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A Journal of Environment and Society

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  • Volume 53

  • Volume 52

    • Issue 12

      Special Section: Ecological Civilization

    • Issue 11

      Special Issue: Carbon sequestration and biodiversity impacts in forested ecosystems

    • Issue 10
    • Issue 9

      Special Section: Getting to solutions: Moving beyond theory to practical methods for change

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7

      Special Section: Frozen infrastructures

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Special Section: Global mercury impact synthesis: Processes in the Southern Hemisphere

    • Issue 4

      Special Section: Tackling risks through the Sustainable Development Goals

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 51

  • Volume 50

    • Issue 12

      Special Issue: Global forest environmental frontiers

    • Issue 11

      Special Issue: Siberian environmental change

    • Issue 10

      50th Anniversary Collection: Anthropocene

    • Issue 9

      50th Anniversary Collection: Urbanization

    • Issue 8

      Special Issue: Planning and governing nature-based solutions in river landscapes

    • Issue 7

      50th Anniversary Collection: Agricultural land use

    • Issue 6

      50th Anniversary Collection: Climate change impacts

    • Issue 5

      50th Anniversary Collection: Biodiversity conservation

    • Issue 4

      50th Anniversary Collection: Eutrophication/ Special Section: The world after COVID-19: Early lessons

    • Issue 3

      50th Anniversary Collection: Environmental contaminants

    • Issue 2

      50th Anniversary Collection: Acidification

    • Issue 1

      50th Anniversary Collection: Ozone Layer

  • Volume 49

    • Issue 12

      Special Section: Social dimensions of a forest-based bioeconomy

    • Issue 11

      Special Issue: Environmental effects of a green bio-economy

    • Issue 10
    • Issue 9
    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Special Issue: Terrestrial biodiversity in a rapidly changing Arctic

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 48

    • Issue 12

      Special Issue: Human adaptation to biodiversity change in the Anthropocene

    • Issue 11

      Special Issue: Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use

    • Issue 10
    • Issue 9

      Special Issue: Lead in Hunting Ammunition: Persistent Problems and Solutions

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Special Issue: Urban transformative capacity: From concept to practice

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 47

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Special Issue: The North Water: Interdisciplinary studies of a High Arctic polynya under transformation

    • Issue 2

      Special Section: Integrating Mercury Research and Policy in a Changing World

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Issue: Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P

  • Volume 46

  • Volume 45

  • Volume 44

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 4 supplement

      Special Issue: Digital conservation: Understanding the impacts of digital technology on nature conservation

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 3 supplement

      Special Issue: Baltic Sea ecosystem-based management under climate change

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Special Issue: Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Issue: Climate and land-use change effects on landscape processes, biodiversity, ecosystem services and governance

  • Volume 43

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Issue: Fifty Years of Freshwater Monitoring in Sweden

    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4

      Special Issue: Ecosystem Services in Urban Landscapes: Practical Applications and Governance Implications

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Special Issue: BONUS+ in Support of the Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Baltic Sea

  • Volume 42

    • Issue 8

      Special Issue: Adaptive Fisheries Management: From Theory to Practice

    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4

      Special Issue: Humans and Ecosystems Over the Coming Millennia: A Biosphere Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal in Sweden/Guest Editor: Jack Valentin/Guest Editorial Board: Ulrik Kautsky and Tobias Lindborg

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Special Issue: Knowledge Production and Learning for Sustainable Landscapes: Europe’s West and East as a Laboratory

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 41

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 6

      Special Issue: ECOSUPPORT – Different Ecosystem Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios in the Baltic Sea

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 3 supplement

      Special Report: Festschrift in honor of Terry V. Callaghan

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Special Report: Capturing the Sun

    • Issue 1

      Special Issue: The Arctic in the Earth System Perspective - The Role of Tipping Points

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Report: Future Climate Policy Development

  • Volume 40

    • Issue 8

      Special Issue:Integrated Monitoring in Sweden

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Report: Arctic Cryosphere – Changes and Impacts

    • Issue 7

      Special Section Issue: 3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability / Guest Edited by Carl Folke and Johan Rockström

    • Issue 6

      Special Issue: Multi-Decadal Changes in Tundra Environments and Ecosystems: The International Polar Year - Back to the Future Project

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Special Issue: Coping with Complexity in Baltic Sea Risk Governance

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 39

    • Issue 8
    • Issue 7
    • Issue 5-6
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Special Report: Energy 2050 / Guest Edited by Dick Hedberg, Sven Kullander and Harry Frank

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Special Issue: The 9th Royal Colloquium: Climate Action, Tuning in on Energy, Water and Food Security

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
