanks to several improvements introduced in this paper, the proposed SAR ADC shows high energy efficiency and good robustness to PVT variations.