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Translation and Applications of Biofabrication

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3D Printing and Biofabrication


Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is an emerging field that holds promise for creating functional living tissues and organs. Bioprinting enables to fabricate structurally complex 3D tissue constructs by precise positioning and spatially separated patterns of multiple types of cells, biomaterials, and bioactive molecules within a single construct. With recent advances in bioprinting strategies, 3D bioprinting has been applied in various research areas, including tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, biology, physiology, drug discovery, and cancer/stem cell research. In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, many types of 3D tissue constructs have been bioprinted to generate functional tissues for implantation, with the ultimate goal of clinical use. In addition, 3D bioprinting has been used as a tool to create in vitro tissue/organ models for drug discovery and cancer research, enabling deeper understanding of physiological phenomena of specific tissues/organs and more accurate prediction of drug or toxicity responses. In this chapter, we discuss recent applications of 3D bioprinting; first to create tissues and organs for the purposes of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine and then as platforms for in vitro tissue/organ models in drug discovery/toxicity testing and cancer research. We also discuss current challenges and future perspectives for practical applications of 3D bioprinting.

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This research was supported, in part, by the Basic Science Research Program through the Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2012R1A6A3A03040684). The authors thank Karen Klein, MA, at the Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UL1 TR001420; PI: Li) for editorial assistance.

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Kim, J.H., Atala, A., Yoo, J.J. (2016). Translation and Applications of Biofabrication. In: Ovsianikov, A., Yoo, J., Mironov, V. (eds) 3D Printing and Biofabrication. Reference Series in Biomedical Engineering(). Springer, Cham.

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