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Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber Composites

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Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites


Hybrid epoxy/synthetic/natural fiber composites can be found in applications in many industrial sectors, such as automotive, construction, marine industry, and sports, among others. The natural fibers are mainly used due to eco-friendliness and lower weight and cost, while the synthetic reinforcements (e.g., glass, carbon and Kevlar fibers) provide higher strength, increased fiber/matrix interfacial strength and lower water absorption. Thermal stability of hybrid epoxy/synthetic/natural fiber composites is an important aspect to be considered, since the processing temperature plays a critical role in the fabrication process of the composites. At higher temperatures, the natural fiber components (i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) start to degrade and the key properties (mechanical and thermal) of the composite change. The incorporation of synthetic fibers in natural fiber-reinforced composites have the potential to increase their thermal stability. Different methods are used in the literature to determine the thermal properties of composite materials and also help to understand and determine the suitability of composites for a certain application. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermomechanical analysis (TMA), and differential mechanical thermal analysis (DMA) are used to investigate the thermal stability of composites. The percentage of weight loss, degradation temperature, Tg, thermal expansion coefficient (CTE), and viscoelastic properties (storage modulus, loss modulus, and the damping factor) are the most common thermal properties determined by these methods. This chapter presents an overview of the main techniques used for thermal analysis of hybrid epoxy/synthetic/natural fiber composites. The main factors that affect the thermal properties of the composite materials (fiber and matrix type; the presence of additive fillers, fiber content, and fiber orientation; the chemical treatment of the fibers; manufacturing process; and type of loading) are briefly discussed.

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Banea, M.D., Neto, J.S.S., Cavalcanti, D.K.K. (2022). Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa, S., Parameswaranpillai, J., Siengchin, S., Thomas, S. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites . Springer, Singapore.

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