
1 Introduction

In this paper, all graphs mentioned are finite, simple and undirected. Undefined notions and terminologies can be referred to [1]. Suppose G is a graph, then V and d(v) are used to denote the vertex set and the degree of v. We use F, d(f) and E to denote the face set, the degree of f and the edge set respectively. Then \(\Delta =\max \{d(v)|v\in V\}\) is the maximum degree of a graph and \(\delta =\min \{d(v)|v\in V\}\) is the minimum degree. We use n-vertex, \(n^+\)-vertex, or \(n^-\)-vertex to denote the vertex v when \(d(v)=n\), \(d(v)\ge n\), or \(d(v)\le n\) respectively. A n-face, \(n^+\)-face, or \(n^-\)-face are analogously defined. We use \((n_1,n_2,\ldots ,n_k)\) to denote a k-face and its boundary vertices are \(n_i\)-vertex \((i=1,2\ldots ,k)\). Similarly, we can define a \(({n_1}^+,{n_2}^-,\ldots ,n_k)\)-face. For instance, a \((l,m^+,n^-)\)-face is a 3-face whose boundary vertices are l-vertex, \(m^+\)-vertex and \(n^-\)-vertex respectively. If two cycles or faces have at least one common edge, then we call they are adjacent. We use \(n_k(f)\) to denote the number of k-vertices that is incident with f. The number of \(k^+\)-face incident with f is denoted as \(n_{k^+}(f)\) and the number of \(k^-\)-face incident with f is denoted as \(n_{k^-}(f)\). We use \(n_k(v)\) to denote the number of k-vertices adjacent to v and use \(f_k(v)\) to denote the number of k-faces incident with v. If G has a k-total-coloring, then we say that G can be totally colored by k colors. For the convenience of description, we say that G is total-k-colorable when G can be totally colored by k colors. If G can be totally colored by at least k colors, then k is the total chromatic number of G that is defined as \(\chi ^{''}\). It is easy to know that \(\chi ^{''}(G)\ge \Delta +1\). For the upper bound of \(\chi ^{''}\), Behzad [2] and Vizing [3] put forth the Total Coloring Conjecture (for short, TCC):

Conjecture 1

For any graph, \(\Delta +1\le \chi ^{''}(G)\le \Delta +2\).

TCC has attracted lots of researchers’ attention. However, this conjecture remains open even for planar graphs. In 1971, Rosenfeld [4] and Vijayaditya [5] confirmed TCC for all graphs with \(\Delta \le 3\) independently. Kostochka [6] proved that \(\chi ^{''}(G)\le \Delta +2\) when \(\Delta \le 5\). For a planar graph, TCC is unsolved only when \(\Delta =6\) (see [6, 18]). With the advances in research, some researchers found that \(\chi ^{''}(G)\) of some specific graphs have an exact upper bound \(\Delta +1\). In 1989, S\(\acute{a}\)nchez-Arroyo [7] demonstrated that it is a NP-complete problem to determine whether \(\chi ^{''}(G)=\Delta +1\) for a specified graph G. Moreover, for every fixed \(k\ge 3\), McDiarmid and S\(\acute{a}\)nchez-Arroyo [8] demonstrated that to determine whether a specific k-regular bipartite graph is total-\((\Delta +1)\)-colorable or not is also a NP-complete problem. However, it is possible to prove that \(\chi ^{''}(G)=\Delta +1\) when G is a planar graph having large maximum degree. It has been proved that \(\chi ^{''}(G)=\Delta +1\) on condition that G is a planar graph when \(\Delta (G)\ge 11\) [9], \(\Delta (G)=10\) [10] and \(\Delta (G)=9\) [11]. It is still open to determine whether a planar graph is total-\((\Delta +1)\)-colorable when \(\Delta =6\), 7 and 8. If G is a planar graph and \(\Delta (G)=8\), then there are some relevant results obtained by adding some restrictions. For instance, for a planar graph with \(\Delta (G)\ge 8\), it is proved that G is total-\((\Delta +1)\)-colorable if G does not contain k-cycles \((k=5,6)\) [13], or adjacent 3-cycles [12], or adjacent 4-cycles [14]. Wang et al. [15] proved \(\chi ^{''}(G)=\Delta +1\) if there exist two integers i, \(j\in \{3,4,5\}\) such that G does not contain adjacent i-cycles and j-cycles. Recently, a result has been proved in [20] for a planar graph with \(\Delta (G)=8\), that is, if for each vertex \(v\in V\), there exist two integers \(i_v\), \(j_v\in \{3,4,5,6,7\}\) on condition that v is not incident with adjacent \(i_v\)-cycles and \(j_v\)-cycles, then G is total-\((\Delta +1)\)-colorable. Now we improve some former results and get the following theorem.

Theorem 1

Suppose G is a planar graph with maximum degree \(\Delta \ge 8\). If for each vertex \(v\in V\), there exist two integers \(i_v\), \(j_v\in \{3,4,5,6,7,8\}\) on condition that v is not incident with adjacent \(i_v\)-cycles and \(j_v\)-cycles. Then G is total-\((\Delta +1)\)-colorable.

2 Reducible Configurations

Theorem 1 has been proved for \(\Delta \ge 9\) in [11]. So we presume that \(\Delta =8\) in the rest of this paper. Suppose \(G = (V, E)\) is a minimal counterexample to Theorem 1, that is, \(|V|+| E|\) is as small as possible. In other words, G cannot be totally colored by \(\Delta +1\) colors, but every proper subgraph of G can be totally colored with \(\Delta +1\) colors. In this section, we give some information of configurations for our minimal counterexample G. A configuration is called to be reducible if it cannot occur in the minimal counterexample G. Firstly, we show some known properties of G.

Lemma 1

([9]). (a) G is 2-connected.

  1. (b)

    Suppose \(v_1v_2\) is an edge of G. If \(d(v_1)\le 4\), then \(d(v_1)+d(v_2)\ge \Delta +2=10\).

  2. (c)

    Suppose \(G_{28}\) is a subgraph of G that is induced by the edges joining 2-vertices to 8-vertices. Then \(G_{28}\) is a forest.

Lemma 2

([16]). G has no subgraph isomorphic to the configurations depicted in Fig. 1, where \(7-v\) is used to denote the vertex of degree of seven. If a vertex is marked by \(\bullet \), then it has no more neighbors that are not depicted in G.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Reducible configurations of Lemma 2

Lemma 3

([19]). Suppose \(v\in V\), \(d(v)=d\) and \(d\ge 6\). Let v be clockwise adjacent to \(v_1,\ldots ,v_d \) and incident with \( f_1,f_2,\ldots ,f_d\) such that \(v_i\) is the common vertex of \(f_{i-1}\) and \(f_{i}\) \((i\in \{1,2,\ldots ,d\})\). Notice that \(f_0\) and \(f_d\) denote a same face. Let \(d(v_1)=2\) and \(N(v_1)=\{v,u_1\}\). Then G contains none of the following configurations.(see Fig. 2):

  1. (1)

    there exists an integer k \((2\le k\le d-1)\) such that \(d(v_{k+1})=2\), \(d(v_i)=3\) \((2\le i\le k)\) and \(d(f_j)=4\) \((1\le j\le k)\).

  2. (2)

    there exist two integers k and t \((2\le k<t\le d-1)\) such that \(d(v_k)=2\), \(d(v_i)=3\) \((k + 1\le i\le t)\), \(d(f_t)=3\) and \(d(f_j)=4\) \((k\le j\le t-1)\).

  3. (3)

    there exist two integers k and t \((3\le k\le t\le d-1)\) such that \(d(v_i)=3\) \((k\le i\le t)\), \(d( f_{k-1})=d(f_t)=3\) and \(d(f_j)=4\) \((k\le j\le t-1)\).

  4. (4)

    there exists an integer k \((2\le k\le d-2)\) such that \(d(v_d)=d(v_i)=3\) \((2\le i\le k)\), \(d(f_k)=3\) and \(d(f_j)=4\) \((0\le j\le k-1)\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Reducible configurations of Lemma 3

Lemma 4

([20]). Suppose u is a 6-vertex. If u is incident with one 3-cycle which is incident with a 4-vertex, then \(n_{5^+}(u)=5\).

Lemma 5

([17]). G contains no \((6,6,4^+)\)-cycles.

Lemma 6

Suppose \(v\in G\). If \(d(v)=8\) and \(n_2(v)\ge 1\), then \(n_{5^+}(v)\ge 1\).


Suppose \(G^{'}\) is a subgraph of G. The mapping \(\varphi \) is said to be a nice coloring of G if \(G^{'}=G-\{v|v\in V,d(v)\le 4\}\) has a \((\Delta +1)\)-total-coloring. It is clear that a nice coloring can be easily extended to a \((\Delta +1)\)-total-coloring of G, because a \(4^-\)-vertex has at most 8 forbidden colors. Hence, in the following, we will always assume that every \(4^-\)-vertex is colored in the end.

Contrarily, we assume that G contains a configuration with \(d(v)=8\), \(n_2(v)\ge 1\), and \(n_{5^+}(v)=0\). Suppose v is a 8-vertex. Let v be clockwise adjacent to \(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_8\) and incident with \(e_1,e_2,\ldots ,e_{8}\) such that \(v_i\) is incident with \(e_i\) (\(i=1,2,\ldots ,8\)). Since \(d(v_i)\le 4\) (\(i=1,2,\ldots ,8\)), we uncolor the adjacent vertices of v and color them in the end. We may assume that \(d(v_1)=2\). Then the one edge incident with \(v_1\) is \(e_1\), and the other edge incident with \(v_1\) is denoted as \(e_9\). Because of the minimality of G, \(H=G-e_1\) has a nice coloring. Firstly, suppose \(\varphi (e_9)=9\). Otherwise, we color \(e_1\) with 9 to get a nice coloring of G, which is a contradiction, so \(\varphi (e_9)=9\). We recolor v with 9, and color \(e_1\) with 1 to get a nice coloring of G, which is a contradiction. \(\square \)

3 Discharging

In this section, we will accomplish the proof of Theorem 1 by using discharging method. The discharging method is a familiar and important way to solve coloring problems for a planar graph. By Euler’s formula \(|V|-|E|+|F|=2\), we have

$$ \sum _{v\in V}(2d(v)-6)+\sum _{f\in F}(d(f)-6)=-6(|V|-|E|+|F|)=-12<0 $$

We define w(x) of \(x\in V\cup F\) to be the original charge function. Let \(w(v)=2d(v)-6\) for every \(v \in V\) and \(w(f)=d(f)-6\) for every\(f \in F\). So \(\sum _{v \in V\cup F}w(x)<0\). We use \(\omega (x\rightarrow y)\) to denote the amount of total charge from x to y. We shall give proper discharging rules and transfer the original charge to get a new charge. We have two rounds of discharging rules. We use \(w^{*}(x)\) to denote the charge of \(x \in V\cup F\) after the first round of discharging and use \(w^{'}(x)\) to denote the charge of \(x \in V\cup F\) after the second round of discharging. If there is no discharging rule for \(x\in V\cup F\), then the last charge of x is equal to the original charge of x. Notice that the total charge of G is unchangeable after redistributing the original charge, so \(\sum _{x \in V\cup F}w^{'}(x)=\sum _{x \in V\cup F}w(x)=-6\chi (\Sigma )=-12<0\). We will get an obvious contradiction by proving that \(\sum _{x \in V\cup F}w^{'}(x)\ge 0\).

These are the discharging rules:

  • R1. Suppose v is a 2-vertex. If u is adjacent to v, then \(\omega (u\rightarrow v)=1\).

  • R2. Let f be a face which is incident with v. Suppose \(d(v)=4\) or 5. If \(d(f)=4\), then \(\omega (v \rightarrow f)=\frac{1}{2}\). If \(d(f)=5\), then \(\omega (v \rightarrow f)=\frac{1}{3}\). Finally v sends the surplus charge to 3-faces incident with it evenly.

  • R3. If a 3-face is incident with 6-vertices and \(7^+\)-vertices, then it receives \(\frac{5}{4}\) from \(7^+\)-vertices.

  • R4. Every \(7^+\)-face sends \(\frac{d(f)-6}{d(f)}\) to its adjacent 3-faces.

If \(w^{*}(f)<0\) of a \(5^-\)-face after the first round discharging, then we have the second round discharging:

  • R5. If \(w^{*}(f)<0\), then f receives \(|{\frac{w^{*}(f)}{n_{6^+}(v)}|}\) from every \(6^+\)-vertices incident it which do not give any charge to f.

Lemma 7

Suppose f is a face which is incident with v.

  • 1. If \(d(v)=6\), then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \vspace{0.5em} \frac{5}{4}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3\text { and } n_{4}(f)=1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{11}{10}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3\text { and } n_{5}(f)\ge 1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} 1, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3\text { and } n_{6^+}(f)=3, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{7}{8}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3, n_{5^-}(f)=0\text { and } n_{7^+}(f)=1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{1}{2}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3\text { and } n_{7^+}(f)=2, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{2}{3}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4\text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{1}{2}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4\text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=0, \\ \frac{1}{3}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=5. \\ \end{array}\right. \)

  • 2. If \(d(v)\ge 7\), then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \vspace{0.5em} \frac{3}{2}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3\text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{5}{4}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=3 \text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=0, \\ \vspace{0.5em} 1, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4 \text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=2, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{3}{4}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4, n_{3^-}(f)=1 \text { and } n_{4}(f)=1, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{2}{3}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4, n_{3^-}(f)=1 \text { and } n_{5^+}(f)=3, \\ \vspace{0.5em} \frac{1}{2}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=4 \text { and } n_{3^-}(f)=0, \\ \frac{1}{3}, &{} \text { if } d(f)=5. \\ \end{array}\right. \)


Suppose v is incident with a \(4^+\)-face f. Then it is clear that Lemma 7 is correct by R2 and R5. Now we think about that f is a 3-face that is incident with v. If \(d(v)=6\), then there exist no \(3^-\)-vertices adjacent to v by Lemma 1(b). If there exists a 4-vertex incident with f, then f is incident with a \(7^+\)-vertex by Lemma 5. So \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le 3- \frac{5}{4}-\frac{1}{4}=\frac{5}{4}\). If \(n_5(f)=1\) and \(n_{6^+}(v)=2\), then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \frac{3-\frac{4}{5}}{2}=\frac{11}{10}\). Suppose \(n_5(f)=2\). If there exists one 5-vertex incident with five 3-faces, then the other 5-vertex is incident with at least two \(6^+\)-faces. So \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le 3-\frac{4}{5}-\frac{4}{3}\le \frac{11}{10}\). If there exists one 5-vertex incident with four 3-faces, then all of the two 5-vertices are incident with at least one \(6^+\)-face. So \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le 3-1\times 2\le \frac{11}{10}\). Suppose \(n_{6^+}(f)=3\). Then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \frac{3}{3}=1\). If \(n_{5^-}(f)=0\) and \(n_{7^+}(f)=1\), then the \(7^+\)-vertex sends \(\frac{5}{4}\) to f by R4, so \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \frac{3-\frac{5}{4}}{2}=\frac{7}{8}\). If \(n_{7^+}(f)=2\), then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le 3-\frac{5}{4}\times {2}=\frac{1}{2}\). If \(d(v)\ge 7\), then there exists at most one \(3^-\)-vertex adjacent to v, so \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \frac{3}{2}\). If \(n_{3^-}(f)=0\), then \(\omega (v\rightarrow f)\le \frac{3-\frac{1}{2}}{2}=\frac{5}{4}\). \(\square \)

Lemma 8

Suppose \(d(v)=8\). Let v be clockwise adjacent to \(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_n\) \((n\ge 3)\) and incident with \(f_1,f_2,\ldots ,f_{n-1}\) such that \(f_j\) is incident with \(v_j\) and \(v_{j+1}\). Clearly, \(f_0\) and \(f_d\) denote a same face. If \(d(v_1)=d(v_n)=2\) and \(d(v_i)\ge 3\) \((i=2,3,\ldots ,n-1)\), then \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\).


By Lemma 2, we know that \(d(f_1)\ge 4\) and \(d(f_{n-1})\ge 4\). Firstly, suppose \(d(f_1)=4\) and \(d(f_{n-1})=4\). If \(\min \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}\ge 5\), then \(n\ge 4\), so \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le 1\times 2+\frac{1}{3}(n-3) \le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). If \(\min \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}=4\) and \(\max \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}=5\), then \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le n-2+\frac{1}{3} \le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). If \(d(f_2)=d(f_3)=\ldots =d(f_{n-2})=4\), then \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le n-3+\frac{3}{4}\times 2 \le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\) by Lemma 3. Suppose \(\min \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}=3\) and \(\max \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}=4\). If \(d(f_2)=4\) or \(d(f_{n-2})=4\), then \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_1)+\omega (v \rightarrow f_2)\le \max \{1\times 2,\frac{3}{4}+\frac{5}{4}\}=2\) and \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_{n-2})+\omega (v \rightarrow f_{n-1})\le \max \{1\times 2,\frac{3}{4}+\frac{5}{4}\}=2\). Moreover, v sends more charge to 3-faces than 4-faces, so we assume that v is incident with 3-faces as more as possible. Hence, \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le 2\times 2+\frac{5}{4}\times (n-5)\le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). Suppose \(d(f_2)=d(f_3)=\ldots =d(f_{n-2})=3\), then \(f_j\) \((2\le j\le n-2)\) receives at most \(\frac{5}{4}\) from v by Lemma 3. Hence, \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le \frac{3}{4}\times 2+\frac{5}{4}\times (n-3) \le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). Secondly, suppose \(\min \{d(f_1),d(f_{n-1})\}=4\) and \(\max \{d(f_1),d(f_{n-1})\}\ge 5\). If \(d(f_2)=d(f_3)=\ldots =d(f_{n-2})=3\), then \(\sum _i^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le \frac{3}{4}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{3}{2}+\frac{5}{4}\times (n-4)\le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). If \(\max \{d(f_2),d(f_3),\ldots ,d(f_{n-2})\}=4\), then \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le 1\times 2+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{3}{2}+\frac{5}{4}\times (n-5)\le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). Finally, suppose \(\min \{d(f_1),d(f_{n-1})\}\ge 5\). Then \(\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le \frac{1}{3}\times 2+\frac{3}{2}\times 2+\frac{5}{4}\times (n-5)\le \frac{5}{4}n-\frac{9}{4}\). \(\square \)

In the rest of this paper, we can check that \(w^{'}(x)\ge 0\) for every \(x\in V\cup F\) which is a contradiction to our assumption. Let \(f\in F\). If \(d(f)\ge 7\), then \(w^{'}(f)\ge w(f)-\frac{d(f)-6}{d(f)}\times d(f)=0\) by R4. If f is a 6-face, then \(w^{'}(f)=w(f)=0\). Suppose \(d(f)\le 5\). If \(n_{6^+}(f)\ge 1\), then \(w^{'}(f)\ge 0\) by R5. If \(n_{6^+}(f)=0\), then \(n_{5}(f)=d(f)\). Suppose \(d(f)=3\) and the boundary vertices of f are consecutively \(v_1\), \(v_2\) and \(v_3\). Then \(d(v_i)=5\) \((i=1,2,3)\). By R2, \(4^+\)-face receives at most \(\frac{1}{2}\) from incident 4-vertices or 5-vertices. Suppose \(f_3(v_i)\le 3\) \((i=1,2,3)\). Then \(\omega (v_i \rightarrow f)\ge 1\), so \(w^{'}(f)\ge 3-6+1\times 3=0\). Suppose there exists \(f_3(v_i)\ge 4\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(f_3(v_3)\ge 4\). Then we have \(f_3(v_1)\le 4\) and \(f_3(v_2)\le 4\). Otherwise, \(f_3(v_1)=5\) or \(f_3(v_2)=5\), then for any integers \(j,k \in \{3,4,5,6,7,8\}\), there exists a vertex incident with adjacent j-cycles and k-cycles. So we get a contradiction to the condition of Theorem 1. If \(f_3(v_1)=4\), then \(v_1\) is incident with a \(9^+\)-face and \(v_2\) is incident with at least two \(6^+\)-faces, so \(\omega (v_1 \rightarrow f)\ge 1\) and \(\omega (v_2 \rightarrow f)\ge 1\). Consequently, \(w^{'}(f)\ge 3-6+\frac{4}{5}+1+\frac{4}{3}>0\). Similarly, we know that if \(f_3(v_2)=4\), then \(w^{'}(f)>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v_1)=f_3(v_2)=3\). Then \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) is incident with at least one \(6^+\)-face, so \(\omega (v_i \rightarrow f)\ge \frac{4-\frac{1}{2}}{3}=\frac{7}{6}\), \((i=1,2)\). Consequently, \(w^{'}(f)\ge 3-6+\frac{4}{5}+\frac{7}{6}\times 2>0\). If \(d(f)=4\), then \(w^{'}(f)\ge 4-6+\frac{1}{2}\times 4=0\) by R2. If \(d(f)=5\), then \(w^{'}(f)\ge 5-6+\frac{1}{3}\times 5>0\) by R2. So for every \(f\in F\), we prove that \(w^{'}(f)\ge 0\). Next, we consider that \(v\in V\). Suppose \(d(v)=2\). Then it is clear that \(w(v)=-2\), so \(w^{'}(v)=-2+1\times 2=0\) by R1. If \(d(v)=3\), then \(w^{'}(v)=w(v)=0\). Suppose \(d(v)=4\) or \(d(v)=5\). Then \(w^{'}(v)=0\) by R2.

If v is a \(6^+\)-vertex of G. Let v be clockwise adjacent to \(v_1,\ldots ,v_d \) and incident with \( f_1,f_2,\ldots ,f_d\) such that \(v_i\) is the common vertex of \(f_{i-1}\) and \(f_{i}\) \((i\in \{1,2,\ldots ,d\})\). Notice that \(f_0\) and \(f_d\) denote the same face. Suppose \(d(v)=6\). Then there exist no \(3^-\)-vertices incident with v by Lemma 1 (b). Clearly, \(w(v)=2d(v)-6=6\). By Lemma 4, there exist at most two 3-faces incident with a 4-vertex. Hence, if \(f_3(v)\le 3\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{11}{10}\times 1-\frac{2}{3}\times 3>0\) by R4. Suppose \(f_3(v)=4\). If \(f_{5^+}(v)\ge 1\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{11}{10}\times 2-\frac{2}{3}-\frac{1}{3}>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)=2\), then there exist three boundary vertices of the two 4-faces adjacent v, that is, all of the two 4-faces are incident with four \(4^+\)-vertices. Hence, \(w{'}(v)\ge 6- \frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{11}{10}\times 2-\frac{1}{2}\times 2>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)\ge 5\). If v is adjacent to a 5-vertex \(v_0\) and f is a 3-face incident with v and \(v_0\), then \(f_3(v_0)\le 3\), so \(\omega (v_0 \rightarrow f)\ge 1\) and \(\omega (v \rightarrow f)\le 1\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=5\). If \(f_{5^+}(v)=1\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6- \frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 3-\frac{1}{3}>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)=1\), then there exist three boundary vertices of the 4-faces adjacent to v, that is, the 4-face is incident with four \(4^+\)-vertices. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6- \frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 3-\frac{1}{2}=0\).

Suppose \(f_3(v)=6\), that is, \(d(f_i)=3\) \((i=1,2,\ldots ,6)\). By Lemma 4, v is incident with at most one 4-vertex. So we may assume that \(d(v_6)=4\), then \(d(v_1)\ge 7\) and \(d(v_5)\ge 7\) by Lemma 5. Suppose \(f_{6^+}(v_6)=2\). Then \(\omega (v_6 \rightarrow f_5)\ge 1\) and \(\omega (v_6 \rightarrow f_6)\ge 1\), so \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_5)\le 1\) and \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_6)\le 1\). Therefore, \(w{'}(v)\ge 6-1\times 6=0\). Otherwise, \(f_{5^-}(v)\ge 3\). Let \(f_x\) be the \(5^-\)-face incident with \(v_6\) except \(f_5\) and \(f_6\). Suppose \(d(f_x)=5\). Then we get a contradiction to the condition of Theorem 1. Suppose \(d(f_x)=4\). Then \(v_6\) is adjacent to \(v_4\) and \(v_1\) is adjacent to \(v_3\). So we know that \(f_{6^+}(v_6)=1\) and \(\omega (v_6 \rightarrow f_i)\ge \frac{2-\frac{1}{2}}{2}=\frac{3}{4}\) \((i=5,6)\). Therefore, \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le 3-\frac{5}{4}-\frac{3}{4}\le 1\) \((i=5,6)\), and \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-1\,\times \,6=0\). Suppose \(d(f_x)=3\). Then each of the boundary vertices of f is adjacent to v. If \(v_6\) is adjacent to \(v_4\) and \(v_1\) is adjacent to \(v_4\), then \(d(v_4)\ge 7\) by Lemma 5. So \(\omega (v_4 \rightarrow f_4)=\frac{5}{4}\) and \(\omega (v_5 \rightarrow f_4)=\frac{5}{4}\), then \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_4)\le \frac{1}{2}\) and \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6- \frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 3-\frac{1}{2}=0\). If \(v_6\) is adjacent to \(v_3\) and \(v_1\) is adjacent to \(v_3\), then \(d(v_3)\ge 7\) by Lemma 5. Suppose \(d(v_2)\ge 6\) and \(d(v_4)\ge 6\). Then \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_i)\le \frac{3-\frac{5}{4}}{2}=\frac{7}{8}\) \((i=1,2,3,4)\). Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6- \frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{7}{8}\times 4=0\). Suppose \(d(v_2)=5\) or \(d(v_4)=5\). Without of generality, assume that \(d(v_4)=5\). Then \(\omega (v_4 \rightarrow f_3)\ge 1\) and \(\omega (v_4 \rightarrow f_4)\ge 1\). So \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_3)\le 3-1-\frac{5}{4}=\frac{3}{4}\) and \(\omega (v \rightarrow f_4)\le 3-1-\frac{5}{4}=\frac{3}{4}\). Therefore, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 2-\frac{3}{4}\times 2=0\).

Suppose \(d(v)=7\). Then it is easy to know that \(f_3(v)\le 6\) and v is not adjacent to a \(2^-\)-vertices by Lemma 1 (b). Clearly, \(w(v)=2d(v)-6=8\). Suppose there exist no 3-faces incident with a 3-vertex. If \(f_3(v)=6\), then \(f_{9^+}(v)=1\), so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{5}{4}\times 6>0\) by Lemma 7. If \(f_3(v)=5\), then there exist no 4-faces incident with two \(3^-\)-vertex. So \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{5}{4}\times 5-\frac{3}{4}\times 2>0\) by Lemma 7. If \(f_3(v)\le 4\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{5}{4}\times 4-1\times 3=0\). Now we presume that there exists at least one 3-face that is incident with a 3-vertex. Then all of the 4-faces are incident with at most one \(3^-\)-vertex. By Lemma 2, there exist at most two 3-faces incident with a 3-vertex. If \(f_3(v)=6\), then \(f_{9^+}(v)=1\), so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 4=0\) by Lemma 7. Suppose \(f_3(v)=5\). If v is incident with at least one \(5^+\)-face, then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{2}{3}-\frac{1}{3}>0\) by Lemma 7. Otherwise, \(f_4(v)=2\), then there exist three boundary vertices of the 4-face adjacent to v, so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{3}{4}-\frac{1}{2}=0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)\le 4\). Then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{3}{4}\times 3>0\) by Lemma 7. If \(d(v)=8\), then we know that \(w(v)=2\times 8-6=10\), \(f_3(v)\le 6\) and \(n_2(v)\le 7\) by Lemma 6. By Lemma 7 and Lemma 8, we shall consider the following cases by discussing the number of \(n_2(v)\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

\(n_2(v)=0\) and \(f_3(v)=6\)

\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{1}.\) \(n_2(v)=0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=6\). If \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 1\) or \(f_{5^+}(v)\ge 2\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 6-1=0\) by Lemma 7. Otherwise, \(f_{6^+}(v)=0\) and \(f_{5^+}(v)\le 1\). Suppose \(f_4(v)=1\) and \(f_5(v)=1\). According to the condition of Theorem 1, there is only one case in which the location of the faces satisfying the condition of 1. We depict this case in Fig. 3 (1). It is clear that there exist three boundary vertices of the 4-faces adjacent to v, and there is at least one 3-face which is not incident with a 3-vertex by Lemma 2. If the 4-face is incident with at most one 3-vertex, then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 5-\frac{5}{4}-\frac{3}{4}-\frac{1}{3}>0\). Otherwise, there exist two 3-vertex incident with the 4-face, then there exist at least two 3-faces that are not incident with a 3-vertex by Lemma 2. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 4-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-\frac{3}{4}-\frac{1}{3}>0\). Suppose \(f_4(v)=2\). There are only two cases satisfying the condition of Theorem 1. We depict these cases in Fig. 3(2) and (3). In Fig. 3(2), there exist at least four 3-faces all of which are adjacent to a \(8^+\)-face. By R4, if there exists a \(8^+\)-face adjacent to a 3-face, then \(8^+\)-face sends \(\frac{1}{4}\) to the 3-face, so each of the 3-face adjacent to a \(8^+\)-face receives at most \(\frac{3-\frac{1}{4}}{2}=\frac{11}{8}\) from the boundary vertices. There exist at most one 4-face incident with two 3-vertices in Fig. 3(2). By Lemma 2, there exist at least one 3-face that is not incident with a 3-vertex, so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{11}{8}\times 4-\frac{5}{4}-1-\frac{3}{4}=0\). In Fig. 3(3), there exist at least four 3-faces all of which are adjacent to a \(8^+\)-face. By Lemma 2, there is at most one 4-face incident with two 3-vertices. If all of the two 4-faces are incident with at most one 3-vertex, then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{11}{8}\times 4-\frac{3}{4}\times 2=0\). Otherwise, there exists one 4-face that is incident with two 3-vertices, then there exist at least three 3-faces that are not incident with a 3-vertex by Lemma 2. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 3-\frac{5}{4}\times 3-1-\frac{3}{4}=0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=5\). Then by the condition of Theorem 1, we know that \(f_{5^+}(v)\ge 1\), so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-\frac{3}{2}\times 5-1\times 2-\frac{1}{3}\times 2>0\).

\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{2}.\) \(n_2(v)=1\). Then \(2\times 8-6-1=9\).

\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\mathbf {2.1}.\) Let the 2-vertex be incident with a 3-cycle. It is clear that \(f_3(v)\le 6\) and there exist no 3-faces incident with a 3-vertex by Lemma 2. So v is incident with at most one 3-face that receives \(\frac{3}{2}\) from v. If \(f_3(v)=6\), then by the condition of Theorem 1, we know that \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 1\) or \(f_{5^+}(v)\ge 2\), so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 5>0\) by Lemma 7. Suppose \(f_3(v)=5\). If \(f_4(v)=3\), then there are at least two \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces between the three 4-faces by Lemma 2. Hence, \(w^{'}\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 4-1-\frac{3}{4}\times 2=0\). If \(f_{4}(v)\le 2\), then we have \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 4-1\times 2-\frac{1}{3}>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=4\). If \(f_4(v)=4\), then there exist at least two \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces between the four 4-faces by Lemma 2. Hence, \(w^{'}\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 3-1\times 2-\frac{3}{4}\times 2>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)\le 3\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 3-1\times 3-\frac{1}{3}>0\). If \(f_3(v)\le 3\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 5=0\).

\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\mathbf {2.2}.\) Let the 2-vertex not be incident with a 3-cycle. Then \(f_3(v)\le 6\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=6\). Then the six 3-faces are adjacent and \(f_{9^+}(v)=1\), so there exist at least four \((8,4^+,4^+)\)-faces between the six 3-faces by Lemma 3. Therefore, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 4-1\times 1>0\) by Lemma 7. Suppose \(f_3(v)=5\). It is easy to know that \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 1\) by the condition of Theorem 1. If \(f_{4}(v)=2\), then there exist three the boundary vertices of the two 4-faces adjacent to v. So v is incident with at least two \((8,4^+,4^+)\)-faces and one \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-face by Lemma 3. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 3-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 1-\frac{3}{4}\times 1>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)=1\), then there exists at least one \((8,4^+,4^+)\)-face between the five 3-faces. by Lemma 3. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 4-\frac{5}{4}\times 1-1\times 1-\frac{1}{3}\times 2>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)=0\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 5-\frac{1}{3}\times 3>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=4\). Then we have \(f_{4}(v)\le 3\) by the condition of Theorem 1. If \(f_{4}(v)=3\), then there exist at least two \((8,4^+,4^+)\)-faces between four the 3-faces. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-\frac{5}{4}\times 2-1\times 3-\frac{1}{3}\times 1>0\). If \(f_{4}(v)\le 2\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 4-1\times 2-\frac{1}{3}\times 2>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=3\). If there exists a \(5^+\)-face incident with v, then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 3-1\times 4-\frac{1}{3}>0\). Otherwise, \(f_4(v)=5\), then there exist at least three \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces between the five 4-faces. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 3-1\times 2-\frac{3}{4}\times 3>0\). If \(f_3(v)\le 2\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 9-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-1\times 6=0\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4


\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{3}.\) \(n_2(v)=2\). Then \(2\times 8-6-2=8\) and there are four cases in which 2-vertices are located. We depict these cases in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4 (1), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-(\frac{5}{4}\times 8-\frac{9}{4})>0\) by Lemma 8. In Fig. 4 (2), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-(\frac{5}{4}\times 7-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})=0\). In Fig. 4 (3), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-(\frac{5}{4}\times 6-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 4-\frac{9}{4})=0\). In Fig. 4 (4), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 8-(\frac{5}{4}\times 5-\frac{9}{4})\times 2=0\) by Lemma 8.

Fig. 5.
figure 5


\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{4}.\) \(n_2(v)=3\). Then \(2\times 8-6-3=7\) and there are five cases in which 2-vertices are located. We depict these cases in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5(1), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 7-(\frac{5}{4}\times 7-\frac{9}{4})>0\) by Lemma 8. In Fig. 5(2), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 7-(\frac{5}{4}\times 6-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})>0\). In Fig. 5(3), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 7-(\frac{5}{4}\times 5-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 4-\frac{9}{4})>0\). In Fig. 5(4), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 7-(\frac{5}{4}\times 5-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})\times 2=0\). In Fig. 5(5), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 7-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 4-\frac{9}{4})\times 2=0\) by Lemma 8.

Fig. 6.
figure 6


\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{5}.\) \(n_2(v)=4\). Then \(2\times 8-6-4=6\) and there are eight cases in which 2-vertices are located. We depict these cases in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6(1), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-(\frac{5}{4}\times 6-\frac{9}{4})>0\) by Lemma 8. In Fig. 5(2) and (4), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-(\frac{5}{4}\times 5-\frac{9}{4})-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})>0\). In Fig. 6(3) and (7), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-(\frac{5}{4}\times 4-\frac{9}{4})\times 2>0\). In Fig. 6(5) and (6), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})\times 2-(\frac{5}{4}\times 4-\frac{9}{4})>0\). In Fig. 6(8), \(w^{'}(v)\ge 6-(\frac{5}{4}\times 3-\frac{9}{4})\times 4=0\) by Lemma 8.

\(\textbf{Case}\) \(\textbf{6}.\) \(n_2(v)\ge 5\). Suppose \(n_2(v)=5\). Then \(2\times 8-6-5=5\) and \(f_3(v)\le 2\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=2\). Then \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 4\) by Lemma 2. Consequently, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-\frac{3}{2}\times 2-1\times 2=0\) by Lemma 7. If \(f_3(v)=1\), then \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 3\) and \(f_4(v)\le 4\). If \(f_4(v)=4\). then all of the four 4-faces are \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-\frac{3}{2}\times 1-\frac{3}{4}\times 4>0\). If \(f_4(v)\le 3\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-\frac{3}{2}\times 1-1\times 3-\frac{1}{3}>0\). Suppose \(f_3(v)=0\). Then \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 2\). If \(f_4(v)=6\), then all of the six 4-faces are \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-\frac{3}{4}\times 6>0\). If \(f_4(v)=5\), then there exist at least four \((8,4^+,4^+,2^+)\)-faces between the five 4-faces. Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-1\times 1-\frac{3}{4}\times 4-\frac{1}{3}\times 1>0\). If \(f_4(v)\le 4\), then \(w^{'}(v)\ge 5-1\times 4-\frac{1}{3}\times 2>0\). Suppose \(n_2(v)=6\). Then \(2\times 8-6-6=4\) and \(f_3(v)\le 1\). If \(f_3(v)=1\), then \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 5\) and \(f_4(v)\le 2\). So \(w^{'}(v)\ge 4-\frac{3}{2}-1\times 2>0\). If \(f_3(v)=0\), then \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 4\). Hence, \(w^{'}(v)\ge 4-1\times 4=0\). Suppose \(n_2(v)=7\). Then by Lemma 2 we know that \(f_{6^+}(v)\ge 6\) by and \(f_3(v)=0\), so \(w^{'}(v)\ge 10-7-1\times 2>0\).

In summary, we know that \(w^{'}(x)\ge 0\) for every \(x\in V\cup F\), so \(\sum _{x \in V\cup F}w^{'}(x)\ge 0\). Hence, we get the desired contradiction and finish the proof of Theorem 1.