
1 Introduction

Among the rapid developments in homogeneous gold catalysis in the past decade, those involving gold carbenes have received increasing attention from the synthetic community. This is because diverse reactivity is displayed under mild reaction conditions and these protocols do not need traditional diazo compounds as precursors to the metal carbenes [1, 2]. Although stabilized diazo compounds with electron-accepting substituents are stable under most reaction conditions, synthesis of functionalized diazo compounds often requires diazo transfer reactions which can involve potential hazards [3] and/or the use of toxic and explosive diazomethane [4]. The ability to utilize stable, readily available and easily handled precursors to gold carbenes should open up new paths to metal carbene chemistry.

This review focuses on the reactions in which oxygen (and other) atoms are transferred to alkynes to form what can be envisioned synthetically as gold carbenes (Scheme 1). Although the nature of such gold carbenes can best be described as Au(I)-coordinated carbocations, the representation of gold carbene with a double bond between Au and carbon is used in this review.

Scheme 1
scheme 1

General reactivity pattern

Impressive developments have been made in developing new methods of generating Au-carbenes which are covered according to the type of atom (or carbene) transfer reagents in approximately chronological order. Some of these aspects have been the topic of other recent reviews [58]. However, some other important methods of the generation of gold carbenes (Scheme 2) that do not fall into this category (Scheme 1) are not covered in this review [911].

Scheme 2
scheme 2

Other methods of carbene generation not covered in this review

2 General Reactivity Pattern

2.1 Nitrene Transfer by Azides and N–N Bond Reagents

A formal nitrene transfer using azides was demonstrated by Toste and coworkers in 2005 [12]. As delineated in Scheme 3, liberation of N2 gas from the adduct 1 would lead to nitrene transfer forming α-imino Au-carbene 2. The reactivity pattern between azides and alkynes demonstrated here was the first case of addition of a leaving group (in this case, N2) bearing a nucleophile onto alkyne, and formed a paradigm for subsequent alkyne oxidation chemistry. Various combinations of nucleophilic atoms and leaving groups (LG) later resulted in a variety of synthetic methods for generation of Au-carbenes via alkyne oxidation. In this particular case, the Au-carbene may evolve via 1,2-H shift into pyrroles or ring expansion via a Wagner–Meerwein shift.

Scheme 3
scheme 3

Nitrene transfer from azide


Later, in 2011, Gagosz and coworkers further developed the azide chemistry for oxindole synthesis (Scheme 4) [13]. The Au-carbene 3 could be intermolecularly trapped by an alcohol (10 equiv.), and the following Claisen rearrangement occurred under relatively mild conditions (50–60°C), providing oxindoles 4 with an α-quaternary center. In the same paper, trapping Au-carbenes with Ar–H was also reported, leading to 3-aryl indoles 5 (Eq. 1). Shortly afterwards, Zhang and coworkers reported similar reactions employing arenes, heteroarenes, and alcohols as nucleophiles [14].

Scheme 4
scheme 4

Cascade nitrene transfer and Claisen rearrangement

Sulfilimines were shown to be viable intramolecular nitrene donors which can generate α-imino Au-carbene synthons [15]. In 2011, Zhang and coworkers introduced a new nitrene transfer reagent, namely N-tosyliminopyridinium ylides 6 which allowed for intermolecular nitrene transfer with activated alkynes, such as ynamides (Scheme 5) [16]. An outer-sphere attack of ylides onto Au-activated alkynes was proposed as the mechanism, similar to that for the reactions of N–O oxidants. The geometry of the imine C=N bond was determined to be (E) based on X-ray crystallographic as well as stereochemical analysis. However, unlike related N-oxide oxidations of alkynes ending with 1,2-H (or alkyl) shift, the geometry of the C=C bond was obtained as a mixture.

Scheme 5
scheme 5

N-Tosyliminopyridinium ylides as nitrene transfer reagents

Shortly afterwards, Davies and coworkers reported a related transfer reagent, pyridine-N-aminides 7 (Scheme 6) [17]. In the presence of an N-acyl group which can act as an intramolecular nucleophile, the α-imino Au-carbene 8 can be transformed into oxazoles, which can be envisioned as a formal (3 + 2) cycloaddition between 1,3-N,O dipoles and alkynes. Thus, the reaction of pyridine-N-aminides with ynamides occurred intermolecularly in the presence of dichloro(pyridine-2-carboxylato)Au(III) complex, leading to various oxazoles. Chemoselectivity was excellent in favor of the desired oxazole formation in the presence of competing functional groups, such as alkynes and alkenes which are potentially apt for cyclization and cyclopropanation, respectively, or cyclopropyl or alkyl groups at R which can participate in a competitive ring expansion and a 1,2-insertion, respectively. A gold-carbene route was not favored because of the mechanism based on the absence of 1,2-shift. Instead, a cationic electrocyclization of 8 in concert with N–N cleavage was suggested as a preferred mechanism.

Scheme 6
scheme 6

Pyridine-N-aminides as OAT reagents

2.2 Oxygen Atom Transfer from Sulfoxides


In 2007, Toste and coworkers reported a pioneering oxygen atom transfer (OAT) chemistry introducing sulfoxides (Scheme 7) [15]. Homopropargyl sulfoxide 9 underwent initial 5-exo-dig O-attack on alkynes and delivered benzothiophenones 10. The initial addition mode (5-exo-dig vs 6-endo-dig) dictated the outcome of regioselectivity in the alkyne oxidation and the alkyne substituents had a strong influence on the products obtained (10 or 11). In addition to this O-transfer chemistry, sulfimine substrates 12 were shown to transfer nitrene equivalent (Eq. 2). For the propargyl sulfoxide substrates 13, on the other hand, the posited carbene underwent a 1,2-sulfide shift as the major pathway (Eq. 3). Also notable in the last example is that a possible cycloisomerization of 1,5-enynes did not occur, indicating the chemoselectivity of this OAT protocol.

Scheme 7
scheme 7

Sulfoxides as OAT reagents


Diphenyl sulfoxide can also be an Au-carbene trap, transforming metal carbenes into the corresponding carbonyl compounds (Eqs. 46) [18]. The 1,6-enyne 14 transformed into carboxaldehyde derivatives in the presence of Au-catalyst and Ph2S=O, which can best be explained by initial cycloisomerization into cyclopropyl gold carbenes 15, followed by the oxidation with Ph2S=O. Whether the OAT occurred first and then cyclopropanation occurred, or the initial formation of cyclopropyl carbenes followed by their oxygenation, can be inferred from the regioselectivity of the oxygen delivery, suggesting the latter scenario is in effect (Eq. 4). Further evidence of OAT to Au-carbene centers can be gleaned from the oxidation of gold carbenes generated from the α-diazoketone 16 into 1,2-diketone 17 (Eq. 5). Similarly generated gold carbenes can also undergo intramolecular carbene transfer to alkynes leading to 18, followed by oxidation (Eq. 6).

Shortly afterwards, Zhang and coworkers reported OAT from homopropargyl sulfoxides 19 leading to α,β-unsaturated enones 20 via pinacol shift (Scheme 8) [19]. The migratory aptitude among Ar, alkenyl, H and alkyl groups to the carbene center was investigated. In acyclic cases, Ar and alkenyl groups preferentially migrated over H and alkyl groups into the α-position of enones. This migratory aptitude is distinct from those observed in the Rh-catalyzed decomposition of α-diazo-β-hydroxyesters, where H migration is preferred [20].

Scheme 8
scheme 8

Sulfoxide-mediated OAT and 1,2-alkyl shift

Whether distinct Au-carbene is involved in the OAT of sulfoxides is an intriguing issue. While extending the above sulfoxide redox chemistry to an intermolecular setting, Ujaque and coworkers reported a synthetic pathway to α-aryl ketones 23 via intermolecular alkyne oxidations with sulfoxides (Scheme 9) [21]. Interestingly, the regioselectivity at the aryl ring did not follow the expected trend in the intermolecular electrophilic aromatic substitution of the purported Au-carbenes and, instead, the alkyl group ended up at the position ortho to the alkylthio group. Moreover, no cross-over products were identified [22]. Furthermore, computational study failed to identify a discreet minimum for the Au-carbene and the sulfide, and instead suggested that a concerted [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 21 into 22 was operative for the process [23].

Scheme 9
scheme 9

Intermolecular OAT from sulfoxides via [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement

In 2009, Davies demonstrated that gold-carbene generated from the OAT of sulfoxides can be trapped by the liberated sulfides to form sulfonium ylides 24 which were shown to undergo 2,3-sigmatropic rearrangement of the S-bound allyl unit into 25 (Scheme 10) [24]. The mechanism seems to involve a concerted sigmatropic shift of the allyl group, as can be seen in the 1,3-transposition of the substituted allyl unit. The optimized catalytic system turned out to be PtCl2 (5 mol%) in DCE for terminal alkynes, and dichloro(pyridine-2-carboxylato)Au(III) for internal alkynes. Notably, in the latter case, a quaternary α-center can be formed. An interesting by-product, namely 26, was observed in a small amount in the reaction of terminal alkynes which presumably arose from α-chlorination (from solvent DCE) of Pt-carbene species [25].

Scheme 10
scheme 10

Sulfoxide-mediated OAT and 2,3-Wittig rearrangement


Ring expansion can be induced by the generation of a carbene center next to cyclopropyl rings [26]. Liu and coworkers examined the ability of a carbene generated from the sulfoxide redox of 27 to incur cyclopropane ring expansion to 29 (Scheme 11) [22]. In the screening of appropriate OAT reagents, N–O oxidants such as amine-N-oxides, pyridine-N-oxides, and nitrones were not effective. Using 5 equiv. of Ph2S=O, the desired acylcyclobutenes were obtained in CH3NO2 as solvent without competitive formation of 1,2-diketo compounds 30 [27]. Here, the ring expansion of the cyclopropane ring was faster than the competing 3,3-sigmatripic rearrangement of 28 (Scheme 8) [21]. However, the ring expansion reaction could not be extended to homologous cyclobutyl alkyne substrates 31 as these substrates followed a competitive formation of [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements to 32 (Eq. 7).

Scheme 11
scheme 11

Sulfoxide-mediated OAT and ring expansions of cyclopropanes

2.3 OAT from Epoxides

OAT from epoxides to alkynes was first reported by Hashmi and coworkers in 2008 [28]. Epoxyalkynes 33 prepared by mCPBA oxidation of the corresponding 1,5-enynes underwent a rearrangement, leading to 1-acylindenes 35 (Scheme 12). The mechanism is consistent with the formation of gold carbene 34 via attack of epoxide oxygen on the Au-activated alkynes. A small amount of by-product 36 was also observed, which results from the coordination of Au+ on epoxide, followed by 1,2-shift. The presence of Au-carbene in this reaction was supported by the trapping of 34 with styrene or ethyl vinyl ether [29]. In the presence of Ph2S=O as oxidants, similar substrates 37 underwent further oxidation into 1,2-diketones 39, which isomerize into 2-hydroxyindanones 40 with a quaternary center [30].

Scheme 12
scheme 12

OAT from epoxides

3 N–O Bond-Based Oxidants

3.1 Nitro Compounds

The first OAT onto alkynes in gold catalysis was reported by Asao and coworkers in 2003 (Scheme 13). They reported o-alkynyl nitroarenes were converted into a mixture of isatogens 41 and anthranils 42 upon treatment with AuBr3 in DCE [31]. Afterwards, a similar transformation was also reported with Ir(III)-catalyst by Crabtree and coworkers [32].

Scheme 13
scheme 13

The first intramolecular OAT from alkynes


In 2011, Liu and coworkers made use of this reactivity to develop an elegant (2 + 2 + 1) formal cycloaddition involving nitroso groups, alkenes, and carbenyl carbons (Scheme 14) [33]. To minimize the dimerized by-product 46 resulting from [3 + 2] cycloaddition of isatogens with starting nitroalkynes (Eq. 8), slow addition of o-nitroethynylbenzene was required in the presence of excess dipolarophile. High regio- and diastereoselectivity was observed with a range of vinyl ethers and vinyl sulfides. The authors proposed that the mechanism of this cascade transformation involved generation of dipolar species 43/44 and the subsequent [3 + 2] cycloaddition with electron-rich olefin to form 45. The high diastereoselectivity observed as well as the trapping of the gold carbene intermediate by styrene to form cyclopropyl anthranils 47 (Eq. 9) were taken as evidences for their proposal. Conspicuously, the cycloaddition could be rendered enantioselective, in the presence of (R)-DM-Segphos ligand, delivering the cycloadduct in 73% ee (Eq. 10).

Scheme 14
scheme 14

Nitro group-mediated OAT and [3 + 2] cycloaddition

3.2 Oximes

The ability of oximes to function as O-atom donors onto alkynes was found by Shin and coworkers in 2009 (Scheme 15) [34]. In the reaction of o-alkynylbenzaldoxime derivatives catalyzed by cationic of Au(I) complexes, (E)-oximes led to isoquinoline-N-oxides 48 [35] and (Z)-oximes formed isoindoles 50 in a mutually exclusive fashion. They proposed that the two pathways diverged at the point of the initial 6-endo-dig N-attack or 6-exo-dig O-attack. This mechanistic picture could explain the N–O cleaving steps in nitronyl alkynes by Yamamoto and coworkers [31] and laid a background for developing further N–O bond cleaving redox chemistry.

Scheme 15
scheme 15

OAT transfer from (Z)-oximes

3.3 Nitrones

In 2008, Shin and coworkers reported that nitrones can function as OAT agents onto alkynes under electrophilic metal catalysis (Scheme 16) [36]. Nitrones can be easily assembled from the condensation of hydroxylamine derivatives and the corresponding aldehydes. Yet, in the presence of electrophilic metal salts, intramolecular transfer of an oxygen atom from nitrones onto alkynes occurs smoothly, leading to azomethine ylides 51. The pendent alkenes would undergo stereospecific [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition with these in situ formed azomethine ylides, leading to 8-aza[3.2.1]bicyclooctanes 52. Pt(II), Au(III), Au(I), and Ag(I) complexes were able to catalyze this process, and among them, AuCl3 in CH3NO2 gave the best rates and selectivity between [3 + 2] cycloaddition and isoindole products. For the mechanism of N–O bond cleavage, an alkynylnitrone substrate with alkyl tether between nitrone and alkyne groups was shown to form the desired [3 + 2] adduct, which suggested that the oxygen transfer occurs through the N–O–C=C–Au bond and not through a retro-electrocyclization mechanism. In 2011, Li and coworkers have found that the similar N–O redox reactivity of nitronyl alkyne substrates can be manifested by Ir(III), Rh(III), and Ru(II) complexes in both catalytic and stoichiometric reactions [37]. They reported the X-ray crystallographic structure of Ir(III)-bound azomethine ylides and the solid state structure had O-bound tautomeric form. Development of an asymmetric version of this [3 + 2] cycloaddition of azomethine ylides were examined by Shin and coworkers, resorting to the auxiliary controlled approach [38].

Scheme 16
scheme 16

Nitrone-mediated OAT and [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition

In 2010, Shin and coworkers further expanded the scope of nitrone redox chemistry by converting electrophilic carbenes 53 into nucleophilic enolates 54 via 1,2-pinacol shift (Scheme 17) [39]. The reaction of nitronylalkynes having tertiary alcohols at the alkynyl terminus led to cascade transformations comprising OAT, pinacol, and Mannich (and Michael) addition. The migrating groups in the pinacol shift ended up at the quaternary position of the resulting 3-amino-cyclopentanones, and therefore the selectivity of various migrating groups was investigated. Among alkyl groups at R1 and R2, the smaller alkyl groups preferentially migrated (Me > Et > iPr). π-Functional groups, such as aryl, vinyl, and alkynyl groups preferentially migrated over a methyl group. These migrating groups ended up at the quaternary position of 55 in a stereoselective fashion after Mannich addition through a cyclic transition state.

Scheme 17
scheme 17

Nitrone-mediated OAT, pinacol shift and Mannich (and Michael) addition sequence

Intermolecular OAT from nitrones to alkynes was examined for the synthesis of indolin-2-ones 58 by Liu and coworkers (Scheme 18) [40]. To induce intermolecular reactivity and regioselective OAT, donor-activated ynamides were selected. Notably, commonly employed cationic Au(I) complexes led to an extensive decomposition of starting materials and less acidic AuCl or PtCl2 were found to be efficient catalysts. The intermediate carbonylimines 57 were isolated in good yields or they can be reduced with NaBH3CN in THF to afford indolin-2-ones 58. Absence of cross-over indicated an intramolecular sigmatropic rearrangement mechanism.

Scheme 18
scheme 18

Intermolecular OAT from nitrones-[3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement: oxyarylation of alkynes)

With aryl substituted ynamides, oxyamination was followed instead of the above oxyarylation (Scheme 19) [41]. Using sterically bulky 8-methylquinoline-N-oxide as oxidants and tBu2P(o-biphenyl)AuCl/AgSbF6 as the catalyst, the desired oxyamination product 60 was obtained smoothly at room temperature. Use of nitrones here functioned both as aniline and oxygen donor. The authors proposed α-oxo gold carbene intermediates 59 that form a tight ion-dipole pair to explain the absence of cross-over.

Scheme 19
scheme 19

Oxyamination of alkynes

With the same aryl substituted ynamides, a change of reaction partner from nitrones to nitroso arenes led instead to oxyimination instead of oxyamination (Scheme 20) [41]. This transformation is equivalent to a nitroso/alkyne metathesis and was proposed to proceed through the N-attack of nitroso compounds onto ynamides to 61, cyclization into 4H-oxazet-2-ium species 62, followed by its fragmentation to 63. The oxyimination products could be converted with NaBH4 into synthetically useful α-amino alcohols.

Scheme 20
scheme 20

Oxyimination of alkynes

3.4 Amine-N-Oxides

In 2009, Zhang and coworkers reported that 3-butynylpiperidine-N-oxides 65, prepared in situ from mCPBA oxidation of the corresponding amines 64, undergo OAT to alkynes (Scheme 21) [42]. In the presence of (PPh3)AuNTf2 (5 mol%) in dichloromethane, the substrates 65 smoothly transformed into piperidin-4-ones 66 at 0°C for 1 h via an apparent C–H activation. With substituted piperidine, pyrrolidine, and acyclic tertiary amines as substrates, high diastereoselectivity was observed, ranging from 6:1 to >20:1, depending on the substitution pattern. Interesting selectivity issues arise when the starting amines substituted with two different alkyl groups were used. Representative reactivity profile revealed that the hydride is transferred from the least hindered alkyl group and that the hydride transfer is favored in the case where the corresponding carbenium ion can be stabilized by resonance. The efficiency of the two-step piperidin-4-ones synthesis was demonstrated in the total synthesis of cermizine C from 67 (Scheme 21). The involvement of gold carbene in this transformation became even more intriguing issue because the reaction of substrates with EWG at the alkynes proceeded smoothly even in the absence of Au-catalyst at mild temperatures (0°C and below) [43].

Scheme 21
scheme 21

Tertiary amine-N-oxides as OAT reagents

Given these experimental results, the mechanism of this amine-N-oxide-mediated OAT was computationally studied (Scheme 22) [44]. Density functional calculation suggested that a formal 1,5-hydride shift occurred through a single concerted transition state by a hetero-retroene mechanism (from 68 to 69), thus disfavoring the Au-carbene mechanism. Experimental evidence for disfavoring the gold carbene intermediate was based on the observation in which a related gold carbene generated from the α-diazo-precursor did not undergo this 1,5-hydride shift, but instead produced a Wolff rearrangement. The computational results also successfully accounted for the product ratio when two alkyl substituents on N are different.

Scheme 22
scheme 22

DFT computational study of OAT process from 3° amine-N-oxides

3.5 Hydroxylamines and Nitroso Compounds

N-Hydroxylamines are appealing OAT agents because of their availability [45, 46] and their potential reactivity involving N–O cleavage. Conceptually, formal addition of N- and O-atoms in the N-hydroxylamines onto alkynes would provide a direct route to synthetically useful α-amino carbonyl compounds. In 2011, Shin and coworkers reported the first gold-catalyzed intramolecular reactions of N-hydroxyl homopropargylamines (Scheme 23) [47]. N-Sulfonyl hydroxylamine derivatives reacted in the presence of (IPr)AuCl and AgBF4 (5 mol% each) to provided 3-pyrrolidinones 71. Being an ambident nucleophile, the reaction of N-hydroxylamines with internal alkynes 72 led to initial 5-endo-dig N-addition, giving nitrones 73 instead. In the formation of pyrrolidinones 71, the presence of the N-sulfonyl protecting group was essential for the N–O cleavage.

Scheme 23
scheme 23

N-Hydroxylamines as OAT reagents

Metal-free rearrangement of O-vinyl-N-arylhydroxylamines has long been known to undergo thermal [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement by Coates and coworkers (Scheme 24) [48]. Utilizing efficient gold-catalyzed alkoxylation of alkynes, this [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement have received renewed interest in indole and pyrrole synthesis as follows.

Scheme 24
scheme 24

Metal-free redox isomerization by Coates [48]

Thermal rearrangement of O-vinyl-N-arylhydroxylamine derivatives and subsequent dehydration can lead to indoles [49]. In common with Fisher indole synthesis, a key issue in terms of selectivity lies in the preparation of O-vinyl-N-arylhydroxylamine in a regioselective manner. In 2011, Zhang and coworkers addressed this issue utilizing gold-catalyzed Markovnikov O-addition of N-aryl-N-hydroxylamines onto terminal alkynes (Scheme 25) [50]. The intermolecular addition involving addition of hydroxylamines, [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement, and dehydrative cyclization occurred efficiently at room temperature in the presence of (ArO)3PAuNTf2 (Ar = 2,4-di-tBu-C6H3) complex in DCE, providing various 2-aryl and 2-alkyl indole derivatives. This protocol has advantages over conventional Fisher indole synthesis in that the reaction conditions are neutral and acid-labile-protecting groups (THP ethers) can survive. However, in some cases, disproportionation of N-aryl-N-hydroxylamines into nitrosobenzenes and anilines was noted, resulting in azoxybenzenes as by-products.

Scheme 25
scheme 25

Gold-catalyzed formation of O-vinyl hydroxylamines and [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement


The reaction with internal alkynes required a modification of reaction conditions because of the attenuated reactivity. Zhang and coworkers found that the use of Zn(II) as a co-catalyst along with an Au(I) catalyst provided an effective solution for internal alkynes (Eq. 11) [51]. The chelation of Zn(II) ion with N-Boc-protected hydroxylamine was proposed to enhance the nucleophilicity of the O-nucleophile. The regio-selectivity in the reactions of internal alkynes ranged from 2:1 to >20:1 providing 2,3-disubstituted indoles. This regio-selectivity follows from steric and electronic effect and can be controlled by judicious choice of substituents.

O-Vinyl hydroxylamines can be prepared from the condensation of hydroxylamines with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds (Scheme 26) [52]. Salt forms of hydroxylamines 74 were used as starting materials along with mild bases because salt-free forms were prone to oxidation under aerobic environments. In situ condensation and gold-catalyzed 6-exo-dig addition to alkynes led to N,O-divinyl hydroxylamines 75 which thermally underwent a known [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement, leading to fused pyrroles [48].

Scheme 26
scheme 26

Formation of O-vinylhydroxylamine from 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds

Liu and coworkers employed allenes as substrates for the indole synthesis (Scheme 27) [53]. The reaction of hydroxylamines with allenes under the gold(I) catalysis gave a complicated mixture, indicating possible instability of hydroxylamines. Addition of 2 equiv. of benzaldehyde as an additive was necessary initially to convert the hydroxylamines 76 into nitrones 77 and the resulting nitrones underwent regioselective indole formation, and the benzaldehyde was liberated by hydrolysis. The scope of allenes in this case remained terminal ones.

Scheme 27
scheme 27

Addition of hydroxylamines to allenes

The intermolecular reaction of nitrosoarenes with alkynes can also lead to (N-hydroxy)indoles. Srivastava and coworkers reported an in situ cyclization in the presence of AuCl as a catalyst and reduction of the resulting N-hydroxyindoles with NaBH4 (Scheme 28) [54].

Scheme 28
scheme 28

Intermolecular reactions of nitrosoarenes with alkynes leading to indoles

In 2012, Liu and coworkers explored the gold-catalyzed generation of vinyl gold carbene intermediates from vinyl diazo compounds 78 and developed new cycloannulation pathways using nitrosoarenes as reagents (Scheme 29) [55]. Vinyl metal carbenes generated via Rh- or Cu-catalyzed decomposition of vinyl diazo compounds displays diverse cycloaddition reactivity. While other metal-catalyzed decomposition of vinyl diazo compounds led to isolation of nitrones 79 (path A), gold catalysts provided two new intermolecular cycloannulation products 80 and 81 [56]. From vinyl diazo precursors 78, use of {tBu2P(o-biphenyl)}AuNTf2 provided quinoline-N-oxides 80, with a small amount of quinolones 81. The mechanism involves the N-addition of nitrosoarenes at the γ-position (path B), followed by [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement. Liberation of Au+ catalyst would provide quinolones or an oxidative aromatization would provide quinolone-N-oxides.

Scheme 29
scheme 29

Reactions of vinyl gold carbenes with nitroso compounds

Vinyl gold carbenes 82 generated from Rautenstrauch rearrangement of propargyl carboxylates returned a different outcome, providing cycloadducts 83 (Scheme 30) [55]. With Au(IPr)NTf2 as a catalyst, the mixture of propargyl pivalates and nitrosoarenes smoothly converted into 3,6-dihydro-2H-[1, 2]-oxazines 83. To elucidate this intriguing reaction mechanism, vinylimine 84 was prepared and was treated under the above conditions to give the identical product, showing that the vinylimines 84 are involved as actual intermediates for the formation of 83. The formation of the vinylimines from propargyl pivalates was rationalized by the loss of Au+=O fragments which returned to Au+ with the liberation of O2.

Scheme 30
scheme 30

Reactions of vinyl gold carbenes from propargylic esters

3.6 Pyridine-N-Oxides

Intermolecular OAT reaction onto alkynes was first demonstrated by Zhang and coworkers employing pyridine- N-oxides. Pyridine-N-oxide derivatives have unique features as oxygen transfer agents and this chemistry has been demonstrated in the oxyarylation of benzynes in the early literature [57]. These compounds can be readily prepared by a variety of methods, including mCPBA oxidation, metal- or organocatalyzed oxidation by H2O2 or other peroxy reagents [58, 59]. In comparison, other heteroaromatic-N-oxides, such as those from oxazoles and imidazoles, are hydrolytically unstable and/or undergoes competitive [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition [60, 61]. In contrast, pyridine-N-oxides can often be prepared in crystalline form. Synthetically, the use of pyridine-N-oxides as intermolecular OAT reagents are advantageous because residual atoms from OAT reagents do not remain in the product. This results in an increased scope of applications and less efforts in the preparation of substrates. Au-carbene synthons generated thus have significantly expanded applications, now including X–H (X=O, N) insertion, cyclopropanation, cyclization, and rearrangements, covering most areas of traditional diazotransfer chemistry [1, 2]. Importantly, being able to trap the α-oxo gold carbenes by intermolecular nucleophiles requires an additional dimension of chemoselectivity. However, in recent years, increasingly elegant examples of intermolecular trapping have been reported, adding to the diversity of accessible structures.

3.6.1 Intramolecular Trapping of α-Oxo Gold Carbenes

In 2010, Zhang and coworkers reported the first intermolecular OAT of N–O bond oxidants (Scheme 31) [62]. Treating the starting homopropargyl alcohols 85 and pyridine-N-oxides (2 equiv.) with Au(I) catalysts in DCE provided dihydrofuran-3-ones 86 and the use of strong acid (MsOH) increased the rate and yield of the product, leading to the reaction occurring at room temperature. The reaction conditions were mildly acidic because of the buffering effect of excess pyridine-N-oxides, where MOM-protected alcohols and Boc-protected amines could survive. Potential side reaction, i.e., 5-exo-dig or 6-endo-dig cyclization of tethered electron-rich aromatic or heteroaromatic rings onto alkynes, did not compete, illustrating efficiency and chemoselectivity of this intermolecular OAT. However, the efficiency of the reaction dropped when extended to the bis-homopropargylic alcohols, because of a competing and very facile 5-exo-dig cyclization.

Scheme 31
scheme 31

OAT and formation of furan-3-ones

Shortly afterwards, the same group extended this intramolecular O–H insertion into propargyl alcohols delivering a facile route to oxetan-3-one 87 (Scheme 32) [63]. Optimal conditions for this transformation involve the use of Au(o-biphenylPCy2)NTf2 as catalyst, 3-methoxycarbonyl-5-bromopyridine-N-oxide (2 equiv.) and 1.2 equiv. of HNTf2. The latter acid additive minimized the reaction of Au-carbene with MsOH to form α-MsO-methylketones 88 when MsOH was used. For tertiary propargyl alcohol substrates, oxetanone formation required the presence of a CO2R group at the alkyne terminus and switching to 4-acetylpyridine-N-oxide (2 equiv.) and IPrAuNTf2 (5 mol%).

Scheme 32
scheme 32

OAT and formation of oxetan-3-ones

Azetidin-3-ones 89 can also be synthesized from N-sulfonyl protected propargyl amines (Scheme 33) [64]. To alleviate the difficulty of removing the N-sulfonyl group, the N-Bus (tert-butylsulfonyl) group was installed by oxidation of the corresponding sulfoxide and, moreover, these substrates could be easily prepared in enantiopure forms via Ellman’s protocol [65].

Scheme 33
scheme 33

OAT and formation of azetidin-3-ones

A similar strategy was explored in the synthesis of pyrrolidin3-ones by Ye and coworkers (Scheme 34) [66]. Switching substrates to homopropargyl amines led to an efficient synthesis of pyrrolidin-3-ones using Au(PEt3)NTf2 as a catalyst, 2-bromopyridine-N-oxide as an oxidant, and MsOH as an additive. tert-Butyl sulfinimine chemistry allowed access to enantiopure N–Ts sulfonamides which, in turn, led to the optically pure pyrrolidin-3-ones.

Scheme 34
scheme 34

OAT and formation of pyrrolidin-3-ones

Generally, oxidation of triple bonds has had limited synthetic applications so far compared to that of alkenes, because of the low chemoselectivity. In comparison, alkyne oxidations mediated by the OAT from pyridine-N-oxides to alkynes provides α-oxo gold carbenes synthons. Such an example employing internal alkynes has been demonstrated, providing α,β-unsaturated enones via 1,2-H-shift (Scheme 35) [67]. Transformation of internal alkynes into the α,β-unsaturated enones requires a regioselective OAT from pyridine-N-oxides. With a small bias in the alkyne substituents (i.e., primary vs secondary alkyl), gold-catalyzed OAT allowed the oxygen atom to add onto the less hindered alkyne carbon, where the selectivity increased as the steric bulk N-oxides increased. Also, by using hindered 8-isopropylquinoline-N-oxide, the addition of buffering acid was not needed. In the case when one of alkyne substituents is a cyclopentyl group, ring expansion via 1,2-shift onto carbene center is observed, leading to cyclohexenyl ketones.

Scheme 35
scheme 35

OAT and 1,2-H shift


In 2011, Liu and coworkers reported formal sp2 C–H insertion and intramolecular cyclopropanations of α-oxo gold carbenes generated from ynamides and terminal alkynes, respectively (Schemes 36 and 37) [68]. The former transformation can be explained by a sequence consisting of the ynamide-controlled regioselective OAT of 92 from 8-methylquinoline-N-oxide, intramolecular cyclization to form benzyl cation, and a concerted 1,2-hydride migration with the turnover of Au-catalyst to form 93. The reaction of terminal acetylene substrates 94 required higher temperature (80°C) and 4 equiv. of 8-methylquinoline-N-oxide and led instead to cyclopropanation product 95. This transformation can be explained by the initial OAT followed by intramolecular cyclopropanation to 95 or by the formation cyclopropyl gold carbenes 96/97 first, which are then trapped via OAT to form 95. Initially, the authors proposed the former pathway is operative based on the analysis that the benzylic cation such as 96 would be highly prone to aromatization to afford naphthalene derivatives, and on the experimental observation where an apparent benzylic C–H activation occurred in the reaction of 98 (Eq. 12). However, the apparent C–H activation product was later found to form via 1,5-H-shift, not through α-oxo gold carbenes by the same group [69].

Scheme 36
scheme 36

OAT and synthesis of indenes

Scheme 37
scheme 37

OAT and intramolecular cyclopropanation

In 2012, Liu and coworkers reported benzylic C–H functionalization/cyclization in the gold-catalyzed reaction of o-alkynylbenzenes (Scheme 38) [69]. As benzylic substituents (R), various groups including relatively electron-deficient aromatic and heteroaromatic groups, functionalized alkyl groups and hydrogen can be accommodated. Deuterium labeling experiments and other control experiments suggested that the α-oxo gold carbene route was not likely. Instead, a fast 1,5-hydrogen shift, following by aromatization with the N–O bond cleavage, was proposed to explain the outcome.

Scheme 38
scheme 38

Intramolecular C–H functionalization/cyclization


More recently, Liu and coworkers reported an interesting observation in the oxidative cyclization of 1,4-enynes for the formation of cyclopentenones (Eqs. 13 and 14) [70]. Interestingly, the carbocationic intermediate 100 (Scheme 39) underwent a stereospecific migration of an alkyl group positioned at the cis-position (R1) in the substrate and a surprisingly high level of stereospecificity was demonstrated. Electron-rich ligands on gold – such as Me3P – showed higher stereospecificity than electron-deficient phosphite ligands and, finally, tBu2P(o-biphenyl) ligand gave almost complete stereospecificity. The dependence of migratory aptitude on the stereochemistry at the γ-carbon to the cationic center is very rare. The authors proposed that the observed stereospecificity can be explained by a disrotatory closure of the α-oxo gold carbene with pendent olefins to form 100, followed by anti-selective migration onto the cationic center. The formation of the cationic intermediate 100 can also be rationalized by a concerted N–O cleavage with the formation of the new C–C bond from the 99.

Scheme 39
scheme 39

Possible mechanism of selective migration of cis-substituent

In 2012, Zhang and coworkers developed synthesis of chroman-3-ones 101 via intramolecular oxyarylation using pyridine-N-oxides (Scheme 40) [71]. In this transformation, Buchwald-type ligands with increasingly bulky biphenyl moieties turned out to be more effective and Me4 tBuXPhos was chosen as the optimal ligands. Competitive formation of benzopyran via 6-endo-dig cyclization slowed down in the presence of pyridine-N-oxides, possibly because of coordination of the gold complex onto pyridine-N-oxides. Among the oxidants tried, electron-deficient and sterically bulky oxidants such as 102 returned the best results. As a note, a high degree of o-/p-selectivity was observed in the case of m-substituted substrates.

Scheme 40
scheme 40

Intramolecular trapping with arenes

Liu and coworkers reported intramolecular reactions of nitriles onto the electrophilic α-oxo gold carbenes (Scheme 41) [72]. Interestingly, two theoretical equivalents of pyridine-N-oxides were utilized, one for OAT to alkynes to form α-oxo gold carbenes and the other for oxyarylation of the strained nitrilium ion 102. Thus, the initially formed nitrilium species undergo addition of pyridine-N-oxides, followed by five-membered ring closure to 103 and fragmentation with the N–O bond cleavage. The oxyarylation of the nitrilium species can also occur intermolecularly, starting from vinyl diazoesters 104 with 1.1 equiv. of 8-methylquinonine-N-oxide.

Scheme 41
scheme 41

Trapping of α-oxo gold carbenes with nitriles

In 2006, Toste and coworkers reported that o-ethynylbenzyl ethers undergo intramolecular carboalkoxylation to afford indenyl ethers catalyzed by gold (Scheme 42) [73]. During this process, the benzylic center underwent an overall inversion of configuration at the benzylic center via an axially chiral transition state. In 2013, Liu and coworkers employed similar substrates in the oxidative gold-catalyzed cyclization (Scheme 43) [74]. The α-oxo gold carbenes formed would be intramolecularly trapped by ether oxygen, which is followed by a new C–O bond formation, leading to cyclic enol ethers or acetals (R′=OR) with (Z) geometry. A notable feature during this transformation is the complete transfer of chirality at the benzylic center, in this case, with overall retention of configuration. This process was explained by a ‘front-on’ substitution transition state 105 where the developing cationic charge is compensated for by the incoming ketone oxygen.

Scheme 42
scheme 42

Chirality transfer in the carboalkoxylation: overall inversion

Scheme 43
scheme 43

Chirality transfer in the oxidative dialkoxylation: overall retention

In 2011, Zhang and coworkers reported intramolecular oxidative cyclopropanation starting with 1,6-enynes derived from propiolamides (Scheme 44) [75]. In their screening of oxidants, Ph2S=O did not effectively provide the desired products and pyridine-N-oxides or quinoline-N-oxides were optimal oxidants, depending on substrates. The reaction could be rationalized by the initial formation of gold carbenes 106, followed by intramolecular cyclopropanation. Subsequently, related substrates with terminal alkynes were investigated by Shin and coworkers (Scheme 45) [76]. Interestingly, in this case, 2-bromopyridine-N-oxide was ineffective, forming a conjugate addition adduct instead. Formation of cyclopropyl gold carbene 107 formed from the cyclization of 1,6-enynes, followed by trapping the carbenes with Ph2S=O, was the most reasonable explanation.

Scheme 44
scheme 44

Intramolecular oxidative cyclopropanation by pyridine-N-oxides

Scheme 45
scheme 45

Intramolecular oxidative cyclopropanation by sulfoxides

Davis and coworkers introduced ynamides for intermolecular reaction of pyridine-N-oxides, providing α,β-unsaturated imides via 1,2-H shift (Scheme 46) [77]. The polarized nature of ynamide electrophiles were utilized for inducing intermolecular reactivity as well as controlling regioselectivity in the addition to alkynes. A potentially competing process is the reaction of Au-carbene with another equivalent of pyridine-N-oxide, producing 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds. Apparently, intramolecular 1,2-shift turned out to be faster than the over-oxidation of the α-oxo gold carbenes by pyridine-N-oxides. The double bond geometry ranged from 1.9:1 to 7.7:1 in favor of the E-isomer, unless the β-alkoxy group is present.

Scheme 46
scheme 46

Formation of enones

3.6.2 Intermolecular Trapping of α-Oxo Gold Carbenes

During the oxidation of alkyne by OAT from pyridine-N-oxides, chloride abstraction from solvents, such as DCE, are often observed as a side reaction. Xiang and coworkers have examined the generality of this reaction (Scheme 47) [78]. The viability of chloride abstraction indicates the highly electrophilic nature of the α-oxo gold carbene 108/109 and the mechanism was proposed to involve the formation of the cyclic chloronium intermediate 110, which reacts with MsOH to form the experimentally observed 2-chloroethyl mesylate. Alternatively, switching solvent to chlorobenzene led to selective formation of α-mesyloxymethyl ketones [79].

Scheme 47
scheme 47

Intermolecular trapping by DCE solvent

Nitriles can trap the α-oxo Au-carbene generated from OAT of pyridine-N-oxides intermolecularly (Scheme 48) [80]. This required use of nitriles as reaction solvents and the resulting nitrilium species undergo 5-endo-dig cyclization leading to 2,5-disubstituted oxazoles. For example, using 8-methylquinoline-N-oxide as an oxidant in acetonitrile, terminal alkynes were efficiently converted into 2,5-dialkyl oxazoles 111. It should be noted that this report constitutes the first intermolecular trapping of gold carbenes generated via gold-catalyzed OAT although the nucleophile came from solvent.

Scheme 48
scheme 48

Intermolecular trapping by nitrile solvents

Variation of structures of ligands in terms of steric and electronic environment and/or coordinating atoms may play a vital part in the reaction outcome of transition metal catalysis. Previously, Zhang and coworkers developed 2,5-disubstituted oxazole synthesis involving trapping of α-oxo gold carbenes with a large excess of nitrile compounds as solvents [80]. In contrast, using the P,N ligand system, they were able to access 2,4-disubstituted oxazoles without using a large excess of reactants (Scheme 49) [81]. In this effort, Zhang and coworkers applied Mor-DalPhos [82] ligand having bulky adamantyl groups at the P atom and an o-morpholine. While typical ligands on cationic gold, such as Cy-JohnPhos, led to no desired product, a combination of Mor-DalPhos and NaBArF 4 as a counter-anion source provided respectable yields of the desired product. Although the mainstay of Au(I) catalysis is represented by di-coordinated Au(I) species, they proposed that trivalent P,N-coordinated Au(I) complexes would be less electron-deficient and thus allow more back-donation from Au to the cationic center, resulting in a more chemo-selective functionalization. DFT computational results were also provided, indicating a shortened Au–C bond caused by the increased backbonding and shorter Au–N distance (2.930 Å).

Scheme 49
scheme 49

P,N ligand strategy: oxazoles formation

In a subsequent study, Zhang and coworkers expanded upon their P,N-bidentate ligands-based strategy (Scheme 50) [83]. As external nucleophiles, carboxylic acids were employed, producing α-benzoxymethyl ketones. A systematic variation of N-substituents of the P,N-bidentate ligands was tried, aimed at exploring requisite steric environment around the Au-carbenic center. Among them, 112 provided a significant improvement over Mor-DalPhos. Carboxylic acid, being less nucleophilic than carboxamide above, requires more steric protection of α-oxo gold carbene intermediate from competing side pathways. With the help of X-ray crystallography, the two equatorial methyl groups in 112 were reasoned to provide a conformational lock to provide an effective shielding of the cationic gold and thus the gold carbene can be protected from decomposition by bigger nucleophiles, including oxidants, and is selectively allowed to react with smaller nucleophiles, such as carboxylic acids. The generality of Mor-DalPhos in the trapping with MsOH was also explored in the synthesis of α-mesyloxymethyl ketones [84].

Scheme 50
scheme 50

Investigation of P,N bidentate ligands

Intermolecular trapping of α-oxo gold carbenes by nucleophiles adds to the complexity of chemoselectivity because of the highly electrophilic nature of such intermediate and competing intramolecular side reactions. The scope of stoichiometric nucleophiles has remained rather limited, including carboxylic acids, sulfonic acids, and carboxamides. Recently, Zhang and coworkers addressed this deficiency in the reaction of allyl sulfides with the α-oxo gold carbenes (Scheme 51) [85]. The intermolecular trapping with allyl sulfides and the thio-Wittig [2, 3] rearrangement of 112 as described by Davies in the intramolecular setting [24] led to a new C–C bond with allylic transposition, leading to 113. In order to reduce further the amount of the allyl sulfides and the N-oxides, P,S-ligand was introduced. The resulting γ,δ-unsaturated ketones could be converted to conjugated dienones in subsequent transformations.

Scheme 51
scheme 51

Intermolecular trapping with allyl sulfides

In 2014, Ye and coworkers reported indole-3-functionalization through pyridine-N-oxide-based alkyne oxidation (Scheme 52) [86]. They demonstrated that the use of water as solvent alleviated the above-mentioned over-oxidation of alkynes into 1,2-diketones 117 in comparison with organic solvent such as 1,2-DCE. Direct addition of indoles to the activated ynamides to form 118 could also be minimized. This protocol allows efficient access to a pharmaceutical agent UK-350,926, by C–C bond formation between indoles and α-oxo gold carbenes, leading to 116.

Scheme 52
scheme 52

Intermolecular trapping with indoles

In using water as a medium, potentially competing side-pathways can be considered, namely an insertion of the O–H bond of water into the highly electrophilic Au-carbene 115 and a hydration of ynamides. The former O–H insertion has not been observed, unlike in the case of other transition metals, and the latter hydration could be minimized by increasing the concentration of electron-rich arenes, without complication resulting from the direct addition into ynamides to form 118. To track down the origin of the beneficial effect of water, water-insoluble N-oxides have been prepared and tested. Their reaction gave a significant amount of over-oxidation by-product, just as in organic solvents. These results suggested water-soluble 2-bromo-pyridine-N-oxides mostly reside in the aqueous phase so that a low concentration of this oxidant is maintained in the organic phase during the reaction. This simulates a situation in which a slow addition of pyridine-N-oxides is adopted.

4 Other Carbene Transfer Agents

Ylides can be appropriate carbene transfer agents which can generate gold carbenoids or can be added to alkynes to generate metal carbenes. Initial studies in this category include those using diazo compounds [18, 55, 72]. More diverse ylidic species have been reported in recent years, including sulfonium and phosphonium ylides. These reagents are often stable in storage and, importantly, are safer to handle than classical diazo compounds.

4.1 Gold-Carbenes from Phosphonium Ylides

In 2008, Chen and coworkers reported observation of the first non-Fischer type gold-carbene complex of general formula (L)Au=CHR by mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS/MS) in the gas phase (Scheme 53). The precursor 119, a gold ylide complex, was synthesized by substitution of acetoacetyl Au(I) complex with phosphorus ylide and it underwent a collision-induced dissociation (CID) by Xe atoms to generate a cationic species whose mass corresponds to 120. Its reactivity was examined with various olefins. With cis-1,2-dimethoxyethene, cross metathesis reactivity to Fischer carbene 121 and β-methoxystyrene 122 dominated, while with 1,2-alkylethene, cyclopropanation to 123 prevailed, suggesting its carbene character.

Scheme 53
scheme 53

Gas-phase reactivity of non-Fisher-type gold carbenes

4.2 Gold-Carbenes from α-Sulfonium Salts

Ingenious approaches toward new carbene precursors are continuously being developed, most notably by Chen and coworkers, from sulfonium salts (Scheme 54) [87]. The isolable gold complex 124 was generated by the reaction of a lithium anion of the corresponding sulfonium salt with cationic (NHC)Au+. Upon heating, this gold alkyl complex fragmented into SO2 gas, free NHC carbene, and gold carbene complex 125 which was identified in the gas phase. Notably, cyclopropanation of 125 with styrene derivatives has been demonstrated in a solution phase, providing the cyclopropane as a mixture of isomers.

Scheme 54
scheme 54

Solution cyclopropanation of non-Fisher-type gold carbenes

4.3 Gold-Carbenes from Sulfonium Ylides

In 2012, Skrydstrup and coworkers reported that sulfonyl ylides can react intermolecularly with terminal alkynes, leading to formation of 2,4-disubstituted furans (Scheme 55) [88]. They envisioned the addition of sulfonium ylides 127 onto the alkynes followed by liberation of the alkyl aryl sulfide, forming a vinyl Au-carbene intermediate 128. This, in turn, can be intramolecularly trapped by the ketone, delivering furans. The accessibility of stable zwitter-ionic sulfonium ylides that can be isolated by column chromatography was key to the successful implementation of this strategy. The scope of the alkynes is limited to aliphatic terminal alkynes. They supported a mechanism involving vinyl Au-carbene 128, because alternative concerted nucleophilic 5-endo-dig addition of carbonyl onto the vinyl gold should be disfavored according to Baldwin’s rule.

Scheme 55
scheme 55

Synthesis of furans


Shortly after this report, Maulide and coworkers reported a related strategy involving diphenyl sulfonium ylides 129 [89] which were, in turn, prepared by a ylide transfer protocol developed by themselves (Scheme 56) [90]. The reaction between sulfonium ylides and alkynes occurred intramolecularly, and trapping the formal Au-carbene by keto- or ester-carbonyl led to fused furans. The coupling of diphenylsulfonium ylides with alkynes can also occur intermolecularly with aryl alkynes, delivering 2,3,4-trisubstituted furans (Eq. 15). For allyl β-ketoesters, the intermediate furan underwent a [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement at 100°C, leading to δ-lactones with a quaternary α-center (Eq. 16). According to their DFT study, the Au-carbene could not be located as an intermediate. However, the cleavage of the S–C bond was suggested to be the rate-determining step.

Scheme 56
scheme 56

Synthesis of fused furans

Afterwards, Maulide and coworkers found that the same substrate in the absence of alkyne components underwent intramolecular cyclopropanation in highly diastereoselective fashion (Scheme 57) [91]. It is conceivable that this process is occurring through initial carbene transfer to gold, followed by intramolecular cyclopropanation. However, control experiments and DFT computation indicated that the anionic carbon of the sulfonium ylides attacks the Au-activated alkene 130 first, and the following substitution of Ph2S in 131 closes the cyclopropane rings. In accord with this, β-ketoesters underwent slower reactions than malonate-derived substrates (R1=O-alkyl) because of their more stabilized and lower carbon nucleophilicity. It should be noted that the present reaction by gold catalysis outperformed diazo-mediated Rh(I)-catalyzed cyclopropanation, where C–H activation products are accompanied as by-products [92].

Scheme 57
scheme 57

Intramolecular cyclopropanation

Sulfonium ylides can also be transferred to allenes to form vinyl cyclopropanes (VCPs) [93]. As in the reaction with alkenes, the reaction with allenylamides occurs with the initial addition of sulfonium ylidic carbon at the γ-carbon of allene 132, followed by intramolecular substitution of the sulfonium moiety (Scheme 58).

Scheme 58
scheme 58

Synthesis of vinylcyclopropanes

5 Conclusion

The ability of gold metal to stabilize an α-carbocation has spurred interest in the methods of generation and reactions of gold carbenes. In this field, one of the most prominent approaches has been the reactions of leaving group-bearing nucleophiles with alkynes which have been discussed in this review. Novel catalytic methodologies have been developed at a rapid pace, employing various combinations of nucleophilic atoms and leaving groups, which resulted in a large repertoire of useful reactions. The prospects are that new carbene precursors or OAT transfer reagents should continue to be developed in the future.