
1 Introduction

Steganography is the way of furtive communiqué [1]. The paper proposes a comparative analysis of how well the analysis of the presence of a medium is recognized. The payload used is a text message and the medium used are images in JPEG format. The JPEG format was chosen since it is the most preferred medium of Internet transmission [2, 3]. Steganalysis can be commonly allocated into two. Targeted steganalysis is intended for a certain procedure and is, therefore, very tough for that algorithm. On the contrary, blind steganalysis can recognize anonymous stego systems. Since the steganographic algorithms are not known, statistical analysis has been taken into consideration for blind steganalysis. Machine-learning techniques are incorporated and classifiers are used to check whether the given image contains a message or not. The use of statistics can give rise to false positives and false negatives. These errors need to be reduced to get a good detection rate. The paper considers four steganographic algorithms. LSB replacement is the simplest steganographic system [4, 5]. The LSB matching algorithm works by modifying the individual coefficients. The modification is done by randomly increasing or decreasing the bits. Due to this arrangement, LSB modification is difficult to detect than LSB replacement. Both LSB modification and LSB replacement embedding are done in spatial domain, whereas pixel-value differencing (PVD) and F5 embedding are done in transform domain [6]. F5 works under the principle of matrix embedding. The matrix embedding lowers the number of changes in embedding, when it is a small payload. This is the reason for F5 to be considered for analysis. PVD [7] works under transform domain and also make use of PRNG to achieve confidentiality just as F5 does. Two domains can be considered for steganalysis—spatial and transform. In spatial domain, the pixel values are considered directly, whereas in transform domain, the pixels undergo a transformation before the values are considered. The frequency of coefficients is used to create a histogram [3]. Different features had been considered in previous research [8,9,10,11]. The paper deals with images that are changed to transform domain. The transformation is discrete cosine transform (DCT). The DCT uses the concept of block dependency along with the concept of calibration in images to extract the features [13]. The technique of calibration is shown in Fig. 1. In calibration, the DCT-transformed image is converted into the spatial domain. Four pixels each from both horizontal and vertical side of the image are cropped. This is because the JPEG property states that any changes incorporated in the spatial image of a JPEG image will erase any existing embeddings. The changes can be either cropping, rotating or skewing.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Technique of calibration

Images that undergo calibration will have the similar features as the cover image. After calibration, the relevant features are mined from both images. Previous literature had discussed several features [8, 9, 11]. For analysis, this paper makes use of an arrangement of initial orders [12] and Markov features [10]. The characteristics are removed and served in a classification method to sense the incidence of a communication. Using the features, the cover and stego images are classified by the classifier. This paper makes use of support vector machine (SVM) as classifier. The consideration was due to the fact that the previous literature stated SVM to be an exceptional tool for presumptions in wide real-life scenarios.SVM is also the most prevalent classifier to decide the existence of payload [13].

2 Implementation

The work flow for the steganalytic scheme is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Workflow diagram of steganalytic system

2.1 Extraction of Features

The objective of the paper is a reasonable work with and without cross validation on calibrated images to achieve a decent classification for image with an embedding percentage of 25. The system emphasize upon removing the relevant features which will reach a totality of 274 features. The original DCT characteristics are 23 functionals [8]. The extraction is carried out and can be symbolized as:

$$ F = \left| {f(Si) - f(Ci)} \right| $$

The initial values can be stretched to 193 functionals that are interblock dependencies [10]. The features of Markov are the dependencies of the intra block. The paper, therefore, takes into account the dependencies based on interblock and intrablock, to eliminate the shortcomings triggered by each of them. DCT coefficient array di(a, b) defines a stego image, where i is the block and a and b are coefficients [9]. The dual histogram is signified by

$$ g_{ab}^{d} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {x(d,d_{i(a,b)} )} $$

where g is the maximum block number and d is the value of the coefficient. Variance is epitomized as

$$ \begin{aligned} V & = \sum\limits_{a,b = 1}^{8} {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{|I_{\text{row}} | - 1}} {\left| {d_{{I_{\text{row}} (i)(a,b)}} - d_{{I_{\text{row}} (i + 1)(a,b)}} } \right|} } \\ & \quad + \sum\limits_{a,b = 1}^{8} {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{|I_{\text{col}} | - 1}} {\left| {d_{{I_{\text{col}} (i)(a,b)}} - d_{{I_{\text{col}} (i + 1)(a,b)}} } \right|} } \\ \end{aligned} $$

where Irow and Icol are vectors of block indices [11, 14].

Blockiness is denoted as

$$ B_{\alpha } = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{a = 1}^{|(A - 1)/8|} {\sum\nolimits_{b = 1}^{B} {\left| {x_{(8a,b)} - x_{(8a + 1,b)} } \right|^{n} } } + \sum\nolimits_{a = 1}^{|(B - 1)/8|} {\sum\nolimits_{b = 1}^{A} {\sum\limits_{{}}^{{}} {\left| {x_{(8a,b)} - x_{(8a + 1,b)} } \right|^{n} } } } }}{B[(A - 1)/8] + A[(B - 1)/8]} $$

where A and B are the image dimensions. The sharing of probabilities of neighbouring DCT coefficient pairs is known as a co-occurrence. It is denoted as

$$ C_{st} = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{{|I_{\text{row}} | - 1}} {\sum\nolimits_{a,b = 1}^{8} {\delta (s,d_{a,(i)} (i,j)\delta (t,d_{a,(i + 1)} (a,b)} } + \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{{|I_{\text{col}} | - 1}} {\sum\nolimits_{a,b = 1}^{8} {\delta (s,d_{a,(i)} (a,b)\delta (t,d_{a,(i + 1)} (a,b)} } }}{{\left| {I_{\text{row}} } \right| + \left| {I_{\text{col}} } \right|}} $$

The Markov feature has four different arrays in horizontal, vertical and two diagonal directions.

2.2 Cross Validation

Usually, an image server is split into a variety of training and testing. This is achieved by assigning the image at random, thereby eliminating any bias. No rules are in place to verify that the testing and training set have to be identical. Training and testing are executed k times to avoid performance dissimilarity, known as k-fold validation. In this paper, the definition of cross validation is 10 for the value of k [12]. Here, the training and testing are done 10 times. The value of k can be changed.

2.3 SVM Classification

The classification phase is performed after feature extraction. The SVM gives an optimal hyperplane with the training dataset to classify the hyperplane [13] as shown in Fig. 3. This gives the minimum distance to sustain the vector, which is called the margin.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Classification using support vector machine

The choice of SVM is because of its efficiency to work well with high-dimensional features and the flexibility to choose a greater number of kernels.

The following Eq. (6) characterizes the radial kernel

$$ {\text{e}}^{{( - g||a - b||^{2} )}} $$

where g is the gamma parameter. The dot kernel is characterized by

$$ k(a,b) = a*b $$

The Eq. (7) represents the polynomial kernel

$$ k(a,b) = (a*b + 1)^{v} $$

v is known as the degree of the kernel.

The ANOVA kernel is said as

$$ {\text{e}}^{( - g(a - b))} $$

The Epanechnikov kernel is shown by the function

$$ (3/4)(1 - n2) $$

for n between −1 and 1 and zero for n outside that range. Equation (11) describes multiquadratic kernel

$$ \sqrt {||a - b||^{2} + c^{2} } $$

3 Experimental Results

The experimental results of the works are explained as below:

3.1 Database of Images

The performance of a research depends on the quality of the database used for it. This paper uses a collection of 2300 images each of JPEG format. The image is compressed to 256 × 256 in size. UCID standard dataset [15] of 1500 JPEG images is used as the training dataset and the standard INRIA image dataset [16] of 800 images are taken as the test dataset. The images are calibrated and the relevant features are selected and extracted for classification. The selection of features is based on their sensitivity towards embedding changes.

3.2 Feature Extraction

The features adapted in this paper are 274 comprising of first order, second order, extended DCT and Markovian features. All features are normalized before any analysis is done.

3.3 Training Phase

The dataset of 1,500 images each with 274 characteristics is used during the training stage. The characteristics are fed into the classifier after being either marked as stego or cover, thus decreasing the amount of false positives and false negatives.

3.4 Testing Phase

The phase comes after the classifier is trained. 800 images are used for testing and features are extracted. In order to avoid overfitting, it is highly recommended to have the test dataset to be different from training dataset. Moreover, this concept is correct for the scenario because the analysis is always performed with real-time information.

4 Analysis of Results

In this paper, only calibrated images are used for classification. SVMs are generally flexible for various sampling and diverse kernels and, therefore, reflected for classification in this paper.

4.1 Results with No Cross Validation

The results with no cross validation done with four steganographic schemes is as explained below (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1 Results on LSB replacement
Table 2 Results on LSB matching

From the above results, multiquadratic kernel, radial kernel and Epanechnikov kernel give lower results than the other mentioned kernels. ANOVA, polynomial and dot kernel offer improved result with stratified sampling.

From the above results, radial, multiquadratic and Epanechnikov kernels provide a lower result rate than the other kernel functions. The above results give good results with ANOVA, polynomial and dot kernel with stratified sampling (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3 Results on pixel-value differencing
Table 4 Results on F5

The worthy results are obtained with ANOVA, polynomial and dot kernel with stratified sampling.

The above results give good results with ANOVA, polynomial and dot kernel with stratified sampling.

4.2 Results with Cross Validation

The results with no cross validation done with four steganographic schemes are as explained below (Table 5):

Table 5 Results on LSB replacement

The above findings indicate that with stratified sampling, the ANOVA gives a better outcome (Table 6).

Table 6 Results on LSB matching

In the above result, the stratified sampling gives a better result with polynomial kernel (Table 7).

Table 7 Results on F5

Similar to other kernels, the dot kernel gives a better result with stratified sampling (Table 8).

Table 8 Results on pixel-value differencing

From the consequence, it can be understood that with stratified sampling, the ANOVA gives the highest outcome.

5 Conclusion

The payload was embedded using four different steganographic algorithms. The embedding rate used here is 25. The dataset used for analysis is calibrated to have an estimate of cover image. SVM is the classifier used for the dataset. The findings were obtained from multiple kernels and sampling techniques. The final review suggests that the cross-validation outcome is better than the result without cross validation. For LSB replacement, the polynomial kernel gives better result with cross validation than without it. In LSB matching, both dot and polynomial give good result with cross validation. PVD gives better result with ANOVA and stratified sampling. F5 gives the best classification rate with ANOVA, cross validation and stratified sampling.