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1 Introduction

Trees as data structures are ubiquitous, serving as a means of representing and structuring data in almost all fields of computer science. In the last two decades there has been a significant amount of research devoted to investigating the power of languages for querying tree-structured data. In this context monadic second-order logic (\(\text {MSO} \)) has emerged as a standard against which the expressive power of other languages is compared. On the one hand, satisfiability of \(\text {MSO} \) formulas is decidable on trees, and model-checking is tractable. On the other hand, the language is expressive enough to subsume most practical query languages for tree-structured data. To be precise, the classes of trees definable in \(\text {MSO} \) are exactly the regular languages and this close correspondence between the logic and tree automata is one of its most attractive features.

In [9], ten Cate and Segoufin consider a logic for querying trees that is intermediate in expressive power between first-order logic (\(\text {FO})\) and \(\text {MSO} \), that is \(\text {FO} (\text {MTC}) \), the extension of first-order logic with an operator for defining the transitive closure of a definable binary relation (here \(\text {MTC} \) stands for monadic transitive closure, to distinguish from the general transitive closure operator which would allow us to define the transitive closure of any definable 2k-ary relation). They show that the expressive power of this logic corresponds to a natural extension of the widely studied XML path language XPath, and also characterise it in terms of an automaton model—that of nested tree-walking automata. Among the results they establish is that the expressive power of \(\text {FO} (\text {MTC}) \) is strictly weaker than that of \(\text {MSO} \) on trees (whether finite or infinite, ranked or unranked).

\(\text {FO} (\text {MTC}) \) can naturally be seen as an extension of \(\text {FO} \) with a single generalized quantifier in the sense of Lindström [7]. Such quantifiers are a standard means in abstract model theory (see [1]) of defining a minimal extension of a logic adding the ability to define a particular property. Note, in contrast, that \(\text {FO} (\text {TC})\)—the extension of first-order logic with the general transitive closure operator, well studied in descriptive complexity theory (see [5])—does not extend \(\text {FO} \) with a single quantifier but with an infinite family of vectorized quantifiers generated from a single one (as in [3]). In the conclusions of [9], ten Cate and Segoufin ask the question whether there is any finite set of Lindström quantifiers \(Q_1,\dots ,Q_n\) such that the extension of \(\text {FO} \) with these quantifiers would have exactly the expressive power of \(\text {MSO} \) on treesFootnote 1. In this paper, we answer this question by constructing a single Lindström quantifier Q such that \(\text {FO} (Q)\) has exactly the same expressive power as \(\text {MSO} \) on finite trees. We first establish this for binary trees (with distinguished left and right successors) and then, in Sect. 5 consider the case of (sibling-ordered) unranked trees. The quantifier that we construct, which we call \(\textsf {qSAT} \), is a version of a Boolean satisfiability quantifier. It is obtained by modifying a representation of satisifiability as a class of finite relational structures originally given by Lovász and Gács [8]. The precise definition is given in Sect. 3.

2 Preliminaries

We write \(\mathbb {N}\) for the natural numbers, and we fix an arbitrary finite alphabet \(\varSigma \) for the remainder of this paper. We work with finite trees, either binary or unranked, over \(\varSigma \). A binary tree t over \(\varSigma \) is a finite set \(T \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\) of strings that is prefix closed and such that for any string w, \(w0 \in T\) iff \(w1 \in T\), along with a labelling function \(\lambda : T \rightarrow \varSigma \). An unranked tree t over \(\varSigma \) is a finite set \(T \subseteq \mathbb {N}^{*}\), which is prefix closed and such that if \(wj \in T\) for some \(w \in \mathbb {N}^{*}\) and \(j \in \mathbb {N}\) then \(wi \in T\) for all \(i<j\), along with a labelling function \(\lambda : T \rightarrow \varSigma \). In either case, we refer to the elements of T as nodes, to the empty sequence \(\varepsilon \) as the root of the tree t and any maximal sequence in the set T as a leaf of t. A subtree s of a binary tree \(t=(T,\lambda )\) is the substructure induced by a set of nodes \(S \subseteq T\) such that for some \(x \in T\) and some set of tree nodes \(W \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\), \(S = \{xw \mid w \in W\}\).

In order to define queries over trees in logic, such as first-order or second-order logic, we consider two vocabularies of relations—one for binary trees and one for unranked trees. In the former case, we have two binary relations \(\mathrm {lsucc} \) (for left successor) and \(\mathrm {rsucc} \) (for right successor) which are interpreted in a tree t by \(\mathrm {lsucc} (x,y)\) if, and only if, \(y = x0\) and \(\mathrm {rsucc} (x,y)\) if, and only if, \(y=x1\). In addition, for each \(\sigma \in \varSigma \), we have a unary relation (which we also write \(\sigma \)) so that \(\sigma (x)\) holds just in case \(\lambda (x) = \sigma \).

In the case of unranked trees, in addition to the unary relations \(\varSigma \), we have two binary relations \( \mathrm {succ} \) (the parent relation) and \(\prec \) (the sibling order) which are defined by \(\mathrm {succ} (x, y)\) just in case \(y = xz\) for some \(z \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(x \prec y\) just in case \(x = zi\) and \(y=zj\) for some \(z \in \mathbb {N}^{*}\) and some \(i,j \in \mathbb {N}\) with \(i < j\).

The formulas of first-order logic (\(\text {FO} \)) and monadic second-order logic (\(\text {MSO} \)) are defined as usual, starting with atomic formulas using the predicate symbols \(\varSigma \cup \{\mathrm {lsucc},\mathrm {rsucc} \}\) (in the case of binary trees) and \(\varSigma \cup \{\mathrm {succ},\prec \}\) in the case of unranked trees and closing under Boolean operations and quantification over elements for \(\text {FO} \) and over sets of elements for \(\text {MSO} \). We always assume that the equality predicate is available. For a tree t and a sentence \(\phi \) of any logic, we write \(t \models \phi \) to denote that t makes \(\phi \) true in the usual way. In general, for a relational signature \(\tau \), we write \(\mathrm {Str}(\tau )\) for the collection of finite \(\tau \)-structures. For a \(\tau \)-structure \(\mathbf {A} \), we write A for its universe, and if \(\phi \) is a formula with free first-order variables, we write \(\phi ^{\mathbf {A}}\) for the relation defined by the formula \(\phi \) when interpreted in \(\mathbf {A} \).

We also sometimes write \(x < y\) for nodes x and y in a tree t to denote that \(y = xz\) for a non-empty string z, i.e. x is an ancestor of y. Note that this relation is definable in \(\text {MSO} \) as it is the transitive closure of \(\mathrm {succ} \) (or \(\mathrm {lsucc} \cup \mathrm {rsucc} \), in the case of binary trees). This relation is not, in general, definable in \(\text {FO} \). Thus, the absence of the ancestor relation from our vocabulary makes the main result adjoining a single quantifier to \(\text {FO} \) to achieve the expressive power of \(\text {MSO} \) stronger. We do, however, need the sibling order \(\prec \).

A tree automaton is a tuple \(A = (Q,s,F,\delta )\) where Q is a finite set of states, \(s \in Q\) is the initial state, \(F \subseteq Q\) is the set of accepting states and \(\delta \subseteq Q \times \varSigma \times Q \times Q\) is the transition relation. A run of an automaton A on a binary tree \(t = (T,\lambda )\) starting with state q is a map \(\rho : T \rightarrow Q\) such that: \(\rho (\varepsilon ) = q\); and if \(x,y,z \in T\) are such that y is the left successor of x and z is the right successor of x, \(\rho (x) = q_1\), \(\rho (y) = q_2\), \(\rho (z) = q_3\) and \(\lambda (x) = \sigma \) then \((q_1,\sigma ,q_2,q_3) \in \delta \). We say \(\rho \) is an accepting run starting with state q if for all leaves x of t, \(\rho (x) \in F\). We simply say \(\rho \) is accepting if it is an accepting run starting from s. We say that A accepts t if there is some accepting run of A on t. We also use the term partial run of A to depth i from node x to mean a run on the subtree of t rooted at x and including all descendants of x at distance at most i. Note that our automata are top-down in the sense that it is the root that is labelled by the initial state and the leaves by final states in an accepting run. The bottom-up automaton model where leaves are labelled by initial states and the root by a final state yields is known to be equivalent.

It is known since the work Thatcher and Wright [10] and Doner [4] that the class of tree languages accepted by automata is exactly the same as those definable by sentences of \(\text {MSO} \) (see [11] for an exposition). We formally state one direction of this equivalence for future use.

Theorem 2.1

([4, 10]). For any sentence \(\phi \) of \(\text {MSO} \) there is a tree automaton A such that for any binary tree t, \(t\models \phi \) if, and only if, A accepts t.

Let \(\tau \) and \(\tau ' = \{R_1,\ldots ,R_m\}\) be relational signatures, where \(R_i\) is a relation symbol of arity \(r_i\). A sequence \(\varPsi =\psi _1(\bar{x}_1,\bar{y}),\ldots , \psi _m(\bar{x}_m,\bar{y})\) of formulas of signature \(\tau \), where \(\psi _i\) has free variables among \(x_1,\ldots ,x_{r_i}\) and \(\bar{y}\) defines an interpretation \(\varPsi \) that takes a pair \((\mathbf {A},\bar{a})\) consisting of a \(\tau \) structure \(\mathbf {A} \) and a tuple \(\bar{a}\) from its universe A interpreting the variables \(\bar{y}\) to a \(\tau '\)-structure \(\varPsi (\mathbf {A},\bar{a})=(A,\psi _1^{\mathbf {A},\bar{a}},\ldots ,\psi _m^{\mathbf {A},\bar{a}})\). When \(\bar{y}\) is empty, we say that \(\varPsi \) is an interpretation without parameters.

The following definition of a generalized quantifier is essentially due to Lindström [7].

Definition 2.2

Let K be a collection of structures of some fixed signature \(\tau \), which is closed under isomorphisms, i.e. if \(\mathbf {A} \in {K}\) and \(\mathbf {A} \cong \mathbf {B} \) then \(\mathbf {B} \in {K}\). With K we associate the quantifier \(Q_{K}\), which can be adjoined to first-order logic to form an extension \(\text {FO} (Q_{K})\), which is defined by closing \(\text {FO} \) under the following rule for building formulas:

If \(\varPsi =(\psi _1,\ldots ,\psi _k)\) is an interpretation from \(\tau \) to \(\tau '\) then \(Q_{K} \bar{x} \varPsi \) is a formula of \(\text {FO} (Q_{K})\) of signature \(\tau \) whose free variables are the parameters of \(\varPsi \).

The semantics of is given by the following rule: for a \(\tau \)-structure \(\mathbf {A} \) and a valuation \(\bar{a}\) for \(\bar{y}\),

$$(\mathbf {A},\bar{a})\models Q_{K} \bar{x} \varPsi \Longleftrightarrow \varPsi (\mathbf {A},\bar{a})\in {K}.$$

Where it causes no confusion, we write K both for the quantifier \(Q_K\) and the class of structures that defines it.

It should be noted that there are definitions of first-order interpretation in the literature that are more general than what we define. In particular, in our definition, the universe of the interpreted structure \(\varPsi \mathbf {A} \) is always the same as the universe of \(\mathbf {A} \). We do not allow relativization (which restricts the universe to a definable subset), quotienting (where the universe is obtained by taking the quotient of \(\mathbf {A} \) under a definable congruence) or vectorizations (where the universe of the interpreted structure is a set of tuples from \(\mathbf {A} \)). One reason for restricting ourselves in this way is that the simple notion is sufficient for our purpose. Another is that, while relativization and quotienting are harmless, \(\text {MSO} \) definability is not closed under vectorized interpretations. There are other general notions of interpretation that preserve \(\text {MSO} \) definability (such as the \(\text {MSO} \) transductions of Courcelle (see [2]), but we do not need this generality here.

With our definition, \(\text {MSO} \) definability is closed under first-order interpretations in the sense that if K is definable by an \(\text {MSO} \) sentence and \(\varPsi \) is an interpretation, then the class \(\{\mathbf {A} \mid \varPsi \mathbf {A} \in K\}\) is also \(\text {MSO} \)-definable. An immediate consequence is the following lemma, which we state for future reference.

Lemma 2.3

If K is definable by an \(\text {MSO} \) sentence, then every formula of \(\text {FO} (Q_K)\) is equivalent to a formula of \(\text {MSO} \).

3 Satisfiability Quantifier

The quantifier we define is based on a representation of the Boolean satisfiability problem as a class of relational structures. We first consider a classical representation due to Lovász and Gács [8], who showed that this class of structures is \(\textsf {NP} \)-complete under (vectorized) first-order interpretations.

Definition 3.1

Let \(\tau _{\textsf {SAT}}\) denote the vocabulary (VCPN) where V and C are unary relation symbols and P and N are binary relation symbols. We denote by \(\textsf {SAT} \) the class of \(\tau _{\textsf {SAT}}\)-structures \(\mathbf {A} \) in which:

  1. 1.

    \(V^{\mathbf {A}}\) and \(C^{\mathbf {A}}\) partition the universe A;

  2. 2.

    \(P^{\mathbf {A}}, N^{\mathbf {A}} \subseteq V^{\mathbf {A}} \times C^{\mathbf {A}}\).

  3. 3.

    there is a set \(S \subseteq V^{\mathbf {A}}\) such that for each \(c \in C^{\mathbf {A}}\) there is a \(v \in V^{\mathbf {A}}\) such that: either \(v \in S\) and P(vc) or \(v \not \in S\) and N(vc).

The idea is that a structure in \(\textsf {SAT} \) represents a propositional formula in CNF. V is the set of variables and C the set of clauses. P(vc) holds if the variable v appears positively in the clause c and N(vc) holds if v appears negatively in c. The third condition in the definition ensures that \(\mathbf {A} \in \textsf {SAT} \) only if it represents a satisfiable formula. It is immediate from the definition that \(\textsf {SAT} \) is definable by a sentence of \(\text {MSO} \), since each of the three conditions is easily expressed as an \(\text {MSO} \) formula.

While \(\textsf {SAT} \) is a natural quantifier, expressing a well-known problem, we find it convenient to consider a modification of it, which makes our proof considerably easier. Let \(\tau _{\textsf {qSAT}}\) be the vocabulary \(( Cl , Pos , Neg )\) where \( Cl \) is a binary relation and \( Pos \) and \( Neg \) are ternary relations. For a \(\tau _{\textsf {qSAT}}\)-structure \(\mathbf {A} = (A, Cl , Pos , Neg )\), write \(\mathrm {flat}(\mathbf {A})\) for the \(\tau _{\textsf {SAT}}\)-structure whose universe is \(A \uplus Cl \) (i.e. the disjoint union of A and \( Cl \)), which interprets the unary relations V and C by A and \( Cl \) respectively, where P is interpreted as the set of pairs (ac) such that if \(c = (a_1,a_2) \in Cl \), then \( Pos (a,a_1,a_2)\) holds and similarly N is interpreted as the set of pairs (ac) such that if \(c = (a_1,a_2) \in Cl \), then \( Neg (a,a_1,a_2)\) holds.

Definition 3.2

We define \(\textsf {qSAT} \) to be the class of \(\tau _{\textsf {qSAT}}\)-structures \(\mathbf {A} \) such that \(\mathrm {flat}(\mathbf {A}) \in \textsf {SAT} \).

In other words, while in the \(\tau _{\textsf {SAT}}\) representation of Boolean formulas, we explicitly have elements for each variable and clause, in the \(\tau _{\textsf {qSAT}}\) Representation, the universe consists just of the set of variables and the clauses are coded by pairs of variables. This limits us to Boolean formulas where the number of clauses is at most \(n^2\) (where n is the number of variables) but this suffices for our purpose. The reason for considering this more convoluted definition is that in defining an interpretation of \(\tau _{\textsf {SAT}}\) in a tree t, we are limited to constructing instances where the number of variables and clauses is at most the number of nodes in the tree. On the other hand, in interpreting \(\tau _{\textsf {qSAT}}\), we can effectively construct instances of quadratic size. This simplifies our argument.

Again, it is quite easy to see that the class of structures \(\textsf {qSAT} \) is definable in \(\text {MSO} \). Indeed, the definition is obtained as a conjunction of the wellformedness condition:

$$\forall x,y,z ( Pos (x,y,z) \vee Neg (x,y,z)) \Rightarrow Cl (y,z)$$

with the satisfiability condition:

$$\exists S \forall x,y ( Cl (x,y) \Rightarrow \exists s (S(s) \wedge Pos (s,x,y)) \vee (\lnot S(s) \wedge Neg (s,x,y))).$$

Thus, by Lemma 2.3 we immediately have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3

Every formula of \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) is equivalent to a formula of \(\text {MSO} \).

Note that this holds in general, not just on trees.

4 Capturing MSO

In this section, we begin by showing that \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) has the same expressive power as \(\text {MSO} \) on binary trees. Lemma 3.3 established one direction of this equivalence. For the other, we aim to show that for any \(\text {MSO} \) sentence \(\phi \), the class of binary trees t such that \(t \models \phi \) is reducible, by a first-order interpretation, to the class \(\textsf {qSAT} \). The basic idea of the construction is similar to the proof that any \(\text {MSO} \) sentence is equivalent, on the class of binary trees, to an existential \(\text {MSO} \) sentence with exactly one second-order quantifier (see [11]).

Fix an \(\text {MSO} \) sentence \(\phi \) and let \(A=(Q,q_1,F,\delta )\) be a tree automaton accepting the set of trees \(\{t \mid t \models \phi \}\). Without loss of generality we assume that A is complete: that is, for any state q and any \(\sigma \in \varSigma \), there are states s and t with \((q,\sigma ,s,t) \in \delta \). Also, we assume \(Q = \{q_1,\ldots ,q_k\}\) with \(q_1\) being the initial state.

Let t be a tree and let \(\rho \) be a run of A on t. Let \(S_\rho \) be the set of nodes defined inductively as follows. The root of t is in \(S_\rho \). If x is a node of t with x in \(S_\rho \) and \(\rho (x)=q_i\) then all descendants of x at distance i are in \(S_\rho \). No other nodes are in \(S_\rho \).

Now, given a binary tree \(t = (T, \lambda )\) and a set \(S \subseteq T\), we can say that \(S = S_{\rho }\) for some accepting run \(\rho \) of A if, and only if, the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. 1.

    The root is in S. The left and right successors of the root are in S.

  2. 2.

    For any node x in S, other than root, there is an ancestor of x at distance less than k from x that is in S. We call the ancestor of x that is closest to x and in S the S-predecessor of x.

  3. 3.

    If x is in S and y, the S-predecessor of x, is at distance i from x then all descendants of y at distance i are in S and no descendant of y at distance less than i is in S. In this case we say that y is an i-node.

  4. 4.

    For every i-node x in S, if \(y_1,\ldots ,y_n\) are the descendants of x at distance i from x then there is a run of A starting in x in state \(q_i\) and reaching \(y_j\) in state \(q_{\alpha _j}\) such that for all \(j\le n\):

    1. (a)

      if the subtree of t rooted at \(y_j\) has depth less than \(\alpha _j\) then there is an accepting run of A starting from \(y_j\) in state \(q_{\alpha _j}\); and

    2. (b)

      if the subtree rooted at \(y_j\) has depth at least \(\alpha _j\) then \(y_j\) is a \(\alpha _j\)-node.

    Moreover, if y is a leaf of t at distance less than i from x then the run reaches an accepting state in y.

Note that each of the conditions above can be expressed by a first-order formula with a unary relation for S. This is because each of the conditions is only about the local neighbourhood (to distance at most k) of a node x. This shows, in particular, that the class of trees accepted by A is defined by a formula \(\exists S \theta \) where \(\theta \) is first-order. Our aim here is slightly different. We want to use this construction to obtain from a tree t, a propositional formula \(\theta _t\) which is satisfiable if, and only if, there is an accepting run of A on t. The variables of \(\theta _t\) are exactly the nodes T so any subset S of T determines a truth assignment to the variables making the variables in S true and all other variables false. Then, each of the conditions above translates into a set of clauses on the variables T. We now show that this translation can be achieved by means of a first-order interpretation.

Lemma 4.1

For any tree automaton A, there is a first-order interpretation \(\varTheta \) such that for any binary tree t, \(\varTheta t \in \textsf {qSAT} \) if, and only if, A accepts t.


The instance \(\varTheta t\) of \(\textsf {qSAT} \) that we construct has as its universe (and therefore the set of variables), the nodes T of t. The clauses are indexed, as required by the definition of \(\textsf {qSAT} \), by pairs of variables. The number of clauses is bounded by c|T| for some constant c (depending on A) and we find it convenient to index the clauses by pairs \((x,y) \in T^2\) where y is an ancestor of x at distance at most c. The distance of y from x effectively serves as an integer index. For any positive integer i, we write \(y = \text {anc}_i(x)\) to denote that y is the ancestor of x at distance i. Note that for fixed i this is expressible as a first-order formula with free variables x and y. We also fix an injective mapping of tuples of natural numbers as natural numbers and write, for instance, \(\langle l,m,n \rangle \) for the number that codes the triple (lmn).

To represent condition 1, for each \(x \in \{\varepsilon ,0,1\}\) we have a clause indexed by (xx) which is just x (i.e. a single positive occurrence of the variable x).

To represent condition 2 we have, for each node x that is not in \(\{\varepsilon ,0,1\}\), a clause indexed by (xx) that is \(x \rightarrow (y_1 \vee \cdots y_k)\) where \(y_i = \text {anc}_i(x)\).

To represent condition 3 for any node x, and any i with \(1\le i \le k\), let \(w_1,\ldots ,w_l\) be the descendants of x at distance exactly i from x and \(z_1,\ldots ,z_m\) be the descendants of x at distance less than i from x. Note that \(l,m \le 2^k\). Then, for each such i, and each j and \(j'\) with \(1 \le j,j' \le l\) we have the clause \(x \wedge w_j \rightarrow w_{j'}\), indexed by (xy) for \(y = \text {anc}_{\langle 1,i,j,j' \rangle }(x)\). Also for each j and \(j'\) with \(1 \le j \le l\) and \(1\le j' \le m\) we have the clause \(x \wedge w_j \rightarrow \lnot z_{j'}\), indexed by (xy) for \(y = \text {anc}_{\langle 2,i,j,j' \rangle }(x)\).

To represent condition 4, for each node x and each \(1\le i \le k\), let z be the lexicographically smallest descendant of x at distance i if there is one and let \(w_1,\ldots ,w_n\) enumerate all the descendants of x at distance i. Consider any run \(\rho \) of the automaton A on the subtree rooted at x starting in state \(q_i\), and let \(\rho (w_j) = q_l\). We write \(\alpha _{\rho ,w_j}\) for the propositional formula that is:

  • true if \(w_j\) has no descendants at distance l and there is a run of A starting in \(q_l\) on the subtree rooted at \(w_j\) which ends in a final state on all leaves; and

  • \(z'\), where \(z'\) is a descendant of \(w_j\) at distance l from \(w_j\) otherwise.

We now construct the propositional formula:

$$\begin{aligned} x \wedge z \rightarrow \bigvee _\rho \bigwedge _w \alpha _{\rho ,w} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\rho \) ranges over all partial runs of A on the subtree rooted at x starting in state \(q_i\), and up to depth i such that for any descendant u of x that is at distance less than i from x and is a leaf \(\rho (u) \in F\); and w ranges over \(\{w_1,\ldots ,w_n\}\).

Let \(d_1,\ldots ,d_r\) be the clauses when the formula (1) is converted to CNF. Note that r is bounded by a function of k. Then, we include the clause \(d_l\) indexed by the pair (xy) where \(y = \text {anc}_{\langle i,l \rangle }(x)\).

Note that in the above, clauses are indexed by pairs (xy) with y an ancestor of x at distance at most c, where c is a function of k. The interpretation \(\varTheta \) takes the tree t to an instance \((T, Cl , Pos , Neg )\) of \(\textsf {qSAT} \) where \( Cl \) is the set of indices defined above. It is easy to see that \( Cl \) is definable by a first-order formula because the distance between x and y is bounded. The only variables that appear in a clause indexed by (xy) are at distance at most 2k from x. Since the number of such nodes is bounded (by a function of k) and a total order on this set is definable in first-order logic, any relation on these is first-order definable. Moreover, whether or not a variable is included in the clause and if so, positively or negatively also depends only on the neighbourhood of x to a bounded distance. In particular, this means that the relations \( Pos \) and \( Neg \) are easily defined by first-order formulas. The construction above really defines clauses only for nodes x that are far enough away from the root. In particular, if x is at distance less than c from the root, it may not have enough ancestors to code the number of clauses required. However, there are only a bounded number of such nodes and we can deal with them exhaustively inside a first-order formula.

It is easily checked that the instance of \(\textsf {qSAT} \) so defined is satisfiable if, and only if, t is accepted by A.

Theorem 4.2

\(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) has the same expressive power as \(\text {MSO} \) on binary trees.


Immediate from Lemmas 3.3 and 4.1.

It should be noted that the interpretation constructed in the proof of Lemma 4.1 is one without parameters. Thus, the proof also establishes a normal form for the logic \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) on binary trees, in which each formula is of the form \(\textsf {qSAT} \varPsi \) for a first-order interpretation \(\varPsi \).

5 Unranked Trees

In this section, we sketch an argument to show that, even on unranked trees, the expressive power of \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) is the same as that of \(\text {MSO} \). One direction of this is immediate by Lemma 3.3. For the other direction, we reduce the question to that of binary trees through the standard encoding of unranked trees as binary trees (see, for instance, [6]). Below, we describe the encoding and briefly sketch the reduction.

We define a partial binary tree \(t = (T,\lambda )\) where \(T \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\) is a finite prefix-closed set of strings and \(\lambda : T \rightarrow \varSigma \) is a labelling function. In other words, we do not require that every node has either 0 or 2 successors—a node may also have just a left or just a right successor. We treat such trees, in the natural way, as structures over the signature \(\varSigma \cup \{\mathrm {lsucc},\mathrm {rsucc} \}\).

For an unranked tree \(t = (T,\lambda )\) its binary encoding is the unique partial binary tree \(s = (S,\mu )\) for which there is a bijection \(h: T \rightarrow S\) such that for any \(x, y \in T\): if y is the \(\prec \)-first successor of x then h(y) is the left successor of h(x); and if y is the \(\prec \)-successor of x then h(y) is the right successor of x.

Now, it is easily seen that there is an \(\text {MSO} \) interpretation that takes a structure \(\mathbf {A} \) that is the binary encoding of an unranked tree t to a structure isomorphic to t. Indeed, we can define the \(x \prec y\) as the transitive closure of \(\mathrm {rsucc} ^{\mathbf {A}}\) and \(\mathrm {succ} (x,y)\) by \(\exists z \mathrm {lsucc} (x,z) \wedge (z=y \vee z \prec y)\). Both of these are \(\text {MSO} \) definable. This immediately gives us a translation of \(\text {MSO} \) formulas on unranked trees into corresponding formulas on their binary encodings as stated in the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1

For any \(\text {MSO} \) formula \(\phi \) there is an \(\text {MSO} \) formula \(\psi \) such that an unranked t satisfies \(\phi \) if, and only if, its binary encoding satisfies \(\psi \).

We next define the completion of a partial binary tree \(t = (T,\lambda )\) as the binary tree over the alphabet \(\varSigma \cup \{\bot \}\) over the set of strings \(T'\) which is the minimal set that includes T and also includes x0 iff it includes x1, for any \(x \in \{0,1\}^{*}\) and such that the label of any \(x \in T\) is \(\lambda (x)\), while the label of any \(x \not \in T\) is \(\bot \). While it is not possible to construct an interpretation (in the sense we have defined it) from partial binary trees to their completions because the universes of the structures are different, it is still possible to translate \(\text {MSO} \) formulas. More specifically, the standard translation of \(\text {MSO} \) formulas on binary trees to automata easily yields, for any \(\text {MSO} \) sentence \(\phi \) a tree automaton A such that \(\phi \) is satisfied on a partial binary tree t if, and only if, A accepts the completion of t. It is then an easy exercise to modify the construction in the proof of Lemma 4.1 to obtain, from A an interpretation that takes the partial binary tree t to an instance of \(\textsf {qSAT} \) that is satisfiable if, and only if, A accepts the completion of t.

Finally, we note that there is an \(\text {FO} \) interpretation that takes an unranked tree t and yields (a structure isomorphic to) the binary encoding of t. This is obtained by defining \(\mathrm {lsucc} (x,y)\) by the formula \(\mathrm {succ} (x,y) \wedge \forall z \lnot z \prec x\) and \(\mathrm {rsucc} (x,y)\) by \(x \prec y \wedge \forall z (y \prec z \Rightarrow (z=y \vee y\prec z))\). This means that for any \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) formula \(\phi \) there is an \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) formula \(\psi \) such that \(\psi \) is satisfied in an unranked tree t if, and only if, \(\phi \) is satisfied in the binary encoding of t. This completes the cycle of translations and establishes the following.

Theorem 5.2

\(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) has the same expressive power as \(\text {MSO} \) on unranked trees.


One direction is immediate from Lemma 3.3. In the other direction, if we have a sentence \(\phi \) of \(\text {MSO} \), this translates to a sentence of \(\text {MSO} \) interpreted on the binary encodings of unranked trees. In turn, this can be turned into an automaton on the completion of the binary encoding, whose acceptance condition is expressed as a \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) sentence on binary encodings. This then translates into an \(\text {FO} (\textsf {qSAT})\) sentence on unranked trees.

6 Conclusion

We have shown that we can construct a single Lindström quantifier Q such that adding it to first-order logic yields a logic that is able to express all regular tree languages (on either binary or unranked trees). There is one sense in which this is a completeness result. It shows that all regular tree languages can be reduced to Q by rather simple first-order reductions, without vectorizations—reductions which \(\text {MSO} \) is closed under—and at the same time Q is itself definable in \(\text {MSO} \). What prevents us from saying that Q is complete for regular tree languages under simple first-order reductions is that Q is not itself a tree language. It might be interesting to find a quantifier that is a tree language that has this property. In other words, is there a tree language that is \(\text {MSO} \)-complete under simple first-order reductions? One may also ask if similar results hold for natural classes of structures other than trees.

Our quantifier \(\textsf {qSAT} \) is a variation of a natural quantifier coding the satisfiability of CNF formulas. As we noted, \(\textsf {SAT} \) is perhaps a more natural quantifier coding this problem. Our reasons for using \(\textsf {qSAT} \) instead of \(\textsf {SAT} \) were technical: the number of clauses in the CNF formulas we construct is potentially greater than (though by no more than a constant factor) the number of nodes in the tree. Perhaps a more sophisticated construction could circumvent this and show that even the quantifier \(\textsf {SAT} \) has the property we formulated. It should be noted that \(\textsf {qSAT} \) is reducible to \(\textsf {SAT} \) by a vectorized first-order reduction, indeed one of dimension 2. If this could be achieved by a simple reduction instead, it would indeed establish that \(\text {FO} (\textsf {SAT})\) was as expressive as \(\text {MSO} \) on trees.

Finally, it is interesting to ask if a similar result holds for the full infinite binary tree. That is, is there a quantifier Q so that \(\text {FO} (Q)\) has the same expressive power as \(\text {MSO} \). In this case, the expressive power of \(\text {MSO} \) is strictly greater than that of weak \(\text {MSO} \), where set quantification is restricted to finite sets. It seems plausible that one could show that at least the expressive power of weak \(\text {MSO} \) is captured by a single quantifier.