Topical Collection on Pediatrics in South America

ISSN: 2198-6088 (Online)

In this topical collection (9 articles)

  1. Pediatrics in South America (L Landry and WB de Carvalho, Section Editors)

    Growth Topics in FGFR3-Related Skeletal Dysplasias

    R Ramos Mejia, M del Pino, V Fano Pages 82-98
  2. Pediatrics in South America (L Landry and WB de Carvalho, Section Editors)

    Arterial Ischemic Stroke in Childhood

    Monica Ana R. Centeno MD Pages 380-396
  3. Pediatrics in South America (L Landry and WB de Carvalho, Section Editors)

    Early Mobilization in PICU: Are We on Time?

    Cíntia Johnston PhD, Vera L. J. Krebs PhD Pages 397-405
  4. Pediatrics in South America (L Landry and WB de Carvalho, Section Editor)

    Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Status Epilepticus in Children

    Roberto Caraballo MD Pages 417-430
  5. Pediatrics in South America (L Landry and WB de Carvalho, Section Editors)

    The Febrile Infant

    Pedro Rino MD, Eugenia Hernández MD Pages 431-447