
1 Introduction

Named entity recognition (NER) is a fundamental natural language processing (NLP) task aiming to identify the names of people, places, organizations, and proper nouns in texts, which supports a wide range of downstream applications [12, 15]. The current state-of-the-art methods for NER rely on abundant training data. However, manual annotation is expensive, which limits the effectiveness of the model, especially in bio-medicine and material chemistry domains [7]. Many studies have investigated NER in low-resource scenarios, by transferring pre-trained language representations on self-supervised or rich-resource domains to target domains [10, 28]. Others use the knowledge base to semi-automatically label extra data for training [36]. Nevertheless, these methods usually require huge expertise knowledge to obtain good performance.

Data augmentation has been proven effective to alleviate data scarcity in many NLP tasks, including machine translation [8, 31], text classification [33, 34], question answering [27], etc. [21]. However, most existing studies focus on sentence-level tasks, which generate sentences via word replacement, swap, and deletion [21, 33] or generative models [13, 35]. Different from these sentence-level NLP tasks, NER predict entities on the token level. That is, for each token in the sentence, NER models predict a label indicating whether the token belongs to a mention and which entity type the mention has. Therefore, applying transformations to tokens may also change their labels. Due to this difficulty, data augmentation for NER is comparatively less studied.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The input format of different data augmentation methods. DA, LA, LDA correspond to the basic method, label additional method, and label description additional method. As shown in blue, LA puts the label at the beginning of the sentence, while LDA uses the description of the label. (Color figure online)

In this work, we propose a novel data augmentation framework for NER in low-resource scenarios, which generates examples with consistent labels and filters noises in the generated data. Concretely, our approach contains two complementary components: 1) data augmentation via pre-trained BERT, which uses contextualized information to predict a masked word for data augmentation, and 2) data denoising via curriculum learning, which filter noises in the augmented data for further boost learning. In data augmentation via pre-trained BERT, our basic idea is to predict the masked words through pre-trained language models (we use BERT [4] in this paper), and then replace original words with predicted words to generate new sentences. However, directly using BERT for prediction may generate some words that mismatch the original labels. As shown in Fig. 1, given a sentence “Tom bought a T-shirt”, we replace “Tom” with [MASK] and predict it by BERT. The predicted words may be third-person pronouns like “he”, “she” or wrong words, which causes mismatch between original labels and generated words. In response to this issue, we propose a label-aware data augmentation method, which considers the label information to make the predicted words match the original label more closely. In data denoising via curriculum learning, we propose a new method based on curriculum learning to filter augmented data. Considering that the synthetic data still contain noises, we design three evaluation metrics to measure the generated examples by confidence, and then use curriculum learning strategy to filter noises. Consequently, the performance is significantly improved.

To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments in both simulated low-resource scenarios and real-world low-resource scenarios. In the former scenarios, we use two standard NER datasets: CoNLL-2003 [30] and OntoNotes5.0 [26], which are randomly sampled to simulate a low-resource scenarios. In the latter scenarios, we use a dataset from the material science domain: MaScip [22]. The results show that our method obtains a significant performance improvement over baseline model (i.e., Bi-LSTM-CRF for NER)

Our contributions are summarized as follows:

  • We propose a novel data augmentation method for low-resource NER task, which uses pre-trained BERT to generate label-aware synthetic data and curriculum learning strategy on generated data denoising to improve data quality.

  • We conduct experiments on two standard NER datasets and a real-world low-resource NER dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in low-resource scenarios. Moreover, our methods can be easily applied to other token-level tasks.

2 Related Work

2.1 Low-Resource NER

Deep learning-based methods achieve good performance for NER with abundant annotated data but encounter various challenges when the labeled data is scarce. Therefore, more and more works pay attention to improving the performance of NER in low-resource scenarios. Kruengkrai et al. [14] use sentence-level information in auxiliary tasks to improve model performance on low-resource languages. Peng et al. [23] use dictionaries to directly label data, ignoring entities that are not in the dictionaries. This method greatly reduce the requirements on the quality of the dictionaries. Shang et al. [29] propose a revised fuzzy CRF layer to handle tokens with multiple possible labels and a neural model AutoNER with a new Tie or Break scheme. Han and Eisenstein [11] propose domain adaptive fine-tuning with unlabeled data to reduce the discrepancy between different domains. All of these methods focus on existing resources and do not consider using synthetic data for data augmentation.

Several works have studied using data augmentation for NER. Mathew et al. [18] train a weak tagger to annotate unlabeled data through weak supervision. Dai and Adel [3] summarize the sentence-level and sentence-pair level data augmentation methods on the NLP tasks and apply some of them to the NER task, including the token replacement, synonym replacement, mention replacement, and shuffle within segments. Synonym replacement often relies on external knowledge, e.g. WordNet [20], which is a manually designed dictionary that may have low coverage (or not available) for low-resource languages. Ding et al. [5] propose an augmentation method with language models trained on the linearized labeled sentences.

Different from the above methods, our approach uses pre-trained BERT to predict the masked words, which contains rich contextual information. Then the masked words are replaced with the predicted words to generate new synthetic sentences, and the original label sequence remains unchanged.

2.2 Curriculum Learning

Curriculum learning [1] is a particular learning paradigm in machine learning, which starts from easy instances and then gradually handles harder ones. Liu et al. [16] propose a natural answer generation framework based on curriculum learning for question answering tasks. Pentina et al. [24] use curriculum learning to study the best order of learning tasks in multitasking problems. Platanios et al. [25] propose a neural machine translation framework based on curriculum learning. It decides which training samples to show to the model at different times during the training process according to the estimated difficulty of the samples and the current capabilities of the model, which greatly reduce the training time. Matiisen et al. [19] propose Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning, a framework for automatic curriculum learning, where the Student try to learn a complex task, and the Teacher automatically choose subtasks from a given set for the Student to train on. Gong et al. [9] employ the curriculum learning methodology by investigating the difficulty of classifying every unlabeled image. The reliability and the discriminability of these unlabeled images are particularly investigated for evaluating their difficulty. As a result, an optimized image sequence is generated during the iterative propagations, and the unlabeled images are logically classified from simple to difficult. Wang et al. [32] propose a unified framework called Dynamic Curriculum Learning (DCL) to adaptively adjust the sampling strategy and loss weight in each batch, which achieves the better ability of generalization and discrimination.

In our work, we propose three different strategies to determine the difficulty of the augmented data and add them to the original data for training in an easy-to-difficult order. As a result, the model can preferentially learn from high-confidence data which contains more accurate information, and thus obtain better performance.

3 Proposed Method

3.1 Overview

Figure 2 shows the overview of our approach, which effectively deals with insufficient data for low-resource NER. The framework consists of two parts: data augmentation and denoising. Data augmentation mainly uses BERT [4] to predict the masked words according to the context and synthesizes new sentences by replacing the words in the original masked position to augment the training set. Furthermore, we denoise the augmented data through curriculum learning [1] to obtain higher quality data. We will introduce the details of each part.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The overall framework. The left is the data augmentation part using pre-trained BERT, and the right is the denoising part using curriculum learning.

3.2 Data Augmentation via Pre-trained BERT

In this section, we propose a data augmentation method based on pre-trained BERT for low-resource conditions, which predict words based on the context to generate new synthetic sentences. We apply two methods: basic method, which directly uses the BERT model for prediction, and label-aware method, which attaches label or label description.

The Basic DA Method. Let a labeled sentence be \(\mathbf{x} = (x_1,\cdots ,x_m)\) and the corresponding labels be \(\mathbf{y} = (y_1,\cdots ,y_m)\), where \(x_i\) denotes the i-th token and \(y_i\) denotes the i-th label. If \(x_i\) is inside an entity, which can be judged by its gold label (e.g. B-PER, I-PER, ...), we first mask \(x_i\) in this sentence, i.e. masked token \(\{x_i\}\) and its context S. Then we use the masked sentence as the input of BERT. The final hidden representation corresponding to the masked token is fed into a softmax layer to generate a sequence of vocabulary size with a probability distribution \(p(\cdot |S\{x_i\})\). Then we replace \(x_i\) with the k words which have the highest probability. For each sentence in the corpus, we perform the above procedure. Especially note that we only mask the words inside the entity, not the non-entity temporarily. After substituting the masked words with predicted words, our method generates some new sentences, which share the same label sequence with the original sentence. Then these sentences are added to the original low-resource dataset.

Label-Aware Data Augmentation. Although, pre-trained BERT encodes the context information, there is still a lot of noises, such as pronouns and wrong words, in the synthetic sentences. Considering that, we propose a label-aware data augmentation method. Different from basic DA method, this method fine-tunes the BERT before prediction to incorporate label information in the prediction process and improve the matching degree between predicted words and their corresponding labels. We elaborate this process in two steps: BERT fine-tuning and Synthetic Sentence Generation.

BERT Fine-Tuning. At first step, we fine-tune the BERT with label-aware original data, which allows us to further train the hidden feature representation with label information. Here we consider two strategies for label-aware data generation:

  • Label Additional (LA), where we define all entity types (e.g. PER, ORG, ...) as the training signal.

  • Label Description Additional (LDA), where we use descriptionsFootnote 1 of entity types as the training signal.

As shown in Fig. 1, the label (or label description) of masked entity words with [SEP] token is inserted between [CLS] and the first word of the sentence. Then we fine-tune BERT with data obtained from above steps.

Synthetic Sentence Generation. At the second step, we use fine-tuned model to make predictions on original data. Note that input data is also transformed into label-aware format, which is the same as fine-tuning data shown in Fig. 1 (LA and LDA). Given a masked word \(x_i\) and its label \(y_i\), we define its label description as \(d_i\). Different from basic DA method in Sect. 3.2 calculating \(p(\cdot |S\{x_i\})\), we calculate \(p(\cdot |y_i,S\{x_i\})\) or \(p(\cdot |d_i,S\{x_i\})\) in label-aware DA method. The concrete process of label-aware method is shown in Algorithm 1.

figure a

3.3 Denoising via Curriculum Learning

BERT is a powerful pre-trained language model, which make full use of contextualized information to generate context-sensitive words. However, directly using original label sequence may cause mismatch between predicted words and original labels, so it is necessary to denoise augmented data via curriculum learning.

Synthetic Example Ranking. As the right part of Fig. 2 shows, we train a Bi-LSTM model on original data. Then we use it to predict augmented data without original data and take the predicted probability of the gold label corresponding to each word, i.e. \(P_i\), where i represents the i-th word in a sentence, as the basis for scoring. Based on this process, we artificially formulate three curriculum indicators described in detail as follows:

  • Average. We calculate the sentence score \(S_{sent}\) by averaging the predicted probabilities \(P_i\) of all words in it. The lower the value, the more mismatch between the whole sentence and the original gold label, and the more incorrect information contained, which may hurt the model training.

  • Entity. Different from average, we only consider entity words and average their predicted probabilities \(P_i\) as sentence score \(S_{sent}\). Entities are more important than other words, because the named entity recognition task is mainly to recognize entities in sentences. Same as above, the higher the value, the more the predicted word matches the original label.

  • Length. Using sentence length L as the score \(S_{sent}\), we believe that the longer the sentence, the more information it contains, which is more instructive for the training of the model.

Then we sort the sentences in descending order of sentence scores \(S_{sent}\), corresponding to the easy to difficult in the curriculum learning. We believe that prioritizing model to learn more correct information can lead to an improvement in model performance.

Incremental Training. We sample the sorted data according to the ratio of \(0\%, 5\%, 10\%,\cdots , 100\%\), and add them to the original data gradually. In the training process, we save the best model on each scale, and the next scale of data uses the model parameters of the previous scale to train. That is to say, we only use a part of synthetic examples to train our model, i.e., samples with high confidence, to reduce the impact of noises in the data augmentation process.

4 Experimental Setups

4.1 Datasets

We consider both the simulated and real-world low-resource scenarios. In the simulated low-resource scenarios, we conduct our experiments on two English NER datasets of different granularities: CoNLL-2003 [30] and OntoNotes5.0 [26]. CoNLL-2003 is composed of newswire from the Reuters RCV1 corpus and contains four types of named entities: location, organization, person, and miscellaneous. OntoNotes5.0 contains 18 entity types for the CoNLL-2012 task, which includes broadcast conversations, broadcast news, newswire, magazines, telephone conversations, and web texts. Pradhan et al. [26] comply a core portion of the OntoNotes5.0 dataset and describe a standard train/dev/test split, which we use for our evaluation. As our work mainly focuses on low-resource NER, we randomly select four ratios for CoNLL-2003 and OntoNotes5.0 to simulate the low-resource situation, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The sampling ratio of the two datasets and the corresponding sentence number.

In the real-world low-resource scenarios, we conduct our experiments on a dataset from material science: MaScip [22]Footnote 2. This dataset contains 230 synthesis procedures annotated by domain experts with labeled graphs that express the semantics of the synthesis sentences, and 21 entity types (e.g., Material, Number, Operation, Amount-Unit, etc.). We use the train/dev/test split provided by the authors, which contains 1901/109/158 sentences respectively. To simulate a low-resource setting, we also randomly select 50, 150, 500 sentences that contain all entity types from the training set to create the corresponding small, medium, and large training sets (denoted as S, M, L, whereas the complete training set is denoted as F) for each dataset. Note that we only apply data augmentation to the training set, and the development set and test set remain unchanged.

4.2 Implementations

We regard the NER task as a sequence labeling task: given a token sequence, the model needs to predict the label corresponding to each token, which includes position indicators (BIO schema) and entity types. In our study, we use the Bi-LSTM-CRF model [17] commonly used in NER tasks as the experimental model. It consists of two parts: a neural-based encoder that creates context-sensitive embedding for each token, whose weights are learned from scratch, the other is a condition random field output layer, which captures the dependencies between adjacent labels. Besides, CNN is used to obtain the character representation of each token, which is then concatenated with the word representation and sent to the bidirectional LSTM layer. The hidden states of the forward and backward LSTM are concatenated together as the final representation. We use a single-layer BiLSTM with a hidden state size of 200. Dropout layers are applied before and after the BiLSTM layer with a dropout rate of 0.5. This model is trained using SGD [2] with an initial learning rate of 0.015 and batch size of 10. The learning rate of each epoch decays proportionally. We use randomly initialized word embeddings with a dimension of 100. We stop training when the \(F_1\) score of the development set has not been updated for 10 epochs. We use the \(F_1\) score to evaluate the effectiveness of the models. The best model saved on the development set is measured using the \(F_1\) score, and finally evaluated on the test set.

4.3 Experimental Results

Impact of Data Augmentation. We compare our methods (DA, LA, LDA) with the following models: None, the original Bi-LSTM-CRF model without data augmentation; EDA [33], which includes the substitution of synonyms, random insertion, random exchange, and random deletion of words. DA, LA, LDA correspond to the basic method, label additional method, and label description additional method. For each augmentation method, we take \(k=20\) predicted words to replace the masked words.

Table 2. Evaluation results in \(F_1\) score. \(\triangle \) column shows the averaged improvement due to data augmentation. Bold means the result is significantly better than the baseline model without data augmentation.

Table 2 provides the evaluation results on the test set. We can first conclude that our augmentation framework improves over the baseline where no augmentation is used in most cases, and superior to EDA in any ratio. For the CoNLL-2003 dataset, the four proportions increased by 3.31%, 3.46%, 2.58%, and 0.83% respectively compared to the baseline. For the OntoNotes5.0 dataset, the first three proportions have increased by 10.75%, 9.03%, and 2.58% respectively, while the performance of the last proportion has decreased slightly. This situation may reflect the trade-off between the diversity and validity of augmented instances. On the one hand, we use BERT to generate different training instances to prevent overfitting. This positive effect is especially useful when the training set is small. On the other hand, it may also increase the risk of generating invalid instances. For larger training sets, this negative effect may be dominant.

Second, the label additional method outperforms other augmentation on average, i.e. 2.21% for CoNLL-2003 and 4.78% for OntoNotes5.0, although there is no single clear winner across both datasets. However, there is little difference in the performance of the three methods on OntoNotes5.0, which may be due to its more fine-grained entity types. For the label description additional method, the performance is slightly lower than the label additional method. We consider that the label description contains more information compared with the label, which leads to more fixed words predicted by the model and causes a slightly negative impact.

Third, data augmentation techniques are more effective when the training sets are small. In both datasets, data augmentation methods achieve more significant improvements when the training sets are small, such as 0.2% of CoNLL-2003 and 0.05% OntoNotes5.0. In contrast, when the larger training sets are used, the augmentation methods achieve less improvements and some even decrease the performance. This has also been observed in previous work on machine translation tasks [6].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The result of average, entity and length strategies. The black dashed line represents the original LDA method without curriculum learning. (Color figure online)

Impact of Curriculum Learning. Figure 3 shows the results of three different indicators via curriculum learning on CoNLL-2003 and OntoNotes5.0 respectively. We take 1% of CoNLL-2003 LDA data and 0.1% of OntoNotes5.0 LDA data as examples and use the method described in Sect. 3.3 for data denoisingFootnote 3.

As can be seen from the figure, the entity indicator is more effective on both datasets. On CoNLL-2003, the best result of 43.43% is achieved on 35% of the LDA augmented data, which is 2.05% higher than the original LDA method. On OntoNotes5.0, the best result of 21.23% is achieved on 55% of the LDA augmented data, which outperforms the original LDA method by 1.04%. It can be explained that when we use data augmentation technologies mentioned in the Sect. 3.2, we also introduce noise in the augmented dataset at the same time. The purpose of denoising method is to reduce the negative impact of noise. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of using curriculum learning for data denoising. By giving priority to training high-confidence data except the noise part, the model gets better performance.

Real Low-Resource Scenarios. We use the methods on MaScipFootnote 4, which include data augmentation method via BERT model (DA), label additional data augmentation method (LA), and denoising LA data via curriculum learning (LA-CL), but except the method of additional label description, because this dataset does not have an official description of all labels. Note that when denoising, we only use the entity indicator among the above three indicators as it has a best performance.

Table 3. The result of MaScip. None represent the baseline with unaugmented data.

Table 3 presents comparisons of our methods with the baseline. What we see is that our methods are significantly better than the baseline on the real-world low-resource scenarios. Our methods outperforms the baseline with 62.36%, 70.41%, 74.31% and 77.29% in terms of F1 score. It can be seen that the denoising results have been improved to a certain extent in most of the experiments, including the full amount of data. However, in the small-scale experiment, the denoising result is lower than the LA result. We consider the reason is that the amount of data used to train the Bi-LSTM model for scoring is too small, which makes the model learning less information. This situation leads us to fail to select the most correct predicted words, which negatively feeds back on performance. Therefore, when the training data is particularly small, it is enough to use the data augmentation methods without denoising, by which can achieve an obvious improvement. In summary, the experimental results on the MaScip dataset confirm the effectiveness of our methods in real world low-resource situations.

4.4 Discussion

Performance on Entity Types. To further understand the effectiveness of our method, we investigate the performances for each entity type. Table 4 and Table 5 describe the performance on F1 score for each entity type in 1% of CoNLL-2003 data and 0.1% of OntoNotes5.0 data.

Table 4. The \(F_1\) score of each label of CoNLL-2003 (\(1\%\)).

In CoNLL-2003, it is clear that our methods both outperform the baseline where no augmentation is used on every entity types. Comparing these three methods, we can see that the label additional method is significantly better than the other two. These results first reflect the effectiveness of the label-aware method mentioned in Sect. 3.2. Second, regarding the reason why the LA’s score is higher than the LDA’s, we consider that the predicted words by LA method are more diverse, which can prevent the model from overfitting.

Table 5. The \(F_1\) score of each label of OntoNotes5.0 (\(0.1\%\)).

In OntoNotes5.0, due to the complexity of entity types, the three methods have different manifestations in each entity type. It can be seen that the score of some entity types are zero, because the number of sampled sentences is small, and some entity types have almost never appeared. Among them, we omitted some entity types with all zero \(F_1\) score. Summarized as follows, the basic method is better on ‘CARDINAL’, ‘FAC’, etc., the label additional method is more effective on ‘DETA’, ‘NORP’, ‘ORG’, and the label description additional method improves more significantly on entity types with lower scores, like ‘EVENT’, ‘PERSON’, ‘QUANTITY’. This may be due to the words predicted by the LDA method more closely match the gold label for entity types that appear less frequently.

Case Study. We examine the effect of different methods on generating words. We use 2% of CoNLL-2003 to fine-tune BERT and Table 6 lists some examples of generated words by the basic method and LA method with different settings. All the examples can fill in at least two different entity types of words in the masked position.

Table 6. The table shows the change of the predicted word after using additional label information, where DA means basic method, LA means label additional method, and the brackets indicate the label placed before the sentence. Bold font indicates words that match the label. The words from left to right indicate that the predicted probability is from high to low.

As known to all, BERT encodes semantic features from the input sentences for extracting global contexts. In the fist example, when directly using BERT for prediction, we can see that there are some person names generated, which prove the ability of BERT to obtain contextual information. However, one problem with BERT is that the predicted words have a higher probability to be third-person pronouns or even wrong words, which cannot increase the diversity of the augmented data and may hurt the performance. Therefore, we propose the label-aware method described in Sect. 3.2 to minimize this weakness. When we use label additional method with ‘PER’, more person names appeared, whose probability of being predicted increased. Then when we change the label to ‘ORG’, some organization names are predicted by the pre-trained model. The situation goes to show the effectiveness of our methods. The same conclusion can be drawn from the second and third examples. In summary, the LA method considers more label information than the DA method, and makes the generated words contain less impurities.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a novel framework to generate high-quality synthetic data for low-resource NER. We use pre-trained BERT to fully integrate contextual information to generate diverse synthetic sentences, and leverage curriculum learning to denoise synthetic sentences for obtaining higher quality augmented data. Our framework shows superior performance in both simulated low-resource scenarios and real-world low-resource scenarios. In the future, we will explore the performance of our framework when customizing label descriptions and on other token-level NLP tasks.