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Porous Silicon Polymer Composites

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Handbook of Porous Silicon
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The emerging cwwwwwlass of nanocomposites that integrate polymers with nanostructured porous silicon displays unparalleled properties that spring up from characteristics of each building block and their interactions. Recent research reveals their enormous potential as extremely promising materials for chemical sensors, optoelectronic devices, photovoltaics, energy storage, and numerous biomedical applications such as smart drug delivery systems, lab-on-chip devices, and tissue engineering scaffolds. In this updated chapter, these nanomaterials and their applications are discussed with emphasis on basic design guidelines and fabrication strategies.

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Krepker, M.A., Segal, E. (2018). Porous Silicon Polymer Composites. In: Canham, L. (eds) Handbook of Porous Silicon. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-04508-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-04508-5

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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    Porous Silicon Polymer Composites
    07 December 2017


  2. Porous Silicon-Polymer Composites
    25 January 2017


  3. Polymer: Porous Silicon Composites
    06 September 2014


  4. Original

    03 May 2014
