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Duplication of the Pediatric Upper Extremity

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The Pediatric Upper Extremity
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Congenital duplication of hand differences includes radial, central, and ulnar polydactyly and the mirror hand. This chapter focuses on surgical techniques for various clinical cases as well as clinical features. Most of polydactyly children can be treated with the “excision and reconstruction” technique. Main principles of this procedure are arthroplasty, corrective osteotomy, and tendon realignment. The original technique of Bilhaut-Cloquet procedure was modified to overcome common complications such as joint stiffness, physeal growth disturbance, and nail-plate deformity. Two types of modified techniques, one for Wassel type 2 and the other for Wassel type 4, are introduced. On-top plasty technique is indicated for certain patients with radial polydactyly in which the better distal part of one thumb is transposed to the better proximal part of the other thumb. Classification and surgical strategies for central polydactyly and ulnar polydactyly are reviewed.

The mirror hand deformity is a very rare type of congenital hand differences. A report of four cases is the largest series ever reported. Because of its rarity, most surgeons should depend on the literature for surgical planning. Some confusion of terminologies such as mirror hand, ulnar dimelia, and multiple hand are discussed, and the classification and surgical principles are reviewed.

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Baek, G.H., Kim, J. (2023). Duplication of the Pediatric Upper Extremity. In: Abzug, J.M., Kozin, S., Zlotolow, D.A. (eds) The Pediatric Upper Extremity. Springer, New York, NY.

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    Duplication of the Pediatric Upper Extremity
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    10 June 2014
