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Pediatric Cardiac Computed Tomography

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Pediatric Cardiology


Advances in both technology and adoption in recent years make cardiac computerized tomography (CT) a vital and indispensable tool for the cardiologist caring for patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Current state-of-the-art CT scanners allow for the rapid diagnosis of complex anatomy via CT at radiation doses that are a fraction of the previous technology. The role of CT has greatly expanded and proven to be a powerful diagnostic and decision-making tool for the cardiologist, interventionalist, and surgeon in the care of increasingly complex patients. Despite these advances, the future role of CT is likely to continue to expand beyond diagnostic imaging to involve a more integrated approach with surgical and interventional planning in the coming years. The ability to perform accurate and diagnostic scans requires the direction of experienced cardiologists and radiologists.

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Cornicelli, M., Guerra, V., Popescu, A. (2023). Pediatric Cardiac Computed Tomography. In: Abdulla, Ri., et al. Pediatric Cardiology. Springer, Cham.

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