
1 Introduction

Although distributed databases (DDBs) are attractive for very large datasets, their utilization brings new problems. Designing a DDB is one of the most complicated problems in this domain. In addition to the classical centralized database design, fragmentation and data allocation are the new two problems to tackle with [1, 2]. Data allocation problem (DAP) is an optimization problem with constraints [3]. Disk drive speed, parallelism of the queries, network traffic, load balancing of servers should be considered during the design. Even without most of these decision parameters it is clear that DAP is an NP-Hard problem. File allocation problem (FAP), DAP, and QAP have some similarities. From the perspective of data transmission, DAP is the same with FAP. However, the logical and semantic relations of fragments differ from these two problems. QAP has more similarities with DAP that it also keeps track of the resource locality. The QAP is first presented with Koopmans and Beckman [4]. In Sect. 2, we give a brief information about the related works for FAP, DAP, and QAP. Section 3 explains the design of the solution. Section 4 gives the proposed algorithms and Sect. 5 gives experimental environment and the results respectively. The conclusions are presented in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

FAP, DAP, and QAP are extensively studied well-known problems [4, 5]. There are static or dynamic allocation algorithms for the DAP. Static algorithms use predefined requirements, whereas dynamic algorithms take modifications into consideration [6]. Ceri and Plagatti presented a greedy algorithm for replicated and non-replicated data allocation design [7]. Bell showed that the DAP is NP-Hard [8]. Corcoran and Hale [9] and Frieder and Siegelmann [10] solved the DAP with genetic algorithms (GA). Ahmad and Karlapalem solved the problem of non-redundant data allocation of fragments in distributed database systems by developing a query driven data allocation approach integrating the query execution strategy with the formulation of the data allocation problem [11]. Adl and Rankoohi addressed prominent issues of non-replicated data allocation in distributed database systems with memory capacity constraint [12]. They took into consideration the query optimization and the integrity enforcement mechanisms in the formulation of the DAP. Many other NP-Hard problems are designed by using QAP [1315].

3 Solution Formulation with the QAP

The data allocation problem is specified with two kinds of dependencies between transactions and fragments as seen in Fig. 1. The dependency of sites to fragments can be inferred from transaction-fragment and site-transaction dependencies. S represents sites, F represents fragments, T represents transactions in Fig. 1. Similarly, freq is the number of requests for the execution of a transaction at a site, trfr is the direct dependency of a transaction on a fragment, and q is the indirect dependency of a transaction on two fragments.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The dependencies of transactions on fragments and sites on transactions

We formulated the cost function of the data allocation problem as the sum of two costs, direct and indirect transaction-fragment dependencies [12]. The dependency between a transaction t and a fragment f is called direct if there is a data transmission from the site containing f for each execution of t. If there is some data to be transferred from a site different from the originating site of transaction, the dependency is considered as indirect. The total cost of data allocation Cst is the sum of two costs Cst1 and Cst2 (Eq. 1).

$$\begin{aligned} Cst(\varPhi ) = Cst1(\varPhi )+Cst2(\varPhi ) \end{aligned}$$

In Eq. 1, \(\varPhi \) represents the m element vector where \(\varPhi _j\) specifies the site to which \(f_j\) is allocated. Cst1 is represented by the amount of site-fragment dependencies. It is expressed by the multiplication of two matrices STFR and UC, where STFR stores the site fragment dependencies and UC stores the unit communication cost among the sites. The cost of storing a fragment \(f_j\) in site \(s_i\) is represented by partial cost matrix \(PCST1_{n \times m}\). The unit partial cost matrix is formulated in Eq. 2.

$$\begin{aligned} {pcst1}_{ij} = \sum _{q = 1}^{n} {uc}_{iq} \times {stfr}_{qj} \end{aligned}$$

Cst1 can be represented as in Eq. 3 after having calculated the unit partial cost \({pcst1}_{ij}\) for each i and j.

$$\begin{aligned} Cst1(\varPhi ) = \sum _{j = 1}^{m} {pcst1}_{{\varPhi _j}j} \end{aligned}$$

The inter-fragment dependency matrix FRDEP is defined as the multiplication of the matrices \({QFR}_{l\times m \times m}\) and \(Q_{l\times m \times m}\). The matrix QFR denotes the execution frequencies of the transactions. The FRDEP matrix representing the inter-fragment dependency is the multiplication of the matrix QFR with the matrix Q. Q represents the indirect transaction fragment dependency. Equation 4 formulates the indirect transaction-fragment dependency Cst2. Cst2 is a form of the QAP as seen in the equation.

$$\begin{aligned} Cst2(\varPhi ) = \sum _{{j_1} = 1}^{m} \sum _{{j_2} = 1}^{m} {frdep}_{{j_1}{j_2}} \times {uc}_{\varPhi _j1 \varPhi _j2} \end{aligned}$$

4 Proposed Algorithms for the Data Allocation Problem

GAs randomly generate an initial population of solutions, then by applying selection, crossover, and mutation operations repetitively, creates new generations [16]. The individual having the best fitness value is returned as the best solution of the problem [17]. PMX crossover is used in the GA. PMX copies a random segment from parent1 to the first child. It looks for the elements in that segment of parent2 that have not been copied starting from the initial crossover point. For each of these elements, say i, it looks in the offspring to see what element j has been copied in its place from parent1, PMX places i into the position occupied by j in parent2, since we know that we will not be putting j there. If the place occupied by j in parent2 has already been filled in the offspring by k, we put i in the position occupied by k in parent2. The rest of the offspring can be filled from parent2. The second child is created similarly [18].

Dorigo and colleagues proposed ACO as a method for solving difficult combinatorial problems [19]. ACO is a metaheuristic inspired by the behavior of real ants where individuals cooperate through self-organization. FANT is a method to incorporate diversification and intensification strategies [20]. It systematically reinforces the attractiveness of values corresponding to the best solution found so far the search, and on the other hand by clears the memory while giving less weight to the best solution if the process appears to be stagnating.

Metropolis developed a method by simulating the thermodynamic energy level changes in 1953 [21]. With this method, particles exhibit energy levels maximizing the thermodynamic entropy at a given temperature value. The average energy level is proportional to the temperature. This method is called Simulated Annealing (SA). Kirkpatrick applied SA on computer related problems in 1983 [22]. Many scientists have applied it to different optimization problems since then [23]. If a metal cools down slowly, it turns into a smooth metal because its molecules have entered a crystal structure. This crystal structure shows the minimum energy state, for an optimization problem. If a metal cools down too fast, the metal turns into a rough piece with bumps. These bumps and jagged edges show the local minimums and maximums. In SA, each point of the search space represents a state of the physical system, and the function to be minimized is the internal energy of the system in that state. The goal of the algorithm is to bring the system from an initial state to a state with the minimum possible energy.

5 Experimental Setup and Test Results

5.1 Experimental Environment

In each test, one parameter is varied while the others are fixed. The algorithms are tested by the same test data. Data is generated with rules defined in Sect. 5.2. Experiments are performed using a 2.21 GHz AMD Athlon (TM) \(64\times 2\) dual processor with 2 GB RAM and MS Windows 7 (TM) operating system. Each processing node has 102 buffers, and page size is 10,240 bytes, disk I/O time is 10 ms (per page), available memory is assumed to be sufficient to perform all join operations in main memory and each table is loaded into memory only once. Test data is generated according to the experimental environment of Adl [12]. The only difference is that we choose the unit costs in range [0,1]. Our test data generator gets number of fragments m, number of sites n and other parameters as input and creates a random DAP instance. We choose the fragment size randomly from the range [\(\frac{c}{10}\), 20 \(\times \) \(\frac{c}{10}\)], where c is a number between 10 and 1,000. We choose the site capacities in [1, 2 \(\times \) \(\frac{m}{n} - \)1]. The sum of the site capacities should be equal to total fragment size m, where n is the total number of sites. We assumed that the number of sites n is equal to number of fragments m. Each fragment size is chosen randomly. We selected the unit transmission costs as a random number in range [0,1]. We generate a random probability of request for each transaction (RT) for each transaction to be requested at a site. Transaction fragment dependency is also represented with probability of access for each fragment (AF). The site fragment frequency matrix FREQ is determined as the multiplication of probability RT and a random frequency in range [1, 1,000]. Transaction fragment dependency matrix is generated as the multiplication of AF and a uniformly distributed random value in [0, \(f_j\)] where \(f_j\) is the jth fragment. Finally the site fragment dependency matrix STFR is equal to FREQ \(\times \) TRFR. We define the inter-fragment dependency matrix FRDEP as multiplication of the matrices \({QFR}_{l\times m \times m}\) and \(Q_{l\times m \times m}\) where QFR takes into account the execution frequencies of the transactions and Q represents the indirect transaction fragment dependency.

5.2 Experimental Results

We performed several tests over GA to set the appropriate parameters. GA uses population size 1,000 and number of generations 200. We used the Fast Ant System [20] with parameter R = 5 for managing traces and number of iterations as 20,000. SA uses 100,000 as number of iterations and 2,750 as number of runs. After completing the experiments on instances ranging from size 5 to 100, it is concluded that FANT performs better than GA and SA. FANT executes faster than GA and SA on all instances as seen in Table 1, Figs. 2 and 3.

Table 1 Comparison of algorithms on DAP instances (cost value is column\(\times 10^6\)) unit


Fig. 2
figure 2

Cost versus instance size comparisons of the algorithms

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We solve the fragment allocation problem in distributed databases by making use of the well known Quadratic Assignment Problem solution algorithms. A new set of Genetic, Simulated Annealing, and Fast Ant Colony algorithms are introduced for solving this important problem. In the experiments, the execution times and the quality of the fragment allocation alternatives are investigated. The results are very promising even for very large number of fragments and sites. The model used for deciding the sites where each fragment will be allocated assigns only one fragment to each site. Replication of fragments to multiple sites and assigning multiple fragments to any site have not been considered in this work. As future work, we plan to eliminate these restrictions and develop algorithms that can produce any distributed database schema by allowing replication and horizontal/vertical fragmentation.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Time versus instance size comparisons of the algorithms