Topical Collection on Interface of Landscape Ecology and Natural Resource Management

ISSN: 2364-494X (Online)

In this topical collection (4 articles)

  1. Interface of Landscape Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Y Wiersma and N Koper, SECTION EDITOR)

    Anthropogenic Landscape Changes and Their Impacts on Terrestrial and Freshwater Soundscapes

    R. Proulx, J. Waldinger, N. Koper Pages 41-50
  2. Interface of Landscape Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Y. Wiersma and N. Koper, Section Editors)

    Responses of Vertebrate Wildlife to Oil and Natural Gas Development: Patterns and Frontiers

    A. D. Chalfoun Pages 71-84
  3. Interface of Landscape Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Y. Wiersma and N. Koper, Section Editors)

    Diversifying Landscapes for Wild Bees: Strategies for North American Prairie Agroecosystems

    Jess Vickruck, Emily E. N. Purvis, Richard Kwafo Pages 85-96
  4. Interface of Landscape Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Y. Wiersma and N. Koper, Section Editors)

    How Integrated Ecological-Economic Modelling Can Inform Landscape Pattern in Forest Agroecosystems

    Carola Paul, Esther Reith, Jan Salecker, Thomas Knoke Pages 125-138