1 Introduction

Given an unsatisfiable set \(F = \{c_1, \ldots , c_n\}\) of Boolean clauses, a minimal unsatisfiable subset (MUS) of F is a set \(M \subseteq F\) such that M is unsatisfiable and for all \(c \in M\) the set \(M \setminus \{c\}\) is satisfiable. MUSes represent the minimal reasons for F’s unsatisfiability, and as such, they find applications in a wide variety of domains including, e.g., formal equivalence checking  [18], Boolean function bi-decomposition  [17], counter-example guided abstraction refinement  [1], circuit error diagnosis  [21], type debugging in Haskell  [37], and many others  [2, 23,24,25, 32].

The more MUSes are identified, the better insight into the unsatisfiability of F is obtained. However, there can be, in general, up to exponentially many MUSes w.r.t. |F|, and thus, the complete MUS enumeration is often practically intractable. Consequently, there have been proposed several algorithms, e.g., [4, 5, 9, 12, 27, 30, 33, 36], that enumerate MUSes online, i.e., one by one, and attempt to identify as many MUSes as possibly within a given time limit.

Many of the algorithms can be classified as seed-shrink algorithms  [11]. A seed-shrink algorithm gradually explores subsets of F; explored subsets are those, whose satisfiability is already known by the algorithm, and unexplored are the others. To find each single MUS, a seed-shrink algorithm first identifies an unsatisfiable unexplored subset, called a u-seed, and then shrinks the u-seed into a MUS via a single MUS extraction subroutine. The exact way of finding and shrinking u-seeds differ for individual algorithms. In general, the algorithms find a u-seed by repeatedly checking unexplored subsets for satisfiability, via a SAT solver, until they find an unsatisfiable one. Naturally, the performance of the algorithms highly depends on the number these satisfiability checks.

In this paper, we propose a novel seed-shrink algorithm called \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\). The algorithm employs two novel techniques for finding u-seeds. One of the techniques works on the same principle as the existing seed-shrinks algorithms do: it checks unexplored subsets for satisfiability until it finds a u-seed. The novelty is in the selection of subsets to be checked; we use the union of already explored MUSes to identify a search-space where we can quickly find new u-seeds. The other technique for finding u-seeds works on a fundamentally different principle; we cheaply (in polynomial time) deduce that some unexplored subsets are unsatisfiable. We experimentally compare \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) with 4 contemporary MUS enumeration algorithms on a standard collection of benchmarks. \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) outperforms all of its competitors on majority of the benchmarks. Remarkably, \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) often finds 10–100 times more MUSes than its competitors.

2 Preliminaries

A Boolean formula \(F = \{c_1, \ldots , c_n\}\) in a conjunctive normal form is a set of clauses over a set of variables \( Vars(F) \). A clause \(c = \{l_1, \ldots , l_k \}\) is a set of literals. A literal is either a variable \(x \in Vars(F) \) or its negation \(\lnot x\). A truth assignment I is a mapping \( Vars(F) \rightarrow \{\top , \bot \}\). A clause \(c \in F\) is satisfied by an assignment I iff \(I(x) = \top \) for some \(x \in c\) or \(I(y) = \bot \) for some \(\lnot y \in c\). The formula F is satisfied by I iff I satisfies every clause \(c \in F\); in such a case I is a model of F. Finally, F is satisfiable if it has a model; otherwise F is unsatisfiable. Hereafter, we use F to denote the input formula of interest, capital letters, e.g. NTK to denote subsets of F, small letters, e.g., \(c,d,c_i\) to denote clauses of F, and small letters, e.g., \(x, y, x_i\) to denote variables of F. Given a set X, we use |X| to denote the cardinality of X, and \(\mathcal {P}(X)\) to denote the power-set of X.

2.1 Minimum Unsatisfiability

Definition 1

(MUS). A set N, \(N \subseteq F\), is a minimal unsatisfiable subset (MUS) of F iff N is unsatisfiable and for all \(c \in N\) the set \(N \setminus \{c\}\) is satisfiable.

Note that the minimality refers to a set minimality, not to minimum cardinality. Therefore, there can be MUSes with different cardinalities and in general, there can be up to exponentially many MUSes of F w.r.t. |F| (see  [35]). We write \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\) to denote the union of all MUSes of F.

Example 1

Assume that we are given a formula \(F = \{c_1 = \{x_1\}, c_2 = \{\lnot x_1\}, c_3 = \{x_2\}, c_4 = \{\lnot x_1, \lnot x_2\}\}\). There are two MUSes: \(\{c_1,c_2\}\) and \(\{c_1,c_3,c_4\}\), and \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F = F\). The power-set of F is illustrated in Fig. 1a.

Definition 2

(critical clause). Let U be an unsatisfiable subset of F. A clause \(c \in U\) is critical for U iff \(U \setminus \{c\}\) is satisfiable.

Note that if c is critical for U then c has to be contained in every unsatisfiable subset of U, and especially in every MUS of U. Furthermore, note that U is a MUS if and only if every clause \(c \in U\) is critical for U.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

a) illustrates the power-set of the set F of clauses from Example 1. We encode individual subsets of F as bit-vectors; for example, the subset \(\{c_1,c_3,c_4\}\) is written as 1011. The subsets with a dashed border are the unsatisfiable subsets, and the others are satisfiable subsets. The MUSes are filled with a background color. b) illustrates the explored and unexplored subsets from Example 2. (Color figure online)

Finally, we exploit capabilities of contemporary SAT solvers. Given a set \(N \subseteq F\), many of SAT solvers are able to provide an unsat core of N when N is unsatisfiable, and a model I of N when N is satisfiable. The unsat core is often small, yet not necessarily minimal, unsatisfiable subset of N. The model I, on the other hand, induces the model extension E of N defined as \(E = \{c \in F\, |\, I\) satisfies \(c \}\). Note that \(N \subseteq E\) and E is satisfiable (I is its model).

2.2 Unexplored Subsets

Every online MUS enumeration algorithm during its computation gradually explores satisfiability of individual subsets of F. Explored subsets are those whose satisfiability is already known by the algorithm and unexplored are the other ones. We write Unexplored to denote the set of all unexplored subsets. Furthermore, we classify the unexplored subsets either as s-seeds or u-seeds; s-seeds are satisfiable unexplored subsets and u-seeds are unsatisfiable unexplored subsets.

Note that if a subset U of F is unsatisfiable, then also every superset of U is unsatisfiable. Therefore, when U becomes explored, then also all supersets of U become explored. Dually, when a satisfiable S, \(S \subseteq F\), becomes explored, then also all subsets of S become explored since they are necessarily also satisfiable.

Observation 1

If N is a u-seed, then every unsatisfiable subset of N is also a u-seed. Dually, if N is an s-seed then every satisfiable superset of N is an s-seed.

Example 2

Figure 1b shows a possible state of exploration of the power-set of F from Example 1. There are seven explored satisfiable subsets (green with solid border), two explored unsatisfiable subsets (red with dashed border), four s-seeds (black with solid border), and three u-seeds (black with dashed border).

Note that based on Unexplored, we can mine some critical clauses for some u-seeds. For instance, in Example 2, we can see that \(c_2\) is critical for the u-seed \(U = \{c_1, c_2, c_3\}\) since \(U \setminus \{c_2 \}\) is explored and thus satisfiable (Observation 1).

Definition 3

(minable critical). Let U be a u-seed and c a critical clause for U. The clause c is a minable critical clause for U if \(U \setminus \{c\} \not \in \mathtt {Unexplored}\).

Details on how exactly we represent and perform operations over Unexplored are postponed to Sect. 3.5.

2.3 Seed-Shrink Scheme

figure a

Many of existing MUS enumeration algorithms, e.g.,  [6, 9, 12, 28, 36], and including the algorithm we present in this paper, can be classified as seed-shrink algorithms  [11]. The base scheme (Algorithm 1) works iteratively. Each iteration starts by identifying a u-seed S. Then, the u-seed S is shrunk into a MUS \(S_{mus}\) via a single MUS extraction subroutine. The iteration is concluded by removing all subsets and all supersets of the MUS from Unexplored since none of them can be another MUS. The computation terminates once there is no more u-seed.

The exact way S is found differs for individual seed-shrink algorithms. In general, existing algorithms identify S by repeatedly picking and checking an unexplored subset for satisfiability until they find a u-seed. The algorithms vary in which and how many unexplored subsets they check. In general, it is worth to minimize the number of these checks as they are very expensive. Also, it generally holds that the closer (w.r.t. set containment) the u-seed is to a MUS, the easier it is to shrink the u-seed into a MUS. As for the shrinking, all the algorithms can collect and exploit all the minable critical clauses for S; these clauses have to be contained in every MUS of S and thus their prior knowledge can significantly speed up the MUS extraction. However, the exact way the algorithms find the MUS differ for individual algorithms. See Sects. 3.4 and 4 for more details.

3 Algorithm

Our MUS enumeration algorithm, called \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\), is based on the seed-shrink scheme. It employs a novel shrinking procedure. Moreover, it employs two novel approaches for finding u-seeds. One of the approaches is based on the same idea as the contemporary seed-shrink algorithms: to find a u-seed, we are repeatedly picking and checking for satisfiability (via a SAT solver) an unexplored subset until we identify a u-seed. The novelty is in the choice of unexplored subsets to be checked. Briefly, we maintain a base B and a search-space \(\mathtt {Unex}_B = \{X\, |\, X \in \mathtt {Unexplored} \wedge X \subseteq B\}\) that is induced by the base. \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) searches for u-seeds only within \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\). The base B (and thus \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\)) is maintained in a way that allows identifying u-seeds with performing only few satisfiability checks. Moreover, the u-seeds are very close to MUSes and thus relatively easy to shrink.

Our other approach for finding u-seeds is based on a fundamentally different principle. Instead of checking unexplored subsets for satisfiablity via a SAT solver, we deduce that some unexplored subsets are unsatisfiable. The deduction is based on already identified MUSes and it is very cheap (polynomial).

3.1 Main Procedure

figure b

\(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) (Algorithm 2) first initializes Unexplored to \(\mathcal {P}(F)\) and the base B to \(\emptyset \). Then, it in a while-loop repeats two procedures: \(\mathsf {refine}\) that updates the base B, and \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) that identifies MUSes in the search-space \(\mathtt {Unex}_B = \{X\, |\, X \in \mathtt {Unexplored} \wedge X \subseteq B\}\). The algorithm terminates once \(\mathtt {Unexplored} = \emptyset \).

\(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) (Algorithm 3) works iteratively. Each iteration starts by picking a maximal element N of \(\mathtt {Unex}_B \), i.e., \(N \in \mathtt {Unex}_B\) such that \(N \cup \{c\} \not \in \mathtt {Unex}_B\) for every \(c \in B \setminus N\). Subsequently, a procedure \(\mathsf {isSAT}{}\) is used to determine, via a SAT solver, the satisfiability of N. Moreover, in dependence of N’s satisfiability, \(\mathsf {isSAT}\) returns either an unsat core K or a model extension E of N. If N is unsatisfiable, the algorithm shrinks the core K into a MUS \(K_{mus}\) and removes from Unexplored all subsets and all supersets of \(K_{mus}\). Subsequently, a procedure \(\mathsf {replicate}\) is invoked which attempts to identify additional MUSes in \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\).

In the other case, when N is satisfiable, we remove all subsets of E from Unexplored. Then, N is used to guide the algorithm into a search-space with more minable critical clauses. In particular, we know that for every \(c \in B \setminus N\) the set \(N \cup \{c\}\) is explored and thus unsatisfiable (Observation 1). Consequently, every clause \(c \in B \setminus N\) is critical for \(N \cup \{c\}\) and especially for every u-seed contained in \(N \cup \{c\}\). Moreover, all these critical clauses are minable critical as all subsets of N were removed from Unexplored. If \(N \cup \{c\} = B\) then c is minable critical for every u-seed in the current search-space. Otherwise, if \(|B \setminus N| > 1\), we recursively call \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) with a base \(B' = N \cup \{c\}\) for every \(c \in B \setminus N\).

figure c

The procedures \(\mathsf {refine}\), \(\mathsf {shrink}\), and \(\mathsf {replicate}\) are described in Sects. 3.2, 3.4, and 3.3, respectively. All procedures of \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) follow two rules about Unexplored. First, Unexplored is global, i.e., shared by the procedures. Second, we remove an unsatisfiable set from Unexplored only if the set is a superset of an explicitly identified MUS. Consequently, no MUS can be removed from Unexplored without being explicitly identified. Thus, when Algorithm 2 terminates (i.e., \(\mathtt {Unexplored} = \emptyset \)), it is guaranteed that all MUSes were identified.

Heuristics. According to the above description, \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) terminates once all subsets, and especially all MUSes, of B become explored. However, based on our empirical experience, \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) can get into a situation such that there is a lot of s-seeds in \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\) but only few or even no u-seed. Consequently, the MUS enumeration can get stuck for a while. To prevent such a situation, we track the number of subsequent iterations of \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) in which the set N was satisfiable. If there are 5 such subsequent iterations, we backtrack from the current recursive call of \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\).

3.2 The Base and the Search-Space

figure d

The base B is modified in two situations. The first situation is the case of recursive calls of \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) which was described in the previous section. Here, we describe the second situation which is an execution of the procedure \(\mathsf {refine}\) before each top-level call of \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\). The goal is to identify a base B such that u-seeds in \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\) can be easily found and are relatively easy to shrink.

We exploit the union \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\) of all MUSes of F. Assume that we set B to \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\). Since every MUS of F is contained in \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\), the induced search-space \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\) would contain all MUSes. Moreover, compared to the whole F, the cardinality of \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\) can be relatively small and thus the u-seeds in \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\) would be easy to shrink. Unfortunately, based on recent studies  [14, 31], computing \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\) is often practically intractable even for small input formulas. Thus, instead of initially computing \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\), we use as the base B just an under-approximation of \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\). Initially, we set B to \(\emptyset \) (Algorithm 2, line 1) and in each call of \(\mathsf {refine}\) we attempt to refine (enlarge) the under-approximation. Eventually, B becomes \(\mathtt {UMUS}_F\) and, thus, eventually the search-space will contain all MUSes of F.

The procedure \(\mathsf {refine}\) (Algorithm 4) attempts to enlarge B with an unexplored MUS. In each iteration, it picks a maximal element T of Unexplored, i.e., \(T \in \mathtt {Unexplored}\) such that \(T \cup \{c\} \not \in \mathtt {Unexplored}\) for every \(c \in F \setminus T\). Then, T is checked for satisfiability via the procedure \(\mathsf {isSAT}\). If T is unsatisfiable, then \(\mathsf {isSAT}\) also returns an unsat core K of T, \(\mathsf {refine}\) shrinks the core K into a MUS \(K_{mus}\) and based on \(K_{mus}\) updates the set Unexplored. Subsequently, \(\mathsf {refine}\) terminates and returns an updated base \(B' = B \cup \{K_{mus}\}\). Otherwise, if T is satisfiable, \(\mathsf {refine}\) removes all subsets of T from Unexplored and continues with a next iteration.

There is no guarantee that each call of \(\mathsf {refine}\) indeed enlarges B. One possibility is the corner case when all MUSes are already explored, but there are some s-seeds left. Another possibility is that the search-space \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\) was not completely explored in the last call of \(\mathsf {UNIMUSCore}\) due to the preemptive termination heuristic. Thus, \(\mathsf {refine}\) might identify a MUS that is a subset of B. Also, note that the procedure \(\mathsf {refine}{}\) is very similar to a MUS enumeration algorithm MARCO  [28]. The difference is that \(\mathsf {refine}{}\) finds only a single unexplored MUS whereas MARCO finds them all (see Sect. 4 for details).

3.3 MUS Replication

We now describe the procedure \(\mathsf {replicate}\)(\(K_{mus}, N\)) that based on an identified MUS \(K_{mus}\) of N attempts to identify additional unexplored MUSes. The procedure follows the seed-shrink scheme, i.e., it searches for u-seeds and shrinks them to MUSes. However, contrary to existing seed-shrink algorithms which identify u-seeds via a SAT solver, \(\mathsf {replicate}\) identifies u-seeds with a cheap (polynomial) deduction technique; we call the technique MUS replication.

Each call of \(\mathsf {replicate}\) possibly identifies several unexplored MUSes and all these MUSes are subsets of N. Note that since N is a subset of the base B in Algorithm 3, all MUSes identified by \(\mathsf {replicate}\) are contained in the search-space \(\mathtt {Unex}_B\). Also, note that when \(\mathsf {replicate}\) is called, \(K_{mus}\) is the only explored MUS of N (since N was a u-seed that we shrunk to \(K_{mus}\)). In the following, we will use \(\mathcal {M}\) to denote the set of all explored MUSes of N, i.e., initially, \(\mathcal {M} = \{K_{mus}\}\).

figure e

Main Procedure. The main procedure of \(\mathsf {replicate}\) (Algorithm 5) maintains two data-structures: the set \(\mathcal {M}\) and a stack \( rStack \). The computation starts by initializing both \(\mathcal {M}\) and \( rStack \) to contain the MUS \(K_{mus}\). The rest of \(\mathsf {replicate}\) is formed by two nested loops. In each iteration of the outer loop, \(\mathsf {replicate}\) pops a MUS M from the stack. In the nested loop, M is used to identify possibly several unexplored MUSes. In particular, for each clause \(c \in M\) the algorithm attempts to identify a u-seed S such that \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\). Observe that if c is minable critical for N then such a u-seed cannot exist; thus, we skip such clauses. The attempt to find such S is carried out by a procedure \(\mathsf {propagate}\). If \(\mathsf {propagate}\) fails to find the u-seed, the inner loop proceeds with a next iteration. Otherwise, the u-seed S is shrunk into a MUS \(S_{mus}\) and the set Unexplored is appropriately updated. The iteration is concluded by adding \(S_{mus}\) to \(\mathcal {M}\) and also pushing \(S_{mus}\) to \( rStack \), i.e., each identified MUS is used to possibly identify additional MUSes. The computation terminates once \( rStack \) becomes empty.

Propagate. The procedure \(\mathsf {propagate}\) is based on the well-known concepts of backbone literals and unit propagation  [16, 26]. Given a formula P, a literal l is a backbone literal of P iff every model of P satisfies \(\{l\}\). A backbone of P is a set of backbone literals of P. If A is a backbone of P then A is also a backbone of every superset of P. A clause d is a unit clause iff \(|d| = 1\). Note that if d is a unit clause of P then the literal \(l \in d\) is a backbone literal of P.

Given a backbone A of P, the backbone propagation can simplify P and possibly show that P is unsatisfiable. In particular, for every \(l \in A\) and every clause \(d \in P\) such that \(\lnot l \in d\), we remove the literal \(\lnot l\) from d (since no model of P can satisfy \(\lnot l\)). If a new unit clause emerges during the propagation, the backbone literal that forms the unit clause will be also propagated. If the propagation reduces a clause to an empty clause, then the original P is unsatisfiable.

The procedure \(\mathsf {propagate}\) employs backbone propagation to identify a u-seed S such that \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\). Observe that since M is unsatisfiable and \(M \setminus \{c\}\) is satisfiable, then the set \(A = \{ \lnot l\, |\, l \in c\}\) is a backbone of every such S. Thus, one can pick such S and attempt to show, via propagating A, that S is unsatisfiable. However, there are too many such S to choose from. Moreover, we need to guarantee that we find S that is both unsatisfiable and unexplored. Thus, instead of fixing a particular S and then trying to show its unsatisfiability, we attempt to gradually build such S. Initially, we set S to \(M \setminus \{c\}\) and we step-by-step add clauses from \(N \setminus \{c\}\) to S. The addition of the clauses is driven by a currently known backbone A of S and also by the set \(\mathcal {M}\) of explored MUSes to ensure that the resulting S is a u-seed.

Observation 2

For every unsatisfiable S, \(S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\), it holds that \(S \in \mathtt {Unexplored}\) (i.e., S is a u-seed) if and only if \(\forall _{X \in \mathcal {M}} S \not \supseteq X\).


In \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\), we remove from Unexplored only unsatisfiable sets that are supersets of explored MUSes and all explored MUSes of N are stored in \(\mathcal {M}\).

Observation 2 shows which clauses can be added to the initial S while ensuring that if we finally obtain an unsatisfiable S, then the final S will be unexplored. Note that the initial \(S = M \setminus \{c\}\) trivially satisfies \(\forall _{X \in \mathcal {M}} M \setminus \{c\} \not \supseteq X\) since it is satisfiable (M is a MUS). In the following, we show which clauses should be added to S to eventually make it unsatisfiable.

Definition 4

(operation \(\mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }\)). Let d be a clause and A be a set of literals. The the binary operation \(d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A\) creates the clause \(d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A = \{ l \mid l \in d\) and \(\lnot l \not \in A \}\).

Definition 5

(units, violated). Let S be a set such that \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\), and let A be a backbone of S. We define the following sets:

$$\begin{aligned} units (S, A)&= \{ d \in N \setminus \{c\} \mid \forall _{X \in \mathcal {M}} S \cup \{d\} \not \supseteq X \wedge |d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A|= 1 \}\\ violated (S, A)&= \{ d \in N \setminus \{c\} \mid \forall _{X \in \mathcal {M}} S \cup \{d\} \not \supseteq X \wedge |d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A|= 0 \} \end{aligned}$$

Informally, a clause \(d \in N \setminus \{c\}\) belongs to \( units (S, A)\) (\( violated (S, A)\)) if the propagation of A would simplify d to a unit clause (empty clause) and, simultaneously, \(d \in S\) or d can be added to S in a harmony with Observation 2.

Observation 3

For every S such that \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\), a backbone A of S, and a clause \(d \in units (S, A)\), it holds that \(A \cup d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A\) is a backbone of \(S \cup \{d\}\).


Assume that \(d = \{l, l_0, \ldots , l_k\}\) where \({l} = d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A\) and \(\{ \lnot l_0, \ldots , \lnot l_k\} \subseteq A\). Since A is a backbone of S then every model of S satisfies \(\{\{\lnot l_0\}, \ldots , \{\lnot l_k\}\}\). Consequently, every model of \(S \cup \{d\}\) satisfies \(\{l\}\).

Observation 4

For every S such that \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\), a backbone A of S, and a clause \(d \in violated (S, A)\), it holds that \(S \cup \{d\}\) is unsatisfiable.


Assume that \(d = \{l_0, \ldots , l_q\}\). As \(d \in violated (S, A)\) then \(\{ \lnot l_0, \ldots , \lnot l_q\} \subseteq A\). Since A is a backbone of S then every model of S satisfies \(\{\{ \lnot l_0\}, \ldots , \{\lnot l_q\}\}\), i.e., no model of S satisfies d.

figure f

The procedure \(\mathsf {propagate}\) (Algorithm 6) maintains three data structures: the sets S and A, and an auxiliary set H for storing clauses that were used to enlarge A. Initially, \(S = M \setminus \{c\}\), \(A = \{\lnot l\, |\, l \in c\}\) and \(H = \{c\}\). In each iteration, \(\mathsf {propagate}\) picks a clause \(d \in units(S,A) \setminus H\) and, based on Observation 3, adds d to S and to H, and the literal of \(d \mathbin {\backslash \!\backslash }A\) to A. The loop terminates once there is no more backbone literal to propagate (\( units(S,A) \setminus H = \emptyset \)), or once \( violated(S,A) \ne \emptyset \). If \( violated(S,A) = \emptyset \), \(\mathsf {propagate}\) failed to find a u-seed. Otherwise, \(\mathsf {propagate}\) picks a clause \(d \in violated(S,A) \) and returns the u-seed \(S \cup \{d\}\).

Finally, note that backbone propagation is cheap (polynomial) but it is not a complete technique for deciding satisfiability. Consequently, it can happen that there is a u-seed S, \(M \setminus \{c\} \subset S \subseteq N \setminus \{c\}\), but MUS replication fails to find it.

3.4 Shrink

Existing seed-shrink algorithms can be divided into two groups. Algorithms from one group, e.g.  [4, 5, 13], implement the shrinking via a custom single MUS extractor that fully shares information with the overall MUS enumeration process. Consequently, all information obtained during shrinking can be exploited by the overall MUS enumeration algorithm and vice versa. Algorithms from the other group, e.g.  [9, 12, 28], implement the shrinking via an external, black-box, single MUS extraction tool. The advantage is that one can always use the currently best available single MUS extractor to implement the shrinking. On the other hand, the black-box extractor cannot fully share information with the overall MUS enumeration algorithm. The only output of the extractor is a MUS of a given u-seed N. As for the input, besides the u-seed N, contemporary single MUS extractors, e.g.,  [4, 8], allow the user to provide also a set C of clauses that are critical for N since a prior knowledge of C can significantly speed up the extraction. Thus, contemporary algorithms  [9, 12, 28] collect all minable critical clauses for N and pass them to the single MUS extractor together with N.

In our work, we follow the black-box approach, i.e., to find a MUS of a u-seed N, we first identify a set C of clauses that are critical for N and then pass N and C to an external single MUS extractor (e.g.,  [4, 8]). However, contrary to existing algorithms, we identify more than just minable critical clauses for N. We introduce a technique that, based on the minable critical clauses for N, can cheaply deduce that some other clauses are critical for N. We call the deduction technique critical extension and it is based on the following observation.

Observation 5

Let N be a u-seed, \(c \in N\) a critical clause for N, and \(l \in c\). Moreover, let \(M \subseteq N\) be the set of all clauses of N that contain the literal \(\lnot l\). If \(|M| = 1\) then the clause \(d \in M\) is critical for N, i.e. \(N \setminus \{d\}\) is satisfiable.


Assume that \(N \setminus \{d\}\) is unsatisfiable. Since c is critical for N, then c is critical also for \(N \setminus \{d\}\). Thus, \(N \setminus \{c,d\}\) has a model and every its model satisfies \(\{\lnot l\}\) (as \(l \in c\)) which contradicts that \(\lnot l\) is contained only in d.

figure g

The critical extension technique (Algorithm 7) takes as an input a u-seed N and outputs a set C of clauses that are critical for N. The algorithm starts by collecting (see Sect. 3.5) all minable critical clauses for N and stores them to C and also to an auxiliary set Q. The rest of the computation works iteratively. In each iteration, the algorithm picks and removes a clause c from Q and employs Observation 5 on c. In particular, for each literal \(l \in c\), the algorithm builds the set \(M = \{ d \in N\, |\, \lnot l \in d\}\). If M contains only a single clause, say d, and \(d \not \in C\), then d is a new critical clause for N and thus it is added to C and to Q. The computation terminates once Q becomes empty.

Our technique is similar to model rotation  [4, 7] which identifies additional critical clauses based on a critical clause c of N and a model of \(N \setminus \{c\}\). The difference is that we do not need the model. Another approach  [38] that also does not need the model is based on rotation edges in a flip graph of F.

3.5 Representation of Unexplored Subsets

To maintain the set Unexplored, we adopt a representation that was originally proposed by Liffiton et al.  [28] and nowadays is used by many MUS enumeration algorithms (e.g.,  [5, 9, 12, 33]). Given a formula \(F = \{c_1, \ldots , c_n\}\), we introduce a set \(X = \{x_1, \ldots , x_n \}\) of Boolean variables. Note that every valuation of X corresponds to a subset of F and vice versa. To represent Unexplored, we maintain two formulas, \( map ^+\) and \( map ^-\), over X such that every model of \( map ^+ \wedge map ^-\) corresponds to an element of Unexplored and vice versa. In particular:

  • Initially, \(\mathtt {Unexplored} = \mathcal {P}(F)\), thus we set \( map ^+ = map ^- = \top \).

  • To remove a set U, \(U \subseteq F\), and all supersets of U from Unexplored, we add to \( map ^-\) the clause \(\bigvee _{c_i \in U} \lnot x_i\).

  • Dually, to remove a set S, \(S \subseteq F\), and all subsets of S from Unexplored, we add to \( map ^+\) the clause \(\bigvee _{c_i \not \in S} x_i\).

To get an arbitrary element of Unexplored, one can ask a SAT solver for a model of \( map ^+ \wedge map ^-\). However, in \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\), we need to obtain more specific unexplored subsets. Given a set B, we require a maximal element N of \(\mathtt {Unex}_B = \{X\, |\, X \in \mathtt {Unexplored} \wedge X \subseteq B\}\). One of SAT solvers that allows us to obtain such N is miniSAT  [20]. To obtain N, we instruct miniSAT to fix the values of the variables \(\{x_i\, |\, c_i \not \in B \}\) to \(\bot \) and ask it for a maximal model of \( map ^+ \wedge map ^-\).

Finally, given a u-seed U, to collect all minable critical clauses of U we check for each \(c \in U\) whether \(U \setminus \{c\}\) corresponds to a model of \( map ^+ \wedge map ^-\). To do it efficiently, observe that the information represented by \( map ^-\) is irrelevant. Intuitively, \( map ^-\) requires an absence of clauses, and since U satisfies \( map ^-\) (it is a u-seed), the set \(U \setminus \{c\}\) also satisfies \( map ^-\). Thus, c is minable critical for U iff \(U \setminus \{c\}\) does not correspond to a model of \( map ^+\).

4 Related Work

MUS enumeration was extensively studied in the past decades and many various algorithms were proposed (see e.g.,  [4,5,6, 9, 10, 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 29, 33, 34, 36]). In the following, we briefly describe contemporary online MUS enumeration algorithms.

\(\mathsf {FLINT}\)  [33] computes MUSes in rounds and each round consists of two phases: relaxing and strengthening. In the relaxing phase, the algorithm starts with an unsatisfiable formula U and weakens it by iteratively relaxing its unsat core until it gets a satisfiable formula S. The intermediate unsat cores are used to extract MUSes. The resulting satisfiable formula S is passed to the second phase, where the formula is again strengthened to an unsatisfiable formula that is used in the next round as an input for the relaxing phase.

\(\mathsf {MARCO}\)  [28] and \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\)  [12] are algorithms based on the seed-shrink scheme. That is, similarly as \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\), to find each single MUS, the algorithms first identify a u-seed and then shrink the u-seed into a MUS. Before the shrinking, the algorithms first reduce the u-seed to its unsat core (provided by a SAT solver) and they also collect the minable critical clauses for the u-seed. The shrinking is performed via an external, black-box subroutine. The main difference between the two algorithms is how they find the u-seed. \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) is iteratively picking and checking for satisfiability a maximal unexplored subset of F, until it finds a u-seed S. Since unsatisfiable subsets of F are naturally more concentrated among the larger subsets, MARCO usually performs only few checks to find the u-seed. However, large u-seeds are generally hard to shrink. Thus, the efficiency of MARCO crucially depends on the capability of the SAT solver to provide a reasonably small unsat core of S. \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\), in contrast to \(\mathsf {MARCO}\), tends to identify u-seeds that are relatively small and thus easy to shrink. In particular, the initial u-seed S is found among the maximal unexplored subsets of F and then shrunk into a MUS \(S_{mus}\). To find another MUS, \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) picks some R such that \(S_{mus} \subset R \subset S\), and recursively searches for u-seeds among the maximal unexplored subsets of R. The (expected) size of the u-seeds thus decreases with each recursive call. The disadvantage of \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) is that it was designed as a domain-agnostic MUS enumeration algorithm, i.e., F can be a set of constraints in an arbitrary logic (e.g., SMT or LTL). Consequently, \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) does not directly employ any techniques that are specific for the SAT (Boolean) domain (such as the MUS replication and the critical extension that we use in \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\)).

\(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\)  [5] can be seen as another instantiation of the seed-shrink scheme. Contrary to \(\mathsf {MARCO}\), \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\), and \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\), \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) implements the shrinking via a custom single MUS extraction procedure that fully shares information and works in a synergy with the overall MUS enumeration algorithm. For example, satisfiable subsets of F that are identified during shrinking are remembered by \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) and exploited in the further computation.

5 Experimental Evaluation

We have experimentally compared \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) with four contemporary MUS enumeration algorithms: \(\mathsf {MARCO}\)  [28], \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\)  [5], \(\mathsf {FLINT}\)  [33], and \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\)  [12]. A precompiled binary of \(\mathsf {FLINT}\) was kindly provided to us by its author, Nina Narodytska. The other three tools are available at https://sun.iwu.edu/~mliffito/marco/, https://bitbucket.org/gkatsi/mcsmus/src, and https://github.com/jar-ben/mustool. The implementation of \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) is available at: https://github.com/jar-ben/unimus.

We used the best (default) settings for all evaluated tools. Note that individual tools use different SAT solvers and different shrinking subroutines. \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\), \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) and \(\mathsf {FLINT}\) use the tool muser2  [8] for shrinking, \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) uses its custom shrinking subroutine, and in \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) we employ the shrinking procedure from the \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) tool. As for SAT solvers, \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) and \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) use miniSAT  [20], \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) uses glucose  [3] and \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) uses CaDiCaL  [15].

As benchmarks, we used a collection of 291 CNF formulas from the MUS track of the SAT 2011 Competition.Footnote 1 This collection is standardly used in MUS related papers, including the papers that presented our four competitors. All experiments were run using a time limit of 3600 s and computed on an AMD 16-Core Processor and 1 TB memory machine running Debian Linux. Complete results are available in an online appendix: https://www.fi.muni.cz/~xbendik/research/unimus.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Percentage of MUSes found by MUS replication.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

5% truncated mean of rankings after each 60 s.

Manifestation of MUS Replication. MUS replication is a crucial part of \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) as, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first existing technique that identifies u-seeds in polynomial time. Therefore, we are interested in what is the percentage of u-seeds, and thus MUSes, that \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) identifies via MUS replication. Figure 2 shows this percentage (y-axis) for individual benchmarks (x-axis); the benchmarks are sorted by the percentage. We computed the percentage only for the 248 benchmarks where \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) found at least 5 MUSes. Remarkably, in case of 161 benchmarks, the percentage is higher than 90%, and in case of 130 benchmarks, it is higher than 99%.Footnote 2 Unfortunately, there are 49 benchmarks where MUS replication found no u-seed at all. Let us note that 40 of the 49 benchmarks are from the same family of benchmarks, called “fdmus”. The MUS benchmarks from the SAT competition consist of several families and benchmarks in a family often have very similar structure. Most of the families contain only few benchmarks, however, there are several larger families and the “fdmus” family is by far the largest one.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Scatter plots comparing the number of produced MUSes.

Number of Indentified MUSes. We now examine the number of identified MUSes by the evaluated algorithms on individual benchmarks within the time limit of 3600 s. In case of 28 benchmarks, all the algorithms completed the enumeration, and thus found the same number of MUSes. Therefore, we focus here only on the remaining 263 benchmarks.

Scatter plots in Fig. 4 pair-wise compare \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) with its competitors. Each point in the plot shows a result from a single benchmark. The x-coordinate of a point is given be the algorithm that labels the x-axis and the y-coordinate by the algorithm that labels the y-axis. The plots are in a log-scale and hence cannot show points with a zero coordinate, i.e., benchmarks where at least one algorithm found no MUS. Therefore, we lifted the points with a zero coordinate to the first coordinate. Moreover, we provide three numbers right/above/in the right corner of the plot, that show the number of points below/above/on the diagonal. For example, \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) found more/less/equal number of MUSes than \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) in case of 242/9/12 benchmarks. We also use green and red colors to highlight individual orders of magnitude (of 10).

In Fig. 3, we examine the overall ranking of the algorithms. In particular, assume that for a benchmark B both \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) and \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) found 100 MUSes, \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) found 80 MUSes, and \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) and \(\mathsf {FLINT}\) found 50 MUSes. In such a case, \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) and \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) share the 1st (best) rank for B, \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) is 3rd, and \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) and \(\mathsf {FLINT}\) share the 4th position. For each algorithm, we computed an arithmetic mean of the ranking on all benchmarks. To eliminate the effect of outliers (benchmarks with an extreme ranking), we computed the 5% truncated arithmetic mean, i.e., for each algorithm we discarded the 5% of benchmarks where the algorithm achieved the best and the worst ranking. Moreover, to capture the performance stability of the algorithms in time, we computed the mean for each subsequent 60 s of the computation.

\(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) conclusively dominates all its competitors. It maintained the best ranking during the whole time period and gradually improved the ranking towards the final value 1.3. The closest, yet still very distant, competitors are \(\mathsf {ReMUS}\) and \(\mathsf {MCSMUS}\) who maintained ranking around 2.75. \(\mathsf {FLINT}\) and \(\mathsf {MARCO}\) achieved the final raking around 3.7. \(\mathsf {UNIMUS}\) also dominated in the pair-wise comparison. It found more MUSes than all its competitors on an overwhelming majority of benchmarks and, remarkably, the difference was often several orders of magnitude.