
1 Introduction

Graph embedding, aiming to learn low-dimensional representations for nodes in graphs, has attracted a lot of attention recently due to its success in network learning tasks such as node classification [14], and link prediction [10]. Inspired by natural language models [9], Deepwalk is proposed to learn node embedding from network topology [11]. Then LINE [16] proposed to learn embedding by encoding first-order proximity and second-order proximity between nodes. Node2vec [2] improved Deepwalk [11] by introducing a more flexible random walk.

There is a new trend to integrate multiple types of input information including network topology and node content [3, 20], neighbors homophily [22] or node labels [7, 19, 21]. In reality, networks are complex in terms that not only nodes but also edges contain rich information. For example, in a coauthor network, the nodes representing authors can be associated with a feature vector, which contains information like affiliations or education background or research interest. Also, the edges indicating co-author relationships can be contented by the jointly published papers, which include key-words like classification, matrix completion etc. It is essential that graph embedding should learn from both topology information and node/edge content information.

There are several previous works considering attributed network embedding, where generally attributed network [5, 12] is the network only with node content information. PPNE [6] uses node content information by enforcing representations to preserve the similarities between nodes. LANE [3] learns embedding by modelling node proximity in both attributed network space and label space. PLANETOID [21] uses deep neural networks to do semi-supervised representation learning, which utilizes text information as well as label information, and it considers multi-class classification problem. Generally, existing approaches have a common limitation: they cannot incorporate the edge content information and only consider node attributes.

In this paper, we extend the problem of attributed network embedding to a more general case, named node/edge attributed graph embedding, where not only node, but also edges can contain rich information. We propose a general framework for graph embedding with rich information (called GERI), which can learn scalable representations for nodes in networks with rich text information on nodes/edges. By incorporating label information during representation learning process, we extend GERI to semi-supervised GERI (named SGERI). GERI and its variant are composed of three steps. Firstly, a homogeneous graph with text information on nodes/edges is converted into a heterogeneous one. The main advantage of this conversion is that it naturally integrates graph topology with node/edge content information or label information (only for SGERI), giving us an opportunity to exploit all such information and enhance the performance of learned representations. Then, a novel discriminant and flexible random-walk method is proposed to preserve the high-order similarity between nodes targeted for embedding, by exploring the constructed network in a mixture of the breadth first search (BFS) and the depth first search (DFS) manner. Finally, modified heterogeneous skip-gram model is used to learn the embedding for the nodes in the original network.

The evaluation of obtained graph embedding is conducted with multi-label/multi-class classification task on three datasets with nodes/edges information. The results show that GERI consistently and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms for various dimensions on all datasets in the unsupervised setting. SGERI in semi-supervised setting has the better performance than the semi-supervised methods including LANE and PTE. What’s more, GERI, and SGERI are also computationally efficient since its major sections can be easily parallelized.

2 Related Work

The study in unsupervised representation learning with only the topology information has a big family of developed approaches [13]. The network topology is usually represented by an adjacency matrix, \(A_{(|V|*|V|)}\). To obtain node representation in \(\mathbb {R}^d\), dimensionality reduction techniques like singular value decomposition or principal component analysis can be applied on graph Laplacian matrix and Modularity matrix [18]. However, the poor scalability and efficacy of these approaches makes them difficult to be applied to large-scale networks. Recently, another stream of work addresses the unsupervised representation learning of nodes in large-scale graph with an inspiration from neural language processing. Deepwalk [11] and node2vec [2] exploit word2vec [8, 9] to learn embedding from word-context pairs sampled by random walks in the graph. And LINE [16] is proposed to explicitly preserve the first-order and second-order proximity between nodes.

The methods for semi-supervised representation learning with only the topology are also developed in order to incorporate label information. MMDW [19] jointly optimizes the max-margin classifier and the embedding learning model formulated as matrix factorization. Similarly, DDRW [7] jointly learns a classifier and vertex representation by combining the loss of SVM and Skip-gram model.

Then we introduce works which can exploit both network topology and node features information. TADW [20] considers node content information by decomposing an approximated word-context matrix, with the help of node information matrix as side information. HSCA [22] also follows matrix decomposition model and proposes to enforce homophily between nodes. An obvious weakness of both methods is that they require matrix operation like SVD decomposition, which prohibits them from dealing with large scale graphs. PPNE [6] is another method which belongs to this category. It proposes to preserve property similarity between nodes by adding inequality constraints or numeric constraints. Other works in this topic are semi-supervised. Yang et al. propose Planetoid for learning the representation for each graph node to jointly predict the class label and the neighborhood context in the graph [21], but the model is only designed for multi-class classification problem. LANE [3] learns embedding by modelling node proximity in both attributed network space and label space.

However, all the above-mentioned approaches are not able to incorporate information on edges, which can be integrated by our proposed model. In the first step of our model, we construct a heterogeneous graph to integrate information in both node and edges seamlessly.

3 Problem Formulation

Formally, let \(G=(V,E,\mathbf T _{V},\mathbf T _E)\) denotes a network with rich content information for nodes and edges. More specifically, \(V=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots , v_{|V|}\}\) is a set of nodes, and \(E=\{e=(v_i,v_j):v_i, v_j\in V\}\) is a set of edges linking two nodes. \(\mathbf T _{V}\) is node content attributes, e.g., the word occurrence matrix for nodes, where each entry \(\mathbf T _{V}(i,k)\) indicates the occurrence of word \(w_k\) associating with node \(v_i\), and \(\mathbf T _{V}(i,k)=0\) for the absence of \(w_k\) in \(v_i\)’s content. \(\mathbf T _E\) is the edge content attributes, e.g., word occurrence matrix for edges, where each entry \(\mathbf T _E(i,j,k) \) indicates the occurrence of word \(w_k\) on edge connecting node \(v_i\) and \(v_j\), and \(\mathbf T _E(i,j,k) =0\) for the absence. The purpose of our work is to learn a low-dimensional representation vector \({v} \in \mathbb {R}^d\) for each node \(v \in V\), by considering the network topology and rich text information on nodes (\(\mathbf T _{V}\)) and edges (\(\mathbf T _E\)). Note that \(\mathbf T _{V}\) and \(\mathbf T _E\) can be constructed by any attributes, not just text words that are used for simplifying model explanation.

Definition 1: Node/edge attributed graph: It differs from normal attributed graph in that not only nodes, but also edges can be associated with attributes.

Definition 2: Target nodes, Bridge nodes and Label nodes: Target nodes are the nodes in V in the original homogeneous network G, for which embedding will be learned. When converting G into a heterogeneous one, bridge nodes are created to incorporate the text information on nodes/edges, for assisting the embedding learning of target nodes. An example is shown in Fig. 1. The details of bridge nodes construction will be introduced in Sect. 4.1.

4 Method

4.1 GERI

Heterogeneous Network Construction. Given an attributed network \(G=(V,E,\mathbf T _V,\mathbf T _E)\), we construct a bipartite heterogeneous network \((V,U,E_{he})\), where V includes target nodes, U contains bridge nodes, \(E_{he}\) are edges between V and U. Bridge nodes are the set of words, \(U=\{w_1,w_2,\ldots , w_{|U|}\}\), existing in node and edge text information.

An edge in \(E_{he}\) connects a target node \(v_i\) and a bridge node \(w_k\) under two circumstances: (1) \(v_i\) and \(w_k\) are connected when \(\mathbf T _V(i,k) \ne 0\). That is to say, a target node \(v_i\) is connected with a bridge node \(w_k\) if word \(w_k\) occurs in the content information of node \(v_i\). The weight associating with the edge is the value of \(\mathbf T _V(i,k)\). (2) \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are both connected to \(w_k\), when \(\mathbf T _E(i,j,k) \ne 0\). In other words, target node \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are both connected with a bridge node \(w_k\) if word \(w_k\) occurs in the content information of the edge connecting \(v_i\) and \(v_j\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example of converting a homogeneous network (left) to a heterogeneous network (right) with bridge nodes.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Three cases of random walk in heterogeneous network, giving that random walk just reached v from t.

Then, the network our algorithm works on is \(G_{he}=(V,U,E_{he},E)\), which includes \(E_{he}\) and original E, and is associated with a mapping function \(\varphi (v)\): \( V \& U \rightarrow T=\{target,bridge\}\). A toy example is shown in Fig. 1. One prominent advantage of using the constructed heterogeneous network is that the text information is integrated seamlessly with the original network. There is no loss of information.

Modified Heterogeneous Skip-Gram. Given \(G_{he}=(V,U,E_{he},E)\), our goal is to learn a mapping: \(v \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^d\) for target node \(v\in V\). Besides, a bridge node can be also mapped to feature vectors in \(\mathbb {R}^d\). We use \(\mathbf X \) to represent the latent feature vector for \( V \& U\) and \(\mathbf X \in \mathbb {R}^{(|V|+|U|)*d}\). Inspired by metapath2vec [1], which formulated heterogeneous skip-gram and learn representation for nodes from meta-path. We maximizes the log-probability of observing network neighborhoods for all the nodes conditioned on their feature representation, and we formulate modified heterogeneous skip-gram in our constructed heterogeneous network as a maximum likelihood optimization problem with objective function defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {\begin{matrix} \mathop {{{\,\mathrm{arg\,max}\,}}}\limits _\mathbf{X }\sum _{v\in V}\sum _{t\in T}\sum _{n\in N_t(v)}\log (P(n|v;\mathbf X ))+ \lambda \sum _{v\in U}\sum _{t\in T}\sum _{n\in N_t(v)}\log (P(n|v;\mathbf X )) \end{matrix}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(N_t(v)\) is the neighborhoods of node v, and has the type of t. As mentioned before, \(t\in T=\{target, bridge\}\). The first and second part of the objective is the log-probability of observing network neighborhoods for target nodes and bridge nodes, respectively. \(\lambda \) is a balance parameter, controlling the weight of second part. It shows that \(\lambda \) does have a significant influence on the performance. We approximate \(P(n|v;\mathbf X )\) by negative sampling [9]. Then we use stochastic gradient ascent to get the \(\mathbf X \). We formulate \(\log (P(n|v;\mathbf X ))\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} \log (P(n|v;\mathbf X ))=\log (\sigma (\mathbf X _{n}\cdot \mathbf X _{v}))+\sum _{m=1}^{M}{{\,\mathrm{\mathbb {E}}\,}}_{u^{m}\sim P(u)}[\log (\sigma (-\mathbf X _{u^m}\cdot \mathbf X _{v}))] \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma (x)=\frac{1}{1+\exp (-x)}\), and P(u) is the empirical unigram distribution defined on all nodes by viewing both target and bridge nodes homogeneously, where negative samples \(u^m\) will be drawn M times regardless of their types. Combining Eqs. (1) and (2), we can get the objective function for GERI.

An important component in the objectives of GERI is neighborhood \(N_t(u)\), which has a significant influence on the embedding results. Inspired by node2vec [2], which proposed a concept of flexible neighborhood in homogeneous network, we propose a novel randomized procedure that can sample neighborhood of a source node in our constructed heterogeneous network.

Novel Sampling Strategy. Following but differing from node2vec, our proposed sampling method can explore the heterogeneous graph in a mixture of breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS), such that better neighbors of nodes can be obtained. Our sampling method is superior to the state-of-the-art sampling methods because the search method in node2vec [2] is designed for homogeneous network and the existing sampling strategy in PTE [15] can only preserve the low proximity between nodes, which is usually not desirable.

Consider a random walk that just reached node v from node t in Fig. 2. Then it needs to decide where to go in the next step, which depends on the transition probability \(\beta _{vx}\) between node v and next node x, and the types of previously visited node v and t.

We define the transition probability \(\beta _{vx}\) in three cases:

Case 1: node t and v are both target nodes, as shown in the left example of Fig. 2. The next node to visit from v can be a target node, or a bridge node. We introduce three parameters \(p_1\), \(q_1\), and \(r_1\) to guide the walk, and discuss their meanings later. Given the weight \(e_{vx}\) between node v and x, the transition probabilities \(\beta _{vx}\) is defined as:

$$ \beta _{vx}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p_1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=0 \\ 1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=1 \\ q_1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=2 , \; x \in V \text { target nodes}\\ r_1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=2 , \; x \in U \text { bridge nodes}\\ \end{array}\right. } $$

where \(d_{tx}\) denotes the shortest path distance between t and x.

Case 2: node t is a target node and v is a bridge node (the middle example in Fig. 2). In this case, we don’t allow the walk to go back and expect the walk to explore more target nodes because we focus more on the relationship between a target node and other target nodes. \(\beta _{vx}\) is defined as:

$$ \beta _{vx}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 \quad \quad \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=0 \\ 1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}\ne 0 \\ \end{array}\right. } $$

Case 3: node t is a bridge node and node v is a target node (the right example in Fig. 2). We introduce three parameters \(p_2\), \(q_2\), and \(r_2\) to guide the walk. The transition probabilities \(\beta _{vx}\) is as follows:

$$ \beta _{vx}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p_2*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=0 \\ 1*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=1 \\ q_2*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=2, \; x \in V \text { target nodes}\\ r_2*e_{vx} \quad \text { if } d_{tx}=2, \; x \in U \text { bridge nodes}\\ \end{array}\right. } $$

In the following, we discuss the meaning of the parameters and their implications.

Back parameter p. \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) control the probability to revisit the node that has been visited in the second last step. Setting it to a small value means that the walk is less likely to go back. However, setting it to a large value (>1) means the walk is more likely to visit the local neighbors of the source node. Then, it is more like the BFS search.

Out-target parameter q. \(q_1\) and \(q_2\), on the one hand, control the likelihood of visiting target nodes in the random walk. If \(q_1\)(\(q_2\)) is greater than \(r_1\)(\(r_2\)), then the random walk is more likely to visit target nodes, which means target nodes play a more important role in the random walk. On the other hand, \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) control the depth of exploring the graph. If \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) are large, then the random walk is more likely to go as deep as possible, which is like DFS search.

Out-bridge parameter r. Contrary to q, r controls the likelihood of visiting bridge nodes in the random walk. If \(q_1\)(\(q_2\)) is less than \(r_1\)(\(r_2\)), then the random walk is more likely to visit target nodes. Similar to q, r controls the probability to explore the graph deeply. If it’s high (>1), the walk is more like DFS. Otherwise, the walk is more like BFS.

In practice, since each pair of \(p_1(p_2)\), \(q_1(q_2)\) and \(r_1(r_2)\) has the same meaning, we set \(p_1=p_2=p\), \(q_1=q_2=q\) and \(r_1=r_2=r\).

GERI Algorithm and Complexity. We show the pseudo-code of GERI in Algorithm 1. It shows that GERI includes three steps: construct heterogeneous graph, conduct biased random walk, and then use modified heterogeneous skip-gram to learn embedding. The overall complexity of GERI is \(O(|V|*\gamma *l^2)\), linear w.r.t. |V|.

figure a


GERI can be easily extended to consider node label information, resulting a semi-supervised GERI (named SGERI), which works on \(G_{he}^{'}=(V,U,L,E_{he},E_{he}^{'},E)\), where \(L=(l_1,l_2,\ldots , l_k)\) represents the labels of nodes (training data) in V, k denotes the number of labels for V and \(E_{he}^{'}\) represents the edges between V and L.

Similar to GERI, the complexity of SGERI is also linear with respect to V and is also easily parallelizable and can be executed asynchronously.

5 Experiments

5.1 Dataset

We employ three benchmark networks with text information on nodes/edges. The first two networks, which are publicly accessible, contain node information. The last network which contains edge information was extracted from the source in Aminer [17].

Cora [20] contains 2708 publications from 7 classes and 5429 links. Each publication is described by a binary 1433-dimension feature vector.

DBLP [4] contains 27199 authors and 66832 links, representing co-authorship. Each node has some labels out of 4 labels, representing research areas of the author. Each author is described by a 3000-dimension feature vector.

Aminer: we constructed a co-author network from the source in Aminer [17], containing 20105 authors and 48944 links. Each link corresponds to a co-authored paper. After processing paper abstracts by removing stop words and stemming, we have each edge is associated with an 897-dimension feature vector. The labels of nodes are research fields of the author.

5.2 Comparison Algorithm

The proposed methods are compared with several sate-of-the-art embedding algorithms, which can be divided into four groups. Firstly, to investigate the contribution of node/edge information, we compare GERI++ with Deepwalk [11], Line [16], and node2vec [2]. Secondly, we also include node feature information and naive combination of node2vec feature with node feature information as baselines. Thirdly, to evaluate the power of constructed heterogeneous graph, we feed constructed heterogeneous graph directly to Deepwalk, Line and node2vec. Fourth, we compare GERI and SGERI with PTE [15], and LANE [3], which are regarded as state-of-the-art algorithms in attributed network embedding. The detailed descriptions are listed as follows.

Deepwalk & LINE & Node2vec [11]: apply on the original homogeneous graph and set length of random walk as 150, # of walk as 10 and # of negative sampling as 5.

Naive Combination: combine node2vec embedding and text information.

Deepwalk(hete) & LINE(hete) & Node2vec(hete): feed the constructed heterogeneous graph to Deepwalk, LINE and node2vec.

TADW [20]: the embedding is learned from matrix decomposition.

PTE(unsupervised) & PTE [15]: For PTE (unsupervised), we construct two bipartite heterogeneous networks(target-target, target-bridge) and restrain it as an unsupervised method; For PTE, we construct three bipartite heterogeneous networks (target-target, target-bridge, target-label) and thus it remains as a semi-supervised method.

LANE(unsupervised) & LANE [3]: LANE(unsupervised) uses network and node content information, while LANE not only uses network and node content (if available), but also uses label information of training data. We did extensive grid search on parameters. For \(\alpha _1\), we search from 0.1 to 1, with step 0.1, and for \(\alpha _2\), we search over [0.01 0.1 1.0]. And for LANE, we also search over \(\delta _1\), and \(\delta _2\).

GERI & SGERI: we set # of walk, length of walk, # of walk and # of negative sampling, to be the same as Deepwalk and Node2vec, for fair comparisons. The balance coefficient \(\lambda \) is 1 (default) and we use grid search to tune only on p, q, and r.

All the representation vectors are finally normalized such that their L2-norm as 1. We use logistic classification to evaluate all the embeddings.

5.3 Performance of GERI

We report the performance of different methods under various embedding dimensions on Cora, DBLP and Aminer in Tables 1, 2 and 3, respectively. We use 50% data as training and another 50% as testing. In Table 3, LANE(unsupervised) uses only network structure because it can’t use edge content. And we don’t show Text-only and Naive Combination, because they are not applicable in Aminer, which contains edge content.

Table 1. Comparison of Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 score on Cora datasets for different dimensions
Table 2. Comparison of Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 score on DBLP datasets for different dimensions

First, GERI consistently outperforms all baselines for various dimensions on three datasets. For Cora, its performance improvement over PTE(unsupervised) is at least 19% for all dimensions. And it outperforms unsupervised LANE by 24%, 11%, 5.2% and 3.4% for dimension 16, 32, 64, 128, respectively. For DBLP, it is better than PTE(unsupervised) and largely improve LANE(unsupervised) by at least 9.5% over all dimensions. For Aminer, it outperforms PTE(unsupervised) by 6.0%, 5.9%, 5.8%, and 4.3% on d = 16, 32, 64, and 128, respectively.

Second, Deepwalk(hete), Line(hete) and Node2vec(hete) all have very competitive performance and are better than Deepwalk, Line and Node2vec that are applied to the original homogeneous graph. It thus verifies that our constructed heterogeneous graph effectively integrates the network topology and rich text information. But since they are all inferior to GERI, we get that our proposed biased sampling method is better than the sampling methods in these approaches.

Table 3. Comparison of Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 score on Aminer datasets for different dimensions

Last, we find that TADW and LANE(unsupervised) (both methods use matrix optimization to learn embeddings) perform very poorly with low dimensions such as d = 16 and 32, but perform well when dimension of embeddings increase to 64 or 128. However, PTE(unsupervised), Deepwalk, Line and Node2vec have consistent performance for all dimensions. For example, the performance of TADW and LANE(unsupervised) with low dimension of 16 or 32 is worse than other baselines in both Cora and DBLP data set. But these two methods perform well when d increases to 64 and 128.

5.4 Performance of SGERI

We compare SGERI with GERI, and other semi-supervised methods such as LANE and PTE on dataset DBLP and Aminer. For fair comparisons, we used the same set of training and testing data for all methods and did grid search over parameters.

We show the results on DBLP in Fig. 3. It shows that SGERI improved GERI by more than 4% in Micro-F1 and 5% in Macro-F1 score for all dimensions. From the comparisons between semi-supervised methods, we see that PTE outperforms LANE, and SGERI improved PTE by 14%, 12%, 4%, and 2% in Micro-F1 score for dimension of 16, 32, 64, and 128, respectively. For Macro-F1, SGERI improved PTE by 14%, 12%, 5%, and 2% for dimension of 16, 32, 64 and 128, respectively. Conclusively, we get that SGERI consistently outperforms PTE and LANE in all dimensions, and interestingly its superiority is more obvious in the setting of low dimension. The reason why SGERI is better than PTE is that it can better preserve proximity between nodes, which uses novel biased random walk and can take advantage of the high-order proximity while PTE only uses low-order proximity. For Aminer, the results are shown in Fig. 3. Similarly, the use of label information of training data really helps and largely improves the performance of our proposed methods. SGERI outperforms GERI by nearly 20% in both Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 score. Also, SGERI is better than PTE, with performance gain as least 7.1% for Micro-F1 and 9.8% for Macro-F1, for all dimensions. It further verifies that our sampling methods is better than the one in PTE.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison between SGERI, GERI, LANE and PTE on DBLP dataset (Left two) and Aminer Dataset (Right two) over various dimensions

5.5 Parameter Analysis

We show effects of parameters in GERI. All experiments are done by setting d as 128.

Firstly, Fig. 4 shows that pq, and r do have a significant influence on the performance. From the left plot in Fig. 4, we see that the setting of middle value for 1/p (from 1.0 to 2.0) and small value for 1/q (around 0.25) lead to better performance, which means a relatively high probability to explore target nodes when doing random walk better preserve the proximity between nodes. From the middle and right plots in Fig. 4, we find that a relatively small probability to explore the bridge nodes can give better performance. The underlying reason is that the information that bridge nodes contain is less important than target nodes. Considering the bridge nodes are the terms associated with nodes for this dataset, we can explain this from two aspects. First, the original homogeneous graph represents the co-authorship between authors, whose topology in an implicit way indicates the common research areas among authors. That’s to say, the terms are supplementary for graph topology information even though they are the source of performance gain for our methods. Second, terms can be noisy. By limiting the probability of visiting bridge nodes, less noise will be brought to the embedding.

Next, we show how performance changes w.r.t. \(\lambda \), walk length, # of walks and window size in Fig. 5. For \(\lambda \), we see that good performance is obtained when lambda is a small value, i.e., 0.01 or 0.1. When \(\lambda \) further increases, F1 score drops dramatically. This is because \(\lambda \) controls the weight of loss function targeted on bridge nodes, and the information in bridge nodes is not as important as target nodes, following our discussion in above. For walk length, # of walks and window size, we see that the performance of node classification w.r.t. these three parameters follows similar pattern: performance increases sharply at the very beginning, increases slightly when we further increase parameter values, and fluctuates or converges or even decreases slightly in the later period.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Performance on different p, q, and r on Cora dataset: left (Micro-F1 score w.r.t. 1/p and 1/q); middle (Micro-F1 score w.r.t. 1/p and 1/r); right (Micro-F1 score w.r.t. 1/q and 1/r).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Performance on different \(\lambda \), walk length, the number of walks, and window size

6 Conclusion

We studied node/edge attributed graph embedding. GERI is proposed to firstly integrate original graph and copious information in node/edges into a heterogeneous graph, and then sample neighborhoods of nodes through the newly designed biased random walk. Finally, GERI learns embedding by modified heterogeneous skip-gram with negative samples. Furthermore, we develop SGERI which improves GERI by exploiting label information. For the future work, there are several possible directions. (1) consider dynamic nature of real graphs and the real-time changes of node/edge content information. (2) As is also the case with other attributed network embedding, we haven’t considered the cases when node/edge content is not complete or contaminated.