Topical Collection on Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke

ISSN: 1092-8464 (Print) 1534-3189 (Online)

In this topical collection (48 articles)

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  1. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (N Rost, Section Editor)

    Advances in the Stroke System of Care

    Matthew L. Clark BS, Toby Gropen MD Article:355
  2. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (D Greer, Section Editor)

    New Avenues for Treatment of Intracranial Hemorrhage

    Shruti Sonni MD Article:277
  3. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (S Silverman, Section Editor)

    Management of Hyperlipidemia After Stroke

    Daniel C. Brooks MD, Joseph L. Schindler MD Article:93
  4. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (S Silverman, Section Editor)

    Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke

    Dr Julian Maingard BBiomedSci, MBBS Article:89
  5. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (S Silverman, Section Editor)

    Management of Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis

    Scott Silverman MD Article:80
  6. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke (S Silverman, Section Editor)

    Antithrombotic Management of Ischemic Stroke

    Kelly L. Sloane MD Article:78
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