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Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (BZAG) / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry is an international journal of mathematics founded at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in 1971.

BZAG aims to publish high quality original mathematical research where algebraic and/or geometric structures play a substantial role.
Besides papers in  the classical areas of algebra, algebraic geometry and geometry, the journal also welcomes contributions that include algorithmic, computational, combinatorial, topological, differential and number theoretic topics with a distinct algebraic or geometric flavor.

BZAG puts special emphasis on keeping the reviewing process short.

The back issues of the journal are available at the European Digital Mathematics Library (EuDML) at: (Vols. 1-33,  1971-1992) 
and  (Vols. 34-51, 1993-2010)

Managing Editors
  • Martin Henk,
  • Gabriele Nebe,
  • Christian Sevenheck
Journal Impact Factor
0.4 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
0.4 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
10 days
96,817 (2023)

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Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ANVUR
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Dimensions
  7. EBSCO
  8. Emerging Sources Citation Index
  9. Google Scholar
  10. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  11. Mathematical Reviews
  12. Naver
  13. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  14. Portico
  15. ProQuest
  16. SCImago
  17. SCOPUS
  18. TD Net Discovery Service
  19. UGC-CARE List (India)
  20. Wanfang
  21. zbMATH
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