
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

When given an unsatisfiable CNF \(\mathcal {F} \), SAT solvers can return a core, i.e., a subset of \(\mathcal {F} \) that remains unsatisfiable. Many applications, e.g., program type debugging, circuit diagnosis, and production configuration [6], need cores in their processing. In many cases these applications can be made much more effective if supplied with minimal unsatisfiable sets (MUSes), which are cores that are minimal under set inclusion. That is, no proper subset of a MUS is unsatisfiable.

This makes the problem of efficiently extracting a MUS an important and well studied problem, see [5, 6, 9, 13, 18, 20, 21] for a more extensive list. In fact, the problem of finding a minimal set of constraints sufficient to make a problem unsolvable is important in other areas as well. For example in operations research it is often useful to find irreducible inconsistent subsystems (IISes) of linear programs and integer linear programs [8, 24], and in CP a minimal unsatisfiable set of constraints [12].

In various applications the preference for MUSes over arbitrary cores goes further, and some MUSes might be preferred to others. Most algorithms for computing MUSes, however, return an arbitrary MUS. There has been some work on the problem of computing specific types of MUSes. In [19] the problem of computing lexicographic preferred MUSes is addressed. Furthermore, the problem of computing the smallest MUS has been addressed in [10, 11, 15]. However, algorithms for extracting specific MUSes, especially those for extracting the smallest MUS, can be considerably less efficient than state-of-the-art MUS extraction algorithms returning an arbitrary MUS.

In this paper we address this issue by trying to quickly return a collection of MUSes, rather than trying to compute a specific type of MUS. The application can then choose its best MUS from that collection. So, e.g., although our approach cannot guarantee returning the smallest MUS, the application can choose the smallest MUS from among the collection returned. This approach is advantageous when algorithms for computing the most preferred MUS are too costly (e.g., computing the smallest MUS), or when there is no known algorithm for computing the most preferred MUS (e.g., the application’s preference criteria is not lexicographic).

We accomplish this task through an extension of a recent MUS algorithm [3]. The advantage of our algorithm is that it can exploit information computed when finding previous MUSes to speed up finding future MUSes. Hence, it can find multiple MUSes more efficiently. This algorithm has the drawback, however, that it cannot keep on finding more MUSes when given more time: it computes a set of MUSes of indeterminate size and then stops. Adopting the power set exploration idea of [14] we address this drawback, presenting a method that can eventually compute all MUSes while still enumerating them at a reasonable rate. We show that our algorithms improve on the state of the art.

2 Background

Let \(\mathcal {F} \) be an unsatisfiable set of clauses.

Definition 1

(MUS). A Minimal Unsatisfiable Set (MUS) of \(\mathcal {F} \) is a unsatisfiable subset \(M\subseteq \mathcal {F} \) that is minimal w.r.t. set inclusion. That is, M is unsat but no proper subset is.

Definition 2

(MSS). A Maximal Satisfiable Subset (MSS) of \(\mathcal {F} \) is a satisfiable subset \(S\subseteq \mathcal {F} \) that is maximal w.r.t set inclusion.

Definition 3

(MCS). A correction subset of \(\mathcal {F}\) is a subset of \(\mathcal {F}\) whose complement in \(\mathcal {F}\) is sat. A Minimal Correction Subset (MCS) of \(\mathcal {F} \) is a correction subset that is minimal w.r.t. set inclusion.

Note that if C is an MCS of \(\mathcal {F} \) then its complement \(\mathcal {F} \setminus C\) is an MSS of \(\mathcal {F} \).

Definition 4

A clause \(c \in \mathcal {F} \) is said to be critical for \(\mathcal {F} \) (also known as a transition clause [7]) when \(\mathcal {F} \) is unsat and \(\mathcal {F}-\{c\}\) is sat.

Intuitively, a MUS is an unsatisfiable set that cannot be reduced without causing it to become satisfiable; a MSS is a satisfiable set that cannot be added to without causing it to become unsatisfiable; and an MCS is a minimal set of removals from \(\mathcal {F} \) that causes \(\mathcal {F} \) to become satisfiable.

A critical clause for \(\mathcal {F} \) is one whose removal from \(\mathcal {F} \) causes \(\mathcal {F} \) to become satisfiable. If c is critical for \(\mathcal {F} \) then (a) c must be contained in every MUS of \(\mathcal {F} \) and (b) \(\{c\}\) is an MCS of \(\mathcal {F} \). Furthermore, M is a MUS if and only if every \(c\in M\) is critical for M. Note that a clause c that is critical for a set S is not necessarily critical for a superset \(S'\supset S\). In particular, \(S'\) might contain other MUSes that do not contain c.

Duality. A hitting set H of a collection of sets \(\mathcal {C}\) is a set that has a non empty intersection with each set in \(\mathcal {C}\): \(\forall C\in \mathcal {C}. H\cap C \ne \emptyset \). A hitting set H of \(\mathcal {C}\) is minimal (or irreducible) if no subset of H is a hitting set of \(\mathcal {C}\).

Let \({AllMuses} (\mathcal {F})\) (\({AllMcses} (\mathcal {F})\)) be the set containing all MUSes (MCSes) \(\mathcal {F} \). There is a well known hitting set duality between AllMuses and AllMcses [22]. Specifically, \(M\in {AllMuses} (\mathcal {F})\) iff M is a minimal hitting set of \({AllMcses} (\mathcal {F})\), and dually, \(\mathcal {C}\in {AllMcses} (\mathcal {F})\) iff C is a minimal hitting set of \({AllMuses} (\mathcal {F})\). The duality also holds for non-minimal sets, e.g., any correction set hits all unsatisfiable subsets. It is useful to point out that if \(\mathcal {F} '\subseteq \mathcal {F} \), then \({AllMuses} (\mathcal {F} ')\subseteq {AllMuses} (\mathcal {F})\). Hence, if f is critical for \(\mathcal {F} \) it is critical for all unsatisfiable subsets of \(\mathcal {F} \). An MCS \(C'\) of \(\mathcal {F} '\subset \mathcal {F} \), on the other hand, is not necessarily an MCS of \(\mathcal {F} \), however \(C'\) can always be extended to an MCS C of \(\mathcal {F} \) [3].

3 Enumerating MUSes

To the best of our knowledge the current state-of-the-art algorithm for the problem of quickly computing a collection of MUSes is the Marco system originally developed in [14] and later improved in [16]. \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) (the new optimized version of Marco [16]) was compared with previous approaches [4, 17] and shown to be superior at this task. Therefore we confine our attention in this paper to comparing with the \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) approach.

Algorithm 1 shows the algorithm used by \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) uses the technique of representing subsets of \(\mathcal {F} \), the input set of clauses, with a CNF, \( ClsSets \). \( ClsSets \) contains a variable \(s_i\) for each clause \(c_i\in \mathcal {F} \). Every satisfying solution of \( ClsSets \) specifies a subset of \(\mathcal {F} \): the set of clauses \(c_i\) corresponding to true \(s_i\) in the satisfying solution. Initially, \( ClsSets \) contains no clauses, and thus initially its set of satisfying solutions corresponds to \(\mathcal {F} \)’s powerset.

\(\textsc {Marco}^+\) uses \( ClsSets \) to keep track of which subsets of \(\mathcal {F} \) have already been tested so that each MUS it enumerates is distinct. When \( ClsSets \) becomes unsat all subsets of \(\mathcal {F}\) have been tested and all MUSes have been enumerated. Otherwise, the truth assignment \(\pi \) (line 4) provides a subset S of unknown status.

\(\textsc {Marco}^+\) forces the sat solver to assign variables to true in each decision. Hence, if S is sat it is guaranteed to be an MSS (see [2] or [23] for a simple proof). S and all of its subsets are thus now known to be sat so they can be blocked in \( ClsSets \). This means that all future solutions of \( ClsSets \) must have a non-empty intersection with \(\mathcal {F} \setminus S\), i.e., they must hit the complement of S, a (minimal) correction set. The update of \( ClsSets \) is accomplished with the subroutine call \({\mathbf{hitCorrectionSet}}(\mathcal {F} \setminus S)\) (line 6) which returns a clause asserting that some \(s_i\) corresponding to a clause in \(F\setminus S\) must be true.

Otherwise S is unsat and it contains at least one \(\textit{MUS} \). \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) then invokes a MUS finding algorithm to find one of S’s MUSes. In addition, \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) informs the MUS algorithm of all singleton MCSes it has found. The computed MUS M has to include the union of these singleton MCSes as it must hit every MCS.

M and all of its supersets are known to be unsat and are blocked in \( ClsSets \) by a clause computed by \(\mathbf{blockSuperSets}(M)\) asserting that some \(s_i\) corresponding to \(c_i \in M\) must be false [14]. After all subsets of \(\mathcal {F}\) have been identified as being sat or unsat (detected by \( ClsSets \) becoming unsat), the algorithm returns.

figure a

One advantage of \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) is that it can utilize any MUS algorithm. Thus once it has identified a subset of \(\mathcal {F}\) to be unsat it can enumerate a new MUS as efficiently as finding a single MUS. Another advantage is that it will continue to enumerate MUSes until it has enumerated them all. On the negative side, each new MUS is computed with an entirely separate computation. This MUS computation only knows about the prior singleton MCSes but does not otherwise share much information with prior MUS computations (beyond some learnt clauses).

4 A New Algorithm for Enumerating MUSes

Algorithm 2 shows our new algorithm for generating multiple MUSes from a formula. The grayed out lines will be used when multiple initial calls are made to the algorithm, they will be discussed in the next section. For now it can be noted that these lines have no effect if \( ClsSets \) is initially an empty set of clauses.

figure b

The algorithm is a modification of the recently proposed state-of-the-art MUS algorithm MCS-MUS [3]. It extends MCS-MUS by performing a backtracking search over a tree in which the branch points correspond to the different ways the MUSes to be output can hit a just computed MCS.

The algorithm maintains a current formula \(F' \subseteq F\), such that \(F'\) is unsat, partitioned into a set of clauses known to be critical for \(F'\), \({crits} \), and a set of clauses of unknown status, \({unkn} \). It starts by identifying an MCS, \({cs} \), of \({crits} \cup {unkn} \), such that \(cs \subseteq {unkn} \), using a slight modification of existing MCS algorithms [3]. If no such MCS exists, then \({crits} \) is unsatisfiable and since all of its clauses are critical, it is a MUS. This MUS is reported and backtrack occurs. If \({cs}\) does exist, it creates a choice point. By duality we know that every MUS must hit \({cs}\), and by minimality of \({cs} \) we know that for every clause \(c\in {cs} \) there is a MUS whose intersection with \({cs} \) is only c. Hence, we select a clause \(c\in {cs} \) to mark as critical (line 12) removing the rest from \({unkn}\) (line 10). This ensures that all MUSes enumerated in the recursive call contain c and hence hit \({cs}\).

Before the recursive call, we can use two standard techniques that are critical for performance, clause set refinement [21] and recursive model rotation [7].

Theorem 1

All sets output by MCS-MUS-BT are MUSes of its input \(\mathcal {F} ={unkn} \cup {crits} \). Furthermore, if \(\mathcal {F} \) unsatisfiable a least one MUS will be output. Finally, if only one MUS is output, then \(\mathcal {F} \) contains only one \(\textit{MUS} \).

We omit the straightforward proof to save space. Although the theorem shows that MCS-MUS-BT will generate at least one MUS (as efficiently as the state-of-the-art MCS-MUS algorithm), the number of MUSes it will generate is indeterminate, as this depends on the MCSes it happens to generate. Furthermore, it cannot, in general, generate all MUSes. Intuitively, by removing \({cs}\) from \({unkn} \) at line 10, we block it from generating any MUS M with \(|M\cap cs| >1\).

The main advantage of this algorithm is that it shares computational effort among many MUSes. Namely, after the first MUS is generated, computation for the second MUS starts with at least one (potentially many) known MCS, and may also have several clauses in \({crits}\) and a smaller set of clauses in \({unkn}\). Hence, it can more efficiently generate several MUSes.

4.1 Enumerating All MUSes

While MCS-MUS-BT may be able to generate a sufficiently large collection of MUSes, the unpredictability of the size of this collection might be unsuitable in some cases. In such cases we may of course fall back to \(\textsc {Marco}^+\), giving up the advantages of MCS-MUS-BT.

Another option is to embed MCS-MUS-BT in \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). It is straightforward to modify Algorithm 1 so that it uses MCS-MUS-BT instead of findMUS and blocks all MUSes discovered during one call. However, without modifying \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) this allows only limited information to flow between \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) and MCS-MUS-BT. In particular, sharing information beyond singleton correction sets is not supported.

A third option then is deeper integration of MCS-MUS-BT into a Marco-like algorithm. We show this in Algorithm 3, which is based on the MCS-MUS-All algorithm of [3]. The outline of MCS-MUS-All-BT is broadly similar to that of \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). Like \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) it uses a CNF \( ClsSets \) to represent subsets of \(\mathcal {F} \) with unknown status and uses the same \({\mathbf{hitCorrectionSet}}\) and \(\mathbf{blockSuperSets}\) procedures to block MSSes and MUSes, respectively. When \( ClsSets \) becomes unsatisfiable all MUSes have been enumerated (line 3). Each solution \(\pi \) of \( ClsSets \) yields a set S of unknown status, which is then tested for satisfiability.

If it is satisfiable, S is guaranteed to be an MSS since we require the solver to assign variables to true in each decision as in \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). We can then block S and all of its subsets by forcing \( ClsSets \) to hit its complement with \({\mathbf{hitCorrectionSet}}\).

If S is unsatisfiable, then it is given to MCS-MUS-BT to extract some of its MUSes. We generalize \(\textsc {Marco}^+\), however, by providing all previously discovered correction sets to MCS-MUS-BT, not just the singleton MCSes. These correction sets can be exploited to discover new critical clauses. In particular, all previously discovered correction sets result in clauses being added to \( ClsSets \) by \({\mathbf{hitCorrectionSet}}\). We can use unit propagation (line 1 of Algorithm 2) to determine if the clauses currently excluded from the MUSes being enumerated (\(\mathcal {F} \setminus ({crits} \cup {unkn})\)) make some prior correction set \({cs} \) a singleton (of course all correction sets that are already singleton will also be found, so this method obtains at least as much information as \(\textsc {Marco}^+\)). If so then all MUSes of the current subset \({crits} \cup {unkn} \) must include that single remaining clause \(c\in {cs} \) since all MUSes must hit \({cs} \); i.e., c is critical for \({crits} \cup {unkn} \).

figure c

Thus our algorithm has two advantages over using MCS-MUS-BT in the \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) framework. First, individual calls to MCS-MUS-BT may produce MUSes more quickly because our generalization of \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) ’s technique of exploiting singleton MCSes (at line 1) can detect more critical clauses, either initially or as \({unkn}\) shrinks. Second, the multiple correction sets that can be discovered within MCS-MUS-BT are all added to \( ClsSets \). Hence, their complementary satisfiable sets will not appear as possible solutions to \( ClsSets \) in the main loop of Algorithm 3. This can reduce the time spent processing satisfiable sets.

5 Empirical Results

In this section we evaluate our algorithms which we implemented in C++ on top of MiniSAT. We used the benchmark set of [1] containing 300 problems. We used a cluster of 48-core 2.3 GHz Opteron 6176 nodes with 378 GB RAM available.

First we tested MCS-MUS-BT (Algorithm 2) against the \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) system [16]. MCS-MUS-BT can only generate some MUSes, while \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) can potentially generate all. So in the scatter plot (a) of Fig. 1 we plotted for each instance the time each approach took to produce the first k MUSes, where k is the minimum of the number of MUSes produced by the two approaches on that instance when run with a 3600 s timeout. In the plot, points above the 45\(^\circ \) line are where MCS-MUS-BT is better than \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). The data shows that MCS-MUS-BT outperforms \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) on most instances.

We also tested how many MUSes are typically produced by MCS-MUS-BT. When run on the 300 instances it yielded no MUSes on 20 instances (in 3600 s), 1 on 111 instances, 2–10 on 29 instances, and more than 10 on 140 instances. On 6 instances it yielded over 10,000 MUSes. So we see that MCS-MUS-BT often yielded a reasonable number of MUSes, but in some cases perhaps not enough.

To go beyond MCS-MUS-BT, potentially generating all MUSes, we used two variations of our complete algorithms. The first we call Marco-Many. This is MCS-MUS-BT integrated into an implementation of the \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) algorithm, with MCS-MUS-BT called when a MUS is to be computed and returning multiple MUSes. The second variation is MCS-MUS-All-BT, from the previous section. We also compare these against \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) Footnote 1 and our previous MUS enumeration algorithm MCS-MUS-All [3].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) Time for \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) to generate as many MUSes as MCS-MUS-BT (b): number of MUSes MCS-MUS-All-BT against \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) (logscale). (c) Average time/MUS MCS-MUS-All-BT against \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). (d) Cactus plot of Average time/MUS of all solvers.

Figure 1(b) compares MCS-MUS-All-BT with \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). Here we plotted for each instance the number of MUSes produced by each approach within a 3600 s timeout. Points above the line represent instances where MCS-MUS-All-BT generated more MUSes than \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). The picture here is not completely clear. However, overall MCS-MUS-All-BT showed better performance: it generated more MUSes in 170 cases, an equal number in 48 cases, and fewer in 82 cases. Furthermore, notice that as we move up the x and y axis the instances become easier, i.e., many more MUSes can be generated per second in these instances. The instances in which \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) outperformed MCS-MUS-All-BT tend to be towards the upper right of the plot.

Besides the number of instances we are also interested in the rate at which MUSes are generated. For each instance we calculated the average time needed to generate a MUS by MCS-MUS-All-BT and \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). Figure 1(c) shows a scatter plot of these points. The cactus plot of Fig. 1(d) elaborates on this data showing the other algorithms as well.

In scatter plot (c) the axes have been inverted so that once again points above the line represent instances in which MCS-MUS-All-BT is better than \(\textsc {Marco}^+\). We zoomed this plot into the range [0,500] s per MUS as most of the data was clustered into this region. These instances show a convincing win for MCS-MUS-All-BT. The plot excludes 100 instances. Of these, 43 instances could not be plotted as one or both algorithms produced zero MUSes: on 18 both produced zero MUSes; on 22 MCS-MUS-All-BT generated a MUS but \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) did not; on 3 the inverse happened. The other 57 instances were excluded because of the plot range. Among them 3 were below the line, 23 above the line and 31 on the line. Of these excluded instances the most extreme win for \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) was an instance where \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) generated 3 MUSes and MCS-MUS-All-BT only 1; and the most extreme win for MCS-MUS-All-BT was an instance where \(\textsc {Marco}^+\) generated only 1 MUS and MCS-MUS-All-BT generated 800.

We see that with few exceptions, the average time to generate a MUS with MCS-MUS-All-BT is smaller. This is confirmed by the cactus plot (d), where we see that the average time to generate a MUS by MCS-MUS-All-BT remains well below that of other algorithms. The corresponding lines only meet for the hardest instances, where all methods generate one or no MUSes. The cactus plot also confirms that simply integrating MCS-MUS-BT into a Marco-like algorithm (i.e., Marco-Many) is not sufficient. Additionally, we see that the MCS-MUS-All-BT provides a good improvement over the previous MCS-MUS-All.