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Central Nervous System Nanotechnology

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Part of the book series: Micro/Nano Technologies ((MNT))

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Modulating neural activity in central nervous system (CNS) has been regarded as a timeless goal for neuroscientists to uncover the intricate organization of CNS and the treatment of brain disorders. The seamless integration of nanomaterials with genetics has allowed researchers to develop promising neuromodulation nanotechnology. Nanomaterials can effectively transduce external physical inputs, e.g., light, electric, magnetic, and ultrasonic fields, into stimulus outputs, e.g., optical, electrical, thermal, and mechanical signals, for optogenetic, magnetogenetic, sonogenetic, chemogenetic, and electric neuromodulation. These nanotechnologies can control the excitation of a neuronal subset by activating the ion channels and thus modulating the firing pattern of an entire neural circuit within the CNS with unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution. CNS neuromodulation nanotechnologies have shed light on many unanswered questions in neuroscience, revaluated certain principles that were believed to be understood, and aided in the development of new therapeutics to restore brain function. In this chapter, we will introduce some key considerations in nanomaterial design and implementation, and we will highlight the recent breakthroughs in the utilization of nanomaterials in CNS neuromodulation. Moreover, we will also discuss the current challenges and future directions in the field of CNS nanotechnologies. We believe that developing noninvasive and wireless CNS nanotechnologies with high spatial and temporal precision would not only lead to a deeper understanding on CNS function, but also provide new approaches to manage its dysfunction for future clinical translation applications.

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Fan, H. (2022). Central Nervous System Nanotechnology. In: Gu, N. (eds) Nanomedicine. Micro/Nano Technologies. Springer, Singapore.

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