Topical Collection on Substance Use and Related Disorders

ISSN: 1523-3812 (Print) 1535-1645 (Online)

In this topical collection (18 articles)

  1. Substance Use and Related Disorders (F Levin and E Dakwar, Section Editors)

    Neuroimaging and Biomarkers in Addiction Treatment

    Kathleen A. Garrison, Marc N. Potenza Article:513
  2. Substance Use and Related Disorders (F Levin and E Dakwar, Section Editors)

    Antagonist Models for Treating Persons With Substance use Disorders

    George E. Woody Article:489
  3. Substance Use and Related Disorders (JR McKay, Section Editor)

    Pharmacotherapy for Stimulant-Related Disorders

    Colin N. Haile, Thomas R. Kosten Article:415
  4. Substance Use and Related Disorders (JR McKay, Section Editor)

    Genetic Influences on the Development of Alcoholism

    Mary-Anne Enoch Article:412
  5. Substance Use and Related Disorders (F Levin and E Dakwar, Section Editors)

    Alcohol and Drug Use and the Developing Brain

    Lindsay M. Squeglia, Kevin M. Gray Article:46
  6. Substance Use and Related Disorders (F Levin and E Dakwar, Section Editors)

    Cannabis and Psychosis: a Critical Overview of the Relationship

    Charles Ksir, Carl L. Hart Article:12