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Guanche Mummies

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The Handbook of Mummy Studies


Guanche mummies from Tenerife have been a permanent focus of attraction for scholars from many countries, especially Europeans, and for the population of the island since the moment of the conquest (1496) when they were known by the Spaniards. Chroniclers of the conquest and ulterior historians of the Canaries wrote on these valuable specimens, on the mummification methods used by the Guanches and what the mummies represented for that society. However, until very recently the research lacked of direct observation and analyses using modern scientific methods and techniques. We will discuss in this chapter the history of these mummies, the analysis of the problems of human colonization of islands, and the comparative study between the mummified population (the elite of Guanche society) and the skeletal population represented by a larger number of individuals, in order to check differences and similarities from the demographic, dietary, nutritional, and pathological perspectives.

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Rodríguez-Martín, C. (2021). Guanche Mummies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore

  • Print ISBN: 978-981-15-1614-6

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    Guanche Mummies
    22 April 2021


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    Guanche Mummies
    27 December 2020
