
1 Introduction

Identity-based cryptography is an extension of the public-key paradigm which was first put forward by Shamir [25]. As discussed in [20, Chapter 1], a major issue with public-key cryptography is the management of trust. Another issue to be dealt with is to recover the public key and accompanying certificate, verify it, and then only encrypt and send messages. Identity-based cryptography aims at solving these practical issues by simplifying the key management.

While identity-based signature schemes were quickly proposed (already in his 1984 paper, Shamir presented such a scheme), identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes seem harder to develop and only came later. The first implementation of an IBE scheme was proposed by Desmedt and Quisquater [13] in 1986. It is however non-standard in the sense that it requires tamper-proof hardware for its security. The realization of a truly practical IBE scheme remained elusive until a breakthrough paper by Boneh and Franklin [7] in 2001, and concurrently by Sakai et al. [24]. The Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme makes use of bilinear maps. Its publication was quickly followed up by a large number of works. More recently, lattices were considered as a building block for constructing IBE schemes [16]. Again this gave rise to a number of follow-up works.

A totally different approach was described back in 2001 by Cocks in a short 4-page paper [12]. Cocks’ IBE scheme only requires elementary mathematics. Encryption merely involves a couple of operations modulo an RSA modulus and the evaluation of Jacobi symbols. Its security rests on the standard quadratic residuosity assumption in the random oracle model. Despite its simplicity, Cocks’ scheme received less attention from the research community, compared to the pairing-based or lattice-based constructions. We believe that this is mainly due to the apparent lack of structure behind Cocks’ scheme. In this paper, we identify Cocks ciphertexts as elements of a certain algebraic group. This makes Cocks’ scheme amenable to applications that were previously not possible. In particular, it can now be used in applications where computing over ciphertexts is required. Typical applications include electronic voting, auction systems, private information retrieval, or cloud computing.

Related Work. Since it appeared in 2001, a handful of variants of Cocks’ IBE scheme have been proposed in the literature, aiming at enhancing certain features of the original scheme or offering extra properties.

Cocks’ scheme is known not to be anonymous. The ciphertexts leak information about their recipient’s identity. The anonymity aspect in Cocks-like cryptosystems was first considered by Di Crescenzo and Saraswat in [14] (and incidentally in [8]). Subsequently, Ateniese and Gasti [2] and, more recently, Clear et al. [11] proposed concurrent anonymous cryptosystems derived from Cocks’ scheme. Table 1 in [11] gives a comparison of these two latter schemes. The scheme by Clear et al. features the best encryption and decryption times (i.e., 79 ms and 27 ms for a 128-bit message with a key-size of 1024 bits in their setting). The Ateniese-Gasti scheme is slower but has a smaller ciphertext expansion.

Cocks’ scheme is mostly attractive when used with the hybrid encryption paradigm encrypting a short session key. Indeed messages are encrypted in a bit-by-bit fashion with Cocks’ IBE scheme. It therefore looses its practicability when long messages need to be encrypted. The ciphertext expansion issue was addressed by Boneh, Gentry, and Hamburg [8]. They propose a space-efficient, anonymous IBE scheme based on the quadratic residuosity. However, the encryption in their scheme is time-consuming. Encryption time is quartic in the security parameter per message bit. Several possible trade-offs are discussed in [8, Sect. 5.3] and [19].

The work closest to ours is a recent paper by Clear, Hughes, and Tewari [10]. They develop a xor-homomorphic variant of Cocks’ scheme. This is elegantly achieved by seeing ciphertexts as elements (of the multiplicative group) in a certain quotient ring. The homomorphism property then naturally pops up as an application of the corresponding multiplication operation. A similar scheme was independently found —and generalized to higher power residue symbols— by Boneh, LaVigne, and Sabin [9]. As explained in [9], these schemes are however less efficient, bandwidth-wise, than the original Cocks’ scheme.

Our Contributions. Motivated by the work of [10], we were interested in finding the exact algebraic structure behind Cocks’ scheme. We quote from [23]:

“We believe that studying and understanding the mathematics that underlies the associated cryptosystems is a useful aid to better understand their properties and their security.”

Interestingly, the results of Rubin and Silverberg [23] (appearing earlier in [22]) were instrumental in our work. In a nutshell, we consider the torus viewed as a ‘degenerate’ representation of the torus where \({\mathbb {F}}_{p^2}\) is replaced with \({\mathbb {F}}_p(\delta )\) where \(\delta \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \). We then extend the setting modulo an RSA composite through Chinese remaindering. We show that the Cocks ciphertexts are squares in the so-obtained algebraic structure and form a quasi-group. The underlying group law yields the sought-after homomorphism. Compared to the approach in [10] there is no ciphertext expansion —the ciphertexts in [10] are twice longer. More importantly, it directly applies to Cocks’ scheme. This is somewhat surprising. It points out that the original Cocks’ IBE scheme is inherently homomorphic. In this regard, it shares similarities with the Goldwasser-Micali [public-key] encryption scheme [17]. We note that both schemes are semantically secure under the quadratic residuosity assumption and have comparable performance.

Another contribution is an anonymous variant of Cocks’s scheme. Anonymous identity-based schemes are important cryptographic tools as they constitute the central building block for public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS). The companion PEKS scheme derived from our anonymous IBE scheme is detailed in Appendix D. Compared to the earlier \(\mathsf {QR}\)-basedFootnote 1 scheme by Di Crescenzo and Saraswat [14], it reduces the size of the searchable ciphertexts by a typical factor of 2 without sacrificing the security.

Of independent interest, we present in Appendix E a simplified version of the abstract IBE system with short ciphertexts of Boneh, Gentry, and Hamburg [8].

2 Definitions and Notation

In this section, we review the classical notions of semantic security and of anonymity for identity-based encryption. We also formally present the quadratic residuosity assumption and a variant thereof.

2.1 Identity-Based Encryption

An identity-based encryption scheme [7] (or IBE in short) is defined as a tuple of four polynomial-time algorithms \((\mathtt {SETUP}, \mathtt {EXTRACT},\mathtt {ENCRYPT}, \mathtt {DECRYPT})\):

  • Setup. The setup algorithm \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) is a randomized algorithm that, taking a security parameter \(1^\kappa \) as input, outputs the system parameters \(\mathsf {mpk}\) together with the master secret key \(\mathsf {msk}\): \((\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa )\). The message space is denoted by \(\mathcal {M}\).

  • Key derivation. The key derivation algorithm \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}\) takes as input an identity \(\mathsf {id}\) and, using the master secret key \(\mathsf {msk}\), returns a secret key for the user with identity \(\mathsf {id}\): \(\mathsf {usk}\leftarrow \mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id})\).

  • Encryption. The encryption algorithm \(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}\) is a randomized algorithm that takes as input an identity \(\mathsf {id}\) and a plaintext \(m \in \mathcal {M}\), and returns a ciphertext C. We write \(C \leftarrow \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id},m)\).

  • Decryption. The decryption algorithm \(\mathtt {DECRYPT}\) takes as input secret key \(\mathsf {usk}\) (corresponding to identity \(\mathsf {id}\)) and a ciphertext C and returns the corresponding plaintext m or a special symbol \(\bot \) indicating that the ciphertext is invalid. We write \(m \leftarrow \mathtt {DECRYPT}_\mathsf {usk}(C)\) if C is a valid ciphertext and \(\bot \leftarrow \mathtt {DECRYPT}_\mathsf {usk}(C)\) if it is not.

It is required that \(\mathtt {DECRYPT}_\mathsf {usk}(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id},m)) = m\) for any identity \(\mathsf {id}\) and all messages \(m \in \mathcal {M}\), where \((\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa )\) and \(\mathsf {usk}\leftarrow \mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id})\).

2.2 Security Notions

Semantic Security. The notion of indistinguishability of encryptions [17] captures a strong notion of data-privacy: The adversary should not learn anything about a plaintext given its encryption, beyond the length of the plaintext. The definitions for the public-key setting naturally extend to the identity-based paradigm. The standard definition is strengthened by allowing the adversary to issue chosen private-key extraction queries [7].

We view an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) as a pair \((\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2)\) of probabilistic algorithms. This corresponds to adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) running in two stages. Upon receiving the system parameters \(\mathsf {mpk}\), in the “find” stage, algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_1\) issues private-key extraction queries \(\mathsf {id}_1,\cdots ,\mathsf {id}_{n_1}\) and receives back the private key \(\mathsf {usk}_i\) corresponding to identity \(\mathsf {id}_i\): \(\mathsf {usk}_i \leftarrow \mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id}_i)\). The queries may be asked adaptively. Once the adversary decides not to make further oracle queries, it outputs a challenge identity \(\mathsf {id}^*\) (with \(\mathsf {id}^* \ne \mathsf {id}_i\), \(1\le i\le n_1\)), two (different) equal-size messages \(m_0\) and \(m_1 \in \mathcal {M}\) (where \(\mathcal {M}\) denotes the message space), and some state information s. In the “guess” stage, algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_2\) receives a challenge ciphertext C which is the encryption of \(m_b\) for identity \(\mathsf {id}^*\) where b is chosen uniformly at random in \(\{0,1\}\). Algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_2\) can issue more private-key extraction queries \(\mathsf {id}_{n_1+1},\cdots ,\mathsf {id}_{n_2}\); the only restriction is that \(\mathsf {id}_i \ne \mathsf {id}^*\), \(n_1 < i \le n_2\). The goal of \(\mathcal {A}_2\) is to guess the value of b from s and C. Formally, a public-key encryption scheme is said indistinguishable (or semantically secure) if

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Pr}\left[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{}} (\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa ),\\ (\mathsf {id}^*,m_0,m_1,s) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}_1^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(\mathsf {mpk}),\\ b \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}, C \leftarrow \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id}^*,m_b) \end{array}\,: \mathcal {A}_2^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(s,C) = b\right] - \frac{1}{2} \end{aligned}$$

is negligible in the security parameter for any polynomial-time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\); the probability is taken over the random coins of the experiment according to the distribution induced by \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) and over the random coins of the adversary.

Adversary \(\mathcal {A}= (\mathcal {A}_1,\mathcal {A}_2)\) can encrypt any message of its choice, for any identity of its choice. In other words, the adversary can mount chosen-identity, chosen-plaintext attacks (\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\)). Hence, we write \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\)the security notion achieved by a semantically secure identity-based encryption scheme.

Remark 1

When the message space is \(\mathcal {M}= \{0,1\}\), the previous probability simplifies to

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Pr}\left[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{}} (\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa ),\\ (\mathsf {id}^*,s) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}_1^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(\mathsf {mpk}),\\ b \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}, C \leftarrow \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id}^*,b) \end{array}\,: \mathcal {A}_2^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(s,C) = b\right] - \frac{1}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

Anonymity. Analogously, the notion of anonymity captures a strong requirement about privacy: a ciphertext should not reveal the identity of the recipient. More formally, it is defined as a straightforward adaptation of key privacy [4] to the identity-based paradigm [1].

As before, we view an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) as a pair \((\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2)\) of probabilistic algorithms. In the “find” stage, algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_1\) issues private-key extraction queries \(\mathsf {id}_1,\cdots ,\mathsf {id}_{n_1}\) and receives back the private key \(\mathsf {usk}_i\) corresponding to identity \(\mathsf {id}_i\): \(\mathsf {usk}_i \leftarrow \mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id}_i)\). The queries may be asked adaptively. Once the adversary decides not to make further oracle queries, it outputs two (different) challenge identities \(\mathsf {id}^*_0\) and \(\mathsf {id}^*_1\) (with \(\mathsf {id}^*_0,\mathsf {id}^*_1 \ne \mathsf {id}_i\), \(1\le i\le n_1\)), a message \(m \in \mathcal {M}\), and some state information s. In the “guess” stage, algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_2\) receives a challenge ciphertext C which is the encryption of m for identity \(\mathsf {id}_b^*\) where b is chosen uniformly at random in \(\{0,1\}\). Algorithm \(\mathcal {A}_2\) can issue more private-key extraction queries \(\mathsf {id}_{n_1+1},\cdots ,\mathsf {id}_{n_2}\); the only restriction is that \(\mathsf {id}_i \ne \mathsf {id}^*_0,\mathsf {id}^*_1\), \(n_1 < i \le n_2\). The goal of \(\mathcal {A}_2\) is to recover the value of b from s and C.

An IBE scheme is said to be anonymous if

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Pr}\left[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{}} (\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa ),\\ (\mathsf {id}^*_0,\mathsf {id}^*_1,m,s) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}_1^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(\mathsf {mpk}),\\ b \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}, C \leftarrow \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id}^*_b,m) \end{array}\,: \mathcal {A}_2^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(s,C) = b\right] - \frac{1}{2} \end{aligned}$$

is negligible in the security parameter for any polynomial-time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\); the probability is taken over the random coins of the experiment according to the distribution induced by \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) and over the random coins of the adversary. We write \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) the corresponding security notion achieved by an anonymous IBE scheme.

Semantic Security and Anonymity. Of course, the goals of indistinguishability and anonymity can be combined to give rise to the \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) security notion. Halevi’s sufficient condition [18] was extended to IBE schemes in [1]. Namely, an IBE scheme is \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) if it is \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) and if

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Pr}\left[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{}} (\mathsf {mpk},\mathsf {msk}) \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa ),\\ (\mathsf {id}^*_0,\mathsf {id}^*_1,m,s) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}_1^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(\mathsf {mpk}),\\ b \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}, r \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathcal {M}\text { and } |r|_2 = |m|_2,\\ C \leftarrow \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_\mathsf {mpk}(\mathsf {id}^*_b,r) \end{array}\,: \mathcal {A}_2^{\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\cdot )}(s,C) = b\right] - \frac{1}{2} \end{aligned}$$

is negligible in the security parameter for any polynomial-time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\); the probability is taken over the random coins of the experiment according to the distribution induced by \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) and over the random coins of the adversary. The difference is that a random message r is encrypted as opposed to the message m chosen by \(\mathcal {A}\); the only restriction being that r and m must be of equal length.

2.3 Complexity Assumptions

It is useful to introduce some notation. Let \(N = pq\) be the product of two primes p and q. The set of integers whose Jacobi symbol is 1 is denoted by \(\mathbb {J}_N\), \(\mathbb {J}_N = \bigl \{ a \in \mathbb {Z}_N^* \mid \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{a}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{a}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{a}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{a}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1 \bigr \}\); the set of quadratic residues is denoted by \(\mathbb {QR}_N\), \(\mathbb {QR}_N = \bigl \{ a \in \mathbb {Z}_N^* \mid \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{a}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{a}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{a}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{a}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{a}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{a}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{a}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{a}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1 \bigr \}\). Notice that \(\mathbb {QR}_N\) is a subset of \(\mathbb {J}_N\).

This leads to the following computational assumption [17]. Basically, it says that quadratic residues cannot be distinguished from quadratic non-residues modulo an RSA composite \(N=pq\).

Definition 1

(Quadratic Residuosity Assumption). Let \(\mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}\) be a probabilistic algorithm which, given a security parameter \(\kappa \), outputs primes p and q and their product \(N = pq\). The Quadratic Residuosity ( \(\mathsf {QR}\) ) assumption relative to \(\mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}\) asserts that the success probability defined as the distance

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \hbox {Pr}[\mathcal {D}(x,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathbb {QR}_N] - \hbox {Pr}[\mathcal {D}(x,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N] \right| \end{aligned}$$

is negligible for any probabilistic polynomial-time distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\); the probabilities are taken over the experiment of running \((N,p,q) \leftarrow \mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}(1^\kappa )\) and choosing at random \(x \in \mathbb {QR}_N\) and \(x \in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\).

A stronger assumption is introduced in [8]. It says that the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption holds in the presence of a hash square-root oracle. More formally, the assumption is defined as follows.

Definition 2

(Interactive Quadratic Residuosity Assumption). Again let \(\mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}\) be a probabilistic algorithm which, given a security parameter \(\kappa \), outputs primes p and q and their product \(N = pq\). Let also \(\mathcal {H}\) be a hash function that on input an arbitrary bit-string returns an element in \(\mathbb {J}_N\) and let \(\mathcal {O}\) be a hash square-root oracle that maps an input pair (Ns) to one of \(\mathcal {H}(s)^{1/2} \,\mathrm {mod}\) N or (\(u\mathcal {H}(x))^{1/2}\,\mathrm {mod}\) N, for some quadratic non-residue \(u \in \mathbb {J}_N\). The Interactive Quadratic Residuosity ( \(\mathsf {IQR}\) ) assumption asserts that the success probability defined as the distance

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \hbox {Pr}[\mathcal {D}^\mathcal {O}(x,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathbb {QR}_N] - \hbox {Pr}[\mathcal {D}^\mathcal {O}(x,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N] \right| \end{aligned}$$

is negligible for any probabilistic polynomial-time distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\); the probabilities are taken over the experiment of running \((N,p,q) \leftarrow \mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}(1^\kappa )\), choosing at random oracle \(\mathcal {O}\), and choosing at random \(x \in \mathbb {QR}_N\) and \(x \in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\).

Remark 2

As noted in [8] the \(\mathsf {IQR}\) assumption is equivalent to the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption in the random oracle model [5].

3 Review of Cocks’ Scheme

In 2001, Cocks published an identity-based encryption scheme that does not rely on pairings over elliptic curves [12]. Cocks’ scheme works in standard RSA groups and its security relies on the quadratic residuosity assumption (in the random oracle model). The encryption processes one bit at a time. To simplify the presentation, we assume that messages being encrypted are in the set \(\{-1,1\}\). For example, the map \(\mu : \{0,1\} \rightarrow \{-1,1\},\ b \mapsto m = (-1)^b\) maps a bit b to a message \(m \in \mathcal {M}= \{\pm 1\}\). The inverse map is given by \(\mu ^{-1}(m) = (1-m)/2\).

3.1 Description

Cocks’ scheme proceeds as follows.

  • \(\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa )\) . Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) generates an RSA modulus \(N = pq\) where p and q are prime. It also selects an element \(u \in \mathbb {J}_N\setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\). The system parameters are \(\mathsf {mpk}=\{N, u, \mathcal {H}\}\) where \(\mathcal {H}\) is a cryptographic hash function mapping bit-strings to \(\mathbb {J}_N\). The master secret key is \(\mathsf {msk}= \{p,q\}\).

  • \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id})\) . Using hash function \(\mathcal {H}\), \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}\) sets \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\). If \(R_\mathsf {id}\in \mathbb {QR}_N\) it computes \(r_\mathsf {id}= {R_\mathsf {id}}^{1/2}\,\mathrm {mod}\) N; otherwise it computes \(r_\mathsf {id}= (uR_\mathsf {id})^{1/2} \,\) N. \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}\) returns user’s private key \(\mathsf {usk}= \{r_\mathsf {id}\}\).

  • \(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}(\mathsf {id}, m)\) To encrypt a message \(m \in \{\pm 1\}\) for user with identity \(\mathsf {id}\), \(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}\) chooses at random \(t, \bar{t} \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\) such that \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\). It then computes

    $$\begin{aligned} c = t + \frac{R_\mathsf {id}}{t}\,\,\mathrm{{mod}}\,\,N \quad \text {and}\quad \bar{c} = \bar{t} + \frac{u R_\mathsf {id}}{\bar{t}} \,\,\mathrm {mod}\,\,N \end{aligned}$$

    where \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\). The returned ciphertext is \(C = (c, \bar{c})\).

  • \(\mathtt {DECRYPT}_\mathsf {usk}(C)\) . From \(\mathsf {usk}= \{r_\mathsf {id}\}\) and \(C = (c,\bar{c})\), if \({r_\mathsf {id}}^2 \equiv \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) (\hbox {mod}\,{N}), \mathtt {DECRYPT}\) sets \(\gamma = c\); otherwise it sets \(\gamma = \bar{c}\). Plaintext m is then recovered as

    $$\begin{aligned} m = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma + 2 r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma + 2 r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma + 2 r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma + 2 r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}. \end{aligned}$$

Remark 3

The above description is a generalization of the original scheme. In [12], Cocks considers Blum integers; namely, RSA moduli \(N = pq\) with \(p, q \equiv 3 \,\,(\text {mod}\,\,{4})\). Doing so, it follows that \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\) and therefore \(-1 \in \mathbb {J}_N\setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\). The original scheme corresponds to the choice \(u = -1\). The above description also slightly generalizes the one offered in [8, Appendix A] in that parameter u is not necessarily chosen as a random quadratic non-residue in \(\mathbb {J}_N\).

Remark 4

Alternatively, the decryption algorithm can recover plaintext m as \(m = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma -2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma -2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma -2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma -2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\). The correctness of the decryption follows by remarking that when \({r_\mathsf {id}}^2 \equiv \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\,\, (\hbox {mod}\,{N})\), \(\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}\equiv t (1 \pm \frac{r_\mathsf {id}}{t})^2\,\, (\hbox {mod}\,{N})\) yielding \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\). Likewise, when \({r_\mathsf {id}}^2 \equiv u\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\,\, (\hbox {mod}\,{N})\), \(\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}\equiv \bar{t}(1 \pm \frac{r_\mathsf {id}}{\bar{t}})^2 \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,{N})\) and thus \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma \pm 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\).

3.2 Security Analysis

The next proposition shows that the generalized Cocks’ scheme is semantically secure under the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption in the random oracle model. Equivalently, as mentioned in Remark 2, the scheme is semantically secure under the \(\mathsf {IQR}\) assumption in the standard model.

Proposition 1

The scheme of Sect. 3.1 is \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) under the quadratic residuosity assumption in the random oracle model.


The proof can be found in Appendix A.   \(\square \)

4 A Useful Representation

Let \({\mathbb {F}}_q\) denote the finite field with q elements, where \(q=p^r\) is a prime power. The order of the multiplicative group \({\mathbb {F}}_{p^r}^\times = {\mathbb {F}}_{p^r} \setminus \{0\}\) is \(p^r - 1\). Note that \(p^r - 1 = \prod _{d\mid r} \varPhi _d(p)\) where \(\varPhi _d(x)\) represents the d-th cyclotomic polynomial. We let \(\mathsf {G}_{p,r} \subseteq {\mathbb {F}}_{p^r}^\times \) denote the cyclic subgroup of order \(\varPhi _r(p)\). In [22], Rubin and Silverberg identify \(\mathsf {G}_{p,r}\) with the \({\mathbb {F}}_p\)-points of an algebraic torus. Namely, they consider

that is, the elements of \({\mathbb {F}}_{p^r}^\times \) whose norm is one down to every intermediate subfield F. Their key observation is that forms a group whose elements can be represented with only \(\phi (r)\) elements of \({\mathbb {F}}_p\), where \(\phi \) denotes Euler’s totient function. The compression factor is thus of \(r/\phi (r)\) over the field representation [15, 22].

4.1 Parametrization of

This corresponds to the case \(r=2\). We review the explicit representation for presented in [22, Sect. 5.2].

For simplicity, we assume that p is an odd prime. Let \(\varDelta = \delta ^2 \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \) with \(\delta \notin {\mathbb {F}}_p\). Then is the multiplicative group given by

Define the map . The inverse map is given by . By augmenting \({\mathbb {F}}_p\) with a special symbol \(\infty \) and defining \(\psi (\infty ) = 1\), maps \(\psi \) and \(\psi ^{-1}\) extend naturally to give an isomorphism \(T_2({\mathbb {F}}_p) \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{\sim } {\mathbb {F}}_p \cup \{\infty \}\).

4.2 An Alternative Representation For \((\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \)

One may wonder what happens if \(\varDelta \) is chosen as a quadratic residue in the Rubin-Silverberg representation for . As will become apparent in Sect. 4.3, this seemingly useless setting has practical consequences. We start with the multiplicative group \({\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \) and then extend our results to \((\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \) through Chinese remaindering.

The Group \(\varvec{\mathcal {F}}_{\!{\varvec{p}},\varvec{\varDelta }}\) . Let p be an odd prime. We henceforth assume that \(\delta \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \) and thus that \(\varDelta = \delta ^2 \in \mathbb {QR}_p\). In this case, the torus becomes isomorphic to . Note also that map \(\psi \) as given in Sect. 4.1 is no longer defined at \(u = \delta \). Moreover, when \(\delta \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \), \(\psi (-\delta ) = 0\) cannot be expressed as \(\psi (-\delta ) = x+\delta y\) for some \(x,y \in {\mathbb {F}}_p\) with \(x^2 - \varDelta y^2 = 1\). So, we define the set

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } = ({\mathbb {F}}_p \setminus \{\pm \delta \}) \cup \{\infty \} = \{ u \in {\mathbb {F}}_p \mid u^2 \ne \varDelta \} \cup \{\infty \} \end{aligned}$$

and restrict map \(\psi \) to \(\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\):

$$\begin{aligned} \psi : \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \rightarrow {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times ,\ u \mapsto {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{u + \delta }{u - \delta } &{} \text {if }u \ne \infty \,,\\ 1 &{} \text {otherwise}\,. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For completeness, we show that \(\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\) equipped with the group law \(\circledast \) (defined hereafter) and \({\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \) are isomorphic. Clearly, the map \(\psi : \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \rightarrow {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \) is injective and thus defines a bijection. Indeed, suppose \(\psi (u_1) = \psi (u_2)\) for some \(u_1, u_2 \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\). If \(\psi (u_1) \ne 1\), this implies \((u_1 + \delta )(u_2 - \delta ) = (u_2 + \delta )(u_1 - \delta )\) and in turn \(u_1 = u_2\); it \(\psi (u_1) = 1\) then again this implies \(u_1 = u_2\) \((=\infty )\) since \((u+\delta )/(u-\delta ) \ne 1\) for every \(u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\). The inverse map is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \psi ^{-1}: {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \rightarrow \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta },\ v \mapsto {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\delta (v+1)}{v-1} &{} \text {if }v \ne 1\,,\\ \infty &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, map \(\psi \) yields a homomorphism from \(\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\) to \({\mathbb {F}}_p^\times \). Let \(u_1, u_2 \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty \}\) with \(u_1 \ne -u_2\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} \psi (u_1) \cdot \psi (u_2)&= \frac{(u_1 + \delta )(u_2 + \delta )}{(u_1 - \delta )(u_2 - \delta )} = \frac{u_1u_2 + \varDelta + \delta (u_1 + u_2)}{u_1u_2 + \varDelta - \delta (u_1 + u_2)} = \frac{\frac{u_1u_2 + \varDelta }{u_1 + u_2} + \delta }{\frac{u_1u_2 + \varDelta }{u_1 + u_2} - \delta }\\&= \psi (u_3)\quad \text {where }u_3 = \tfrac{u_1u_2 + \varDelta }{u_1 + u_2}. \end{aligned}$$

Note also that \(\psi (\infty ) = 1\) and that \(\frac{1}{\psi (u_1)} = \frac{u_1 - \delta }{u_1 + \delta } = \frac{-u_1 + \delta }{-u_1 - \delta } = \psi (-u_1)\).

We write \(\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\) multiplicatively and use \(\circledast \) to denote its group law. In more detail, we have:

  • the neutral element is \(\infty \): \(u \circledast \infty = \infty \circledast u = u\) for all \(u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\) ;

  • the inverse of \(u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty \}\) is \(-u\): \(u \circledast (-u) = (-u) \circledast u = \infty \) ;

  • given \(u_1, u_2 \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty \}\), their product is given by:

    $$\begin{aligned} u_1 \circledast u_2 = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{u_1u_2 + \varDelta }{u_1 + u_2}&{} \text {if }u_1 \ne -u_2\,,\\ \infty &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

The Group \( \varvec{\mathcal {Z}}_{{\varvec{N,}}\varvec{\varDelta }}\) . The previous setting naturally extends through Chinese remaindering. Let \(N = pq\) be an RSA modulus. Then

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta } := \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \times \mathcal {F}_{\!q,\varDelta } \cong (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \end{aligned}$$

is a group w.r.t. \(\circledast \) and has order \(\phi (N)\).

For each element \(u \in \mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta }\), there exists a unique pair of elements \(u_{p} \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\) and \(u_{q} \in \mathcal {F}_{\!q,\varDelta }\) such that \(u\,\,\mathrm{{mod}}\,\, p = u_{p}\) and \(u\,\,\mathrm{{mod}}\,\,q = u_{q}\). We denote this equivalence by \(u = [u_{p}, u_{q}]\) and let \(\infty = [\infty _p, \infty _q]\) represent the neutral element. We also define the subset \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } := \bigl ((\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\setminus \{\infty _p\}) \times (\mathcal {F}_{\!q,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty _q\})\bigr ) \cup \{\infty \}\).

Efficient methods for working in \(\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta }\) are discussed in Appendix B.

Remark 5

Please note that 0 is of order 2 as an element of \(\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta }\), namely \(0 \circledast 0 = \infty \). Note also that for any \(u \in \mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta }\), \(u \ne 0, \infty \), we have \(u \circledast 0 = \varDelta /u\).

4.3 The Subset \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) of Squares in \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\)

We now have all ingredients to introduce the useful quasi-group \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\delta }\). Let \(N = pq\) be an RSA modulus and let \(\varDelta = \delta ^2 \in \mathbb {QR}_N\). Consider the set of squares in \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\), namely \((\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 = \{ u \circledast u \mid u \in \widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } \} \subset (\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta })^2\), or more exactly, the subset

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }&\mathop {=}\limits ^{\text {def}} \left\{ \tfrac{u^2 + \varDelta }{2u} \mid u \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \text { and } \gcd (u^2 - \varDelta ,N) = 1\right\} \\&= (\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 \setminus \{\infty \}.\nonumber \end{aligned}$$

The set \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) almost defines a group: it contains all elements s of the group \((\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta })^2 = \{ s = u\circledast u \mid u \in \mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta }\}\) minus elements of the form \([s_p, \infty _q]\) or \([\infty _p, s_q]\) (and \(\infty = [\infty _p,\infty _q]\)). Since it is a subset of \((\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta })^2\), \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) is endowed with the \(\circledast \)-law. In practice, for cryptographic applications, working in \((\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 = {\mathscr {S}}_{N,\varDelta } \cup \{\infty \}\) rather than in \((\mathcal {Z}_{N,\varDelta })^2\) does not really matter since the probability that operation \(\circledast \) is not defined on \((\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\) is negligible.

What makes the quasi-group \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) special is that, up to a scaling factor of two, it represents the set of all valid [components of] Cocks ciphertexts. Before making this statement clear, we need to explain what is meant by ‘valid component’. This follows from the next lemma, adapted from [12, Sect. 5]. Basically, it shows that, given a (generalized) Cocks ciphertext \(C = (c,\bar{c})\), among its two components c and \(\bar{c}\), one carries no information whatsoever about the corresponding plaintext. The component that yields the plaintext is called valid component.

Lemma 1

Using the notations of Sect. 3.1, let \(C = (c,\bar{c})\) be a (generalized) Cocks ciphertext. If \(\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \notin \mathbb {QR}_N\) then the component c corresponds with the same probability to the encryption of message \(m=1\) or \(m=-1\). Conversely, if \(u\,\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \notin \mathbb {QR}_N\) then the component \(\bar{c}\) corresponds with the same probability to the encryption of message \(m=1\) or \(m=-1\).


Suppose that \(\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \notin \mathbb {QR}_N\) (i.e., \(\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\)). Let \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\). We have \(c = t + \frac{R_\mathsf {id}}{t} \,\,\mathrm {mod}\) N for some random \(t \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \) such \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\). Consider also \(t_1, t_2, t_3 \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \) such that

  • \(t_1 \equiv t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{p})\), \(t_1 \equiv R_\mathsf {id}/t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{q})\);

  • \(t_2 \equiv R_\mathsf {id}/t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{p})\), \(t_2 \equiv t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{q})\);

  • \(t_3 \equiv R_\mathsf {id}/t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{p})\), \(t_3 \equiv R_\mathsf {id}/t \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{q})\).

Note that the condition \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\) implies \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\). The four possible values t, \(t_1\), \(t_2\), and \(t_3\) are equally likely since \(c \equiv t + R_\mathsf {id}/t \equiv t_1 + R_\mathsf {id}/t_1 \equiv t_2 + R_\mathsf {id}/t_2 \equiv t_3 + R_\mathsf {id}/t_3 \,\,(\hbox {mod}\,\,{N})\). At the same time, since \(R_\mathsf {id}\in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\) we also have \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_3}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \ne \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\). Hence, component c leaks no information about \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\); it has the same probability to be 1 or \(-1\).

The case \(u\,\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \notin \mathbb {QR}_N\) is proved similarly.   \(\square \)

With the notations of Sect. 3.1, from a ciphertext \(C = (c, \bar{c})\), letting \(\varDelta = \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \in \mathbb {QR}_N\) (resp. \(\varDelta = u\,\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}) \in \mathbb {QR}_N\)) and \(\gamma = c\) (resp. \(\bar{c}\)), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\gamma }{2} \in \mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta } \implies \exists \tau \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \text { with }\gcd (\tau ^2 - \varDelta , N) = 1\text { such that }\gamma = \tfrac{\tau ^2 + \varDelta }{\tau }. \end{aligned}$$

In other words, up to a factor of two, the valid component of C is an element of \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\); i.e., \(\frac{\gamma }{2} \in \mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\). By Lemma 1, the other component does not matter. Note also that the condition \(\gcd (\tau ^2 - \varDelta , N) = 1\) is implicit in the (generalized) Cocks encryption since \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m \in \{\pm 1\}\) where \(\tau = t\) (resp. \(\tau = \bar{t}\)) and decryption is obtained as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma \pm 2\delta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma \pm 2\delta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma \pm 2\delta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma \pm 2\delta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \end{aligned}$$

which is 0 when \(\gcd (\tau ^2 - \varDelta , N) \ne 1 \iff \tau \equiv \pm \delta (\hbox {mod}\,\{p,q\})\). The condition \(\tau \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \) (instead of \(t, \bar{t} \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\)) is trivially satisfied since \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\tau }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \in \{\pm 1\}\).

5 Computing over Cocks Ciphertexts

Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption which allows combining two ciphertexts through a non-private operation that results in a third ciphertext which, when decrypted, yields a plaintext that is the combination of the corresponding two plaintexts through a specific operation. Mathematically, for two ciphertexts \(C_1 = \mathtt {ENCRYPT}(m_1)\) and \(C_2 = \mathtt {ENCRYPT}(m_2)\), there exists a non-private operation \(\partial \) such that \(C_1 \mathbin {\partial } C_2 = \mathtt {ENCRYPT}(m_1 \star m_2)\) for some specific operation \(\star \). Examples of known operations \(\star \) include (modular) addition and (modular) multiplication.

5.1 HOM Procedure

Consider the following procedure \(\mathbf{HOM}\). It takes as input two elements \(x_1, x_2 \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\) and an element \(\varGamma \in \mathbb {J}_N\), and outputs an element \(z \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\). We write \(z = \mathbf{HOM}(x_1, x_2, \varGamma )\).

figure a

Remark 6

Note that when \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{x_1+x_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{x_1+x_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{x_1+x_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{x_1+x_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\), we can take \(t = 0\) (in Procedure \(\mathbf{HOM}\), Line 3). This yields \(\theta = \varGamma U \,\,\mathrm {mod}\) N (\(\in \mathbb {J}_N\)) and in turn \(z = D/U \,\,\mathrm {mod}\) N.

5.2 Application

The \(\mathbf{HOM}\) procedure allows for computing over two Cocks ciphertexts.

Specifically, suppose we are given two ciphertexts \(C_1 = \{c_1, \bar{c}_1\}\) and \(C_2 = \{c_2, \bar{c}_2\}\) that are the respective encryption of two messages \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) for a same identity, say \(\mathsf {id}\). The system parameters are \(\mathsf {mpk}=\{N,u,\mathcal {H}\}\) where \(N=pq\) is an RSA modulus, u is a quadratic non-residue in \(\mathbb {J}_N\), and \(\mathcal {H}\) is a hash function mapping bit-strings to \(\mathbb {J}_N\). As in the description given in Sect. 3.1, we assume that the message space is \(\mathcal {M}= \{\pm 1\}\).

Let \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\). Two applications of the \(\mathbf{HOM}\) procedure yields a third ciphertext \(C_3 = (c_3, \bar{c_3})\) obtained as

$$\begin{aligned} c_3 = \mathbf{HOM}(c_1, c_2, R_\mathsf {id}) \quad \text {and}\quad \bar{c}_3 = \mathbf{HOM}(\bar{c}_1, \bar{c}_2, uR_\mathsf {id}). \end{aligned}$$

A simple calculation shows that \(C_3\) is the encryption of \(m_3 = m_1 \cdot m_2\).


Suppose first that \(R_\mathsf {id}\in \mathbb {QR}_N\). Then, letting \(r_\mathsf {id}= {R_\mathsf {id}}^{1/2} \,\,\mathrm {mod}\) N, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}&= \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\theta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\theta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\theta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\theta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})D + 4R_\mathsf {id}tU + 2r_\mathsf {id}(tD+(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})D + 4R_\mathsf {id}tU + 2r_\mathsf {id}(tD+(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})D + 4R_\mathsf {id}tU + 2r_\mathsf {id}(tD+(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})D + 4R_\mathsf {id}tU + 2r_\mathsf {id}(tD+(t^2+R_\mathsf {id})U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\\&= \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id}+2r_\mathsf {id}t)D + (2r_\mathsf {id}t+t^2+R_\mathsf {id})(2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id}+2r_\mathsf {id}t)D + (2r_\mathsf {id}t+t^2+R_\mathsf {id})(2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id}+2r_\mathsf {id}t)D + (2r_\mathsf {id}t+t^2+R_\mathsf {id})(2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(t^2+R_\mathsf {id}+2r_\mathsf {id}t)D + (2r_\mathsf {id}t+t^2+R_\mathsf {id})(2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(t+r_\mathsf {id})^2(D+2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(t+r_\mathsf {id})^2(D+2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(t+r_\mathsf {id})^2(D+2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(t+r_\mathsf {id})^2(D+2r_\mathsf {id}U)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\\&= \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{D+2r_\mathsf {id}U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{D+2r_\mathsf {id}U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{D+2r_\mathsf {id}U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{D+2r_\mathsf {id}U}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(c_1c_2 +4R_\mathsf {id}) +2r_\mathsf {id}(c_1 +c_2)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(c_1c_2 +4R_\mathsf {id}) +2r_\mathsf {id}(c_1 +c_2)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(c_1c_2 +4R_\mathsf {id}) +2r_\mathsf {id}(c_1 +c_2)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(c_1c_2 +4R_\mathsf {id}) +2r_\mathsf {id}(c_1 +c_2)}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\\&= \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \end{aligned}$$

as desired.

The case \(R_\mathsf {id}\in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\) is similar. Letting \(r_\mathsf {id}= (uR_\mathsf {id})^{1/2} \,\,\mathrm {mod}\) N, we then have \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{c}_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{c}_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{c}_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{c}_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{c}_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{c}_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{c}_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{c}_1+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{c}_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{c}_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{c}_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{c}_2+2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\).   \(\square \)

Why Does It Work? At first sight, the \(\mathbf{HOM}\) procedure may appear cumbersome. Actually it is not. Without loss of generality, assume that input \(\varGamma \leftarrow R_\mathsf {id}= {r_\mathsf {id}}^2 \in \mathbb {QR}_N\). A straightforward application of the homomorphism induced by the underlying \(\circledast \) law will not get the correct result. Clearly, if we call \(c_3 = \mathbf{HOM}(c_1, c_2, R_\mathsf {id})\) and let

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{c'_3}{2} = \frac{c_1}{2} \circledast \frac{c_2}{2} \iff c'_3 = \frac{c_1c_2 + 4R_\mathsf {id}}{c_1+c_2} \end{aligned}$$

then \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\) if and only if \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\). Indeed, the above definition of \(c'_3\) immediately yields

$$\begin{aligned} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} := \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_2 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_2 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_2 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_2 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c'_3 + 2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}. \end{aligned}$$

In other words, \(c'_3\) is the encryption of \(m_1\cdot m_2\) if and only if \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\). This problem is resolved by randomizing one of the input ciphertexts using the homomorphism. One way to achieve this is to replace ciphertext \(c_1\) with an equivalent randomized ciphertext,

until \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{c_1+c_2}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\), where is a random Cocks encryption (w.r.t. \(R_\mathsf {id}\)) of message \(m=1\). Note that no secret is involved in the randomization of \(c_1\). This is the design strategy behind the \(\mathbf{HOM}\) procedure.

We have seen that the \(\mathbf{HOM}\) procedure can be used to randomize ciphertexts. Likewise, it can be used to flip the value of a plaintext message \(m_1 \in \{\pm 1\}\) corresponding to a given Cocks ciphertext \(C_1 = (c_1, \bar{c}_1)\) by taking the encryption of \(m_2 = -1\) for ciphertext \(C_2 = (c_2, \bar{c}_2)\).

A variant of Cocks’ scheme that makes easier the computation over ciphertexts can be found in Appendix C.

It is also worth noting that when the message space is \(\{0,1\}\) rather than \(\{\pm 1\}\) then the scheme is homomorphic with respect the xor operator. Indeed, letting \(b_1 = \mu ^{-1}(m_1)\) and \(b_2 = \mu ^{-1}(m_2)\), we have \(\mu ^{-1}(m_1 \cdot m_2) = b_1 \oplus b_2\), where \(\mu ^{-1}(m_i) = (1 - m_i)/2\) —see Sect. 3. We so get \(\mu (b_1 \oplus b_2) = (-1)^{b_1 \oplus b_2} = (-1)^{b_1+b_2} = m_1 \cdot m_2\).

6 An Anonymous IBE Scheme

In numerous scenarios, the recipient’s identity in a transmission needs to be kept anonymous. This allows users to maintain some privacy. Protecting communication content may be not enough, as already observed in, e.g., [3, 4, 21]. For example, by analyzing the traffic between an antenna and a mobile device, one can recover some information about [at least] user’s position and some details about the use of her mobile device. This information leaks easily during all day: it is a common habit, indeed, to use a mobile phone every day and to keep it (almost) always switched on.

As pointed out by Galbraith (see [6, Sect. 4], Cocks’ scheme is not anonymous. A detailed discussion on the so-called Galbraith’s test can be found in [2, Sect. 2.3]). In the same paper, Ateniese and Gasti also show that Galbraith’s is the “best test” possible against the anonymity of Cocks’ scheme.

In this section, we rephrase Galbraith’s test using our representation. We then build on an original technique developed in [11] to get anonymized Cocks ciphertexts. However, unlike [11], there is no ciphertext expansion. Anonymized Cocks ciphertexts have the same size as non-anonymized ciphertexts. The decryption algorithm is modified accordingly by first de-anonymizing the ciphertext and then applying the regular decryption process. The resulting scheme is shown to meet the \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) security notion under the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption in the random oracle model or, equivalently, under the \(\mathsf {IQR}\) assumption in the standard model (cf. Remark 2).

6.1 Making Cocks Ciphertexts Anonymous

As Eq. (6) indicates, the subset \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } \subset {\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\) can be defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } = \{ u \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z} \mid \gcd (u^2 - \varDelta , N) = 1 \} \cup \{\infty \} \end{aligned}$$

where \(N=pq\) and \(\varDelta \in \mathbb {QR}_N\). The following subsets of \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\) will be useful:

  • \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } := \bigl \{ u \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z} \mid \gcd (u^2 - \varDelta , N) = 1 \bigr \} \subset \widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\);

  • \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[-1]} := \bigl \{ u \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z} \mid \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\bigr \} \subset \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\);

  • \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[+1]} := \bigl \{ u \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z} \mid \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\bigr \} \subset \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\);

  • \((\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 := \bigl \{ u \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z} \mid \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1 \bigr \} \subset \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[+1]}\).

We have

$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } = \widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty \} = (\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty _p\}) \times (\mathcal {F}_{\!q,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty _q\}) \end{aligned}$$

from Eq. (5). By definition (see Sect. 4.2), for \(u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \setminus \{\infty _p\}\), we have \(\psi (u) = \frac{u+\delta }{u-\delta }\), and \(\psi (\infty _p) =1\). Multiplying both sides by \((u-\delta )^2\), the latter identity yields

$$\begin{aligned} \psi (u) \cdot (u-\delta )^2 = u^2 - \varDelta . \end{aligned}$$

The group \((\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2 = \{ u \circledast u \mid u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\}\) is the subgroup of squares in \(\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta }\). Therefore, if \(u \in (\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2\) then \(\psi (u)\) is a quadratic residue modulo p; i.e., \(\mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\psi (u)}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\psi (u)}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\psi (u)}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\psi (u)}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\). Together with Eq. (3) it follows that \(u^2 - \varDelta \) is a quadratic residue modulo p when \(u \in (\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2\), \(u \ne \infty _p\). This gives an alternative definition for the group \((\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2\), namely \((\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2 = \bigl \{ u \in \mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta } \mid \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1 \bigr \} \cup \{\infty _p\} = \bigl \{ u \in {\mathbb {F}}_p \mid \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{u^2 - \varDelta }}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1 \bigr \} \cup \{\infty _p\}\). Hence, using Chinese remaindering, we get

$$\begin{aligned} (\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 = \bigl ((\mathcal {F}_{\!p,\varDelta })^2 \setminus \{\infty _p\}\bigr ) \times \bigl ((\mathcal {F}_{\!q,\varDelta })^2 \setminus \{\infty _q\}\bigr ). \end{aligned}$$

This means that \((\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\) is an alternative representation for the subset \(\mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) of squares in \(\widetilde{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\). Likewise, \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[-1]}\) denotes the subset of elements that are squares modulo p and non-squares modulo q, or vice-versa; and \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[+1]}\) denotes the subset of elements that are either both squares modulo p and modulo q, or both non-squares modulo p and modulo q.

We have shown that:

Proposition 2

Let \(N = pq\) be an RSA modulus and let \(w \in \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }\). If

$$\begin{aligned} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{w^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{w^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{w^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{w^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1 \end{aligned}$$

then \(w \notin \mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\).   \(\square \)

This is nothing but Galbraith’s test. Back to the anonymity problem, letting \(u\in \mathbb {J}_N \setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\), it implies that elements of the form \(\frac{c}{2} = \frac{t^2+ R_\mathsf {id}}{2t} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\,N\) (respectively, \(\frac{\bar{c}}{2} = \frac{\bar{t}^2+ uR_\mathsf {id}}{2\bar{t}} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\,N\)) —where \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})\) is derived from some user’s identity \(\mathsf {id}\)— cannot be used as part of a ciphertext for user with identity \(\mathsf {id}'\) because if \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(c/2)^2 - R_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(c/2)^2 - R_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(c/2)^2 - R_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(c/2)^2 - R_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\) (respectively, if \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(\bar{c}/2)^2 - uR_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(\bar{c}/2)^2 - uR_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(\bar{c}/2)^2 - uR_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(\bar{c}/2)^2 - uR_{\mathsf {id}'}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\)) —where \(R_{\mathsf {id}'} = \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}')\) for some other identity \(\mathsf {id}'\)— then one can conclude that the identity of the recipient of the ciphertext is not \(\mathsf {id}'\). This clearly violates the anonymity requirement.

This issue is easily solved by \(\circledast \)-multiplying with probability 1/2 the value of \(\frac{c}{2}\) (resp. \(\frac{\bar{c}}{2}\)) by an element \(\frac{d}{2}\) satisfying \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(d/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(d/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(d/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(d/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\) (resp. \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(d/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(d/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(d/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(d/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\)). The decryption algorithm, assuming it is the legitimate recipient of the ciphertext, can then \(\circledast \)-divide by \(\frac{d}{2}\) the ciphertext in the case it were \(\circledast \)-multiplied by \(\frac{d}{2}\); letting \(\frac{e}{2}\) (resp. \(\frac{\bar{e}}{2}\)) the received part of the ciphertext, it is easy for the decryption algorithm to know if \(\frac{e}{2}=\frac{c}{2}\) or \(\frac{e}{2} = \frac{c}{2} \circledast \frac{d}{2}\) (resp. \(\frac{\bar{e}}{2}=\frac{\bar{c}}{2}\) or \(\frac{\bar{e}}{2} = \frac{\bar{c}}{2} \circledast \frac{d}{2}\)) by checking if \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(e/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(e/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(e/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(e/2)^2 - \varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\) or \(-1\) (resp. \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(\bar{e}/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(\bar{e}/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(\bar{e}/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(\bar{e}/2)^2 - u\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = 1\) or \(-1\)), respectively.

6.2 Anonymous IBE Without Ciphertext Expansion

There is a variety of possible instantiations of the above methodology. An efficient implementation can be achieved by specializing hash function \(\mathcal {H}\). Instead of considering a function mapping bit-strings to any element of \(\mathbb {J}_N\), we require that, in addition, on input \(\mathsf {id}\), the output must satisfy the extra condition \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4R_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4R_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4R_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4R_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4uR_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4uR_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4uR_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4uR_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} =-1\) for some given d:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {H}_d : \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \mathbb {J}_N,\ \mathsf {id}\mapsto \mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id}) \;\text { s.t. } \textstyle \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} =-1. \end{aligned}$$

Here is the resulting scheme.

  • \(\mathtt {SETUP}(1^\kappa )\) . Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), \(\mathtt {SETUP}\) generates an RSA modulus \(N = pq\) where p and q are prime. It also selects an element \(u \in \mathbb {J}_N\setminus \mathbb {QR}_N\) and a global integer d. The public system parameters are \(\mathsf {mpk}= \{N, u, d,\mathcal {H}_d\}\) where \(\mathcal {H}_d\) is a cryptographic hash function as per Eq. (4). The master secret key is \(\mathsf {msk}= \{p,q\}\).

  • \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}_\mathsf {msk}(\mathsf {id})\) . Given identity \(\mathsf {id}\), algorithm \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}\) sets \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})\). Then if \(R_\mathsf {id}\in \mathbb {QR}_N\) it computes \(r_\mathsf {id}= {R_\mathsf {id}}^{1/2}\,\mathrm{{mod}}\,N\); otherwise it computes \(r_\mathsf {id}= (uR_\mathsf {id})^{1/2} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\,N\). \(\mathtt {EXTRACT}\) returns user’s private key \(\mathsf {usk}=\{r_\mathsf {id}\}\).

  • \(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}_{\mathsf {mpk}}(\mathsf {id},m)\) . To encrypt a message \(m \in \{\pm 1\}\) for a user with identity \(\mathsf {id}\), \(\mathtt {ENCRYPT}\) defines \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})\). It chooses at random \(t, \bar{t} \in \mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\) such that \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\bar{t}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\) and lets

    $$\begin{aligned} c^{(0)}= & {} t + \frac{R_\mathsf {id}}{t} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\,N\,,\quad c^{(1)} = \frac{c^{(0)}d + 4R_\mathsf {id}}{c^{(0)}+d} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N\,,\\ \bar{c}^{(0)}= & {} \bar{t} + \frac{uR_\mathsf {id}}{\bar{t}} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N\,,\quad \bar{c}^{(1)} = \frac{\bar{c}^{(0)}d + 4uR_\mathsf {id}}{\bar{c}^{(0)}+d} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N. \end{aligned}$$

    It chooses random bits \(\beta _1,\beta _2 \in \{0,1\}\) and sets \(c = c^{(\beta _1)}\) and \(\bar{c} = \bar{c}^{(\beta _2)}\). The returned ciphertext is \(C = (c,\bar{c})\).

  • \(\mathtt {DECRYPT}_{\mathsf {usk}}(C)\) Let \(R_\mathsf {id}= \mathcal {H}_d(\mathsf {id})\) . From \(\mathsf {usk}= \{r_\mathsf {id}\}\) and \(C = (c,\bar{c})\), if \({r_\mathsf {id}}^2 \equiv R_\mathsf {id}(\hbox {mod}\,N)\), \(\mathtt {DECRYPT}\) sets \(\gamma = c\) and \(\varDelta = R_\mathsf {id}\); otherwise it sets \(\gamma = \bar{c}\) and \(\varDelta = uR_\mathsf {id}\). Next, it computes \(\sigma = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma ^2 -4\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma ^2 -4\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma ^2 -4\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma ^2 -4\varDelta }}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}\). Finally, it returns plaintext m as

    $$\begin{aligned} m = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} &{} \text {if }\sigma = 1\,,\\ \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{(\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id})(d - 2r_\mathsf {id})(d - \gamma )}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{(\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id})(d - 2r_\mathsf {id})(d - \gamma )}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{(\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id})(d - 2r_\mathsf {id})(d - \gamma )}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{(\gamma +2r_\mathsf {id})(d - 2r_\mathsf {id})(d - \gamma )}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} &{} \text {if }\sigma = -1. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Remark 7

The choice \(p \equiv -q\,(\hbox {mod}\,4)\) (or equivalently \(N \equiv 3\,(\hbox {mod}\,4)\)) simplifies the setting. In this case, we know that \(\mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{p}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -\mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{q}} \right) \mathclose {}}\) and therefore \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\). A nice observation is that \(d = 0\) is a valid parameter when \(N \equiv 3\,(\hbox {mod}\,4)\) since then \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{d}^2 - 4u\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id})}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{-1}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\) as desired. Any cryptographic hash function \(\mathcal {H}\) mapping bit-strings to \(\mathbb {J}_N\) can be used.

6.3 Security Analysis

The two next propositions assess the security of the scheme under the quadratic residuosity assumption.

Proposition 3

The scheme of Sect. 6.2 is \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) under the quadratic residuosity assumption in the random oracle model.


Assume there exists an \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against the previous scheme (Sect. 6.2). We can then use \(\mathcal {A}\) to break the semantic security of the generalized Cocks’ scheme (Sect. 3.1), which in turn will contradict the quadratic residuosity assumption. This is readily verified by observing that if \(C = (c,\bar{c})\) is a valid ciphertext for the scheme of Sect. 3.1 for some user i with identity \(\mathsf {id}\) then \(C' = (c',\bar{c}')\) is a valid ciphertext for the scheme of Sect. 6.2, where \(c' = c\) with probability 1/2 and \(c' = \frac{cd + 4R_\mathsf {id}}{c+d} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N\) with probability 1/2 and, likewise, \(\bar{c}' = \bar{c}\) with probability 1/2 and \(\bar{c}' = \frac{\bar{c}d + 4R_\mathsf {id}}{\bar{c}+d} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N\) with probability 1/2.   \(\square \)

Before proving that the scheme is anonymous, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2

Let \(\mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}\) be a probabilistic algorithm which, given a security parameter \(\kappa \), outputs primes p and q and their product \(N = pq\). Let also \(\delta \) be a random element in \((\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \) and \(\varDelta = {\delta }^2 \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N\). Then, under the quadratic residuosity assumption,

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \hbox {Pr}\bigl [\mathcal {D}(x,\varDelta ,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\bigr ] - \hbox {Pr}\bigl [\mathcal {D}(x,\varDelta ,N)=1 \mid x \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[+1]}\setminus (\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\bigr ] \right| \end{aligned}$$

is negligible for any probabilistic polynomial-time distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\); the probabilities are taken over the experiment of running \((N,p,q) \leftarrow \mathop {\mathsf {RSAgen}}(1^\kappa )\), sampling \(\delta \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}(\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \), and choosing at random \(x \in (\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\) and \(x \in \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta }^{[+1]}\setminus (\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2\).


As previously shown in Sect. 6.1, we have that \((\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta })^2 = \mathscr {S}_{N,\varDelta }\) (i.e., the set of all valid components of Cocks ciphertexts). The lemma now follows as an immediate application of [2, Lemma 2].   \(\square \)

Proposition 4

The scheme Sect. 6.2 is \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) under the quadratic residuosity assumption in the random oracle model.


As mentioned in Sect. 2.2, since the scheme is already known to be \(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\), it suffices to prove that the statistical distance between the two distributions

$$\begin{aligned} D_0 = \bigl \{ (\mathsf {id}^*_0, \mathsf {id}^*_1, \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_{\mathsf {mpk}}(\mathsf {id}^*_0,m)) \mid m \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{\pm 1\}\bigr \} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} D_1 = \bigl \{ (\mathsf {id}^*_0, \mathsf {id}^*_1, \mathtt {ENCRYPT}_{\mathsf {mpk}}(\mathsf {id}^*_1, m)) \mid m \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{\pm 1\}\bigr \} \end{aligned}$$

is negligible. In our case, a ciphertext encrypted for identity \(\mathsf {id}^*_b\) (with \(b \in \{0,1\}\)) is of the form \(C_b = (c_b, \bar{c}_b)\). From Lemma 1, only the valid component can help in distinguishing \(D_0\) from \(D_1\). Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}^*_0) = \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}^*_1) \in \mathbb {QR}_N\). Letting \(\varDelta _b = \mathcal {H}(\mathsf {id}^*_b)\), the valid component is then

$$\begin{aligned} c_b := c_b^{(0)} = t+\frac{\varDelta _b}{t} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N \quad \text {or}\quad c_b := c_b^{(1)} = \frac{c_b^{(0)}d + 4\varDelta _b}{c_b^{(0)}+d} \,\mathrm{{mod}}\, N \end{aligned}$$

where \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{t}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = m\).

Omitting \(\mathsf {id}^*_0, \mathsf {id}^*_1\) to ease the reading, the above criterion requires that the distributions \(D_0 = \{ c_0^{(\beta )} \mid \beta \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}\}\) and \(D_1 = \{ c_1^{(\beta )} \mid \beta \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}\}\) —or equivalently rescaling by a factor of two, that the distributions

$$\begin{aligned} D_0^* = \bigl \{ \tfrac{c_0^{(\beta )}}{2} \mid \beta \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}\bigr \} \quad \text {and}\quad D_1^* = \bigl \{ \tfrac{c_1^{(\beta )}}{2} \mid \beta \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{0,1\}\bigr \} \end{aligned}$$

must be indistinguishable with overwhelming probability. Using the \(\circledast \) operator, the elements of \(D_b^*\) (for \(b \in \{0,1\}\)) are

$$\begin{aligned} \tfrac{c_b^{(\beta )}}{2} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{2}\bigl (t + \frac{\varDelta _b}{t}\bigr ) = \frac{t^2 + \varDelta _b}{2t} = t \circledast t &{} \text {when }\beta = 0\\ \frac{1}{2}\bigl (\frac{c_b^{(0)}d + 4\varDelta _b}{c_b^{(0)}+d}\bigr ) = \frac{\frac{c_b^{(0)}}{2}\frac{d}{2} + \varDelta _b}{\frac{c_b^{(0)}}{2} + \frac{d}{2}} = \tfrac{c_b^{(0)}}{2} \circledast \tfrac{d}{2} = (t \circledast t) \circledast \tfrac{d}{2} &{} \text {when }\beta = 1 \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where \(t \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\{ t \in (\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z})^\times \mid \gcd (t^2 - \varDelta _b, N) = 1\}\). Hence, we can see that

$$\begin{aligned} D_b^* = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \, \bigl \{ u \mid u \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b})^2 \bigr \} \mathop {\equiv }\limits ^{c}\bigl \{ u \mid u \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}^{[+1]} \bigr \}&{} \text {when }\beta = 0\\ \, \bigl \{ u \mid u \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{R}\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}^{[-1]}\bigr \} &{} \text {when }\beta = 1 \end{array}\right. }. \end{aligned}$$

The first assertion (when \(\beta = 0\)) follows from Lemma 2 (the notation \(\mathop {\equiv }\limits ^{c}\) means computationally equivalent —under the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption in this case). The second assertion (when \(\beta =1\)) follows by noting that the Jacobi symbol \( \mathchoice{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}0{{{\frac{{d}^{\!2}}{4}} - {\varDelta _b}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}1{{{\frac{{d}^{\!2}}{4}} - {\varDelta _b}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}2{{{\frac{{d}^{\!2}}{4}} - {\varDelta _b}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}}{\mathopen {}\left( \genfrac{}{}{1.0pt}3{{{\frac{{d}^{\!2}}{4}} - {\varDelta _b}}}{{N}} \right) \mathclose {}} = -1\) and thus \(\tfrac{d}{2} \in \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}^{[-1]}\).

As a consequence, under the \(\mathsf {QR}\) assumption, the distribution \(D_b^*\) appears indistinguishable from the uniform distribution over \(\widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}^{[+1]} \cup \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}^{[-1]} = \widehat{\mathcal {Z}}_{N,\varDelta _b}\). This concludes the proof by noting that \(D_0^*\) and \(D_1^*\) are essentially the same sets: any random element is \(D_0^*\) is also an element in \(D_1^*\), and vice-versa.   \(\square \)

Altogether, this proves that the scheme achieves \(\mathsf {ANO}\)-\(\mathsf {IND}\)-\(\mathsf {ID}\)-\(\mathsf {CPA}\) under the quadratic residuosity assumption in the random oracle model.

7 Conclusion

Somewhat surprisingly, we identified and detailed the algebraic group structure underlying Cocks encryption. The knowledge of this structure gives a better understanding of Cocks’ scheme and allows one to see it differently. In particular, the hidden homomorphism opens the way to applications that were before not readily available or possible with Cocks’ scheme, including homomorphic computations or anonymous encryption.