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microRNA Modulation

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Cell Engineering and Regeneration


microRNAs are small and evolutionary conserved RNA molecules that vastly fine-tune protein expression at a posttranscriptional level. microRNA modulation has recently surfaced as powerhouse feeding the progress of novel strategies for tissue and cell engineering and regeneration. The field is growing exponentially each year and approaching clinical applications, with considerable progress in identifying biomarkers for personalized medical needs and also harnessing the therapeutic potential of these molecules to finely enhance tissue repair. This chapter aims to support beginner and expert researchers alike to delve into this emerging dynamic field. Within this chapter, we provide an overview of the biology and function of microRNAs and how they are being addressed within the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) arena in terms of resources, applications, and development projection. Specific attention is given to the advances in the development of specialized delivery systems for microRNAs, which largely involves the application of biomaterial scaffolds, and to finalize, we review the proven therapeutic potential of microRNAs to date within the TERM space. Overall, this chapter underlines the exciting potential of microRNA modulation for cell engineering and regeneration.

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Work supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Grant Agreement n° 239685 and 665777 and the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded AMBER Centre.

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Castaño, I.M., Raftery, R.M., Curtin, C.M., Grillari, J., Redl, H., O’Brien, F.J. (2019). microRNA Modulation. In: Gimble, J., Marolt, D., Oreffo, R., Redl, H., Wolbank, S. (eds) Cell Engineering and Regeneration. Reference Series in Biomedical Engineering(). Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-37076-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-37076-7

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference EngineeringReference Module Computer Science and Engineering

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