
1 Introduction

In today’s world, knowledge is supreme. Social media is a platform which provides ideas, awareness, information, and knowledge of the latest trends to people. Nowadays, social media acts as a significant instrument in persuading our principles, believes, attitude, behaviour, lifestyle, and our holistic viewpoint towards the world. Social media is a novel stage that draws people from all around the world to interchange their thoughts, associate with, share and rally for a reason, search out for recommendations, and offer advices and assistance.

Usage of social media has gone up significantly. In India, smartphone infiltration has increased immensely. It is projected to reach 520 million by the year 2020, and this will rank India among the largest smartphone using economies in the world. With the advent of increased usage of smartphone, the broadband infiltration is also bound to surge from 14 to 40% by the year 2020. The usage of Internet in smartphone was at 1.73 EB per month (nearly 69% of entire smartphone Internet use), and this figure is expected to grow 10 times by 2019 and a CAGR of 60%. It is also expected that Internet usage traffic on Tablets will also raise 20 times from 2014 till 2019, and a CAGR of 83%, to reach 3.2 EB per month [1].

Social media is a remarkable publicizing tool too. In lieu of the incredible consumer base growth in social media, businesses have started exploiting this medium for merchandise marketing through promotions, where they endorse brands, talk over about the attributes, and generate cognizance among people [2]. Although social media has conveyed countless positives, allowing us to unite virtually with our friends and families across the sphere, letting us disrupt borders and cultural barricades. But at the same time, social media comes with a cost tagged to it. It shows an undesirable effect on day-to-day lives, as the amalgamation of seclusion and universal spread has weathered our ethos. Social media is taking away our belief, conviction, hope, and security which we used to have in each other [3]. The Internet has always been a disruptive power which affects the dissemination and consumption network for major media segments. Statistics from the surveys have revealed that in past 4 years, there has been an enthralling upswing in the time that individuals devote on social media in countries like America and the UK [4], [5]. This is shown in (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Source eMarketer

Real time spent on different media sources in minutes per day for an average adult (minutes per day).

2 Literature Review

There are bearings of social media on different sections of the society, youngsters, juveniles, and families. These sites are used to pool resources on class assignments with their friends and mates and cherish the expansion of the arena of their creativity, imagination, and pioneer thinking [6]. But at the same time, it also has its gloomy face in the form of cyber harassment, setting, Facebook dejections, blackmails, stalking, etc. [7].

The subject on the worth and usefulness of social networking and the reason the teenagers are using them is studied. The research elucidates on a methodology which will further assist in striking an equilibrium between social media and their studies [8].

According to the study, the children of different age groups and in various parts of the country devote ample amount of time on social media. The parents are also beginning to generate an amiability for the technology along with their kids at an early stage of life [9].

This paper focused on knowing if the pupils were reading right kind of digital content, there is a principal problem in the changeover between old-style textbooks and digital content. It was found that students do not buy books anymore [10]. So, an appropriate device should be in place to check if the pupils are reading these digital subjects or not.

In the paper, efforts are made to discover the repercussions on domestic culture adaptation process occurring due to social media. The conclusion was also enthused that the people sustain and flourish their associations and connections with the help of social media [11].

According to the paper, the role of Internet in social life was found. It was concluded that Internet is exclusive and nonpareil, has quality alteration abilities as a channel, and also possesses the capacity to generate a connection and association with same likings, principles, integrities, beliefs, and values that could inspire confidence and assertiveness [12].

The discussion paper suggested that media has a critical role in education and administrative side of the story is required for connecting education policy and communication policy [13]. An appropriately formulated set of plans are needed to instruct and coach parents, child care, and preschools for wholesome growth of kids by application of media and technology.

This white paper deliberates the influence of digital media. They established that transformation is relentless in digital media. Innovative channels are evolving and getting attached to already prevailing formats [14].

An investigation to scrutinize the composite and multifaceted nature of social media is done in this paper. The main concentration was on the evolution of services in the field of social media, and on the study of their consequences [15].

According to study [16], customers prefer to share music, technological related, and funny contents on social media platforms.

3 Objectives of Study

  1. 1.

    To study the emerging trends of social media.

  2. 2.

    To analyze the influence of social media on the lives of people.

  3. 3.

    To assess the factors influencing the usage of social media.

  4. 4.

    To explore the emerging promotional opportunities due to social media.

4 Research Methodology

The study has been deliberated to have a combination of secondary and primary research. Secondary research is carried out through the study of research papers. Quantitative study is carried out through a structured survey of the respondents to understand the impact of social media on their lives. Interviews were carried out with the help of structured questionnaire of respondents which majorly consisted of Likert and rank order scale based questions on their day-to-day habit and usage design or experience with social media.

4.1 Hypothesis

  1. 1.

    Ho1: Social media has impact on the personal lives of the people.

  2. 2.

    Ho2: Social media is a bane for students.

  3. 3.

    Ho3: Social media is effective for advertising.

  4. 4.

    Ho4: Social media is the principal source of engagement during leisure.

4.2 Analysis and Interpretations

This research paper implicit a principal study done on 168 respondents. Responses were collected from 180 respondents out of which only 168 qualified for further analysis. This number consists of male gender and female gender in the ratio of 4:3 (Table 1). Further, the data collected from sample have 43% students and 57% working members, engaged either in services or business. These are the people among whom social media is very popular and are mostly in the age bracket of 22–25 years.

Table 1 Descriptive/frequency distribution

From the analysis it is inferred that as a medium for accessing social media, mobiles are preferred as compared to computers (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

(Source Author’s interpretation from data analysis)

Medium preferred for accessing social media.

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis

  • Ho1: Social media has impact on the personal lives of the people.

From the investigation of the information gathered from the respondents utilizing multiple regression, a model summary is acquired (Table 2), where the estimation of adjusted R square is >0.40, i.e., online networking is considered to affect the existence of individuals and over 40% respondents in the sample are impacted by web-based social networking. The estimation of adjusted R square is 0.448. The significance level is <0.05 and F value is 46.26. Thus, we can infer from the analysis that social media has an impact on the individual existences of the general population. Consequently, we accept the null hypothesis.

Table 2 Summary of analysis for social media impact on the personal lives of the people
$$\begin{aligned} & Y = a + b_{1} X_{1} + b_{2} X_{2} + b_{3} X_{3} \\ & Y = - 0.593 + 0.335\left( {\text{Gender}} \right) + 0.596\left( {\text{Occupation}} \right) + 0.434\left( {\text{Age}} \right) \\ \end{aligned}$$

Analysis shows that social media greatly impacts the personal lives of the people. It is also concluded from the research work that the smartphones are the most preferred device for accessing social media. Other devices that were highlighted were mobile with Internet and tablet. Among the various social media technologies used for accessing social media, Twitter and social media sharing are the most popular among the respondents. If we try to find the major activities that are performed by people on their smartphones then gaming, talking, and social networking appear to be the most performed activities.This is shown in (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

(Source Author’s interpretation from data analysis)

Benefits of social media.

  • Ho2: Social media is a bane for Students

From the investigation of the information gathered from the respondents utilizing multiple regression, a model summary is acquired (Table 3), where the estimation of adjusted R square is <0.40, i.e., online networking is considered as bane for students by less than 40% of the respondent in the sample. The estimation of adjusted R square is 0.130. The significance level is also <0.05 and F value is 9.34. Along these lines, we can decipher from the examination that social media is not considered as bane for students. Henceforth, we reject the null hypothesis.

Table 3 Summary of analysis for social media as bane for students
$$\begin{aligned} & Y = a + b_{1} X_{1} + b_{2} X_{2} + b_{3} X_{3} \\ & Y = 2.54 + ( - )0.59\left( {\text{Gender}} \right) + ( - )0.12\left( {\text{Occupation}} \right) + ( - )0.045\left( {\text{Age}} \right) \\ \end{aligned}$$

It is observed from the research that respondents are using the social media sites for their benefits and going to educational sites for getting information required for the studies.

Research also indicated that there is a shift in the mindset of the people. Television which was previously considered as source of information and entertainment has now been swapped by Internet. This is shown in (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

(Source Author’s interpretation from data analysis)

Preference of learning tools with educational value.

  • Ho3: Social media is effective for advertising

From the investigation of the information gathered from the respondents utilizing multiple regression, a model outline is acquired (Table 4), where the estimation of adjusted R square is >0.40, i.e., online networking is viewed as effective for publicizing by over 40% of the respondents in the sample. The estimation of adjusted R square is 0.545. The significance level is also <0.05 and F value is 67.75. Thus, we can interpret from the analysis that social media is a powerful wellspring of promoting. Subsequently, we accept the null hypothesis.

Table 4 Summary of analysis for social media effectiveness for advertising
$$\begin{aligned} & Y = a + b_{1} X_{1} + b_{2} X_{2} + b_{3} X_{3} \\ & Y = - 0.153 + 1.088\left( {\text{Gender}} \right) + 0.117\left( {\text{Occupation}} \right) + 0.497\left( {\text{Age}} \right) \\ \end{aligned}$$

It is found from the research that slowly and steadily respondents are becoming more receptive towards social media advertising. They are finding these social media advertisements useful. Among the several means of getting interface with the commercials, respondents favored e-mails and social media the most.

  • Ho4: Social media is the principal source of engagement during leisure.

From the examination of the information gathered from the respondents utilizing multiple regression, a model outline is acquired (Table 5), where the estimation of adjusted R square is >0.40, i.e., social media is considered as the principal source of engagement during leisure time by more than 40% of the respondents in the sample. The value of adjusted R square is 0.480. The significance level is also <0.05 and F value is 52.4. In this way, we can decipher from the examination that social media is the essential wellspring of engagement amid recreation. Thus, we accept the null hypothesis.

Table 5 Summary of analysis for social media as major source of engagement during leisure
$$\begin{aligned} & Y = a + b_{1} X_{1} + b_{2} X_{2} + b_{3} X_{3} \\ & Y = - 1.699 + ( - )0.435\left( {\text{Gender}} \right) + 0.207\left( {\text{Occupation}} \right) + ( - )0.086\left( {\text{Age}} \right) \\ \end{aligned}$$

It is found from the research that respondents are now more often using social media and enjoying performing activities during their leisure. Respondents are now getting habitual of the social media. Surfing the Internet or visiting websites of interest, social networking, creating graphic arts, etc. on the computer (e.g., digital photos, blogs, websites, digital art, etc.), and playing games on a mobile device or phones are some of the activities enjoyed doing most during leisure. At the same time, respondents are concerned about the issues like speed and privacy. This is shown in (Fig. 5). It is also observed that slowly and steadily traditional means have been replaced by social media which has brought far away people together connecting them and keeping them in close touch with families. It has become the quickest source of sharing pictures, music, and any professional or personal information.

Fig. 5
figure 5

(Source Author’s interpretation from data analysis)

Area of concern for social media.

5 Finding

It became well known from the results of the research that social media has become an essential part of our day-to-day life. People are using it widely for social networking, relating to new people, making friends, and are getting used to it. It has collapsed the communication obstructions and has created an open communication channel, bringing far-off people together connecting and keeping them in close touch with families. It has become the quickest source of sharing pictures, music, and any professional or personal information.

Social media convenes an unobstructed flow of information to build upon the information and knowledge bank. It is used for the benefit of the students, for accessing educational, entertainment, and health and wellness sites for getting relevant information.

Slowly but surely people are developing more receptiveness for social media promotion. They think that the social media commercials are beneficial, and are aiding both the professionals and the individuals in generating product cognizance.

But as the saying goes everything comes at a cost and so is the case with social media also. Social media is very addictive and has filled in for the human fellowship, their physical, mental and emotional support and replaced the credence, hope, security with virtual, computer-generated connection [3]. The framewrk for hypothesis testing is shown in (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Framework with findings of hypothesis testing

6 Conclusion

The application of social media aims at improvising the people’s insight, degree of communication, and constructing a robust and healthy affiliation amongst people and between people and businesses. It has marked a prominent impression on our society and has impacted people from different profiles. Social media sites have developed as a means of keeping oneself entertained and engaged during leisureliness but also a crucial means for gaining knowledge and insight, and attaining information. Eventually, each social media activity is to be designed and customized to redirect the target audience for the commercial setup and productive information and connectivity for individuals. Social media is also a significant element of publicity crusades, disseminating cognizance, marketing which is commendably used by proficient enterprises and new business setups to construct a stage for them. These advances in technology have enabled several businesses to outreach masses in very short span of time and deliver the messages to persuade them to make consumption choices.