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Interphase and Compatibilization by Addition of a Compatibilizer

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Polymer Blends Handbook


Polymer blends are mixtures of at least two macromolecular species, polymers and/or copolymers. For practical reasons, the name blend is given to a system only when the minor component content exceeds 2 wt%. Depending on the sign of the free energy of mixing, blends are either miscible or immiscible.

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Ajji, A. (2003). Interphase and Compatibilization by Addition of a Compatibilizer. In: Utracki, L.A. (eds) Polymer Blends Handbook. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-1-4020-1114-6

  • Online ISBN: 978-0-306-48244-1

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