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Search all Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry articles
  • Volume 416

    • Issue 23

      Quantifying non-transferrin-bound iron in human plasma/PFAS identification in biota by direct infusion ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry/Artificial intelligence-based plasma exosome label-free SERS profiling strategy/The rise and fall of adenine clusters in the gas phase

    • Issue 22

      Rigorous scientific inquiry guided by creativity, curiosity and support / The role of water in APCI-MS online monitoring of gaseous n-alkanes / Improved characterisation of exhaled breath biomarkers in clinical research / Soft ionization mechanisms in flexible µ-tube plasma

    • Issue 21

      Emerging Trends in Electrochemical Analysis / Guest Editors: Sabine Szunerits ∙ Wei Wang ∙ Adam T. Woolley

    • Issue 20

      Biomonitoring urinary organophosphorus flame retardant metabolites/Forensic detection of diesel adulteration using NMR spectroscopy and machine learning/Ti4+ functionalized zirconium metal-organic frameworks with polymer brushes/MS coupling of chipSFC enabled by make-up flow-assisted backpressure regulation

    • Issue 19

      Nitrogen stable isotope analysis of sulfonamides by derivatization-GC-IRMS/Enhancing sensitivity towards electrochemical miRNA detection/Polyoxometalate functionalized magnetic MOF for efficient enrichment of phosphopeptides/Extralong hot-spots sensor for SERS sensitive detection of phthalate plasticizers

    • Issue 18

      Incorporation of analytical chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum/Selective dual sensing strategy for vitamin D3 micelles in food samples/3D printed microfluidic paper-based analytical devices/DESI-MSI-guided exploration of metabolic-phenotypic relationships

    • Issue 17

      Luminescent Nanomaterials for Biosensing and Bioimaging /Guest Editors: Li Shang ∙ Chih-Ching Huang ∙ Xavier Le Guével

    • Issue 16

      Element crossword challenge 2/Unconventional approaches for chiral resolution/Reliable biological and multi-omics research through biometrology/Multiplexed in situ RNA imaging by combFISH

    • Issue 15

      Presenting the 2023 awardees of Robert Kellner and DAC-EuChemS lectures/Analytical chemistry methods for microplastics in the environment/Extrapolation of cytotoxic masked effects in planar in vitro assays/Applying multiplexed electrochemical liposomes to detect nucleic acids

    • Issue 14

      The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Quantum dots/Detecting thiabendazole by enzymatic digestion-enabled fluorescent aptasensor/Atmospheric pressure field desorption-trapped IM-MS coupling/Nile red staining for rapid screening of plastic-suspect particles in edible seafood tissues

    • Issue 13

      Sample-to-answer lateral flow assay with integrated plasma separation/Determination of calcium, iron, and selenium in human serum by MICAP-MS/Assessment of monoclonal antibody glycosylation using HRMS, NMR, and HILIC-FLD/Multiresidue analysis of bat guano using GC-MS/MS

    • Issue 12

      Sampling of microplastics at a materials recovery facility/Inorganic arsenic in seaweed: a fast HPLC-ICP-MS method without coelution of arsenosugars/Electron-activated dissociation for the complementary annotation of metabolites and lipids/Towards a reference material for microplastics’ number concentration

    • Issue 11

      Elemental Mass Spectrometry for Bioanalysis/Guest Editors: Jörg Bettmer ∙ Mario Corte-Rodríguez ∙ Márcia Foster Mesko

    • Issue 10

      Activated carbon as sorbent phase for microextraction technologies/Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal IgG mass fraction by ID_MS/Potential of ion mobility mass spectrometry in cellulose ether analysis/Combining multicolumn countercurrent chromatography and green solvents

    • Issue 9

      Advances in (Bio-)Analytical Chemistry: Reviews and Trends Collection 2024/Editorial Board Issue

    • Issue 8

      Multiplexed discrimination of SARS-CoV-2 variants via DSN-combined MALDI-TOF MS/PFAS ghosts: how to identify, evaluate, and exorcise new and existing analytical interference/Dependence of adsorption-desorption kinetics on particle geometry in chiral chromatography/Detecting pyrophosphate via analyte-triggered decomposition of metal-organic frameworks

    • Issue 7

      Self-immolative NIF probe for identifying cancer cells/Green-footprint approach for parallel multiclass analysis of contaminants/LIBS as a novel tool for determining the imidization degree of polyimides/Studying vibrating capillary nebulizer vs. commercially available interfaces

    • Issue 6

      Macro- and microplastic databases for high-throughput FTIR analysis/Wearable biosensors for human sweat glucose detection/Evaluating deep eutectic solvents in the synthesis of molecularly imprinted fibers/Arsenobetaine amide: a novel arsenic species detected in several mushroom species

    • Issue 5

      Establishing performance metrics for quantitative non-targeted analysis/Physical origin of the peak tailing of monoclonal antibodies/Enhanced efficiency of MS/MS all ion fragmentation for non-targeted trace analysis/Determining L-selectin in blood plasma using DNA aptamer–based SERS assay

    • Issue 4

      D-μSPE and tandem derivatization for the determination of histamine/User-friendly platform for analysis of high mass intact proteins and glycopeptides/Simultaneous quantification and identification of PFAS/High-temperature ultrafast ChipHPLC-MS

    • Issue 3

      Food Safety Analysis 2.0/Guest Editor: Steven J. Lehotay

    • Issue 2

      Non-contact drop-of-sample acoustic tweezing spectroscopy/PFΔScreen for automated PFAS feature prioritization/Coupling LAMP assay with a CRISPR/Cas12a systems/Reflector-interdigital transducer acoustofluidic devices

    • Issue 1

      Elemental analysis challenge/Can I benefit from laboratory automation?/Nanoleaf-derived carbon materials as a sensitivity coating/Volatilomes of human infection

  • Volume 415

    • Issue 29-30

      Thanks to the ABC reviewers in 2023/Monolithic affinity columns in 3D printed microfluidics/Non-invasive pH in-line monitoring using the Good pH probe/Precise spectroscopic interpretation of subcellular components

    • Issue 28

      Recent Advances in Ultrasensitive Omics Techniques/Guest Editor: Joseph Zaia

    • Issue 27

      Antiracism in biomolecular research/LID-MS/MS with chromophore for labeling carbonylation side mapping/Doped nanomaterial facilitates 3D printing target plate for detecting alkaloids/Peptide collision cross sections of 22 post-translational modifications

    • Issue 26

      Enhanced selective capture of phosphomonoester lipids/Quantitative analysis of respiratory viruses based on lab-on-a-chip platform/Comparative analysis of sucrose-embedding for whole-body zebrafish MSI/3D-printed sub-atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization source

    • Issue 25

      3D-printed multi-compartment devices enabling dynamic PK/PD profiles of antibiotics/Detecting SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein through single-molecule counting/SERS monitoring of glutathione levels during cellular ferroptosis metabolism/Detecting 17β-estradiol by aptamer-assisted liquid crystal–based optical sensors

    • Issue 24

      Bridged bicyclic molecule NMR challenge/Selective separation of proteins/peptides by metal organic frameworks/Evaluating 3D-printed bioseparation structures by X-ray computed tomography/Multi-residue method for trace analysis of pesticides in soils

    • Issue 23

      Untargeted hair lipidomics/Microgel-based etalon immunoassay for IgG detection/Mayaro virus detection by integrating sample preparation/Quasi-phase extraction-based surface plasmon resonance imaging

    • Issue 22

      Characterizing cellular lipid composition during SARS-CoV-2 infection/Turn-on fluorescent sensor for real-time assay of invertase activity/Heterostructure-based photoelectrochemical biosensor for neuron-specific enolase/Supramolecular solvent formation and application in direct microextraction

    • Issue 21

      Recent Trends in (Bio)Analytical Chemistry/Guest Editors: Antje J. Baeumner ∙ Günter Gauglitz

    • Issue 20

      Teaching chromatography with systemic cause-effect relation maps/Enzyme-targeted NIR fluorescent probe for pesticides residues detection/Comparing LC-MS platforms for the analysis of zeranols in urine/Eco-compatible UV–Vis spectrophotometric method for determining Cu2+

    • Issue 19

      BLOCKR-dUThio-based method for detecting methyl transferase activity/Object-based image analysis tool for MS imaging ion classification/Chemical visualization of methamphetamine within fingerprints/Sample preparation of free sterols from vegetable oils by CCC

    • Issue 18

      Young Investigators in (Bio-)Analytical Chemistry 2023/Guest Editors: Zhi-Yuan Gu ∙ Beatriz Jurado-Sánchez ∙ Thomas H. Linz ∙ Leandro Wang Hantao ∙ Nongnoot Wongkaew ∙ Peng Wu

    • Issue 17

      “Buddy check” peer observation activity for hands-on learning/Hidden threat in extensive hand hygiene during the Covid-19 pandemic/Detecting cancers via label-free SERS and deep learning/Label-free analysing biofilm phenotypes by IR micro- and correlation spectroscopy

    • Issue 16

      Best measurement challenge/On the way to SI traceable primary transfer standards/Hybrid biomaterials to preconcentrate toxic metals and metalloids/Revealing lipase-catalysed changes in essential oils by GC×GC‒MS

    • Issue 15

      Advances in Chemical Analysis of Micro- and Nanoplastics/Guest Editors: Natalia P. Ivleva ∙ Jennifer M. Lynch ∙ Sebastian Primpke

    • Issue 14

      Quantitative colorimetric sensing of heavy metal ions/Hyphenating dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and solid-phase evaporation/XAI-enabled neural network analysis of metabolite spatial distributions/Detecting KRAS mutations in clinical samples

    • Issue 13

      Comprehensive 2D Chromatography/Guest Editors: Peter Q. Tranchida ∙ Luigi Mondello

    • Issue 12

      Research and education in analytical chemistry in Sweden/Caprylate esterase–activated fluorescent probes/Multiplex detection of clinical pathogen nucleic acids/Molecular ion formation on activated field emitters

    • Issue 11

      Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - In honor of Prof. Miguel Valcárcel/Guest Editors: Ángel Ríos ∙ Wolfgang J. Parak

    • Issue 10

      Meet the three newest ABC Editors/Rapid detection of three mycotoxins in animal feed materials/Competitive ELISA based on pH-responsive persistent luminescence nanoparticles/Carbon dots as a versatile tool to monitor insulin aggregation

    • Issue 9

      Wing-giving challenge/Flexible organic field-effect transistors-based biosensors/Efficient and low-cost nanoenzyme for decolorization of organic pollutants/Multi-element imaging of urinary stones by LA-ICP-MS

    • Issue 8

      Prediction of sensory attributes in winemaking grapes/Untargeted and targeted proteomics for secretome analysis of L-WRN cells/Combining microdialysis with UHPLC-QTOF/MS to screen for endogenous metabolites/SARS-CoV-2: Liposome-based high-throughput and point-of-care assays

    • Issue 7

      Advances in Extracellular Vesicle Analysis/Guest Editors: Lucile Alexandre ∙ Jiashu Sun ∙ Myriam Taverna ∙ Wenwan Zhong

    • Issue 6

      Electrochemical Biosensors – Driving Personalized Medicine/Guest Editors: Susana Campuzano ∙ María Jesús Lobo-Castañón

    • Issue 5

      Ion mobility electron capture dissociation mass spectrometry/3D imaging of ciprofloxacin in native-state biofilms with cryo-ToF–SIMS/Monitoring ultra- and diafiltration processes by Kalman-filtered Raman measurements/Robust and high-throughput lipidomic quantitation of human blood samples

    • Issue 4

      Improving droplet microfluidic systems for studying single bacteria growth/Rapid and sustainable HPLC method for the determination of uremic toxins/Negative photochromic spiropyran-containing fluorescent polymeric nanoprobe/Highly sensitive and quick in ovo sexing of domestic chicken eggs

    • Issue 3

      Graphene-on-gold SPR sensors resilient to high-temperature annealing/High-field asymmetric waveform IMS for glycoproteomic workflows/Automated detection of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in minutes/Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for carcinoembryonic antigen detection

    • Issue 2

      Modified TiO2 nanoparticles with potential-resolved multicolor ECL property/Insight into the role of pivotal ions in cellular regulatory volume decrease/Enriched stable 204Pb as tracer at ultra-low levels in clinical investigations/Targeted metabolite quantification by serial injection into isocratic gradients

    • Issue 1

      Maria Cruz Moreno Bondi—in memoriam/Symmetrical molecule NMR challenge/Imaging strategies for receptor tyrosine kinase dimers/Finding the tiny plastic needle in the haystack

  • Volume 414

    • Issue 29-30

      Thanks to reviewers in 2022/European analytical column number 50/Determining ginsenosides in Panax ginseng reference materials/E. coli biosensor for sensitive detection of lysine

    • Issue 28

      Diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect in analytical chemistry classrooms/Improving sensitivity and detection of LFAs for malaria biomarkers/COVID‑19 variants’ cross‑reactivity on particle counting immunoassays/Real-time monitoring of 5-HT release from living cells

    • Issue 27

      Accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in diagnosis of breast cancer/Portable electrochemiluminescence aptasensor for β-lactoglobulin detection/Efficiently separating phosphopeptides and phosphorylated exosomes/Characterization of vanillin carbon isotope delta reference materials

    • Issue 26

      Triple immunochromatographic test system to detect aquatic toxins/Analysing neuroprotective activity of selenium nanoparticles/Pump-free microfluidic chip for SERS detection of cancer biomarkers/Facile sulfur-quantum-dot-based photoluminescent probe

    • Issue 25

      Making Waves in Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 24

      Maigret’s zinc phosphide challenge/Solid-phase microextraction: a fit-for-purpose technique in biomedical analysis/What if using certified reference materials was a requirement for publication?/Site-specific carbon isotope measurements of vanillin reference materials

    • Issue 23

      Teaching with simulation tools to introduce analytical chemistry instrumentation/Analysing double-emulsion droplets with ESI mass spectrometry/Spatial quantitation of antibiotics in bone tissue compartments/Micro-FTIR spectroscopy for detecting Citrus Huanglongbing

    • Issue 22

      Isothermal circular strand displacement–based assay for microRNA detection/Determination of short-chain fatty acids and their implication in influenza virus infection/Improved profiling of low molecular weight serum proteome/Electrochemical microfluidic multiplexed biosensors for on-site applications

    • Issue 21

      Sustainability in (Bio-)Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 20

      Honoring Professor Günter Gauglitz/Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for drug discovery/Peak broadening caused by micro–liquid chromatography detectors/Colorimetric sensor array for monitoring of meat freshness

    • Issue 19

      Point-of-care COVID-19 testing by colorimetric diagnosis/Structural elucidation of lignin degradation products/Coding recognition of dose–effect interdependence/Monitoring ibuprofen and its main metabolites in mussels

    • Issue 18

      Promising Early-Career (Bio)Analytical Researchers

    • Issue 17

      An SPR-based method for Hill coefficient measurements/BODIPY-based fluorescent chemosensor for phosgene detection/Online hyphenation of centrifugal partition chromatography with CCC/Accumulation and penetration behavior of hypericin in glioma tumor spheroids

    • Issue 16

      Arsenic speciation challenge/Robert Kellner Lecture awarded to ABC author Karen Faulds/Towards quantitative point of care detection using SERS lateral flow immunoassays/CunO/Au heterostructure dendrimer for glucose sensing by enzyme mimic cascade reaction

    • Issue 15

      Analytical Methods and Applications in the Materials and Life Sciences

    • Issue 14

      Helping instructors incorporate active learning into analytical chemistry course/Label-free DNAzyme for highly sensitive detection of multiple biomolecules/Affimer sandwich probes for stable and robust lateral flow assaying/Hybrid 3D printed integrated microdevice for determining Cu2+ in human body fluids

    • Issue 13

      Novel electrochemiluminescence probe for switch-on assay of double-stranded DNA/Microscopic binding mechanism of bisphenol compounds with transthyretin/A single tick screening for infectious pathogens using targeted mass spectrometry/Pannexin1 channels regulate mechanically stimulated adenosine release

    • Issue 12

      Undergraduate science students acquiring their basic laboratory skills/Characterization of a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reference material/Changes in the lipid profile of hamster liver/Metal-enhanced fluorescence of graphene oxide sheets

    • Issue 11

      On video lecture during remote teaching and beyond/Evaluation and optimization of PolyJet 3D-printed materials for cell culture studies/Ratiometric fluorescence sensor detecting inorganic phosphate in environmental samples/Automated analysis of microplastics based on vibrational spectroscopy

    • Issue 10

      Point-of-Care Testing

    • Issue 9

      Mutarotation challenge/Recent MS analytical advances for PFAS/Antigenic characterization of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses/Matrisome changes in Parkinson’s disease

    • Issue 8

      Increasing reliability of compound identification using 16O/18O-exchange MS/Potential source of false discovery and quantitation error in proteomics/Automated liquid handling robot for rapid lateral flow assay development/Pump-free microfluidic device for fast magnetic labeling of biomarkers

    • Issue 7

      Proteomics sample preparation for identifying host and bacterial proteins/Single-tube analysis for ultra-fast and visual detection of Salmonella/Analysing formic and oxalic acid in beehive matrices/Selectively detecting Cu2+ by sulfur quantum dots and carbon quantum dots

    • Issue 6

      Multiplexed monitoring of base excision repair activities by flow cytometry/Extraction and measurement of circulating sphingolipids using LC–MS/MS/Comparative study for analysis of carbohydrates in biological samples/CdS NC\HCNT nanocomposite for detecting silver ions

    • Issue 5

      Online nanoLC-CZE-MS platform for glycosylation profiling/Smartphone-coupled three-layered paper-based microfluidic chips/SARS-CoV-2 packaged RNA reference material for nucleic acid testing/Rhodamine-based chemosensor for Sn2+ detection and bioimaging

    • Issue 4

      Label-free detection of ssDNA base insertion and deletion mutations/Detecting multi-resistant clinical strains of E. coli with Raman spectroscopy/Spatiotemporal distribution of chemical signatures exhibited by Myxococcus xanthus/Photonic crystal fber-based fuorescence sensors

    • Issue 3

      Per- and Polyfuoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)– Contaminants of Emerging Concern

    • Issue 2

      Monitoring process-related impurities in biologics–host cell protein analysis/Input of analytical chemistry from biomarker discovery to point-of-care tests/Metrological framework to support nucleic acid measurements/Sparse autoencoder–based feature extraction from TOF–SIMS image data

    • Issue 1

      20th Anniversary Issue

  • Volume 413

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers in 2021/European analytical column number 49/Analysing protein modification dynamics by natural isotope correction/2D leaf-like MWCNTs/ZIF-L as electrochemical sensing platform

    • Issue 29

      Analytical Characterization of Viruses

    • Issue 28

      3D printing lifts the lid on black box instruments/Quantifying amiodarone and N-desethylamiodarone in single HepG2 cells/Proximity ligation assay mediated rolling circle amplification strategy/Modeling the distribution of malachite green in zebrafish

    • Issue 27

      Electrochemistry for Neurochemical Analysis

    • Issue 26

      Analyzing SARS-CoV-2 from gargle solutions and saliva rapidly and reliably/Mass spectrometric characterization of cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) in vivo/Quantitative mineralogical analysis of clay-containing materials/Photocatalytic reduction-based liquid microjunction surface sampling–MS

    • Issue 25

      Electrochemical ion sensing, pesticide monitoring, and water splitting by LIG/Metabolic profiles of human brain parenchyma and glioma by DESI-MS/“Turn-on” camphor-based fluorescent probe for biological imaging of Fe2+/On the nitrogen content of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)

    • Issue 24

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Analytical Applications of Biomimetic Recognition Elements

    • Issue 23

      The new generation: quantum sensors/Generating aptamers towards human sperm cells/Continuous-flow microchip enabling high-accuracy DNA analysis/Individual development plans in graduate student training

    • Issue 22

      Recent Trends in (Bio)Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 21

      Becoming better trainers for our learners/Analysing bacterial metabolites under altered growth conditions/AuAgPd trimetallic nanoparticles with peroxidase-like activity/Detecting MOF histone acetyltransferase activity in vitro and living cells

    • Issue 20

      Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) Commutability Study 2/DNA-only bioassay for simultaneous detection of proteins and nucleic acids/Ultrasensitive detection of trypsin in serum via nanochannel device/Characterizing extracellular vesicles by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    • Issue 19

      Proficiency tests for genetically modified organisms/Antibody-free ID-LC MS method for quantifying procalcitonin in human serum/Aptamer complementary element effecting the performance of duplexed aptamers/Reusable 3D silver superposed silica SERS substrate

    • Issue 18

      Analytical Chemistry for Infectious Disease Detection and Prevention

    • Issue 17

      3D printed extraction devices in the analytical laboratory/Microfluidic ion stripper for removing TFA from mobile phases/Isolation of sesquiterpenoids from Matricaria chamomilla/Wicking microfluidic approach to separate blood plasma

    • Issue 16

      Bisphenol A measurement challenge/Advances in electrochemiluminescence co-reaction accelerator/Emerging point-of-care biosensors for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19/Non-aqueous CE-ESI on a thiol-ene polymer–based microchip device

    • Issue 15

      Optimization of electronic nose drift correction/Resonant laser secondary neutral mass spectrometry/Stability assessment of natural silicate nanoparticles/Tunable graphdiyne for DNA surface adsorption

    • Issue 14

      Which particles to select, and if yes, how many?/Non-covalent double bond sensors for gas-phase IR spectroscopy/Detecting mycotoxins with smartphone recognition-based microspheres/Optimising sample preparation for FTIR-based microplastic analysis

    • Issue 13

      Beyond the bench: skills needed for success in the pharmaceutical industry/A portable instrument for on-site detection of heavy metal ions in water/Production and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA reference material/Lysosomal escaped protein nanocarriers for nuclear-targeted siRNA delivery

    • Issue 12

      Acylation as derivatization strategy during an OPCW Proficiency Test/Comprehensive prognosis risk prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma/3D printed microdevice for smartphone-based on-site-capable uranium analysis/Intermolecular FRET sensor for tracking glycosylation of CD147 in living cells

    • Issue 11

      Remote pandemic teaching in quantitative and instrumental chemical analysis/Helium-assisted enhanced discharge in a hollow needle for FAIMS/Comprehensive determination of peptides in the kallikrein-kinin system/Ti4+ immobilized microparticles for specific enrichment of phosphoproteins

    • Issue 10

      Mass Spectrometry Imaging 2.0

    • Issue 9

      “Never odd or even” challenge/A journey towards whole water CRM for organic substances/Hyphenated high-resolution mass spectrometry in analytical toxicology/Current methods for diagnosis of human coronaviruses: pros and cons

    • Issue 8

      Quantification of intact insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 in human plasma/Polydopamine nanospheres for photoelectrochemical assay of tumor markers/Polydopamine-based quantitation of albuminuria for assessing kidney damage/3D-surface MALDI MS imaging for spatial metabolomics in plant science

    • Issue 7

      Automated microfluidic PCR-array systems for detecting multiple pathogens/Determining elemental selenium in yeasts by anion-exchange HPLC-ICP-MS/Recovery issues concerning chondroitin sulfate disaccharide analysis/Identifying bacteria by combined negative dielectrophoresis with a SERS

    • Issue 6

      Enhancing remote student engagement through active learning/Student interaction, engagement, and success in an online environment/Label-free fluorescent sensor for one-step lysozyme detection/On-chip mass spectrometric analysis in non-polar solvents

    • Issue 5

      Hands-on experiences for remotely taught analytical chemistry laboratories/Implementing a flipped classroom approach in remote instruction/SERS characterization of aggregated and isolated bacteria/MRSI vs CEST MRI to understand tomato metabolism in ripening fruit

    • Issue 4

      Microdevice fabrication for detecting sepsis-related antibiotic resistance genes/Towards a hand-held, fast, and sensitive GC-IMS for detecting volatile compounds/Fluorescence polarization immunoassay for determining diclofenac in wastewater/The potential of fluorescent dyes for the detection of microplastics

    • Issue 3

      2D Nanomaterials for Electroanalysis

    • Issue 2

      Lessons from a micronutrients quality assurance program for vitamin C/Systematic study of the selenium fractionation in human plasma/Micro-ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging of complex painted stratigraphies/Single cell lipidomics by imaging MS of CCT-delta transfected cells

    • Issue 1

      Trifluoroacetic acid NMR challenge/Reviewing the analytical performance of COVID-19 detection methods/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a review of molecular diagnostic tools/Determination of organically bound fluorine sum parameters in river water

  • Volume 412

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers in 2020/European analytical column number 48/Discrimination between pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains/Analysing microplastics by Py-GC/MS and FTIR imaging spectroscopy

    • Issue 29

      Extracting cell lysis and DNA simultaneously using magnetic ionic liquids/Determination of purity values of amino acid reference materials/Smartphone colorimetric assay of acid phosphatase/Plasmon-coupled microcavity aptasensors for dual-bacteria detection

    • Issue 28

      Adduct of the blistering warfare agents with human serum albumin/Stalin’s “black dog”: a postmortem diagnosis/Using ion chromatography to determine free chlorine/Monitoring photocatalyzed isomerization reactions on a microchip flow reactor

    • Issue 27

      Nontargeted lipidomics of novel human plasma reference materials/Quantitative determination and validation of 17 cannabinoids/Real-time measurement of helicase-mediated intra-stranded G4 unfolding/Visualization tissue distribution of fullerenols using MALDI-IMS

    • Issue 26

      ABC Spotlight on single molecule detection/From shotgun to targeted proteomics: rapid Scout-MRM assays/Modified stainless steel microneedle electrode for detecting polyphenols/Novel near-infrared fluorescent probe for intracellular detection of cysteine

    • Issue 25

      Phosphine NMR challenge/Point-of-care ready nanoscale ISFET arrays for detecting cytokines/Chemically tailoring nanopores for single-molecule sensing/Phospholipidomics of peripheral blood mononuclear cells/

    • Issue 24

      Female Role Models in Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 23

      NIR excitation/emission fluorescent probe for imaging of cysteine/SCF-MS for analyzing chemicals of emerging concern/CE/MC-ICP-MS for on-line species-specific isotopic analysis of sulfur/Novel alkaline phosphatase activity sensing strategy

    • Issue 22

      Analysing organic capping agents on surfaces with LDI-ToF-MS/Fluorescent nanocomposite with polyphenol oxidase-mimicking activity/DNA biosensor based on tin-doped WO3/In2O3 nanowires/Assessing nanoparticle colloidal stability with SP-ICP-MS

    • Issue 21

      Euroanalysis XX

    • Issue 20

      Environmental Analysis of Persistent and Mobile Organic Compounds – An Environmental Challenge

    • Issue 19

      Duplex-specific nuclease-resistant triple-helix DNA nanoswitch/Certified reference material for urban aerosols/Optimizing UV Raman spectroscopy for trace explosive screening/Estrogenic activity of food contact materials/

    • Issue 18

      20/20 foresight for 2020?/Hanging drop cathode-atmospheric pressure glow discharge/Adulteration in botanical samples with untargeted metabolomics/Imaging mass spectrometry to visualise acetylcholine in lungs

    • Issue 17

      Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC): tradition and vision/Be FAIR to your data/Interlaboratory consensus building challenge/Screening protein-ligand interactions by native mass spectrometry

    • Issue 16

      Bioanalytics and Higher Order Electrokinetics

    • Issue 15

      The metamorphosis of analytical chemistry/PADs for SERS and ambient pressure mass spectrometry analysis/Evaluating lipid quantification accuracy using HILIC and RPLC MS/Magnetically separable and recyclable bamboo-like CNT-based FRET assay

    • Issue 14

      Advances in Direct Optical Detection

    • Issue 13

      Target-fueled catalytic hairpin assembly for microRNAs detection/Coupling droplet array-based capillary electrophoresis and PCR-RFLP/Paper-based nuclease protection assay with on-chip sample pretreatment/Multivariate analysis and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)

    • Issue 12

      Instituting a group component to a final exam/Additive-manufactured sensors for biofuel analysis/Paper-based molecularly imprinted-interpenetrating polymer network/Hydrogel-based microbeads for Raman-encoded suspension array

    • Issue 11

      Lengthening the aptamer to hybridize with a stem-loop DNA assistant probe/Exponential amplification reaction of circulating microRNAs/Selective pressurized hot water extraction of macro-nutrients vs. micro-nutrients/ Detecting bacterial infection and assessing viability using Raman microspectroscopy

    • Issue 10

      Current Progress in Lipidomics

    • Issue 9

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technology

    • Issue 8

      Coming to academia through the “back door”/HPLC DTIM QTOF-MS/MS for detecting drug-related metabolites in plants/Flexible molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor for cortisol monitoring/Magnetic ionic liquids: interactions with bacterial cells and broader applications

    • Issue 7

      New at-column dilution (ACD) modulator for two-dimensional RP×HILIC analysis/Selective enrichment of sialylated glycopeptides with mPMF material/Characterizing Q beta bacteriophage virus-like particles using CyElFFF and AF4/1,4-D-Glucan block copolymers: synthesis and comprehensive structural characterization

    • Issue 6

      Detection of E. coli using lateral flow assay and LIBS/Embedding carbon dots and gold nanoclusters in MOFs/Sorbent-incorporated dipstick for direct assaying of proteases/Mammalian ovarian lipid distributions by DESI-MS imaging

    • Issue 5

      Gas-aggregated Ag nanoparticles for detecting small molecules using LDI MS/Dynamic in vitro intestinal barrier model coupled to chip-based LC-MS/Multi-sensor integration approach based on hyperspectral imaging and electronic nose/Spectrochemical diff erentiation of meningioma tumours based on ATR-FTIR spectroscopy/

    • Issue 4

      Ultra-low HIV-1 p24 detection limits with a bioelectronic sensor/Smartphone colorimetric determination of H2O2 in real samples/Bimetallic Ce-Ni-MOF electrochemical sensors for detecting bisphenol A/Polymeric electrospun nanofi ber-based SALDI mass spectrometry

    • Issue 3

      Considerations on bioanalytical method validation/IR action spectroscopy of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides/Multiplexed detection of miRNAs based on microfluidic fluorescence droplets/Isolation of methylmercury using distillation and anion-exchange chromatography

    • Issue 2

      3D microfluidic chip combining sample manipulation and SERS detection/Analytical and preparative separation of phosphorothionated oligonucleotides/Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation for preclinical characterization of nanomedicines/Addressing K/L-edge overlap in elemental analysis from micro-X-ray fluorescence

    • Issue 1

      Gas weighing challenge/Studying the fate of mycotoxins during thermal food processing/Trends using ionic liquids as gas chromatographic stationary phases/Background-free upconversion encoded microspheres for mycotoxins detection

  • Volume 411

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers 2019/Intraoperative detection of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations/Tissue classification by rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry/Confirmation of sub-cellular resolution using oversampling IMS

    • Issue 29

      New Developments in Biosensors

    • Issue 28

      Enhancing the accuracy of measurement of small molecule organic biomarkers/Extracting DNA with magnetic ionic liquids using in situ DLLME/Automated and enhanced extraction of a small molecule-drug conjugate/Characterization of fuel gases with fiber-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    • Issue 27

      Simultaneous determination of proteins in microstructured optical fibers/Quantitative evaluation of liposomal doxorubicin and its metabolites in spheroids/Multi-technique microscopy investigation on bacterial biofilm matrices/Complementary CE-MS methods for speciation analysis of antifouling agents

    • Issue 26

      In honor of Philippe Garrigues/Analytics 4.0: Online wastewater monitoring by GC and HPLC/Challenges of big data integration in the life sciences/Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of colon tissues

    • Issue 25

      ABC and the International Year of the Periodic Table/Elemental pub quiz challenge/Isolation of biologically active compounds from mangrove sediments/Self-propelled micromachines for analytical sensing

    • Issue 24

      Close-Up of Current Developments in Ion Mobility Spectrometry

    • Issue 23

      The ABCs of challenges, education, and professional development/Isolation of biologically active compounds from mangrove sediments/Two different approaches to an analytical chemistry laboratory practical/Quantification of nitroaromatic explosives in soil using MALDI-TOF MS

    • Issue 22

      Artificial vs. human intelligence in analytics/Co-registration of MSI, histology, and laser microdissection-based omics/SPR biosensor for the ultrasensitive detection of bisphenol A/Using MALDI-MSI to evaluate lipid changes during disease progression

    • Issue 21

      Ultrasmall Sample Biochemical Analysis

    • Issue 20

      The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics/Determination of silver nanoparticles in consumer products/Advancing MSn spatial resolution and documentation for glycosaminoglycans/Rapid detection of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium

    • Issue 19

      Young Investigators in (Bio-)Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 18

      New Insights into Analytical Science in China

    • Issue 17

      SPR coupled to mass spectrometry for biomolecular interaction analysis/Promising techniques and open challenges for microplastic identification/Recent advances in glycosaminoglycan analysis by various MS techniques/Trends in mass spectrometry imaging for cardiovascular diseases

    • Issue 16

      Certification of nitrate in spinach powder reference material SPIN-1/Migration of oligomers from food contact biopolymer/ESI outcompetes other ion sources in LC/MS trace analysis/Studying the transport of metallic nanoparticles through collagen-rich microstructures

    • Issue 15

      Improved matrix coating for MALDI-TOF imaging of lipids/Fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy by high affinity Cu2+ probes/Rapid SERS-based recognition of cell secretomes/Interconnected carbon nanotube monolithic sorbents

    • Issue 14

      Quantitative SIFT-MS analysis of atmospheric monoterpenes/Coupling multiplex immunoprecipitation with LC-PRM to quantify N-glycoproteins/Investigating the evaporation behavior of aroma compounds in e-cigarettes/Studying substitution on the surface of AuNPs and bioconjugation with BSA

    • Issue 13

      Standard additions and internal standard in quantitative instrumental analysis/Electrochemical DNA biosensors for breast cancer gene marker detection/Metabolite aberrations in early diabetes detected using MS imaging/Analyzing non-ionic surfactants by SFC combined with IMS-MS

    • Issue 12

      Introducing three new ABC Editors/The 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: phage display of peptides and antibodies/On-line coupling of fizzy extraction with gas chromatography/Two-dimensional photonic crystal for the sensing of G-series nerve agents

    • Issue 11

      Remote SPR detection of DNA hybridization by micropillar optical arrays/Chemometric control of commercial diesel adulteration by kerosene/Recovery, overloading, and protein interactions in AF4/2,4,6-Trinitrophenol detection by a new portable sensing gadgets

    • Issue 10

      The flame – not the ashes: achievements and heritage of a passionate analytical chemist/Coated polycarbonate chips for low-cost analytical microarrays/Characterization of House Dust using Complementary Mass Spectrometric Techniques/Quantitative flow assay for simultaneous detection of amantadine and chloramphenicol

    • Issue 9

      Nanoparticles for Bioanalysis

    • Issue 8

      Graphene modified electrodes for sensing doxorubicin hydrochloride/Water compatible MIPs for the selective extraction of carbamazepine/Applying DART to the study of chemical vapor generation mechanisms/Plasmonic sensing by piezo-dispensing of colloidal nanoparticles

    • Issue 7

      Statistically correlating NMR spectra and LC-MS data for metabolomics/Label-free detection of exosomes using SPR biosensors/Towards an efficient workflow for the analysis of the human milk peptidome/Comparing turn-on and ratiometric fluorescent G-quadruplex aptasensors

    • Issue 6

      Measuring sulfite concentrations by glass-silicon microdroplet-based system/Confining analyte droplets on visible Si pillars for SALDI-TOF MS/Quantitative imaging of 33P in plant materials using 14C polymer references/Detecting Hg2+ by tryptamine-appended rhodamine-based chemosensors

    • Issue 5

      Electrochemical surface plasmon resonance aptasensors/Carbon fiber ionization MS for detecting pesticide residues on tomatoes/107Pd in Pd purified by selective precipitation from spent nuclear fuel/Rapid cancer diagnosis by carbon nanodots-based imaging

    • Issue 4

      Quantitative 1HNMR spectroscopy for microplastic particles/Validated workflow for drug detection in oral fluids/Combining recombinase polymerase amplification with vertical flow microarray/Mapping triglyceride distribution in NAFLD human liver

    • Issue 3

      Elemental and Molecular Imaging by LA-ICP-MS

    • Issue 2

      Characterization air contaminants emitted during laser cutting/Thread-based assay for quantitative small molecule analysis by CE/Spatial and molecular changes of mouse brain metabolism visualized by MALDI-MSI/ZnO oatmeal-like/silver composites as electrochemical sensor for Pb2+ detection

    • Issue 1

      Titration endpoint challenge/Metrologically traceable and comparable results in GM quantification/Simplifying the complex: metabolomics approaches in chemical ecology/Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

  • Volume 410

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers in 2018/Affinity profiling by LC-SPR biosensing/Retention-time prediction in GC×GC-MS/IR-MALDESI mass spectrometry imaging

    • Issue 29

      ABC Spotlight on magnetic composite nanoparticles in analysis/Self-assembled protein-enzyme nanoflower-based fluorescent sensing/3D-printed syringe attachment for ultrafiltration binding analyses/Versatile nano-platform for tailored immuno-magnetic carriers

    • Issue 28

      Toehold integrated molecular beacon systems/Raman microspectroscopic mapping to detect gunshot residue/Magnetic carbon nanocomposites as a MALDI co-matrix/Portable detection of serum HER-2 in breast cancer

    • Issue 27

      Be unafraid…. to try something new or challenging/Assessment of retention behavior for gold nanorods in AF4/Sample-in-digital-answer-out (SIDAO) diagnostic systems/Using DESI–MSI to map secondary metabolites of Streptomyces sp.

    • Issue 26

      Chemometrics in analytical chemistry/Purity assignment for peptide reference materials/Near-infrared fluorescent probes for in vivo tumor imaging/Near-infrared fluorescent probes for in vivo tumor imaging

    • Issue 25

      Fading lemonade challenge/Where are modern flow techniques heading to?/Current trends in supercritical fluid chromatography/Instrumental analysis of microplastics

    • Issue 24

      Analytical Developments in Advancing Safety in Nanotechnology

    • Issue 23

      On determining the power of digital PCR experiments/A many probes-one spot hybridization oligonucleotide microarray/Cellular resolution and reliable identification in mass spectrometry imaging/Sheathless coupling of microchip electrophoresis to ESI-MS

    • Issue 22

      Food Safety Analysis

    • Issue 21

      ABC Spotlight on Analytics 4.0/Lab 4.0: SiLA or OPC UA/Reference database design for microplastic analysis by FTIR spectroscopy/Low-temperature plasma ionization for ambient mass spectrometry

    • Issue 20

      Active learning materials for teaching electrochemistry/Quantification of oat ceramides in skin permeation studies/Using synchrotron radiation XAFS spectroscopy at acupuncture points/Electrochemiluminescence analysis of intracellular glucose at single cells

    • Issue 19

      Ionic Liquids as Tunable Materials in (Bio)Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 18

      Separation of hydrophobically modified hyaluronic acid/Cellular thiols imaging by fluorescent probes with large Stokes shift/Smart app-based on-field colorimetric quantification of mercury/Monitoring dynamic release of intracellular hydrogen peroxide

    • Issue 17

      Vitamin B3 mystery challenge/Analytical chemistry teaching in Russian universities/Future monitoring of organic micropollutants in water/Diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis by lateral flow immunoassay

    • Issue 16

      Problem-based learning in instrumental analysis teaching/Sizing lipid droplets via nanoparticle tracking analysis/Biochemical profiling of rat embryonic stem cells/Recognizing volatile organic compounds with colorimetric sensor arrays

    • Issue 15

      Discovery of Bioactive Compounds

    • Issue 14

      Euroanalysis XIX

    • Issue 13

      More and enhanced glyphosate analysis needed/Aptamer-facilitated mass cytometry/Geochemical wolframite fingerprinting/MIPs fabricated via Pickering emulsions

    • Issue 12

      Effective response to peer review/Differential mobility spectrometry–mass spectrometry for metabolomics/Insert-based microfluidics for 3D cell culture with analysis/Detecting mycoplasma in contaminated mammalian cell cultures

    • Issue 11

      Cutting the cord: virtual machines for real instrumental analysis/Paper-based analytical device for detecting nitrite with smartphones/Data preprocessing approaches for metabolic confounding effect elimination/Combining EDX and EBSD to characterize workspace aerosols

    • Issue 10

      Best food reference material challenge/Noble metal nanoclusters as optical sensors for toxic metal ions/Cellular dielectrophoresis coupled with single-cell analysis/UHPLC-MS/MS metabolomics-based stress screening

    • Issue 9

      ABC presents bioanalysis and environmental analysis/Flipped learning for delivery of analytical chemistry topics/Analytical challenges in sports drug testing/Unique arsenic speciation profile in Elaphomyces spp.

    • Issue 8

      The 2017 Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Cryo-EM comes of age/ Post-translational modifications in tumor biomarkers/ What is novel about certified reference materials?/ NISTmAb Reference Material value assignment and scattering measurements

    • Issue 7

      Successfully navigating the early years of a faculty position/Metabolomic spectral libraries for data independent LC-SWATH-MS/Sensitive electrochemical detection of microRNA-21/Spatially resolved chemical analysis of cicada wings using LAESI-IMS

    • Issue 6

      Smartphones as audience response systems for lectures and seminars/ Poly A tail length analysis of in vitro transcribed mRNA by LC-MS/ Counting the number of enzymes on a nanoparticle coated electrode/ Toxicological assessment of nanomaterials by Raman microspectroscopy

    • Issue 5

      So, you think you want to be an editor/VS2 quantum dot label-free fluorescent probes/Ion quencher operating lap for multiplexed fluorescent bioasays/Demonstration of hydrazide tagging for O-glycans

    • Issue 4

      Microbial Biosensors for Analytical Applications

    • Issue 3

      16th Anniversary Issue/Editorial Board Issue

    • Issue 2

      Harmonizing immunoassay to LC-MS analysis/Zn(II) as metallic pivot in room temperature ionic liquids/Graphene quantum dots–terbium ions as luminescent probes/Single cell versus large population analysis

    • Issue 1

      ABC Spotlight on paper-based strips analytics/Analytical evaluation of sensor measurements/Collision induced dissociation mass spectrometry challenge/Pre-concentration and separation of bacteria

  • Volume 409

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers in 2017/Analyzing dissolved fluoride in river water by IC and HR-CS-GFMAS/In-situ estimation of concentration and particle size in colloidal suspensions/Facing titanium implant-associated infections

    • Issue 29

      What makes a good review from an editor’s perspective?/SOFAST HMQC - an efficient tool for metabolomics/Characterizing submicron particles by AF4 methods/Graphene based label-free electrochemical aptasensor

    • Issue 28

      Exhaled breath condensate methods for predicting early health alterations/Applying static headspace gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry/Light scattering spectroscopy for label-free brain tumor typing/Colorimetric determination of iron oxide nanoparticle uptake by cells

    • Issue 27

      Biofluid pretreatment using gradient insulator-based dielectrophoresis/Salting-out-enhanced ionic liquid microextraction with a dual-role solvent/Plasmonic cell nanocoating for rapid microbial screening/Ultrasensitive SERS immunoassay based on diatom biosilica

    • Issue 26

      The only constant is change – restructuring the team of ABC Editors/Characterizing intact monoclonal antibody charge variants by CZE–CZE–MS/ToF-SIMS and principal component analysis of lipids and amino acids/Localized surface plasmon immunosensor for SEA detection

    • Issue 25

      Through the looking-glass challenge/Perspectives and challenges of photon-upconversion/Trends in analysis of gunshot residue for forensic purposes/Imaging of biomaterials with FTIR microscopy or quantum cascade lasers

    • Issue 24

      Social impact of analytical chemistry/Analysing PAHs in particulate matter extracts using a 2D-LC/2D-GC system/Exploring peptide retention mechanism in molecularly imprinted polymers/Evaluating ceramic-polymer composite bioactivity and biocompatibility

    • Issue 23

      Advances in LC-MS/MS Analysis/Analysis of wastewater-derived contaminants in lettuce/Factors affecting separation and detection of bile acids by LC-MS/A simple and rapid infrared-assisted self enzymolysis extraction

    • Issue 22

      Career development course for undergraduate chemistry students/Amine-functionalized MIL-53(Al)-coated stainless steel fiber/Aptamer-based fluorescence-quenching lateral flow strips/Greener point of view in protein sample preparation

    • Issue 21

      Using UHPLC-MS/MS to monitor antibiotic use in the poultry sector/A multifunctional fluorescent aptamer probe for Cd(II) detection/Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic discriminative detection of nerve agents/Evaluation of drug distribution by combining MALDI-MSI and cassette dosing

    • Issue 20

      Size-exclusion chromatography of xylan derivatives/Automated chromatographic laccase-mediator-system activity assay/Monitoring of molecular changes during cell differentiation/SERS imaging-guided real-time photothermal ablation

    • Issue 19

      Glycomic and glycoproteomic analysis of glycoproteins—a tutorial/Determination of dechloranes, PBDEs and NBFRs in food and serum/Ratio determination of nitric oxide to superoxide production in macrophages/Plasmonic gold nanoparticles for detection

    • Issue 18

      Trends and Critical Reviews/IM-MS to investigate protein-ligand interactions/Moving from millifluidic to truly microfluidic/ABC Best Paper Award 2016

    • Issue 17

      Pink tea challenge/High-throughput analysis of sub-visible mAb aggregate particles/Electromembrane extraction of highly polar basic drugs/Analysis of honeybush tea volatiles by GC×GC

    • Issue 16

      Characterization of odorants in inflatable aquatic toys/Functional AuNPs for optical affinity biosensing/MS/MS of Drosophila brain lipids/Optimal filter substrate for microplastic identification

    • Issue 15

      Nanofluids and chemical highly retentive hydrogels for cleaning/Data-dependent isotopologue fragmentation in 13CMFA/Identification of odorants in incense cedar wood/Functionalized DNA nanopore for tumor cell recognition

    • Issue 14

      Amplification-free detection of microRNAs/Digital triplex DNA assay based on plasmonic nanocrystals/Quantification of DNA and RNA oxidative stress biomarkers/Quantitative characterization of single cells

    • Issue 13

      A hybrid LIBS–Raman system combined with chemometrics for plastic identification/Assessment of nucleosides as putative prostate cancer biomarkers/Non-invasive identification of organic materials in historical stringed musical instruments/Quaternized cellulose/chitosan microspheres for selective enrichment of phosphopeptides

    • Issue 12

      New biochromatography based on DNA origami assembled PPARγ/Visualization of nilotinib-functionalized AuNP within single cells/Enhanced solid-phase recombinase polymerase amplification/Hydrazide affinity on support materials for glycopeptide enrichment

    • Issue 11

      Characterization of aptamer-receptor interactions by biosensing AFM/Gibbs energy additivity approaches to QSRR/Environmental and biological determination of acrolein/Amperometric L-lysine enzyme electrodes based on carbon nanotubes

    • Issue 10

      Measurement uncertainty challenge/Determination of true ratios of different N-glycan structures/Field flow fractionation techniques to explore the “nano-world”/Solid-phase PCR for rapid multiplex detection of Salmonella spp.

    • Issue 9

      Error analysis in newborn screening/Identification and quantification of nitrofurazone metabolites/Automation of sample preparation for mass cytometry barcoding/Chloroform induces outstanding crystallization of PHB vesicles within bacteria

    • Issue 8

      Automated thin-film microextraction coupled to flow-through cells/Nanostructured NiO-based reagentless cholesterol biosensor/Development of a GC-APCI-QTOFMS library/Absolute quantification of myosin heavy chain isoforms by SRM

    • Issue 7

      Should students be graded on accuracy and precision?/Identifying known unknowns using the CompTox Chemistry Dashboard/Phosphoproteomics of colon cancer metastasis/Major phytopathogens and strains from cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

    • Issue 6

      Implementing active learning laboratory experiments/Analysis of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine by CE-MS/Capillary coating as an important factor in optimizing MEKC assays/Hydrophobic ionic liquids for quantitative bacterial cell lysis

    • Issue 5

      Determination of trace bisphenol A in environmental water/Interspecies comparison of peptide substrate reporter metabolism/Monitoring doxorubicin cellular uptake/In ovo sexing of chicken eggs by fluorescence spectroscopy

    • Issue 4

      Research skills and ethics: a professional development graduate course/Metal indicator to judge loop-mediated isothermal amplifi cation/QCM-based rupture force measurement/Selective quantifi cation of DOSS in marine sediment

    • Issue 3

      Process Analytics in Science and Industry

    • Issue 2

      Glycomics, Glycoproteomics and Allied Topics

    • Issue 1

      ABC Spotlight on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)/Reconstruction of undergraduate analytical chemistry laboratory/Redox titration challenge/Identification of red blood cells by Raman microspectroscopy

  • Volume 408

    • Issue 30

      Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification in Bioanalysis (pp. 8581-8620)/Fundamental Aspects of Electromigrative Separation Techniques (pp. 8621-8725)/Highlights of Analytical Chemical Luminescence (pp. 8727-8893)

    • Issue 29

      Analysis of environmental microplastics by vibrational microspectroscopy/Estrogen receptor preparation effects on receptor–DNA interaction/Cd-MONTs as a new SPME coating material/A urine glucose sensor with 2-D photonic crystal hydrogel

    • Issue 28

      Volume determination of irregularly-shaped nanoparticles/Thioflavin T as fluorescent ligand for label-free ATP aptasensor/Identification of detergents for forensic fiber analysis/Shedding light on the structures of lignin compounds

    • Issue 27

      NMR hide-and-seek challenge/Cloud point-based methods bridge gaps in aquatic nanometrology?/Novel bis(5-methyletrazolium)amine ligand-bonded stationary phase/Differentiating septic survivors from non-survivors by metabolomics

    • Issue 26

      Chemical Sensing Systems (pp. 7229-7377)

    • Issue 25

      Critical Reviews/Analytical Electrochemiluminescence (pp. 7001-7224)

    • Issue 24

      Deployment of precise and robust sensors on board ISS/Comparison of static and dynamic headspace sampling/Contaminant screening of wastewater/Conformation of basic peptides by IM-MS

    • Issue 23

      ABC’s spotlight on the nanoworld/Some rumination on Graduate Students/IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometry/Quantitative determination of norisoprenoids

    • Issue 22

      Immunoanalysis for Environmental Monitoring and Human Health (pp. 5959-6069)

    • Issue 21

      Self-aliquoting micro-grooves combined with LA-ICP-MS/Combined use of direct analysis in real-time/Orbitrap MS/Determination of endocrine disrupting compounds in fish/Hyperspectral backscatter imaging: a label-free approach

    • Issue 20

      “Heteroatom-tagged” quantification of proteins via ICP-MS/Analytical research experience as part of the undergraduate curriculum/Quantification of thyroid hormones and metabolites in blood/Doxorubicin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles

    • Issue 19

      Single-particle-ICP-MS Advances (pp. 5051-5177)

    • Issue 18

      ABC Best Paper Award 2015/Evaluation of inhibition of miRNA expression/Metabolic profi le of PV8 by HRMS/Mass defect matrix plots for analysis of lignin degradation products

    • Issue 17

      Recent developments in FRET diagnostics using QDs/Microfabriated, amperometric in vivo biosensors/Reviewing Raman-based microarray readout concepts/Biochemical origins of surface-enhance Raman spectra of bacteria

    • Issue 16

      Monitoring in vitro RNA release from human rhinovirus/Tandem anion and cation exchange solid phase extraction/Non-target time trend screening: a data reduction strategy/Blu-ray discs as substrates for sensitive detection of melamine

    • Issue 15

      Single particle analysis of herpes simplex virus/C-reactive protein detection with an electronic immunosensor/A Raman “spectroscopic clock” for bloodstain age determination/EC-QCL IR spectroscopy for monitoring protein conformation changes

    • Issue 14

      Nanocrystalline diamond sensor for selective CRP detection/Fast detection of coliform bacteria by means of GC-DMS/Multigrid MALDI mass spectrometry imaging (mMALDI MSI)/A novel 4D analytical approach for analysis of complex samples

    • Issue 13

      TransOmic analysis of forebrain sections in embryonic mice/ATR-FT-IR spectral collection of conservation materials/Pesticide analysis at ppt concentration levels/Characterization of iodinated DBPs by means of GC Orbitrap MS

    • Issue 12

      Comprehensive peptide marker identification/Data independent acquisition-digital archiving mass spectrometry/Insights into mechanisms of sublimed DHB matrix in ME-SIMS/Phenylbutazone purity challenge

    • Issue 11

      Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science

    • Issue 10

      Critically reviewing oligonucleotide-based biosensors/Recent advances in the determination of tocopherols/Enantiodifferentiation of 1,2-propanediol/Studying serum and urine of renal interstitial fibrosis

    • Issue 9

      Quantification of a peptide standard using intrinsic fluorescence/In situ monitoring, separation, and characterization of gold nanorods/Quantification of Legionella pneumophila in surface water/Printing metal-inks for LA-ICP-MS bioimaging standardization

    • Issue 8

      EtG concentrations in hair: a controlled alcohol-dosing study/Analysis of cocaine and hydroxycocaine metabolites in hair/Spherical silver nanoparticles in collagen detection/Detection of low-quantity anticancer drugs by SERS

    • Issue 7

      Analytical Applications of Biomimetic Recognition Elements (pp. 1725-1861)

    • Issue 6

      Measurement of natural carbon isotopic composition of acetone/Facile and dynamic assays for detecting peptide aggregation/Determination of parabens in biological fl uids and water/Real-time monitoring of the metabolic capacity of rat olfactory mucosa

    • Issue 5

      Fiber-based Platforms for Bioanalytics (pp. 1281-1390)

    • Issue 4

      Multi-instrument characterization of nanodiamond samples/Identifi cation of organic Se species in environmental samples/Miniaturized extraction techniques for PAHs/Naked-eye sensitive ELISA-like assays

    • Issue 3

      Challenging the “publish or perish” premise/Rapid quantitative assessment of biofilms/Fluorescence-suppressed time-resolved Raman spectroscopy/Biased cyclical electrical field-flow fractionation

    • Issue 2

      Applications of Isotopes in Analytical Ecogeochemistry (pp. 341-440)

    • Issue 1

      Quo vadis, analytical chemistry?/E-Health – a topic for analytical chemists?/Precision mixology challenge/Advances in explosives analysis

  • Volume 407

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers/Multi-residue fluorescent microspheres immunochromatographic assays/CE separation of fused β-hairpin-PKC-substrate peptides/Retention modelling in hydrophilic interaction chromatography

    • Issue 29

      Modern analytics for glatiramer acetate/Analyzing the influence of PEG molecular weight on separation/Prototyping microfluidic chips for dead-volume-free MS coupling/Changes induced in rice metabolome by Cd and Cu exposure

    • Issue 28

      Introduction of regulations for arsenic in feed and food/Selective quantification of neurotoxins by HILIC-DMS-MS/MS/Orthogonal analysis of functional gold nanoparticles/Eco-friendly lab-on-paper for heavy metal detection

    • Issue 27

      Nanospectroscopy (pp. 8175-8261)/Raman4Clinics (pp. 8263-8379)

    • Issue 26

      Combining Raman spectroscopy and MALDI-MSI/Colorectal cancer progression monitoring/Fuzzy chromatography mass spectrometric fingerprinting/Bisphenol A and plastic additives released by tableware

    • Issue 25

      Fluorescent nanodiamonds for imaging purposes/Progress in analytical laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/Stable isotope dilution assays in mycotoxin analysis/Development of reference measurement methods for hemoglobin A1C

    • Issue 24

      The future of Titanium as electrode material/Immunoassays to detect triclosan metabolites/Spatially resolved investigations of pesticides in plant material/SERS analysis of serum for breast cancer detection

    • Issue 23

      Capillary Electrophoresis of Biomolecules (pp. 6909-7012)

    • Issue 22

      ABC Best Paper Award/ABC Spotlight on emerging microRNA analysis methods/Recent advances in quantitative LA-ICP-MS analysis/ECL DNA sensor array for detecting biowarfare agents

    • Issue 21

      High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Food and Environmental Analysis (pp. 6235-6428)

    • Issue 20

      Aerosols and Health (pp. 5863-5987)

    • Issue 19

      Automatic in-syringe dispersive liquid—liquid microextraction/ECL-DNA sensors based on Zn-mediated grafting of diazonium salts/Tracing thyroid hormone-disrupting compounds for effect-directed analysis/Exploring optical fibres as carriers for matrix-free reference materials

    • Issue 18

      FRET-based homogeneous immunoassays/Dual element (15N/14N, 13C/12C) isotope analysis/Matrix reference materials for cyanobacterial toxins/LA-ICP-MS as a quantitative imaging technique for nanoparticles

    • Issue 17

      Critical Reviews/Lipidomics (pp. 4971-5239)

    • Issue 16

      Expanding the team of ABC Editors/Studying human decomposition signatures/SIMS detection of organic nanoparticles in cells/Spatial chemo-profiling of hypericin and related phytochemicals

    • Issue 15

      Advances in LC-MS/MS Analysis (pp. 4227-4297)/Field- and Flow-based Separations (pp. 4299-4338)/Hormone and Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis (pp. 4339-4507)

    • Issue 14

      Direct Optical Detection (pp. 3881-4034)

    • Issue 13

      Microfluidic bisphenol A extraction using ionic liquids/Detection of egg allergens in wines by SPR biosensors/PEG-functionalized colloidal gold nanoparticles/Investigating Cr(VI)/food interactions by SEC-ICP-MS

    • Issue 12

      ABC Spotlight on effect-directed analysis – dose instead of concentration/Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy used for prostate cancer detection/Vibrational algorithms for quantitative crystallographic analysis of biomaterials/Quantitative assessment of lipid unsaturation by Raman microscopy

    • Issue 11

      Reference Materials for Chemical Analysis

    • Issue 10

      Comments on mass spectrometry based proteomics/Field-flow fractionation coupled to ICP-MS/Nanometer-sized materials for solid-phase extraction/Biosensing techniques for trace carcinogen detection

    • Issue 9

      Spectrochemical Plasmas for Clinical and Biochemical Analysis (pp. 2343-2437)

    • Issue 8

      Mass Spectrometry Imaging

    • Issue 7

      Solubility product challenge/The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014/Sensitive cancer antigen detection by LIBS/Molybdenum isotope compositions in environmental samples

    • Issue 6

      Combining capillary electrophoresis and next-generation sequencing/Cation loss during purification of nucleotide analogues/SR micro-XRF for elemental bio-imaging/Analysis of plasticizers in medical devices

    • Issue 5

      Probing biomarkers in saliva by SPRi-MS/Minimizing fluorescence background in Raman optical activity/Determination of artificial sweeteners in beverages/Using MOOCs for teaching analytical chemistry

    • Issue 4

      A different way of looking at vibrational hyperspectral data/Micellar extraction for the analysis of Alzheimer’s disease brain proteome/Quantification of polyolefin microplastics in personal-care products/Removal of Triton X-100 by microdialysis

    • Issue 3

      13th Anniversary Issue

    • Issue 2

      Aptamer-functionalized MoS2 nanosheet fluorescent biosensors/Cross calibration between XRF and ICP-MS or high spatial resolution analysis/Microchips to study temperature-controlled continuous micro flow reactions/Applying SWATH for systematic toxicological analysis

    • Issue 1

      Multidimensional Chromatography (pp. 117-366)

  • Volume 406

    • Issue 30

      Thanks to reviewers/Direct extraction of genomic DNA from maize/Studies of pseudo-explosive canine training aids/Nano-bio interfaces mapped by oxidative footprinting

    • Issue 29

      Emerging Concepts and Strategies in Analytical Glow Discharges (pp. 7417-7538)

    • Issue 28

      Target, suspect and nontarget screening of lake sediments/Evaluation of automated quantitative NMR processing programs/Same-single cell analysis by microfluidic biochips/Non-aqueous isotachophoresis of weak bases

    • Issue 27

      Advanced Food Analysis (pp. 6765-6881)/Graphene in Analytics (pp. 6883-6956)/Single Cell Analysis (pp. 6957-7046)

    • Issue 26

      Nucleic Acid Quantification (pp. 6469-6537)/Analysis of Biological Therapeutic Agents and Biosimilars (pp. 6539-6598)

    • Issue 25

      Trends and Critical Reviews/ABC Spotlight on carbon nanotubes (CNT)/Size-exclusion chromatography/Ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

    • Issue 24

      Monolithic capillary columns for separating small molecules/Paper-based lateral flow assays for detecting morphine/Classification of bacteria using color histograms/Glycosaminoglycan profiling in different cell types

    • Issue 23

      Analytical Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (pp. 5529-5747)

    • Issue 22

      Active learning materials for molecular and atomic spectroscopy/Detecting amino acids in Antarctic lakes/Nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for breast cancer detection/Carbon nanotube wiring for electrochemical magneto immunosensors

    • Issue 21

      Analysis of Chemicals Relevant to the Chemical Weapons Convention

    • Issue 20

      Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy/Immunoassays based on quenching of quantum dots/Toxicokinetics of polar analytes in zebrafish embryos/Targeted drug release triggered by immune-specific signals

    • Issue 19

      Raman microspectroscopic chemical mapping of gunshot residues/Mass imaging of ketamine in a single scalp hair/Capillary electrophoresis for total glycosaminoglycan analysis/Quantifying silica in filter-deposited mine dusts

    • Issue 18

      Multi-collector – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry/Bisphenol A detection by isotope dilution mass spectrometry/Infrared microspectroscopic identification methods for quality control of herbs/Continuous vs. segmented second-dimension system gradients for LC X LC-MS

    • Issue 17

      Teaching analytical chemistry in China/Capillary electrophoresis for early cancer diagnosis/Detection of small molecule-protein interaction/Organic residues in environmental matrices

    • Issue 16

      Characterisation of Nanomaterials in Biological Samples (pp. 3831-3927)/Chemosensors and Chemoreception (pp. 3929-4004)

    • Issue 15

      Forensic Toxicology (pp. 3551-3636)/Euroanalysis XVII (pp. 3637-3722)

    • Issue 14

      Multiplex Platforms in Diagnostics and Bioanalytics (pp. 3261-3344)

    • Issue 13

      Raman spectroscopic identification of single bacterial cells/Molecular beacons for sensitive nucleic acids analysis/Optimization of polar organic chemical integrative samplers/Contaminants in e-liquids for electronic cigarettes

    • Issue 12

      Paper-based microfluidic devices for monitoring heavy metals/X-ray contrast media and artificial sweeteners in water/Electrochemical genosensors for detecting coeliac disease/X-ray microfluorescence imaging of cell wall mutants

    • Issue 11

      Tracing the uptake of nanoscale titanium dioxide/Simultaneous speciation of selenoproteins and selenometabolites/Assessing allergens by protein- and DNA-based approaches/Fast and biocompatible living virus labeling methods

    • Issue 9-10

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Bioimaging of trace elements in human lenses/FTIR spectroscopy for analyzing tears/Bisphenol A determination by fiber-optic sensors

    • Issue 8

      Microextraction Techniques

    • Issue 7

      Analytical Challenges/Nobel Prize Feature/Discovering potential food exposure markers/Trapping of single breast cancer cells

    • Issue 6

      Field-Flow Fractionation (pp. 1577-1681)

    • Issue 5

      Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (pp. 1273-1396)

    • Issue 4

      Analytical Science in France

    • Issue 3

      Paper-based devices for blood typing/Quantification of waterborne RNA viruses/Allergens and preservatives in personal care products/X-ray differential phase-contrast computed tomography

    • Issue 2

      Challenges and New Directions in Analytical Sample Preparation (pp. 375-445)

    • Issue 1

      A critical review on DART-MS/Characterization of carbon aerosol particles/Nanomaterials in sample preparation for protein analysis/Biomarkers for autoimmune and carcinogenic diseases

  • Volume 405

    • Issue 30

      Anti-doping Analysis (pp. 9615-9727)

    • Issue 29

      Proteome investigation of a non-model plant/Simultaneous quantification of synthetic cathinones/Portable NIR imaging device to monitor dissolution processes/Single-laboratory validation of a multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay

    • Issue 28

      Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules (pp. 8957-9069)

    • Issue 27

      Morpho-Spectral Imaging (pp. 8699-8737)

    • Issue 26

      Carbon nanotubes for solventless in-tube microextraction/Chemical composition separation of ethylene–propylene copolymers/Mass calibration for direct analysis in real-time mass spectrometry/Quantitative Ca2+ imaging in living cells

    • Issue 25

      Amino Acid Analysis (pp. 7905-8141)

    • Issue 24

      (Bio)Analytical Research in Latin America (pp. 7561-7716)/Rapid Detection in Food and Feed (pp. 7717-7895)

    • Issue 23

      Flame retardants and elements of concern/Glycan analysis: scope and limitations/Enhanced extraction efficiency of miRNA from cells/ABC Best Paper Award

    • Issue 22

      Photo Ionisation in Mass Spectrometry (pp. 6901-7116)/Applied Surface Analysis (pp. 7117-7167)

    • Issue 21

      X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy/Hyphenation of electrochemical conversion and NMR spectroscopy/Detection of tobacco-related biomarkers/Fast screening of stabilizers in polymeric materials

    • Issue 20

      Phoxonic crystals as sensor platforms/On-site airborne pheromone sensing/Label-free detection of anti-Salmonella antibodies/Glucosamine monolayers as biomimetic receptors

    • Issue 19

      Optical Nanosensing in Cells (pp. 6143-6233)

    • Issue 18

      Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry (pp. 5857-5964)

    • Issue 17

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Mass spectrometry for the characterization of nanoparticles/Optical tweezers for medical diagnostics/Metrology for metalloproteins

    • Issue 16

      Welcome to our new editor/Polymeric drug delivery systems/Micro-free-flow electrophoresis chips/Bioaerosol analysis

    • Issue 15

      Metabolomics and Metabolite Profiling (pp. 5003-5169)

    • Issue 14

      Repeat MALDI MS imaging of single tissue sections/Dielectric barrier discharge ionization mass spectrometry/Application of graphene for the analysis of pharmaceuticals/“Do it yourself” reference materials for δ 13C determinations

    • Issue 13

      Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements (pp. 4323-4588)/Nutraceuticals and Separations (pp. 4589-4663)

    • Issue 12

      Forensic Toxicology (pp. 3919-3963)

    • Issue 11

      Amperometric Sensing (pp. 3427-3617)/Bioelectroanalysis (pp. 3619-3911)

    • Issue 10

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Two-dimensional planar separations/Elemental imaging of soft tissue sections/Point-of-care breath analysis

    • Issue 9

      Isotope Ratio Measurements: New Developments and Applications

    • Issue 8

      Microfluidic device for open loop stripping/Offline and online capillary electrophoresis enzyme assays/Epigenotoxicity of environmental pollutants/Screening interaction between ochratoxin A and aptamers

    • Issue 7

      Monolithic Columns in Liquid Phase Separations (pp. 2093-2271)

    • Issue 6

      Metallomics (pp. 1789-1927)

    • Issue 5

      Characterization of Thin Films and Membranes (pp. 1433-1568)

    • Issue 4

      MALDI imaging in human skin tissue sections/Effect-based proteomic detection of growth promoter abuse/Gold nanorod separation and characterization/ABCs of Education and Professional Development in Analytical Science

    • Issue 2-3

      Analytical Science in Italy (pp. 441- 1143)

    • Issue 1

      News from ABC: Editorial board and features/Trends and Critical Reviews/ABCs of Education and Professional Development in Analytical Science/Defining a molecular portrait of physical fitness

  • Volume 404

    • Issue 10

      Optical Biochemical and Chemical Sensors (pp. 2795-2894)

    • Issue 9

      Emerging Contaminants in Biota (pp. 2525-2773)

    • Issue 8

      Modern Aspects on Elemental Speciation (pp. 2125-2191)

    • Issue 6-7
    • Issue 5

      Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation (pp. 1275-1330)

    • Issue 4

      Quantitative Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics (pp. 937-1139)

    • Issue 3

      Green Analytical Methods (pp. 625-682) Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA 2011) (pp. 683-720)

    • Issue 2

      Progress on Environmental and Bioanalysis in Spain (pp. 287-366)

    • Issue 1

      Biosensor for human blood Quantification of genetically modified organisms Multi-elemental bio-imaging of rat tissue Synthetic cannabinoids in herbal highs (pp. 1-286)

  • Volume 403

    • Issue 10

      Recent Advances in Food Analysis (pp. 2795-3076)

    • Issue 9

      Analytical Challenges in Environmental and Geosciences (pp. 2469-2568)

    • Issue 8

      Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science

    • Issue 7

      Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (pp. 1775-1906)

    • Issue 6

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Microring sensor arrays for labs-on-chips/Nanostructured substrates for SPR biosensors/Speciation analysis of metal-based pharmaceuticals

    • Issue 5

      High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (pp. 1201-1310)

    • Issue 4

      Euroanalysis XVI/The European Conference on Analytical Chemistry (pp. 899-1194)

    • Issue 3

      Solid State Analysis (pp. 639-696)

    • Issue 2

      Electrochemistry—Mass Spectrometry (pp. 333-384)

    • Issue 1

      Trends and Critical Reviews/Bioaerosol Analysis/Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy/Bioactive Paper Fabrication

  • Volume 402

    • Issue 10

      Biomimetic Recognition Elements for Sensing Applications (pp. 3019-3254)/Elemental Imaging and Speciation in Plant Science (pp. 3255-3372)

    • Issue 9
    • Issue 8

      Analytical Science in Switzerland (pp. 2479-2596)/ANAKON (pp. 2597-2674)

    • Issue 7

      Analytical and Bioanalytical Science in Poland/Mass Spectrometry in Spain (pp. 2275-2378)

    • Issue 6

      Mononuclear leukocytes from Alzheimer disease patients/Proteins absorbed to microdialysis membranes/Comprehensive two-dimensional GC in metabolomics/Characterization of protein-pigment interactions

    • Issue 5

      Surface Architectures for Analytical Purposes (pp. 1737-1856)

    • Issue 4

      Analytical Techniques in Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science (pp. 1411-1592)

    • Issue 3

      Gold nanoparticle fluorescent molecular beacons/Fused silica glass nanofluidic chips/Growth hormone secretagogues/Analysis of total cocaine residues in wastewater

    • Issue 2

      Trends and Critical Reviews 2012/Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials/Functional Proteomics/New Editorial Board Members from China

    • Issue 1

      10th Anniversary Issue

  • Volume 401

    • Issue 10

      Aerosol Analysis (pp. 3041-3220 )

    • Issue 9

      Plasma Spectrochemistry (pp. 2679-2792)

    • Issue 8

      Comprehensive Multidimensional Separations (pp. 2333-2444)

    • Issue 7

      Biomarkers (pp. 2037-2102)

    • Issue 6

      Analytical Chemistry to Illuminate the Past (pp. 1725-1860)

    • Issue 5

      Wine Analysis (pp. 1461-1576)

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation (pp. 783-870)

    • Issue 2

      Anti-Doping Analysis (pp. 387-571)

    • Issue 1

      MALDI Imaging (pp. 15-181)

  • Volume 400

    • Issue 10

      Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (pp. 3191-3382)

    • Issue 9

      Biophotonics (pp. 2685-2826)

    • Issue 8

      Analytical Sciences in Austria (pp. 2273-2672)

    • Issue 7

      Biomedical Mass Spectrometry

    • Issue 6

      Radioanalytics - Dedicated to Marie Skłodowska-Curie (pp. 1543-1604)

    • Issue 5

      Advances in Analytical Separations (pp. 1197-1346)

    • Issue 4

      Microorganisms for Analysis (pp. 8931104)

    • Issue 3

      Applied Surface Analysis (pp. 637-702)

    • Issue 2

      Analytical and Bioanalytical Luminescence (pp. 311-410)

    • Issue 1

      Forensic Toxicology (pp. 7-196)

  • Volume 399

    • Issue 10

      Analytical and Bioanalytical Science in China (pp. 3305-3482)

    • Issue 9

      Analytical Chemistry in Cultural Heritage (pp. 2885-3154) / Focus on Analytical Science in Poland (pp. 3155-3304)

    • Issue 8

      Advances in Analytical Mass Spectrometry/Special review issue (pp. 2583-2746)

    • Issue 7

      Analytical Challenges in Nanomedicine (pp. 2303-2378)

    • Issue 6

      Chemometrics (pp. 1925-2148)/Laser Ablation (pp. 2149-2218)

    • Issue 5

      Speciation Analysis in Healthcare (pp. 1733-1806)

    • Issue 4

      Separation Science of Macromolecules (pp. 1399-1570)

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Heparin Characterization (pp. 525-794)

    • Issue 1

      Nanomaterials for Improved Analytical Processes (pp. 1-148)

  • Volume 398

    • Issue 7-8

      Mass Spectrometry (pp. 2777-2894)

    • Issue 6

      Focus on Bioanalysis (pp. 2337-2692)

    • Issue 5

      Optical Biochemical and Chemical Sensors (pp. 1861-1966)

    • Issue 4

      Focus on Sensor Interfaces (pp. 1543-1696)

    • Issue 3

      Tandem MS for Environmental and Food Analysis (pp. 1143-1247)

    • Issue 2

      Nanotoxicology (pp. 587-716)

    • Issue 1

      Analytical Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Development / Special review issue (pp. 27-264))

  • Volume 397

    • Issue 8

      Analytical Tools for Cell Research (pp. 3167-3430) / Labelling of Biopolymers (pp. 3431-3532)

    • Issue 7

      Raman Spectroscopy (pp. 2629-2760) / Mass Spectrometry (pp. 2761-2916)

    • Issue 6

      Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation (pp. 2031-2148) / Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA 09) (pp. 2149-2259)

    • Issue 5

      Advances in the Detection of Phycotoxins and Cyanotoxins (pp. 1653-1742)

    • Issue 4

      Quantum Dots for Luminescent Bioanalysis

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Biological and Environmental Reference Materials (BERM 12)/Analytical Spectroscopy (CSI XXXVI)

    • Issue 1

      Euroanalysis XV/The European Conference on Analytical Chemistry

  • Volume 396

    • Issue 8

      Depth Profile Analysis

    • Issue 7

      Forensic Toxicological Analysis

    • Issue 6

      GMO Analysis

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Chemical Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles

    • Issue 2

      Marine Ecotoxicology

    • Issue 1

      Analytical Tools for the Nanoworld

  • Volume 395

    • Issue 8

      Mass Spectrometry

    • Issue 7

      Analytical Techniques in Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science

    • Issue 6

      Analytical Science in Germany

    • Issue 5


    • Issue 4

      Antibiotics in Food and Environmental Samples/Spectroscopic Investigations on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces

    • Issue 3

      Microplasmas for Analytical and Bioanalytical Applications / Microfluidics for Bioapplications

    • Issue 2

      Explosives Analysis

    • Issue 1

      Allergens in Foods

  • Volume 394

    • Issue 8

      Forensic Analysis

    • Issue 7

      Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

    • Issue 6

      Focus on Analytical Science in Spain

    • Issue 5

      Advances in Analytical Separations

    • Issue 4

      Analytical and Bioanalytical Luminescence / Trends in RNA Analysis

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2


    • Issue 1

      Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science

  • Volume 393

    • Issue 8

      Applied Surface Analysis

    • Issue 6-7

      Tribute to Günther Gauglitz/Optical detection in fragment-based screening/Capturing proteins into micro and nanostructures/Portable Raman explosives detection

    • Issue 5

      Diagnostic Assays

    • Issue 4

      Optical Sensing in Medicine

    • Issue 3

      New Sample Preparation Technologies

    • Issue 2

      Trends 2009/Digital bioanalysis/Nanotechnology for viral detection/Analytical Challenge

    • Issue 1

      International Advisory Board Issue – 7th Anniversary Issue

  • Volume 392

    • Issue 7-8
    • Issue 6

      Cytochrome P450

    • Issue 5

      Mass Spectrometry

    • Issue 4

      MS/MS of Synthetic Polymers

    • Issue 3

      Genetically Modified Foods

    • Issue 1-2

      Characterization of Paintings

  • Volume 391

    • Issue 8

      Nanotechnologies in the Biosciences

    • Issue 7

      Nanostructure in Bioanalysis

    • Issue 6

      Biological and Environmental Reference Materials (BERM 11)

    • Issue 5

      Focus on Bioanalysis

    • Issue 4

      Euroanalysis XIV - The European Conference on Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 3

      Focus on Analytical Science in Spain

    • Issue 2

      Food Pathogen Detection

    • Issue 1

      Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  • Volume 390

    • Issue 8

      Effect-oriented environmental analysis

    • Issue 7

      Elemental and Molecular Mass Spectrometry for Speciation Analysis

    • Issue 6

      Solid State Analysis

    • Issue 5


    • Issue 4

      Aptamers and their applications

    • Issue 3

      Microfluidics in Cell Analysis

    • Issue 2

      Isotope Ratios in Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 1

      Heteroatom-Tagged Proteomics

  • Volume 389

    • Issue 7-8
    • Issue 6

      Pesticides in Food

    • Issue 5

      Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry

    • Issue 4

      Proteomics/Molecular Imaging

    • Issue 3

      Plasma Spectrochemistry

    • Issue 2

      Molecular Imprinting

    • Issue 1

      Food and Dietary Supplements

  • Volume 388

    • Issue 8

      New Plasma Discharges for Atomic Spectrometry

    • Issue 7

      Analytical Toxicology - Special review issue

    • Issue 5-6

      Focus on Sample Handling/Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 4

      Vapor Generation for Atomic Spectroscopy

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Mercury Analysis

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 387

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7

      Biological and Environmental Reference Materials (BERM 10)

    • Issue 6

      Luminescence Spectrometry

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4

      Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in the Environment/Monitoring Surface Water Pollutants

    • Issue 3


    • Issue 2

      Quorum Sensing/Metabonomics, Metabolomics and Metabolic Profiling

    • Issue 1

      Single Cell Analysis

  • Volume 386

    • Issue 7-8
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Optical Bochemical and Chemical Sensors

    • Issue 4

      Advances in Analytical Techniques for Environmental Analysis

    • Issue 3

      Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Mass Spectrometry/Plasma Spectrochemistry

  • Volume 385

    • Issue 8


    • Issue 7

      Focus on Bioanalytical Chemistry in Spain

    • Issue 6

      Surface Water and Wastewater Monitoring

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    • Issue 1

      Atmospheric Analytical Chemistry

  • Volume 384

    • Issue 7-8
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Process Analytical Chemistry

    • Issue 4

      Analytical Chemistry in the Mediterranean Basin

    • Issue 3

      Nanoparticles in Bioanalysis

    • Issue 2

      Organic Thin-Film Transistors as Analytical and Bioanalytical Sensors

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 383

  • Volume 382

  • Volume 381

  • Volume 380

  • Volume 379

  • Volume 378

  • Volume 377

  • Volume 376

  • Volume 375

  • Volume 374

  • Volume 373

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