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Editorial board

Karim Diab, MD, FACC , FASE, FPICS Northwestern University and Lurie Children's Hospital, USA

Senior Editor
Professor Ra-id Abdulla, MD, Northwestern University, USA

Senior Associate Editor
Associate Professor Peter R. Koenig, MD, FACC, FASE, FAAP, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, USA

Associate Editors
Assistant Professor Tarek Alsaied, MD, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Associate Professor Daniel Cortez, MD, PhD, UC Davis Medical Center , USA
Professor Stuart Berger, MD, Northwestern University, USA
Professor Daniel De Wolf, MD, PhD, University Hospital Brussels, Belgium
Professor Ralf Holzer, MD, MSC, FPICS, UC Davis Children's Hospital, Sacramento, USA
Associate Professor Robin VH Horak, MD, University of Colorado, USA
Damien Kenny, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FPICS, Children’s Health Ireland Dublin, Ireland
Associate Professor Angela McBrien, MB, BCh, BAO, MD, MRCPCH, University of Alberta, Canada
Professor Gareth J. Morgan, MB BaO BCh, FPICS, FSCAI, MRCPCH, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
Tim Murphy, MA, MBBS , FRCA, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, USA
Associate Professor Jay D. Pruetz, MD, FASE, Keck School of Medicine at the Univerity of Southern California , USA
Professor Weinian Shou, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Assistant Professor Kae Watanabe, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Michael Yeong, MBBS, FRACP, FCSANZ, FSCMR, University of Queensland, Australia 
Clinical Associate Professor Frank Zimmerman, MD, University of Chicago, USA

Surgical Editors
Professor Massimo Caputo, MD, Mch , FRCS, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Anastasios Polimenakos, MD, Augusta University Medical Center, USA
Associate Professor Michel N. Ilbawi, MD, Northwestern University, USA

Senior Advisory Consultants
Ziyad Hijazi, MD, Weill Cornell Medicine, USA

Advisory Editorial Board
Teiji Akagi, Japan
Ernerio Alboliras, United States
Assistant Professor Mohammad Alnoor, MD, UC Davis Children's Hospital, Sacramento, USA  
Carlos Alva, Mexico
Mazeni Alwi, Malaysia
Zahid Amin, United States
Professor Petros V. Anagnostopoulos, MD, MBA, The American Family Children’s Hospital and the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinic, USA
Professor Sawsan Awad, MD, MSc, Rush University Children's Hospital, USA
Steve Barnes, United States
Professor Peter Bartz, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Shashank Behere, United States
Saroja Bharati, United States
M.Z.A.Bhuiyan, Switzerland
Younes Boudjemline, Qatar
Geanfranco Butera, MD, PhD, FSCIA, FPICS, Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Italy
Ryan Butts, United States
Ryan Callahan, United States
Sam Chaouki, United States
Professor Michael Cheung, BSc, MBChB, MD, FRCP, University of Melbourne, Australia 
Jae Young Choi, Republic of Korea
Adam Christopher, United States
Assistant Professor Sean Connolly, DO, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, USA
Professor Clifford Cua, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital, USA
Christopher K. Davis, MD, PhD, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego, USA
Jeffrey Dayton, United States
Professor Tammo Delhaas, MD, PhD, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Rami Dhillon, United Kingdom
Roberto M. Di Donato, Saudi Arabia
V. Vivian Dim as, United States
Associate Professor Huda Elshershari, MD, MBA, FACC, FASE, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Ryan Flanagan, United States
Benjamin S. Frank, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
Joseph M. Forbess, United States
Jonathan Forsey, United Kingdom
Diego Franco, Spain
Mark Friedberg, Canada
Associate Professor Joshua Friedland-Little, MD, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, USA
Omar Galal, Saudi Arabia
Professor Vidu Garg, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital, The Ohio State University, USA
Miwa Geiger, United States
Justin Godown, United States
Todd Gudausky, United States
John Hambrook, United States
Ashraf S. Harahsheh, MD, FACC , FAAP, Children's National Hospital, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA
Joel Hardin, United States
David Hehir, United States
Willem A. Helbing, Netherlands
Timothy Hoffman, United States
Professor Lisa K. Hornberger, MD, University of Alberta Health Services Stollery Children’s Hospital, Lois Hole Hospital for Women, Canada
Guo-ying Huang, China
Associate Professor Nazia Husain, MBBS, MPH , FASE, Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University, USA
Jan Janousek, Germany 
Kai Jiao, United States
Joy Johnson, MD MSCI FAAP, FASE, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Livia Kaputsa, Netherlands
Ann Kavanaugh-McHugh, United States
Naomi Kertesz, United States
Omar M. Khalid, United States
Edward Kirkpatrick, United States
Professor John P. Kovalchin, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital, USA
Ashwin Lal, United States
Douglas Luxenberg, United States
Duncan Macrae, United Kingdom
William T. Mahle, United States
Michael A. McCulloch, United States
Colin McMahon, Ireland
Michael Mitchell, United States
Jeffrey P. Moak, United States
Tarek S. Momenah, Saudi Arabia
Gareth J. Morgan, United Kingdom
Anne Murphy, United States
Toshio Nakanishi, Japan
Mahmoud Nashashibi, Israel
Reida El Oakley, MD, MBBS , FRCS, Libyan International Medical University, Libya
Laura Olivieri, United States
Mani Pashmforoush, United States
Angira Patel, United States
Neil D. Patel, MD, FSCAI , FPICS, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, USA
Sheetal R. Patel, MD, MSCI , FASE, Ann & Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, USA
Shivani Patel, MBBS, MS , FASE, Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, USA
Jay Pruetz, United States
Robert Puntel, United States
Claudio Ramaciotti, United States
Aparna Rao, United States
Richard Ringel, United States
Professor Joshua D. Robinson, MD, FASE, FSCMR, FACC, FAAP, FAHA, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA
Robert D. Ross, United States
Professor Margaret Samyn, MD, MBA, FAPP, FACC, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Professor Shubhayan Sanatani, MD, FRCPC, FHRS, CCPE, University of British Columbia, Canada
Tania Saroli, United States
David Saudek, United States
Professor Michael Seckeler, MD, MSCI, FACC, FSCAI, FPICS, Banner University Medical Center, University of Arizona, USA
Amanda Shillingford, United States
Associate Professor Anoop K. Singh, MB, BCh, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Michael C. Spaeder, MD, MS , FCCM, University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA
Kryn Stankunas, United States
Corey Stiver, MD, FAAP , FACC, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA
Riyadh Abu Sulaiman, Saudi Arabia
Greg Tatum, United States
Volkan Tuzku, United States
Santosh Uppu, United States
Gian Paolo Ussia, Italy
Athar Qureshi, United States
Jeffrey Vargales, United States
Professor Vladimiro Vida, PhD, University of Padua, Italy
Associate Professor Philip Wackel, MD, FHRS, Mayo Clinic, USA
Da-Zhi Wang, United States
Jacqueline Weinberg, United States
Maarten Witsenburg, The Netherlands
Associate Professor Carol Wittlieb-Weber, MD, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mei-hwan Wu, Taiwan
Satoshi Yasukochi, Japan
Professor Y. Eugene Yu, PhD, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Jeffrey Zampi, MD, FSCAI, University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center, USA
Steven Zangwill, United States
Yousef Abou Zanouna, Saudi Arabia
Bridgett Zoeller, United States
Warren Zuckerman, United States 

