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Moore and More
Publishing model:
Open access

Aims and scope

Moore and More (MaM) is the first international journal dedicated to Beyond Moore technology in the field of integrated circuit. MaM aims to be a top-tier journal providing an interdisciplinary platform for fundamental research and industrial frontiers that pose significant impacts on the society development and human life.

MaM aims to publish high-quality original article, review, perspective, News & Views and Roadmap, covering topics including but not limited to:

  • SoC/SiP; 
  • Heterogeneous integration; 
  • Microelectronic materials; 
  • Chips and Devices; 
  • Integrated circuit manufacturing; 
  • Intelligent sensing chip; 
  • Human-machine interaction; 
  • Meta chip and display; 
  • MEMS and Silicon Photonics Chips.
