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Understanding the Complexities of Experimental Analysis in the Context of Higher Education

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Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research

Part of the book series: Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research ((HATR,volume 36))

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The most reliable method for identifying the causal effect of a treatment on an outcome is to conduct an experiment in which the treatment is randomly assigned to a portion of the sample. The causal effect of the treatment is the difference in outcomes between units exposed to the treatment and those that were not. The apparent simplicity of randomized control trials (RCTs) belies the true complexity in designing, conducting, and analyzing them. This chapter provides an introduction to experimental analysis in higher education research that unpacks the multiple complexities inherent in RCTs. It presents both the basic logic and mathematics of experimental analysis before explaining more complex design elements such as blocking, clustering, and power analysis. The chapter also discusses issues that can undermine experiments such as attrition, treatment fidelity, and contamination and suggests methods of mitigating their negative effects. Concrete examples from experimental analyses in the higher education literature are provided throughout the chapter.

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  1. 1.

    Somewhat confusingly, balance in an experimental context can also refer to the proportion of units assigned to treatment and control. A balanced experiment is one in which 50% of units are assigned treatment and 50% are assigned control. I will use the term in this chapter to mean that individual characteristics are, on average, equivalent across treatment arms, what is more specifically referred to as covariate balance.

  2. 2.

    Some sources use the term stratification instead of blocking, but I think it is wise to use separate terms in an effort to distinguish between random sampling and random assignment to treatment.

  3. 3.

    There is debate in the literature around how many clusters are too few. Duflo et al. (2008) suggest fewer than 50 is problematic, while Hayes and Moulton (2017) suggest there need to be at least 15 clusters per treatment arm.


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I would like to thank Amanda Addison and Robin Yeh for providing research assistance in tracking down many of the references across fields cited in this chapter. The chapter also benefited from many helpful suggestions from an anonymous reviewer and the guidance of the Associate Editor, Nick Hillman.

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Evans, B.J. (2021). Understanding the Complexities of Experimental Analysis in the Context of Higher Education. In: Perna, L.W. (eds) Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, vol 36. Springer, Cham.

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