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Electrochemical Processes in Manufacturing

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Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
  • 754 Accesses


Owing to its unique advantages of cost-effectiveness, reliability, and also the atom-by-atom replication on the given substrate surface profile, electrochemical process has been widely used for high-quality coatings. The present chapter presents a review and summary of the principles of electrochemical processes; the microstructure and composition control of metals, metal oxides, silicon, non-oxides, and conductive polymers in electrochemical process; and also their recent applications in microfabrication, energy conversation and storage, self-protection as well as drug delivery, etc.

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Younis, A., Chu, D., Li, S. (2014). Electrochemical Processes in Manufacturing. In: Nee, A. (eds) Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Springer, London.

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