
1 Introduction

The longest common increasing subsequence (LCIS) problem can be formulated as follows: Given a sequence \(a=a_1,a_2,\cdots ,a_n\), a sequence \(a_{i_1},a_{i_2},\cdots ,a_{i_k}\) is a subsequence of a if \(1 \le i_j <i_{j+1} \le n\) for all \(1 \le j <k\). And, given two sequences ab of length n, the LCIS problem asks for a longest common subsequence of ab that is strictly increasing.

This problem can be seen as a combination of the longest increasing subsequence (LIS) problem and the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem, and was first introduced by Yang et al. [6] and then applied to the whole genome alignment by Chan et al. [1] in 2005. Yang et al. and Chan et al. proposed algorithms of \(O(n^2)\) and \(O(min(r\log {\sigma },n\sigma +r)\log {\log {n}}+Sort_n)\) time, respectively, where \(Sort_n\) denotes the time required to sort input sequences ab, and r the number of ordered pairs (ij) such that \(a_i=b_j\). In 2006, Sakai presented a linear-space and \(O(n^2)\)-time algorithm using a divide-and-conquer approach [5]. In 2011, Kutz et al. designed an algorithm of O(n) space and \(O(nl\log {\log {\sigma }}+Sort_n)\) time [3], where l denotes the length of the LCIS of ab. And, for small alphabet set, algorithms of O(n) and \(O(n\log \log n)\) time were proposed for \(\sigma =2\) and \(\sigma =3\), respectively. In 2016, Zhu et al. proposed an \(O(n^2)\)-time and linear-space algorithm [7]. Recently, in 2020, Lo et al. proposed an algorithm of \(O(n+l(n-l)\log \log {\sigma })\) time and O(n) space [4], and Duraj presented the first algorithm of subquadratic time [2].

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, the proposed algorithm is presented. In Sect. 3, the correctness and complexity are analyzed. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 4.

2 The Proposed Algorithm

In this section, three assumptions are first introduced. Subsequently, we outline the proposed algorithm, followed by a step-by-step explanation along with the pseudocode. Finally, an example is given.

2.1 Assumptions

Input Format. Given the size of the alphabet set \(\sigma \), we assume the alphabet set consists of integers \(0,1,...,\sigma -1\), i.e., each integer in the input sequences ab is in \(\{0,1,...,\sigma -1\}\).

Fast Computation. We assume that the bitwise shift (or bitwise OR) on one (or two) binary encoded data of no more than \(\sigma \) bits can be done in O(1) time.

Constant Space. We assume that a bitstring of length up to \(\sigma \) takes O(1) space.

Remark that when the desired input format is not satisfied, one can map integers in ab to the integers in \([0,\sigma -1]\) without changing the order of integers in \(O(n\log {\sigma })\) time using a balanced binary search tree.

2.2 Algorithm Overview

The main procedure of the proposed algorithm (Algorithm 1) involves building a trie T containing the information of every increasing subsequence in a. Let \(IS_u\) denote the increasing subsequence with binary encoding u, i.e., the i-th bit in u is 1 if and only if i is contained in \(IS_u\). For example, \(IS_{10100100}\) denotes the increasing subsequence [2, 5, 7] as \(\sigma =8\). Then, T has the following properties:

  1. 1.

    A node \(T_u\) associated with the length \(l_u\) of \(IS_u\) exists in T to denote an increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) if and only if \(IS_u\) is found in a. Also, the binary encoding u of \(IS_u\) is stored in \(T_u\) to help retrieval of sequence information.

  2. 2.

    A directed edge associated with \(x \in \{0,1,...,\sigma -1\}\) from \(T_u\) to \(T_v\), denoted by the tuple \((T_u,T_v,x)\), exists in T if and only if \(IS_v\) is the concatenation of \(IS_u\) and x.

After building T, a similar trie-building process is run for sequence b; but instead of building a new trie for b, we walk along the nodes of T that denote the common increasing subsequences of ab, and meanwhile record all the found longest common increasing subsequences of ab.

For the complexity of Algorithm 1, the initialization step takes \(O(\sigma +n)\) time. Building T takes \(O(n+I_a)\) time by using additional data structures that take \(O(\sigma +I_a)\) space. And, walking on T takes \(O(n+I_a)\) time. To sum up, Algorithm 1 has space and time complexity of \(O(n+\sigma +I_a)\).

2.3 Detailed Description

See Algorithm 1 for the pseudocode. Algorithm 1 consists of 5 parts as follows.

Input/Output. Algorithm 1 takes two sequences ab, the length n of ab, and the size of the alphabet set \(\sigma \) as the inputs, and outputs a list L containing the binary encoding of every LCIS of ab.

Initialization for First Loop (Lines 2–19). Firstly, build an array Cnt, where Cnt[i] is the frequency of i in a for all \(i \in \{0,1,...,\sigma -1\}\). This can be done in O(n) time by simply scanning a once. Secondly, build a doubly linked list K of nodes to store every integer i with \(Cnt[i]>0\) in an increasing order (from \(i=0\) to \(i=\sigma -1\)). Then, a pointer array M of size \(\sigma \) is created. And, for each integer i stored in K, the pointer to the node containing i in K is stored in M[i] so that the node can be removed from K, if necessary, in O(1) time. Thirdly, build the root node \(T_0\) of T, which denotes an empty sequence, and set \(l_0\) to 0. Then, for every i with \(Cnt[i]>0\), create a trie node \(T_{2^i}\) containing the binary encoding of the sequence [i], set \(l_{2^i}=1\), and add an edge \((T_0,T_{2^i},i)\) from \(T_0\) to \(T_{2^i}\). Finally, build \(\sigma \) queues \(Next_0, \cdots , Next_{\sigma -1}\), where each queue supports O(1) push and pop (for our purpose, one can also use different data structures such as stacks or dynamic arrays, as long as they support push and pop in O(1) time). Let \(A_u\) be the address of \(T_u\). Then, for all i, queue \(Next_i\) initially contains \(A_{2^i}\) if \(Cnt[i]>0\), and is left empty otherwise.

First Loop (Lines 20–31). Algorithm 1 iterates the following two steps when sequence a is scanned one by one from left to right. Firstly, for the i-th integer \(a_i\) in a, we decrease \(Cnt[a_i]\) by 1. Secondly, in the inner loop, Algorithm 1 iterates the following two substeps until queue \(Next_{a_i}\) is empty. First pop \(A_u\) from queue \(Next_{a_i}\) and get u from \(T_u\). Then, in the (yet deeper) inner loop, for each integer x with \(a_i<x<\sigma \) and \(Cnt[x]>0\) (every such x can be found efficiently using K), first create a new node \(T_v\) of T, set \(l_v\) to \(l_u+1\), add an edge \((T_u,T_v,x)\) from \(T_u\) to \(T_v\), where \(v=u+2^x\), and then push \(A_v\) into queue \(Next_x\). At last, at the end of the i-th iteration, remove the node containing \(a_i\) from K if \(Cnt[a_i]\) has become 0.

figure a
figure b

Initialization for Second Loop (Lines 32–37). Firstly, set len, denoting the length of LCIS of ab currently found, to 0. Secondly, build a list L to store the binary encoding of every common increasing subsequence (CIS) of length len of ab, where L contains only 0 (the binary encoding of the empty sequence) initially. Thirdly, reuse Next queues and for each queue \(Next_i\), push \(A_{2^i}\) into queue \(Next_i\) if \(T_{2^i}\) exists in T.

Second Loop (Lines 38–47). Algorithm 1 iterates the following step when sequence b is scanned one by one from left to right. For the i-th integer \(b_i\) in b, Algorithm 1 iterates the following substeps until queue \(Next_{b_i}\) is empty in the inner loop. First pop one \(A_u\) from queue \(Next_{b_i}\). Then, since \(IS_u\) is a newly found CIS of ab, we may need to update len and L accordingly: 1) if \(l_u>len\) (i.e., the length of \(IS_u\) is greater than that of any CIS of ab currently found), empty L and update len to \(l_u\), and 2) if \(l_u=len\), add u into L. Finally, in the (yet deeper) inner loop, push \(A_v\) into queue \(Next_x\) for each edge \((T_u,T_v,x)\) from \(T_u\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The statuses of K, Next, and T on the termination of (a) the initialization, (b) iteration 1, (c) the last iteration of the first loop of Algorithm 1 as the input sequence a is [1, 4, 1, 0, 3].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The statuses of L, Next, and the encountered trie nodes in T on the termination (a) the initialization, (b) iteration 1, (c) the last iteration of the second loop of Algorithm 1 as the input sequence b is [1, 4, 3, 1, 3], where the encountered trie nodes in T are shown in grey.

2.4 Example

Figures 1a and 1b show the statuses of K, Next, and T on the termination of the initialization and iteration 1, respectively, of the first loop of Algorithm 1 for \(a=[1,4,1,0,3]\) and \(\sigma =5\). During the execution of the initialization, \(Cnt[0]=Cnt[3]=Cnt[4]=1\), \(Cnt[1]=2\), and \(Cnt[2]=0\) since the frequencies of integers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, respectively. And, since \(Cnt[i]>0\) for \(i=0,1,3,4\), the nodes storing integers 0, 1, 3, 4 are doubly linked in sequence in K, the nodes \(T_1\), \(T_{10}\), \(T_{1000}\), and \(T_{10000}\) (which contains the binary encodings of integers 0, 1, 3, 4, respectively) are created in T, and \(A_1\), \(A_{10}\), \(A_{1000}\), and \(A_{10000}\) (which are the addresses of \(T_1\), \(T_{10}\), \(T_{1000}\), and \(T_{10000}\), respectively) are contained in \(Next_0\), \(Next_1\), \(Next_3\), and \(Next_4\), respectively. In iteration 1, \(a_1=1\). Thus, Cnt[1] is decreased to 1 and \(A_{10}\) is popped from \(Next_1\). Due to that \(a_1=1<x<5=\sigma \) and \(Cnt[x]>0\) for \(x=3,4\), the nodes \(T_{1010}\) and \(T_{10010}\) (which contains the binary encodings of increasing sequences [1, 3], [1, 4], respectively) are added to T, and \(A_{1010}\) and \(A_{10010}\) are pushed into \(Next_3\) and \(Next_4\), respectively. In iteration 2, the node containing integer 4 is removed from K since \(a_2=4\) and Cnt[4] becomes 0. Similarly, the nodes containing integers 1, 0, and 3 are removed from K in iterations 3, 4, and 5, respectively. In addition, \(A_{10000}\) and \(A_{10010}\) are popped from \(Next_4\) in iteration 2, \(A_{1}\) is popped from \(Next_0\), \(T_{1001}\) is added to T, and \(A_{1001}\) is pushed into \(Next_3\) in iteration 4, and \(A_{1001}\) is popped from \(Next_3\) in iteration 5. The statuses of K, Next, and T on the termination of the first loop is shown in Fig. 1c.

Figures 2a and 2b show the statuses of L, Next and the encountered trie nodes in T on the termination of the initialization and iteration 1, respectively, of the second loop of Algorithm 1 for \(b=[1,4,3,1,3]\). For the second loop, initially, \(A_1\), \(A_{10}\), \(A_{1000}\), and \(A_{10000}\) are pushed into \(Next_0\), \(Next_1\), \(Next_3\), and \(Next_4\), respectively, since trie nodes \(T_1\), \(T_{10}\), \(T_{1000}\), and \(T_{10000}\) exist in T; also, L contains a single element 0, and len is set to 0. In iteration 1, since \(b_1=1\), \(A_{10}\) is popped from \(Next_1\), \(T_{10}\) is encountered, and L is updated to contain 10 only. Meanwhile, since edge \((T_{10},T_{1010},3)\) exists in T, \(A_{1010}\) is pushed into \(Next_3\). Similarly, \(A_{10010}\) is pushed into \(Next_4\). In iteration 2, \(A_{10000}\) and \(A_{10010}\) is popped from \(Next_4\), \(T_{10000}\) and \(T_{10010}\) are encontered, and L is updated to contain 10010. In iteration 3, \(A_{1000}\) and \(A_{1010}\) are popped from \(Next_3\), \(T_{1000}\) and \(T_{1010}\) are encontered, and 1010 is inserted to L. In iteration 4 (or 5), the statuses of L and Next remains unchanged since \(Next_1\) (\(Next_3\)) is empty. Figure 2c shows the statuses of L, Next and the encountered trie nodes in T on the termination of the second loop.

3 The Analysis

In this section, we first show the correctness of the proposed algorithm. Subsequently, the time and space complexity of the proposed algorithm is studied.

3.1 Correctness

Lemma 1

In the first loop, a non-empty increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) of a exists if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue.


It suffices to show for each i (\(1 \le i \le n\)), on the termination of iteration i of the first loop, a non-empty increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_i\) (a prefix of a) if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue. We show it by induction on the number of iterations executed.

Clearly, on the termination of iteration 1, \([a_1]\) is the only one non-empty increasing subsequence of a. Besides, in the initialization of the first loop, Algorithm 1 pushes \(A_{2^u}\) into queue \(Next_{u}\) once for each integer u that exists in a. Since Algorithm 1 pops all items in queue \(Next_{a_1}\) in iteration 1, only \(A_{2^{a_1}}\) has been popped on the termination of iteration 1. Thus, we have a basis. We then assume the induction hypothesis: on the termination of iteration k, a non-empty increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_k\) if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue. To complete the proof, we only need to show the induction step: on the termination of iteration \(k+1\), a non-empty increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k+1}\) if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue.

For the if part, if \(A_u\) is popped from some Next queue before iteration \(k+1\), \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_k\) by induction hypothesis, and thus \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k+1}\). So, we only need to consider the case where \(A_u\) is popped from some Next queue in iteration \(k+1\). Note that Algorithm 1 pops all items in queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) in iteration \(k+1\). Also note that Algorithm 1 only pushes \(A_u\) into queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) when \(IS_u\) ends with \(a_{k+1}\). Let \(IS_u\) be the concatenation of \(IS_v\) and \(a_{k+1}\). Clearly, if \(IS_v\) is an empty sequence, \(IS_u=a_{k+1}\) is an increasing subsequence of a. Otherwise, let \(IS_v\) end with \(a_j\); then, \(A_v\) has been popped from some Next queue on the termination of iteration k and \(a_j < a_{k+1}\) because otherwise, \(A_u\) is not in Next queues in iteration \(k+1\) by Algorithm 1. By induction hypothesis, \(IS_v\) is an increasing subsequence in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_k\). This implies \(IS_u\) is an increasing subsequence in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k+1}\), completing the proof of the if part.

For the only if part, if \(IS_u\) does not end with \(a_{k+1}\), \(IS_u\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_k\), and thus \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue on the termination of iteration k by the induction hypothesis. So, we only need to consider the case where \(IS_u\) ends with \(a_{k+1}\). Since Algorithm 1 pops all items in queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) in iteration \(k+1\), we only need to show \(A_u\) is in queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) on the termination of iteration k. Let \(IS_u\) be the concatenation of \(IS_v\) and \(a_{k+1}\). Then, if \(IS_v\) is an empty sequence, \(A_u\) is pushed into queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) in the initialization of the first loop. Otherwise, \(IS_v\) is a non-empty increasing subsequence in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k}\). Let \(IS_v\) end with \(a_j\). Since \(IS_u\) is an increasing subsequence, we have \(a_j < a_{k+1}\). Then, on the termination of iteration k, \(A_v\) has been popped from some Next queue by induction hypothesis, and then \(A_u\) has been pushed into queue \(Next_{a_{k+1}}\) due to \(a_j < a_{k+1}\) and \(Cnt[a_{k+1}]>0\), completing the only if part.

Theorem 1

In the first loop, \(IS_u\) is a non-empty increasing subsequence of a if and only if a trie node \(T_u\) is created in T.


Note that Algorithm 1 creates a trie node \(T_u\) right before \(A_u\) is pushed into some Next queue in the first loop. Thus, a trie node \(T_u\) is created in T if and only if \(A_u\) has been pushed into some Next queue. Besides, \(IS_u\) is a non-empty increasing subsequence of a if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue by Lemma 1. Thus, to complete the proof, we only need to show \(A_u\) has been pushed into some Next queue if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue. Clearly, \(A_u\) has been pushed into some Next queue if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue. On the other hand, suppose \(A_u\) is pushed into some Next queue, say \(Next_x\), in iteration j. Then, \(Cnt[x]>0\) in iteration j. This implies x exists in \(a_{j+1},a_{j+2}, \cdots ,a_n\). Let \(a_k\) be the first integer in \(a_{j+1},a_{j+2},\cdots ,a_n\) such that \(x=a_k\). Then, \(A_u\) is popped from queue \(Next_x\) in iteration k. This completes the proof.

Lemma 2

In the second loop, a non-empty common increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) of ab exists if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue.


It suffices to show for each i (\(1 \le i \le n\)), on the termination of iteration i of the second loop, a non-empty common increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) of ab exists in \(b_1,b_2,...,b_i\) (a prefix of b) if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue. We show it by induction on the number of iterations executed. In iteration 1, Algorithm 1 pops all items from queue \(Next_{b_1}\). Let u be the binary encoding of \(b_1\). Then, \(b_1\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_n\) if and only if trie node \(T_u\) exists in T by Theorem 1, and thus \(b_1\) exists in \(a_1,a_2,...,a_n\) if and only if \(A_u\) is pushed into queue \(Next_{b_1}\) in the initialization of the second loop. This implies that a non-empty common increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) of ab exists in \(b_1\) if and only if \(A_u\) has been popped from queue \(Next_{b_1}\) in iteration 1. Thus, we have a basis. We omit the induction hypothesis and the proof of the induction step due to their similarities to that of Lemma 1.

Theorem 2

By Algorithm 1, the list L contains exactly the binary encoding of every LCIS of ab.


By Lemma 2, for every non-empty CIS \(IS_u\) of ab, \(A_u\) has been popped from some Next queue in the second loop. In Algorithm 1, when \(A_u\) is popped from some Next queue, the binary encoding of \(IS_u\) is added to L if the length of \(IS_u\) is equal to that of the CIS of ab in L, and L is updated to contain only the binary encoding of \(IS_u\) if the length of \(IS_u\) is greater than that of the CIS of ab in L. This ensures the binary encoding of every LCIS of ab is contained in L.

3.2 Complexity

Lemma 3

Every \(A_u\) for a non-empty increasing subsequence \(IS_u\) of a is pushed into Next queues at most once in (a) the first loop and (b) the second loop.


The proof of (b) is omitted due to its similarity to that of (a). We show (a) by contradiction. Suppose that \(A_u\) is the first one to be pushed into Next queues more than once. Then, \(|IS_u|\) must be greater than 1; otherwise, \(A_u\) is pushed into Next queues only once in the initialization step.

Let \(IS_u\) be the concatenation of \(IS_v\) and x (i.e., \(IS_u\) ends with x). Note that \(A_u\) is pushed into queue \(Next_x\) right after \(A_v\) is popped from some queue. Thus, \(A_u\) is pushed into Next queues the second time right after \(A_v\) is popped from some queue the second time. This implies \(A_v\) is pushed into some queue twice before \(A_u\) is pushed into some queue twice. This constitutes a contradiction.

Theorem 3

The time and space complexity of Algorithm 1 is \(O(n+\sigma +I_a)\).


Apart from the input sequences ab themselves, K and Cnt require \(O(\sigma )\) space, and T and Next queues require \(O(I_a)\) space by Lemma 3, so the space complexity is \(O(n+\sigma +I_a)\). Note that the space complexity can be reduced to \(O(n+I_a)\) through removing integers that do not exist in both of a and b from the alphabet set by additional preprocessing before Algorithm 1.

For time complexity, the initialization steps of the first and second loops require \(O(n+\sigma )\) time. In the first and second loops, there are \(O(I_a)\) queue and trie node operations by Lemma 3. Each queue operation requires O(1) time. And, since the address of \(T_u\) is pushed into Next queues, each trie node operation can be achieved in O(1) time. Since Algorithm 1 uses Cnt and K to avoid iterations without queue or trie node operation, the time complexity is \(O(n+\sigma +I_a)\).

Remark that due to that \(I_a \le 2^{\sigma }\), the time complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(n), which is optimal for the LCIS problem, as \(\sigma \le {\log _2 {n}}\).

4 Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper, we present an algorithm of \(O(n+\sigma +I_a)\) time and space complexity to find every LCIS of sequences ab of length n. If the proposed algorithm is run on two computers in parallel, the time complexity can be improved to \(O(n+\sigma +min(I_a, I_b))\). When the alphabet set is small, an algorithm of \(O(n\log \log n)\) time complexity was proposed in the literature for \(\sigma =3\) [3]. By contrast, the proposed algorithm has O(n) time and space complexity as \(\sigma \le {\log _2 {n}}\). For the LCIS problem of k (\(k>2\)) sequences, an algorithm of \(O(n+\sigma +kI_a)\) time complexity can be obtained through slight modification of the proposed algorithm by just running the second loop for each sequence other than a and keeping track of how many times each node in T is encountered. Whether the proposed algorithm can be modified to better adapt to the cases of more than 2 sequences may be worthy of discussion.