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Different Channels

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Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays


The transient receptor potential (TRP1) ion channels are named after the role of the channels in Drosophila phototransduction (Montell 2001). The mammalian genes are encoded by at least 28 channel subunit genes (Clapham 2003; Moran et al. 2004; Clapham et al. 2005). Six protein families comprise the mammalian TRP superfamily: the classic TRPs (TRPCs), the vanilloid receptor TRPs (TRPVs), the melastatin or long TRPs (TRPMs), the mucolipins (TRPMLs), the polycystins (TRPPs), and ankyrin transmembrane protein 1 (ANKTM1, TRPA1). The TRP channel primary structures predict six transmembrane (TM) domains with a pore domain between the fifth (S5) and sixth (S6) segments and both C and N termini presumably located intracellularly (Vannier et al. 1998).

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References and Further Reading

TRP Channels

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Neves, L.A.A., Tiniakova, O. (2015). Different Channels. In: Hock, F. (eds) Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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