
1 Introduction

Comparison of two given strings (sequences) has been a central task in Theoretical Computer Science, since it has many applications including alignments of biological sequences, spelling corrections, and similarity searches.

One of the most fundamental method for comparing two given strings A and B is the longest common subsequence LCS, where the task is to find (the length of) a common subsequence L that can be obtained by removing zero or more characters from both A and B, and no such common subsequence longer than L exists. A classical dynamic programming (DP) algorithm is able to compute an LCS of A and B in quadratic \(O(n^2)\) time with \(O(n^2)\) working space, where n is the length of the input strings [12]. In the word RAM model with \(\omega \) machine word size, the so-called “Four-Russian” method allows one to compute the length of an LCS of two given strings in \(O(n^2 / k + n)\) time, for any \(k \le \omega \), in the case of constant-size alphabets [9]. Under a common assumption that \(\omega = \log _2 n\), this method leads to weakly sub-quadratic \(O(n^2 / \log ^2 n)\) time solution for constant alphabets. In the case of general alphabets, the state-of-the-art algorithm computes the length of an LCS in \(O(n^2 \log ^2 k / k^2 + n)\) time [2], which is weakly sub-quadratic \(O(n^2 (\log \log n)^2 / \log ^2 n)\) time for \(k \le \omega = \log _2 n\). It is widely believed that such “log-shaving” improvements would be the best possible one can hope, since an \(O(n^{2-\epsilon })\)-time LCS computation for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\) refutes the famous strong exponential time hypothesis (SETH) [1].

Recall however that this conditional lower-bound under the SETH does not enforce us to use (strongly) quadratic space in LCS computation. Indeed, a simple modification to the DP method permits us to compute the length of an LCS in \(O(n^2)\) time with O(n) working space. There also exists an algorithm that computes an LCS string in \(O(n^2)\) time with only O(n) working space [6]. The aforementioned log-shaving methods [2, 9] use only \(O(2^k + n)\) space, which is O(n) for \(k \le \omega = \log _2 n\).

In this paper, we follow a line of research called the Constrained LCS problems, in which a pattern P that represents a-priori knowledge of a user is given as a third input, and the task is to compute the longest common subsequence of A and B that meets the condition w.r.t. P [3,4,5, 7, 8, 11]. The variant we consider here is the STR-IC-LCS problem of computing a longest string Z which satisfies that (1) Z includes P as a substring and (2) Z is a common subsequence of A and B. We present a space-efficient algorithm for the STR-IC-LCS problem in \(O(n^2)\) time with \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) working space, where \(\ell = \textsf{lcs}(A,B)\) denotes the length of an LCS of A and B. Our solution improves on the state-of-the-art STR-IC-LCS algorithm of Deorowicz [5] that uses \(\varTheta (n^2)\) time and \(\varTheta (n^2)\) working space, since \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1)) \subseteq O(n^2)\) always holds. Our method requires only sub-quadratic \(o(n^2)\) space whenever \(\ell = o(n)\). In particular, when \(\ell = O(1)\) or \(n-\ell = O(1)\), which can happen when we compare very different strings or very similar strings, respectively, then our algorithm uses only linear O(n) space.

Our method is built on a non-trivial extension of the LCS computation algorithm by Nakatsu et al. [10] that runs in \(O(n(n-\ell +1))\) time with \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) working space. We remark that the \(O(n^{2-\epsilon })\)-time conditional lower-bound for LCS also applies to our case since STR-IC-LCS with the pattern P being the empty string is equal to LCS, and thus, our solution is almost time optimal (except for log-shaving, which is left for future work).

Related Work. There exists four variants of the Constrained LCS problems, STR-IC-LCS/SEQ-IC-LCS/STR-EC-LCS/SEQ-EC-LCS, each of which is to compute a longest string Z such that (1) Z includes/excludes the constraint pattern P as a substring/subsequence and (2) Z is a common subsequence of the two target strings A and B [3,4,5, 7, 8, 11]. Yamada et al. [13] proposed an \(O(n\sigma + (\ell '+1)(n-\ell '+1)r)\)-time and space algorithm for the STR-EC-LCS problem, which is also based on the method by Nakatsu et al. [10], where \(\sigma \) is the alphabet size, \(\ell '\) is the length of an STR-EC-LCS and r is the length of P. However, the design of our solution to STR-IC-LCS is quite different from that of Yamada et al.’s solution to STR-EC-LCS.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Strings

Let \(\varSigma \) be an alphabet. An element of \(\varSigma ^*\) is called a string. The length of a string S is denoted by |S|. The empty string \(\varepsilon \) is a string of length 0. For a string \(S = uvw\), u, v and w are called a prefix, substring, and suffix of S, respectively.

The i-th character of a string S is denoted by S[i], where \(1 \le i \le |S|\). For a string S and two integers \(1 \le i \le j \le |S|\), let S[i..j] denote the substring of S that begins at position i and ends at position j, namely, \(S[i..j] = S[i] \cdots S[j]\). For convenience, let \(S[i..j] = \varepsilon \) when \(i > j\). \(S^R\) denotes the reversed string of S, i.e., \(S^R = S[|S|] \cdots S[1]\). A non-empty string Z is called a subsequence of another string S if there exist increasing positions \(1 \le i_1< \cdots < i_{|Z|} \le |S|\) in S such that \(Z = S[i_1] \cdots S[i_{|Z|}]\). The empty string \(\varepsilon \) is a subsequence of any string. A string that is a subsequence of two strings A and B is called a common subsequence of A and B.


Let AB, and P be strings. A string Z is said to be an STR-IC-LCS of two target strings A and B including the pattern P if Z is a longest string such that (1) P is a substring of Z and (2) Z is a common subsequence of A and B.

For ease of exposition, we assume that \(n = |A| = |B|\), but our algorithm to follow can deal with the general case where \(|A| \ne |B|\). We can also assume that \(|P| \le n\), since otherwise there clearly is no solution. In this paper, we present a space-efficient algorithm that computes an STR-IC-LCS in \(O(n^2)\) time and \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) space, where \(\ell = \textsf{lcs}(A, B)\) is the longest common subsequence length of A and B. In case where there is no solution, we use a convention that \(Z = \bot \) and its length \(|\bot |\) is \(-1\). We remark that \(\ell \ge |Z|\) always holds.

3 Space-efficient Solution for STR-IC-LCS Problem

In this section, we propose a space-efficient solution for the STR-IC-LCS problem.

Problem 1

(STR-IC-LCS problem). For any given strings AB of length n and P, compute an STR-IC-LCS of AB, and P.

Theorem 1

The STR-IC-LCS problem can be solved in \(O(n^2)\) time and \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) space where \(\ell \) is the length of LCS of A and B.

In Sect. 3.1, we explain an overview of our algorithm. In Sect. 3.2, we show a central technique for our space-efficient solution and Sect. 3.3 concludes with the detailed algorithm.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Let \(A = \texttt{bcdababcb}\), \(B = \texttt{cbacbaaba}\), and \(P = \texttt{abb}\). The length of an STR-IC-LCS of these strings is 6. One of such strings can be obtained by minimal intervals [4..7] over A and [6..8] over B because \(\textsf{lcs}(\texttt{bca},\texttt{cbacb}) = 2\), \(|P| = 3\), and \(\textsf{lcs}(\texttt{cb},\texttt{c}) = 1\).

3.1 Overview of Our Solution

Our algorithm uses an algorithm for the STR-IC-LCS problem which was proposed by Deorowicz [5]. Firstly, we explain an outline of the algorithm. Let \(I_A\) be the set of minimal intervals over A which have P as a subsequence. Remark that \(I_A\) is linear-size since each interval cannot contain any other intervals. There exists a pair of minimal intervals \([\textsf{b}_A, \textsf{e}_A]\) over A and \([\textsf{b}_B, \textsf{e}_B]\) over B such that the length of an STR-IC-LCS is equal to the sum of the three values \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..\textsf{b}_A-1], B[1..\textsf{b}_B-1])\), |P|, and \(\textsf{lcs}(A[\textsf{e}_A+1..n], B[\textsf{e}_B+1..n])\) (see also Fig. 1 for an example). First, the algorithm computes \(I_A\) and \(I_B\) and computes the sum of three values for any pair of intervals. If we have an LCS table d of size \(n \times n\) such that d(ij) stores \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i], B[1..j])\) for any integers \(i, j \in [1..n]\), we can check any LCS value between prefixes of A and B in constant time. It is known that this table can be computed in \(O(n^2)\) time by using a simple dynamic programming. Since the LCS tables for prefixes and suffixes requires \(O(n^2)\) space, the algorithm also requires \(O(n^2)\) space.

Our algorithm uses a space-efficient LCS table by Nakatsu et al. [10] instead of the table d for computing LCSs of prefixes (suffixes) of A and B. The algorithm by Nakatsu et al. also computes a table by dynamic programming, but the table does not gives \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i], B[1..j])\) for several pairs (ij). In the next part, we show a way to resolve this problem.

3.2 Space-efficient Prefix LCS

First, we explain a dynamic programming solution by Nakatsu et al. for computing an LCS of given strings A and B. We give a slightly modified description in order to describe our algorithm. For any integers \(i, s \in [1..n]\), let \(f_{A}(s, i)\) be the length of the shortest prefix \(B[1..f_{A}(s, i)]\) of B such that the length of the longest common subsequence of A[1..i] and \(B[1..f_{A}(s, i)]\) is s. For convenience, \(f_{A}(s, i) = \infty \) if no such prefix exists. The values \(f_{A}(s, i)\) will be computed using dynamic programming as follows:

$$ f_{A}(s, i) = \min \{f_{A}(s,i-1), j_{s, i}\}, $$

where \(j_{s,i}\) is the index of the leftmost occurrence of A[i] in \(B[f_A(s-1,i-1)+1..n]\). Let \(s'\) be the largest value such that \(f_{A}(s', i) < \infty \) for some i, i.e., the \(s'\)-th row is the lowest row which has an integer value in the table \(f_A\). We can see that the length of the longest common subsequence of A and B is \(s'\) (i.e., \(\ell = \textsf{lcs}(A, B) = s'\)). See Fig. 2 for an instance of \(f_A\). Due to the algorithm, we do not need to compute all the values in the table \(f_A\) for obtaining the length of an LCS. Let \(F_A\) be the sub-table of \(f_A\) such that \(F_A(s, i)\) stores a value \(f_A(s, i)\) if \(f_A(s, i)\) is computed in the algorithm of Nakatsu et al. Intuitively, \(F_A\) stores the first \(n-l+1\) diagonals of length at most l. Let \(\langle i \rangle \) be the set of pairs in the i-th diagonal line (\(1 \le i \le n\)) of the table \(f_A\):

$$ \langle i \rangle = \{ (s, i+s-1) \mid 1 \le s \le n-i+1 \}. $$

Formally, \(F_A(s, i) = \textsf{undefined}\) if

  1. 1.


  2. 2.

    \((s, i) \in \langle j \rangle ~(j > n-\ell +1)\), or

  3. 3.

    \(F_A(s-1, i-1) = \infty \) or \(\textsf{undefined}\).

Any other \(F_A(s, i)\) stores the value \(f_A(s, i)\). Since the lowest row number of each diagonal line \(\langle j \rangle ~(j > n-\ell +1)\) is less than \(\ell \), we do not need to compute values which is described by the second item. Actually, we do not need to compute the values in \(\langle n-\ell +1 \rangle \) for computing the LCS since the maximum row number in the last diagonal line is also \(\ell \). However, we need the values on the last line in our algorithm. Hence the table \(F_A\) uses \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) space (subtable which need to compute is parallelogram-shaped of height \(\ell \) and base \(n-\ell \)). See Fig. 3 for an instance of \(F_A\).

Now we describe a main part of our algorithm. Recall that a basic idea is to compute \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i], B[1..j])\) from \(F_A\). If we have all the values on the table \(f_A\), we can check the length \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i], B[1..j])\) as follows.

Observation 1

The length of an LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] for any \(i, j \in [1..n]\) is the largest s such that \(f_A(s, i) \le j\). If no such s exists, A[1..i] and B[1..j] have no common subsequence of length s.

However, \(F_A\) does not store several integer values w.r.t. the second condition of \(\textsf{undefined}\) for some i and j. See also Fig. 3 for an example of the fact. In this example, we can see that \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..7], B[1..4]) = f_A(3, 7) = 3\) from the table \(f_A\), but \(F_A(3, 7) = \textsf{undefined}\) in \(F_A\). In order to resolve this problem, we also define \(F_B\) (and \(f_B\)). Formally, for any integers \(j, s \in [1..n]\), let \(f_{B}(s, j)\) be the length of the shortest prefix \(A[1..f_{B}(s, j)]\) of A such that the length of the longest common subsequence of B[1..j] and \(A[1..f_{B}(s, j)]\) is s. Our algorithm accesses the length of an LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] for any given i and j by using two tables \(F_A\) and \(F_B\). The following lemma shows a key property for the solution.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The LCS-table \(f_A\) which is defined by Nakatsu et al. of \(A = \texttt{bcdababcb}\). This figure also illustrates the table \(f_B\) of \(B = \texttt{cbacbaaba}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A sparse table \(F_A\) of \(f_A\) for \(A = \texttt{bcdababcb}\) and \(B = \texttt{cbacbaaba}\) does not give \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i], B[1..j])\) for some (ij).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Due to Observation 1, \(f_A(3,7)\) gives the fact that \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..7],B[1..4]) = 3\). However, \(F_A(3,7) = \textsf{undefined}\). Then we can obtain the fact that \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..7],B[1..4]) = 3\) by using \(F_B\). Namely, \(F_B(3,4)\) gives the LCS value.

Lemma 1

Let s be the length of an LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j]. If \(F_A(s, i) = \textsf{undefined}\) then \(F_B(s, j) \ne \textsf{undefined}\).

This lemma implies that the length of an LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] can be obtained if we have the two sparse tables (see also Fig. 4). Before we prove this lemma, we show the following property. Let \(U_{F_A}\) be the set of pairs (si) of integers such that \(F_B(s, j) \ne \textsf{undefined}\) where \(F_A(s, i) = j\).

Lemma 2

For any \(1 \le s \le \textsf{lcs}(A, B)\), there exists i such that \((s, i) \in U_{F_A}\).


Let \(\ell = \textsf{lcs}(A,B)\) and \(A[i_1] \cdots A[i_{\ell }]\) be an LCS of A and B which can be obtained by backtracking over \(F_A\). Suppose that \(F_B(s, F_A(s, i_s)) = \textsf{undefined}\) for some \(s \in [1..\ell ]\). Since \(F_A(1,i_1)< \ldots < F_A(\ell ,i_{\ell })\), \(F_B(s', F_A(s', i_{s'})) = \textsf{undefined}\) for any \(s' \in [s..\ell ]\). However, \(F_B(\ell ,F_A(\ell ,i_{\ell }))\) is not \(\textsf{undefined}\). Therefore, \(F_B(s, F_A(s, i_s)) \ne \textsf{undefined}\) for any \(s \in [1..\ell ]\). This implies that the statement holds.    \(\square \)

Now we are ready to prove Lemma 1 as follows.

Proof (of Lemma 1)

Let \(\ell = \textsf{lcs}(A,B)\) and \(X = A[i_1] \cdots A[i_{\ell }]\) be an LCS of A and B which can be obtained by \(F_A\). \(j_1, \ldots , j_{\ell }\) denotes the sequence of positions over B where \(F_A(k,i_k) = j_k\) for any \(k \in [1..\ell ]\). Assume that \(F_A(s,i) = \textsf{undefined}\). Let m be the largest integer such that \(i_{s+m} \le i\) holds. If no such m exists, namely \(i < i_1\), the statement holds since \(F_A(s,i) \ne \textsf{undefined}\). Due to Lemma 1, \(F_A(s+m,i) > j\). Thus \(j < j_{s+m}\) holds. On the other hand, we consider the table \(F_B\) (and \(f_B\)). Let \(i' = f_B(s,j)\) and \(i'' = f_B(s+m,j)\). Due to Lemma 1, \(i' \le i < i''\) holds. From Lemma 2, \(F_B(s+m,j_{s+m}) \ne \textsf{undefined}\). This implies that \(F_B(s+m,j)~(= i'')\) is not \(\textsf{undefined}\). By the definition of X, \(j_{s+m}-j \ge m-1\). Notice that (sj) is in \((j-s+1)\)-th diagonal line. These facts imply that \(F_B(s,j) \ne \textsf{undefined}\). See also Fig. 5 for an illustration.    \(\square \)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

This figure shows an illustration for the proof of Lemma 1. The length s of an LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] cannot be obtained over \(F_A\) because \(F_A(i,s) = \textsf{undefined}\) (the highlighted cell). However, the length can be obtained by \(F_B(s,j)\) over \(F_B\). The existence of \(F_B(s+m,j_{s+m})\) from an LCS path guarantees the fact that \(F_B(s,j) \ne \textsf{undefined}\).

3.3 Algorithm

First, our algorithm computes sets of minimal intervals \(I_A\) and \(I_B\) (similar to the algorithm by Deorowicz [5]). Second, compute the tables \(F_A\) and \(F_B\) for computing LCSs of prefixes, and the tables \(F_{A^R}\) and \(F_{B^R}\) for computing LCSs of suffixes (similar to the algorithm by Nakatsu et al. [10]). Third, for any pairs of intervals in \(I_A\) and \(I_B\), compute the length of an LCS of corresponding prefixes/suffixes and obtain a candidate of the length of an STR-IC-LCS. As stated above, the first and the second steps are similar to the previous work. Here, we describe a way to compute the length of an LCS of prefixes on \(F_A\) and \(F_B\) in the third step. We can also compute the length of an LCS of suffixes on \(F_{A^R}\) and \(F_{B^R}\) by using a similar way.

We assume that \(I_A\) and \(I_B\) are sorted in increasing order of the beginning positions. Let \([\textsf{b}_A(x)..\textsf{e}_A(x)]\) and \([\textsf{b}_B(y)..\textsf{e}_B(y)]\) be a x-th interval in \(I_A\) and a y-th interval in \(I_B\), respectively. We process \(O(n^2)\)-queries in increasing order of the beginning position of the intervals in \(I_A\). For each interval \([\textsf{b}_A(x)..\textsf{e}_A(x)]\) in \(I_A\), we want to obtain the length of an LCS of \(A[1..\textsf{b}_A(x)-1]\) and \(B[1..\textsf{b}_B(1)-1]\). For convenience, let \(i_x = \textsf{b}_A(x)-1\) and \(j_y = \textsf{b}_B(y)-1\). In the rest of this section, we use a pair (xy) of integers to denote a prefix-LCS query (computing \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..i_y])\)). We will find the LCS by using Observation 1. Here, we describe how to compute prefix-LCS queries \((i_x,j_1), \ldots , (i_x,j_{|I_B|})\) in this order for a fixed \(i_x\).

Lemma 3

All required prefix-LCS values for an interval \([\textsf{b}_A(x)..\textsf{e}_A(x)]\) in \(I_A\) and all intervals in \(I_B\) can be computed in O(n) time.


There exist two cases for each \(i_x\). Formally, (1) \(F_A[i_x,1] \ne \textsf{undefined}\) or (2) \(F_A[i_x,1] = \textsf{undefined}\).

In the first case, we scan the \(i_x\)-th column of \(F_A\) from the top to the bottom in order to find the maximum value which is less than or equal to \(j_1\). If such a value exists in the column, then the row number \(s_1\) is the length of an LCS. After that, we are given the next prefix-LCS query \((i_x,j_2)\). It is easy to see that \(s_0 = \textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..j_1]) \le \textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..j_2])\) since \(j_1 < j_2\). This implies that the next LCS value is equal to \(s_0\) or that is placed in a lower row in the column. This means that we can start to scan the column from the \(s_0\)-th row. Thus we can answer all prefix-LCSs for a fixed \(i_x\) in O(n) time (that is linear in the size of \(I_B\)).

In the second case, we start to scan the column from the top \(F_A[i_x,i_x-n-\ell +1]\) (the first \(i_x-n-\ell \) rows are \(\textsf{undefined}\)). If \(F_A[i_x,i_x-n-\ell +1] \le j_1\), then the length of an LCS for the first query \((i_x,j_1)\) can be found in the table (similar to the first case) and any other queries \((i_x,j_2), \ldots , (i_x,j_{|I_B|})\) can be also answered in the similar way. Otherwise (if \(F_A[i_x,i_x-n-\ell +1] > j_1\)), the length which we want may be in the “undefined” domain. Then we use the other table \(F_B\). We scan the \(j_1\)-th column in \(F_B\) from the top to the bottom in order to find the maximum value which is less than or equal to \(i_x\). By Lemma 1, such a value must exist in the column (if \(\textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..j_1])>0\) holds) and the row number \(s'\) is the length of an LCS. After that, we are given the next query \((i_x,j_2)\). If \(F_A[i_x,i_x-n-\ell +1] \le j_2\), then the length can be found in the table (similar to the first case). Otherwise (if \(F_A[i_x,i_x-n-\ell +1] > j_2\)), the length must be also in the “undefined” domain. Since such a value must exist in the \(j_2\)-th column in \(F_B\) by Lemma 1, we scan the column in \(F_B\). It is easy to see that \(s' = \textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..j_1]) \le \textsf{lcs}(A[1..i_x],B[1..j_2])\). This implies that the length of an LCS that we want to find is in lower row. Thus it is enough to scan the \(j_2\)-th column from the \(s'\)-th row to the bottom. Then we can answer the second query \((i_x,j_2)\). Hence we can compute all LCSs for a fixed \(i_x\) in \(O(n + \ell )\) time (that is linear in the size of \(I_B\) or the number of rows in the table \(F_B\)).

Therefore we can compute all prefix-LCSs for each interval in \(I_A\) in O(n) time (since \(n \ge \ell \)).    \(\square \)

On the other hand, we can compute all required suffix-LCS values with computing prefix-LCS values. We want a suffix-LCS value of \(A[\textsf{e}_A(x)+1..n]\) and \(B[\textsf{e}_B(y)+1..n]~(1 \le y \le |I_B|)\) when we compute the length of an LCS of \(A[1..\textsf{b}_A(x)-1]\) and \(B[1..\textsf{b}_B(y)-1]\). Recall that we process all intervals of \(I_B\) in increasing order of the beginning positions when computing prefix-LCS values with a fixed interval of \(I_A\). This means that we need to process all intervals of \(I_B\) in “decreasing order” when computing suffix-LCS values with a fixed interval of \(I_A\). We can do that by using an almost similar way on \(F_{A^R}\) and \(F_{B^R}\). The most significant difference is that we scan the \(|A[\textsf{e}_A(x)+1..n]|\)-th column of \(F_{A^R}\) from the \(\ell \)-th row to the first row.

Overall, we can obtain the length of an STR-IC-LCS in \(O(n^2)\) time in total. Also this algorithm requires space for storing all minimal intervals and tables, namely, requiring \(O(n + (\ell +1)(n-\ell +1)) = O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) space in the worst case. Finally, we can obtain Theorem 1.

figure a

In addition, we can also compute an STR-IC-LCS (as a string), if we store a pair of minimal intervals which produce the length of an STR-IC-LCS. Namely, we can find a cell which gives the prefix-LCS value over \(F_A\) or \(F_B\). Then we can obtain a prefix-LCS string by a simple backtracking (a suffix-LCS can be also obtained by backtracking on \(F_{A^R}\) or \(F_{B^R}\)). On the other hand, we can also use an algorithm that computes an LCS string in \(O(n^2)\) time and O(n) space by Hirschberg [6]. We conclude with supplemantal pseudocodes of our algorithm (see Algorithms 1, 2, and 3).

figure b
figure c

4 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a space-efficient algorithm that finds an STR-IC-LCS of two given strings A and B of length n in \(O(n^2)\) time with \(O((\ell +1)(n-\ell +1))\) working space, where \(\ell \) is the length of an LCS of A and B. Our method improves on the space requirements of the algorithm by Deorowicz [5] that uses \(\varTheta (n^2)\) space, irrespective of the value of \(\ell \).

Our future work for STR-IC-LCS includes improvement of the \(O(n^2)\)-time bound to, say, \(O(n(n-\ell +1))\). We note that the algorithm by Nakatsu et al. [10] for finding (standard) LCS runs in \(O(n(n-\ell +1))\) time. There also exists an \(O(n\sigma + (\ell '+1)(n-\ell '+1)r)\)-time solution for the STR-EC-LCS problem that runs fast when the length \(\ell '\) of the solution is small [13], where \(r = |P|\).