1 Introduction

Black and White alternate turns; on each turn, a player places one stone of their color on any unoccupied cell. The winner is the player who forms a chain of their stones connecting their two opposing board sides. See Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An empty \(5\,\times \,5\) Hex board and a game won by White.

Hex never ends in a draw [3] and it is never disadvantageous to move [14], so by strategy-stealing the first player has a winning strategy on an empty board [2]. But, for general sizes, no explicit first-player-wins strategy is known, nor is the location of a winning opening move. For boards up to 9\(\,\times \,\)9 (resp. the 10\(\,\times \,\)10 board) all (4) winning opening moves are known [6, 12].

Typical Hex solvers use tree search and these optimizations [1] : a) search promising moves first (which saves time when the move wins), e.g.. with a neural network [4], b) prune provably redundant moves (which limits the growth of the tree size), c) detect wins early, e.g.. by computing virtual connections [8, 13], d) use a transposition table to recognize positions already solved.

In this paper we present new fill and prune results. This is of interest from a combinatorial game theory (CGT) point of view and can speed up solving and playing. Fill replaces a position (whole-board pattern) with an equivalent one with fewer empty cells, which can help all optimizations, especially (b). Section 2 gives definitions and results, Sect. 3 recalls known fill results, Sect. 4 presents new fill results, Sect. 5 presents new prune results, and Sect. 6 reports on experiments.

2 General Analysis

s(X) denotes a stone (or move) of player X in cell s. E.g., position C changes to \(C+s(W)\) after White plays in s. \(\overline{X}\) denotes the opponent of player X. The two players are usually B and W. The following definition – which we will apply to positions that differ by only a few stones – relies on the relation \(\le \) from CGT. We will only use it with positions that differ by just a few stones.

Definition 1

(A pre-order relation). For two positions C, \(C'\), we say that \(C \le _X C'\) when for any player Y, if player X has a winning strategy in \(C_{Y \hbox { to play}}\), then she also has one in \(C'_{Y \hbox { to play}}\).

For two patterns P, \(P'\), we say that \(P \le _X P'\) when, for every position C that contains P, if we call \(C'\) the position where it is replaced by \(P'\), then \(C \le _X C'\).

Note 2

Hex is a perfect-information deterministic no-draw 2-player game, so \(\le _W\) is exactly \(\ge _B\), so \(=_W\) is the same as \(=_B\), which we write as \(=\).

As with Defenition 1, the following definitions and properties can be extended from positions to patterns: a pattern P has property A if, for every position C that contains P, C has property A.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Each dashed cell is dead. Any whitespace cell can be empty or colored.

Definition 3

(Dead cells and stones). An empty cell s is live for player X when it is in a minimal (for inclusion) set of empty cells that, if X-colored, would join X’s two sides. A cell is live for one player whenever it is live for the other [5]. A cell that is live for neither player is dead. A stone is dead when, if removed, the associated cell is dead.

Theorem 4

[5] If the empty cell s is dead, then \(C = C+s(B) = C+s(W)\).

In practice, dead cells can be detected either by seeing the board as a graph or by using patterns as those in Fig. 2.

Definition 5

(Fill pattern). An empty cell s is X-fillable when \(C = C+s(X)\).

E.g., any dead cell is W-fillable and B-fillable. In practice, X-fillable cells are usually X-filled and then considered as stones.

Definition 6

(Inferior cells). An empty cell s is X-inferior to another empty cell t when \(C+s(X) \le _X C+t(X)\).

Definition 7

(Reversing a move). A move r(X) X-reverses \(s(\overline{X})\) when \(C+r(X)+s(\overline{X}) \ge _X C\).

This CGT notion is useful: after \(s(\overline{X})\), X should reply with r(X). (Warning: if \(s(\overline{X})\) is a blunder, X might have a better reply than r(X).) In some (but not all) reverse patterns, \(s(\overline{X})\) can be pruned, e.g.. with vulnerable patterns [5]. In § 5.1 we give a condition sufficient to prune some reversible moves.

Definition 8

(X-iterativity). A cell (resp. empty cell) s is X-iteratively dead (Y-filled) when we can iteratively X-fill some cells that leave s dead (Y-filled).

Theorem 9

If \(s(\overline{X})\) is X-iteratively dead, then \(C = C-s(\overline{X}) = C-s(\overline{X})+s(X)\).


Let T be the set of cells that is X-filled to kill s. Then, \(C = C+T(X) = C-s(\overline{X})+s(X)+T(X) \ge _X C-s(\overline{X})+s(X) \ge _X C-s(\overline{X}) \ge _X C\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 10

If s is X-iteratively X-filled (and so empty) then \(C = C+s(X)\).


Let T be the set of cells that is X-filled to fill s. Then, \(C = C+T(X) = C+s(X)+T(X) \ge _X C+s(X) \ge _X C\).    \(\square \)

Some following results assume \(C = C+s(X)\) as an hypothesis, so we can use iterative death/fill as sufficient conditions. This is also useful for pruning, in two ways:

  • \(C+s(X) = C+s(X)+t(X)\) implies that t is inferior to s for X, so provided that we explore s, or a move superior to s, we can prune t;

  • \(C+r(\overline{X})+s(X) = C+r(\overline{X})\) implies that s(X) is \(\overline{X}\)-reversible by \(r(\overline{X})\).

3 Previous Fill Results

Dead and iteratively dead cells can be filled. Other fill results are known [7, 10]:

Definition 11

(X-captured cells). A set of empty cells S is X-captured when X has a second-player strategy in S that guarantees every cell in S to be X-colored or dead.

Theorem 12

If S is X-captured, then any subset of S can be X-filled.


\(C+S(X) \ge _X C\), and the strategy gives \(C+S(X) \le _X C\).    \(\square \)

In practice, captured cells are detected using patterns such as those in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Each white-dotted cell is W-captured.

Definition 13

(X-permanently inferior cells). Assume that there is an empty cell s and a set of empty cells T (with \(s \notin T\)) such that \(\forall t \in T, P+t(\overline{X})+s(X) = P+s(X) = P+t(X)+s(X)\). Then any cell \(t \in T\) such that \(P+t(X)+s(\overline{X}) = P+s(\overline{X})\) is said X-permanently inferior.

Theorem 14

If t is X-permanently inferior, then t can be X-filled.


Let C be such a position and let \(C'= C+t(X)\). In C (and in \(C'\)), each cell of T is X-inferior to s and \(\overline{X}\)-reversible by s, so we may assume that one player will play in s while T is still empty. But after this first move, regardless of who makes it, t can be filled.    \(\square \)

Before, only the three patterns shown in Fig. 4 were known.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Each white-dotted cell is W-permanently inferior.

4 New Fill Results

4.1 Near-Death Patterns

Definition 15

(Near-death pattern). Pattern P with non-intersecting empty cell sets b and w and remaining empty cell set x is near-death when these hold:

  • if b is B-colored and w is W-colored, then x is dead;

  • if w is W-colored, then B has a second-player strategy in \(b \cup x\) that leaves all cells of b black or dead;

  • if b is B-colored, then W has a second-player strategy in \(w \cup x\) that leaves all cells of w white or dead.

We calls the cells of x nearly dead because, assuming optimal play, each player can save her side of the pattern and what remains will be dead:

Theorem 16

For a near-death pattern P, \(P = P+b(B) = P+w(W) = P+b(B)+w(W)\).


First, we have \(P+w(W) \ge _W P+b(B)+w(W) \ge _W P+b(B)\) and \(P+w(W) \ge _W P \ge _W P+b(B)\), so it is sufficient to prove \(P+b(B) \ge _W P+b(B)+w(W) \ge _W P+w(W)\), which by symmetry reduces to \(P+b(B) \ge _W P+b(B)+w(W)\). Now following the white second-player strategy gives \(P+b(B) \ge _W P+w(W)+b(B)+x(B) = P+w(W)+b(B)\).    \(\square \)

Note 17

In the hypothesis, one might be tempted to replace \(b \cup x\) by \(w \cup b \cup x\) (and to remove “if w is W-colored”). This is sufficient for \(P = P+b(B)+w(W)\) but not \(P = P+w(W)\), so monocolor-iterativity cannot be used for pruning.

Note 18

When \(b = \emptyset \) the theorem implies that W-captured cells can be W-filled, which is not new. But some capture patterns found with \(b=\emptyset \) are new.

Here is how to produce patterns from this theorem: choose a core death pattern; remove some stones; add a gadget (pattern of stones and empty cells) so that, for each cell that had a stone, that cell can be killed by playing in an empty cell; check whether the theorem applies. See Fig. 5, 6 and 7.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Start with a pattern where the dashed cell is dead. Remove one stone for each player. On the final pattern, where two gadgets have been added, apply the theorem with b containing the black-dotted cell, w containing the white-dotted cell and x containing the dashed cell.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

A larger near-death pattern, constructed similarly. Here the theorem still applies if we move the left cell from x to b and the right one from x to w, giving a stronger result. This phenomenon often occurs when x has at least 2 cells.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

A new W-capture pattern, constructed similarly

This method gives more than 100 new fill patterns of radius 3 (each pattern has up to \(1+6+12+18=37\) cells).

4.2 Mutual-Fill Patterns

Theorem 19

Let P be a pattern with empty cells S, and two disjoint subsets T, U of S. Denote \(P' = P + T(B) + U(W)\) and \(S' = S \backslash (T \cup U)\). Assume this:

\(\exists b \in S, P+b(B) = P+S(B)\); \(\exists w \in S, P+w(W) = P+S(W)\);  

\(\exists b' \in S', P'+b'(B) = P+S(B)\); \(\exists w' \in S', P'+w'(W) = P+S(W)\).  

Then \(P = P'\).

To prove the theorem, it suffices to use that in both P and \(P'\) whoever plays first in the pattern gets all of S. We omit the details.

Figure 8 shows the four mutual-fill patterns we found. The leftmost pattern applies on any empty board with at least two rows and columns.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

In each pattern the dotted cells can be mutually filled.

Note 20

Warning: mutual-fill can change a move from losing to winning. E.g., apply the left-most pattern in Fig. 8 to the 2\(\,\times \,\)2 board: now each corner cell wins, whereas on the original empty board it is losing.

Note 21

This theorem fills cells for both players at the same time, so it cannot be used to derive strong-reversible or inferior cells via monocolor-iterativity.

4.3 New X-permanently Inferior Patterns

Along with the permanently inferior patterns of Fig. 4, we found the three new ones shown in Fig. 9. The leftmost occurs often on a border.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Three new W-permanently inferior patterns.

We also found a fourth more complicated pattern, shown in Fig. 10, which can occur near an acute corner of the board. We omit the proofs that these patterns are permanently inferior. Combining the left patterns of Figs. 10 and 8 yields the right pattern of Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Another new W-permanently inferior pattern, and a corollary.

5 New Prune Results

Previous prune results were based on mustplay (prune moves that let the opponent a simple way of making a winning connection) and monocolor-iterativity. This second approach is strengthened by the large number of new fill patterns. Other results were based on star decomposition [9] – some of which now apply via mutual-fill or near-death patterns – and on strategy-stealing arguments [1].

Prune results often have the form “if s wins, then t wins”. Thus, we must take care to avoid logical implication cycles when pruning moves. Warning: some of our results here are based on game history, which requires extra consideration when implemented with a transposition table.

5.1 New Theorem Using Reversibility

Here we strengthen a result from [9].

Definition 22

(X-strong-reversing). A move r(X) X-strong-reverses \(s(\overline{X})\) when \(C+r(X)+s(\overline{X}) = C+r(X)\).

Definition 23

(Carrier of a X-strong-reverse pattern). For a X-strong-reverse pattern P where r X-reverses a single cell s, we denote by F the set of the empty cells except r and s. This is the carrier of the pattern.

Definition 24

(Blocking). A X-strong-reverse pattern \(P_1\) blocks another one \(P_2\) when \(r_1\) is in \(F_2\).

In particular, some patterns (usually called “vulnerable”) have an empty carrier, so they are never blocked.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

(left) The black-dotted cell B-strong-reverses the white-dotted cell (carrier size 2). (right) The black-dotted cell B-strong-reverses each white-dotted cell (carrier size 1 each), and neither pattern blocks the other.

Theorem 25

Let \((P_n)\) be a sequence of (possibly overlapping) X-strong-reverse patterns of a position C. Assume that for all \(k<n\), \(P_n\) does not block \(P_k\), and that \(\overline{X}\) has a winning move in C. Then \(\overline{X}\) has a winning move that is not one of the \(s_n\) (or, if there is no other move, then skipping the next move wins).


The special case where there is no other move is left as an exercise for the reader.

Argue by contradiction: assume that the theorem is false, and let \((P_n)_{1 \le n \le N}\) be a counter-example with N minimum, i.e. the only winning moves (with \(\overline{X}\) to play) are among the \(s_n\) (so \(N \ge 1\))

By applying the result to \((P_n)_{1 \le n \le N-1}\), we know that \(s_N\) wins, so \(C+r_N(X)+s_N(\overline{X}) = C+r_N(X)\) (with \(\overline{X}\) to play) wins for \(\overline{X}\). In this new position, we can apply the result to \((P_n)\), from which we remove the potential patterns for which \(r_N=s_n\) (because \(\overline{X}\) cannot play in \(s_n\)) or \(r_N=r_n\) (but anyway in this case \(s_n\) is \(\overline{X}\)-fillable, so if \(s_n\) wins for \(\overline{X}\) then any move or even skipping the next move wins) (this removes at least \(n=N\)), and we get that there is a winning move t that is not one of the \(s_n\). This means that \(C+r_N(X)+t(\overline{X})\) (with X to play) wins for \(\overline{X}\), so t was a winning move for \(\overline{X}\) in C, contradiction.    \(\square \)

5.2 New Reverse Patterns

Theorem 26

Let P be a pattern with exactly 3 empty cells s, t, u such that, in \(P+t(X)+u(X)\), s is dead, and \(P+s(\overline{X})+t(X)+u(\overline{X}) \ge _X P+s(\overline{X})+t(\overline{X})+u(X)\). Then t(X) reverses \(s(\overline{X})\).


First, we prove that \(P+s(\overline{X})+t(X) \ge _X P+s(\overline{X})+u(X)\). We denote \(P_1 = P+s(\overline{X})+u(X)\) and \(P_2 = P+s(\overline{X})+t(X)\). Let \(C_1\) be a position containing \(P_1\), and let \(C_2\) be the position obtained from \(C_1\) by replacing \(P_1\) with \(P_2\). Assume that \(C_1\) wins for X with a strategy S. We will show that \(C_2\) also wins for X.

To win in \(C_2\), X follows S, pretending that there is \(P_1\) instead of \(P_2\) until one player moves in \(P_2\). There are three cases:

  • If neither player moves in \(P_2\), then at the end of the game, after a X move, X would have a winning connection in \(C_1'\) and thus in \(C_1' + t(\overline{X})\); and \(C_1' + t(\overline{X}) \le _X C_2' + u(\overline{X}) \le _X C_2'\).

  • If S tells X to play in t then X plays instead in u, and we get a position that S proves wins.

  • If \(\overline{X}\) plays in u, then S tells us that \(C_1'+t(\overline{X})\) wins for X, and given \(C_1' + t(\overline{X}) \le _X C_2' + u(\overline{X})\) we get a position at least as good as one that S proves wins.

Now we prove that \(P \le _X P_2\). Let C be a position containing P, and let \(C_2\) be the position obtained from C by replacing P with \(P_2\). Assume that C wins for X with a strategy S. We will show that \(C_2\) also wins for X.

To win in \(C_2\), X follows S, pretending that there is P instead of \(P_2\), until one player moves in \(P_2\). Again, there are three cases:

  • If neither player moves in \(P_2\), argue as in the same case above.

  • If S tells X to play somewhere in P, then X plays in u instead. Then s is dead so we can consider s to be X-colored, so we get a position at least as good as one that S proves wins.

  • If \(\overline{X}\) plays in \(P_2\), then this must be in u given this is the only empty cell. Then X pretends that \(\overline{X}\) has played in s in P, and follows S accordingly. \(P_2\) is now full, so \(\overline{X}\) can not play there any more. The case where X also does not play there can be treated as previously. So we may assume that at some point S tells X to play in P, and we may assume that this is in t since \(P+s(\overline{X})+t(X) \ge _X P+s(\overline{X})+u(X)\). But then S tells us that, after this move and \(\overline{X}\)’s reply in u, X wins. So the current position wins.

   \(\square \)

To produce patterns from this theorem, we combine one left-gadget (to make sure that W-coloring t and u kills s) with one right-gadget (to make sure that B-coloring s and t kills u, which in practice is the only interesting case) from Fig. 12. This yields 18 patterns, two of which are shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

The 1 (resp. dotted) (resp. empty) cell coresponds to s (t) (u). (left) The six left-gadgets. (right) The three right-gadgets.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

In each pattern, the white-dotted cell W-reverses 1.

Note 27

Unlike strong-reverse moves, which are mostly pruned (see Thm 25), a reversible move be good, or even a unique winning move. Often, when \(s(\overline{X})\) is really good, \(\overline{X}\) should move in \(u(\overline{X})\) immediately after t(X). We have not formalized this observation (in particular the definition of “really good”).

5.3 Self-reversibility

Observation 28

Let s,t,u be empty cells such that \(C+s(X)+t(\overline{X})+u(X) = C+t(\overline{X})+u(X)\). Then \(C+u(X) \ge _X C+s(X)+t(\overline{X})+u(X)\).

In practice, this means that the move u(X) after the moves \(s(X),t(\overline{X})\) can be pruned (up to logical implication cycles), because X should have played in u instead of s. E.g., this can happen in the games in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

In each game, after moves 1 and 2, White should not play in the white-dotted cell.

The conditions of this theorem are easily detected: for a possible move, can you prove (e.g.. by monocolor-iterativity) that it would make your previous move useless? If yes, then you should move elsewhere.

6 Experiments

We ran some experiments using the Benzene software package (maintained by Chao Gao at https://github.com/cgao3/benzene-vanilla-cmake) that includes the player MoHex and a parallel depth-first proof number (DFPN) search Hex solver [11, 12].

We implemented near-death and new permanently inferior patterns. These are simply fill patterns, so this was straightforward. We did not implement mutual fill, due to technical issues mentioned in Note 20.

We also implemented applications of Theorem 25(in greedy fashion) and the new reversible patterns. We did not implement self-reversibility: we suspect that the cost of checking for logical implication cycles would yield negligible improvement.

We compared different implementations by solving a fixed set of 1-move Black openings on the 8 \(\,\times \,\) 8 board. The results are shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Number of nodes created, depending on features enabled. Openings a1 and b2 lose, while c3 and d4 win.     Nd: near-death patterns and derived strong-reversible and inferior patterns; Pi: new permanently inferior patterns and derived patterns; F: Nd+Pi; St: strong-reversible theorem, replacing theorem from [9]; Rp: reversible patterns, reverser always picked; Rp’: reversible patterns where, for OR (resp. AND) node n, reverser r is picked only when r’s disproof (proof) number is less than or equal to the minimum proof (disproof) number among n’s children.(For opening d4, after White’s strongest reply d5, Black has two main winning moves: g4 and c5. The latter has a smaller search tree, with \(\sim 65000\) nodes instead of \(\sim 240000\). This explains the differences for this opening, depending on the initial choices. One cannot fairly compare features that differ on this g4-c5 choice.)

Our experiments show that the benefit of the new patterns is in most cases positive. Using St is less beneficial. These features did not help as consistently as we expected, perhaps in part because a small change in fill or prune can cause DFPN search to move to a different part of the tree.

Feature Rp’ is always better than Rp, perhaps because the presence of a reverser is positively correlated with the presence of a move more easily proved to be winning. Feature Rp’ appears globally positive.

Overall, our preferred setting is to enable all new features.

Note 29

Each new pattern requires more pattern matching and so slows node creation. There are few reversible patterns, so they slow runtime negligibly. But the new fill patterns yield thousands of inferior and strong-reversible patterns. Thus, the previous tests were run with only with patterns as large as in Fig. 5. E.g., we excluded the pattern in Fig. 6. The slowdown almost exactly compensates for the reduction in size of the resulting search tree, but – given that the slowdown is a constant factor while pruning can yield exponentially smaller trees – we expect that for larger boards using the new patterns will be beneficial.