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Surgical Technique: Open Acetabular Rim Trimming, Labral Refixation, and Open Femoral Osteochondroplasty

Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Joint Preservation Surgery


Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) of the hip is an osseous abnormality of the proximal femur and/or acetabulum as described by Ganz. Although no longer the most commonly used approach for the treatment of cam FAI, open surgical dislocation is the most established technique for hip preservation surgery and is a more powerful tool than arthroscopy as it allows the surgeon to address any atypical or complex intra- and extra-articular pathology and can be combined to a concomitant femoral or pelvic osteotomy. This surgery is performed through a Gibson approach, the femoral head is dislocated after a trochanteric osteotomy (trochanteric slide), and the whole head-neck junction is perfectly visualized as well as the acetabulum. This chapter describes the surgical setup, the dissection, the location of the neurovascular structure at risk, and how to avoid complications.

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Gala, L., Beaulé, P.E. (2014). Surgical Technique: Open Acetabular Rim Trimming, Labral Refixation, and Open Femoral Osteochondroplasty. In: Nho, S., Leunig, M., Kelly, B., Bedi, A., Larson, C. (eds) Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Joint Preservation Surgery. Springer, New York, NY.

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    Surgical Technique: Open Acetabular Rim Trimming, Labral Refixation, and Open Femoral Osteochondroplasty
    08 April 2021


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    Surgical Technique: Open Acetabular Rim Trimming, Labral Refixation, and Open Femoral Osteochondroplasty
    30 May 2014
